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C++ Modules in ROOT and Beyond



C++ Modules, one of the new features of C++20, aim to fix the long-standing build scalability problems in the language. They provide an IOefficient, on-disk representation capable to reduce build times and peak memory usage. ROOT already employs the C++ modules technology in its dictionary system to improve performance and reduce the memory footprint. ROOT with C++ Modules was released as a technology preview in fall 2018, after intensive development during the previous few years. The current state is ready for production, however, there is still room for performance optimizations. In this talk, we show the road map for making this technology enabled by default in ROOT. We demonstrate a global module indexing optimization which allows reducing the memory footprint dramatically for many workflows. We will report user feedback on the migration to ROOT with C++ Modules.
C++ Modules in ROOT and Beyond
Vassil Vassilev1,David Lange1,∗∗ Malik Shahzad Muzaar2,∗∗∗ Mircho Rodozov5,∗∗∗∗
Oksana Shadura3,and Alexander Penev4,
1Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, United States
2CERN, Meyrin 1211, Geneve, Switzerland
3University of Nebraska Lincoln, 1400 R St, Lincoln, NE 68588, United States
4University of Plovdiv, Paisii Hilendarski, 236 Bulgaria Blvd, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
5Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Abstract. C++ Modules, one of the new features of C++20, aim to fix the
long-standing build scalability problems in the language. They provide an IO-
ecient, on-disk representation capable to reduce build times and peak memory
usage. ROOT already employs the C++ modules technology in its dictionary
system to improve performance and reduce the memory footprint.
ROOT with C++ Modules was released as a technology preview in fall 2018,
after intensive development during the previous few years. The current state
is ready for production, however, there is still room for performance optimiza-
tions. In this talk, we show the road map for making this technology enabled
by default in ROOT. We demonstrate a global module indexing optimization
which allows reducing the memory footprint dramatically for many workflows.
We will report user feedback on the migration to ROOT with C++ Modules.
1 Introduction
In C++ projects, the cost of header re-parsing is typically negligible in small to medium size
codebases, but can be critical in larger codebases. Usually, scalability issues arise at compile-
time and do not aect the programs at runtime. However, ROOT-based applications are
dierent, as the ROOT C++ interpreter, Cling [1], processes code at program execution time.
Therefore, avoiding redundant content re-parsing can yield better runtime performance [2].
C++ Modules [3] have been supported in ROOT since version 6.16, in order to avoid unnec-
essary re-parsing and to improve the performance of applications using ROOT.
In [2] we described the code sanitizing and infrastructure scaolding required to fully
employ the C++ modules technology on a large codebase. We outlined the set of challenges
to be overcome in order to "modularize" the production code base of the CMS experiment,
CMSSW, and showed preliminary performance results. That work was based on a beta ver-
sion of the C++ modules technology in ROOT version 6.16.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License 4.0 (
EPJ Web of Conferences 245, 05011 (2020)
CHEP 2019
In version 6.18 ROOT the technology matured and became default for version 6.20 for
the Unix platforms. In this paper we describe recent performance results and suggest a more
ecient strategy of querying information from C++ modules which yields better memory
usage and replaces the eager loading of all modules at program initialization time.
2 Background
C++ Modules represent the compiler internal state serialized on disk, and can be deserialized
on demand to avoid repetitions of parsing operations. This is described in detail in [3]. There
are dierent implementations of the concept in Clang, GCC [4], and MSVC [5].
ROOT [6] has several features that are intended to allow rapid application development.
They include automatic discovery of C++ headers that must be included, and the automatic
loading required shared libraries. These features require a lot of computational resources by
design. For instance, the underlying infrastructure must know the content of every reachable
header file and library to properly function. ROOT uses Clang, through its interpreter Cling,
and adopts a C++ Modules implementation to optimize out the need of unnecessary header
file re-parsing [7].
Over the past several years ROOT has grown several levels of custom optimizations to
prevent eager loading of header files and libraries which is vital for reducing the overall
memory footprint. It is also important for improving execution speed, as Cling also processes
code at runtime. Custom optimizations can be divided into three distinct types:
Reduction of feature usage – performance-critical code should minimize its dependence on
the automatic discovery feature. This is a very ecient optimization, however it relies on
developers to carefully select which ROOT interface to use. Usually this is challenging for
the developer due to the rich API that ROOT provides. In addition, relying on API internal
implementations is fragile because it can silently break in future with changes in ROOT or
other third-party code that the developer’s codebase or ROOT depends on.
