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On Not Confusing the Tree of Trustworthy Statistics with the Greater Forest of Good Science: A Comment on Simmons et al.'s Perspective on Preregistration


Abstract and Figures

In this commentary on Simmons, Nelson, and Simonsohn (this issue), we examine their rationale for preregistration within the broader perspective of what good science is. We agree that there is potential benefit in a system of preregistration if implemented selectively. However, we believe that other tools of open science such as the full sharing of study materials and open access to underlying data, provide most of the same benefits—and more (i.e., the prevention of outright fraud)—without risking the potential adverse consequences of a system of preregistration. This is why we favor these other means of controlling type-I error and fostering transparency. Direct replication, as opposed to conceptual replication, should be encouraged as well.
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On Not Confusing the Tree of Trustworthy Statistics with the Greater Forest of Good Science:
A Comment on Simmons et al.’s Perspective on Preregistration
Michel Tuan Pham1 and Travis Tae Oh2
1Columbia University
2Yeshiva University
Too appear as a commentary as part of a Research Dialogue on Preregistration in the Journal of
Consumer Psychology, Vol. 21 (1), January 2021 ( A related
commentary article, titled Preregistration Is Neither Sufficient nor Necessary for Good
Science, appears in the same issue (
In this commentary on Simmons, Nelson, and Simonsohn (this issue), we examine their
rationale for preregistration within the broader perspective of what good science is. We agree
that there is potential benefit in a system of preregistration if implemented selectively. However,
we believe that other tools of open science such as the full sharing of study materials and open
access to underlying data, provide most of the same benefitsand more (i.e., the prevention of
outright fraud)without risking the potential adverse consequences of a system of
preregistration. This is why we favor these other means of controlling type-I error and fostering
transparency. Direct replication, as opposed to conceptual replication, should be encouraged as
In their target article, Simmons, Nelson, and Simonsohn (SNS, this issue) summarize the
theoretical rationale for the use of preregistration as a scientific practice and provide some
practical recommendations on how to make preregistrations most effective. By and large, the
arguments that SNS summarize in their article parallel those advanced in previous articles
championing the practice of preregistration (e.g., Nosek et al., 2018; van’t Veer and Giner-
Sorolla, 2016). However, whereas prior discussions of preregistration focused on its contribution
to transparency and open science, SNS place a relatively greater emphasis on the benefits of
preregistration with respect to preventing “p-hacking” in order to increase confidence in
empirical findings.
As stated in our own target article (Pham & Oh, this issue), we fundamentally support the
Open Science movement’s goal of fostering greater transparency and reproducibility of scientific
findings. Hence, we fully agree with SNS’s view that social sciences—like all other sciences
need to be based on correct facts. To this end, we concur that effective means of curbing the
practice of p-hacking are needed, and, as conveyed in our target article, we do see some merit in
certain uses of preregistration (e.g., verifying the effect size and boundary conditions of research
findings for business and policy applications; setting a higher bar for research that challenges
well-established scientific beliefs).
Notwithstanding our reservations about preregistration as a scientific norm, we
additionally find SNS’s practical guidelines on the implementation of preregistration quite
useful. As these authors explain, on the website, preregistrations involve
submitting answers to a small number of specific questions. In their target article, SNS provide
examples of good and bad answers to these questions, along with a brief explanation (see their
Table 1). We find these examples to be very helpful, and we agree that they ease the procedural
cost of preregistering. The checklist that SNS provide to both researchers and reviewers is also
helpful. As we noted in our target article, a proper system of preregistration requires a
complementary system of monitoring, which SNS suggest should be handled by journal
reviewers; they offer specific recommendations on how reviewers should evaluate the
conformance of journal submissions with the corresponding preregistrations. These suggestions
make sense.
Where our and SNS’s positions on preregistration differ is that SNS focus primarily on
how preregistration can help reduce p-hacking, thereby increasing the trustworthiness of test
statistics, whereas we consider preregistration from a broader perspective of fostering better
science. From this larger perspective, limitations, opportunity costs, and adverse effects of
preregistration that are not otherwise obvious become more apparent. It is these issues that make
us more hesitant about an unconditional embrace of preregistration as a scientific norm.
What is Good Science?
