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Dynamical properties and path dependence in a gene-network model of cell differentiation


Abstract and Figures

In this work, we explore the properties of a control mechanism exerted on random Boolean networks that takes inspiration from the methylation mechanisms in cell differentiation and consists in progressively freezing (i.e. clamping to 0) some nodes of the network. We study the main dynamical properties of this mechanism both theoretically and in simulation. In particular, we show that when applied to random Boolean networks, it makes it possible to attain dynamics and path dependence typical of biological cells undergoing differentiation.
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Soft Computing (2021) 25:6775–6787
Dynamical properties and path dependence in a gene-network model
of cell differentiation
Michele Braccini1·Andrea Roli1,4 ·Marco Villani2,4 ·Roberto Serra2,3,4
Published online: 2 November 2020
© The Author(s) 2020
In this work, we explore the properties of a control mechanism exerted on random Boolean networks that takes inspiration
from the methylation mechanisms in cell differentiation and consists in progressively freezing (i.e. clamping to 0) some nodes
of the network. We study the main dynamical properties of this mechanism both theoretically and in simulation. In particular,
we show that when applied to random Boolean networks, it makes it possible to attain dynamics and path dependence typical
of biological cells undergoing differentiation.
Keywords Boolean networks ·Cell differentiation ·Path dependence ·Epigenetics ·Methylation
1 Introduction
The co-existence of different cell types, which share the same
genome, in a multicellular organism, and the processes of
progressive cell differentiation raise challenging theoretical
issues. The possibility that the same set of genes, with the
same type of reciprocal influences, gives rise to very different
phenotypes is associated to the fact that not all the genes are
active in every cell type, i.e. to the existence of different stable
activation patterns of the same set of genes. An important
question which naturally raises concerns how these stable
patterns are determined, among the huge amount of states
which are possible in principle. It is well-known that active
genes interfere with the activation of other genes, through
proteins or other gene products like, e.g. miRNA. Therefore,
it is natural to associate the stable patterns, i.e. the cell types,
to the attractors of the dynamical system which describes the
Communicated by Tomas Veloz.
BMichele Braccini
1Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Campus
of Cesena - Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna,
Cesena, Italy
2Department of Physics, Informatics and Mathematics,
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy
3Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), University of
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
4European Centre for Living Technology, Venice, Italy
complex web of interactions among genes, RNA, proteins,
other gene products and other molecules in the cell.
There are beautiful models of various parts of this system;
for example, some describe in detail the steps which lead
from DNA to mRNA to ribosomes, and some describe the
details of the regulation processes. They are very well suited
to describe in-depth the translation and transcription pro-
cesses, but here we are rather interested in global activation
patterns of thousands of heterogeneous entities. Therefore,
it is mandatory to introduce some simplifications to keep the
model manageable and meaningful. One interesting possi-
bility (pioneered by Stuart Kauffman about 50 years ago) is
that of simplifying the picture to that of a network of inter-
acting genes only, without explicitly taking into account the
other entities—whose influence is subsumed by the interac-
tion rules among the genes.
Following this approach, we will consider a dynamical
system of n“genes”, which can take different activation val-
ues. The time change of the activation of a gene is ruled by a
differential (or difference) equation; the rules can be differ-
ent for different genes. As time passes, the system will tend
to one of its stable steady states—to be associated to a cell
This framework is attractive, due to its simplicity, yet it
has to be reconciled with the crucial process of cell differ-
entiation, i.e. the development of pluripotent types into fully
differentiated ones, through various intermediate stages. If
we associate a pluripotent type with a stable or metastable
attractor, then it is necessary to understand what can make this
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6776 M. Braccini et al.
attractor unstable. One might be tempted to identify the pro-
cess of cell maturation with transients, while attractors would
be associated to mature cell types only. However, pluripotent
intermediate types may be long lived, so it is difficult to devise
satisfactory models along this line. It seems more appropri-
ate to associate attractors also to the long-lived intermediate
states, but in this case it is necessary to identify mechanisms
which can actually modify the dynamical system, making
these attractors unstable and driving the system towards the
other attractors.
This is possible since the cell is not a fully autonomous
system, but it is coupled with the environment in which it
lives. Various molecules can indeed interfere with the gene
expression mechanisms, switching on or off single genes or
groups of genes. However, one has to resist the temptation of
simplistic explanations based only upon detailed properties
of external influences, because the gene network (or rather,
the whole dynamical system it represents) is always present.
