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Received: 24 September 2020 Revised: 5 October 2020 Accepted: 6 October 2020 Published online: 15 October 2020
DOI: 10.1002/ctm2.212
Instantaneous “catch-and-kill” inactivation of SARS-CoV-2
by nitride ceramics
Dear Editor,
We propose a nontoxic, sustainable alternative to con-
ventional surface disinfection, possibly useful in fighting
the present COVID-19 pandemics. The global spread of
COVID-19 has increased awareness of how the SARS-
CoV-2 virus is transmitted on surfaces.1Person to person
contagion can occur through contact with contaminated
surfaces. To limit this contagion pathway, regular surface
disinfection is recommended. Research indicates that
this virus can remain viable for 4 to 72 hours on plastic,
copper, and steel, and up to 7 days on surgical mask
material,2creating increased transmission risk in social
and medical environments. Presently, the application
of ethanol in combination with sodium hypochlorite
or hydrogen peroxide or the use of ultraviolet surface
irradiation effectively inactivates the virus. However, the
practical application of these methods, as well as other
antiviral protocols, is hindered by their toxic impact on
human health.3It is vital to develop surfaces, fabrics, and
other materials that could inherently inhibit viral spread
while concurrently being safe for humans.
One such material is silicon nitride (Si3N4), an FDA-
cleared bioceramic, which may be used in the human body.
It has superior antibacterial behavior and has been proven
safe for long-term use in humans. It possesses a unique sur-
face biochemistry that inhibits bacterial infections by long-
term elution of nitrogen (promptly converted into ammo-
nia) in minute concentrations that, unlike bacteria and
viruses, mammalian cells can easily metabolize.4Within 1
minute, influenza A and enterovirus were completely inac-
tivated by Si3N4bioceramic particles suspended in water.5
In this study, we exposed SARS-CoV-2 virions to the
above bioceramic as well as to aluminum nitride (AlN)
micrometric powders suspended in water. The nitrogen-
based ceramic, AlN, undergoes surface hydrolysis analo-
gous to that of Si3N4when in such a solution. We used two
controls, namely, a copper (Cu) particle suspension (a pos-
itive control, known to strongly inactivate pathogens and
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© 2020 The Authors. Clinical and Translational Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Shanghai Institute of Clinical Bioinformatics
viruses6) and a negative control expected to have no effect,
H2O. The supernatant virions were then inoculated into
VeroE6/TMPRSS2 cells. We expected comparable antiviral
behavior for Si3N4and AlN, as these nitride compounds
share the chemical similarity of N atoms with strong elec-
Figure 1A shows results for TCID50 assay in case of viri-
ons exposed to Si3N4, AlN, and Cu powders in 15 wt.%
at 1-minute inactivation time. Compared with the water-
exposed negative control (sham sample), these three pow-
ders produced equally effective inactivation of SARS-CoV-
2 virions (>99%). We then examined fragmentation of viral
RNA upon 1-minute contact with the powders by means
of RT-PCR experiments on the virions N-gene sequence
(Figure 1B). Unlike the case of powder-unexposed con-
trol supernatant (sham sample), the viral RNA underwent
nearly complete fragmentation when exposed to Cu, and
was significantly damaged after both AlN and Si3N4con-
tact. Viral RNA on pelleted powders, after 1-minute expo-
sure, was not detectable for any of the three powders
(Figure 1B). Experiments repeated at 10-minute exposure
revealed substantial RNA cleavage for all powders tested
(see Supporting Information).