As illustrated in Figure 1, we believe that good science is a function of (a) the tools that
the scientists use; (b) the epistemological criteria that the research meets; (c) core qualities of the
scientific outputs produced; and (d) how well those scientific outputs help fulfill broader societal
The Tools of Science
Good science is not just the appropriate use of statistics or the design of clean
experiments. It involves a whole range of processes and tools that contribute to the eventual
production of trustworthy and useful scientific evidence. One of these is keen observation, which
facilitates the detection of interesting phenomena that are worthy of further investigation.
Another tool is exploration, which the inquisitive scientist uses to probe things to unearth what
lies below the surface. A third tool is a formal hypothesis, which crystallizes the scientist’s core
prediction and intended contribution. A fourth tool is a strong study design and set of procedures,
which enable a diagnostic test of the researcher’s hypothesis.
Another essential component of good science is a rigorous analysis of the data: Is the
analysis appropriate for the data at hand and performed correctly? Are the conclusions drawn
from the analysis accurate? Following the analysis, a proper reporting of the researchits
objectives, methodology, results, and conclusionswould be accurate, clear, and complete.
The quality of science also depends on the direct replication of the studies by the
researchers themselves, which in our opinion is not performed often enough. Such a practice, if
more widely adopted, would go a long way toward reducing the rate of type-I error, the primary
motivation behind SNS’s embrace of preregistration. Conceptual replication is also helpful,
especially for evaluating the generalizability of empirical findings. However, contrary to what
some authors have suggested (Lynch et al., 2015), it is not a substitute for direct replication (see
Pashler & Harris, 2012).
The next set of tools is more institutional. Obviously, an effective peer-review process
plays an important role in the quality of science. Ideally, the review process should balance the
risk of type-I and type-II error. However, major journals tend to put relatively greater emphasis
on the control of type-I error, which is also SNS’s primary focus. We believe that, somewhat
paradoxically, it is the very focus on the control of type-I error with a nominal threshold of p <
.05 that has contributed to the problems of p-hacking that SNS have pointed out in their
influential work (e.g., Simmons, Nelson, & Simonsohn, 2011; Simonsohn, Nelson, and
Simmons, 2014).
The Open Science movement has championed another set of tools that are meant to
promote the transparency and reproducibility of science (Nosek et al., 2015). These tools are
identified with dashed boxes in Figure 1. They include (a) the full sharing of methodological and
analytical details of each study (stimuli, instruments, programming codes, etc.); (b) open access
to the study data; (c) the independent replication of published research; and (d) the
preregistration of studies, which is the focus of this dialogue and SNS’s article. As shown in
Figure 1, these Open Science tools and the more classic tools described earlier help support a
variety of epistemological ideals that define good science.
Scientific Ideals
Good science is defined not just by the tools that it employs but also by the
epistemological ideals that guide the research. At the very heart of these ideals is a fundamental
principle of veridicality. Science must be about verifiable truths. When SNS describe the job of
the scientist as involving (a) the discovery of true facts about the world, and (b) interpreting
those facts for theories, they are referring to this principle. Veridicality entails the controlling of
type-I error, so that false results are not interpreted as “true,” which is SNS’s primary concern.
However, we would argue that the principle of veridicality also entails the control of type-II
error, so that true results are not disregarded as “false.” In addition to balancing type-I and type-
II errors, the principle of veridicality assumes the integrity of data, which presumes the absence
of fraud. A final aspect of veridicality is the robustness of data patterns across minor variations
in methodology that are not theoretically meaningful (e.g., the use of slightly different stimuli,
alternative definitions of outliers, different batches of respondents across experiments).
Other ideals of good science involve transparency, which is a primary goal of the Open
Science movement, and generalizability, without which science would lose much of its purpose.
Empirical findings that are not generalizable beyond the limited confines of the setting where
they were observed (e.g., consulting projects) are of limited scientific value.
Although the following are not always considered when evaluating science, we believe
that good science additionally depends on two principles: (a) novelty/insight and (b) relevance.
Good science does not just uncover facts that are true; it also uncovers facts that teach us
something that (a) we did not already know, and (b) is relevant and meaningful to some external
constituents. In fact, as we suggested in our target article, the main problem within our field may
not be the undetected presence of false-positive results but the considerable proportion of
research with limited relevance (Pham, 2013; see also Inman, 2012).
Scientific Outputs
The quality of science further depends on the quality of outputs that it produces. The
main goal of science is to provide evidence that is trustworthy, or (as SNS refer to this) true
facts.” On top of this, we believe that good science produces evidence that, in addition to being
trustworthy, is useful. The discovery of a true fact that is not useful is not a good use of science.
