The effects of transport development on people’s lives are diverse, ranging from economy to tourism, health care, etc. Great progress has been made in this area, which has led to the emergence of the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) concept. The main objective of this concept is to offer a safer and more comfortable travel experience through making available a vast array of applications, by relying on a range of communication technologies including the fifth-generation mobile networks. The proposed applications have personalized Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, which raise new challenging issues for the management and allocation of resources. Currently, this interest has been doubled with the start of the discussion of the sixth-generation mobile networks. In this context, Network Slicing (NS) was presented as one of the key technologies in the 5G architecture to address these challenges. In this article, we try to bring together the effects of NS implications in the Internet of Vehicles field and show the impact on transport development. We begin by reviewing the state of the art of NS in IoV in terms of architecture, types, life cycle, enabling technologies, network parts, and evolution within cellular networks. Then, we discuss the benefits brought by the use of NS in such a dynamic environment, along with the technical challenges. Moreover, we provide a comprehensive review of NS deploying various aspects of Learning Techniques for the Internet of Vehicles. Afterwards, we present Network Slicing utilization in different IoV application scenarios through different domains; terrestrial, aerial, and marine. In addition, we review Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) datasets as well as existing implementation tools; besides presenting a concise summary of the Network Slicing-related projects that have an impact on IoV. Finally, in order to promote the deployment of Network Slicing in IoV, we provide some directions for future research work. We believe that the survey will be useful for researchers from academia and industry. First, to acquire a holistic vision regarding IoV-based NS realization and identify the challenges hindering it. Second, to understand the progression of IoV powered NS applications in the different fields (terrestrial, aerial, and marine). Finally, to determine the opportunities for using Machine Learning Techniques (MLT), in order to propose their own solutions to foster NS-IoV integration.