Figure 1C shows immunofluorescence imaging results
on inoculated cells. The envelope antibody of the
anti-SARS coronavirus stained red; viable cell F-actin
(phalloidin-stained) green; and cell nuclei (DAPI-stained)
blue. Micrographs showing fluorescence in Figure 1C com-
pare the sham (negative) control VeroE6/TMPRSS2 cell
population with populations inoculated with supernatant
virions exposed to Si3N4, AlN, and Cu (see labels). The
synthesis of viral protein, visualized by red-fluorescent
signals, imaged the sham sample cells extensively infected
by the virus. As expected, as-cultured VeroE6/TMPRSS2
cells unexposed to virions (mock sample) showed no
red staining. A striking result was that cells inoculated
with supernatant treated with Si3N4and, to a lesser
extent, with AlN, were viable and showed a low fraction
Clin. Transl. Med. 2020;10:e212. 1of4
FIGURE 1 (A) TCID50/50 μL and % reduction plots by TCID50 assay (based on the Reed-Muench method). (B) RT-PCR tests to evaluate
viral RNA using two sets of N gene primers; a comparison is given using evaluations of supernatants and powders with viral RNA from virions
simply suspended in water. (C) Fluorescencemicrographs inoculated VeroE6/TMPRSS2 cells after staining: red, green, and blue stains visualize
viral protein, F-actin, and cell nuclei, respectively. (D) Quantification of fluorescence microscopy data given as % infected cells on total cells,
namely, the percent fraction of red-stained cells with respect to the total number of blue-stained nuclei, and the percent fraction of viable cells
on total cells, namely, the percent fraction of green-stained cells with respect to the total number of blue-stained nuclei. Labels in inset specify
statistics (unpaired two-tailed Student’s test with n =3)
of infected cells. On the other hand, cells infected with
Cu-treated viral supernatant were essentially dead (see
complete lack of F-actin), clearly indicating that it was
free copper ions in the cells having toxic effects, and not
viral infection, that caused cell death.7We confirmed this
using in situ Raman spectroscopy (see Supporting Infor-
mation). In a quantitative plot of fluorescence microscopy
results (Figure 1D), ∼35% fraction of cells in the sham
sample (negative control) were infected. Comparatively,
cells inoculated with Si3N4supernatants showed only
2% infection and with AlN supernatants showed 8%
infection (see Supporting Information for experimental
Our work revealed two pivotal aspects of Si3N4sur-
face chemistry that likely play fundamental roles in
inactivating SARS-CoV-2: (a) protonation of the amino
groups creates Si3N4surface sites Si–NH3+that resem-
ble N-terminals of lysine, C–NH3+, the cell side viral
receptor; and, (b) hydrolytically eluted ammonia from
the Si3N4surface as a strong virucidal compound.
Figure 2(center) draws the interaction between virus and
bioceramic surface in aqueous environment. At pH 7.4,
positively charged viral envelope/membrane proteins are
strongly attracted to the Si3N4surface (see Supporting
Information). The left panel depicts similarity between
protonated amine and the lysine N-terminal. As is the
case with hepatitis B and influenza A,5,8 an extremely
effective “competitive binding” effect on SARS-CoV-2
occurs. Once in contact with the virus, eluted ammonia
gas penetrates the virions and cuts through the RNA
backbone9(see Figure 2, right panel). The combination of
RT-PCR results and fluorescence microscopy suggest that
SARS-CoV-2 inactivation takes place through a sequence
of events: virions are first electrically trapped, locked
by “competitive binding,” and then killed by “ammonia
poisoning.” Such a scenario could be referred to as “catch
and kill.”
Results confirm SARS-CoV-2 inactivation was almost
instantaneous upon contact with Cu, AlN, and Si3N4,but
only the latter compound proved completely safe to host
cells. The bioceramic, Si3N4, is thus a primary candidate to
replace toxic and allergenic compounds in long-term envi-
ronmental sanitation.10 The use of micron-sized Si3N4par-
ticles in disinfectant sprays or their direct embedment in
personal protective equipment fabrics (facemasks, surgical
drapes, and other garments) in hospitals could limit viral
FIGURE 2 The “catch and kill” mechanism. Central panel: Draft of the electrochemical interaction between Si3N4surface and SARS-
CoV-2 virions (envelope and membrane proteins are electrostatically attracted at the negatively charged Si3N4surface while protonated amines,
which resemble cell lysine N-terminal receptors, link with the spike protein and lock the virions; once the virion is “caught” and locked on
the Si3N4surface, eluted NH3gas freely penetrates envelope proteins and “kills” it). Left panel: Draft of electrochemical “binding competitive”
interactions between protonated amine groups on the surface of Si3N4and lysine N-terminals in cells. Right panel: RNA cleavage by ammonia
species occurs in three successive steps including the deprotonation of backbone 2′-hydroxyls, the formation of a transient pentaphosphate
group, and the final RNA cleavage by alkaline transesterification
transmission for both health workers and patients. As nei-
ther anion- nor cation-side surface chemistry of Si3N4will
affect human health, even in the long term, this bioceramic
has potential as an invaluable tool in fighting the SARS-
CoV-2 pandemic.
Giuseppe Pezzotti1,2
Eriko Ohgitani2
Masaharu Shin-Ya2
Tetsuya Adachi3
Elia Marin1,3
Francesco Boschetto1,3
Wenliang Zhu1
Osam Mazda2
1Ceramic Physics Laboratory, Kyoto Institute of
Technology, Kyoto, Japan
2Department of Immunology, Graduate School of Medical
Science, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto,
3Department of Dental Medicine, Graduate School of
Medical Science, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine,
Kyoto, Japan
Giuseppe Pezzotti, Ceramic Physics Laboratory, Kyoto
Institute of Technology, Sakyo-ku, Matsugasaki, Kyoto
606–8585, Japan.
Osam Mazda, Department of Immunology, Graduate
School of Medical Science, Kyoto Prefectural University
of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan.
Giuseppe Pezzotti
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Additional supporting information may be found online
in the Supporting Information section at the end of the
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