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Is solar geoengineering ungovernable? A critical assessment of governance challenges identified by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change



Solar radiation modification (SRM) could greatly reduce climate change and associated risks. Yet it has not been well‐received by the climate change expert community. This is evident in the authoritative reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which emphasize SRM's governance, political, social, and ethical challenges. I find seven such challenges identified in the IPCC reports: that SRM could lessen mitigation; that its termination would cause severe climatic impacts; that researching SRM would create a “slippery slope” to its inevitable and unwanted use; that decisions to use it could be contrary to democratic norms; that the public may not accept SRM; that it could be unethical; and that decisions to use SRM could be unilateral. After assessing the extent to which these challenges are supported by existing evidence, scholarly literature, and robust logic, I conclude that, for six of the seven, the IPCC's claims variously are speculative, fail to consider both advantages and disadvantages, implicitly make unreasonable negative assumptions, are contrary to existing evidence, and/or are meaninglessly vague. I suggest some reasons for the reports' failure to meet the IPCC's standards of balance, thoroughness, and accuracy, and recommend a dedicated Special Report on SRM. This article is categorized under: • Integrated Assessment of Climate Change > Assessing Climate Change in the Context of Other Issues Abstract Cover of the IPCC's Special Report Global Warming of 1.5°C.
Is solar geoengineering ungovernable? A critical assessment
of governance challenges identified by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Jesse L. Reynolds
School of Law, University of California
Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans and
Sustainability Law, Utrecht University,
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Jesse L. Reynolds, School of Law,
University of California Los Angeles, Los
Angeles, CA.
Funding information
Open Philanthropy Project
Edited by Mike Hulme,
Solar radiation modification (SRM) could greatly reduce climate change and
associated risks. Yet it has not been well-received by the climate change expert
community. This is evident in the authoritative reports of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which emphasize SRM's governance, political,
social, and ethical challenges. I find seven such challenges identified in the IPCC
reports: that SRM could lessen mitigation; that its termination would cause
severe climatic impacts; that researching SRM would create a slippery slopeto
its inevitable and unwanted use; that decisions to use it could be contrary to
democratic norms; that the public may not accept SRM; that it could be
unethical; and that decisions to use SRM could be unilateral. After assessing the
extent to which these challenges are supported by existing evidence, scholarly
literature, and robust logic, I conclude that, for six of the seven, the IPCC's
claims variously are speculative, fail to consider both advantages and disadvan-
tages, implicitly make unreasonable negative assumptions, are contrary to exis-
ting evidence, and/or are meaninglessly vague. I suggest some reasons for the
reports' failure to meet the IPCC's standards of balance, thoroughness, and accu-
racy, and recommend a dedicated Special Report on SRM.
This article is categorized under:
Integrated Assessment of Climate Change > Assessing Climate Change in
the Context of Other Issues
geoengineering, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, solar radiation
modification, SRM
Greenhouse gas emissions reductions and carbon dioxide removal (together, mitigation) continue to be insufficient to pre-
vent dangerous anthropogenic climate change. Additionally, adapting to a changed climate has limited and uncertain
Received: 21 April 2020 Revised: 25 September 2020 Accepted: 3 October 2020
DOI: 10.1002/wcc.690
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2020 The Author. WIREs Climate Change published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.
WIREs Clim Change. 2021;12:e690. 1of8
potential and is expensive. In response, some scientists and others are researching solar radiation modification (SRM, some-
times called solar radiation management or solar geoengineering) as an additional means to limit climate change and its
SRM is a set of proposed technologies to intentionally modify the Earth's shortwave radiative budget with the aim
of reducing climate change (IPCC, 2018, p. 558). It would block or reflect a small portion of incoming sunlight and con-
sequently cool the planet. The leading suggested method would replicate volcanoes' cooling effect by injecting an aero-
sol into the stratosphere. According to evidence to datemostly from modelingSRM has substantial potential to
reduce climate change (Irvine & Keith, 2020; National Research Council, 2015). Moreover, it could do so in ways that
other responses could not: it appears to be relatively inexpensive (Smith, 2020), rapid, and possible without broad inter-
national cooperation. At the same time, SRM poses a number of physical and environmental risks, especially in scenar-
ios of its suboptimal use. For example, because SRM would compensate for precipitation changes more efficiently (per
unit of radiative forcing or aerosol mass) and less consistently than it would for the temperature ones, using SRM to
return the global mean temperature to its preindustrial level would result in some wet and especially some dry areas
(Tilmes et al., 2013).
