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Determining Stingray Movement Patterns in a Wave-Swept Coastal Zone Using a Blimp for Continuous Aerial Video Surveillance


Abstract and Figures

Stingrays play a key role in the regulation of nearshore ecosystems. However, their movement ecology in high-energy surf areas remains largely unknown due to the notorious difficulties in conducting research in these environments. Using a blimp as an aerial platform for video surveillance, we overcame some of the limitations of other tracking methods, such as the use of tags and drones. This novel technology offered near-continuous coverage to characterise the fine-scale movements of stingrays in a surf area in Kiama, Australia, without any invasive procedures. A total of 98 stingray tracks were recorded, providing 6 h 27 min of movement paths. The tracking data suggest that stingrays may use a depth gradient located in the sandflat area of the bay for orientating their movements and transiting between locations within their home range. Our research also indicates that stingray behaviour was influenced by diel periods and tidal states. We observed a higher stingray occurrence during the afternoon, potentially related to foraging and anti-predatory strategies. We also saw a reduced route fidelity during low tide, when the bathymetric reference was less accessible due to stranding risk. Considering the increasing threat of anthropogenic development to nearshore coastal environments, the identification of these patterns can better inform the management and mitigation of threats.
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Determining Stingray Movement Patterns in a
Wave-Swept Coastal Zone Using a Blimp for
Continuous Aerial Video Surveillance
David Ruiz-García1, 2,*, Kye Adams 2,3, Heidi Brown 2and Andrew R. Davis 2
Marine Zoology Unit, Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, Universitat de Val
46980 València, Spain
2School of Earth, Atmospheric and Life Sciences, University of Wollongong, Northfields Avenue,
Wollongong NSW 2522, Australia; (K.A.); (H.B.); (A.R.D.)
3Marine Ecology Group–Fisheries Research, University of Western Australia, Perth WA 6009, Australia
Received: 2 September 2020; Accepted: 24 September 2020; Published: 30 September 2020
Stingrays play a key role in the regulation of nearshore ecosystems. However, their movement
ecology in high-energy surf areas remains largely unknown due to the notorious difficulties in
conducting research in these environments. Using a blimp as an aerial platform for video surveillance,
we overcame some of the limitations of other tracking methods, such as the use of tags and drones.
This novel technology oered near-continuous coverage to characterise the fine-scale movements of
stingrays in a surf area in Kiama, Australia, without any invasive procedures. A total of 98 stingray
tracks were recorded, providing 6 h 27 min of movement paths. The tracking data suggest that
stingrays may use a depth gradient located in the sandflat area of the bay for orientating their
movements and transiting between locations within their home range. Our research also indicates
that stingray behaviour was influenced by diel periods and tidal states. We observed a higher stingray
occurrence during the afternoon, potentially related to foraging and anti-predatory strategies. We also
saw a reduced route fidelity during low tide, when the bathymetric reference was less accessible
due to stranding risk. Considering the increasing threat of anthropogenic development to nearshore
coastal environments, the identification of these patterns can better inform the management and
mitigation of threats.
aerostat; UAV; blimp; spatial ecology; behaviour; batoid; high-energy coastal zone;
Bathytoshia brevicaudata;Bathytoshia lata
1. Introduction
Stingrays (Dasyatidae) play a key role in the regulation of nearshore coastal ecosystems as bioturbators
and mesopredators [
]. They create physical disturbances by digging holes in unconsolidated sediments
to feed on infaunal invertebrates. In turn, they generate a mosaic of microhabitats with a distinct
invertebrate diversity and abundance, acting as ecosystem engineers [
]. Such digging behaviour also
enables the infiltration of oxygen and organic matter into sediments, supporting biogeochemical cycling [
These epibenthic mesopredators also play an important role by connecting trophic webs across habitats
and controlling prey populations through predation [
]. However, stingrays represent one of the most
threatened families of elasmobranchs [
]. They have low resilience against anthropogenic pressure because
of their life-history traits, including slow growth, late maturity, and low fecundity [
]. Habitat destruction
due to coastal development is an increasing threat affecting stingrays by compromising the viability of
Fishes 2020,5, 31; doi:10.3390/fishes5040031
Fishes 2020,5, 31 2 of 13
coastal ecosystems [
]. Therefore, identifying important habitats and habitat use by stingrays is essential
for their management and the mitigation of threats [911].
A common approach to identifying animal space usage and habitat requirements is to study
their patterns of movement [
]. Understanding their spatial ecology sheds light on animals’ life
history, behaviour, and the influence of environmental conditions over their use of space [
Tracking animal movements in aquatic habitats can be challenging [
]. Recent improvements in
acoustic and satellite telemetry have provided new insights into stingray behaviour and habitat use
in coastal areas, including the identification of a variety of environmental factors such as tides and
diel periods as drivers of their behaviour [
]. However, the fine-scale movement patterns of
stingrays in nearshore surf zones are still poorly understood. This lack of information is partly due
to technological diculties when conducting research in these areas. Approaches such as acoustic
telemetry are complicated by the high-energy dynamics that characterise surf zones, hampering
acoustic signal detection [
]. In addition, the bottom-dwelling habits of stingrays hinder the
use of GPS loggers, requiring a towed-float GPS tag which is only useful if the studied animals
remain in shallow waters permanently [
]. Even when the use of tags is possible for studying
fine-scale movement patterns, they can be prohibitively expensive and require invasive procedures to
capture and tag the animals [
]. Furthermore, tagging technologies are unable to provide a complete
understanding of animal behaviour, deducing it from position records which are often aected by the
drift of dead reckoning data [
]. Thus, even though tracking marine animals via tags has been
the norm in the last few years, new techniques are required to gain insight into animal habitat use in
wave-swept coastal areas [26].
Aerial video surveillance is an emerging technique with great potential to provide behavioural
information in high-energy coastal zones [
]. Unlike tagging methods, this non-invasive
technique gathers continuous and direct information about animal locations and interactions [
Moreover, aerial video surveillance is relatively cost-eective given that, besides scientific sta, it only
requires a platform to keep a camera suspended in the air [
]. Despite the potential environmental
limitations related to light, wind, and water clarity conditions, this technique can provide access
to areas where other tracking methods are unsuitable, even when they are remote or dangerous to
access [
]. The use of this technique for gathering information on megafaunal habitat usage and
spatial ecology in coastal zones promises to contribute significantly to improving the understanding
and management of these ecosystems [2931].
Recently, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, have been used as a platform
for suspending cameras. The application of drones in marine research constitutes a new approach for
obtaining population estimates and study ecological interactions [
]. However, drones are noisy and
may influence animal behaviour when in close proximity [
]. Another major limitation of drones is
their battery life, which averages 30 min and constrains their observational capabilities, particularly if
continuous surveillance is required [
]. Furthermore, researchers need to simultaneously operate
the drone and monitor the field of view, which requires experience and can induce fatigue [
Aerostats (balloons or blimps) may constitute a more suitable aerial platform for particular cases by
overcoming some of the limitations of drones [
]. Aerostats dier from drones by using helium for
lift, oering a near-continuous coverage of study areas since they are only limited by the battery of the
camera, which can exceed 8 h. In addition, they are silent, reducing potential impacts on wildlife [
Aerostats have been used for monitoring the occurrence of marine wildlife, including whales [
dugongs [
]; sharks [
]; and, complimentarily to the present study, seals, sharks, and stingrays [
although no movement patterns have been analysed.
This case study aims to determine how stingrays use high-energy surf areas, while testing the
capability of a blimp as an aerial platform for the continuous surveillance of wildlife movement ecology.
Our focus was on determining the eect of diel periods and tidal stages on the occurrence of stingrays
and their patterns of movement in the nearshore zone. We also sought to explore how stingrays behave
when in close proximity to people.
