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Programmable Dictionary Code Compression for Instruction Stream Energy Efficiency


Abstract and Figures

We propose a novel instruction compression scheme based on fine-grained programmable dictionaries. In its core is a compile-time region-based control flow analysis to selectively update the dictionary contents at runtime, minimizing the update overheads, while maximizing the beneficial use of the dictionary slots. Unlike in the previous work, our approach selects regions of instructions to compress at compile time and changes dictionary contents in a fine-grained manner at runtime with the primary goal of reducing the energy footprint of the processor instruction stream. The proposed instruction compression scheme is evaluated using RISC-V as an example instruction set architecture. The energy savings are compared to an instruction scratch pad and a filter cache as the next level storage. The method reduces instruction stream energy consumption up to 21% and 5.5% on average when compared to the RISC-V C extension with a 1% runtime overhead and a negligible hardware overhead. The previous state-of-the-art programmable dictionary compression method provides a slightly better compression ratio, but induces about 30% runtime overhead.
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Programmable Dictionary Code Compression for
Instruction Stream Energy Efficiency
Joonas Multanen, Kari Hepola, Pekka J¨
Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences (ITC)
Tampere University
Tampere, Finland
{joonas.multanen, kari.hepola, pekka.jaaskelainen}
Abstract—We propose a novel instruction compression scheme
based on fine-grained programmable dictionaries. In its core is
a compile-time region-based control flow analysis to selectively
update the dictionary contents at runtime, minimizing the update
overheads, while maximizing the beneficial use of the dictionary
slots. Unlike in the previous work, our approach selects regions of
instructions to compress at compile time and changes dictionary
contents in a fine-grained manner at runtime with the primary
goal of reducing the energy footprint of the processor instruction
The proposed instruction compression scheme is evaluated
using RISC-V as an example instruction set architecture. The
energy savings are compared to an instruction scratch pad and
a filter cache as the next level storage. The method reduces
instruction stream energy consumption up to 21% and 5.5%
on average when compared to the RISC-V C extension with a
1% runtime overhead and a negligible hardware overhead. The
previous state-of-the-art programmable dictionary compression
method provides a slightly better compression ratio, but induces
about 30% runtime overhead.
Although required for software-based programmability, the
instruction stream of a processor is effectively an overhead
in the big picture; it does not directly contribute to the
processing of data in computation. Since the instruction stream
in programmable processors can constitute up to 40% of total
system energy [1], [2] and up to 70% of processor core power
[3], it is appealing to focus on the minimization of its impact.
Previous work attempts to address the instruction stream
overheads at various design hierarchy levels. In code compres-
sion, the aim is to reduce the bits required by the program.
When minimizing static compression ratio (CR), redundancy
in the program image can be utilized to save storage space
in the instruction memory. On the other hand, if optimizing
dynamic CR, the goal is to reduce the total number of fetched
instruction bits in order to improve the cache hit ratio or to
reduce bit toggling, eventually improving the energy efficiency
of a software programmable processor. In that case, the focus
of the compression is on the most executed instructions.
Previous code compression approaches mainly focus on static
code size reduction with only a few works [4], [5] concentrating
on dynamic CR. In this paper, we propose a code compression
method targeted for energy efficiency by optimizing specifically
for dynamic CR. Evaluated in an embedded system scenario,
our approach achieves an average instruction stream energy
reduction of 5.5% and 21% in the best case compared to RISC-
V C extension [6] with an average runtime overhead of 1%.
Although a state-of-the-art dictionary compression method [7]
produces somewhat better dynamic compression ratios, its
runtime overhead is significantly higher, degrading execution
We identify the following key contributions in this paper:
A novel run-time programmable code compression
a static CFG analysis algorithm to group program basic
blocks into code compression regions,
a heuristic to find most suitable instruction bundles to
place into dictionaries,
a low-overhead decompression hardware architecture
designed for minimal programming overhead, and
the first evaluation of a dictionary compression scheme
on the RISC-V ISA.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II
overviews the relevant previous work on instruction compres-
sion. Section III introduces background on code compression
and Section IV continues by describing the proposed method.
In Section V, the proposed method is evaluated and results are
presented. Finally, Section VI concludes the paper.
The proposed method requires design choices on the type of
compression used, the strategies to choose the dictionary entries,
and the granularity of the dynamic control over compression.