Switching one gene on or off does not only lead to the synthe-
sis of a specific protein or gene product, but it may also affect
the expression of other genes. The activation patterns must
be coherent with the whole dynamics of the network Huang
and Kauffman (2013).
In this paper, we explore the behaviour of a control mech-
anism, which affects the attractors of a gene network and
their stability. This mechanism, which is simple enough to
be amenable to large-scale simulation, is directly inspired by
biological observations and experimental knowledge about
the effects of DNA methylation; refer to Sect. 2for a brief
introduction on biological methylation and its role in the gene
expression process.
While the model is described in detail in Sect. 2, let us
mention here that we will make the simplifying assumption
that nodes are either off or on, i.e. that they take Boolean
values, neglecting intermediate values. Moreover, let us sup-
pose that the time evolution of the network is synchronous
and deterministic in discrete steps. The attractors of any finite
network are therefore either cycles or fixed points (which
can be regarded as period-1 cycles). The silencing effects
of methylation will therefore be modelled by keeping con-
stantly equal to zero the activation of some nodes (which
will be called “externally frozen”, briefly e-frozen, or some-
times “blocked”). The network is assumed to be in one of its
attractors at time t<0, while at time t=0 some nodes are
externally frozen. The clamping to zero of a node may affect
other nodes, inducing in time a propagation of freezing (i.e.
an increase in the number of constant nodes) and the attractor
landscape will be modified.
In Sect. 3, we will present a simplified, mean-field descrip-
tion of this process of propagation in time of freezing. In
Sect. 4, we will describe the results of several simulations
of the effects of freezing on the attractor landscape, investi-
gating the effects of the choice of some key parameters. A
particularly important question concerns the importance of
the order (in time) of gene silencing: if gene Ais silenced at
a certain time step, and gene Bis silenced at a later stage,
will the attractors and their basins be the same as in the case
where silencing of Bprecedes that of A? Interestingly, one
can prove that the answer is (sometimes) no, so the system
described here can show a strong form of path dependence.
This is described in detail in Sect. 5. The final section is
devoted to a discussion of the results and of their biological
2 Methylation model
Epigenetic mechanisms significantly contribute to the deter-
mination and maintenance of cell fates in biological organ-
isms. Methylation, in particular, can occur to both DNA
regions and proteins. DNA methylation typically occurs at
CpG sites1changing the activity of DNA sequences, e.g.
blocking gene promoter activities and hence their ability
to induce transcription, without requiring mutations. Differ-
ently, histone methylations change the degree of compactness
of the chromatin by adding methyl groups to histone pro-
teins: proteins on which DNA of eukaryotic cells wrap
around to form structural units called nucleosome. Changes
the degree of compactness of chromatin have implications
on the expression of genes belonging to the DNA regions
involved: condensed DNA (heterochromatin condition) pre-
vent transcription by polymerases, while loosely packed
regions (euchromatin condition) allow transcription. Differ-
ential methylation is therefore a mechanism exploited by
biological cells to modulate gene regulation and expression
during development and differentiation.
Taking into account histone methylation, we observe that
although its effects depend on the particular positions on his-
tones on which it acts, it most often leads to heterochromatin
conditions (Gilbert and Barresi 2016; Perino and Veenstra
2016; Schuettengruber and Cavalli 2009). In addition, along
lineages, the attained configurations of DNA methylation are
inherited and progressively extended as cells become more
specialised Kim and Costello (2017). Therefore, methylation
has a prominent role in the maintenance and stabilisation of
the attained gene expressions that ultimately characterise the
identities of the various cell states. It is also worth mentioning
that methylation is tightly regulated by complex interactions,
and that its dysregulation can be the causa prima of a lot of
disorders, from cognitive, neurological and chronic diseases
to cancer. It is precisely due to the complexity of these mech-
anisms that the adoption of models can support the analysis
1Sites in which a cytosine nucleotide is followed by a guanine
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Dynamical properties and path dependence in a gene-network… 6777
of the role of methylation, and more in general of epigenetics,
in (patho)physiological processes.
Several works making use of mathematical models of
specific aspects of epigenetic processes are present in the
literature (Bull 2014; Miyamoto et al. 2015; Turner et al.
2017,2013); however, to the best of our knowledge, there is
no systematic attempt to study the capabilities of reproducing
differentiation dynamics by methylation-like mechanisms in
modelling. A noteworthy model of differentiation, based on
an entirely different mechanism (i.e. intracellular noise), had
been presented elsewhere (Serra et al. 2010; Villani et al.
