Conference PaperPDF Available

A New Fault Diagnosis Approach for Brushless Doubly Fed Machines for Wind Turbine Generator Applications

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Fig. 9. The nested loop rotor configuration showing the broken bar.
Fig. 10. Rotor bar currents at the event of rotor broken bar fault shown in
Fig. 9.
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Speed (rev/min)
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Torque (kNm)
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Time (s)
P output power (kW)
Fault # 3
Fault # 2
Fault # 1
0 1020304050607080
Frequency (Hz)
10 Hz fault
50 Hz fault
Broken bar
Normal nested -loop Nested-loop wit h broken bar
15 20 25 30 35 40
Rotor Bar 1
15 20 25 30 35 40
Rotor Bar 2
15 20 25 30 35 40
Current (A)
Rotor Bar 3
15 20 25 30 35 40
Rotor Bar 4
15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (s)
Rotor Bar 5
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON. Downloaded on April 29,2021 at 13:20:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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15 20 25 30 35 40
Speed (rev/min)
15 20 25 30 35 40
Torque (kNm)
15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (s)
P1 output power (kW)
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON. Downloaded on April 29,2021 at 13:20:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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Determining the magnitude of particular fault signature components (FSCs) generated by wind turbine (WT) faults from current signals has been used as an effective way to detect early abnormalities. However, the WT current signals are time-varying due to the constantly varying generator speed. The WT frequently operates with the generator close to synchronous speed, resulting in FSCs manifestation in the vicinity of the supply frequency and its harmonics, making their detection more challenging. To address this challenge, the detection of rotor electrical asymmetry in WT doubly-fed induction generators (DFIGs) has been investigated using a test-rig under three different driving conditions, and then an effective extended Kalman filter (EKF) based method is proposed to iteratively estimate the FSCs and track their magnitude. The proposed approach has been compared with a continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and an iterative localized discrete Fourier-transform (IDFT). The experimental results demonstrate that the CWT and IDFT algorithms fail to track the FSCs at low load operation near synchronous speed. In contrast, the EKF was more successful in tracking the FSCs magnitude in all operating conditions, unambiguously determining the severity of the faults over time and providing significant gains in both computational efficiency and accuracy of fault diagnosis.
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The feasibility of monitoring the health of wind turbine (WT) gearboxes based on the lubricant pressure data in the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system is investigated in this paper. A deep neural network (DNN) based framework is developed to monitor conditions of WT gearboxes and identify their impending failures. Six data-mining algorithms, the k nearest neighbors (kNN), least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (Lasso), ridge regression (Ridge), support vector machines (SVM), shallow neural network (NN), as well as deep neural network (DNN), are applied to model the lubricant pressure. A comparative analysis of developed data-driven models is conducted and the DNN model is the most accurate. To prevent the overfitting of the DNN model, a dropout algorithm is applied into the DNN training process. Computational results show that the prediction error will shift before the occurrences of gearbox failures. An exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control chart is deployed to derive criteria for detecting the shifts. The effectiveness of the proposed monitoring approach is demonstrated by examining real cases from wind farms in China and benchmarked against the gearbox monitoring based on the oil temperature data.
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The implementation of condition monitoring and fault diagnosis system (CMFDS) on wind turbine is significant to lower the unscheduled breakdown. Generator is one of the most important components in wind turbine, and generator bearing fault identification always draws lots of attention. However, non-stationary vibration signal of weak fault and compound fault with a large amount of background noise makes this task challenging in many cases. So, effective signal processing method is essential in the accurate diagnosis step of CMFDS. As a novel signal processing method, empirical Wavelet Transform (EWT) is used to extract inherent modulation information by decomposing signal into mono-components under an orthogonal basis, which is seen as a powerful tool for mechanical fault diagnosis. Moreover, in order to avoid the inaccurate identification the internal modes caused by the heavy noise, wavelet spatial neighboring coefficient denoising with data-driven threshold is applied to increase Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) before EWT. The effectiveness of the proposed technique on weak fault and compound fault diagnosis is first validated by two experimental cases. Finally, the proposed method has been applied to identify fault feature of generator bearing on wind turbine in wind farm successfully.