Therefore, we review the previous work in these topics in
the following subsections. The most relevant references are
summarized in Table I.
A. Compression Types
The choice of compression type has significant impact on
compression ratios, runtime overhead, area occupation and
energy consumption. Although statistical methods such as
Huffman coding and run length encoding (RLE) typically lead
to better CR compared to dictionary-based methods, they result
in a more complex decompression logic. Wolfe and Chanin [8]
use compression based on Huffman code. During execution,
encoded instructions are fetched into a cache and decoded
type update granularity compression target note year
CCRP [8] Huffman program static CR 1992
Lefurgy et al. [9] dictionary program static CR compresses instr. sequences 1997
Benini et al. [4] dictionary program dyn. CR dynamic profiling 1999
Lin et al. [10] LZW dynamic static CR on-the-fly generated code table 2007
bitmask [11] dictionary + bitmask program static CR 2006
Brorsson & Collin [5] dictionary function call dyn. CR + energy 2006
Thuresson et al. [7] dictionary basic block dyn. CR 2009
TABLE I: Comparison of previous code compression methods.
for execution. Lin et al. [10] use Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) to
compress program basic blocks (BBs). During compression
and decompression, a coding table is dynamically generated
and cleared upon encountering a branch target.
ARM Thumb [12], MIPS16 [13] and RISC-V C extension
(RVC) [6] are reduced instruction sets, where a subset of
instructions are compressed by representing them with 16 bits
instead of the regular 32 bits. For each of the two instruction
modes, a separate decoding hardware is used.
Benini et al. [4] mix uncompressed (32-bit) and compressed
(8-bit) instructions in the memory. A mark of 8 bits is used to
indicate an uncompressed instruction in their dictionary scheme.
Their results indicate that fetching uncompressed instructions in
a single fetch is beneficial, which we adopt to our work. Lefurgy
et al. [9] use dictionary compression to reduce code size. They
form a single dictionary per program and align variable-length
codewords to 4-bit boundaries. Lefurgy et al. [14] split 32-bit
instructions into two parallel 32-entry dictionaries to compress
instructions in the IBM PowerPC. In our work, we also split
instructions to multiple dictionaries based on the instruction
subfields of the target architecture ISA. Seong and Mishra [11]
describe a bitmask scheme on top of dictionary compression.
This allows multiple instructions to share a single entry, if
the differences can be expressed with an XOR bitmask. This
approach is orthogonal with dictionary compression and can
be applied on top of the proposed method.
In the majority of the previous work, the preferred approach
in recent instruction memory hierarchies incorporating instruc-
tion compression is dictionary compression [4], [7], [9], [11],
[14], which we also base our work on.
B. Content Strategies
The method for finding optimal dictionary entries has
been studied as an isolated research problem. Li and
Chakrabarty [15] show that finding optimal instructions for
dictionary compression is an
-hard problem. Thus, previous
work typically uses heuristics to select dictionary entries.
Benini et al. [4] observe that per program, the majority of
the most executed instructions in their benchmark set fits into
a dictionary of 256 instructions.
Lin et al. [10] analyze program control flow graphs (CFGs)
to identify branch blocks, also referred to as superblocks [16],
which are regions of basic blocks (BB) where a branch is only
allowed to the first BB. Our proposed approach uses code
regions similar to superblocks.
Ishiura and Yamaguchi [17] describe a field partitioning
scheme for a very long instruction word (VLIW) architecture.
They present a heuristic to approximate the best field partitions
to be compressed individually. These are formed in parallel
and iteratively merged in a greedy fashion.
To lower the dynamic cost of programming dictionaries,
Thuresson et al. [7] search for identical entries between BBs
and recursively push dictionary programming instructions to
predecessor BBs, if the programming cost there is lower. The
cost is determined by the amount of BB executions from a
trace profile. The authors do not pack immediate values, which
require fixing after compression. To avoid execution path bias,
our proposed method uses static analysis instead of dynamic.
Also, our algorithm handles immediate values and their correct
execution is verified using RTL simulations.
