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An investigation on the potential of bio-based polymers for use in polymer gear transmissions

  • RD Motion, Advanced Engineering and Testing Solutions

Abstract and Figures

The potential for replacing the fossil-based Polyoxymethylene (POM) and Polyamide 66 (PA 66) in polymer gear applications with a bio-based Polyamide 6.10 (PA 6.10) was studied and is presented in the article. The use of bio-based plastics is increasing but mostly in undemanding applications like packaging. High-performance plastics are needed in polymer gear transmissions since their operational conditions are far more severe. The potential of bio-based PA 6.10 was studied by means of gear lifespan testing. Additional insights into the process of polymer gear meshing were garnered by simulating all the tested cases with a FEM model of meshing gears. Test gears were manufactured from commercially available materials, making the results useful for gear designers. Encouraging results were observed since the PA 6.10 gears exhibited a 3.5-times longer lifespan than POM gears and a 10-times longer lifespan than PA 66 gears when tested under identical test conditions. The results indicate great potential for replacing fossil-based plastics in polymer gear applications with bio-based polymer materials. The fatigue strength, coefficient of friction, and wear coefficient were determined and compared for the tested materials, facilitating the reliable design of polymer gears.
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Polymer Testing xxx (xxxx) xxx
Please cite this article as: Damijan Zorko, Polymer Testing,
Available online 30 November 2020
0142-9418/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
An investigation on the potential of bio-based polymers for use in polymer
gear transmissions
Damijan Zorko
, Ivan Demˇ
sar, Joˇ
ze Tavˇ
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Aˇ
ceva 6, 1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The potential for replacing the fossil-based Polyoxymethylene (POM) and Polyamide 66 (PA 66) in polymer gear
applications with a bio-based Polyamide 6.10 (PA 6.10) was studied and is presented in the article. The use of
bio-based plastics is increasing but mostly in undemanding applications like packaging. High-performance
plastics are needed in polymer gear transmissions since their operational conditions are far more severe. The
potential of bio-based PA 6.10 was studied by means of gear lifespan testing. Additional insights into the process
of polymer gear meshing were garnered by simulating all the tested cases with a FEM model of meshing gears.
Test gears were manufactured from commercially available materials, making the results useful for gear de-
signers. Encouraging results were observed since the PA 6.10 gears exhibited a 3.5-times longer lifespan than
POM gears and a 10-times longer lifespan than PA 66 gears when tested under identical test conditions. The
results indicate great potential for replacing fossil-based plastics in polymer gear applications with bio-based
polymer materials. The fatigue strength, coefcient of friction, and wear coefcient were determined and
compared for the tested materials, facilitating the reliable design of polymer gears.
1. Introduction
In recent decades the use of polymer gears has rapidly increased due
to some of their advantages over metal gears. Mass production is
cheaper if gears are made with injection molding. They can operate
without additional lubrication, which makes them interesting for ap-
plications where lubricant is not desired (e.g. printers, household ap-
pliances, and medicine). Polymer gears dampen vibrations better and
exhibit better response to noise, vibration, and environmental harshness
[1]. Polymers are mostly resistant to corrosion and other chemical in-
uences, so polymer gears can also operate in environments where
corrosive substances are present. Compared to metal gears, they also
have some disadvantages, the main ones being worse mechanical
properties, poorer thermal conductivity, poorer temperature resistance,
and lower manufacturing precision. Polymer gears are mostly produced
through injection molding, while smaller series and gears with larger
modules are made by cutting. Injection molding enables the production
of gears with special tooth geometries and higher load capacities,
leading to lower consumption of polymer materials [2].
Sustainable manufacturing methods have been studied for the pro-
duction of metal gears [3]; lubricant has been identied as one of the
major problems, wherefore dry milling [4] and dry grinding [5] were
proposed. Polymer gears are mainly produced with injection molding,
where clean manufacturing methods can be employed for the tool-
making [68]. Besides sustainable toolmaking, there is an additional
design opportunity in terms of materials, since bio-based polymer ma-
terials could be used for gear production in the future.
Currently there are many fossil-based polymer materials with a range
of properties allowing for several material pairs to be used in gear ap-
plications. Mostly semi-crystalline engineering polymers are used, e.g.
POM, PA 66, and PBT. Polymer gears are also being increasingly used in
demanding operating conditions where the use of high-performance
engineering polymers, such as PEEK, is required [9,10]. Various rein-
forcing bers and llers can be added to the base materials to increase
their performance in terms of increased wear resistance and reduced
friction [11]. The material cost rises in proportion to performance. A
positive trade balance of more than 15 billion euros was reached by the
European plastics industry itself in 2018 [12]. A large proportion of
polymer gears are used in the automotive industry. There are more than
twenty gear drives with polymer gears in a modern car. Other important
applications of polymer gears include household appliances, hand tools,
robotics, and medicine. The use of polymer materials in gear trans-
missions is steadily increasing. The cost of manufacturing polymer gears
* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (D. Zorko), (I. Demˇ
sar), (J. Tavˇ
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
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journal homepage:
Received 2 June 2020; Received in revised form 25 September 2020; Accepted 23 November 2020
Polymer Testing xxx (xxxx) xxx
is lower than for metal gears. However, along with the increasing use of
polymers the environmental impact must be considered, wherefore it
would be best to consider the use of bio-based and bio-degradable
polymers [13].
Currently, bioplastics comprise 1% of the more than 359 million tons
of annually produced plastic materials [14]. The most commonly known
bio-based and bio-degradable plastics like PLA, PHA, PBS, and cellulose
are mainly used for simple products that are not subjected to heavy
mechanical loads. Many new biopolymer materials are being developed,
mainly for non-demanding working conditions, mostly for packaging
(53% of the total bioplastics market in 2019) [14]. Other elds of
application include electronics, agriculture, and the automotive in-
dustry. Bio-based or partially bio-based plastics such as PE, PET, and
PVC have identical properties to plastics produced on a fossil-fuel basis
[14]. Thus, the production of such materials reduces carbon footprints
[15], and existing recycling methods can also be used. Biodegradable
plastics such as PLA and PHA, however, offer additional recycling op-
tions, e.g. composting. The main advantage of bio-plastics is that they
are produced from renewable sources and do not require the use of
non-renewable fossil resources for their production. An additional
advantage of some bioplastics is that they are biodegradable, i.e. they
degrade into water, carbon dioxide, and compost in the presence of
environmental microorganisms. PLA and PHA are bio-based and
biodegradable, while PP, PE, PET, and PA are bio-based but not biode-
gradable [15]. A total of 0.02% of the total land suitable for agricultural
land is used for the production of crops intended for bioplastics pro-
duction. Despite the growth of the bioplastics market, no more signi-
cant land use is expected so as not to encroach upon land used for food
production [14].
There are many bio-based materials available today; however, only
few studies can be found on the application of such materials for gears.
Chen et al. [16] studied gears made of POM with added particles of rice
hull carbon powder. Bravo et al. [17] studied the behavior of a
bio-composite material based on a natural polyethylene matrix. Com-
pounds with different percentages of short birch bers with and without
a coupling agent were made and mechanically tested using tensile and
3-point bending tests. In a following study Bravo et al. [18] studied fa-
tigue life and thermomechanical behavior of gears made of
bio-composites with HDPE and NHDPE matrices to which short birch
bers were added.
The properties of basic bioplastics can be improved with additives,
such as nanoclay [19] and cellulose ber [20]. Battegazzore et al. [21]
improved the mechanical properties (elastic modulus and tensile
strength) of PA 6.10 and PA 10.10 bio-polyamides by adding rice husk
ash and nanoclay. High performance bio-polymers are required to
replace fossil-based polymers in demanding applications. Many plastics
manufacturers started developing blends with various bio-based poly-
amides years ago. An appropriate bio-based polymer could replace
fossil-based plastics, thus contributing to a reduction in plasticsenvi-
ronmental impacts. Also, because the impact of bio-based plastics on
environmental sustainability has not yet been fully explored, there are
only few products made from bioplastics in practice [22].