Despite its apparent potential to reduce climate change and the associated risks, SRM has not been well-received by
the community of climate change experts. Skepticism and aversion are evident in the authoritative reports of the Inter-
governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Its highest-profile statement to date on SRM, in the Summary for
Policymakers of the Synthesis Report of the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), is:
Solar Radiation Management (SRM) involves large-scale methods that seek to reduce the amount of
absorbed solar energy in the climate system. SRM is untested and is not included in any of the mitigation
scenarios. If it were deployed, SRM would entail numerous uncertainties, side effects, risks and shortcom-
ings and has particular governance and ethical implications. SRM would not reduce ocean acidification. If
it were terminated, there is high confidence that surface temperatures would rise very rapidly impacting
ecosystems susceptible to rapid rates of change. (italics in original here and elsewhere; IPCC, 2014c, pp.
Similarly, the Summary for Policymakers of the more recent Special Report Global Warming of 1.5C(SR1.5) is,
again in full:
Solar radiation modification (SRM) measures are not included in any of the available assessed pathways.
Although some SRM measures may be theoretically effective in reducing an overshoot, they face large
uncertainties and knowledge gaps as well as substantial risks and institutional and social constraints to
deployment related to governance, ethics, and impacts on sustainable development. They also do not miti-
gate ocean acidification (IPCC, 2018, pp. 1415).
In these two paragraphs, only 12 of 146 words speak of SRM's efficacy, and even this clause is qualified with
althoughand theoretically.Most of the remaining words address SRM's risks and limitations. Furthermore, these
reports give no reason for excluding SRM from their scenarios. This is particularly noteworthy in the case of SR1.5,
which, in a box toward its end, concludes with high agreement that [stratospheric aerosol injection] could limit
warming to below 1.5C(IPCC, 2018, p. 558), a goal that is out of reach through emissions reduction alone
(IPCC, 2018, p. 17).
SRM poses multiple physical risks as well as regulatory, political, social, and ethical challenges (here, governance
challenges). Physical risks and governance challenges differ in how they can be assessed. At least in principle, the
formersuch as the potential residual precipitation anomalies described abovecould be weighed against SRM's
reduction of climate change; decision-makers and the public may or may not subsequently deem SRM acceptable. In
contrast, its governance challenges are less amenable to instrumental assessment and now persist as the stronger set of
objections to SRM. For example, the executive summary of SR1.5's relevant chapter concludes, Even in the uncertain
case that the most adverse side-effects of SRM can be avoided, public resistance, ethical concerns and potential impacts
on sustainable development could render SRM economically, socially and institutionally undesirable(IPCC, 2018,
p. 317). In other words, the IPCC asserts that SRM's governance challenges could be insurmountable, independent of
its net effect on physical risks. Along these lines, SRM has been called ungovernable(Hulme, 2014). Because these
governance challenges constitute the leading set of objections in the IPCC reports and in the wider climate change com-
munity, they warrant explication and interrogation.
In order to assess the IPCC's claims, I reviewed the five IPCC Assessment Reports as well as the more recent SR1.5
and found SRM's governance challenges that they identify. I then examined the extent to which these are supported by
existing evidence, scholarly literature, and robust logic. Attention to SRM's governance challenges is largely confined to
AR5 and SR1.5; prior Assessment Reports focus almost entirely on SRM's environmental effects. Below, I describe and
assess the governance challenges as represented in these IPCC reports, grouping them into seven coherent categories:
that SRM could lessen mitigation; that its termination would cause severe climatic impacts; that researching SRM
would create a slippery slopeto its inevitable and unwanted use; that decisions to use it could be contrary to demo-
cratic norms; that the public may not accept SRM; that it could be unethical; and that decisions to use SRM could be
unilateral. For six of these seven governance challenges, I conclude that the IPCC's claims are variously speculative, fail
to consider both advantages and disadvantages, implicitly make unreasonable negative assumptions, are contrary to
existing evidence (several times misrepresenting cited academic publications), and/or are meaninglessly vague. Thereaf-
ter, the paper briefly concludes with possible explanations and a recommendation.
Perhaps the most widespread and influential concern regarding SRM is that it could lessen mitigation. AR5 expresses
this passively: it has been argued that geoengineering could become a distraction from urgent mitigation and adapta-
tion measures(IPCC, 2014b, p. 484, see also pp. 219, 488). According to SR1.5, the literature shows low agreement on
whether SRM research and use may lead policy-makers to reduce mitigation efforts(IPCC, 2018, p. 349).
There is no evidence that SRM's research and development would lessen mitigation but instead only assertions of
that effect. In this sense, AR5 is correct: it has been argued. In contrast, SR1.5 speaks of the literature showing low
agreement, yet the one scientific article that is cited after the above quote (Linnér & Wibeck, 2015) does not discuss
SRM's potential effect on mitigation.