C. Programming Granularity
While large dictionaries can accommodate more entries,
accessing them is less energy efficient when compared to
smaller ones. This brings a trade-off: How can dictionaries
be kept small and energy-efficient, while maintaining good
static and/or dynamic CR? A solution to this is dynamic
programmability of dictionaries. However, this introduces
additional challenges to the software side: At which point in
the program to change the contents? In addition, the dictionary
contents present an additional architectural state, which must
be preserved across function calls, exceptions and context
Previous work considers updating dictionaries at differ-
ent levels of granularity during execution. Majority of the
previous work updates dictionary contents at the start of a
program [4], [8], [9], [11]. Brorsson & Collin [5] evaluate
updating dictionaries at different granularities, of which the
most fine-grained is at function-level. Their results suggest,
that dynamic CR and energy consumption can be improved
by updating dictionaries at context switches. However, as their
approach compresses all instructions, loops that do not fit into
dictionaries cause significant overheads in execution time and
energy consumption. Clearly, compressing all instructions is
harmful, when a benchmark exceeds the capacity of dictionaries
whose size is fixed at design time.
Thuresson et al. [7] update dictionaries at the granularity
of BBs. Upon entering a BB, dictionary entries can be
programmed one-by-one. In their approach, all instructions are
compressed, whereas in our proposed method only instructions
considered beneficial for improving the energy footprint are
compressed. Although the authors report execution time over-
heads of 1% from the dictionary programming, our evaluations
show that for loops that do not fit into the dictionary, the
execution time overhead is significant. To address this, our
method updates the dictionaries before loop regions.
Although relatively old, we consider the approach pro-
posed by Thuresson et al. to still be the state-of-the-art
in programmable dictionary compression. It achieves high
compression ratios with a minor runtime overhead. Therefore,
we use it as the baseline in our evaluation. It is also closest to
the proposed method in terms of dictionary control granularity.
Although there are more recent publications on instruction
compression, such as [18], to the best of our knowledge they
do not contribute on fine-grained programmable dictionaries.
In this section, we discuss the effects of dictionary compres-
sion design choices on energy-efficiency. Previous work on
code compression has mostly concentrated on optimizing for
static CR, while the potential for reducing energy consumption
has received less attention. Our proposed method primarily
targets dynamic compression ratio. Compared to previous
work, our approach allows fine-grained dynamic control of
dictionary contents, while keeping the runtime overhead low
by not compressing all instructions. Ideally, in terms of energy-
efficiency, the dictionaries should be as small as possible, while
still providing a good dynamic CR. Compressing instructions
requires fetching from both the main memory hierarchy as
well as the dictionary, resulting in a higher total number of
bits fetched compared to uncompressed instructions. However,
as fewer bits are fetched from the expensive main memory,
improvements in both energy consumption and performance
are possible, since the dictionary accesses are assumed to be
faster and consume less energy.
Here, we consider the dictionary or dictionaries to be pro-
grammable. Even though programmability can add complexity
to the compression software, it can improve the compression
ratio if instruction mixes vary significantly between different
program phases [7].
A. Dictionary Sizing and Instruction Subfields
In order to decrease redundancy in instruction compression,
instruction subfields such as immediate, opcode or register
index fields can be compressed individually. Here, it makes
sense to group together bits belonging to the same subfield [17].
As some subfields are not used in all instructions and some
only use a small number of their possible bit combinations,
these subfields can have good compression ratios even with
relatively small dictionaries compared to the number of total
bit combinations they can represent. For energy-efficiency,
dictionaries should be kept as small as possible while still
maintaining good compression ratios.
B. Should All Instructions Be Compressed?
In addition to programmability, the issue of limited amount
of dictionary entries can be alleviated by allowing both
uncompressed and compressed instructions in program code.
Consider a region of code that is executed only once. If the
entries between instructions in the region are not shared, the
region should not be compressed; fetching and writing the
entries into a dictionary in addition to fetching the compressed
instructions for them only increases execution time and energy
consumption. Another harmful case can be found in program
inner loops: if all of the entries of a loop cannot fit into a
dictionary and uncompressed instructions are not allowed, the
dictionary will have to be programmed at each iteration of the
loop, causing significant overheads.
C. Dictionary Entry Selection
Selecting the set of instructions to store in the dictionary
per program poses a problem: when the total number of
unique instructions in a program increases, a fixed size
dictionary can accommodate a smaller portion of them. If
the target is minimizing static CR, then selecting entries by
their static occurrence is a valid criteria. For minimizing
dynamic CR, the most executed instructions should be chosen
as dictionary entries. Compressing an instruction occurring only
once requires more space than its uncompressed version. In
terms of energy consumption, the overhead of programming an
instruction to the dictionary should not consume more energy
than is saved by executing it as compressed.