Specimen-based tests are required for basic research into material
properties, and the next step is to study the materials appropriateness in
a real application. Several studies can be found that address the topic of
polymer gear testing. Mao et al. [2325] studied wear on gears made of
POM and PA. They have found that in terms of wear the best combi-
nation is when the drive gear is made of the POM and the driven gear of
PA. Senthilvelan and Gnanamoorthy [26] studied the failure mecha-
nisms of polymer gears and the effect of reinforcing bers on the
properties of polymer gears. Letzelter et al. [27] developed a dedicated
gear test rig where the heating sources of polymer gears can be accu-
rately analyzed. Testing the lifespan of polymer gears is
time-consuming, so Pogaˇ
cnik and Tavˇ
car [11,28] developed a new
accelerated method of testing polymer gears, which can determine the
critical load of a gear pair that will result in a thermal failure. The
F MPa root stress
KF factor for tooth root load
KA application factor for fatigue load
Kv dynamic factor
face factor for tooth root load
KFβ width factor for tooth root load
YFa form factor
YSa stress correction factor (notch effect)
contact ratio factor for root stress
Yβ helix angle factor for root stress
Ft N nominal tangential force
b mm face width
mn mm normal module
Wm mm average linear wear
Mt Nm tested torque
N number of load cycles
HV degree of tooth loss
kW 10
/(Nm) wear coefcient
VW mm
wear volume
zi number of teeth (i =1 for pinion, i =2 for gear)
ϑRoot C root temperature
ϑ0 C ambient temperature
P W nominal output power
coefcient of friction
Wheat-transfer coefcient of the polymer gear
vt m/s tangential velocity
Rλ,G Km
/W heat transfer resistance of the mechanism housing
AG m
heat-dissipating surface of the mechanism housing
ED relative tooth-engagement time with respect to 10 min
glass transition temperature
A initial point of tooth contact
B lowest point of single tooth contact (LPSTC) for the drive
gear and highest point of single tooth contact (HPSTC) for
the driven gear
C pitch point (kinematic point)
D highest point of single tooth contact (HPSTC) for the drive
gear and lowest point of single tooth contact (LPSTC) for
the driven gear
E end point of tooth contact
SD standard deviation
POM Polyoxymethylene
PA Polyamide
PBT Polybutylene terephthalate
PEEK Polyether ether ketone
PLA Polylactic acid
PHA Polyhydroxyalkanoates
PBS Polybutylene succinate
PE Polyethylene
PET Polyethylene terephthalate
PVC Polyvinyl chloride
PP Polypropylene
HDPE High-density polyethylene
NHDPE Natural high-density polyethylene
D. Zorko et al.
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method is also effective for determining the adequacy of the material
combination used. To obtain reliable fatigue data traditional gear testing
must be conducted up to gear failure. Such tests are very time
consuming, since one test can run for more than a month and several
tests are needed to determine a stress-number of cycles curve. Therefore,
only a few studies [9,18,29] of such gear testing can be found, since
material manufacturers tend to hold this information in-house. There
are even less studies where gears would be tested in a high cycle fatigue
regime (over 10
cycles), which in many cases is the required lifetime of
gears in real applications.
Polymer gears heat up during operation; the operating temperature
depends on hysteretic losses in the material and frictional losses between
the meshing tooth anks. Letzelter et al. [27] found that the portion of
the heat generated as a consequence of hysteresis losses is negligible
compared to that generated by friction. The fatigue strength of polymer
materials depends strongly on the temperature. In order to fully char-
acterize the polymer materials fatigue strength so as to yield data that
are useful for the gears root strength control, it is necessary to measure
the gear temperature during testing. The polymer gears operating
temperature depends on the load, gear geometry, material, and lubri-
cation conditions. Thus, to characterize the material at the same stress
state and at different temperatures, a test rig is required that allows for
active control of the gears temperature. This can be done in several
ways, e.g. by air cooling or using some other medium. It is also possible
to submerge the gears in oil and control the oil temperature, indirectly
controlling the gear temperature. In this case, there is a risk of pitting
[10,30] and gear failure due to another failure type. Evaluation of the
gear bending fatigue strength requires failure due to the root cracking.
There are also other inuences in the operation of the gear pair that
can affect the failure type. Characterizing a polymer gears bending fa-
tigue strength requires testing in pair with a steel gear, so that the
polymer gear certainly fails and the desired information for the tested
material is provided. The test must always be carried out until failure;
otherwise, not all of the information on the materials performance is
obtained. The high cycle fatigue limit, set to 3106 cycles for steel gears
[31], does not exist for polymer materials. The tested gear pair is also
subject to other inuences in conventional gear pair tests, e.g. wear on
the polymer gear will always occur while meshing with a steel pinion.
Wear can become signicant over many test cycles and affect the
polymer gears stress state. Wear also increases vibration, which has an
additional impact. In addition, the stress condition in the test gear is also
affected by the geometric tolerances of the gear, and the test stand
(bearings, shafts). Thus, the stress state in the test gear is inuenced by
many parameters other than the load itself. Gear lifespan testing is a
rather complex testing method, but in order to determine whether a
promising polymer material really is appropriate for gear application,
this must be conducted.
Polymer gears usually fail due to temperature, wear, or fatigue [2,32,
33]. To perform well in gear applications the material must exhibit a low
coefcient of friction, good wear resistance, and high fatigue strength.
Bio-based polymer PA 6.10 has been studied in this research with means
of an experimental and numerical approach. The materials performance
was compared to fossil-based POM and PA 66 materials, which are the
most commonly used materials for polymer gear applications. The study
was focused on exploring the potential for the application of a bio-based
material in applications where a high-performance polymer is needed.
2. Materials and methods
A systematic combination of numerical and experimental methods
was used to investigate the potential of bio-based polymers for use in
applications with a polymer gear and a steel pinion. Test gears were
manufactured and tested on a special in-house developed test rig. All
tested cases were also simulated using numerical methods with FEM,
providing additional insight into the gear meshing process. While life-
span and gear surface temperature were measured using a test, it is
difcult to accurately measure the stress state in the gear during oper-
ation [34], wherefore numerical models were used to determine the
2.1. Materials
Gears made out of bio-based PA 6.10 were tested and their perfor-
mance was compared to gears made out of fossil-based POM and PA 66.
Commercial grades of the material were tested, making the results of this
research quickly applicable in practice. The PA 6.10 tested is a semi-
crystalline material obtained from the oil of castor seed. The propor-
tion of renewable raw materials is over 60%. Material properties are
presented in Table 1 and were provided from the material manufacturer
datasheets [3537].
Hardness measurements according to Shore D were conducted for all
three tested polymers. A Hildebrand Shore D durometer (Hildebrand
Prüf-und Messtechnik GmbH, Germany) with a 4000 g weight was used.
Twelve measurements were conducted for each material and the
average values are presented in Table 1.
The data sheet for PA 66 shows the properties for dry conditions of
PA 66. The PA 66 tends to absorb moisture, which negatively affects the
materials mechanical properties [38]. Therefore all test gears were
stored together with silica moisture absorbing bags to prevent the
moisture uptake. The moisture content in the used PA 66 was also
evaluated during the project, namely at 0.25% for 20 C, and below
0.1% at elevated temperatures in the range from 45 C to 90 C. The
temperature of the polymer gears increased rapidly during testing. The
measured bulk temperature when testing PA 66 gears was in the range
between 50 C and 80 C. The ash temperature on the contacting
surfaces is expected to be even higher. Therefore, any additional mois-
ture was removed from the material quite quickly and it was assumed
that the effect of moisture uptake was not signicant during life testing
of PA 66 gears.
2.2. Sample preparation
Test gears were machine cut from extruded bars using a gear hobbing
process. The test gear parameters are presented in Table 2. The hobbing
tool quality grade was AA according to the DIN 3968 [39]. The geometry
of gears was measured after manufacturing on the LH54 (Wenzel
Table 1
Material properties of the tested materials.
Parameter Standard TECAFORM AH natural TECAMID 66 natural ECO-Gehr PA 6.10
Abbreviation POM-C PA 66 PA 6.10
Elastic modulus (23 C) ISO 527 2800 MPa 3500 MPa 2400 MPa
Tensile strength (23 C) ISO 527 67 MPa 85 MPa 65 MPa
Flexural strength (23 C) ISO 178 91 MPa 110 MPa 85 MPa
Melting temperature ISO 11357 166 C 258 C 220 C
Glass transition temperature DIN53765 60 C 47 C 50 C
Density ISO 1183 1.41 g/cm
1.15 g/cm
1.08 g/cm
Hardness (Shore D) ISO 868 76.33 76.75 78.17
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Messtechnik GmbH, Germany) gear-measuring machine. The prole
quality of gears was grade 10, while the lead, pitch, and runout quality
were grade 68 according DIN 3961/62 [40].
2.3. Testing procedure
Gears were tested on an in-house developed testing rig, presented in
Fig. 1. A detailed description of the test rig can be found in some of the
previous works [2,9]. The rig is positioned inside a temperature cham-
ber, where the ambient temperature and humidity can be controlled.
Tests were performed at the ambient temperature 20 ±2 C and hu-
midity of 40% ±5%. FY02 (Forsentek Co., Limited, China) torque sen-
sors were mounted on the drive and driven shaft, and, after calibration,
were used for the torque measurement and control during testing. Gears
were tested at torques 0.8 Nm, 1.0 Nm and 1.2 Nm, and rotational speed
was 1400 rpm. Five tests were conducted on each load level and for each
polymer material. All tests were run until gear failure.