In fact, what evidence there is suggests the opposite. In almost all opinion surveys and behavioral experiments that have
explored this possibility, after learning about SRM or having it added to their choices, respondents increase their concern
about climate change and/or support for mitigation (for references, see Reynolds, 2019, pp. 3740).ThissuggeststhatSRM
may be seen by many as so undesirable that it leads them to realize climate change's seriousness and mitigation's impor-
tance, a prospect that SR1.5 does cautiously note. Of course, these surveys and experiments are not dispositive about what
will actually occur. The actions of future decision-makerswho will face political pressureswill not necessarily align
with current laypersons' preferences and choices. At the same time, decision-makers are influenced by popular sentiment.
Elected politicians rely on voters; appointed officials are accountable to elected ones; and businesses depend on customers.
Even authoritarian leaders are partially constrained by public opinion. Thus, if SRM's research and development were to
increase support for mitigation among the general population, as suggested by the surveys and experiments to date, then
similar shifts should be expected among decision-makers, albeit imperfectly so. In the end, the IPCC's statements that SRM
would be a distraction from or reduce mitigation are speculations that are contrary to the existing empirical evidence.
Even if the introduction of SRM into a mix of responses to climate change were to lessen mitigation undertaken,
doing so could still be a net benefit. If SRM could counteract climate change, then its use coupled with a modest lessen-
ing of mitigation could, on the whole, reduce net climate risks. Such risk compensation,in which the introduction of
a safety rule or technology causes an increase in the underlying risky activity, is common in public policy
(Hedlund, 2000). Tellingly, the net result of the safety measure and the subsequent compensatory behavioral change is
usually a net reduction of harm, and the risk-reducing rules and technologies are typically praised. Yet the IPCC reports
do not consider such a risk compensation scenario and instead take into account only the negative consequences of
SRM potentially lessening mitigation but not its expected concomitant benefits of reducing climate change. This would
be analogous to considering only that seat belts cause car drivers to drive faster while neglecting the belts' safety effects.
The IPCC reports frequently note that if SRM were used and then stopped, then the previously suppressed climate change
would manifest rapidly and dangerously (IPCC, 2013a, pp. 29, 98, 575, 635; 2014a, pp. 454, 1043; 2014b, pp. 488,
1023; 2014c, pp. 26, 89; 2018, p. 351). Indeed, one of the four sentences in the IPCC's highest-profile statement on SRM
the AR5 Synthesis Report's Summary for Policymakers, quoted abovewas dedicated to termination's consequences
(IPCC, 2014c, p. 26). This is the only governance challenge to which IPCC reports prior to AR5 referred
(IPCC, 1996, p. 813).
Although it is true that sudden and sustained termination of relatively high-magnitude (i.e., greatly negative radia-
tive forcing) SRM would be harmful, this would require meeting multiple conditions, some of which seem improbable.
AR5 does accurately state that this termination effectmight be avoided if SRM were used at a modest magnitude and
for a relatively short period of time(IPCC, 2013a, p. 631). Even if SRM were used neither at a modest magnitude nor
for a short time, reasonable governance measures could prevent a harmful termination (Parker & Irvine, 2018;
Rabitz, 2019; Reynolds, Parker, & Irvine, 2016). If the implementing state(s) (or other actors) wished to end it, SRM
could be gradually phased out. Furthermore, they could create redundant and secure infrastructure to increase the sys-
tem's ability to withstand shocks. If these state(s) did abruptly terminate high-magnitude SRM, for whatever reason,
then any other capable state(s) could resume it sufficiently quickly to prevent harmful warming. Such capable states
could be numerous, because SRM appears inexpensive and technically modest. Importantly, all of these stepsgradual
phase-out, redundant and secure systems, and other states' resumption of SRMwould be in the states' interests to
undertake. Ultimately, the IPCC reports implicitly assume that reasonable actions would not be taken to prevent the
sudden and sustained termination of high-magnitude SRM.
Another governance challenge of SRM is that early research activities could unduly increase the probability of its future
use. As stated in AR5, research might make deployment inevitable(IPCC, 2014b, p. 219). SR1.5 is vaguer, passively
saying that The argument that SRM research increases the likelihood of deployment (the slippery slopeargument), is
also made(IPCC, 2018, p. 349).
AR5's claim of inevitability is illogical and contrary to evidence. Research of new technologies is usually unsuccess-
ful, but the failures are not widely known due to survivorship bias. (Although success and failure are both difficult to
measure, medical development has benchmarks. There, only about 10% of clinical trials lead to an approved drug or
biologic [Thomas et al., 2016].) Other successfully developed technologies, such as supersonic commercial passenger
transport, have been developed and later rejected through social and political means.
What's more, the two scholarly sources that AR5 cites do not support the above-quoted claim that research might
make deployment inevitable.Each asserts that research programs make development and use more probable
(Bunzl, 2009, p. 2; Jamieson, 1996, p. 333). Only one (Jamieson) says that this could be a problem, and even that calls
for geoengineering research with safeguards.