D. Bundling
Although allowing uncompressed instructions could be
beneficial for energy consumption and execution time, it raises
a practical issue of laying out varying width instructions in
memory. Fig. 2 compares placement options in a scheme,
where instructions have a fixed amount of different templates.
If the compressed and uncompressed instruction widths are
not divisible by each other, padding bits must be used. As
the instruction fetch word size is fixed at design time, the
instruction template should minimize or completely eliminate
the amount of padding bits.
In Fig. 2a the memory width is aligned to compressed in-
structions and uncompressed instructions are padded. However,
this adds an execution time overhead, as an uncompressed
instruction now requires fetching multiple words.
In another approach illustrated in Figures 2b and 2c, the
instruction word width is selected so that either an uncom-
pressed instruction or a bundle of
compressed instructions
can be fetched in one word. This has the advantage of constant
number of fetches required for both instruction types. However,
it can require padding bits depending on the relationship of
uncompressed and compressed instruction sizes. Moreover, a
full bundle requires
consecutive compressible instructions.
This leads to a design choice: unless
consecutive compressible
instructions are found, the bundle is discarded, or the bundle
size must be somehow indicated.
Since the main objective of the proposed method is energy-
efficiency, the leading philosophy is to keep the decompression
and control hardware simple by moving much of the control
of the decompression logic to software. We also expect
source code
BB & CFG analysis
control code insertion
branch target fixing
assembly code
region selection
dictionary creation
program binary code
. . .
is_compressed is_last_in_bundle
“10” =
instruction fetch
instruction memory
header 01
uncompressed 11
compr. bundle 10
compr. bundle 10
uncompressed 11
fill_amount_field 0 1
instr1 instr0 1 0
compressed bundle
dict1 dict0
entries after header
idx1 idx0
dict_0 dict_1 dict_m
Fig. 1:
Overview of the proposed method. Contributions of this work are coloured blue. Dictionary frames created at compile time are
programmed into dictionaries. Compressed and uncompressed instructions are read from memory during execution.
Aligned to com-
pressed instruction
Aligned to a multiple of compressed
instruction width.
Aligned to uncompressed instruction
Fig. 2: Alignment of memory width with instruction bundles.
compressing inner loops to provide most benefits, as they
are typically program hot spots.
An overview of the proposed method is presented in Fig. 1.
At compile time, a CFG is analyzed for each function. From
the CFGs, our algorithm analyzes BBs belonging to loops and
groups them into compression regions similar to superblocks
[16]. For each region, a dictionary frame is created, if it is
evaluated as profitable for dynamic CR. This is done with a
heuristic algorithm which selects bundles of instructions to
compress based on an occurrence-cost metric.
During execution, the start of dictionary programming must
be indicated. In our implementation, this is a special header
instruction that conveys the number of entries to fill. Although it
uses an unused encoding in the RISC-V ISA, it does not require
modifications to the core itself, as the header is not conveyed
to the instruction decoder, but is handled inside the dictionary
decompressor. The header is followed by the dictionary entries
to be filled. After a dictionary frame is programmed into the
dictionary, compressed and uncompressed instructions can both
be executed.
Next, the compile time algorithm used to compress instruc-
tion binaries is explained. It is followed by a description of
the decompression and dictionary hardware designs.
A. Bundle-Aware Compression Algorithm
As a consequence of allowing uncompressed instructions
in program code and concurrently requiring only one fetch
per instruction, our approach bundles compressed instructions
as shown placed inside the instruction memory in Fig. 1. To
keep the fetch control logic straightforward, instructions in the
memory are aligned to fixed boundaries according to Fig. 2c.
That is, a fetched word can only contain either an uncompressed
instruction or a bundle of
compressed instructions. Otherwise,
its instructions are left uncompressed. As a result, an instruction
can exist both as uncompressed and compressed in different
addresses of a program and even inside a BB.
The proposed compression algorithm is described as pseudo
code in Fig. 3. First, a CFG is constructed for each function in
an input program. From the CFG, nested loops are identified.