In other words, not all evidence that is trustworthy is necessary useful, although only evidence
that is trustworthy can potentially be useful.
Figure 1. The Big Picture of Good Science. Note: Solid lines denote a positive impact. Dashed
boxes denote major Open Science tools.
Scientific Contribution
Eventually, science should be judged by the degree to which its outputs help fulfill
broader societal goals, such as (a) enriching our knowledge and understanding of the world, (b)
enabling valuable practical applications, and (c) enhancing society’s welfare. Such
considerations make it clear that good science does not depend solely on the trustworthiness of
the evidence that it yields; it additionally depends on the usefulness of this evidence to various
constituents within the broader society.
Assessing Preregistration within the Bigger Picture of Good Science
Now that we have mapped out the full picture of what good science is, let us review the
role that preregistration plays within this big picture. In theory, as explained by SNS,
preregistration’s primary function in science is two-fold: (a) to control for type-I error by
preventing researchers from engaging in p-hacking practices, and (b) to increase transparency by
maintaining a publicly accessible repository of preregistrations (see Figure 2). However, as SNS
point out, this does not prevent outright fraud through data fabrication, nor does it prevent the
deceptive practice of preregistering after results are known. Interestingly, other open-science
practices such as the full sharing of study materials and open access to the study data may be
more effective in terms of fraud prevention, while also providing significant (though not perfect)
protection against p-hacking and false-positive results.
Figure 2. Preregistration’s influence on other scientific tools and ideals. Note: A solid line
denotes a positive impact, whereas a dotted line denotes the possibility of a negative impact.
As SNS point out, the preregistration of a study and its analysis does not guarantee that a
study is not confounded or that the specified analysis is valid (which we also noted in our target
article). Nor does preregistration guarantee generalizability (as pointed out in our article as well).
These observations highlight the importance of not elevating preregistration above other classic
scientific tools such as strong design and procedure, rigorous analysis, direct replication,
conceptual replication, effective reviewing, etc. This is what we mean when we claim that
preregistration is not sufficient for good science. These observations additionally illustrate the
importance of considering the effects of preregistration on other tools and ideals of the overall
scientific enterprise.
A full picture of what good science is raises a whole class of potential issues with a
micro-system of preregistration, if it is implemented without a full consideration of its total
impact on the macro-system of science (see Figure 1). Within a macro-system, any change in
policy can have unintended adverse consequences. As we explain in our target article, our
reservations concerning a policy of preregistration involve the risk of potential adverse effects
that may eventually harm the quality of science within our field. These include (a) a likely
reduction in researchers’ willingness to explore (despite SNS’s insistence that preregistration
does not preclude exploration); (b) a significant lack of flexibility in the face of unforeseeable
circumstances (see our discussion of the Field et al. [2020] study in our target article); (c) a bias
toward studies that are “easy” to preregister (e.g., simple MTurk vignette studies) rather than
studies that are more informative; and (d) a preference for research hypotheses that are obvious
and thus more likely to be empirically supported, rather than hypotheses that are important and
relevant. Such unintended consequences would be detrimental to the scientific ideals of
relevance, novelty and insight, and proper control of type-II error. In addition, the fact that the
preregistration of studies can serve as a heuristic signal of trustworthinesswhich SNS portray
as a major benefit of preregistrationincreases (e) the risk of distortion of the review process if
the preregistration signal is actually fake, which, as discussed in our target article, is a real
SNS argue that the mandatory registration of clinical trials in the medical and
pharmaceutical field is a norm that consumer research should emulate. This analogy is
misguided. Clinical medical trials are performed at the end of a very long research and
development process that involves many earlier stages of preclinical research that is largely
exploratory (e.g., analyses of alternate compounds, assay development, toxicology analyses).
Most consumer research is much more akin to the preclinical stages of medical and
pharmaceutical research than to the clinical stages that SNS encourage the field to emulate.
Research that is genuinely intended for managerial application or policy intervention would be
more comparable to the type of research that warrant clinical trials. And for those, we do support
preregistration, as stated in our target article.
To conclude, we agree that there is potential benefit in a system of preregistration if
implemented selectively (e.g., testing the effect size and boundary conditions of research
findings for business and policy applications). However, we believe that other open-science
tools, such as the full sharing of study materials and open access to underlying data, provide
most of the same benefitsand more (i.e., the prevention of outright fraud)without risking the
potential adverse consequences of a system of preregistration. This is why we favor these other
means of controlling type-I error and fostering transparency. Direct replication, as opposed to
conceptual replication, should be encouraged as well.