The claim of SR1.5 that research increases the chance of the use of SRM is obviously true but trivial, because the lat-
ter requires the former. And as in AR5, the one article that SR1.5 cites does not make a slippery slope argument.
Instead, it reports an increase in implementation's likelihood due to the abstract economic model's initial assumptions
(Quaas, Quaas, Rickels, & Boucher, 2017). SR1.5's claim is unsupported.
The IPCC's SR1.5 report states that decision-making regarding SRM may be contrary to widely-held democratic norms.
It does so in two ways. First, SR1.5 points to a debate over whether SRM is compatible with democracy (IPCC, 2018,
p. 348). The assertion that SRM is incompatible with democratic processes (Szerszynski, Kearnes, Macnaghten, Owen, &
Stilgoe, 2013) has come under serious criticism (Horton et al., 2018, which SR1.5 does cite).
Second, SR1.5 claims Unequal representation and deliberate exclusion are plausible in decision-making on SRM
(IPCC, 2018, p. 349). Yet once again, the scholarly article that the report cites here (Ricke, Moreno-Cruz, &
Caldeira, 2013) says nothing about the plausibility of unequal representation and deliberate exclusion but instead
assumed them and then models the expected SRM magnitude and climatic effects. Such a conflation of assumptions
and conclusions is seen in SR1.5's treatment of a possible slippery slope,described above. Thus, this claim regarding
unequal representation and deliberate exclusion is unsupported.
The IPCC reports claim that the public might not accept SRM. AR5 concludes, Whether SRM field research or even
deployment would be socially and politically acceptable is also dependent on the wider discursive context in which the
topic is being discussed(IPCC, 2014b, pp. 488489). Similarly, public resistanceis among the governance challenges
that the executive summary of SR1.5's chapter highlights, quoted above.
Public opinion concerning acceptance of and possible resistance to SRM will be central to its governance. However,
at the moment, the extent to which SRM would or would not be widely accepted remains unclear. Most people are
unaware of it. SR1.5 appropriately notes that public opinion remains inchoate and highly sensitive to the information
provided and question wording (IPCC, 2018, p. 349; see also Burns et al., 2016; Carlisle, Feetham, Wright, &
Teagle, 2020). Furthermore, attitudes among the public would likely change if severe climate change impacts were to
manifest or influential political actors began to advocate on the issue. Ultimately, it is speculative to claim that public
resistancecould render SRMundesirable(IPCC, 2018, p. 317).
The IPCC reports point toward diverse potential ethical objections to SRM. Because all substantial decisions have ethi-
cal implications, some of these potential objections overlap with those governance challenges described above. Specifi-
cally, AR5 offers the potential exacerbation of inequalities and a critical assessment of technology and modern
civilization in general(IPCC, 2014b, p. 219; 2014c, p. 89). Additional ethical objections that SR1.5 lists include financ-
ing, compensation for negative effects, the procedural justice questions of who is involved in decisions, privatization
and patenting, welfare, informed consent by affected publics, intergenerational ethics(IPCC, 2018, p. 349).
These objections are of varying robustness, including some that are unsupported or unhelpful. For example, model-
ing evidence suggests that a judicious use of SRM would reduce inter-country inequalities (Harding, Ricke, Heyen, Mac-
Martin, & Moreno-Cruz, 2020). Other ethical objections, such as a critical assessment of technology and modern
civilization in general,are so broad as to be vacuous. Regardless, most of these objections would strongly depend on
how SRM would be developed and used (as well as the resolution of scientific uncertainties and the observer's particu-
lar normative framework). As in other policy domains, well-crafted governance could address ethical issues such as
responsibility for implementation, financing, compensation for harm, private actors' roles, welfare impacts, and public
participation in decision-making. As with public acceptance, SRM's ethical implications remain speculative and, as with
termination and slippery slopes,implicitly assume that reasonable policies would not be adopted.
Furthermore, the IPCC reports shouldbut do notconsider also ethical arguments that support SRM's research,
development, and possible use. Climate change poses severe risks to ecosystems and humans, especially to the already
vulnerable. If SRM could reduce these risks, as current evidence indicates, then an ethical duty to at least explore its
potential seems reasonable (Callies, 2019; Horton & Keith, 2016; Morrow, 2019; Svoboda, Irvine, Callies, &
Sugiyama, 2019). Even the first publication on geoengineering ethics considers the case for research and the conditions
under which implementation could be acceptable (Jamieson, 1996).
The IPCC reports regularly raise the challenge that one or a few actorsprobably states, but perhaps even non-state
actors, such as wealthy individuals(IPCC, 2014b, p. 1023)could implement SRM contrary to international consensus
(IPCC, 2014a, p. 1066; 2014b, pp. 488, 1007, 1023; 2014c, p. 89). SR1.5 says, There is robust evidence but medium agree-
ment for unilateral action potentially becoming a serious SRM governance issue(IPCC, 2018, p. 347).