Correctness of program execution relies on regions being
entered only from a single entry point. This allows not having to
duplicate the dictionary header code at each location branching
into the region. There can be multiple branches out of the
region, as the end of a region is not indicated.
As a function call can cause the dictionary frame to be
updated, regions with calls in them are not compressed. This
is to avoid programming the dictionaries during each iteration
of loops, if a function is called from them. Even though
all functions are not compressed, we do not assume this
during compression, as we perform region analysis per function
assuming all functions are not available for a whole program
We divide full instructions into subfields and compress them
individually, as this seems to allow better compression in our
preliminary estimations. The algorithm first calculates static
occurrences in the region for each instruction subfield defined
by the user. For a bundle, the cost of adding new entries is
defined as
is the number of consecutive instructions for a
bundle and
is the amount of new entries over all subfields in
the instruction to be added to the dictionaries to compress the
bundle. Next, an occurrence-cost scoreoc is calculated using
scoreoc =
is calculated using Eq. 1 and
is the number of
static occurrences in the whole region for the entry candidates
in the bundle.
Input compression regions
Output dictionary frames
n= consecutive instructions required for a bundle
1: for all region in regions do
2: while dictionaryFrame not full and BBsToHandle do
3: while true do
4: groupValid = True
5: bestGroup = None
6: i, newEntriesRequired, bestScore = 0
7: while i<region.instructions.length do
8: candidateBBGroup = region.instructions[i:i+n-1]
9: for instruction in candidateBBGroup do
10: if instruction not isFirstIn(candidateBBGroup) then
11: break
12: end if
13: for all subfield in instruction do
14: if subfield.encoding not in dictionaryFrame[fieldIdx] then
15: newEntriesRequired += 1
16: end if
17: end for
18: end for
19: if candidateBBGroup.fitsInto(dictionaryFrame) then
20: for all unique entry in candidateBBGroup.entries do
21: numOccurrences += entry.occurrencesIn(region)
22: end for
23: else
24: groupValid = False
25: end if
26: if groupValid then
27: score = numOccurrences/newEntriesRequired
28: if score <bestScore then
29: bestGroup = candidateBBGroup
30: bestScore = score
31: end if
32: end if
33: i += n
34: end while
35: if bestGroup != None then
36: dictionaryFrame.addEntriesFrom(bestGroup)
37: else
38: break
39: end if
40: end while
41: end while
42: end for
Fig. 3: Pseudocode to create dictionary frames
For loop regions, the algorithm starts from the innermost
loops. Since the algorithm assumes to not have information
on loop iteration counts in the general case, all instructions of
an inner loop are placed into the dictionary if they fit. This is
based on the assumption that inner loop levels are likely to be
executed more than outer levels. Upon encountering the first
loop level that does not completely fit into the dictionary, that
loop is partially placed into the dictionary using the algorithm
presented in Fig. 3.
As branch targets can end up in new locations after
compression, branch instructions require fixing accordingly.
Moreover, branch targets are problematic, as their immediates
may have the same encoding as an instruction with another
template. For this reason we always reserve an individual entry
for each subfield when compressing a branch. Moreover, as
RISC-V utilizes PC relative branching, two branches with the
same target address cannot use the same entries.
B. Low Overhead Decompression Hardware
While program binaries are compressed at compile time in
software, hardware is responsible for decompressing instruc-
tions and programming the dictionary entries upon a header
instruction. Fig. 1 illustrates the decompression logic used
in conjunction with the proposed method. The logic is fairly
straightforward, as the complexity of program flow analysis
is moved to the compiler. The instruction fetch unit fetches
instructions and examines the two least significant bits to
dict 2 dict 1 dict 0 dict 2 dict 1 dict 0
width 8b 15b 7b entries 4 64 4
TABLE II: Evaluated dictionary parameters.
check for header and compressed instructions. A header stalls
execution until the dictionaries are programmed, after which
the execution falls through to the next instruction after the last
C. Design Considerations
For maximizing locality, an option would be to store
the dictionary entries directly in consecutive addresses after
the header instruction. This allows fast programming of the
dictionary as no branching is required to obtain the dictionary
entries. However, this is not optimal for loops. Although
programming the dictionary is fast in this approach, later
iterations of a loop require a branch over the dictionary entries.