Fishes 2020,5, 31 3 of 13
2. Results
2.1. Stingray Occurence
In total, 16 aerial surveys were completed with a mean flight time of 4 h 16 min
15 min and a total
elapsed time of 68 h 32 min. Stingrays, either smooth stingray, Bathytoshia brevicaudata, or black stingray,
Bathytoshia lata, were observed on 98 occasions, from which 6 h 27 min of movement paths were
retrieved (9.6% of the total recorded time). Low numbers of other marine megafauna were also recorded,
including grey nurse sharks, Carcharias taurus, and Australian fur seals,
Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus
and these have been reported by Adams et al. [27].
The occurrence of stingrays within the bay was significantly aected by the diel period (
df =1; p=0.001) but not by the tidal phase (
=0.03; df =1; p=0.87). The number of stingray
sightings was significantly higher than expected in the afternoon, whereas it was lower than expected
during the midday time period (Figure 1).
Fishes 2020, 5, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 13
2. Results
2.1. Stingray Occurence
In total, 16 aerial surveys were completed with a mean flight time of 4 h 16 min ± 15 min and a
total elapsed time of 68 h 32 min. Stingrays, either smooth stingray, Bathytoshia brevicaudata, or black
stingray, Bathytoshia lata, were observed on 98 occasions, from which 6 h 27 min of movement paths
were retrieved (9.6% of the total recorded time). Low numbers of other marine megafauna were also
recorded, including grey nurse sharks, Carcharias taurus, and Australian fur seals, Arctocephalus
pusillus doriferus, and these have been reported by Adams et al. [27].
The occurrence of stingrays within the bay was significantly affected by the diel period 2 =
10.78; df = 1; p = 0.001) but not by the tidal phase 2 = 0.03; df = 1; p = 0.87). The number of stingray
sightings was significantly higher than expected in the afternoon, whereas it was lower than expected
during the midday time period (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Comparison between the observed (black bars) and expected (grey bars) number of stingray
sightings within the study area for each diel period and the tidal stage (nt = 98). Significant differences
(p < 0.05) in Chi-Square tests of independence are denoted by *.
2.2. Patterns of Movement
In 85 of the observations (87%), stingrays did not swim close to bathers (>5 m), but on 13
occasions stingrays swam in close proximity to them (<5 m). On five of these occasions (38%),
stingrays showed behaviours that appeared to be influenced by the presence of humans. In order to
classify such behaviour, the movement paths of these five sightings were analysed separately to the
other 93 paths.
2.2.1. Movement Metrics
The mean duration of the tracking period for the 93 movements paths was 3 min 42 s ± 16 s
(range 50 s14 min 30 s), with an average distance of 144 ± 9 m (range 48431 m) covered by each
stingray and a mean swimming speed of 0.70 ± 0.02 m/s (range 0.331.42 m/s). The average path
length and the duration of the tracking period for each stingray was significantly larger in the midday
time period than in the afternoon (Z = 2.98; p = 0.003 and Z = 3.47; p = 0.001, respectively; Figure 2).
In contrast, the tidal state did not have a significant effect on the path length (Z = 1.12; p = 0.264) or
duration (Z = 1.86; p = 0.062), although we note a trend toward a longer path duration during high
Figure 1.
Comparison between the observed (black bars) and expected (grey bars) number of stingray
sightings within the study area for each diel period and the tidal stage (n
=98). Significant dierences
(p<0.05) in Chi-Square tests of independence are denoted by *.
2.2. Patterns of Movement
In 85 of the observations (87%), stingrays did not swim close to bathers (>5 m), but on 13 occasions
stingrays swam in close proximity to them (<5 m). On five of these occasions (38%), stingrays showed
behaviours that appeared to be influenced by the presence of humans. In order to classify such
behaviour, the movement paths of these five sightings were analysed separately to the other 93 paths.
2.2.1. Movement Metrics
The mean duration of the tracking period for the 93 movements paths was 3 min 42 s
16 s
(range 50 s–14 min 30 s), with an average distance of 144
9 m (range 48–431 m) covered by each
stingray and a mean swimming speed of 0.70
0.02 m/s (range 0.33–1.42 m/s). The average path length
and the duration of the tracking period for each stingray was significantly larger in the midday time
period than in the afternoon (Z =
2.98; p=0.003 and Z =
3.47; p=0.001, respectively; Figure 2).
In contrast, the tidal state did not have a significant eect on the path length (Z =
1.12; p=0.264) or
duration (Z =
1.86; p=0.062), although we note a trend toward a longer path duration during high tide
Fishes 2020,5, 31 4 of 13
(Figure 2). Stingrays also swam more rapidly in the afternoon and at low tide, although in neither case
was this trend statistically significant (Z =
1.75, p=0.081 and
1.71; p=0.086 respectively; Figure 2).
Fishes 2020, 5, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 13
tide (Figure 2). Stingrays also swam more rapidly in the afternoon and at low tide, although in neither
case was this trend statistically significant (Z = 1.75, p = 0.081 and 1.71; p = 0.086 respectively; Figure 2).
Figure 2. Comparison between the mean (±SE) (a) path length, (b) duration, (c) speed, and (d)
sinuosity for each diel period and tidal state (nt = 93). Significant differences (p < 0.05) in the Mann
WhitneyWilcoxon tests are denoted by *.
On average, stingrays showed fairly low sinuosity movement paths across the bay (0.26 ± 0.03),
which were consistent through diel periods (Z = 1.18; p = 0.238) and tidal states (Z = 0.247; p = 0.805)
(Figure 2). However, there was variation in their path sinuosity with the structure of the habitat;
animals showed a significantly more sinuous path at the northern headland than when they swam
in the central area or southern headland (0.34 ± 0.04; 0.26 ± 0.03; 0.24 ± 0.04, respectively) (χ2 = 6.53; df
= 2; p = 0.038). Large quantities of drift algae were often associated with the northern headland.
2.2.2. Route Fidelity
Analysis of the 93 stingray movement paths revealed that these animals were using defined
routes when navigating across the bay. This route, as shown by the maximum stingray density
(Figure 3a), follows the edge of an abrupt change in bathymetrya sandbar drop-off. A more detailed
examination of each movement path revealed that in 87% of the sightings (81/93) the stingrays
navigated unidirectionally either northwards or southwards following this defined route. Only in
13% of the occasions (12/93) the stingrays arrived at the bay through either of the rocky headlands,
circled around, and left through this same area, without entering the central, sandflat area. The
subdivision of path density by tidal state revealed that the stingray activity was more dispersed and
the route fidelity was lower at low tide relative to high tide (Figure 3b,c). In contrast, the route fidelity
appeared unaffected by the time of day (Figure 3d,e).
Figure 2.
Comparison between the mean (
SE) (
) path length, (
) duration, (
) speed,
and (
) sinuosity for each diel period and tidal state (n
=93). Significant dierences (p<0.05)
in the Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon tests are denoted by *.
On average, stingrays showed fairly low sinuosity movement paths across the bay (0.26
which were consistent through diel periods (Z =
1.18; p=0.238) and tidal states (Z =
(Figure 2). However, there was variation in their path sinuosity with the structure of the habitat;
animals showed a significantly more sinuous path at the northern headland than when they swam
in the central area or southern headland (0.34
0.04; 0.26
0.03; 0.24
0.04, respectively) (
df =2; p=0.038). Large quantities of drift algae were often associated with the northern headland.
2.2.2. Route Fidelity
Analysis of the 93 stingray movement paths revealed that these animals were using defined
routes when navigating across the bay. This route, as shown by the maximum stingray density
(Figure 3a), follows the edge of an abrupt change in bathymetry—a sandbar drop-o. A more detailed
examination of each movement path revealed that in 87% of the sightings (81/93) the stingrays navigated
unidirectionally either northwards or southwards following this defined route. Only in 13% of the
occasions (12/93) the stingrays arrived at the bay through either of the rocky headlands, circled around,
and left through this same area, without entering the central, sandflat area. The subdivision of path
density by tidal state revealed that the stingray activity was more dispersed and the route fidelity was
Fishes 2020,5, 31 5 of 13
lower at low tide relative to high tide (Figure 3b,c). In contrast, the route fidelity appeared unaected
by the time of day (Figure 3d,e).