Delay usage until needed – ROOT implements "ROOTMAP" files containing a constructs
to load the corresponding C++ header file when a definition from it is required.
Precompute meta-information at compile time – information about I/O streaming functions
can be computed at dictionary compilation time and stored into files (denoted as "RDICT"
files [8]). This captures ROOT’s meta layer’s state and makes runtime parsing of headers
for I/O redundant in many cases. In addition ROOT caches heavily used header files in
a precompiled header files (PCH) using in a highly ecient compiler optimization data
There are several drawbacks of the existing infrastructure. Firstly, the maintenance is
done by a small community. Secondly, the PCH optimization can not be applied to third-party
codebases, would be beneficial for many cases. Thirdly, the implementation of ROOTMAP-
based [8] infrastructure has many deficiencies and its correctness is questionable due to the
many existing bugs.
The C++ modules implementation in ROOT targets minimizing maintenance costs by
relying on features being developed and maintained by the Clang community. It also pro-
vides compiler-grade correctness and PCH eciency. ROOT builds a module file (PCM) per
library as opposed to a PCH per process. Loading PCM files is very ecient but introduces
a constant memory overhead depending on the size and complexity of the module content.
In an example application, the loading of all module files at initialization time increases the
memory overhead for ROOT standalone by 29% and embedded in CMSSW with 2800% in
EPJ Web of Conferences 245, 05011 (2020)
CHEP 2019
ROOT version 6.20. Although, in the long term the preloading of module files is likely to be-
come more ecient and converge towards being a zero-overhead operation, we can provide
a more ecient approach with the infrastructure in place already today.
3 Indexing Module File Contents
The Clang compiler (thus Cling) queries information from C++ module files by extending
the name lookup. Every time a new identifier is processed, the compiler looks it up by name
to check if it exists and to tabulate its properties. In case the identifier is known to a module
its containing entity is streamed from disk into memory. If the identifier is known by more
than one module, the information from all relevant modules is deserialized into memory and
the compiler does further work to de-duplicate possible content overlap.
In practice, registering the set of identifiers exported by each module file is sucient
to model the C++ language semantics. However, the implementation does a few more op-
erations such as pre-allocating source locations for diagnostics, deserializing class template
specializations and emitting virtual tables for classes with inlined key functions. These oper-
ations are implementation deficiencies and are very likely to be resolved in future versions.
Unfortunately, these deficiencies introduce a linear overhead (O(N) where N is the number
of modules) when all modules are loaded at initialization time. The PCH shares the same
implementation but its overhead is O(1). One possible way to address this implementation
deficiency is to build a map of identifiers to their containing module.
The global module index (GMI) is an ecient on-disk mapping between identifiers and
modules. It contains information about a set of modules that contain a given identifier. This
data structure can be loaded at initialization time and used as a utility to eciency load C++
modules on demand. There is an available implementation of the SGMI in Clang, which
allows ROOT to reduce its initialization time and lazily load the necessary C++ modules.
(a) Runtime of workflows short execution
(b) Memory footprint of workflows with short
execution time
(c) Runtime of longer workflows (d) Memory footprint of longer workflows
Figure 1: Performance benchmarks in ROOT
EPJ Web of Conferences 245, 05011 (2020)
CHEP 2019
The GMI is purely lexical. For example upon information query of Gpad, the GMI will
return several modules that contain that identifier. Only one module contains the Gpad def-
inition and the rest contain forward declarations which are not used but result in loading of
the corresponding C++ module file. A relatively cheap implementation improvement is to
return only the module containing a defining entity given the identifier. A semantic GMI
(SGMI) implementation is capable of reducing the false positive C++ module loads. The
implementation keeps track of the module which defines the entity referred by an identifier.
Figure 1 shows the performance comparisons of the loading all C++ Modules at initializa-
tion time (red), using a PCH (yellow), lexical global module index (blue), and the non-lexical
new global module index (green). Lower is better.