Field, S. M., Wagenmakers, E.-J., Kiers, H. A. L., Hoekstra, R., Ernst, A. F., and Ravenzwaaij,
D. V. (2020). The effect of preregistration on trust in empirical research findings: Results of
a registered report. Royal Society Open Science, 7, 181351.
Inman, J. J. (2012). Presidential address: The elephant not in the roomThe need for useful,
actionable insights in behavioral research. Association for Consumer Research conference,
Vancouver, Canada, October.
Lynch, J. G., Bradlow, E. T., Huber, J. C., and Lehmann D. R. (2015). Reflections on the
replication corner: In praise of conceptual replications. International Journal of Research in
Marketing, 32(4), 333342.
Nosek, B. A., Alter, G., Banks, G. C., Borsboom, D., Bowman, S. D., Breckler, S. J., …Yarkoni,
T. (2015). Promoting an open research culture. Science, 348(6242), 14221425.
Nosek, B. A., Ebersole, C. R., DeHaven, A. C., and Mellor, D. T. (2018). The preregistration
revolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(11), 26002606.
Pashler, H., and Harris, C. R. (2012). Is the replicability crisis overblown? Three arguments
examined. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 7(6), 531536.
Pham, M. T. (2013). The seven sins of consumer psychology. Journal of Consumer Psychology,
23(4), 411423.
Simmons, J. P., Nelson, L. D., and Simonsohn, U. (2011). False-positive psychology:
Undisclosed flexibility in data collection and analysis allows presenting anything as
significant. Psychological Science, 22(11), 13591366.
Simonsohn, U., Nelson, L. D., and Simmons, J. P. (2014). P-curve: A key to the file-drawer.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143(2), 534547.
Simmons, J. P., Nelson, L. D., & Simonsohn, U. (this issue). Pre-registration: Why and How.
Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 31 (1).
van't Veer, A. E., and Giner-Sorolla, R. (2016). Pre-registration in social psychologya
discussion and suggested template. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 67, 212.
... While the previous section described a number of benefits and potential advantages of preregistration this is not to say that there are no concerns about or arguments against the practice (see e.g., Goldin-Meadow, 2016;Oberauer & Lewandowsky, 2019;Pham & Oh, 2021aSzollosi et al., 2020). Nevertheless, many of the common critiques found in current discussions appear to be better characterized as misconceptions about preregistration rather than actual reasons not to preregister. ...
... Nevertheless, many of the common critiques found in current discussions appear to be better characterized as misconceptions about preregistration rather than actual reasons not to preregister. A recent exchange in the Journal of Consumer Psychology (Pham & Oh, 2021aSimmons et al., 2021aSimmons et al., , 2021b detailed arguments for and against preregistration. This section draws from this exchange and highlights four common critiques and misconceptions: Preregistration stifles creativity, Preregistration is too onerous (for both authors and reviewers), Preregistration is not suitable for all research types, and Preregistration prevents fraud and increases study quality but will result in reduced productivity. ...
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This volume, featuring 14 chapters from some of the most forward-thinking scholars applied linguistics, seeks to provide and equip readers with an in-depth and field-specific understanding of OS principles and practices. As evident in the table of contents, the chapters cover a range of topics related to OS. Some are largely conceptual, seeking to foster an understanding of the rationales for OS as well as the open science ethic; others are much more practical, offering hands-on guidance for OS practices (e.g., preregistration, data sharing) whether at the individual researcher, journal, or programmatic level.
... These practices have gained increasing acceptance, especially in the health sciences, medicine, and psychology (Hagger, 2022;Nosek et al., 2018). Many funding agencies, including the National Institutes of Health (2023) (Krishna, 2021;Pham & Oh, 2021;Simmons et al., 2021) and information systems (Bogert et al., 2021;Doyle, 2021). Leading journals, such as MIS Quarterly and Nature Human Behavior, are currently trialing registered reports and preregistration, along with the open sharing of materials. ...
... 1shows the PRISMA flowchart outlining the article screening and selection resulting in 568 articles included in our analysis.10 We focus on marketing research as it is a popular area for PLS-SEM applications and has been the subject of debates on open science practices and replicability in recent years (see, e.g.,Babin et al., 2021;Krishna, 2021;Labroo et al., 2022;Pham & Oh, 2021;Simmons et al., 2021). ...