Fishes 2020, 5, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 13
Figure 3. Density heat maps drawn from (a) the complete pool of stingray movement paths (n = 93);
(b) from those paths occurring during low tide (n = 34), (c) high tide (n = 59), (d) midday (n = 32), and
(e) afternoon (n = 61).
2.3. Human Influence on Stingray Movement Paths
The co-occurrence of stingrays and humans in close proximity (<5 m) was recorded a total of 13
times. On five of these occasions (38%), it occurred when stingrays swam into the shallower region
of the central areathe designated “bather area”, which is delineated by flags and patrolled by
lifeguards. On each occasion, these stingrays conducted highly sinuous and long movement paths at
a slow pace, a strikingly different pattern to their normal behaviour (Figure 4). On the remaining
eight occasions (62%) in which stingrays were in close proximity, the swimmers were in deeper
regions outside the bather area. Hence, the bathers were in lower abundance and the stingrays could
swim below them. On these occasions, we did not observe the same behavioural responses as were
observed in shallow water.
Figure 4. Comparison between the mean (±SE) (a) path length, (b) duration, (c) speed, and (d)
sinuosity for stingray movement paths non-influenced (n = 93) and those influenced by humans (n =
5). Significant differences (p < 0.05) in MannWhitneyWilcoxon tests are denoted by *.
3. Discussion
This is the first time that an aerostat, particularly a blimp, has been used as an aerial platform to
study the fine-scale movement patterns of marine wildlife. Although there are some sampling
limitations (e.g., dependency on light, weather, and water conditions), this novel approach enabled
the continuous aerial video surveillance of a high-energy surf zone. The results of these prolonged
Figure 3.
Density heat maps drawn from (
) the complete pool of stingray movement paths (n=93);
) from those paths occurring during low tide (n=34), (
) high tide (n=59), (
) midday (n=32),
and (e) afternoon (n=61).
2.3. Human Influence on Stingray Movement Paths
The co-occurrence of stingrays and humans in close proximity (<5 m) was recorded a total of
13 times. On five of these occasions (38%), it occurred when stingrays swam into the shallower
region of the central area—the designated “bather area”, which is delineated by flags and patrolled by
lifeguards. On each occasion, these stingrays conducted highly sinuous and long movement paths
at a slow pace, a strikingly dierent pattern to their normal behaviour (Figure 4). On the remaining
eight occasions (62%) in which stingrays were in close proximity, the swimmers were in deeper regions
outside the bather area. Hence, the bathers were in lower abundance and the stingrays could swim
below them. On these occasions, we did not observe the same behavioural responses as were observed
in shallow water.
Fishes 2020, 5, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 13
Figure 3. Density heat maps drawn from (a) the complete pool of stingray movement paths (n = 93);
(b) from those paths occurring during low tide (n = 34), (c) high tide (n = 59), (d) midday (n = 32), and
(e) afternoon (n= 61).
2.3. Human Influence on Stingray Movement Paths
The co-occurrence of stingrays and humans in close proximity (<5 m) was recorded a total of 13
times. On five of these occasions (38%), it occurred when stingrays swam into the shallower region
of the central areathe designated “bather area”, which is delineated by flags and patrolled by
lifeguards. On each occasion, these stingrays conducted highly sinuous and long movement paths at
a slow pace, a strikingly different pattern to their normal behaviour (Figure 4). On the remaining
eight occasions (62%) in which stingrays were in close proximity, the swimmers were in deeper
regions outside the bather area. Hence, the bathers were in lower abundance and the stingrays could
swim below them. On these occasions, we did not observe the same behavioural responses as were
observed in shallow water.
Figure 4. Comparison between the mean (±SE) (a) path length, (b) duration, (c) speed, and (d)
sinuosity for stingray movement paths non-influenced (n = 93) and those influenced by humans (n =
5). Significant differences (p < 0.05) in MannWhitneyWilcoxon tests are denoted by *.
3. Discussion
This is the first time that an aerostat, particularly a blimp, has been used as an aerial platform to
study the fine-scale movement patterns of marine wildlife. Although there are some sampling
limitations (e.g., dependency on light, weather, and water conditions), this novel approach enabled
the continuous aerial video surveillance of a high-energy surf zone. The results of these prolonged
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 4.
Comparison between the mean (
SE) (
) path length, (
) duration, (
) speed, and (
) sinuosity
for stingray movement paths non-influenced (n=93) and those influenced by humans (n=5).
Significant dierences (p<0.05) in Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon tests are denoted by *.
Fishes 2020,5, 31 6 of 13
3. Discussion
This is the first time that an aerostat, particularly a blimp, has been used as an aerial platform
to study the fine-scale movement patterns of marine wildlife. Although there are some sampling
limitations (e.g., dependency on light, weather, and water conditions), this novel approach enabled
the continuous aerial video surveillance of a high-energy surf zone. The results of these prolonged
surveys demonstrated that stingrays generally reached the studied bay through the lateral rocky
headlands and exhibited an oriented pattern of displacement parallel to shore, but never exhibited
stationary behaviours. Stingrays appeared to be following a 2 m depth contour when navigating
across the bay from either of the rocky headlands. Acoustic telemetry studies of the southern stingray,
Hypanus americanus, in the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System suggested that these animals may also
use depth contours for orientation [
]. Therefore, the use of spatially structured depth gradients may
be a common strategy in stingrays to orientate their movements. Straight movement paths increase
eciency [
] and likely reflect directed movement towards certain locations, such as sheltering or
feeding areas [38,40].
Oriented movements frequently involve experiential learning and memory, potentially increasing
foraging eciency [
] and reducing predation risk [
]. The stingrays in our study generally
exhibited straight movements even at fine spatial scales, except when swimming in the northern
headland, where the sinuosity increased significantly. Sinuous movement has been related to searching
behaviours in other stingray species and demersal elasmobranchs—with animals seeking to locate
resource patches, including foraging opportunities, shelter, or potential mates [
]. Our findings
are consistent with stingrays using the central, sandflat area of the bay for transiting between locations
in their home range and the northern headland for exploring resource patches.
Despite the general patterns we observed, some variation in habitat usage was detected during
the diel periods and tidal states. The occurrence of stingrays within the bay was higher during
the afternoon, when the light intensity began to decrease. In addition, the paths undertaken by
stingrays during this period were faster and shorter, exhibiting a high route fidelity by following
the edge of the depth contour. Increases in activity with reduced light intensity, especially at night,
have been reported in other stingray species and have been attributed to the animals responding
to local environmental factors, such as predation risk and prey availability [
]. Indeed,
a higher use of shallower areas during the night has been observed for one of our target species,
Bathytoshia brevicaudata, using pop-up satellite archival tags [
]. The authors suggested that this
species may conduct diel vertical migrations from deep (>100 m deep) to shallow (<1 m deep) waters
as a strategy to increase their feeding opportunities, remarking that it is unlikely that the predation
risk had an influence on such movement patterns [
]. However, recent studies in southern Australia
suggested that the presence of potential predators such as white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, triggers
a change in habitat use and the rate of movement of B. brevicaudata [
]. Clearly, the inability to
determine nocturnal patterns of movement is a limitation of aerial video surveillance, but our results
may indicate that the increased occurrence of stingrays and the shorter and faster movement paths
that they undertook may be related to an increase in activity with decreasing light intensity, using the
bathymetric gradient to quickly transit along their home range.
Variation in route fidelity was also observed in relation to tidal periods, with animals exhibiting
lower route fidelity and slower rates of transit during low tide. We contend that, during low tide,
the bathymetric reference was closer to shore and its use increased the risk of stranding for these large
stingray species, likely triggering the observed behavioural change. Prior studies on other stingray
species also documented that when water levels drop, individuals use deeper areas to transit and
avoid stranding [
]. Previous research also suggested that some stingray species modulate their
feeding and shelter behaviour in relation to tides, using the increased available area during high tide
to forage while seeking refugia during low tide [
]. However, our results do not indicate that
stingrays modulate their feeding or sheltering behaviour in the study area with tides.