We locate the dictionary entries after the header instructions, as
we assume that a loop region is not entered frequently, keeping
the overhead low.
Design parameters for the proposed compressor listed in
Table II are manually selected by observing the different
instruction templates in the RISC-V ISA [6]. In preliminary
evaluations, a bundle size of three instructions provided best
results. This translates to a compressed instruction width of
10 bits, as this allows a bundle of three instructions with no
padding bits, when the two compression bits are concatenated
to a bundle. A large portion of the RISC-V base instruction
set opcodes use very similar encodings, requiring few entries
for a dictionary. This 7-bit opcode field is then compressed
individually. As pointed out by Waterman [19], the majority
of immediates used in RISC-V programs are small. Thus, the
most significant eight bits of immediates, which are also the
most significant bits in the RISC-V immediate encoding, are
compressed as one group. The remaining 15 bits are compressed
together. Dictionary entry amounts are exhaustively searched
from all combinations that result in a compressed width of 10
We evaluate the proposed compression method by integrating
it to an embedded system consisting of a processor core and
an SRAM-based on-chip instruction memory as illustrated in
Fig. 4. A RISC-V implementation called zero-riscy [3] is used
as the example processor core. Details are listed in Table III.
In all evaluations, the 32 kB instruction memory configured
in the zero-riscy implementation is used. The SRAM energy
consumption is estimated using CACTI-P [20].
In order to evaluate the method in different memory hierarchy
configurations, we compare against a small direct-mapped filter
cache [21]. Filter caches are commonly used to improve the
instruction locality of data oriented workloads with good energy
efficiency due to their relatively simple hardware logic. An
open-source implementation [22] by Saljooghi et al. is used
for this purpose. The instruction memory access time is set to
one clock cycle.
RISC-V ISA IMC instruction width 32 bits
issue width 1 pipeline stages 2
TABLE III: Features of the zero-riscy core used in the evaluation.
32 kB
zero-riscy core
instruction fetch
dictionary decompressor
line size 4B
block size 16B
Fig. 4: Evaluation setup.
Benchmark applications from CHStone [23] are compiled
using the GCC-based compiler shipped with the zero-riscy
core. The jpeg benchmark is left out of the evaluation as
its data does not fit into the 32kB data memory in zero-
riscy. Benchmark loop characteristics are shown in Table V.
Disassembled program binaries are used as input for the
compressor and execution traces from RTL simulation are
used to evaluate the dynamic CR and energy consumption.
We compare to the previous state-of-the-art by implementing
the algorithm by Thuresson et al. used in the FlexCore processor
[7] since it has the finest dictionary programming granularity
and is closest to the proposed method. In order to provide
another interesting reference point, we compile the benchmarks
utilizing the RISC-V Compressed (RVC) [6] instruction set
A. Compression Ratios and Runtime Overhead
Static compression ratios are listed in Table VI. On average,
RVC reaches a static CR of 0.75, whereas the proposed method
results in larger code than the original with a static CR of 1.12
on average. This stems from one of the subfield dictionaries
having significantly more entries compared to the two others.
In our approach, entries are always programmed to the field
dictionaries in parallel. As the entries to be programmed are
adpcm aes blowfish gs m mips motion sha avg.
100% 122%
RVC Thuresson et al. proposed
Fig. 5: Dynamic compression ratio. Lower is better.
adpcm aes blowfish gsm mips motion s ha avg.
20% 32% 52% 23% 240% 31%
RVC Thuresson et al. proposed
Fig. 6: Runtime overhead.
Fig. 7: Energy consumption relative to baseline. Cache evaluated with 2, 32 and 128 lines.
baseline RVC proposed
no cache L1-2 L1-32 L1-128 no cache L1-2 L1-32 L1-128 no cache
adpcm 91502 109.9 % 64.3 % 28.7 % 84.3 % 91.0 % 48.7 % 6.9 % 83.6 %
aes 24698 100.7 % 18.4 % 5.3 % 85.7 % 85.3 % 12.1 % 4.4 % 70.1 %
blowfish 729960 102.7 % 75.2 % 1.5 % 79.4 % 78.9 % 57.1 % 0.2 % 69.4 %
gsm 14586 110.6 % 15.6 % 7.5 % 81.2 % 69.8 % 11.6 % 5.6 % 84.5 %
mips 25420 124.9 % 47.0 % 1.5 % 84.5 % 107.1 % 15.2 % 1.1 % 91.4 %
motion 2202 114.6 % 22.3 % 21.8 % 92.9 % 110.3 % 18.0 % 17.3 % 71.4 %
sha 689790 105.9 % 7.5 % 0.1 % 73.2 % 85.6 % 4.5 % 0.1 % 44.8 %
avg. 109.7 % 27.2 % 3.3 % 82.8 % 88.7 % 17.4 % 1.6 % 72.0 %
TABLE IV: Memory access amounts.