Driven by the high-profile failures to reproduce and replicate published findings, there have been increasing demands to adopt open science practices across scientific disciplines in order to enhance research transparency. Critics have highlighted the use of underpowered studies and researchers’ analytical degrees of freedom as factors contributing to these issues. Despite methodological advances and updated guidelines, similar concerns persist regarding studies utilizing partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Open science practices can help alleviate these concerns by facilitating transparency in PLS-SEM-based studies. However, the current level of adherence to these practices remains unknown. In this article, we conduct a comprehensive literature review of leading marketing journals to assess the extent to which open science practices are implemented in PLS-SEM-based studies. Based on the observed lack of adoption, we propose a PLS-SEM-specific preregistration template that researchers can use to foster transparency in their analyses, thereby bolstering confidence in their findings.
... These practices have gained increasing acceptance, especially in the health sciences, medicine, and psychology (Hagger, 2022;Nosek et al., 2018). Many funding agencies, including the National Institutes of Health (2023) (Krishna, 2021;Pham & Oh, 2021;Simmons et al., 2021) and information systems (Bogert et al., 2021;Doyle, 2021). Leading journals, such as MIS Quarterly and Nature Human Behavior, are currently trialing registered reports and preregistration, along with the open sharing of materials. ...
... 1shows the PRISMA flowchart outlining the article screening and selection resulting in 568 articles included in our analysis.10 We focus on marketing research as it is a popular area for PLS-SEM applications and has been the subject of debates on open science practices and replicability in recent years (see, e.g.,Babin et al., 2021;Krishna, 2021;Labroo et al., 2022;Pham & Oh, 2021;Simmons et al., 2021). ...
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Driven by the high-profile failures to reproduce and replicate published findings, there have been increasing demands to adopt open science practices across scientific disciplines in order to enhance research transparency. Critics have highlighted the use of underpowered studies and researchers’ analytical degrees of freedom as factors contributing to these issues. Despite methodological advances and updated guidelines, similar concerns persist regarding studies utilizing partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Open science practices can help alleviate these concerns by facilitating transparency in PLS-SEM-based studies. However, the current level of adherence to these practices remains unknown. In this article, we conduct a comprehensive literature review of leading marketing journals to assess the extent to which open science practices are implemented in PLS-SEM-based studies. Based on the observed lack of adoption, we propose a PLS-SEM-specific preregistration template that researchers can use to foster transparency in their analyses, thereby bolstering confidence in their findings.
... Some of the main critiques of preregistration appear to stem from misunderstandings regarding the practice (for a more detailed discussion, see Huensch, in press). Here we focus on three common criticisms/misunderstandings: preregistration stifles creativity, preregistration is onerous, and preregistration reduces productivity (see Pham & Oh, 2021aSimmons et al., 2021b;Simmons, Nelson, & Simonsohn, 2021a). The first criticism claims preregistration stifles creativity because once the research plan is placed in a repository, authors cannot modify their plan or conduct additional, exploratory analyses. ...
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Open science (OS; also known as “open research” and “open scholarship”) refers to various practices to make scientific knowledge openly available, accessible, and reusable. The core purpose of such practices is to open the process of scientific knowledge creation, evaluation, and communication to societal actors within and beyond the traditional scientific community (UNESCO, 2021). Looking across the different areas within TESOL and applied linguistics more broadly, it is clear that OS practices have become more common on the part of individual researchers and journals. For example, while Marsden, Morgan-Short, Thompson, and Abugaber (2018) and Marsden, Morgan-Short, Trofimovich, and Ellis (2018) noted generally low prevalence of replication studies, the number of replications identified from 2010 to 2015 (n = 20) was larger than all located in the period of 1973–1999 (n = 17). Open data and materials have become more common, too, as seen in the widespread use of the instruments and data for research in language studies (IRIS) database ( OS badges now frequently adorn articles in several journals, and journals such as Language Learning have been recognized for adopting a range of support for OS practices, as seen in TOP (Transparency and Openness Promotion) Factor scores (, based on the TOP Guidelines, TOP Guidelines Committee, 2015). Given this momentum, we feel that it is time for TESOL researchers to seriously consider the benefits, and potential challenges, of more active, consistent engagement in OS practices. In this article, we focus on four aspects of OS: transparency, preregistration, data and participant protection, and open access.