Fishes 2020,5, 31 7 of 13
A marked change in behaviour was observed when stingrays entered the bathing area and swam
in close proximity to humans. This included long and highly sinuous paths in which the stingrays
swam at a slow speed. The animals frequently made loops around humans; swimming next to
(1 m distance)
for an extended period (
1 min in all cases). This pattern was observed in five
independent sightings and occurred on four separate days; it was noteworthy that on one occasion two
stingrays interacted simultaneously with humans within the bather area. Prior research has reported
that these interactions are frequent in areas nearby fish-cleaning facilities [
]. Such facilities are built
at many Australian harbours and beaches to support recreational fishing, resulting in fish scraps being
thrown into the water on a daily basis, providing food to stingrays and other scavengers, potentially
altering their normal foraging behaviours [
]. There is evidence that both Bathytoshia brevicaudata
and Bathytoshia lata frequent fish-cleaning stations, exhibiting grouping behaviours and altered patterns
of movement, including a high dependence on fishers and human tolerance [
]. A boat ramp in
the nearby Kiama Harbour includes a fish-cleaning station approximately 1 km away from our study
location, and large stingrays have been observed scavenging on fish scraps there [
]. Considering
that Bathytoshia brevicaudata have home ranges of approximately 25 km
], the stingrays that inhabit
Kiama Harbour boat ramp may be the same stingrays that are seen in Kiama Surf Beach. It remains
unclear whether human supplementation of food or animals being simply inquisitive accounts for the
unusual behaviour of some animals in close proximity to humans.
The present study demonstrated that using a blimp as an aerial platform for continuous video
surveillance constitutes a powerful approach for the study of fine-scale patterns of movement.
Aerial surveillance is also an excellent platform to examine the behaviour of marine wildlife without
requiring invasive procedures and minimising sampling disturbance. Moreover, this novel technology
enabled easy access to high-energy environments where other techniques may be unsuitable, enhancing
the value of this emerging tool for the research discipline of marine spatial ecology. We also provided
new insights into stingray behaviour in surf areas, which likely apply broadly to other beaches.
We provide support for previous research that has documented the influence of diel periods and tidal
states in stingray behaviour [
]. Importantly, our research suggests that stingrays may use
near-shore depth contours to orientate their movements when transiting through their home range.
Given the increasing direct and indirect anthropogenic pressure upon coastal habitats [
], improving our
understanding of habitat usage for these megafaunal ecosystem engineers is an important outcome.
Looking to the future, the application of machine learning techniques to aerial surveillance promises to
improve our understanding of megafauna in wave-swept environments even further [55].
4. Materials and Methods
4.1. Study Area
Aerial surveys were conducted during December 2017 and January 2018 at Surf Beach in Kiama,
located in New South Wales, Australia (34
S; 150
E; Figure 5). This coastal embayment is
enclosed by two rocky headlands. The morphology of this beach accords with a “low tide terrace” [
characterised by a moderately steep drop-ojoined to a shallow terrace composed of fine and coarse
sand. At this site, the terrace stretches out, reaching a maximum depth of 1.5 m at approximately 30 m
oshore during low tide and 50 m during high tide, where a 2 m-deep “drop-o” occurs. The depth
continues to increase progressively until it reaches 7 m deep 300 m oshore. The study area experiences
a semidiurnal tide, with a maximum tidal range of 2 m and a wave height ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 m
during the surveys. Topographical rips occur adjacent to the lateral rocky headlands, fed by an inshore
current whose direction varies with the wind and swell direction. Both topographic rips scour sand
and generate a depressed channel approximately 2 m deep, extending oshore from the headlands.
Since summer winds are primarily from the northeast, drift algae tend to accumulate in the north end
of the bay. As a result of the hydrodynamic features of the embayment, it can be divided into three
sub-habitats: (1) northern headland, characterised by a rocky substratum, low wave action, and high
Fishes 2020,5, 31 8 of 13
rate of drift algal accumulation; (2) southern headland, also composed of rocky substratum, but with
the highest wave action of the bay and no accumulation of drift algae; and (3) central area, composed
of fine and coarse sediment (sandflat) and characterised by a high wave action and, as mentioned
previously, a sharply demarcated depth contour. Wave breaking occurred once the waves hit the
sandbar “drop-o”. The foam generated by waves occasionally reduced the visibility in the shallowest
areas (<1.5 m deep), especially near the southern headland, but rarely aected the visibility when
tracking stingrays, which occurred in deeper areas beyond the sharp depth contour.
Fishes 2020, 5, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 13
Figure 5. Geographical location of Kiama Surf Beach in Australia and map of the study area showing
the three sub-habitats (NH: northern headland; CA: central area; SH: southern headland) and the
sharp depth contour located approximately 30 m offshore during low tide and 50 m during high tide
(black line).
4.2. Data Collection
Daily surveys were conducted between 11 am and 5 pm, except when winds exceeded 40 km/h.
A helium-filled blimp of 5 m long and 1.8 m in diameter (Figure 6a), tethered onshore 70 m above
sea-level, was used as an aerial platform for conducting aerial video surveillance. The camera
attached beneath the blimp was a Tarot Peeper with a 10× optical zoom, capable of streaming and
recording in 1080 p. The camera was equipped with a self-stabilising 3-axis gimbal with 360-degree
rotation, which automatically sustained the field of view of interest and compensated the movement
of the blimp driven by winds. However, the orientation and zoom could be manually controlled by
an operator, who constantly monitored the streaming footage to spot marine megafauna, covering a
total area of approximately 18,500 m2 (see Supplementary Videos S1S3 to observe the conditions and
setup in action).
During the surveys, video footage from two large stingray species, each up to 2 m in disc width,
was taken: Bathytoshia brevicaudata and Bathytoshia lata (Figure 6b,c) [57]. Although it was not possible
to distinguish between these species from the video recordings, their large size and colour rendered
them a good target for aerial video surveillance. Visual analysis of the stingray footage allowed the
manual tracing of their movement paths. The oblique view from the camera was transformed into a
perpendicular perspective by using 16 equidistant reference points to precisely determine the
location of each stingray in the video frames of interest. The position of each stingray was recorded
every 10 s using ArcGIS Pro 2.0. (ESRI, Redlands, California, USA). The selection of 10 s intervals
aimed to optimise the resolution of the movement paths, while enabling the analysis of a large
number of videos. The complete path of each animal was recorded in the metric X and Y coordinates
using the WGS 1984 Web Mercator coordinate system in ArcGIS Pro.
4.3. Stingray Occurrence
The occurrence of stingrays was measured as the number of independent stingray sightings
within the bay. The influence of the tidal state and diel period on stingray occurrence was assessed
by conducting Chi-Square tests of independence. Analyses were performed in R 4.0.2 [58] using the
Figure 5.
Geographical location of Kiama Surf Beach in Australia and map of the study area showing
the three sub-habitats (NH: northern headland; CA: central area; SH: southern headland) and the
sharp depth contour located approximately 30 m oshore during low tide and 50 m during high tide
(black line).
4.2. Data Collection
Daily surveys were conducted between 11 am and 5 pm, except when winds exceeded 40 km/h.
A helium-filled blimp of 5 m long and 1.8 m in diameter (Figure 6a), tethered onshore 70 m above
sea-level, was used as an aerial platform for conducting aerial video surveillance. The camera attached
beneath the blimp was a Tarot Peeper with a 10
optical zoom, capable of streaming and recording
in 1080 p. The camera was equipped with a self-stabilising 3-axis gimbal with 360-degree rotation,
which automatically sustained the field of view of interest and compensated the movement of the
blimp driven by winds. However, the orientation and zoom could be manually controlled by an
operator, who constantly monitored the streaming footage to spot marine megafauna, covering a total
area of approximately 18,500 m
(see Supplementary Videos S1–S3 to observe the conditions and setup
in action).