The gear surface temperature was measured during testing with
thermal camera FLIR T 420 (Flir Systems, Inc, U. S.). The temperature
was measured in an area size of 3 ×3 pixels in the root area of the tested
polymer gear (Fig. 2). After the camera was calibrated, the emissivity
was set to
=0.95 for all tested materials. Similar emissivity values were
reported in the relevant studies [27,28] where gears made of POM and
PA materials were tested. The used emissivity value was conrmed
before the thermographic measurements. Emissivity stickers with a
known emissivity value of
=0.95 were layered on samples of all three
materials. These samples were put on a heating plate and heated up to
80 C, and then cooled down to ambient room temperature. During the
heating and cooling sequence the sample temperature was measured
with a thermographic camera. No difference was observed in the
measured temperatures in the region where the emissivity sticker was
layered and the region without the sticker, for either of the materials and
in the tested temperature range. Therefore, it was conrmed that the
emissivity value of
=0.95 is appropriate for thermographic mea-
surements of the tested polymer materials.
The polymer gears were tested in pair with a steel pinion, which was
manufactured with hobbing and additionally treated with a supernish
to remove sharp edges (increased tip rounding) and obtain a smoother
surface [9]. The surface roughness of the steel pinion was Ra =
m. Roughness was measured with the TESA Rogusurf 90G (TESA
Technology, Switzerland) measuring machine, with the measuring di-
rection along the ank prole. A detailed failure analysis was performed
on tested gears using a Keyence VHX-200 (Keyence, Japan) digital
Table 2
Parameters of tested gears.
Parameter value
Prole ISO 53 C
Module - m [mm] 1
Number of teeth z
1, 2
Pressure angle -
[] 20
Face width b
1, 2
[mm] 6
Center distance [mm] 20.00
Prole shift - x
Prole shift - x
Contact ratio -
Fig. 1. Testing rig, front view (left) and top view (right).
Fig. 2. a) Thermographic measurement of a tested gear pair, b) Root temperature during operation.
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3. Calculation
Stress in the tested gears was calculated using a numerical model for
the gear meshing simulation (Fig. 3). Simulations were performed in the
Ansys Workbench 17.2 (Ansys, Inc., U. S.) computer software. A 2D
numerical model was set up, taking into account the planar stress state.
Quadratic PLANE183 nite elements were used for the geometry dis-
cretization, while contact conditions were simulated with CONTA172
and TARGE169 elements. The drive gear 1 was attached with a support
to a xed point A placed in the center of the drive gears hole. With the
used support, the movement of the selected gear hole edge was pre-
vented in the X and Y directions, while rotation of the edge around the Z
axis was allowed. Similarly, a support was used to prop up the driven
gear 2 to prevent displacement of the driven gears hole and to allow
rotation of the edge around xed point B placed in the center of the
gears hole.
Torque load was prescribed on the driven gear acting in the opposite
direction of the rotation, which was prescribed on the drive gear. Stress
analysis was performed on the middle tooth, which underwent all the
characteristic meshing points. The prescribed torque size on the driven
gear was the same as in gear tests. Three simulations were performed for
each polymer material, with simulated torque at 0.8 Nm, 1.0 Nm, and
1.2 Nm. Mesh was rened in the region of interest in the root and contact
area of the teeth. A convergence test using the h-renement method was
performed to approve the mesh density. The average element quality
was 0.96. Material properties were modelled as linearly elastic, using
the material properties from the manufacturers datasheets presented in
Table 1. When simulating a single meshing cycle under the considered
loads, the non-linear material properties do not inuence the material
response noticeably, since in that short time period viscous properties do
not become evident. The assumption of linear elastic behavior is
generally used when calculating the stress in polymer gear design, where
the calculated strains are below the polymer materials yield point [41,
42]. A comparison with a viscoplastic model was conducted by ˇ
et al. [43], where it was conrmed that the presumption of linear elastic
mechanical behavior yields a sufciently accurate approximation of the
materials behavior for practical thermo-mechanical modeling purposes
in gear design applications.
A frictional contact according to Coulombs law was modelled and
the Augmented Lagrange method was used for contact formulation. The
values of the coefcient of friction required for frictional contact
modeling were experimentally determined by using the Pogaˇ
car [28] method, which is explained in more detail in Section 4.2.
Von Misses stress calculated in the root region was considered as the
nominal root stress. Therefore, the compression due to the radial force
acting on the tooth was taken into account, along with the effect of
frictional force. The region of interest (ROI) where the von Mises stress
was evaluated was determined with the 30tangent method (Fig. 4).
FEM calculations were conducted to gain better understanding of the
meshing process and to make comparison with stress level calculated
according to the VDI 2736 guideline [44].
4. Results
4.1. Lifespan testing
Lifespan test results are presented in Fig. 5. The average lifespan of
ve test gears at each load is presented, and the error bars represent the
size of one standard deviation between test results. The average lifespan
for POM gears tested at 0.8 Nm is 5.99106 cycles, at 1.0 Nm the average
lifespan is 1.73106 cycles, and for 1.2 Nm at 0.68106 cycles. The
average lifespan for the PA 66 gears was 2.91106 cycles for the gears
tested at load 0.8 Nm, 0.50106 cycles at 1.0 Nm, and 0.19106 for the
PA66 gears loaded with 1.2 Nm. The PA 6.10 gears exhibited the longest
Fig. 3. Numerical model; 1 drive steel gear, 2 driven polymer gear.
Fig. 4. Mesh renement in the region of interest.
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lifespan, despite having the lowest tensile and exural strength reported
in the material datasheet [37]. The average lifespan for the PA 6.10
gears loaded with 0.8 Nm was 26.09106 cycles, at the load 1.0 Nm it
was 6.65106 cycles and 1.49106 for the PA 6.10 gears loaded with 1.2
Nm. In the steel/PA 66 tests at torque 1.2 Nm, three gears failed due to
thermal failure, so the standard deviation is larger there. When tested at
the exact same test conditions a much longer lifespan was observed for
the PA 6.10 gears comparing to POM and PA 66 gears. Relative com-
parison of the lifespan at each tested load is presented in Table 3. When
averaged over the all load cases, the PA 6.10 gears exhibited a lifespan
that was 3.46 times longer than that of POM gears and 10 times longer
than for PA 66 gears.
Loads tested were chosen in such a way as to obtain fatigue failure
due to a root fracture. After reaching the steady state, the temperature
measured in the root area was constant during all tests (except the three
steel/PA 66 tests at 1.2 Nm). The root stress in all the tested cases was
calculated using the presented numerical model and, for comparison,
also with the standard analytical model, which is used in the VDI 2736
[44] polymer gear design guideline:
where the following factor values were used for the tested gear geom-
etry: KF=KAKvKFβKF
=1.0, YFa =3.13, YSa =1.56, Y
Yβ=1. The analytical model does not take into account the increase of
contact ratio due to tooth deection, whereas, when using a FEM model,
this is taken into account. Therefore, identical root stress is calculated
for all the tested material combinations when using the VDI model, and
small differences can be observed when calculating the root stress with a
numerical model. Transforming the results from Fig. 5 into a stress-
number of cycles (SN) curve diagram (Fig. 6), it can be observed that
the PA 6.10 gears operated with the lowest root stress at a certain load
level. The difference in root stress is due to load-induced teeth deection
and the corresponding increase in the contact ratio. A lower elastic
modulus leads to a larger teeth deection, and a corresponding reduc-
tion in root stress. The simulation-calculated root stress and average
measured root temperature for each tested load are presented in Table 4.
It was observed that PA 6.10 gears loaded with 1.0 Nm, which corre-
sponds to 48 MPa of root stress and a root temperature of 55 C, survived
a larger number of cycles than POM gears loaded with 0.8 Nm, which
corresponds to 43 MPa of root stress and root temperature of 44 C.
Something similar was observed also when comparing PA 6.10 gears
loaded with 1.0 Nm to PA 66 gears loaded with 0.8 Nm, which corre-
sponds to 45 MPa of root stress and a root temperature of 53.5 C. This
led to the conclusion that the fatigue strength of PA 6.10 is higher than
that of POM and PA 66.
4.2. Temperature measurements
The operating temperature is an important factor when designing a
polymer gear pair, since polymer material properties depend highly on
the temperature. If the applied load is too high, the polymer gear heats
above the acceptable temperature for continuous operation, which leads
to instant thermal failure. Therefore, a temperature control calculation
must be conducted when designing a new gear pair with polymer gears.
Several numerical [42,45,46] and analytical methods [4750] were
proposed for the temperature calculation of polymer gears; unfortu-
nately the vast majority of them is limited to special cases or is rather
complex to be used in practice by gear designers. A simple-to-use
analytical model developed by Hachmann and Strickle [47] and later
supplemented by Ehrenstein et al. [51] is proposed for temperature
calculation in the VDI 2736 guideline:
ϑRoot =ϑ0+P
bz(vmn)0,75 +Rλ,G
AGED0,64 (2)
where ϑ0 is the ambient temperature, P is the rated power transmitted
through a gear pair,
is the coefcient of friction, HV is the degree of
tooth loss, kϑ,Root is the heat-transfer coefcient of the polymer gear, b is
the facewidth, z is the number of polymer gear teeth, v is the tangential
velocity, mn is the normal module, Rλ,G is the heat-transfer resistance of
the housing, AG is the housing surface through which heat dissipates,
and ED is the relative contact time. To calculate temperature for the
desired operating conditions of a polymer gear pair the gear designer
needs the value of the coefcient of friction for the case under consid-
eration. The coefcient of friction between two meshing tooth anks is,
Fig. 5. Lifespan testing results.