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This paper studies the unbalanced magnetic pull in the brushless doubly fed machine (BDFM) caused by both static and dynamic rotor eccentricities. Several parallel winding designs for the two stator windings are proposed, and the practicality of such designs is discussed with respect to direct coupling between the stator windings and with rotor undesirable harmonic fields. Once practical parallel winding designs are established, their effects on reducing deflection as a result of static and dynamic eccentricities are shown and compared with series wound stator. This study has been carried out on a prototype D400 250-kW BDFM.
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Because nonmagnetic material is used in the stator, ironless permanent-magnet generators (iPMGs) have negligible normal force between the rotor and the stator, and there is low requirement for the strength of the supporting structures. Therefore, the generator can be light. This feature is attractive in offshore direct-drive energy conversion systems where lightweight design is preferred. The objective of this paper is to investigate systematically different concepts of iPMGs. A design strategy is developed, and codes for finite-element analysis are embedded in this design strategy to ensure the calculation accuracy. A genetic algorithm (GA) is used to find the optimal designs. The influences of machine types and diameter to the machine performances are presented and discussed. Furthermore, the laboratory test of an existing ironless axial-flux permanent-magnet generator confirms the high accuracy of the field and inductance calculations of this design strategy, and the comparison with the parametric study is conducted to demonstrate the excellent performance of the GA used.
Conference Paper
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In this paper some fundamental design issues concerning the brushless doubly-fed reluctance machine are addressed. The literature has several examples of electrical machines with different pole number. It has become apparent that a radially-laminated ducted rotor is a better option. In this paper it is illustrated that the pole number combination should not have pole pair number varying by one, otherwise unbalanced magnetic pull occurs. In addition, it is shown that to reduce voltage ripple due to the interaction of the slotting between the stator slots and rotor ducts, two axial rotor sections can be used with a small degree of skew between them. The example machine design is a 2 MW design as used previously, this has 48 stator slots. The machine results are couched in terms of a 4/8 pole and a 4/6 pole combination (for UMP calculation). Finite element analysis and analytical algorithms are used in the paper.
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The brushless doubly fed machine (BDFM) is a robust alternative to the doubly fed induction generator, currently widely used in wind turbines but prone to brush-gear and slip-ring failure. The rotor winding plays an important part in a BDFM, coupling the two stator windings. To date, nested-loop (NL) rotor windings have been exclusively used in practical BDFM. This approach may not be ideal for larger machines, in which form-wound series-loop rotor winding may be preferable to large section bars and end-rings. This study gives a comparative analytical and experimental study of two different brushless doubly fed 160 frame-size rotors, with NL or series-wound windings, mounted in identical rotor core laminations operating in the same stator tested at a limited voltage (200 V line). The rotors gave a performance which accords with theoretical predictions from two independent methods, giving insight into the design issues of the different rotor windings from both an electrical and manufacturing viewpoint.
This paper proposes and demonstrates a fault detection method to locate inter-turn short circuits (ITSCs) in the stator windings of a brushless doubly-fed induction machine (BDFIM). The detection of ITSC is important in machine health prognostics as ITSC is an early stage fault that may lead to other faults such as coil-to-coil and coil-to-ground. BDFIM consists of power and control windings in the stator that are magnetically coupled through a nested-loop rotor winding. Existing ITSC detection algorithms use rotor slot harmonics in stator current spectra as fault indicators for only conventional doubly-fed induction machines. However, these algorithms cannot be applied to BDFIM due to its different stator/rotor winding structure. The paper primarily proposes a new analytical formulation for the nested-loop rotor slot harmonics (NRSHs) as ITSC fault indicators in BDFIMs. Using NRSHs, a detection algorithm is also proposed to detect and locate ITSC in power/control windings of BDFIMs. The proposed algorithm is verified based on numerical analysis of a BDFIM using finite element method. The accuracy of the proposed fault detection algorithm is also experimentally investigated and demonstrated using a BDFIM test rig. Both numerical and experimental test results confirm effectiveness of the proposed ITSC fault detection and location algorithm.
Conference Paper
This paper presents the modelling and commissioning of a wind turbine emulator test-rig and a performance comparison of four different advanced control techniques.