Fishes 2020,5, 31 9 of 13
Fishes 2020, 5, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 13
chisq.test() specified by Mangiafico [59]. The tidal cycle was divided into two categories, given the
maximum tidal range of 2 m: high tide (>1 m) and low tide (<1 m). Tidal information was obtained
from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology [60] (see Supplementary Figure S1 for information about
the tidal elevation over the entire study period).
The diel periods covered in this research were constrained between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. due to
the sharing of airspace with other stakeholders (daily flights of a shark patrol helicopter) and the
work hours of lifeguards. Within this time frame, two diel periods were considered. We divided the
survey period into two equal bouts of 3 h: (i) midday, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., producing a range of
~1.5 h from the meridian position of the sun, which occurred on average at 12.11 p.m.; and (ii)
afternoon, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., ~1.5 h after the meridian position of the sun and 2 h before sunset,
which occurred on average at 07.03 p.m. during the surveyed period. The diel periods were set based
on the time of sun transit and the sunset times published by the Geoscience Department of the
Australian Government [61].
The interaction between the tidal stages and diel periods could not be tested due to constraints
in the surveying period. The number of sightings during the “low tide-afternoon” and “high tide-
midday” categories were too low to conduct meaningful analyses.
Figure 6. (a) Blimp used as aerial platform for conducting video surveillance; (b) Example of image
taken from the blimp in which it is possible to determine the position of a stingray () in reference to
the broad view of the bay; (c) zoomed picture of a stingray () swimming in close proximity to a
swimmer and a school of Australian salmon (Arripis trutta) ().
4.4. Movement Metrics
The stingray trajectories were quantitively described using the total track duration, total distance
covered, mean speed, and sinuosity. Sinuosity was calculated as the ratio of the Euclidian distance
(length of a straight line between the end points of the curve) and the curvilinear length (actual path
length) minus one, ranging from 0 (straight line) to 1 (closed loop). The effect of the tide, diel period,
and presence of humans on these parameters was assessed by a non-parametric comparison of
Figure 6.
) Blimp used as aerial platform for conducting video surveillance; (
) Example of image
taken from the blimp in which it is possible to determine the position of a stingray (
) in reference
to the broad view of the bay; (
) zoomed picture of a stingray (
) swimming in close proximity to a
swimmer and a school of Australian salmon (Arripis trutta) ().
During the surveys, video footage from two large stingray species, each up to 2 m in disc width,
was taken: Bathytoshia brevicaudata and Bathytoshia lata (Figure 6b,c) [
]. Although it was not possible
to distinguish between these species from the video recordings, their large size and colour rendered
them a good target for aerial video surveillance. Visual analysis of the stingray footage allowed the
manual tracing of their movement paths. The oblique view from the camera was transformed into a
perpendicular perspective by using 16 equidistant reference points to precisely determine the location
of each stingray in the video frames of interest. The position of each stingray was recorded every
10 s using ArcGIS Pro 2.0. (ESRI, Redlands, California, USA). The selection of 10 s intervals aimed
to optimise the resolution of the movement paths, while enabling the analysis of a large number of
videos. The complete path of each animal was recorded in the metric X and Y coordinates using the
WGS 1984 Web Mercator coordinate system in ArcGIS Pro.
4.3. Stingray Occurrence
The occurrence of stingrays was measured as the number of independent stingray sightings
within the bay. The influence of the tidal state and diel period on stingray occurrence was assessed
by conducting Chi-Square tests of independence. Analyses were performed in R 4.0.2 [
] using the
chisq.test() specified by Mangiafico [
]. The tidal cycle was divided into two categories, given the
maximum tidal range of 2 m: high tide (>1 m) and low tide (<1 m). Tidal information was obtained
from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology [
] (see Supplementary Figure S1 for information about
the tidal elevation over the entire study period).
Fishes 2020,5, 31 10 of 13
The diel periods covered in this research were constrained between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. due to the
sharing of airspace with other stakeholders (daily flights of a shark patrol helicopter) and the work
hours of lifeguards. Within this time frame, two diel periods were considered. We divided the survey
period into two equal bouts of 3 h: (i) midday, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., producing a range of ~1.5 h from
the meridian position of the sun, which occurred on average at 12.11 p.m.; and (ii) afternoon, from 2 p.m.
to 5 p.m., ~1.5 h after the meridian position of the sun and 2 h before sunset, which occurred on average
at 07.03 p.m. during the surveyed period. The diel periods were set based on the time of sun transit
and the sunset times published by the Geoscience Department of the Australian Government [61].
The interaction between the tidal stages and diel periods could not be tested due to constraints in
the surveying period. The number of sightings during the “low tide-afternoon” and “high tide-midday”
categories were too low to conduct meaningful analyses.
4.4. Movement Metrics
The stingray trajectories were quantitively described using the total track duration, total distance
covered, mean speed, and sinuosity. Sinuosity was calculated as the ratio of the Euclidian distance (length
of a straight line between the end points of the curve) and the curvilinear length (actual path length)
minus one, ranging from 0 (straight line) to 1 (closed loop). The effect of the tide, diel period, and presence
of humans on these parameters was assessed by a non-parametric comparison of means. Analyses
were performed in R using the wilcox.test() specified by Mangiafico [
]. In addition, each section of
the movement paths was categorised according to the region of the beach
(NH, SH, and CA)
in which
it occurred. The mean sinuosity of the stingray paths in each of the three regions was compared in
order to examine differences in stingray behaviour relating to the characteristics of the subhabitat above
which they are swimming. The comparison of means was conducted using the kruskal.test() following
Mangiafico [59].
4.5. Route Fidelity
Route fidelity was assessed through the examination of density maps created with the tool Line
Density from ArcGIS Pro. These maps dierentiate between heavily used and less-frequented areas by
calculating a density index. This index is calculated as the linear distance that stingrays cover within
each square meter of the study area normalised to a range from 0 to 1. In order to examine dierences
in habitat usage between diel periods and tidal states, a density map for each of these categories was
also created.
Supplementary Materials:
The following are available online at
Video S1: taken on 24 January 2018, during high tide and in the midday period; example of a stingray reaching
Kiama Surf Beach through the southern rocky headland and exhibiting an oriented pattern of displacement
parallel to shore. Video S2: taken on 25 January 2018, during high tide and in the midday period; example of a
stingray reaching the bay through the northern headland and crossing the sandflat area exhibiting the described
general pattern. A school of Australian salmon (Arripis trutta) can be observed in the middle of the bay. Video S3:
Two stingrays swimming in close proximity to humans and exhibiting a strikingly dierent pattern to their normal
behaviour during low tide and in the afternoon on 12 January 2018. These movement paths were analysed
separately in the group “human-influenced movement paths”. Figure S1: Tidal elevation (m) obtained from the
Australian Bureau of Meteorology [
]. The timing of the lowest and highest peaks of tide are indicated in the
figure, together with the exact tidal elevation occurring on such peaks.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualisation, D.R.-G. and K.A.; Formal analysis, D.R.-G., K.A. and H.B.;
Funding acquisition, K.A. and A.R.D.; Methodology, D.R.-G., K.A. and H.B.; Project administration, A.R.D.;
Supervision, A.R.D.; Writing—original draft, D.R.-G.; Writing—review and editing, D.R.-G., K.A., H.B. and A.R.D.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
This research was funded by the Centre for Sustainable Ecosystem Solutions and the Global Challenges
Program at the University of Wollongong Australia, the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI Shark
Observation Tower Program and Shark Management Strategy Grants Program), Kiama Municipal Council,
the Save Our Seas Foundation, and the Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship.
We thank Allison Broad, Doug Reeves, and Lifeguard Supervisor Andrew Mole for their
support and assistance with the project and Pablo García Salinas for figure editing.
Fishes 2020,5, 31 11 of 13
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Furthermore, acoustic telemetry requires the rays to be tagged, an expensive and invasive process that can have adverse short-term impacts on fish behavior [61][62][63]. Ruiz-Garcia et al. (2020) [64] used a blimp to track stingrays, including short-tail stingrays (Bathytoshia brevicaudata), in a wave-swept coastal zone, finding that stingray movement was impacted by both diel periods and tidal states. This approach recorded tracks of numerous stingrays but could not follow the movement of the stingray once it left the field of view, resulting in a mean track time of approximately 3 to 4 min. ...