Table 3
Relative comparison of the lifespan of tested PA6.10 gears.
in comparison with 0.8 Nm 1.0 Nm 1.2 Nm average
POM 4.35 3.84 2.19 3.46
PA 66 8.97 13.30 7.84 10
Fig. 6. SN curves for the tested polymer materials.
Table 4
Simulation-calculated root stress and average measured root temperature in
tested cases.
0.8 Nm 1.0 Nm 1.2 Nm
POM 43.48 MPa, ϑRoot =
44.0 C
51.03 MPa, ϑRoot =
48.8 C
58.06 MPa, ϑRoot =
54.4 C
PA66 45.40 MPa, ϑRoot =
53.5 C
52.56 MPa, ϑRoot =
70.8 C
60.01 MPa, ϑRoot =
83.0 C
PA6.10 40.79 MPa, ϑRoot =
46.5 C
47.89 MPa, ϑRoot =
54.7 C
55.66 MPa, ϑRoot =
67.6 C
D. Zorko et al.
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according to its physical behavior, not a constant value, but is rather
dependent on load, sliding velocity, curvature, and temperature [52]. In
addition, the coefcient of friction is not a property of a single material
but it is a property of a material pair in contact. However, when tem-
perature control calculation is done by using Eq. (2), a scalar value of the
coefcient of friction is needed.
The values of the coefcient of friction for some most commonly
used material pairs are very generally suggested in the VDI guideline.
cnik and Tavˇ
car [28] proposed an approach to determine the so
called calculated coefcient of friction. In their approach the VDI 2736
temperature equation is used and, based on the measured root temper-
ature (ϑRoot), the coefcient of friction is calculated (Eq. (3)).
Employing the temperature measurements obtained in this study, the
calculated coefcient of friction was determined using the Pogaˇ
car (P.T.) method. This was calculated for each temperature mea-
surement separately, and then the average calculated coefcient of
friction and the standard deviation were determined based on all
calculated values. The calculated values for the coefcient of friction for
the tested material combinations are presented in Table 5. The deter-
mined values of the coefcients of friction were also used to run nu-
merical simulations where the frictional contact was modelled.
ϑRoot ϑ0
bz(vmn)0,75 +Rλ,G
A comparison between the measured and the calculated tempera-
tures was made. For the steel/POM material pair it is presented in Fig. 7,
for the steel/PA 66 in Fig. 8, and for steel/PA 6.10 in Fig. 9. The tem-
peratures were calculated using the values of those coefcients of fric-
tion given in the VDI guideline (Calc. T - VDI) and with the new
calculated coefcients of friction determined according the P.T. method
(Calc. T -
P.T.). The calculated temperatures were compared with the
average temperature of all temperature measurements at a given load
and for a given material combination. The average temperature was
calculated on the basis of at least ve individual tests. Calculating the
temperature using Eq. (2) the following values were used:
ϑ0=23C,b=6 mm
=0.2, this value is proposed for all non-lubricated steel/polymer
contacts in the VDI 2736 guideline, v=1.466 m/s , mn=1 mm,
HV=0.206 [9],Rλ,G=0
kϑ,Root =900
WED =1
To calculate the temperature using the P.T. approach Eq. (2) was
used and the values of the coefcient of friction were selected from
Table 5 as they were calculated for the tested material combinations.
The average discrepancy between the measured temperature and the
VDI-calculated temperature was 9.2% (SD =6.14%) for the steel/POM
gear pairs, 24.3% (SD =12%) for the steel/PA 66, and 14.5% (SD =
16%) for the steel/PA 6.10 combination. It was observed that the
discrepancy between the VDI-calculated and measured temperatures is
load-dependent. With increasing load, the difference between the
measured and calculated temperature also increases. When calculating
the temperature using the P.T. approach to determine the coefcient of
friction (Table 5), a small discrepancy was observed in all analyzed
cases. The average discrepancy between the measured temperature and
the P.T.-calculated temperature was 5.5% (SD =3.64%) for the steel/
POM combination, 7.6% (SD =5.4%) for the steel/PA 66, and 13.6%
(SD =7.25%) for the steel/PA 6.10 gear pairs. It was observed that for
the steel/PA 6.10 combination the temperature increase is not linear
with the increase of tested load, as it can be seen for POM and PA 66 test
cases. The non-linear temperature rise can be accounted to the changed
contact conditions during meshing due to large teeth deections, ma-
terial softening (temperature above T
), and worse contact conditions, e.
g. more specic sliding. If the temperature measurements for the load
1.2 Nm are not taken into account, the calculated coefcient of friction
for the material combination steel/PA 6.10 is
=0.2 and the deviations
between calculation and measurement are only 1.5% for loads of 0.8 Nm
and 1.0 Nm.
Table 5
Calculated coefcient of friction.
material pair average
standard deviation
steel/POM 0.17 0.02
steel/PA66 0.28 0.04
steel/PA6.10 0.24 (0.2) 0.05
Fig. 7. Comparison of the calculated and measured temperature for the Steel/
POM material pair.
Fig. 8. Comparison of the calculated and measured temperature for the Steel/
PA 66 material pair.
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4.3. Failure analysis
A detailed failure analysis was conducted on tested gears. The tested
loads were chosen to impose fatigue failure, but other damage mecha-
nisms were also inevitable. For the POM and PA 6.10 gears the observed
failure mode at each tested load was the result of tooth bending fatigue,
which led to root cracks and nal failure due to teeth breakage. The
same failure mode was also observed for PA 66 gears tested at 0.8 Nm
and 1.0 Nm. A combination of thermal and fatigue failure was observed
for PA 66 gears tested at torque 1.2 Nm where relatively high operating
temperatures were measured (Fig. 10). Severe plastic teeth deformation
can be observed, and several root cracks are also visible as a result of
tooth bending fatigue. After analysis it was found that the location of
root cracks corresponds very well with the critical section location
determined by the 30tangent method [34].
Since polymer gears were run in mesh with a steel gear, wear was
also observed on several gears. The amount of wear depended also on
the duration of the test. Therefore, the most prominent wear was
observed on the gears made of PA 6.10 tested at the lowest load (0.8
Nm), since these gears operated for the highest number of load cycles. At
higher loads, i.e. 1.0 Nm and 1.2 Nm, the fatigue root crack failure came
earlier and the wear was not as evident. The damage mechanisms of a PA
6.10 gear tested at 0.8 Nm torque are presented in Fig. 11. After more
than 30 million load cycles a substantial amount of the tooth ank is
worn away, nonetheless the nal failure of the gear was due to root
cracking. The crack location corresponds very well with the 30tangent
method (Fig. 12), as was also already observed for the PA 66 gear pre-
sented in Fig. 10; however, the crack path is different. Two different
crack paths were observed for the tested gears, which are schematically
presented in Fig. 13.
Root fracture and the thermal induced failure, which led to a severe
plastic deformation of teeth, were the observed damage modes resulting
in nal failures of the tested gear. While severe plastic deformation was
a failure mode only for PA 66 gears tested at the 1.2 Nm torque, some
deection of teeth, when compared with a theoretic gear prole, was
found also for POM and PA 6.10 gears tested at the 1.2 Nm load. The
same was observed also for PA 66 gears tested at 0.8 Nm and 1.0 Nm
torque. Therefore it can be assumed that some amount of plastic
deformation occurred also in those cases, however it did not lead to a
nal failure of the tested polymer gear.
This observations correlate well with the measured operating tem-
peratures. The PA 66 gears were operating above the materials glass
transition temperature at all tested loads, therefore the materials elastic
modulus was reduced which led to larger teeth deection and plastic
deformation. Similar was observed also for PA 6.10 gears tested at 1.2
Nm torque, where the operating temperature surpassed the T
of PA 6.10
used in the study. While the glass transition temperature of POM is at
60 C the material does not exhibit a steep reduction of mechanical
properties in the tested temperature range. However, some plastic
deformation of teeth was observed also for POM gears tested at 1.2 Nm.
4.4. Wear measurement
Wear measurements were conducted using a Keyence VHX-200
(Keyence, Japan) digital microscope. Magnied images of worn gears
were compared with a theoretical gear prole using 3D modeling soft-
ware Siemens NX 12.0 (Siemens Digital Industries Software, U. S.)
(Fig. 14). The wear measurements were conducted on the undeformed
teeth so that the wear could be appropriately measured. At lower loads
of 0.8 Nm, wear was easier to characterize, since the teeth were not
deected as they were at higher loads; where the gears were also
operating at a higher temperature, severe teeth deection was observed.
There was a combination of teeth deection and wear, making it dif-
cult to characterize only the wear part of tooth shape change; several
root cracks were also observed (Fig. 15).
