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ભારતમા ઇ-ગવર્નન્સ થકી હેલ્થકેર સેવાઓ



વિશ્વ પરંપરાગત તમામ સેવા વિતરણ પ્રણાલીને માહિતી સંચાર ટેકનોલોજી આધારિત સેવા વિતરણ પ્રણાલીમાં પરિવર્તન કરવાના તબક્કામાંથી પસાર થઈ રહ્યું છે, જે ઓછી કિંમતે સેવાઓને વઘુ કાર્યક્ષમ અને અસરકારક રીતે સુનિશ્ચિત કરે છે. ઇ-ગવર્નન્સ થકી હેલ્થ કેર સેવાઓ સામાન્ય માનવજાત ને કઇ રીતે ઉ૫યોગી બની શકે તેમ છે, તે રજુ કરવાનો પ્રયાસ કરવામાં આવ્યો છે. ઇ-હેલ્થ કેર સેવાઓ એ દેશ અને ગુજરાત રાજ્ય દ્વારા વિવિધ યોજનાના અમલીકરણથી લોકોને હેલ્થ કેર સેવાઓ સરળ રીતે પહોંચાડવા માટે ની આ એક નવી રીત છે. ભારતમાં માહિતી સંચાર ટેકનોલોજી આધારિત વિવિધ સ્વાસ્થ્ય સંભાળ સેવાઓની યોજનાઓ ભારત સરકાર દ્વારા દેશ અને ગુજરાત સરકાર દ્વારા રાજ્યના સંદર્ભમાં લાગુ કરવામાં આવેલ છે, તેની માહિતી અને તેના અમલીકરણ આધારિત એક અભ્યાસ રજુ કરેલ છે.
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Continuous Issue -37| August September 2020
 -   
‘’ ’’    ,        
  -    .  -      . - 
 , ,         
        .    - 
      .
         , ,  
       ;      .  , -
 -     .        
 -, -         . -  
             
  .        ,   
       .       
            . 
        .
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   2005       ,   
    -     .    
  -        . (58    ,
2005; )
    -    , "  ,  ,
 ,  ,          
        ."(WHO: 2005)
-          
, ,           . (
 : 2007)
-       , " ,  
          
         ,    
       . ( : 2012;   
2012-2020). "
, -      ,      
      ()      .
       ,     
    ,            .
   -   , , , ,  , , 
      .        
        .      ,
    ,    ,     
         ()   
 .
PM-JAY    10.74     50     . 
              5   
 .    /    .  2011,    
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   -    .     
        .     
           .
 :
          .
  ,  ,        
     .
            .
           .
          .
 
              .
     ,  ,  ,   ,
   ,  ,    ,     
  .
 
1.   .    .
2.   .   ,     
   .
3.    .
4.            () 
       .  ,     
      .
5.       ().     :   
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6.       ().    .
7.    .
8. - .    
-   , ,        
      .            
        .
 
   -      :
1.      (GHMIS)
2.  .         .
3.      (DLIMS),        .
4.    
5.       (BADEA).  .       
     .
6.   ,      .     
   .
7. -          .
8. Health    ()       .
 -         .
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Keywords Rural Management In present era the integration of technological aspect with socioeconomic platform is necessary for sustainable development. Now a day the information communication technology is the central part of development process. It assists the common man to solve their various types of problems. It contributes to strengthen of productivity of the people in relative fields. ICT is such technological system that fulfils the deficiency of communication between people and formal system or structure of development. It is able to meet the gap of formal communication system and help to people as it supports to bring creative environment to run well the development process that ultimately affects the level of living standard. For the purpose the technology should have reliability and effectiveness in the sense of speed, accuracy, transparency, and auto-easy operational features. So the success and real usefulness of ICT is depending on acceptability and good feelings towards get desired benefit or appropriate solution of problems. Human Development Development is about change. Change for the better. Development is about making a better life for everyone. In a country full of inequalities, a better life means first of all, the meeting of basic needs of food, protection, education, health and a healthy environment, where all people can live with dignity and respect. As per Gandhi's ideology : Development is not merely about money and wealth; it is also about ethics and values that all societies respect. Mowlana and Wilson stated that "development" as a conceptual framework for a number of individual, institutional , national and international changes is essentially a post World War II phenomenon. We can also called synonymous with growth, modernization, change, democracy, and in the beginning was focused largely on economic development. Economic development Economic indicators such as Gross National Product (GNP) and GNP per capita, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and GDP per capita and per capita income formed the indicators of development is calculated. Therefore, as the GNP and GDP grew and as per capita income increased, development would gradually move or "trickle down" to the larger population and the poor. Teams of political scientists, sociologists, and psychologists from many of the West's elite institutions tried to draw contrasts between the "traditional" and the "modern" individual and societies in terms of social traditions and personality traits. Modernization and development meant a move from traditional, community-based societies to ones that stressed innovativeness, education, political participation and access and exposure to information that changed people's way of thinking. Mahbub ul Haq and Amartya Sen, a new paradigm on development emerged that looked at the process of development through a more people-centred and humane approach .
As India is one of the fastest developing countries in the world, it is important to improve the quality of our health maintenance management and preventive medical care to extend healthy life expectancy. Today's scenario for health care in Indian e governance is in the limit of contacting 75 hospitals of the ISRO Telemedicine network only. Whilst this is currently working best of it, the limitation of this can be retarded by introducing the health care web services to each individual of the country. We believe advanced implementation of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) may improve the medical services and health maintenance management. As medical science is fast developing and information resource is pouring in, there is urgent need for dissemination knowledge by interlinking primary, secondary and tertiary level health centers by ICT applications. This will help health personal to deliver high quality services. Moreover, IT systems have been built to support different work flows in the health sector, but the systems are rarely connected and have become islands of data. From 2006 onwards corporate IT giants are experimenting for ICT application in health sector both in Government and private hospitals. In this paper, we discuss the potentialities and expansibility of the XML Web Services based on the Adaptive Collaboration (AC) which can be aggregated by the Indian e governance system as a health care web services. We would like to present ways of improving health maintenance service and regional medical services. In order to realize better health maintenance and prevention of disease, we would like to prove that incorporating medicine, life, and work through the XML Web Services is highly effective. The developed system is using data agent concept in transferring the format of information from different medical database systems to be an international standard format of metadata known as HL7 v3.0 using XML based cloud services called the Medical Cloud system which can take advantage of the Indian cloud revolution.