Unlike the other six identified governance challenges, this one is mostly accurate as worded (arguably with the
exception of the claim of possible nonstate SRM deployment). Even in the absence of it actually occurring, international
negotiations concerning how to prevent unilateral implementation could be a serious issue. At the same time, some
scholars argue that problematic unilateral SRM is unlikely (Halstead, 2018; Horton, 2011; Keohane, 2015, p. 23;
Parson, 2014, pp. 98103; Rabitz, 2016).
Current evidence suggests that SRM could substantially reduce climate change and its risks, yet its reception in the cli-
mate change expert community is incommensurate with this potential. This is evident in the IPCC's authoritative and
influential reports, which emphasize SRM's various governance challenges while downplaying its potential efficacy.
However, I conclude here that six of the seven identified challenges are misrepresented in the reports in various ways.
One might counter that the reports use modal verbs of uncertainty, such as couldand might,and are thus not
incorrect. Of course, a nearly infinite number of such not-incorrect sentences of potentiality are possible on any topic
while not being helpful. (Notably, the aggressive mitigation that would be needed to prevent dangerous climate change
couldbe done in ways contrary to democratic norms, that the public would not accept, and that would be unethical.
Yet IPCC does not foreground these possibilities.) Instead, the reports are to provide a balanced and complete assess-
ment of current informationdescribed in calibrated uncertainty language that expresses the diversity of the scientifi-
cally and technically valid evidence, based mainly on the strength of the evidence and the level of agreement in the
scientific, technical, and socio-economic literature(IPCC, 2013b). I assert that AR5 and SR1.5 have not met this stan-
dard with regard to SRM's governance challenges.
I consider three possible reasons for the reports' failure to meet the IPCC's standards of balance, thoroughness, and
accuracy. First, the IPCC reports' content is, for the most part, limited to summarizing and assessing peer-reviewed pub-
lications. SRM scholarship seems to have evolved. In my perception, early publications emphasized SRM's limitations,
risks, and challenges, while more recent ones offer relatively more nuanced considerations. AR5, in particular, was
unable to cite some of the latter cohort.
Second, the reports' chapters that discuss SRM contain few, if any, SRM researchers. Climate researchers who do
not investigate SRM may be skeptical of or even hostile to it (and even those who do study it are unenthusiastic;
Anshelm & Hansson, 2014; see Dannenberg & Zitzelsberger, 2019). To some degree, this is understandable. Those con-
cerned about humans' environmental impacts generally aim for less intervention in nature, not more. Further, climate
scientists have been calling for mitigation, often in a hostile political environment, for about 30 years; other responses
to climate change may be perceived as dangerous distractions. These IPCC authors may, consciously or not, prefer that
SRM remains as low as possible on the climate change agenda in order to keep mitigation at the top.
Third, the IPCC reports have, over the decades, increasingly considered social, political, governance, and ethical
issues. Its method of assessment identifies existing and emerging consensuses while remaining policy-relevant and yet
policy-neutral, never policy-prescriptive.This may be poorly suited for the social sciences and humanities, which rely
to a greater degree on qualitative evidence, inductive reasoning, subjective values, and argumentation (Minx, Calla-
ghan, Lamb, Garard, & Edenhofer, 2017). If so, then the IPCC should perhaps undertake these assessments with cau-
tion and within explicit boundaries.
More and more, SRM appears able to prevent dangerous climate change and necessary to do so. It must be indepen-
dently, authoritatively, and internationally assessed in order to help guide its responsible research, development, and
if warranteduse. The IPCC is the logical site for this assessment. Although evaluations could, in principle, be accom-
plished through greater and more rigorous attention in future Assessment Reports, a dedicated chapter may not be able
to do so given SRM's cross-cutting nature. And even then, this would not be possible until the Seventh Assessment
Report in the late 2020s. Instead, a Special Report on SRM after the Sixth Assessment Report is warranted. While its
contributors should include some SRM-novices and skeptics, most of its authors must be both deeply familiar with the
field and willing to rationally assess SRM's advantages and disadvantages, capabilities and limitations, and opportuni-
ties and risks. Launching a Special Report would clarifyin my opinion beneficially sothat the IPCC is the principal
international site for assessing responses to climate change. (In 2019, the UN Environmental Assembly considered a
resolution on geoengineering and its governance. Among the reasons that this resolution did not pass was divergence
of views concerning institutional responsibility for scientific assessment) It is possible that a Special Report on SRM
could be, in part, performative. Similar to how SR1.5 (and the preceding Paris Agreement) helped reify 1.5C warming
as a scientifically important, politically acceptable, and rhetorically powerful threshold (Asayama, Bellamy, Geden, Pea-
rce, & Hulme, 2019), a Special Report might legitimatize SRM into an object worthy of study as a potential complemen-
tary response to climate change. If so, such an effectif it occurredwould not necessarily be undesirable.