2011; Villani and Serra 2013). It is likely that the mecha-
nism described here might flank the previous one in giving
rise to the complex phenomena of differentiation. In a previ-
ous work conducted by us Braccini et al. (2019), we began to
investigate the effects of a simplified model of methylation in
the dynamics of Boolean networks. Boolean networks (BNs)
are a well-known model of biological genetic regulatory net-
work introduced by Kauffman (1969), frequently employed
for the investigation of the causes of the rich dynamics arising
in complex systems, such as biological cells. Indeed, despite
their simplifications, they proved to be suitable systems to
represent the dynamics of biological GRNs to many level of
abstractions Graudenzi et al. (2011), Serra et al. (2006), Serra
et al. (2007), Shmulevich et al. (2005).
Formally, BNs are discrete-time and discrete-state dynam-
ical systems. Following their original formulation, they can
be represented by a directed graph with nnodes each having
associated a Boolean variable xi,i=1,...,nand a Boolean
function gi=(xi1,...,xik)which depends on kother nodes.
One among the most prominent classes of BNs is that of ran-
dom BNs (RBNs), in which functions and connections are
chosen according to pre-defined distributions. A special case
is the one in which nodes receive exactly kdistinct inputs
chosen at random (avoiding self-loops) and Boolean func-
tions are defined by choosing for each of the 2kentries of the
truth table value 1 with probability p, being pcalled the bias.
RBNs exhibit a phase transition between order and chaos
depending on the values of kand pDerrida and Pomeau
(1986), Bastolla and Parisi (1997). For 2 p(1p)k<1,
RBNs have on average an ordered behaviour, whilst for
2p(1p)k>1 the networks show extreme sensitivity
to initial conditions and very long cyclic attractors, which
denote a chaotic behaviour. A critical regime is attained for
2p(1p)k=1. Critical RBNs have proven to show prop-
erties typical of real cells Nykter et al. (2008), Roli et al.
(2018), Serra et al. (2007), Serra et al. (2004), Villani et al.
The abstract methylation model to which we will refer
has been introduced in our work mentioned above and it
will be summarised in its main concepts in the following.
It is inspired by the idea of progressive methylation of chro-
matin along the development and differentiation of biological
Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the methylation-inspired model.
Grey nodes represent frozen nodes (blocked to value 0, regardless of
the actual values of their inputs). The specific expression patterns of
nodes in the ennuples that represent the state of the BN over time have
no other meaning than to exemplify the increase in methylated nodes,
characteristic of the methylation process introduced
cells. So, by analogy with the heterochromatin status, the
methylation process in Boolean networks has been modelled
by blocking the expression of some BN nodes to value 0;
these nodes will be referred to as e-frozen in the follow-
ing (this process is sketched in Fig. 1). This model is based
on the hypothesis that—even though it is not the only phe-
nomenon in place—the progression of frozen nodes imposes
the arrow of time of the differentiation process. A differ-
entiation model, and therefore also this methylation-based
one, should accommodate, at least some, properties related to
the differentiation phenomenology. We have already shown
that the model in question can give rise, progressively, to
reduced alternatives and an increment in stability along the
differentiation process—representing cell types by means of
the system’s attractors Huang et al. (2005), Huang et al.
(2009), Huang and Ingber (2000). Moreover, we assessed
its ability to maintain diversity in terms of possible asymp-
totic states originating from different combinations of frozen
nodes, during all the differentiation process described by the
progressive freezing itself.
In this work, we provide a theoretical prediction—
supported by a mean-field model—on the progression of the
number of fixed genes as a consequence of perturbations in
terms of externally frozen genes. The model predictions will
be validated through simulations of ensembles of RBNs. This
step highlights the twofold role of the model: its applicabil-
ity in the determination of prediction in finite-size model’s
instances and its role as a means to generalise the obtained
Furthermore, we experimentally investigate, by employ-
ing ensembles of RBNs, the presence of a stronger version of
the classical path dependence, i.e. the possibility of reaching
different asymptotic states (cell types) by freezing the same
set of nodes (genes), but in different temporal orders.
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6778 M. Braccini et al.
