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Abstract and Figures

This paper presents a learning-based, lossless compression method for static point cloud geometry, based on context-adaptive arithmetic coding. Unlike most existing methods working in the octree domain, our encoder operates in a hybrid mode, mixing octree and voxel-based coding. We adaptively partition the point cloud into multi-resolution voxel blocks according to the point cloud structure and use octree to signal the partitioning. On the one hand, octree representation can eliminate the sparsity in the point cloud. On the other hand, in the voxel domain, convolutions can be naturally expressed, and geometric information (i.e., planes, surfaces, etc.) is explicitly processed by a neural network. Our context model benefits from these properties and learns a probability distribution of the voxels using a deep convolutional neural network with masked filters, called VoxelDNN. Experiments show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art MPEG G-PCC standard with average rate savings of 28% on a diverse set of point clouds from the Microsoft Voxelized Upper Bodies (MVUB) and MPEG.
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Dat Thanh Nguyen, Maurice Quach, Giuseppe Valenzise, Pierre Duhamel
e Paris-Saclay, CNRS, CentraleSup´
elec, Laboratoire des Signaux et Syst`
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
This paper presents a learning-based, lossless compression
method for static point cloud geometry, based on context-
adaptive arithmetic coding. Unlike most existing methods
working in the octree domain, our encoder operates in a hy-
brid mode, mixing octree and voxel-based coding. We adap-
tively partition the point cloud into multi-resolution voxel
blocks according to the point cloud structure, and use octree
to signal the partitioning. On the one hand, octree representa-
tion can eliminate the sparsity in the point cloud. On the other
hand, in the voxel domain, convolutions can be naturally ex-
pressed, and geometric information (i.e., planes, surfaces,
etc.) is explicitly processed by a neural network. Our context
model benefits from these properties and learns a probability
distribution of the voxels using a deep convolutional neural
network with masked filters, called VoxelDNN. Experiments
show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art MPEG
G-PCC standard with average rate savings of 28% on a di-
verse set of point clouds from the Microsoft Voxelized Upper
Bodies (MVUB) and MPEG.
Index TermsPoint Cloud Compression, Deep Learn-
ing, G-PCC, context model.
Recent visual capturing technology has enabled 3D scenes to
be captured and stored in the form of Point Clouds (PCs). PCs
are now becoming the preferred data structure in many appli-
cations (e.g., VR/AR, autonomous vehicle, cultural heritage),
resulting in a massive demand for efficient Point Cloud Com-
pression (PCC) methods.
The Moving Picture Expert Group has been developing
two PCC standards [1–3]: Video-based PCC (V-PCC) and
Geometry-based PCC (G-PCC). V-PCC focuses on dynamic
point clouds and is based on 3D-to-2D projections. On the
other hand, G-PCC targets static content and encodes the
point clouds directly in 3D space. In G-PCC, the geom-
etry and attribute information are independently encoded.
However, the geometry must be available before filling point
clouds with attributes. Therefore, having an efficient lossless
geometry coding is fundamental for efficient PCC. A typical
point cloud compression scheme consists in pre-quantizing
the geometric coordinates using voxelization. In this paper,
we also adopt this approach, which is particularly suited for
dense point clouds. After voxelization, the point cloud geom-
etry can be represented either directly in the voxel domain, or
using an octree spatial decomposition.
In this work, we propose a deep-learning-based method
for lossless compression of voxelized point cloud geometry.
Using a masked 3D convolutional network, our approach
(named VoxelDNN) first learns the distribution of a voxel
given all previously decoded ones. This conditional distri-
bution is then used to model the context of a context-based
arithmetic coder. In addition, we reduce point cloud sparsity
by adaptively partitioning the PC. We demonstrate experi-
mentally that the proposed solution outperforms the MPEG
G-PCC solution in terms of bits per occupied voxel with
average rate savings of 28% on all test datasets.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2
reviews the related work; the proposed method is described
in Section 3; Section 4 presents the experimental results; and
finally Section 5 concludes the paper.
Most existing point cloud geometry compression methods,
including MPEG G-PCC test models, represent and encode
occupied voxels using octrees [4–6] or local approximations
called “triangle soups” [7]. Recently, the authors of [6] pro-
posed an intra-frame method called P(PNI), which builds a
reference octree by propagating the parent octet to all chil-
dren nodes, thus providing 255 contexts to encode the current
octant. A frequency table of size 255 ×255 is built to encode
the octree and needs to be transmitted to decoder. A draw-
back of this octree representation is that, at the first levels of
the tree, it produces “blocky” scenes, and geometry informa-
tion of point clouds (i.e., curve, plane) is lost. Instead, in this
paper we work in the hybrid domain to exploit the geometry
information. In addition, our method predicts voxel distribu-
tions in a sequential manner at the decoder side, thus avoiding
the extra cost of transmitting large frequency tables.