concatenated into a full instruction words and placed into
memory, the bit indexes for the smaller dictionaries are left
unused after there are no more entries for those dictionaries.
Dynamic CR per benchmark for the evaluated methods is
presented in Fig. 5. RVC achieves the smallest reduction in
fetched dynamic bits, a geometric mean CR
of 0.83. Due
to the instruction prefetcher of the zero-riscy implementation,
there is a small overhead in runtime caused by RVC, as
instructions are sometimes fetched during branches.
The algorithm by Thuresson et al. achieves the best CR
with a geometric mean of 0.69. However, the runtime overhead
caused by the dynamic dictionary programming is significant:
1.31x compared to uncompressed execution on average. This is
due to large loops whose entries do not fit into the dictionaries,
forcing costly dictionary programming at each iteration of
the loop. The proposed compression achieves on average
a CR
of 0.72. This is somewhat higher than that of
Thuresson et al., but it should be noted that their method
uses dynamic program profiling, whereas our method is based
on static CFG analysis and focuses on inner loops to reduce
compression bias in data-dependent program flows. As the
method of Thuresson et al. compresses all instructions and
partially shares dictionary entries between BBs, it achieves
better compression ratios than the proposed method. However,
the frequent dictionary programming and the requirement to
compress all instructions causes a significant execution time
overhead, whereas the proposed approach allows uncompressed
instructions and hoists dictionary programming code outside of
loops, leading to significantly smaller execution time overhead
instructions instructions
in loops (%) executed in loops (%)
adpcm 11.0 47.8
aes 33.4 80.7
blowfish 21.7 90.3
gsm 33.4 80.1
mips 35.8 63.5
motion 16.0 79.8
sha 25.7 93.7
TABLE V: Benchmark characteristics.
adpcm aes blowfish gsm mips motion sha avg
RVC 0.78 0.71 0.76 0.74 0.73 0.80 0.76 0.75
Thuresson et al. 1.28 1.25 1.11 1.91 1.82 1.23 1.53 1.42
proposed 1.06 1.17 1.15 1.07 1.10 1.10 1.19 1.12
TABLE VI: Static compression ratio. Lower is better.
of only 1% on average.
B. Energy Consumption
In order to evaluate system energy consumption, we obtain
the SRAM instruction memory access energy values from Cacti
[20]. Cache numbers and the overhead from the additional
hardware are evaluated by implementing the proposed method
in SystemVerilog and synthesizing it with the Synopsys Design
Compiler using a 28 nm process. As the cache size is small, it is
implemented with flip-flops instead of SRAM. Power estimates
are obtained for the synthesized design using switching activity
information files (SAIFs) produced with Modelsim.
As the approach by Thuresson et al. results in a 31%
overhead in execution time, we consider this prohibitively
large in terms of performance, even though it reaches a slightly
better dynamic CR on average when compared to our proposed
method. Thus, we do not implement it in hardware and exclude
it from the energy evaluations.
Energy estimates relative to zero-riscy with no RVC are
presented in Fig. 7. Compared to RVC, the proposed approach
reaches on average a 5.5% energy reduction in the instruction
stream. The best reduction of 21% is achieved in sha.
In gsm, the proposed method consumes more energy than the
baseline. This is due to a frequently executed loop containing
a function call. Our algorithm is not able to compress this
loop due to the call, resulting in an overhead from the idling
compression logic. This stems again from the program analysis
being limited to function CFGs and motivates future research on
a whole-program analysis. In mips, our current loop detection
algorithm is not able to identify the complex main loop
structure. Without these cases, the average energy reduction
over RVC is 11%.