No wear measurements could be done on the PA 66 gears tested at
the torque of 1.2 Nm since the teeth were severely deformed. Deection
from the theoretical gear prole was observed also for PA 6.10 gears
tested at 1.2 Nm torque wherefore wear measurements on PA 66 and PA
6.10 gears were done only for gears tested at 0.8 Nm and 1.0 Nm torque.
Wear was measured on ve PA 6.10 gears tested at 0.8 Nm and 1.0 Nm
torque each. The same was done for POM gears, where three additional
wear measurements could be done also for gears tested at 1.2 Nm torque.
Fig. 9. Comparison of the calculated and measured temperature for the Steel/
PA 6.10 material pair.
Fig. 10. Failure mode of a PA 66 gear tested at 1.2 Nm torque, gear failed after 3.5010
5 load cycles due to thermal softening of the material; also several root cracks
can be observed.
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The other two POM gears tested at 1.2 Nm had the teeth too much
deected as to wear to be properly measured. As for PA 66 gears wear
was determined on three gears tested at torque 0.8 Nm and two gears
tested at torque of 1.0 Nm.
Based on the observed failure modes it can be concluded that tem-
perature, fatigue, and wear control calculations must be conducted in
order to reliably design steel/polymer gear pairs. A polymer gear wear
control model was proposed by Feulner [53] and is implemented in the
VDI guideline [44]. The value of the wear coefcient is needed for a
reliable wear calculation. This can either be determined with
specimen-based tribological tests, e.g. pin-on-disc or disc-on-disc, but
for a more accurate evaluation the wear coefcient should be deter-
mined via reference gear pair testing [54]. The wear volume of a single
tooth ank during one meshing cycle can be calculated as [44]:
kWFnvgdt (4)
It can be shown that the wear volume of one tooth is proportional to
the frictional losses:
Fig. 11. Failure mode of a PA 6.10 gear tested at 0.8 Nm torque, gear failed after 30.2510
6 load cycles due to root crack failure.
Fig. 12. Failure mode of a PA 6.10 gear tested at 0.8 Nm the gear failed after
6 cycles due to root fracture, and severe wear is present.
Fig. 13. Schematic representation of the crack paths observed in tested polymer gears.
Fig. 14. Wear measurement on worn anks of a PA 6.10 gear, tested at 0.8 Nm
for 28.9010
6 cycles.
Fig. 15. Combination of teeth deection, wear, and root cracking on a PA 66
gear tested at 1.2 Nm.
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Polymer Testing xxx (xxxx) xxx
kWFnvgdt =kW
Fnvgdt =kW
Ploss (5)
The energy loss of a meshing gear pair in one meshing cycle can be
calculated as:
Ploss =Mt⋅2⋅
Frictional losses of a single tooth pair can be determined by dividing
Eq. (5) by the number of teeth. Therefore, the averaged wear volume of a
single tooth during N test cycles can be expressed as:
Based on the measured wear volume the wear coefcients for the
tested polymer gears could be determined:
The average values of the evaluated wear coefcients are presented
in Table 6. Wear volume was determined based on the measured worn
area as presented in Fig. 14. The average wear volume of a single gear
was then determined based on the wear volume measurements of
several worn teeth on each analyzed gear. Measured were only the un-
deformed teeth, where the wear could be appropriately measured. Wear
coefcients were calculated for the known values of the parameters in
Eq. (8) and the lifespan test results: Mt =tested torque (Fig. 5), z =20, N
=lifespan test result (Fig. 5), HV =0.206.
5. Discussion
A systematic combination of experimental and numerical methods
was employed to investigate the potential of the PA 6.10 biopolymer to
be used in polymer gear applications. The performance of PA 6.10 was
compared with the testing results of the two most commonly used en-
gineering polymers in gear applications, e.g. POM and PA 66. Fatigue
strength, coefcients of friction, and wear coefcients, which are the key
parameters that determine the performance of polymer gears, were
studied and compared. Knowing the exact values of these parameters is
necessary for reliable design calculations of polymer gears. Data ob-
tained in this study enable design calculations of new polymer gear
pairs, bearing in mind that the results were obtained by testing a
reference test gear geometry in laboratory conditions. The development
of a new drive with polymer gears still requires prototype testing, but the
development time, the required number of prototypes, and the associ-
ated costs can be signicantly reduced. For the product to be sustainable
the relation between price and performance must also be taken into
account; for now the cost of PA6.10 tested in this study is approximately
3 times higher than that of POM and PA 66. The individual effects on the
results are discussed in more detail separately below.
5.1. Effects on the fatigue strength
The fatigue strength of polymers is temperature-dependent. All tests
were performed at controlled ambient temperatures. Due to the different
coefcient of friction of each tested polymer material in contact with the
steel gear, the gearsoperating temperatures were different at the same
load. Therefore, it should be kept in mind that the fatigue strengths
presented are valid and can only be used for strength controls of gears
operating at the same or a lower temperature than that at which the
fatigue strength was determined. In a conservative approach, the whole
SN curve can be used for design calculations at the temperature
reached at the lowest tested load. Gears tested at higher loads operated
at higher temperatures and therefore the materials fatigue strength was
The rotational speed was kept constant during gear testing. Testing at
different rotational speeds would result in two effects; the rst is the
effect of the dynamic forces due to vibrations. In the VDI equation for the
root stress calculation (Eq. (1)), the K
factor (K
value is usually in the range between 1 and 1.25. The effect of the
rotational speed on the tooth root stress, which for steel gears is taken
into account with the factor K
, has not been sufciently studied for
polymer gears. The general assumption is that polymer gears dampen
vibrations better and the stress increase due to vibration-related dy-
namic forces is much lower than for steel gears. A study was conducted
by Hasl et al. [55] where the dynamic factor K
was evaluated for the
POM gears. It was found that when POM gears were operating in the
near resonance area, failure occurred signicantly earlier than for gears
tested in the subcritical and supercritical ranges. Therefore a value of K
=1.2 was proposed for POM gears that operate in the range of ±40% of
the gear resonance speed. For gears operating at the subcritical and
supercritical rotational speeds the value of K
=1.0 was reported.
Besides the effect on the dynamic forces due to vibrations, the
rotational speed also determines the sliding velocity. Higher rotational
speed results in a higher sliding velocity and increased frictional losses,
leading to higher operating temperatures (Sentihlvelan et al. [56],
cnik and Tavˇ
car [28]). With different operating temperatures the
obtained fatigue strength results would be different in the same manner,
i.e. lower operating temperatures lead to higher bending fatigue
strength and vice versa.
5.2. Effect of the coefcient of friction
When testing a new material for the use in polymer gear applications,
it is necessary to perform gear pair testing. The materials fatigue
strength can also be determined by pulsator testing [57] or
specimen-based tests [58]. However, in many cases, merely having in-
formation on the materials fatigue strength is insufcient. Knowledge
of the coefcient of friction is also required, as this is one of the main
factors determining the gear pairs operating temperature. For polymer
materials the coefcient of friction by its physical denition is a function
of temperature, load, and sliding velocity [52]. In this work, the
car [28] method was used to determine the so-called
calculated coefcient of friction. According to the results presented in
Figs. 79, it can be seen that the temperature calculation with the
calculated friction coefcient is closer to the measured temperature. The
VDI 2736 guideline species the same value of the coefcient of friction
for all polymer materials paired with a steel gear. For the rst iteration
of the gear design, the proposed values are sufciently exact, but a more
precise value of the friction coefcient is needed for more accurate
design calculations.
Employing gear testing it was observed that the bio-polymer PA 6.10
gears exhibited the best results in terms of lifespan, followed by the
POM, and then the PA 66 gears, which exhibited the worst results. If
pulsator tests at a controlled gear temperature were to be performed, the
result would be different, since the effect of the lower efciency (higher
coefcient of friction) of the material combination steel/PA 66 would
Table 6
The evaluated wear coefcient values.
material pair torque
ϑRoot [C] kW [10
steel (Ra =0.689
m) POM 0.8 44.0 C 4.54
steel (Ra =0.689
m) PA 66 0.8 53.5 C 6.22
steel (Ra =0.689
m) PA
0.8 46.5 C 1.57
steel (Ra =0.689
m) POM 1.0 48.8 C 6.15
steel (Ra =0.689
m) PA 66 1.0 70.8 C 29.24
steel (Ra =0.689
m) PA
1.0 54.7 C 4.54
steel (Ra =0.689
m) POM 1.2 54.4 C 8.32
D. Zorko et al.
Polymer Testing xxx (xxxx) xxx
not be taken into account. Thus, the testing of new materials must be
undertaken with great care, as using awed methodology can produce
misleading results.