We measured two sets of workflows: shorter workflows which work in millisecond time
spans, and larger workflows working on a seconds time span. The shorter workflows intend to
outline the cost of initialization time of ROOT using the dierent technologies and the larger
workflows give some hints how the technology scales. The left-hand plot of these figures
(Figure 1a and 1c) shows the runtime performance results. The right-hand side shows the
memory footprint comparisons. The results are produced by the time -v command which
shows the kernel understanding of the CPU and memory usage. The plots in Figure 1
were performed using Ubuntu 18.04, kernel 4.15.0-88-generic, i7-8809G Processor, 2x16
GB DDR4 2666, 1xSSD 512 GB (Intel NUC Hades Canyon 2018).
The root.exe -q -l -b workflow starts up and immediately shuts down ROOT. The hsim-
ple.C workflow runs a minimal I/O example in ROOT. The geom/na49.C runs a geometry
tutorial which is sparsely optimized by the PCH. The tmva runs a CPU-intense tutorial. The
eve/geom_atlas.C is a gui-based sparsely-PCH-optimized tutorial.
Figure 1 demonstrates that loading of all C++ module files at initialization time con-
tributes to the overall peak memory usage, compared to the PCHs while it does not show
significant run-time improvements. The expected suboptimal behavior can be mitigated by
loading module files on demand. In number of cases the lexical GMI reaches the performance
of the PCH. A smarter GMI implementation reaches the PCH level in most of the cases and
in some cases outperforms it.
We take the memory results with a pinch of salt because they are not yet reconfirmed
by regular memory analyzers such as heaptrack and the allocation statistics in Clang. For
example, heaptrack, shows that the memory footprint of the semantic GMI is significantly
better and the C++ modules results are better in general. As of writing of this paper the
authors’ understanding is that the heap allocations are less in size but greater in frequency
which triggers some eect in the underlying allocator or low-level kernel allocation primitives
to pre-allocate bigger chunks of memory.
4 Integration in the CMS Software – CMSSW
The software for the high-level trigger and oine reconstruction of the CMS experiment,
CMSSW, poses two dierent challenges with respect to C++ modules in ROOT: C++ module
file relocation and incremental development. CMSSW deploys ROOT in computing centers
which requires the C++ module files to be relocatable. In addition, the releases of CMSSW
are typically distributed in a non-writable network file system cvmfs[9, 10]. Programmers
clone a package locally to make modifications of CMSSW algorithms. In turn, the locally
cloned package takes precedence over the one in the release area. The relatively straight-
forward design makes it challenging for the C++ modules infrastructure to produce compat-
ible files because of the possible module file cross references. In addition, the on-demand
creation of GMI is problematic due to its requirement to be in the same folder as the base
release (a limitation as currently implemented). A solution to this problem is to generate the
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GMI at build time and then implement some logic to exclude the locally cloned packages
from module file resolution.
As is the case when building ROOT, CMSSW module definitions are stored in text files
where one module definition corresponds to one library. Module definitions are generated by
the SCRAM [10, 11] build system as part of the build process. Each library stores the module
definition description into Library_Name.modulemap, then all modulemap files are concate-
nated into a final module.modulemap file. Initial work has focused on generating module
definitions for the libraries which require ROOT I/O information (dictionaries). However, we
have determined that that a number of problems that we have encountered can be fixed by
generating module definitions for transitively included header files from the dictionary. For
example, if the dictionary file includes header files from CLHEP or tinyxml we should have
a module for them as well. This will also avoid problems, either compilation errors or loss of
performance, from duplicating header content in two or more CMSSW libraries.
The requirement for module definitions of transitive includes is not new but we would
like to rearm it is essential for modularization as it argues for the bottom-up approach. This
approach can be challenging when there are a lot of dictionary header dependencies on ex-
ternal libraries. The dependencies under direct deployment control are easier to modularize
as they require a single module.modulemap file defining the module to be present at the base
include location. Third-party dependencies that are not under deployment control are han-
dled by ROOT’s dictionary generator tool rootcling.Rootcling automatically creates a virtual
file system overlay file and mounts the relevant modulemap file. The current implementa-
tion requires modification of the Cling codebase but more configurable approaches are being
The current state of modularization of CMSSW is that over 70% (190) of CMSSW li-
braries have corresponding C++ module files. Most of the core framework, FWCore, data
formats packages, DataForamts, and condition/calibration classes, CondFormats, packages
have been modularized. The C++ modules reference (possibly transitively) external packages
such as boost, tinyxl2, CLHEP and Eigen which are also being modularized.
