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Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical
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Rapid modeling: a surgical proof-of-concept
explained by hemodynamics modeling
N. Golse, F. Joly, Q. Nicolas, E. Vibert, P. D. Lin & I. Vignon-Clementel
To cite this article: N. Golse, F. Joly, Q. Nicolas, E. Vibert, P. D. Lin & I. Vignon-Clementel
(2020) Rapid modeling: a surgical proof-of-concept explained by hemodynamics modeling,
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 23:sup1, S130-S132, DOI:
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Published online: 02 Nov 2020.
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Rapid modeling: a surgical
proof-of-concept explained by
hemodynamics modeling
N. Golse
, F. Joly
, Q. Nicolas
, E. Vibert
P. D. Lin
and I. Vignon-Clementel
Department of Surgery, Hepato-Biliary Centre in Paul-Brousse
Hospital, Assistance Publique H^
opitaux de Paris, Villejuif,
INSERM, Unit 1193, Villejuif, France;
Inria, centre de
recherche de Paris, Paris, France;
Department of
Transplantation Medicine, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo,
Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of
Oslo, Norway
1. Introduction
The RAPID (Resection And Partial Liver Segment 2/
3 Transplantation with Delayed total hepatectomy)
concept is an innovative surgical procedure that was
recently proposed to increase the availability of
grafts (transplantable organs) for patients with unre-
sectable metastases (Line et al. 2015). The RAPID
technique (Figure 1) includes total hepatectomy
(Hx, liver resection) in two steps. First, partial Hx is
performed and the recipient receives a small partial
liver. Then, portal flow, the main input flow to the
liver, is diverted to the graft to facilitate its fast
regeneration. However, to avoid graft portal hyper-
perfusion or barotrauma, portal vein (PV) pressure
monitoring is required (Yagi et al. 2006). As soon as
the graft reaches the target volume, the second stage
resection is performed, ending the native diseased
liver removal.
For such a complex and innovative procedure,
numerically simulating hemodynamics in RAPID
patients could be useful to anticipate hyperperfusion
or barotrauma: this proof of concept study aims at
developing a model to represent these different steps
and see if such a model can predict the outcome of
the critical first steps (Golse et al. 2020).
2. Methods
Recently, our team performed hemodynamic 0D
modeling to simulate major Hx in pigs (Audebert
et al. 2017). To the aim of tailoring the RAPID pro-
cedure, we adapted the 0D model in this setting to
assess its clinical applicability. This electric analog
of the entire blood circulation (Figure 2)consistsof
a 4-chamber heart module, the lung, the digestive
organs, the liver and the other systemic organs. The
lung, digestive organs and other systemic organs are
represented by simple RCRcomponents. The liver
is dually perfused by the portal vein from the digest-
ive organs and by the hepatic artery from the aorta
and drains into the right side of the heart, each
route being modeled by resistance, with at their
junction a capacitance. The liver is divided into the
right and left uneven hemi-livers that are in parallel.
This 0D model was retrospectively tested on three
patients for which the only available measurements to
parameterize the model were the weight of the liver
subparts and graft at the different stages, and pre-
resection PV pressure, portocaval gradient (PCG) and
mean arterial pressure. The other hemodynamics data
needed to tune the model were based on the litera-
ture, given that patients were not cirrhotic. The grafts
were assumed to have healthy intrinsic resistances.
We simulated the first three steps (Figure 1) and
compared our final predicted PV pressures and porto-
caval gradients to those intraoperatively measured, as
an indication to modulate portal flow relies on
these measures.
3. Results and discussion
Portal pressures measured at the end of the first stage
in patients 1, 2 and 3 were, respectively, of 14, 16 and
12 mmHg while the simulated pressures were of 13.1,
14.8 and 11.5 mmHg. Portocaval gradients measured
after right PV clamping in the three patients were,
respectively, of 10, 11 and 7 mmHg while the simu-
lated gradients were of 9.9, 11.6 and 8.3 mmHg.
Spearman correlation for the 12 paired values was
high (rcoefficient ¼0.94, p ¼0.02), indicating that
the model predictions are good. Differences in the
gradients reflect both the disease state of the liver
(initial resistance), extent of Hx and size of trans-
planted graft.
To anticipate the minimal graft weight that
should be chosen to avoid the need for portal flow
modulation (according to fixed maximal pressure of
ß2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2020, VOL. 23, NO. S1, S130S132
Ppv ¼20 mmHg, or gradients PCG ¼15 mmHg and
10 mmHg), we virtually changed the graft weight of
each patient. The minimal graft weight required to
avoid portal hypertension with different thresholds
proposed for Ppv and portocaval gradients was
below the real graft weight in all cases, except for
the most restrictive portocaval gradient threshold:
patient 1 was borderline (1.5% too low weight),
while the real size of patient 2 was too low by 22%.
This result highlights the need for a consensus in
appropriate thresholds to determine safe transplant-
ation graft sizes.
4. Conclusions
Although more work is warranted to validate it on a
larger cohort, this promising report demonstrates that
0D simulation could be a useful tool to promote this
new surgical procedure by a better understanding of
how the different steps affect the liver perfusion and
pressure and by anticipating depending on the graft
size (and thus potentially avoiding) hypertension for
each patient in the future.