5.3. Effects on the wear performance
Wear coefcients were determined in a manner as to be useful for
wear control calculations using the existing models [53]. The wear rate
is dependent on specic sliding between the meshing teeth; the larger
the specic sliding, the faster the wear rate will be and vice versa. The
proposed wear coefcients have been determined directly on the basis of
gear pair testing, taking into account the specic conditions that occur in
the contact of the meshing teeth. There is both sliding and rolling motion
present in the contact of meshing teeth, which is taken into account in
the determined wear coefcients. When conducting wear calculations of
a new gear pair, if the new gear pair has a signicantly larger specic
sliding comparing to the reference test gears, then a proportionally
higher wear rate is to be expected. As the studys primary objective was
to determine the fatigue strength of the polymer gears tested, the steel
gears used were, of course, modied to minimize wear. The super-
nishing process enlarged the steel gears tip radius, which led to a
contact pressure reduction in the regions where the steel gears tip
meshed with the plastic gear. This effect was described in the authors
previous work [9], where it was found that enlarging the tip radius led to
a signicant reduction in wear rate.
However, in the event of a steel/polymer contact and a large number
of operating cycles, wear cannot be completely avoided. The wear rate is
certainly also inuenced by the temperature, so the wear coefcients
determined in this work are suitable for controlling gear pairs, which
will operate at the same or lower temperatures than those at which the
reference gear pairs were tested. Some benchmark values on the wear
coefcient can be found in the VDI 2736 [44] guideline, where the wear
coefcient for a steel/POM material pair is given. A wear coefcient of
kW =3.410
/(Nm) is given for a POM gear when in contact with
a steel gear of surface roughness Rz =1.5
m. Steel gears with a surface
roughness of Ra =0.689
m were used in this study. Converting the
roughness from Rz to Ra at the upper boundary of the spread gives Ra =
m and on the lower value of the spread Ra =0.055
m, where the
actual value is probably somewhere in between. In any case, the surface
roughness of the steel gear in the VDI guideline is much smaller than that
of steel gears used in this study. Therefore, also a higher value of the
wear coefcient was obtained (kW =5.86 10
5.4. Effect of the contact ratio increase
The PA 6.10 gears exhibited a longer lifespan than the gears made
from POM and PA 66, despite the poorer mechanical properties pro-
vided by the materials manufacturer. Using the numerical model, the
simulation of gear pairs under the tested conditions was simulated. The
coefcient of friction determined according to the Pogaˇ
method was used when modeling a frictional contact between the
meshing teeth. Due to the small elastic modulus, the polymer teeth
deform under the inuence of load, which leads to an increase in the
contact ratio and reduction of root stress (Fig. 16). Similar observations
were also made by Hasl et al. [41,59]. In Fig. 16b the load-induced teeth
deection (determined at the tooths tip) and the corresponding actual
contact ratio of the tested gear pairs are presented. A good correlation
between the teeth deection and the contact ratio increase can be
observed. As the load increases, the actual contact ratio rate increases,
whereas the theoretical contact ratio is only geometry-dependent and
therefore constant. The contact ratio increase is 1624.5% depending on
the load and the polymer material in gear pair. The relative difference
between the actual contact ratios of tested polymer gears is relatively
small due to the small differences in elastic modulus. The largest relative
difference was observed between the PA 6.10 and PA 66 gear pair loaded
with 1.2 Nm, where the relative difference is 3.7%. Due to having the
smallest elastic modulus the highest contact ratio was calculated for the
gear pair steel/PA 6.10. Corresponding to some differences in actual
contact ratio, there was also some difference in the root stress observed
(Fig. 16a), where the PA 6.10 gears exhibited the lowest root stress due
to the largest contact ratio.
5.5. Effect of the manufacturing technology
The test gears were manufactured by a gear hobbing process.
Extruded circular proles were cut into slices and used as the bases for
gear hobbing. With the exception of smaller series and larger modules,
polymer gears are in practice mostly manufactured with injection
molding. A comparison of wear rates between the injection-molded and
machine-cut POM gears was conducted by Mao et al. [23]. The authors
state that no differences between the observed failure modes of
injection-molded and machine-cut gears were observed. The wear rate
reported was independent of the manufacturing technology; unfortu-
nately, no results were reported on the fatigue behavior.
The material structure of the injection-molded gears is different from
that of hobbed gears. The gear surface where the melt comes into contact
with the mold is of amorphous structure, followed by a crystalline
structure towards the inside of the gear, where the crystals grow toward
the inside, since cooling there is slower and the material has more time
to form crystalline structures [60]. The materials structure can be
improved with a proper design of gating system and the appropriately
chosen injection-molding process parameters (injection pressure,
Fig. 16. a) Simulation-calculated root stress in the polymer gear tested at torque 1.2 Nm, b) Simulation-calculated contact ratio of the tested gear pairs.
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packing pressure, mold temperature, melt temperature, melt ow rate).
The effects of different processing parameters on the monotonic prop-
erties of injection molded POM samples were studied by Viana [61] and
Wright et al. [62]. It was observed that small changes in processing
conditions can cause pronounced changes in morphology, while having
numerically small effects on the crystallinity. Samples with a dense
structure of small spherulites were found to exhibit higher strength. In
some of the more recent studies Berer et al. [63] presented a compre-
hensive research on the fatigue behavior of two POM resins processed by
injection molding and compression molding under moderate conditions.
A signicant effect of processing conditions on the fatigue behavior of
simply shaped standard samples was reported. It was found that the
fatigue performance is not dependent only on the polymer materials
crystallinity and morphology; rather it is also dependent on residual
stresses. Higher residual stresses correlate with lower mold tempera-
tures [64]. It can be expected that for parts of more complex shapes,
such as gears, the effects of processing conditions become even more
Injection molding gears also gives rise to the possibility of forming
voids [65], which is much less likely when hobbing gears from extruded
proles. If the injection-molding process is poorly executed, the result-
ing gears will not exhibit the same performance as the ones produced by
cutting. Furthermore, the same tolerances as for hobbed gears will be
difcult to achieve when using an injection molding process. Large tooth
deviations lead to stress concentration and higher heat generation [42],
and consequently shorter lifespan [66].
6. Conclusions
Based on the results it can be concluded that the design of polymer
gears is rather more complex than that of steel ones. Despite having the
lowest tensile and exural strength, the PA 6.10 gears exhibited the
longest lifespan when tested at identical test conditions. When
compared to POM gears, the average lifespan was 3.5 times longer, and
when comparing with PA 66 gears, the average lifespan was 10 times
longer. The bio-based material PA6.10 outperformed the most
commonly used fossil-based materials in polymer gear transmissions.
The results indicate that the fatigue strength of the PA 6.10 is higher,
leading to a longer service life of the gear when compared to POM and
PA 66 gears. The PA 6.10 exhibited also a lower coefcient of friction
than PA 66, leading to a lower operating temperature. Nevertheless, the
coefcient of friction for the steel/PA 6.10 was still higher than for the
steel/POM material pair. Based on the failure analysis, the predominant
failure type in all tested cases was root fatigue, though substantial wear
was also observed on gears operating for a higher number of cycles.
Based on the wear measurements, the wear coefcients of tested mate-
rial pairs were determined, leading to a conclusion that PA 6.10 exhibits
the lowest wear rate. The presented study conrms the potential for
using bio-based PA 6.10 in gear applications. The obtained results
enable design calculations for new polymer gear pairs made from the
tested polymer materials. The presented data should be used with great
care, since the results are based on the temperature and load range
tested in this study.
Author agreement
1) The authors have obtained the necessary authority for publication.
2) The paper has not been published previously, that it is not under
consideration for publication elsewhere, and that if accepted it will
not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any
other language, without the written consent of the publisher.
3) The paper does not contain original material which has been pub-
lished previously, by the current authors or by others, of which the
source is not explicitly cited in the paper.
Data availability
The raw data required to reproduce these ndings cannot be shared
at this time due to technical or time limitations. The processed data
required to reproduce these ndings cannot be shared at this time due to
technical or time limitations.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
This research was nanced partly by the MAPgears project (the
project is co-nanced by the Republic of Slovenia and the European
Union under the European Regional Development Fund, contract no.
C3330-18-952014) and partly by the Slovenian Research Agency (con-
tract no. 63033/2019-1).
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
[1] S. Senthilvelan, R. Gnanamoorthy, Damping characteristics of unreinforced, glass
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D. Zorko et al.
... It is worth mentioning that besides the sheer goal of replacing the metals with polymers, environmental aspects should be taken into account. Zorko et al. [28] experimented with a bio-based gear material (polyamide 6.10) with steel pinion and compared it with the neat PA66 at different load levels. PA 6.10 exhibited a lower wear rate than PA66 due to a lower coefficient of friction and temperature. ...
... Specifications of the source motor[28]. ...