... This study is the first to effectively utilize drones to investigate the fine-scale behav ior of rays. While other approaches such as acoustic telemetry [85] and aerial surveillanc from a blimp [64] have recently been used to observe the movement ecology of rays drones present a low-cost, non-invasive opportunity to collect data for marine animals a a very high resolution. Despite criticism of the limitations presented by the battery life o drones (approximately 30 min for most quad-rotor drones such as those used in thi study), tracks of rays were conducted for extended periods of time, with an average track time of 13 min and 6 s and a maximum of almost 27 min. ...
... Despite criticism of the limitations presented by the battery life o drones (approximately 30 min for most quad-rotor drones such as those used in thi study), tracks of rays were conducted for extended periods of time, with an average track time of 13 min and 6 s and a maximum of almost 27 min. This is an average track tim approximately four times longer than those collected by Ruiz-Garcia et al. (2020) [64] us ing a blimp. The easy maneuverability of drones enabled tracks to occur beyond the op erator's immediate field of view, allowing for track lengths of over 800 m in this study. ...
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Coastal ecosystems are under threat from a range of anthropogenic impacts that disrupt habitat connectivity and the ability for animals to move within them. Understanding fine-scale animal movement provides insight into how animals are responding to these pressures, and underpins effective ecological management and conservation strategies. This study used drones to investigate the drivers of the fine-scale movement of rays in coastal estuaries using the short-tail stingray (Bathytoshia brevicaudata) as a model species. Smaller rays swam with more regular bursts of speed and greater sinuosity than larger individuals, indicating that rays of different sizes alter their fine-scale movement behavior to maintain energetic efficiency. Rays were less likely to spend time resting and swam faster on the high tide compared to the outgoing tide. They were also more likely to exhibit bursts of speed at noon (11 am to 1 pm) than at other times of day. Body size, tide and time of day all influenced ray movement. Understanding the ecological variables that influence the fine-scale movement of rays and the potential for human activities to alter natural behaviors is integral to the implementation of effective management strategies for this group of animals and their ecosystems.
... Additionally, the relationship between stingray abundance and tide height were explored using the Kruskal-Wallis test to account for the possibility of tidally influenced movement patterns (i.e. Brinton and Curran, 2017;Kanno et al., 2019;Ruiz-García et al., 2020). Tide height information was extracted from tidal charts developed for Rabigh, Saudi Arabia (Saudi Aramco, 2019). ...
... The higher abundances of T. lymma in sandflat habitats may be driven, at least in part, by reduced predation risk provided by inhabiting shallow-water (Cartamil et al., 2003;Vaudo and Heithaus, 2013;Davy et al., 2015;Kanno et al., 2019). Stingrays are known to exhibit tidally influenced movements (Brinton and Curran, 2017;Kanno et al., 2019;Ruiz-García et al., 2020). However, the lack of variance in stingray abundance across tidal heights suggests that tide may have little influence on the observed patterns. ...
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Effective conservation strategies are founded by baseline information on abundance and diversity estimates. Method choice can influence the success of baseline surveys as method performance is variable and needs to be selected based on habitat and taxa. Here, we assess the suitability of unoccupied aerial vehicle (UAV) surveys, specifically multi-rotor "drones" , and baited remote underwater video (BRUV) surveys in shallow-water habitats to quantify elasmobranch abundance and diversity in the Saudi Arabian central Red Sea. Our results show that the number of elasmobranchs h −1 observed using UAV surveys exceeded that of BRUV surveys by two orders of magnitude, indicating that the increased spatial coverage of UAV surveys is beneficial for long-term monitoring projects. BRUV surveys detected a greater number of species within reef habitats, whereas UAV surveys detected a greater number of species within sandflat habitats, indicating the value of multi-method approaches for regional biodiversity studies. Here, we provide the first insight into elasmobranchs associated with sandflat habitats in Saudi Arabia, emphasising the importance of these habitats to stingrays and the need for further information on elasmobranch habitat use to better inform management and conservation efforts in the face of rapid coastal developments across the Red Sea.
... The use of a tethered blimp equipped with a camera by Adams et al. (2020a) suggests a non-lethal alternative with a minimal environmental impact. Ruiz-García et al. (2020), who were associated with the same research group, employed the blimp to track stingray movement patterns along the coast of Kiama in Australia. Nevertheless, the detection of animals in deep water and cloudy environments is still considered to be unreliable with blimps. ...
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Autonomous blimps have potential applications in surveillance, monitoring, and advertising. Due to their lower payload capacities and possible unstable flight profile, small blimps have been mostly used in indoor applications. However, recent advancements in their design and control have increased the prospects of deploying them for outdoor applications. This study presents a literature review of various aspects that encompass the unique elements of blimps' design and operations followed by a discussion on the modern applications. The review focuses on advancements made in the fundamental attributes of blimps, including design, propulsion, navigation, and control. The review reveals that recent successes in using blimps for various missions, where heavier-than-air platforms have been usually used, highlight the potential for blimps to offer a lightweight and low-risk alternative. The relatively stable operation of blimps in low winds and longer-duration hovering capability can make them a preferred platform for rescue, source localization, and space applications. However, their stability in extreme environments is a challenge, in addition to their lower mobility and problems in accurately predicting control parameters. Thus, this review concludes with an overview of blimps' futuristic applications of miniature blimps and recommendations to address the challenges in using them in real-world missions.
... Despite the comprehensive use of drones to examine other marine animals [2,4,5], however, their use in ray studies has lagged behind other charismatic marine fauna. Habitat destruction as a result of coastal development is a developing threat that is influencing rays by modifying their habitats [6], and in conjunction with fisheries' impacts, the risk of extinction for rays has increased over the last half century [7,8]. It is therefore concerning that so few studies have adopted drones as a tool to study these threatened animals. ...
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The use of drones to study the behaviours of marine animals is increasing, yet the potential effects of drones on natural behaviours are poorly understood. Here, we assessed if a small consumer drone produced behavioural changes in a ray common to New South Wales, Australia, the estuary stingray (Dasyatis fluviorum). A drone was flown directly above a total of 50 individual stingrays, the altitude above that ray was progressively reduced, and any behavioural changes were recorded. While stingrays demonstrated a range of behaviours, these behaviours rarely changed during drone observations (n = 6 or 12% of flights), and no change in the type of behaviour or number of behavioural changes was observed as the altitude decreased. These results suggest that consumer drones have little visible impact on stingray behaviour but do not exclude potential physiological responses. As a result, we recommend that when conducting drone-based stingray research, operators fly at the highest altitude possible that allows monitoring of features of interest, and we conclude that drones are effective tools for assessing natural stingray behaviours.
... This increase could correspond to an increase in SST over the duration of the day (+ 0.65 C ± 0.26, mean ± S.D.), with sharks moving into the shallow warmer habitat to behaviourally thermoregulate (Economakis & Lobel, 1998, Hight & Lowe, 2007, Speed et al., 2012, Thums et al., 2013. Continued sampling will determine the extent of the patterns observed between predictor variables (wind speed, SST and tidal height) and shark abundance, as has been shown from the aerial surveying of other elasmobranch species (DiGiacomo et al., 2020, Ruiz-García et al., 2020, Kaijura and Tellman, 2016. ...
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Cabo Pulmo National Park was established in 1995 and has since seen a large increase in fish biomass. An unoccupied aerial vehicle (UAV) was used to survey shallow coastal habitat in which lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris), bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) and Pacific nurse sharks (Ginglymostoma unami) were recorded. Sharks were more common in the afternoon, potentially using warmer shallow areas to behaviourally thermoregulate. This study highlights UAV surveying to be a viable tool for species identification, a limitation of previous terrestrial surveys conducted in the area.