The author has declared no conflicts of interest for this article.
Jesse L. Reynolds
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How to cite this article: Reynolds JL. Is solar geoengineering ungovernable? A critical assessment of
governance challenges identified by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. WIREs Clim Change. 2021;
... The apparent success of SR15 built a reputation for IPCC special reports as a convenient device for accelerating new scientific research on specific topics and helping resolve urgent policy problems. Since then, there have been mounting calls by scientists, policymakers and activists for new special reports on various topics from climate tipping points to loss and damage, carbon dioxide removal and solar geoengineering in the Seventh Assessment Report (AR7) cycle 1, 2 (Kemp et al. 2022;Nature 2022;Huq 2023;Reynolds 2021). Although it was decided that no further special reports in addition to a special report on cities will be produced during the AR7 cycle (IISD 2024), these calls indicate a great deal of public interest in IPCC special reports. ...
... Take for example the proposal by some of a special report on solar geoengineering 13 (Rahman et al. 2018;Jinnah and Nicholson 2019;Reynolds 2021). Although gaining prominence as a potential policy option, solar geoengineering is one of the most politically contentious and divisive topics among scientists and policymakers. ...
... Although gaining prominence as a potential policy option, solar geoengineering is one of the most politically contentious and divisive topics among scientists and policymakers. Despite the relative ignorance of solar geoengineering in its previous reports (Parker and Geden 2016;Reynolds 2021), the IPCC is already being caught up in the middle of the controversy. Whereas there is a call for 'balanced research' including thorough and impartial assessment by the IPCC (Wieners et al. 2023), there is a group of people who are adamantly against the normalisation of solar geoengineering through IPCC assessment (Biermann et al. 2022; see also Stephens et al. 2023). ...
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The special reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have a unique character in IPCC scientific assessment. Their main purpose is to address specific timely issues of policy relevance. This article explores the nature and role of IPCC special reports along the lines of three questions: (1) the history (‘where they come from’); (2) the function (‘what they are doing’); and (3) the future (‘where they are going’). In earlier assessment cycles, special reports were characterised mostly as a direct channel for quickly responding to the request from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The conduct of special reports has been gradually institutionalised to embed its planning in the overall scoping of the entire assessment cycle. More recently, they have become a vehicle to consolidate cross-cutting scientific perspectives and serve the diverse needs of the international policy community, not only the UNFCCC. This historical evolution is, in a sense, the result of striving for greater policy relevance. Special reports have a dual political function—namely, turning into the site or object of politicised debates on science (politicisation) and serving as ‘de facto governance’ with the effect of normalising politically contested ideas (normalisation). This dual function is two different faces emerging from the process into which the IPCC is brought to deal with political controversy. The duality of the two functions also manifests inherent tensions that lie behind the IPCC’s ‘policy-relevant but not policy-prescriptive’ principle. For the future of special reports, the IPCC could reconsider the role of special reports in light of the priority over comprehensive assessment reports, the responsiveness to the UNFCCC request and the selection and scope definition of timely topics. However, there will remain a trade-off between provisional science and lasting political impact caused by the future undertaking of IPCC special reports on any topic.
... Others, such as cultivation and harvesting of oceanic algae (Wu et al., 2023) or ocean alkalinity enhancement (Keller et al., 2014;Ilyina et al., 2013;Burt et al., 2021;, could be represented with explicit parameterizations (Wu et al., 2023). And, as discussion of the ethics and risks of solar radiation management intensify (Reynolds, 2021;Sovacool, 2021), understanding the interaction between geoengineering and ecosystem processes is of paramount importance (Zarnetske et al., 2021), where coupled ESMs are essential in any comprehensive cost-benefit assessment . ...
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Previous phases of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) have primarily focused on simulations driven by atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs), for both idealized model experiments and climate projections of different emissions scenarios. We argue that although this approach was practical to allow parallel development of Earth system model simulations and detailed socioeconomic futures, carbon cycle uncertainty as represented by diverse, process-resolving Earth system models (ESMs) is not manifested in the scenario outcomes, thus omitting a dominant source of uncertainty in meeting the Paris Agreement. Mitigation policy is defined in terms of human activity (including emissions), with strategies varying in their timing of net-zero emissions, the balance of mitigation effort between short-lived and long-lived climate forcers, their reliance on land use strategy, and the extent and timing of carbon removals. To explore the response to these drivers, ESMs need to explicitly represent complete cycles of major GHGs, including natural processes and anthropogenic influences. Carbon removal and sequestration strategies, which rely on proposed human management of natural systems, are currently calculated in integrated assessment models (IAMs) during scenario development with only the net carbon emissions passed to the ESM. However, proper accounting of the coupled system impacts of and feedback on such interventions requires explicit process representation in ESMs to build self-consistent physical representations of their potential effectiveness and risks under climate change. We propose that CMIP7 efforts prioritize simulations driven by CO2 emissions from fossil fuel use and projected deployment of carbon dioxide removal technologies, as well as land use and management, using the process resolution allowed by state-of-the-art ESMs to resolve carbon–climate feedbacks. Post-CMIP7 ambitions should aim to incorporate modeling of non-CO2 GHGs (in particular, sources and sinks of methane and nitrous oxide) and process-based representation of carbon removal options. These developments will allow three primary benefits: (1) resources to be allocated to policy-relevant climate projections and better real-time information related to the detectability and verification of emissions reductions and their relationship to expected near-term climate impacts, (2) scenario modeling of the range of possible future climate states including Earth system processes and feedbacks that are increasingly well-represented in ESMs, and (3) optimal utilization of the strengths of ESMs in the wider context of climate modeling infrastructure (which includes simple climate models, machine learning approaches and kilometer-scale climate models).