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Plastic gears offer numerous advantages, poised to increasingly supplant metal gears across various applications. Notably, they boast silent operation, resistance to corrosion, and lightweight properties which make them ideal for wind turbine systems. Moreover, the expanding array of plastic materials, including eco-plastics and their natural fibre composites, underscores the imperative for ongoing research into plastic gears and their composites. Addressing existing challenges is pivotal to fully harnessing their potential in sustainable development efforts. The wear of plastic gears is an important factor in plastic gear design and optimization. This paper primarily examines wear assessment in polypropylene (PP) gears by proposing and implementing a novel approach to measure the amount of wear on gear tooth profile using an image processing technique. By subjecting plastic gears to wear experimentation and employing direct image processing methods, the percentage of damage can be accurately evaluated. These percentages were 0.2% and 2.5% for 2 and 5 hours respectively. This underscores the boundless possibilities of integrating image processing techniques into the assessment of plastic gears, paving the way for deeper exploration and optimization of polymer materials for plastic gear manufacturing.
... The master steel gear is driven by a 1.5 kW alternating current (AC) motor (SIEMENS) and can operate at speeds up to 1500 rpm The DC motor administers the load to the test gears via a potentiometer. Torque on both the driven and driver sides is gauged using inline Schematic diagram of test rig to perform fatigue tests [12] Fig. 6 Schematic diagram of belt driven based test rig [13,14] torque sensors, boasting an accuracy of ± 0.2%. Experiments are carried out on polymer gears within rotational speeds ranging 600-1200 rpm, at a gap of 200 rpm, and torques varying from 0.8 to 2 Nm, with intervals of 0.4 Nm. ...
... Specifically, the thermal camera measures driven gear root surface temperature. Schematic diagram of test rig to perform friction and wear test [15][16][17] Tests were conducted by Zorko et al. [13] and Duhovnik et al. [14] using a test rig designed in-house as shown in schematic diagram in Fig. 6. Torque is continuously adjusted using electric motors for both driving and braking, controlled by frequency regulators. ...
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Gear operation disruptions can cause several failure conditions in turn leading to damage of other machine components. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor gear failure to perform predictive maintenance. Additionally, polymer gears are increasingly being used to replace metal gears in low to medium load applications because of their numerous advantages over metal gears. The testing of these gears is a challenging task as they come with special requirements. A proper testing setup with all the rotating conditions of gears, can become expensive. This paper provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art review of test rigs developed specifically for gears, with a particular focus on polymer gears. Followed by, recommending and proposing a customized static gear testing procedure with the novel gear fixture suitable for both metallic and polymer gearing which has been developed by mimicking the dynamic loading on the gear-tooth. Test methodology has been developed for single tooth testing method using an adjustable feature that helps to accommodate the gear-tooth with various tooth profile and thickness. Further sample testing on injected molded gears, demonstrated that asymmetric tooth presented 5 to 6% enhancement in bending load capacity compared to the standard-involute tooth. Specifically, the asymmetric 34°/20° gear-tooth exhibits a 1.5% higher bending load capacity than the asymmetric 20°/34° gear-tooth. The new static testing arrangement with new fixture on UTM can go on to perform gear testing like tooth bending, contact and fatigue on various type of gears.
... With the wide range of polymer gear applications, designers need to know many parameters that will most certainly vary for every different application [6][7][8]. Therefore, considering the limited data on existing polymer materials, a large number of the design parameters must be determined through experimental testing, which, to the greatest extent possible, needs to replicate the actual operating conditions [9,10]. Although this approach gives reliable results, these expensive and time-consuming tests are frequently used to identify the impact of an induced failure mechanism on the operational lifetime of polymer gears, which is not always an easy task, as several failure mechanisms may occur simultaneously [11,12]. ...
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As surface wear is one of the major failure mechanisms in many applications that include polymer gears, lifetime prediction of polymer gears often requires time-consuming and expensive experimental testing. This study introduces a contact mechanics model for the surface wear prediction of polymer gears. The developed model, which is based on an iterative numerical procedure, employs a boundary element method (BEM) in conjunction with Archard’s wear equation to predict wear depth on contacting tooth surfaces. The wear coefficients, necessary for the model development, have been determined experimentally for Polyoxymethylene (POM) and Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) polymer gear samples by employing an abrasive wear model by the VDI 2736 guidelines for polymer gear design. To fully describe the complex changes in contact topography as the gears wear, the prediction model employs Winkler’s surface formulation used for the computation of the contact pressure distribution and Weber’s model for the computation of wear-induced changes in stiffness components as well as the alterations in the load-sharing factors with corresponding effects on the normal load distribution. The developed contact mechanics model has been validated through experimental testing of steel/polymer engagements after an arbitrary number of load cycles. Based on the comparison of the simulated and experimental results, it can be concluded that the developed model can be used to predict the surface wear of polymer gears, therefore reducing the need to perform experimental testing. One of the major benefits of the developed model is the possibility of assessing and visualizing the numerous contact parameters that simultaneously affect the wear behavior, which can be used to determine the wear patterns of contacting tooth surfaces after a certain number of load cycles, i.e., different lifetime stages of polymer gears.
... Steeper curves at higher torques (0.7-0.8 Fig. 11. Service life of E-glass fiber polymer composite gears compared to previously investigated polymer or polymer composite gears at different loads [28,[35][36][37][38][39]. Nm) indicate severe tooth wear due to heavy load. ...
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Polymer composite gears are under investigation as a promising solution to mitigate the performance gap between polymer and metal gears. The study presented in this paper evaluates the fatigue and wear performance of E-glass fiber reinforced polymer composite gears. The E-glass fibers are vacuum infused with bioepoxy, followed by autoclave curing. High-speed milling is utilized to fabricate the gears, which are then subjected to testing at torques ranging from 0.5 to 0.8 Nm. Gear failure modes predominantly include wear combined with tooth edge intra-bundle fiber delamination due to fatigue, followed by extensive inter-ply delamination just prior to failure. Gear tooth wear volume demonstrates a nearly linear correlation with the number of cycles, with accelerated wear rates observed at higher torques. E-glass fiber polymer composite gears exhibit a shorter service life and a higher wear coefficient compared to our previously developed carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite gears. However, their performance remains fair, with a service life between that of PA6 GF30 and PA66 GF30 glass fiber reinforced gears.
... Lightweight gearboxes [3]. The load, temperature, surface roughness, wear and rotational speed are the major analyzing parameters to investigate the performance of polymer gears [4] [5]. The teeth of polymer gears experience fatigue loads while operating conditions. ...
This study investigates the thermal and wears resistance performance of polymer gears made of pristine poly aryl ether ketone (PAEK) and PAEK polymer matrix incorporating both pristine multi walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) and functionalized MWCNT polymer composites under different operating conditions. The investigation involves the thermal behavior, wear performance and surface roughness of gears at different torques (0 Nm, 6 Nm, 8 Nm, and 10 Nm) and at rotational speeds such as 1000 rpm and 1500 rpm. The polymer composite materials are prepared by using a twin-screw extruder and the gears of these materials are manufactured by using an injection molding machine. The gears are examined using a gear test rig. The surface temperature, specific wear rate and surface roughness are the parameters that are measured at different torques and rotational speeds using a gear test rig, before and after the running operations of these gears. The gears made of PAEK and amine functionalized MWCNT composite materials exhibits improved performance in terms of wear resistance and thermal behavior.
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In this study, an experimental analysis of the thermal behavior and wear of polymer and hybrid polymer gears produced with the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) method was performed. Compared to conventional polymer gear manufacturing methods, the FDM process represents an energy-efficient material forming method. The low thermal conductivity of polymer gears has an impact on heating, which limits their application. The novelty of this research is an experimental analysis on hybrid polymer gears, and, for this purpose, a new hybrid polymer gear design with aluminum and steel inserts has been proposed. An in-house-developed non-mechanically closed-loop test rig was used to investigate Polyamide (PA) gears under different loads. An accelerated step load test procedure was employed, while the gears’ bulk temperature was recorded with a thermal imaging camera. The print quality affected the tooth flank surface roughness, so polymer gears with two different print qualities were initially produced. Hybrid polymer gears were produced with a higher print quality, since the print quality had an influence on the heating and wear. The correlation between the bulk temperature and wear was observed for all of the tested gears. A novel design of hybrid polymer gears with aluminum inserts achieved up to a 9 °C (17%) bulk temperature and a higher wear resistance.
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Plastic gears are primarily utilised in manufacturing and automotive industries due to their quiet operation, resistance to corrosion, and lightweight characteristics. Traditionally, injection moulding (IM) has been the preferred method for producing gears. However, the high cost associated with IM has made additive manufacturing (otherwise known as “3D printing”) an increasingly attractive alternative. This study investigated the potential benefits of 3D-printed spur gears made from three distinct types of polylactic acid (PLA) materials: recycled PLA (rPLA), blended PLA, and virgin PLA (vPLA). Gears with varying tooth counts were designed based on commercially available models and printed using optimised printing parameters, including layer height, infill density and nozzle temperature. The performance of polymer gears depends on several engineering characteristics, including wear resistance, running load, speed, and operating temperature. To assess these factors, sound, temperature, wear loss, wear rate, and service life were measured using a custom-built testing machine at rotational speeds of 500, 1000, and 1500 rpm under a torque of 1.5 Nm. The results were compared with those of injection-moulded PLA and nylon gears under the same testing conditions. The experimental findings revealed that the rPLA gears exhibited the poorest performance across all measured metrics. In contrast, the blended PLA gears demonstrated wear characteristics similar to those of the vPLA gears, although they still fell short of the performance of the injection-moulded gears.