Our work draws inspiration from the recent advances in
deep generative models for 2D images. The goal of genera-
tive models is to learn the data distribution, which can be used
for a variety of tasks, with image generation being probably
arXiv:2011.14700v1 [eess.IV] 30 Nov 2020
the most popular [8]. Among the various classes of genera-
tive models, we consider methods able to explicitly estimate
data likelihood, such as the PixelCNN model [9,10]. Specifi-
cally, these approaches factorize the likelihood of a picture by
modeling the conditional distribution of a given pixel’s color
given all previously generated pixels. PixelCNN models the
distribution using a neural network. The causality constraint
is enforced using masked filters in each convolutional layer.
Recently, this approach has been employed in image com-
pression to yield accurate and learnable entropy models [11].
This paper extends the generative model and masking filters
to 3D point cloud geometry compression.
Inspired by the success in learning-based image compres-
sion, deep learning has been recently adopted in point cloud
coding methods [12–16]. The proposed methods in [15, 16]
encode each 64 ×64 ×64 sub-block of PC using a 3D convo-
lutional auto-encoder. In contrast, in this paper we losslessly
encode the voxels by directly learning the distribution of each
voxel from its 3D context. We also offer block-based coding,
which was successful in traditional image and video coding.
3.1. Definitions
A point cloud voxelized over a 2n×2n×2ngrid is known
as an n-bit depth PC, which can be represented by an nlevel
octree. In this work, we represent point cloud geometry in a
hybrid manner: both in octree and voxel domain. We coarsely
partition an n-depth point cloud up to level n6. As a result,
we obtain a n6level octree and a number of non-empty bi-
nary blocks vof size 26×26×26voxels, which we refer to as
resolution d= 64 or simply block 64 in the following. Blocks
64 can be further partitioned at resolution d={32,16,8,4}
as detailed in Section 3.3. At this point, we encode the blocks
using our proposed encoder in the voxel domain (Section 3.2).
The high-level octree, as well as the depth of each block, are
converted to bytes and signaled to the decoder as side infor-
mation. We index all voxels in block vat resolution dfrom 1
to d3in raster scan order with:
vi=(1,if ith voxel is occupied
3.2. VoxelDNN
Our method encodes the voxelized point cloud losslessly us-
ing context-adaptive binary arithmetic coding. Specifically,
we focus on estimating accurately a probability model p(v)
for the occupancy of a block vcomposed by d×d×dvoxels.
We factorize the joint distribution p(v)as a product of condi-
tional distributions p(vi|vi1, . . . , v1)over the voxel volume:
p(v) = d3
i=1p(vi|vi1, vi2, . . . , v1).(2)
(a) 3D pixel context (b) 3D type A mask
Fig. 1 (a): Example 3D context in a 5×5×5block. Previously
scanned elements are in blue. (b): 3×3×33D type A
mask. Type B mask is obtained by changing center position
(marked red) to 1.
Fig. 2 VoxelDNN architecture. A type A mask is applied in the first
layer (dashed borders) and type B masks afterwards.
‘f64,k7,s1’ stands for 64 filters, kernel size 7 and stride 1.
Each term p(vi|vi1, . . . , v1)above is the probability of the
voxel vibeing occupied given all previous voxels, referred to
as a context. Figure 1(a) illustrates an example 3D context.
We estimate p(vi|vi1, . . . , v1)using a neural network which
we dub VoxelDNN.
The conditional distributions in (2) depend on previously
decoded voxels. This requires a causality constraint on the
VoxelDNN network. To enforce causality, we extend to 3D
the idea of masked convolutional filters, initially proposed in
PixelCNN [9]. Specifically, two kinds of masks (A or B) can
be employed. Type A mask is filled by zeros from the center
position to the last position in raster scan order as shown in
Figure 1(b). Type B mask differs from type A in that the value
in the center location is 1. We apply type A mask to the first
convolutional layer to restrict both the connections from all
future voxels and the voxel currently being predicted. In con-
trast, from the second convolutional layer, type B masks are
applied which relaxes the restrictions of mask A by allowing
the connection from the current spatial location to itself.