... While the merits of preregistration are valiant, it is not a panacea. In addition to increasing the workload and time commitments on researchers (Krishna, 2021), preregistration might not always live up to the promises of its proponents when put into practice (Pham & Oh, 2021a). Simply put, researchers might easily impart bias into the preregistration process by preregistering many studies and only reporting those that work out the way they intended. ...
... Oftentimes, preregistration is met with criticism in that it allegedly (1) prevents researchers from data exploration, (2) is too onerous, (3) is bad for scientific culture, and (4) does not help with the actual betterment of science (e.g., Pham & Oh, 2021aSimmons et al., 2021b). First, although often stated otherwise, preregistration does not prevent researchers from engaging in exploratory research -it merely sets boundaries in that researchers now should make explicitly clear, which results stem from a confirmatory approach, and which stem from an exploratory one. ...
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The overall goal of science is to build a valid and reliable body of knowledge about the functioning of the world and how applying that knowledge can change it. As personnel and human resources management researchers, we aim to contribute to the respective bodies of knowledge to provide both employers and employees with a workable foundation to help with those problems they are confronted with. However, what research on research has consistently demonstrated is that the scientific endeavor possesses existential issues including a substantial lack of (a) solid theory, (b) replicability, (c) reproducibility, (d) proper and generalizable samples, (e) sufficient quality control (i.e., peer review), (f) robust and trustworthy statistical results, (g) availability of research, and (h) sufficient practical implications. In this chapter, we first sing a song of sorrow regarding the current state of the social sciences in general and personnel and human resources management specifically. Then, we investigate potential grievances that might have led to it (i.e., questionable research practices, misplaced incentives), only to end with a verse of hope by outlining an avenue for betterment (i.e., open science and policy changes at multiple levels).
... Obtaining a time-stamped registration of the study protocol clearly delineates planned versus post hoc decisions. Even though preregistration can come with certain costs and is not a panacea for all potential problems involved in conducting research [94,95], detailing the planned analyses in advance can safeguard against potential biases that might permeate data collection and analyses, especially in studies where researchers have many degrees of freedom. ...
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Guidelines concerning the potentially harmful effects of scientific studies have historically focused on ethical considerations for minimizing risk for participants. However, studies can also indirectly inflict harm on individuals and social groups through how they are designed, reported, and disseminated. As evidenced by recent criticisms and retractions of high-profile studies dealing with a wide variety of social issues, there is a scarcity of resources and guidance on how one can conduct research in a socially responsible manner. As such, even motivated researchers might publish work that has negative social impacts due to a lack of awareness. To address this, we propose 10 simple rules for researchers who wish to conduct socially responsible science. These rules, which cover major considerations throughout the life cycle of a study from inception to dissemination, are not aimed as a prescriptive list or a deterministic code of conduct. Rather, they are meant to help motivated scientists to reflect on their social responsibility as researchers and actively engage with the potential social impact of their research.
... Journals in consumer research responded to this development by tightening their submission requirements and by introducing policies that aimed at increasing the replicability of published findings (Inman et al., 2018;Pechmann, 2014). Likewise, the need for more transparency and the use of pre-registrations was recently discussed in one of the field's leading journals (Pham & Oh, 2020;Simmons et al., 2020). These policy changes and public debates, along with published editorials and panel discussions at major conferences, indicate an increased awareness of these issues and a consensus to improve research practices. ...
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During the last decade, confidence in many social sciences, including consumer research, has been undermined by doubts about the replicability of empirical research findings. These doubts have led to increased calls to improve research practices and adopt new measures to increase the replicability of published work from various stakeholders such as funding agencies, journals, and scholars themselves. Despite these demands, it is unclear to which the research published in the leading consumer research journals has adhered to these calls for change. This article provides the first systematic empirical analysis of this question by surveying three crucial statistics of published consumer research over time: sample sizes, effect sizes, and the distribution of published p values. The authors compile a hand-coded sample of N = 258 articles published between 2008 and 2020 in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, the Journal of Consumer Research, and the Journal of Marketing Research. An automated text analysis across all publications in these three journals corroborates the representativeness of the hand-coded sample. Results reveal a substantial increase in sample sizes above and beyond the use of online samples along with a decrease in reported effect sizes. Effect and samples sizes are highly correlated which at least partially explains the reduction in reported effect sizes.