Engineering plastics are increasingly used for gearing systems, such as in the automotive sector, e-mobility sector, and household appliances. The basic task of the gearing system is to efficiently transfer power from the source to the application user. The use of engineering plastics for gearing applications is conditioned by the lack of tribological characteristics of material pairs which influence on fatigue and wear behaviour of the whole gearing system. The paper presents testing of the steel/Polyamide 66-gear by determining fatigue life in an infinite area, considering high precision optical measurements in the range of micro-meter accuracy of abrasion flank wear together with surface temperature in contact, providing an important database for engineers about material suitability for appropriate mechanical systems. Observing the results, gear flank wear of PA66 HT is directly proportional to the meshing temperature and torque. Thermal melting is a characteristic failure mode of the polymer gears which are exposed to higher load levels. In the middle torques, the dominant failure mode is flank fracture known as pitch point fracture. The greater impact of the gear wear mechanism occurs at lower torques where initial crack propagation starts at the pitch point and ends in the tooth root area.
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The nonlinear material properties of thermoplastics like polyoxymethylene (POM) can influence the thermo-mechanical response of polymer gears to applied running loads. In the presented study, the non-elastic strain rate- and temperature-dependent mechanical characteristics of POM are examined, along with their influence on the mechanical response of the polymer gear at the tooth root and contact interface, and the resulting heat generation driving the commonly exhibited temperature rise during gear meshing/running. A detailed experimental study of these properties was conducted, employing standardized and partly customized tensile and bending tests. Using a suitable viscoplastic constitutive material model, calibrated based on the obtained experimental results, a numerical structural-contact analysis of the gear meshing process was performed, which could subsequently be used for a more detailed evaluation of the generated frictional heat and resulting temperature rise during gear running. While a significant influence of the viscoplastic material properties on the mechanical contact response and the flash temperature rise on the POM gear was identified, no major impact on the long term nominal temperature rise was recognized.
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The presented work is focused on the development of a comprehensive thermo-mechanical model for predicting the temperature rise in thermoplastic polymer spur gears with any desired profile geometry while running. The specific constitutional behavior of thermoplastics influences the gear-meshing pattern, which can deviate substantially from ideal gear meshing, as typically exhibited by metal gears in moderate-loading conditions. Taking this aspect into account is of paramount importance if realistic temperature-rise predictions are to be made. The thermal response of the considered gear pair is studied thoroughly from both the analytical and experimental standpoints. Good agreement was found between the results of the model and the experimental measurements performed using a high-speed thermal imaging infrared camera, although it was also observed that the real-life temperature rise can increase noticeably if large geometric tolerance deviations from the ideal profile geometry are present. The presented experimental approach also offers the possibility to observe the temperature rise inside and outside the meshing cycle.
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Plastic gears for power transmitting gearboxes are gaining more and more importance. Operation under oil-lubricated conditions and the use of high-performance materials allow significant increases of the transmitted power compared to dry running systems. Extensive experimental investigations on back-to-back test rigs with PEEK spur gears show that typical failure modes such as wear and thermal damages can be prevented under sufficient lubricating conditions. However, fatigue damages such as pitting on the active flank become more relevant. Current state of the art calculation methods like VDI 2736 do not contain strength numbers for PEEK materials. Therefore, experimental investigations on the pitting damage development and the resulting flank load carrying capacity of PEEK spur gears have been started and first results were evaluated.
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The parameters necessary for the reliable design of PEEK gears were determined. The effect of a steel gear's surface on the polymer gear's wear was investigated. Values for the wear coefficient of a steel/PEEK gear pair in dry and lubricated conditions are proposed. Testing showed that, on average, grease lubrication extends the lifespan of PEEK gears by a factor of 1.23, while the additional treatment of steel gears with trovalisation and lubrication extends the lifespan by a factor of 2.54. Temperature measurements were used to determine the coefficient of friction that is required to compute the operating temperature of a steel/PEEK gear pair. Using numerical simulations it was found that a proper tooth tip relief can improve the meshing and results in a further extension of the gear's lifespan.
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In this article, the authors have experimentally determined the friction coefficient in the polyoxymethylene gear pairs lubricated by a dry film lubricant. The obtained expression increases the precision of the frictional power loss calculation, which is essential when the frictional power loss is used as the optimization criterion. The friction coefficient was characterized for three influencing parameters: radius of relative curvature, sliding velocity, and normal load. The full factorial organization was used for the experiment design; five curvature radii levels, four sliding velocity levels, and three load levels were used. Each of the runs was recorded three times, which resulted in a total of 180 experimental runs. The resulting expression for the friction coefficient is valid for the gear modules between 1 and 4.5 mm and sliding speeds of up to 2.7 m/s. The normal load was found to have the greatest influence on the friction coefficient, while the sliding velocity influenced only the specimens running under lower load levels. A further increase in the values of radii of relative curvature above 5 mm had no effect on the friction coefficient. The experimental data is provided in full.
Polymer gears manufactured with injection molding have been widely used in many industries, but the unavoidable injection molding lunker defects limit the loading capacity and the further use of polymer gears in power transmissions. In this work, injection molding lunker defects are detected by X-ray CT and a polymer gear fatigue model with lunker defects is established considering the thermal-elastic-plastic constitutive material behavior. Durability tests are also conducted, and correspond well with simulation results. Results reveal that the lunker defect jeopardizes the loading capacity of tooth root under medium or heavy loading conditions, while the tooth flank failure is significantly influenced by the loading condition.
A comprehensive experimental failure analysis of S-polymer gears is presented in this study. The analysed gears, made of two often used polymers (POM and PA66) in gear manufacturing, were machined using the standardised cutting tool, and then tested on a custom made gear testing device which allows a continuous torque setting by using a drive and braking asynchronous electric motors. The experimental testing has been done under different external loading of the gear pair (torque) until the occurrence of final failure, which has appeared in three different types: tooth root fracture, tooth deformation, or tooth melting. The obtained experimental results for S-gears are also compared to the results of standardised involute E-gears. This comparison has shown that S-gears demonstrate better load capacity than E-gears in the case of high loading and softer gear material (POM), where the increased temperature may involve the melting of gear teeth.
As of yet, disposal platforms for synthetic polymers have not matured in an environmentally benign manner. Consequently, their wastes tend to remain as sources of pollution that chronically release hazardous substances. In a strategical sense, biopolymers synthesized from natural (plant/animal or microbial) sources are thus recognized as an attractive and alternative option to replace synthetic polymers in various respects, as demonstrated from their Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). It is found that some biopolymers (e.g., polylactic acid (PLA)) are naturally biodegradable, whereas others (e.g., ones derived from bioethanol) are not. In light of such limitations, new and innovative ideas and findings have been proposed to seek for the sustainable use of biopolymers. In this review, the prospects of biopolymer technology were emphasized to address the issues associated with non-degradability of plastics. In this respect, essential strategies were also discussed further for biopolymers as an alternative option for non-degradable plastics to help establish sustainable management plan for plastic wastes based on standards, certifications, and labeling of biopolymers.
This paper provides details of a new test rig design and methodology intended for, and successfully applied to, measuring the gear wear rate and performance of polymer composite gears under both dry and lubricated conditions. One of its unique contributions is that it continuously measures the gear wear rate, a feature essential for understanding polymer gear behaviour. While sharing some concepts with the traditional back-to-back test configuration used for steel gears, the new method introduces a rotary freedom to the block supporting the polymer gears under test. This block rotates if the gear tooth thickness is reduced, which aids control of the test load. The gear surface wear rate is recorded continuously by using a capacitance transducer to measure the pivot block motion. A second unique contribution of the new test method involves splitting the support block so that controlled misaligned gear engagements (not reported in other designs) can be introduced and subsequent changes to wear behaviour studied. The paper first outlines the test rig concepts and design before discussing in more detail the gear wear rate measuring principles, the methods of centre distance adjustment and the achievement of virtually constant gear loading. Finally, a selection test results are presented in summary to further validate the new test method and illustrate potential applications.
Conference Paper
The existing models for the conversion and design of polymer gears are only valid for involute gears. This research was focused on S-gears, a specific type of gear profile which has more favorable contact conditions and greater root thickness when compared to involute gears. S-gears design is currently based on tests, experience, and the use of numerical simulations. Due to the lack of a simple calculation model for designing S-gears, there is a limited number of applications in practice. The goal was to set up a model for the evaluation of the root and flank load-carrying capacity of polymer S-gears. The VDI 2736 guideline was taken as the basis of our conversion model for polymer S-gears. With the introduction of new factors for the calculation of root and flank stress, the VDI 2736 model was upgraded to take into account the specific shape of the S-gear profile. In addition, a model for designing steel S-gears was set up.