In order to learn good estimates ˆp(vi|vi1, . . . , v1)of the
underlying voxel occupancy distribution p(vi|vi1, . . . , v1),
and thus minimize the coding bitrate, we train VoxelDNN us-
ing cross-entropy loss. That is, for a block vof resolution d,
Algorithm 1: Block partitioning selection
Input: block: B, current level: curLv, max level: maxLv
Output: partitioning flags: f l, output bitstream: bits
1Function partitioner(B, curLv , maxLv):
2fl22 ; // encode as 8 child blocks
3for block bin child blocks of Bdo
4if bis empty then
5child f lag 0;
6child bit empty;
8if curLv == maxLv then
9child f lag 1;
10 child bit singleBlockCoder(b);
11 else
12 child f lag, child bit partitioner(b,
curLv + 1,maxLv);
13 end
14 end
15 fl2[fl2,child flag];
16 bit2[bit2,child bit];
17 end
18 total bit2 = sizeOf (bit2) + len(f l2) ×2;
19 fl11; // encode as a single block
20 bit1singleBlockCoder(B);
21 total bit1 = sizeOf (bit1) + len(f l1) ×2;
/*partitioning selection */
22 if total bit2total bit1then
23 return fl1, bit1;
24 else
25 return fl2, bit2;
26 end
we minimize :
H(p, ˆp) = Evp(v)
log ˆp(vi)
It is well known that cross entropy represents the extra bi-
trate cost to pay when the approximate distribution ˆpis used
instead of the true p. More precisely, H(p, ˆp) = H(p) +
DKL (pkˆp), where DKL denotes the Kullback-Leibler diver-
gence and H(p)is Shannon entropy. Hence, by minimiz-
ing (3), we indirectly minimize the distance between the es-
timated conditional distributions and the real data distribu-
tion, yielding accurate contexts for arithmetic coding. Note
that this is different from what is typically done in learning-
based lossy PC geometry compression, where the focal loss
is used [15, 16]. The motivation behind using focal loss is to
cope with the high spatial unbalance between occupied and
non-occupied voxels. The reconstructed PC is then obtained
by hard thresholding ˆp(v), and the target is thus the final clas-
sification accuracy. Conversely, here we aim at estimating
accurate soft probabilities to be fed into an arithmetic coder.
Figure 2 shows our VoxelDNN network architecture.
Given the 64 ×64 ×64 input block, VoxelDNN outputs the
predicted occupancy probability of all input voxels. Our first
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Fig. 3 Partitioning a block of size 64 into: (a) a single block of size
64, (b): blocks of size 32, (c): 32 and 16, (d): 32, 16 and 8.
Non-empty blocks are indicated by blue cubes.
3D convolutional layer uses 7×7×7kernels with a type
A mask. Type B masks are used in the subsequent layers.
To avoid vanishing gradients and speed up the convergence,
we implement two residual connections with 5×5×5ker-
nels. Throughout VoxelDNN, the ReLu activation function
is applied after each convolutional layer, except in the last
layer where we use softmax activation. In total, our model
contains 290,754 parameters and requires less then 4MB of
disk storage space.
3.3. Multi-resolution encoder and adaptive partitioning
We use an arithmetic coder to encode the voxels sequentially
from the first voxel to the last voxel of each block in a gener-
ative manner. Specifically, every time a voxel is encoded, it is
fed back into VoxelDNN to predict the probability of the next
voxel. Then, we pass the probability to the arithmetic coder
to encode the next symbol.
However, applying this coding process at a fixed resolu-
tion d(in particular, on blocks 64), can be inefficient when
blocks are sparse, i.e., they contain only few occupied vox-
els. This is due to the fact that in this case, there is little or
no information available in the receptive fields of the convo-
lutional filters. To overcome this problem, we propose a rate-
optimized multi-resolution splitting algorithm as follows. We
partition a block into 8 sub-blocks recursively and signal the
occupancy of sub-blocks as well as the partitioning decision
(0: empty, 1: encode as single block, 2: further partition). The
partitioning decision depends on the output bits after arith-
metic coding. If the total bitstream of partitioning flags and
occupied sub-blocks is larger than encoding parent block as a
single block, we do not perform partitioning. The details of
this process are shown in Algorithm 1. The maximum parti-
tioning level is controlled by maxLv and partitioning is per-
formed up to maxLv = 5 corresponding to a smallest block
size of 4. Depending on the output bits of each partition-
ing solution, a block of size 64 can contain a combination
of blocks with different sizes. Figure 3 shows 4 partitioning
examples for an encoder with maxLv = 4. Note that Vox-
elDNN learns to predict the distribution of the current voxel
from previous encoded voxels. As a result, we only need to
train a single model to predict the probabilities for different
input block sizes.