4.1 Performance Results
At the time of writing of this paper we can only observe the behavior of the global module
index in CMSSW indirectly by measuring the performance of the embedded in the ROOT
distributed with CMSSW. This ROOT has access to 319 modules, around 190 are specific for
the cmssw framework. The benchmark consists of running root.exe -l -b -q in a configuration
to preload all modules; using a PCH; and using an SGMI. The plots in Figure 2 are done
on CentOS 7.8.2003, kernel 3.10.0-1062.1.1.el7.x8_64, Intel Broadwell, 30 GB RAM, 1 TB
disk storage (CERN Virtual Machine Infrastructure).
Figure 2 demonstrates the significant overhead in both memory footprint and runtime
when all 319 modules are eagerly loaded. The impact of the overhead is unexpected because
in a similar configuration standalone ROOT has only a 50 MB overhead in comparison to a
PCH. This is due to the very well optimized modules which almost have no content duplica-
tion. Instead, the PCMs in cmssw currently contain many content duplication coming from
the boost infrastructure. CMSSW has taken steps to reduce its dependence on boost in favor
of using the available analogs in the new C++ standards. Despite the fact that for bigger
workflows this startup overhead dissolves, it does not seem acceptable. On the other hand,
the PCH shows very good results but as already mentioned it does not scale beyond ROOT.
EPJ Web of Conferences 245, 05011 (2020)
CHEP 2019
(a) Runtime (b) Memory footprint
Figure 2: Performance benchmarks of root.exe -l -b -q in CMSSW
The SGMI is not yet well optimized towards CMSSW. However we already see that it
can improve performance for both memory and runtime relative to modules preloading. It is
still suboptimal as it still eagerly loads 71 modules in advance without a real need. Reducing
the eager loads in SGMI is a priority work item and will bring the performance close to the
levels of the PCH for CMSSW the same way as we demonstrated for standalone ROOT in
figure 1.
5 Conclusion
C++ modules are prominent technology which improves compilation speed by reducing con-
tent reparsing. The clang implementation used by ROOT is constantly improved by the
LLVM community and will enable future performance benefits to the high-energy physics
Loading C++ module files currently has some limitations that introduce a non-negligible
overhead which does not scale well in CMSSW. The paper outlines two strategies to over-
come it – using a global module index or frequently updating the Clang infrastructure to
benefit from the upstream optimizations. The demonstrated performance benefits of SGMI
are already implemented in ROOT and will be tested in the context of CMSSW to validate
work in that direction.
CMSSW swiftly works towards adapting to newly introduced features in the C++ mod-
ules infrastructure in ROOT. Its modularization is ongoing and the necessary software stack
is becoming more stable. After the modularization is complete we can more completely
evaluate and improve the performance results.
6 Acknowledgments
The authors would like to thank Arpitha Raghunandan for her contributions to the global
module index implementation and performance measurements as part of her work in the
Google Summer of Code program 2019.
This work has been supported by an Intel Parallel Computing Center grant, by U.S. Na-
tional Science Foundation grants OAC-1450377, OAC-1450323 and PHY-1624356, and by
the U.S. Department of Energy, Oce of Science.
EPJ Web of Conferences 245, 05011 (2020)
CHEP 2019
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ROOT 6, in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (IOP Publishing, 2012), Vol. 396, p.
[2] Y. Takahashi, O. Shadura, V. Vassilev, arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.05092 (2019)
[3] V. Vassilev, Optimizing ROOT’s performance using C++ Modules, in J. Phys.: Conf.