Solar geoengineering (SG) has emerged within scientific research circles as a potential technological solution to address global climate change, with critical contestation arising from different disciplinary fields given concerns for inadequate governance, technical uncertainties, research inequities, and challenges for democracy. The development of SG research is dominated by a homogenous community of Western actors and the proliferation of uneven research raises concerns for critical climate justice given the exclusion of a plurality of interests, values, and norms in the formulation of the research landscape and the construction of SG as a socio-technological imaginary. While commitments to critically investigate the positionalities and subjectivities shaping the knowledge grow more numerous, less explicit investigations exist that expose the ways in which the current discourse normalizes climate imaginaries that belong to a singularly Western tradition of thought. This research seeks to expose the ways in which the current epistemic climate engineering community totalizes a Western imaginary and thus entrenches discursive and material forms of 'climate coloniality'. Using a decolonial analytical frame to construct and interpret a critical discourse analysis, I examine the most prominent (powerful) scientific literature on SG and its governance for the presence of narratives that institute climate coloniality. The findings reveal those dominant discourses within the field that totalize Western conceptions of climate change, earth, the role of science, the future, and humanity. By naming the genealogy of these discourses in Western modernity, the research challenges their universality that currently obscures colonial histories, reduces complexities, enables certain justifications, and reifies power imbalances. The research emphasizes the limitations of this investigation as situated and partial in its subjective and limited application of decolonial theoretical praxis, emphasizing the need for further research on climate coloniality that is critical of this research and its intended contributions.
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As the world continues to fail to reduce and control global surface temperatures, the use of solar radiation management (SRM) technology by one actor or by a small coalition of actors is becoming increasingly likely. Yet, most of the social scientific literature on solar geoengineering does not tend to systematically engage with this possibility; scholars focus either on global governance or on banning SRM usage and research altogether. On the margins of this debate, a handful of researchers have sought to bring insights from the just war tradition to the issue of unilateral and minilateral SRM usage. This article is concerned with the contribution just war/securitization theories can make to our understanding of the debate surrounding climate engineering. It scrutinizes and deepens existing attempts by just war scholars to examine the moral permissibility of unilateral and minilateral SRM usage, including from the perspective of Just Securitization Theory.
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This paper presents the estimated direct costs of a stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) program through the end of this century. It displays a range of future solar geoengineering deployment scenarios that are intended to reduce anthropogenically-caused radiative forcing beginning in 2035. The scenarios reviewed herein include three commonly modeled representative concentration pathways (4.5, 6.0, and 8.5) and three possible radiative forcing targets (halving future warming, halting warming, and reversing temperatures to 2020 levels). The program relies on three successive generations of newly designed high-altitude tanker aircraft to deliver aerosols to an altitude of ∼20 km. Sulfates are assumed to be the aerosol used in conjunction with the first generation tanker, supplanted by an as-yet-determined ‘Aerosol 2’ with the later generation aircraft. The aggregate cost over the remainder of the 21st century and the annual cost in 2100 both vary by an order of magnitude between the cheapest and the most expensive scenarios. However, the cost-per-ton of deployed aerosol varies little among scenarios and the cost-per-degree-of-warming-avoided is similarly consistent. Relative to other climate interventions and solutions, SAI remains inexpensive, but at about $18 billion yr ⁻¹ per degree Celsius of warming avoided (in 2020 USD), a solar geoengineering program with substantial climate impact would lie well beyond the financial reach of individuals, small states, or other non-state potential rogue actors and would instead be the exclusive domain of large national economies or coalitions including at least one such economy.