Table 1: Average rate in bpov of VoxelDNN at different partitioning levels compared with MPEG G-PCC and P(PNI).
P(PNI) G-PCC block 64 block 64 + 32 block 64 + 32 + 16 block 64 + 32 + 16 + 8
Dataset Point Cloud bpov bpov bpov Gain over
bpov Gain over
bpov Gain over
bpov Gain over
Phil9 1.88 1.2284 0.9819 20.07% 0.9317 24.15% 0.9203 25.08% 0.9201 25.10%
Ricardo9 1.79 1.0422 0,7910 24.10% 0.7276 30.19% 0.7175 31.16% 0.7173 31.17%
Phil10 - 1.1617 0.8941 23.04% 0.8381 27.86% 0.8308 28.48% 0.307 28.49%
Ricardo10 - 1.0672 0.8108 24.03% 0.7596 28.82% 0.7539 29.36% 0.7533 29.41%
Average 1.84 1.1248 0.8694 22.71% 0.8142 27.61% 0.8056 28.38% 0.8053 28.41%
Loot10 1.69 0.9524 0.7016 26.33% 0.6464 32.13% 0.6400 32.80% 0.6387 32.94%
Redandblack10 1.84 1.0889 0.7921 27.26% 0.7383 32.20% 0.7317 32.80% 0.7317 32.80%
Boxer9 - 1.0815 0.8034 25.71% 0.7620 29.54% 0.7558 30.12% 0.7560 30.14%
Thaidancer9 - 1.0677 0.8574 19.70% 0.8145 23.71% 0.8091 24.22% 0.8078 24.34%
Average 1.77 1.0476 0.7886 24.75% 0.7403 29.34% 0.7341 29.92% 0.7334 29.99%
4.1. Experimental Setup
Training dataset: Our models were trained on a combined
dataset from ModelNet40 [17], MVUB [18] and 8i [19, 20]
datasets. We sample 17 PCs from Andrew10, David10,
Sarah10 sequences in MVUB dataset into the training set.
In 8i dataset, 18 PCs sampled from Soldier and Longdress
sequence are selected. The ModelNet40 dataset, is sampled
into depth 9 resolution and the 200 largest PCs are selected.
Finally, we divide all selected PCs into occupied blocks of
size 64 ×64 ×64. In total, our dataset contains 20,264 blocks
including 4,297 blocks from 8i, 4,820 blocks from MVUB
and 11,147 blocks from ModelNet40. We split the dataset
into 18,291 blocks for training and 1,973 blocks for testing.
Training: VoxelDNN is trained with Adam [21] optimizer, a
learning rate of 0.001, and a batch size of 8 for 50 epochs on
a GeForce RTX 2080 GPU.
Evaluation procedure: We evaluate our methods on both
9 and 10 bits depth PCs that have the lowest and highest
rate performance when testing with G-PCC method from the
MVUB and MPEG datasets. These PCs were not used during
training. The effectiveness of the partitioning scheme is eval-
uated by increasing the maximum partitioning level from 1 to
5 corresponding to block sizes 64, 32, 16, 8 and 4.
4.2. Experimental results
Table 1 reports the average rate in bits per occupied voxel
(bpov) of the proposed method for 4 partitioning levels, com-
pared with G-PCC v.10 [3]. We also report the results of the
recent intra-frame geometry coding method P(PNI) from [6]
(the coding results are available only for some of the tested
PCs). The results with 5 partitioning levels are identical to 4
partitioning levels and are not shown in the table. In all exper-
iments, the total size of signaling bits for the high-level octree
and partitioning accounts for less than 2% of the bitstream.
We observe that our proposed solution at all 4 levels and
G-PCC outperform P(PNI) by a large margin. VoxelDNN
solutions outperform G-PCC on the MVUB and MPEG 8i
datasets with the highest average rate saving of 28.4% and
29.9%, respectively. As partitioning levels increases, the cor-
responding gain over G-PCC also increases; however, there is
Fig. 4 Percentage of encoded voxels in each block size. From top to
bottom: block 8, 16, 32, 64.
only a slight increase with 3 and 4 levels compared to the gain
of the lower level. This can be explained with Figure 4, which
shows the percentages of total voxels for each partition size in
different PCs. It can be seen that most voxels are encoded us-
ing blocks 64 and 32, while very few ones are encoded with
blocks of smaller size. While adding more partition levels
enables to better adapt to point cloud geometry, smaller parti-
tions entail a higher signalization cost. This is not often com-
pensated by a bitrate reduction of the sub-blocks, since in the
smaller partitions the encoder has access to limited contexts,
resulting in less accurate probability estimations.