2.1 Related models
Since the seminal works by Kauffman (1969), Kauffman
(1993), Boolean networks have become one among the most
used models of GRNs Albert and Thakar (2014), as also
proven by the availability of Boolean models in the Cell
Collective repository Helikar et al. (2012), hence our first
motivation for studying the effectof a methylation-like mech-
anism in RBNs. Besides this, BNs provide a suitable level
of description for cellular dynamics, as they both make it
possible to reify the notion of gene activity, and enable to
apply the ensemble approach Kauffman (2004) by in silico
simulations of BN models with given characteristics.
However, several variants of BNs exist and alternative or
complementary models are available De Jong (2002). An
overview of these models is out of the scope of this contribu-
tion; anyway, here we provide a succinct list of the ones we
may suggest as a starting point for the interested reader. Apart
from BNs subject to asynchronous dynamics (Harvey and
Bossomaier 1997;DiPaolo2000) and mixed dynamics Dara-
bos et al. (2007), a prominent variant of classical BNs is
that of Probabilistic BNs Shmulevich and Dougherty (2010),
which extend the original model by allowing for multiple
functions per node, each associated to a probability of being
chosen for the update. Multi-valued logic networks have also
been proposed Thomas et al. (1995). Nonlinearity can be still
preserved also in models including continuous variables, as in
piecewise linear differential equations (Glass and Pasternack
1978; Kappler et al. 2003;Rolietal.2010). We conclude this
summary by mentioning a couple of recent BN extensions
that allow for formal verification of some dynamical proper-
ties by means of modal logics. The first is that of Reactive
BNs Figueiredo and Barbosa (2018), which introduces the
notion of reactive frames Gabbay and Marcelino (2009a)into
BNs. The second one builds upon Abstract BNs Yordanov
et al. (2016)—whereby update functions might be partially
known—and provides a model checking tool for the verifica-
tion of network dynamical properties Goldfeder and Kugler
3 A mean-field description of the spreading
of freezing
The external freezing of some nodes can modify the dynam-
ics of the network, since the values of other nodes may be
affected. Moreover, at successive time steps, more nodes will
be frozen in cascade (locked at either 0 or 1 as a consequence
of the external freezing), so there will be a spreading of freez-
ing in the system. In order to understand the main features of
this process a simple, mean-field model can be studied. Of
course, specific networks can behave in a way very different
from the average one.
Note that we will consider here only RBNs with two inputs
per node, which suffice to provide information about the
most relevant properties of the model. Generalisations are
formally straightforward but calculations can become com-
plicated. We will also assume that all the Boolean functions
are allowed, with the same probability, so there is a symmetry
between 0’s and 1’s. As discussed above, these assumptions
imply that the network starts in a critical state.
Let us suppose to start in attractor A at time t <0: There
is an initial set Viof nodes which can take different values
in A, and a set Fiof fixed nodes in A. The union of these
two sets is of course the whole set of nodes ViFi=U.
Note that here we do not care about the value of a fixed node,
but we focus on the distinction between fixed and oscillating
nodes. Let fiand vibe the fractions of fixed and variable
nodes in A, with
At time t=0 some nodes are externally blocked to 0. If they
are constant nodes, the balance of fixed versus variable nodes
does not change, so we will consider only those nodes which
were previously variable. So at time t=0 let a fraction b0of
nodes (which were in V) be externally blocked to 0, and let
B0be their set. At time t=0, the total fraction of constant
nodes jumps to f0=fi+b0, while the fraction of variable
nodes shrinks to v0=vib0. Summarising, at time 0:
In the evolution from t=0 new nodes can become con-
stant due to spreading of freezing. Now we consider how
many nodes will be frozen at the following time step t=1
(excluding from this count those which are already constant
at time 0). Each node has two inputs, therefore a randomly
chosen node in Vcan become frozen iff one of the following
conditions apply:
(i) its two inputs were in Vand are now both in B, due to
novel freezing; or
(ii) only one input is in B due to novel freezing, while the
other was already in F due to the network dynamics; or
(iii) only one input is in B due to novel freezing, while the
other one is variable, and the Boolean functions are such
that the daughter node which was in V now becomes
frozen (i.e., when the function of the node is canalizing2
in that particular value assumed by the frozen parent).
2A Boolean function is called canalizing if the output value is deter-
mined by only one input value—e.g. in the OR function one input equal
to 1 is enough to have 1 as output.