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International CO2 emissions reduction commitments are insufficient to avert damaging global warming and imperil a sustainable future. Climate engineering approaches are increasingly proposed as near-term intervention strategies, but deployment of these controversial techniques will require careful engagement with and the support of the public. New quantitative measurements of public perceptions for six climate engineering approaches show that the public of the United Kingdom (UK), United States (US), Australia (AU) and New Zealand (NZ) continue to have little knowledge of climate engineering. All approaches are regarded unfavourably, albeit less so for carbon dioxide removal (CDR) than solar radiation management (SRM). Knowledge and perceptions are remarkably similar between countries although UK and US respondents are more favourable towards SRM and UK respondents are more favourable towards CDR. Stratospheric aerosol injection is the most negatively perceived approach. Support for small-scale trials is also higher for CDR approaches than SRM. Statistical analyses yield mixed relationships between perceptions of climate engineering and age, political affiliation and pro-ecological views. Thus far, attempts to engage the public with climate engineering have seen little change over time and consequently, there is growing urgency to facilitate careful citizen deliberation using objective and instructive information about climate engineering.
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Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering is a proposal to artificially thicken the layer of reflective aerosols in the stratosphere and it is hoped that this may offer a means of reducing average climate changes. However, previous work has shown that it could not perfectly offset the effects of climate change and there is a concern that it may worsen climate impacts in some regions. One approach to evaluating this concern is to test whether the absolute magnitude of climate change at each location is significantly increased (exacerbated) or decreased (moderated) relative to the period just preceding deployment. In prior work it was found that halving warming with an idealized solar constant reduction would substantially reduce climate change overall, exacerbating change in a small fraction of places. Here, we test if this result holds for a more realistic representation of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering using the data from the geoengineering large ensemble (GLENS). Using a linearized scaling of GLENS we find that halving warming with stratospheric aerosols moderates important climate hazards in almost all regions. Only 1.3% of land area sees exacerbation of change in water availability, and regions that are exacerbated see wetting not drying contradicting the common assumption that solar geoengineering leads to drying in general. These results suggest that halving warming with stratospheric aerosol geoengineering could potentially reduce key climate hazards substantially while avoiding some problems associated with fully offsetting warming.
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Exploring heterogeneity in the economic impacts of solar geoengineering is a fundamental step towards understanding the risk tradeoff associated with a geoengineering option. To evaluate impacts of solar geoengineering and greenhouse gas-driven climate change on equal terms, we apply macroeconomic impact models that have been widely applied to climate change impacts assessment. Combining historical evidence with climate simulations of mean annual temperature and precipitation, we project socio-economic outcomes under high anthropogenic emissions for stylized climate scenarios in which global temperatures are stabilized or over-cooled by blocking solar radiation. We find impacts of climate changes on global GDP-per-capita by the end of the century are temperature-driven, highly dispersed, and model dependent. Across all model specifications, however, income inequality between countries is lower with solar geoengineering. Consistent reduction in inter-country inequality can inform discussions of the distribution of impacts of solar geoengineering, a topic of concern in geoengineering ethics and governance debates. Exploring the heterogeneity in impacts and outcomes of using solar geoengineering to counteract global warming is important. Here the authors found that solar geoengineering that reduces temperature below present-day would grow GDP by accelerating economic development in tropics, but projections for global GDP-per-capita by the end of the century are highly dispersed and model dependent.
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Damages due to climate change are expected to increase with global warming, which could be limited directly by solar geoengineering. Here we analyse the views of 723 negotiators and scientists who are involved in international climate policy-making and who will have a considerable influence on whether solar geoengineering will be used to counter climate change. We find that respondents who expect severe global climate change damages and who have little confidence in current mitigation efforts are more opposed to geoengineering than respondents who are less pessimistic about global damages and mitigation efforts. However, we also find that respondents are more supportive of geoengineering when they expect severe climate change damages in their home country than when they have more optimistic expectations for the home country. Thus, when respondents are more personally affected, their views are closer to what rational cost–benefit analyses predict.
Over the past decade or so, several commentators have called for mission-driven research programs on solar geoengineering, also known as solar radiation management (SRM) or climate engineering. Building on the largely epistemic reasons offered by earlier commentators, this paper argues that a well-designed mission-driven research program that aims to evaluate solar geoengineering could promote justice and legitimacy, among other valuable ends. Specifically, an international, mission-driven research program that aims to produce knowledge to enable well-informed decision-making about solar geoengineering could (1) provide a more effective way to identify and answer the questions that policymakers would need to answer; and (2) provide a venue for more efficient, effective, just, and legitimate governance of solar geoengineering research; while (3) reducing the tendency for solar geoengineering research to exacerbate international domination. Thus, despite some risks and limitations, a well-designed mission-driven research program offers one way to improve the governance of solar geoengineering research relative to the ‘investigator-driven’ status quo.
Governments disagree even on the current state of climate change engineering governance, as became clear at the 2019 United Nations Environment Assembly negotiations. They must develop mechanisms to provide policy-relevant knowledge, clarify uncertainties and head off potential distributional impacts.