This paper proposed a hybrid octree/voxel-based lossless
compression method for point cloud geometry. It employs for
the first time a deep generative model in the voxel space to
estimate the occupancy probabilities sequentially. Combined
with a rate-optimized partitioning strategy, the proposed
method outperforms MPEG G-PCC with average 28% rate
savings over all test datasets. We are now working on improv-
ing lossless coding of PC geometry by using more powerful
generative models, and jointly optimizing octree and voxel
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This article presents an overview of the recent standardization activities for point cloud compression (PCC). A point cloud is a 3D data representation used in diverse applications associated with immersive media including virtual/augmented reality, immersive telepresence, autonomous driving and cultural heritage archival. The international standard body for media compression, also known as the Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG), is planning to release in 2020 two PCC standard specifications: video-based PCC (V-CC) and geometry-based PCC (G-PCC). V-PCC and G-PCC will be part of the ISO/IEC 23090 series on the coded representation of immersive media content. In this paper, we provide a detailed description of both codec algorithms and their coding performances. Moreover, we will also discuss certain unique aspects of point cloud compression.
Conference Paper
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Efficient point cloud compression is fundamental to enable the deployment of virtual and mixed reality applications, since the number of points to code can range in the order of millions. In this paper, we present a novel data-driven geometry compression method for static point clouds based on learned convolutional transforms and uniform quantization. We perform joint optimization of both rate and distortion using a trade-off parameter. In addition, we cast the decoding process as a binary classification of the point cloud occupancy map. Our method outperforms the MPEG reference solution in terms of rate-distortion on the Microsoft Voxelized Upper Bodies dataset with 51.5% BDBR savings on average. Moreover, while octree-based methods face exponential diminution of the number of points at low bitrates, our method still produces high resolution outputs even at low bitrates. Code and supplementary material are available at .
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We present a method to compress geometry information of point clouds that explores redundancies across consecutive frames of a sequence. It uses octrees and works by progressively increasing resolution of the octree. At each branch of the tree, we generate an approximation of the child nodes by a number of methods which are used as contexts to drive an arithmetic coder. The best approximation, i.e. the context that yields the least amount of encoding bits, is selected and the chosen method is indicated as side information for replication at the decoder. The core of our method is a context-based arithmetic coder in which a reference octree is used as reference to encode the current octree, thus providing 255 contexts for each output octet. The 255×255 frequency histogram is viewed as a discrete 3D surface and is conveyed to the decoder using another octree. We present two methods to generate the predictions (contexts) which use adjacent frames in the sequence (inter-frame) and one method that works purely intra-frame. The encoder continuously switches the best mode among the three and conveys such information to the decoder. Since an intra-frame prediction is present, our coder can also work in purely intra-frame mode, as well. Extensive results are presented to show the method’s potential against many compression alternatives for the geometry information in dynamic voxelized point clouds.
The widespread adoption of new 3D sensor and authoring technologies has made it possible to capture 3D scenes and models in real time with decent visual quality. As an example, Microsoft's Kinect and Apple's PrimeSense technology are now being used in a wide variety of interactive 3D mobile applications, including gaming and augmented reality applications. The latest smartphones are equipped with multiple cameras, which can be readily used to generate depth images. Some of the latest smartphones also include depth-ranging sensors that can be used for 3D model generation. Light-based detection and ranging (lidar) technologies are yet another field where 3D depth acquisition is important. Realtime 3D scenery detection and ranging has become an important issue for the emerging field of autonomous navigation and driving applications.
Due to the increased popularity of augmented and virtual reality experiences, the interest in capturing the real world in multiple dimensions and in presenting it to users in an immersible fashion has never been higher. Distributing such representations enables users to freely navigate in multi-sensory 3D media experiences. Unfortunately, such representations require a large amount of data, not feasible for transmission on today’s networks. Efficient compression technologies well adopted in the content chain are in high demand and are key components to democratize augmented and virtual reality applications. The Moving Picture Experts Group, MPEG, as one of the main standardization groups dealing with multimedia, identified the trend and started recently the process of building an open standard for compactly representing 3D point clouds, which are the 3D equivalent of the very well-known 2D pixels. This paper introduces the main developments and technical aspects of this ongoing standardization effort.