In this study, we assessed the extent of selective hypothesis reporting in psychological research by comparing the hypotheses found in a set of 459 preregistrations with the hypotheses found in the corresponding articles. We found that more than half of the preregistered studies we assessed contained omitted hypotheses ( N = 224; 52%) or added hypotheses ( N = 227; 57%), and about one-fifth of studies contained hypotheses with a direction change ( N = 79; 18%). We found only a small number of studies with hypotheses that were demoted from primary to secondary importance ( N = 2; 1%) and no studies with hypotheses that were promoted from secondary to primary importance. In all, 60% of studies included at least one hypothesis in one or more of these categories, indicating a substantial bias in presenting and selecting hypotheses by researchers and/or reviewers/editors. Contrary to our expectations, we did not find sufficient evidence that added hypotheses and changed hypotheses were more likely to be statistically significant than nonselectively reported hypotheses. For the other types of selective hypothesis reporting, we likely did not have sufficient statistical power to test for a relationship with statistical significance. Finally, we found that replication studies were less likely to include selectively reported hypotheses than original studies. In all, selective hypothesis reporting is problematically common in psychological research. We urge researchers, reviewers, and editors to ensure that hypotheses outlined in preregistrations are clearly formulated and accurately presented in the corresponding articles.
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In this commentary, I propose a “big-picture” view of what good science is as a framework for evaluating scientific practices in consumer research. A big-picture view of science recognizes that scientific practices are not ends in themselves but tools to be used in the service of six epistemic ideals: veridicality, precision, transparency, generalizability, relevance, and insight. It is through a multidimensional contribution to these epistemic ideals that various scientific practices enable the production of evidence that is not only trustworthy but also useful. From this big-picture perspective, Krefeld-Schwalb and Scheibehenne’s results provide a decidedly mixed report card about the state of scientific practices in consumer research.
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The crisis of confidence has undermined the trust that researchers place in the findings of their peers. In order to increase trust in research, initiatives such as preregistration have been suggested, which aim to prevent various questionable research practices. As it stands, however, no empirical evidence exists that preregistration does increase perceptions of trust. The picture may be complicated by a researcher's familiarity with the author of the study, regardless of the preregistration status of the research. This registered report presents an empirical assessment of the extent to which preregistration increases the trust of 209 active academics in the reported outcomes, and how familiarity with another researcher influences that trust. Contrary to our expectations, we report ambiguous Bayes factors and conclude that we do not have strong evidence towards answering our research questions. Our findings are presented along with evidence that our manipulations were ineffective for many participants, leading to the exclusion of 68% of complete datasets, and an underpowered design as a consequence. We discuss other limitations and confounds which may explain why the findings of the study deviate from a previously conducted pilot study. We reflect on the benefits of using the registered report submission format in light of our results. The OSF page for this registered report and its pilot can be found here: .
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The data includes measures collected for the two experiments reported in “False-Positive Psychology” [1] where listening to a randomly assigned song made people feel younger (Study 1) or actually be younger (Study 2). These data are useful because they illustrate inflations of false positive rates due to flexibility in data collection, analysis, and reporting of results. Data are useful for educational purposes.
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We contrast the philosophy guiding the Replication Corner at IJRM with replication efforts in psychology. Psychology has promoted "exact" or "direct" replications, reflecting an interest in statistical conclusion validity of the original findings. Implicitly, this philosophy treats non-replication as evidence that the original finding is not "real" - a conclusion that we believe is unwarranted. In contrast, we have encouraged "conceptual replications" (replicating at the construct level but with different operationalization) and "replications with extensions", reflecting our interest in providing evidence on the external validity and generalizability of published findings. In particular, our belief is that this replication philosophy allows for both replication and the creation of new knowledge. We express our views about why we believe our approach is more constructive, and describe lessons learned in the three years we have been involved in editing the IJRM Replication Corner. Of our thirty published conceptual replications, most found results replicating the original findings, sometimes identifying moderators.
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Transparency, openness, and reproducibility are readily recognized as vital features of science (1, 2). When asked, most scientists embrace these features as disciplinary norms and values (3). Therefore, one might expect that these valued features would be routine in daily practice. Yet, a growing body of evidence suggests that this is not the case (4–6).