The zero-riscy core including the decompressor reaches a
maximum clock frequency of 1.38 GHz, which is actually 5%
better than the baseline, due to the removal of the instruction
prefetcher required by RVC. The chip area used by the
dictionary decompressor is 4100
. The latency of the
dictionary decompressor component was 0.36 ns with its critical
path starting from the dictionary addressing logic and ending
in the instruction out port. Critical path of the whole core is
not in the decompressor, but in the multiplication unit.
In this paper, we presented a novel programmable code
compression scheme to minimize the dynamic compression
ratio. We proposed an algorithm to divide an input program
CFG into compression regions. As our approach places com-
pressed and uncompressed instructions interleaved in memory,
we proposed an algorithm to greedily bundle compressible
instructions driven by an occurrence-cost metric.
The proposed compression method was evaluated on a RISC-
V processor system with individual dictionaries for instruction
subfields. Compared to RVC, our approach reduced instruction
stream energy consumption by 5.5% on average and 21% in
the best case with only an average 1% runtime overhead.
In the future we plan to investigate whole-program algo-
rithms to more efficiently treat loops with function calls as well
as evaluate the method with static multi-issue architectures.
The authors would like to thank their funding sources:
Tampere University of Technology Graduate School and
Academy of Finland (decision #331344). This work is part
of the FitOptiVis project [24] funded by the ECSEL Joint
Undertaking under grant number 783162.
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Conference Paper
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are systems that are in feedback with their environment, possibly with humans in the loop. They are often distributed with sensors and actuators, smart, adaptive and predictive and react in real-time. Image- and video-processing pipelines are a prime source for environmental information improving the possibilities of active, relevant feedback. In such a context, FitOptiVis aims to provide end-to-end multi-objective optimization for imaging and video pipelines of CPS, with emphasis on energy and performance, leveraging on a reference architecture, supported by low-power, high-performance, smart devices, and by methods and tools for combined design-time and run-time multi-objective optimization within system and environment constraints.
Engineers must consider performance, power consumption, and cost when designing embedded digital systems; furthermore, memory is a key factor in such systems. Code compression is a technique used in embedded systems to reduce the memory usage. BitMask-based code compression is a modified version of dictionary-based code compression. The basic purpose of BitMask is to record mismatched values and their positions to compress a greater number of instructions; it can be used exclusively or incorporated with the reference instructions to decode the codewords. In this paper, we applied a small separated dictionary, and variable mask numbers were used with the BitMask algorithm to reduce the codeword length of high-frequency instructions. In addition, a novel dictionary selection algorithm was proposed to increase the instruction match rates. The fully separated dictionary method was used to improve the performance of the decompression engine without affecting the compression ratio (CR) (the compressed code size divided by original code size). Based on the experimental results, the proposed method can achieve a 7.5% improvement in the CR with nearly no hardware overhead.
Conference Paper
Level-1 (L1) cache memories are complex circuits that tightly integrate memory, logic, and state machines near the processor datapath. During the design of a processor-based system, many different cache configurations that vary in, for example, size, associativity, and replacement policies, need to be evaluated in order to maximize performance or power efficiency. Since the implementation of each cache memory is a time-consuming and error-prone process, a configurable and synthesizable model is very useful as it helps to generate a range of caches in a quick and reproducible manner. Comprising both a data and instruction cache, the RTL cache model that we present in this paper has a wide array of configurable parameters. Apart from different cache size parameters, the model also supports different replacement policies, associativities, and data write policies. The model is written in VHDL and fits different processors in ASICs and FPGAs. To show the usefulness of the model, we provide an example of cache configuration exploration.
We present a taxonomy and modular implementation approach for data-parallel accelerators, including the MIMD, vector-SIMD, subword-SIMD, SIMT, and vector-thread (VT) architectural design patterns. We have developed a new VT microarchitecture, Maven, based on the traditional vector-SIMD microarchitecture that is con-siderably simpler to implement and easier to program than previ-ous VT designs. Using an extensive design-space exploration of full VLSI implementations of many accelerator design points, we evaluate the varying tradeoffs between programmability and imple-mentation efficiency among the MIMD, vector-SIMD, and VT pat-terns on a workload of microbenchmarks and compiled application kernels. We find the vector cores provide greater efficiency than the MIMD cores, even on fairly irregular kernels. Our results sug-gest that the Maven VT microarchitecture is superior to the tradi-tional vector-SIMD architecture, providing both greater efficiency and easier programmability.