This work was supported by an Inria-APHP fellowship.
Audebert C, Bekheit M, Bucur P, Vibert E, Vignon-
Clementel IE. 2017. Partial hepatectomy hemodynamics
changes: experimental data explained by closed-loop
lumped modeling. J Biomech. 50:202208. Jan 4
Golse N, Joly F, Nicolas Q, Vibert E, Line PD, Vignon-
Clementel I. 2020. Partial orthotopic liver transplantation
in combination with two-stage hepatectomy: a proof-of-
Figure 1. Different steps of the RAPID procedure.
Figure 2. 0D model with two hemi-livers.
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Biomech. 73:195200.
Line P-D, Hagness M, Berstad AE, Foss A, Dueland S.
2015. A novel concept for partial liver transplantation in
nonresectable colorectal liver metastases: the RAPID
Concept. Ann Surg. 262(1):e5e9. Jul
Yagi S, Iida T, Hori T, Taniguchi K, Yamamoto C,
Yamagiwa K, Uemoto S. 2006. Optimal Portal Venous
Circulation for Liver Graft Function after Living-
Donor Liver Transplantation. Transplantation. 81(3):
KEYWORDS Hemodynamics; modeling; transplantation; liver;
surgical innovation
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The liver function may be degraded after partial liver ablation surgery. Adverse liver hemodynamics have been shown to be associated to liver failure. The link between these hemodynamics changes and ablation size is however poorly understood. This article proposes to explain with a closed-loop lumped model the hemodynamics changes observed during twelve surgeries in pigs. The portal venous tree is modeled with a pressure-dependent variable resistor. The variables measured, before liver ablation, are used to tune the model parameters. Then, the liver partial ablation is simulated with the model and the simulated pressures and flows are compared with post-operative measurements. Fluid infusion and blood losses occur during the surgery. The closed-loop model presented accounts for these blood volume changes. Moreover, the impact of blood volume changes and the liver lobe mass estimations on the simulated variables is studied. The typical increase of portal pressure, increase of liver pressure loss, slight decrease of portal flow and major decrease in arterial flow are quantitatively captured by the model for a 75% hepatectomy. It appears that the 75% decrease in hepatic arterial flow can be explained by the resistance increase induced by the surgery, and that no hepatic arterial buffer response (HABR) mechanism is needed to account for this change. The different post-operative states, observed in experiments, are reproduced with the proposed model. Thus, an explanation for inter-subjects post-operative variability is proposed. The presented framework can easily be adapted to other species circulations and to different pathologies for clinical hepatic applications.
Selected patients with nonresectable colorectal liver metastases benefit from liver transplantation and have acceptable 5-year survival rates. However, allocating full-sized grafts to this group of patients is difficult due to the scarcity of grafts. This could be improved by utilizing small partial grafts, which mandates effective strategies to overcome the problems regarding insufficient functional liver mass. We have developed a protocol incorporating previously reported experiences from living donor transplantation and recent developments in liver surgery, facilitating transplantation of very small liver grafts. At the time of transplantation, segments 1 to 3 are resected in the recipient and orthotropically replaced by a segment 2 to 3 allograft. Portal inflow is modulated by redirecting the portal flow to the graft with concomitant focus on keeping the portal vein pressure below 20 mm Hg. A second-stage hepatectomy is performed as soon as the graft has regenerated to a sufficient volume. A graft weighing 330 g was transplanted to a 50-year-old man weighing 92 kg, and the portal vein to the right remnant liver was closed. The volume of the liver graft was doubled 2 weeks after the first procedure, and it increased further after the second procedure, with extended right hepatectomy performed at day 23 after transplantation. There were no signs of liver failure or small-for-size syndrome. The current protocol and ongoing study could represent a possible strategy to increase the availability of liver transplantation to patients with nonresectable liver tumors such as hepatocellular carcinoma and colorectal liver metastases.
Previous studies have shown poor outcome after living-donor liver transplantation (LDLT) as a result of excessive portal venous pressure (PVP), excessive portal venous flow (PVF), or inadequate PVF. We investigated optimal portal venous circulation for liver graft function after LDLT in adult recipients retrospectively. Between June 2003 and November 2004, 28 adult patients underwent LDLT in our institution. We modulated PVP under 20 mmHg in these 28 cases by performing a splenectomy (n=4) or splenorenal shunt (n=1). The PVF and PVP were measured at the end of the operation. Compliance was calculated by dividing PVF by PVP. PVF and compliance showed a significant inverse correlation with peak billirubin levels after LDLT (r = -0.63: r=-0.60, P<0.01), and with peak international normalized ratio after LDLT (r=-0.41: r=-0.51, P<0.05). Compliance was higher in right-lobe graft with middle hepatic vein cases (148+/-27 ml/min/mmHg), and lower in left-lobe graft cases (119+/-50 ml/min/mmHg). Liver graft function was better when PVF and graft compliance were higher and PVP was maintained under 20 mmHg.