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[4] GCC Wiki, C++ Modules (2020),
[5] C. DaCamara, C++ Modules conformance improvements with MSVC in Vi-
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[6] R. Brun, F. Rademakers, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section
A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detecto rs and Associated Equipment 389, 81 (1997)
[7] C. Community, Clang Modules Documentation (2019),
[8] V. Vassilev, O. Shadura, Y. Takahashi, R. Isemann, C++ Modules in ROOT.
Technology Overview,
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[11] J. Wellisch, C. Williams, S. Ashby, arXiv preprint cs/0306014 (2003)
EPJ Web of Conferences 245, 05011 (2020)
CHEP 2019
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
ROOT comes with a C++ compliant interpreter cling. Cling needs to understand the content of the libraries in order to interact with them. Exposing the full shared library descriptors to the interpreter at runtime translates into increased memory footprint. ROOT's exploratory programming concepts allow implicit and explicit runtime shared library loading. It requires the interpreter to load the library descriptor. Re-parsing of descriptors' content has a noticeable effect on the runtime performance. Present state-of-art lazy parsing technique brings the runtime performance to reasonable levels but proves to be fragile and can introduce correctness issues. An elegant solution is to load information from the descriptor lazily and in a non-recursive way. The LLVM community advances its C++ Modules technology providing an io-efficient, on-disk representation capable to reduce build times and peak memory usage. The feature is standardized as a C++ technical specification. C++ Modules are a flexible concept, which can be employed to match CMS and other experiments' requirement for ROOT: to optimize both runtime memory usage and performance. Cling technically " inherits " the feature, however tweaking it to ROOT scale and beyond is a complex endeavor. The paper discusses the status of the C++ Modules in the context of ROOT, supported by few preliminary performance results. It shows a step-by-step migration plan and describes potential challenges which could appear.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Cling is an interactive C++ interpreter, built on top of Clang and LLVM compiler infrastructure. Like its predecessor Cint, Cling realizes the read-print-evaluate-loop concept, in order to leverage rapid application development. Implemented as a small extension to LLVM and Clang, the interpreter reuses their strengths such as the praised concise and expressive compiler diagnostics. We show how to match the interpreter concept to the compiler library and generalize common set of requirements for building up an interactive interpreter. We reason the design and implementation decisions as solution to the challenge of implementing interpreter behaviour as an extension of the compiler library. We present the new features, e.g. how C++11 will come to Cling and how Cint-specific extensions are being adopted. We clarify the state of integration in the ROOT framework and the induced change set. We explain how ROOT dictionaries are simplified due to the new interpreter.
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CMS software consists of over two million lines of code actively developed by hundreds of developers from all around the world. Optimal build, release and distribution of such a large-scale system for production and analysis activities for hundreds of sites and multiple platforms are quite a challenge. Its dependency on more than hundred external tools make its build and distribution more complex. We describe how parallel build of software and minimal distribution size dramatically reduced the time gap between software build and installation on remote sites, and how producing few big binary products, instead of thousands of small ones, helped finding out the integration and runtime issues.
The ROOT system in an Object Oriented framework for large scale data analysis. ROOT written in C++, contains, among others, an efficient hierarchical OO database, a C++ interpreter, advanced statistical analysis (multi-dimensional histogramming, fitting, minimization, cluster finding algorithms) and visualization tools. The user interacts with ROOT via a graphical user interface, the command line or batch scripts. The command and scripting language is C++ (using the interpreter) and large scripts can be compiled and dynamically linked in. The OO database design has been optimized for parallel access (reading as well as writing) by multiple processes.
C++ Modules conformance improvements with MSVC in Visual Studio
  • C Dacamara
C. DaCamara, C++ Modules conformance improvements with MSVC in Visual Studio 2019 16.5 (2020), c-modules-conformance-improvements-with-msvc-in-visual-studio-2019-16-5/
CVMFS-a file system for the CernVM virtual appliance
  • Aguado Sanchez
  • C Blomer
  • J Buncic
  • P Franco
  • L Klemer
  • S Mato
  • Y Takahashi
  • O Shadura
  • V Vassilev
Y. Takahashi, O. Shadura, V. Vassilev, arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.05092 (2019)
  • R Brun
  • F Rademakers
R. Brun, F. Rademakers, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detecto rs and Associated Equipment 389, 81 (1997)