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Consumer psychology faces serious issues of internal and external relevance. Most of these issues originate in seven fundamental problems with the way consumer psychologists plan and conduct their research—problems that could be called “the seven sins of consumer psychology.” These seven “sins” are (1) a narrow conception of the scope of consumer behavior research; (2) adoption of a narrow set of theoretical lenses; (3) adherence to a narrow epistemology of consumer research; (4) an almost exclusive emphasis on psychological processes as opposed to psychological content; (5) a strong tendency to overgeneralize from finite empirical results, both as authors and as reviewers; (6) a predisposition to design studies based on methodological convenience rather than on substantive considerations; and (7) a pervasive confusion between “theories of studies” and studies of theories. Addressing these problems (“atoning for these sins”) would greatly enhance the relevance of the field. However, this may require a substantial rebalancing of the field’s incentives to reward actual research impact rather than sheer number of publications in major journals.
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Because scientists tend to report only studies (publication bias) or analyses (p-hacking) that “work,” readers must ask, “Are these effects true, or do they merely reflect selective reporting?” We introduce p-curve as a way to answer this question. P-curve is the distribution of statistically significant p values for a set of studies (ps < .05). Because only true effects are expected to generate right-skewed p-curves—containing more low (.01s) than high (.04s) significant p values—only right-skewed p-curves are diagnostic of evidential value. By telling us whether we can rule out selective reporting as the sole explanation for a set of findings, p-curve offers a solution to the age-old inferential problems caused by file-drawers of failed studies and analyses.
In this article, we (1) discuss the reasons why pre‐registration is a good idea, both for the field and for individual researchers, (2) respond to arguments against pre‐registration, (3) describe how to best write and review a pre‐registration, and (4) comment on pre‐registration’s rapidly accelerating popularity. Along the way, we describe the (big) problem that pre‐registration can solve (i.e., false‐positives caused by p‐hacking), while also offering viable solutions to the problems that pre‐registration cannot solve (e.g., hidden confounds or fraud). Pre‐registration does not guarantee that every published finding will be true, but without it you can safely bet that many more will be false. It is time for our field to embrace pre‐registration, while taking steps to ensure that it is done right.
Progress in science relies in part on generating hypotheses with existing observations and testing hypotheses with new observations. This distinction between postdiction and prediction is appreciated conceptually but is not respected in practice. Mistaking generation of postdictions with testing of predictions reduces the credibility of research findings. However, ordinary biases in human reasoning, such as hindsight bias, make it hard to avoid this mistake. An effective solution is to define the research questions and analysis plan before observing the research outcomes-a process called preregistration. Preregistration distinguishes analyses and outcomes that result from predictions from those that result from postdictions. A variety of practical strategies are available to make the best possible use of preregistration in circumstances that fall short of the ideal application, such as when the data are preexisting. Services are now available for preregistration across all disciplines, facilitating a rapid increase in the practice. Widespread adoption of preregistration will increase distinctiveness between hypothesis generation and hypothesis testing and will improve the credibility of research findings.
Pre-registration of studies before they are conducted has recently become more feasible for researchers, and is encouraged by an increasing number of journals. However, because the practice of pre-registration is relatively new to psychological science, specific guidelines for the content of registrations are still in a formative stage. After giving a brief history of pre-registration in medical and psychological research, we outline two different models that can be applied—reviewed and unreviewed pre-registration—and discuss the advantages of each model to science as a whole and to the individual scientist, as well as some of their drawbacks and limitations. Finally, we present and justify a proposed standard template that can facilitate pre-registration. Researchers can use the template before and during the editorial process to meet article requirements and enhance the robustness of their scholarly efforts.
We discuss three arguments voiced by scientists who view the current outpouring of concern about replicability as overblown. The first idea is that the adoption of a low alpha level (e.g., 5%) puts reasonable bounds on the rate at which errors can enter the published literature, making false-positive effects rare enough to be considered a minor issue. This, we point out, rests on statistical misunderstanding: The alpha level imposes no limit on the rate at which errors may arise in the literature (Ioannidis, 2005b). Second, some argue that whereas direct replication attempts are uncommon, conceptual replication attempts are common-providing an even better test of the validity of a phenomenon. We contend that performing conceptual rather than direct replication attempts interacts insidiously with publication bias, opening the door to literatures that appear to confirm the reality of phenomena that in fact do not exist. Finally, we discuss the argument that errors will eventually be pruned out of the literature if the field would just show a bit of patience. We contend that there are no plausible concrete scenarios to back up such forecasts and that what is needed is not patience, but rather systematic reforms in scientific practice. © The Author(s) 2012.