... Continuing to publish protocols for studying rays can also provide effective solutions and problem-solving skills to ray researchers using drones as some species may be more sensitive to drone impacts. Blimps have also been successfully to observe ray movement within coastal ecosystems and represent a viable alternative, particularly for species showing sensitivity to drone impacts [69]. ...
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The way an animal behaves in its habitat provides insight into its ecological role. As such, collecting robust, accurate datasets in a time-efficient manner is an ever-present pressure for the field of behavioural ecology. Faced with the shortcomings and physical limitations of traditional ground-based data collection techniques, particularly in marine studies, drones offer a low-cost and efficient approach for collecting data in a range of coastal environments. Despite drones being widely used to monitor a range of marine animals, they currently remain underutilised in ray research. The innovative application of drones in environmental and ecological studies has presented novel opportunities in animal observation and habitat assessment, although this emerging field faces substantial challenges. As we consider the possibility to monitor rays using drones, we face challenges related to local aviation regulations, the weather and environment, as well as sensor and platform limitations. Promising solutions continue to be developed, however, growing the potential for drone-based monitoring of behaviour and habitat use of rays. While the barriers to enter this field may appear daunting for researchers with little experience with drones, the technology is becoming increasingly accessible, helping ray researchers obtain a wide range of highly useful data.
Elasmobranch populations are decreasing rapidly worldwide due to anthropogenic exploitation such as commercial fishing, where targeted shark fisheries and accidental bycatches harvest more than 100 millions sharks yearly. With constantly changing biodiversity, species composition and conservational statuses of marine megafauna, frequent research and constant updates on species distribution and abundances in an area is highly necessary for initiating and maintaining conservational actions. Ecotourism operations such as shark-cage diving operators strongly rely on sustainable and functioning ecosystems and wildlife in order to utilize these for tourism purposes. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of parameters influencing presence and abundances of sympatric species around a shark-cage diving vessel in Gansbaai, South Africa. Significant relationships between sea surface temperature and abundance was found for Carcharodon carcharias 27 (t=-4,42, p<0,05), Carcharhinus brachyurus (t= 8,46, p<0,05) and Arctocephalus pusillus (t = 2,7, p<0,05) but not for Bathytoshia brevicaudata (t= 0,15, p>0,05). These relationships revealed unexplained changes in abundance caused by additional parameters. Interspecific interactions primarily between Carcharhinus brachyurus and Carcharodon carcharias was found to affect the abundance of the respective species. The abundance of C. brachyurus were lower in the presence of C. carcharias longer than 4 m TL, compared to in the presence of smaller (<4 m TL) individuals or complete absence of C. carcharias. A probabilistic co-occurrence analysis and a Generalized Additive Model (GAM) were used to investigate interspecific interactions between these two species, supporting the hypotheses of species-and size-regulated hierarchies around a shark-cage diving vessel. The co-occurrence analysis also suggested negative associations between C. brachyurus and large C. carcharias (>4 m TL, P Low = 0,008 and P High = 0,999). The GAM revealed significant increases in C. brachyurus abundance over the duration of the deployments in absence of C. carcharias (edf= 8,79, p<0,005). In the presence of C. carcharias no significant change in C. brachyurus abundance was found (edf= 2,48, p= 0,101), however, a strong trend in declining abundance over time was revealed. These findings are most important to further understand interspecific interactions of sharks and their abundances around ecotourism vessels, and are hoped to contribute to future research enabling sustainable shark populations and ecotourism.
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In the last decade, drones have become an affordable technology offering highly mobile aerial platforms that can carry a range of sensory equipment into hitherto uncharted areas. Drones have thus become a widely applicable tool for surveying animal populations and habitats to assist conservation efforts or to study the behavioural ecology of species by monitoring individual and group behaviour. Here, we review current applications for drone surveys and the potential of recently developed computer algorithms for automatic species detection and individual tracking in drone footage. We further review which factors are reportedly associated with animal disturbance during drone presentations and how drones may be used to study anti‐predator behaviour. Drone surveys of species and their environments allow scientists to create digital terrain models of habitats, estimate species abundance, monitor individual behaviour and study the composition, spatial organization and movement of groups. As drones can influence the behaviour of many bird and mammal species directly, they also provide an experimental tool to study animal responses to novel situations, including the drone itself. We conclude that the combined use of drones and automated detection software can assist population estimates and opens new possibilities to study individual and collective behaviour. With regard to drone‐related disturbance and their potential use as predator models, we recommend to interpret results against the background of population‐specific predation pressure and sources of anthropogenic disturbance.
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The rapid expansion of human activities threatens ocean-wide biodiversity. Numerous marine animal populations have declined, yet it remains unclear whether these trends are symptomatic of a chronic accumulation of global marine extinction risk. We present the first systematic analysis of threat for a globally distributed lineage of 1,041 chondrichthyan fishes-sharks, rays, and chimaeras. We estimate that one-quarter are threatened according to IUCN Red List criteria due to overfishing (targeted and incidental). Large-bodied, shallow-water species are at greatest risk and five out of the seven most threatened families are rays. Overall chondrichthyan extinction risk is substantially higher than for most other vertebrates, and only one-third of species are considered safe. Population depletion has occurred throughout the world's ice-free waters, but is particularly prevalent in the Indo-Pacific Biodiversity Triangle and Mediterranean Sea. Improved management of fisheries and trade is urgently needed to avoid extinctions and promote population recovery.
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While aerial shark spotting has been a standard practice for beach safety for decades, new technologies offer enhanced opportunities, ranging from drones/unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that provide new viewing capabilities, to new apps that provide beachgoers with up-to-date risk analysis before entering the water. This report describes the Sharkeye platform, a first-of-its-kind project to demonstrate personal shark alerting for beachgoers in the water and on land, leveraging innovative UAV image collection, cloud-hosted machine learning detection algorithms, and reporting via smart wearables. To execute, our team developed a novel detection algorithm trained via machine learning based on aerial footage of real sharks and rays collected at local beaches, hosted and deployed the algorithm in the cloud, and integrated push alerts to beachgoers in the water via a shark app to run on smartwatches. The project was successfully trialed in the field in Kiama, Australia, with over 350 detection events recorded, followed by the alerting of multiple smartwatches simultaneously both on land and in the water, and with analysis capable of detecting shark analogues, rays, and surfers in average beach conditions, and all based on ~1 h of training data in total. Additional demonstrations showed potential of the system to enable lifeguard-swimmer communication, and the ability to create a network on demand to enable the platform. Our system was developed to provide swimmers and surfers with immediate information via smart apps, empowering lifeguards/lifesavers and beachgoers to prevent unwanted encounters with wildlife before it happens.
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Stingrays are thought to play important ecological roles in coral reef ecosystems. However, little is known about juvenile stingray movement patterns and habitat use in coral reefs. This study used active acoustic telemetry to determine fine-scale diel movement patterns and habitat use of juvenile cowtail stingrays (Pastinachus ater) in a coral reef flat environment. Seven cowtail stingrays (4 males and 3 females) were manually tracked between April and December 2016. Each individual was tracked over 2 days, generating a total of 14 active tracks ranging from 4.91 to 9 h. Specimens moved at an average speed of 2.44 m min⁻¹ ± 0.87 SE, with minimum distances travelled ranging from 546 to 1446 m. Tracking data showed that juvenile cowtail stingrays move in response to tidal cycles, moving faster and in straighter pathways during incoming and outgoing tides. Juvenile cowtail stingrays also showed a strong affinity to sand flat areas and mangrove edge areas. These areas provide food resources and potential refuges for juvenile rays to avoid predators. Coral reef flats were identified as secondary refuge for juveniles during the lowest tides. Future research is necessary to fully unveil the major drivers of juvenile cowtail stingray seasonal and ontogenetic movement patterns and habitat use within coral reef flat environments. This information is important to establish a full understanding of juvenile cowtail stingray ecology, but could also improve management and conservation policies.
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Background: California horn sharks (Heterodontus francisci) are nocturnally active, non-obligate ram ventilating sharks in rocky reef habitats that play an important ecological role in regulating invertebrate communities. We predicted horn sharks would use an area restricted search (ARS) movement strategy to locate dense resource patches while minimizing energetic costs of travel and nighttime activity. As ectotherms, we predicted environmental temperature would play a significant role in driving movement and activity patterns. Methods: Continuous active acoustic tracking methods and acceleration data loggers were used to quantify the diel fine-scale spatial movements and activity patterns of horn sharks. First passage time was used to identify the scale and locations of patches indicative of ARS. Activity was assessed using overall dynamic body acceleration (ODBA) as a proxy for energy expenditure. Behavior within a patch was characterized into three activity patterns: resting, episodic burst activity, and moderate, consistent activity. Results: After resting in daytime shelters, individuals travelled to multiple reefs throughout the night, traversing through depths of 2-112 m and temperatures of 10.0-23.8 °C. All sharks exhibited area restricted search patch use and arrived at their first patch approximately 3.4 ± 2.2 h (mean ± SD) after sunset. Sharks exhibited moderate, consistent activity in 54% of the patches used, episodic burst activity in 33%, and few (13%) were identified as resting at night. ODBA peaked while sharks were swimming through relatively deeper (~ 30 m), colder channels when traversing from one patch to the next. There was no consistent pattern between ODBA and temperature. Conclusions: We provide one of the largest fine-scale, high-resolution paired data sets for an elasmobranch movement ecology study. Horn sharks exhibited ARS movement patterns for various activity patterns. Individuals likely travel to reefs known to have profitable and predictable patches, potentially tolerating less suitable environmental temperatures. We demonstrate how gathering high-resolution information on the movement decisions of a community resident enhances knowledge of community structure and overall ecosystem function.
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The use of bio-logging devices is important for describing behaviour, energy expenditure and activity budgets of cryptic marine organisms. In stingrays, the physical deployment of bio-logging devices is challenging due to their lack of raised structures or hard tissue for attachment. Previous studies have used a range of attachment techniques on various locations, including the pectoral musculature of the discs, spiracular cartilage or tail musculature. For devices such as accelerometers that capture precise animal movement, appropriate attachment and retention are important for collecting data that are representative of animal movement. Here, we detail a novel attachment method for bio-logging devices on stingrays using triaxial accelerometers that were attached through the musculature at the base of the tail of ten wild southern stingrays (Hypanus americanus). Data returned upon recapture suggest that stingrays exhibited active and non-active states and had the highest activity levels (vector sum acceleration) during the night with no apparent tide-associated activity patterns. Tag retention was 100% for all recaptured individuals (n = 8), with deployments lasting from 13 to 212 days. Wounds associated with the tagging process were completely healed for individuals that were recaptured after tag removal (n = 3). High rates of tag retention, usability and ecological significance of retrieved data, and complete healing following tag removal suggest that the methods described herein should be considered when attaching small bio-logging devices to large demersal rays for short- (weeks)-to-medium-term (months) studies.
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The effects of underwater noise pollution on marine life are of increasing concern. Research and management have focussed on the strongest underwater sound sources. Aerial sound sources have understandably been ignored as sound transmits poorly across the air-water interface. However, there might be situations when air-borne noise cannot be dismissed. Commercial passenger airplanes were recorded in a coastal underwater soundscape exhibiting broadband received levels of 84–132 dB re 1 μPa rms. Power spectral density levels of airplane noise underwater exceeded ambient levels between 12 Hz and 2 or 10 kHz (depending on site) by up to 36 dB. Underwater noise from airplanes is expected to be audible to a variety of marine fauna, including seals, manatees, and dolphins. With many of the world's airports lying close to the coast, it is cautioned that airplane noise not be ignored, in particular in the case of at-risk species in small, confined habitats.
Aerial surveys are a powerful means of collecting ecological data in terrestrial and marine systems that may otherwise be difficult to acquire. Increasingly aerial observations are made with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), such as drones. As this technology has improved in reliability and affordability it has replaced the traditional use of fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters. Drones do, however, have limitations; primarily in their limited flight duration, potential to disturb wildlife and concerns over safety. Here we introduce an aerostat, a ground tethered blimp, as a logistically simple and economical alternative to drones and other aircraft. Blimps differ from drones by using helium for lift, thereby conserving battery life. This technology offers the advantage of near-continuous coverage of locations, as well as providing a safe and accessible alternative aerial platform for a range of applications. We demonstrate the viability of blimp-mounted cameras in a notoriously difficult area to conduct research: the high-energy nearshore marine zone. Specifically, we sought to determine the likelihood of encountering marine megafauna using real-time video and whether their presence was correlated with the occurrence of baitfish. Stingrays were observed more often than other species and the occurrence of seals was correlated with the presence of baitfish. The continuous coverage allowed the observation of foraging behaviour in sharks and seals for extended periods. This demonstrates the utility of this novel technique to improve human safety and enhance ecological research.
GPS telemetry provides high-accuracy spatial data on animal movement; however, it has rarely been used with benthic organisms, such as stingrays, because of their irregular surfacing behaviour or bottom-dwelling habits. This study evaluated the use of towed-float GPS tags to assess movements of juvenile stingrays, with active tracking performed simultaneously for comparison. Four juvenile Urogymnus granulatus individuals (2 females and 2 males; average 32.2-cm disc width) were tracked in April 2016. Individuals travelled 1332.15±269.58m south-east across Pioneer Bay at an average speed of 6.87mmin–1 in 3.7h. Stationary tests demonstrated that the quality of the data obtained by towed-float GPS tags could not be matched by active, acoustic or ARGOS telemetry, reaching, on average, 99% of successful fixes and <15-m accuracy. Location error varied significantly based on the number of satellites detected, with error decreasing as the satellite number increased. This study demonstrated the potential of towed-float GPS telemetry for high-resolution assessment of movement patterns and habitat use of juvenile stingrays in shallow coastal water. If well applied, this technique can increase our knowledge of juvenile stingray ecology and their essential habitats.
Mangroves are highly productive habitats offering many elasmobranch species abundant food resources and physical refuge from predators, which can be important for survival of juveniles. However, habitat use and behavioural patterns of stingrays are poorly understood within mangrove areas, and the drivers of direct use of mangroves remain unclear. Stationary video monitoring was used to investigate fine-scale spatial use by juvenile mangrove whiprays Urogymnus granulatus and cowtail stingrays Pastinachus ater in a mangrove-fringed intertidal area in Pioneer Bay, Orpheus Island, northeast Australia. Abundance, residence time and behaviour were compared among 3 different habitats (inside mangroves, mangrove edge and sandflat) between summer and winter. Abundance of U. granulatus was not significantly different between seasons, while P. ater was significantly more abundant in summer than in winter, suggesting a seasonal habitat shift. U. granulatus exhibited tide-associated movement, with individuals occupying mangroves during flood tides and moving to sandflats at ebb tides. Juvenile U. granulatus were frequently observed feeding within mangrove habitats. P. ater predominantly occurred on sandflats regardless of tidal height and were observed feeding only on sandflats, confirming the possible importance of sandflats for feeding by this species. Potential predators rarely occurred in these mangrove habitats, suggesting that U. granulatus reduced predation risk by residing in flooded mangrove habitats. Mangroves can form a critical habitat for early life stages of many species, and their loss may have significant negative effects on populations of these species.
Arguments for the need to conserve aquatic predator (AP) populations often focus on the ecological and socioeconomic roles they play. Here, we summarize the diverse ecosystem functions and services connected to APs, including regulating food webs, cycling nutrients, engineering habitats, transmitting diseases/parasites, mediating ecological invasions, affecting climate, supporting fisheries, generating tourism, and providing bioinspiration. In some cases, human-driven declines and increases in AP populations have altered these ecosystem functions and services. We present a social ecological framework for supporting adaptive management decisions involving APs in response to social and environmental change. We also identify outstanding questions to guide future research on the ecological functions and ecosystem services of APs in a changing world.