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Dynamical properties and path dependence in a gene-network… 6779
Note that it is also possible that the daughter of two nodes
in Vbe in F, and that this might be altered by the blocking
of one node at t=0. The probability of this event depends
quadratically upon vi, which decreases along the freezing
process. Therefore, we decided to neglect this term.
The probabilities associated to the previous situations are
the following
(i) two parents move to B:b2
(ii) one moves to B, the other was in F:2b0fi=2b0(f0
b0). The factor 2 is due to the fact that the node origi-
nally in Vcan be either parent;
(iii) one moves to B, the other was in V:2ηb0v0=b0v0
where the spreading constant ηis the probability that a
randomly chosen node becomes frozen (at time t+1
etc.) if one and only one of its parent nodes becomes
frozen (at time t) while the other parent node was not
frozen at time t. In the case k=2, all the Boolean
functions allowed with equal probability it turns out
that η=1/2. Therefore 2ηb0v0=b0v0.
Of course, in order to have a change in the fraction of fixed
nodes it is necessary that the target node was a variable one
(an event whose probability is v0), so the above values must
be multiplied by v0. Therefore, summing the contributions
from (i) to (iii), the fraction of newly frozen nodes at time
where one has taken into account that f0+v0=1. Sum-
marising, at time t=1
At the following time step, the situation is basically the same,
except that now the system starts from the values of fand v
given by Eq. 4, and the newly frozen nodes are b1. Applying
the same procedure one gets
This is true in general, so
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Fraction of fixed nodes
Fig. 2 Typical progression of fixed nodes ( fk) as predicted by the
model. We suppose that the network has initially 67% of blocked
nodes (which is the average value found experimentally for 100
nodes networks) and we externally block to 0 a fraction b0
{0.01,0.03,0.05,0.1,0.2}of nodes. We can observe that the values
tends to finite asymptotic values strictly lower than 1
This formula can be applied at the following time steps. How-
ever, dealing with finite networks it is necessary to observe
that nothing changes if less than one node has to be added, so
the freezing necessarily halts when bk<1/N. It is interest-
ing to note that the freezing dynamics described above tends
to finite asymptotic values, as shown in Fig. 2.
4 Simulation results against model
We set up the following in silico experimental setting to
compare the RBNs dynamics against the model predictions
concerning the spreading of freezing induced by external
perturbations—in terms of nodes clamped to 0 values—to
system’s attractors.
For assessing the freezing progression in RBNs, we
considered different experimental conditions: ensembles of
RBNs with 100 nodes in critical dynamical regime—k=2,
bias= 0.5—and with b0∈{1,3,5,10}. In accordance with
the methylation-inspired model previously formulated, we
used a synchronous updating scheme for state update of
BNs. For each parameter configuration, we drew 100 sam-
ples (RBNs) and for each of them we started from one of
its attractor (let’s call it A0), chosen at random; with refer-
ence to the mean-field model, this represents the situation at
t<0. Then, we clamp to value 0 a number b0of nodes;
otherwise, if the attractor does not present a number of vari-
able nodes greater than or equal to b0we replace the network
with another one that satisfies this requirement. After having
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6780 M. Braccini et al.
1 2 5 10 20 50 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
steps of trajectories (log scale)
no. of fixed nodes over trajectory (100 networks)
Fig. 3 Progression of fixed nodes in trajectories of 100 RBNs in the
case of no. 3externally frozen nodes. Blue dots denote the number of
fixed nodes in the starting attractor (t<0), while the red triangles
show the same for the final attractor: the fixed nodes count includes the
e-frozen nodes
perturbed the attractor A03we follow its trajectory record-
ing the number of nodes that are fixed on a value (regardless
of whether they are 0 or 1) and which remain so until the
dynamic relaxes to its new attractor. In this way, we were
able to keep track of the trend of the fixed nodes along all
100 trajectories, as shown in Fig. 3(see also Figs. 15,16,17
in Appendix): with the blue dots we denote the fixed nodes at
t<0, while with the red triangles we denote the final number
of frozen nodes in the new stable dynamic condition.
The figures regarding the progression of fixed nodes
show considerable variability. As predicted by the mean-field
model, in each replica we observe the tendency to con-
verge to a value smaller than the maximum, i.e. 100 nodes
for these experiments. However, to perform a comparison
between the experimental and theoretical results, we must
take into consideration the progression of the number of the
mean fixed nodes predicted by the model and compare it—
step by step—with the average of the experimental values
of fixed nodes. This comparison has been done for all the
experimental conditions reported above. The steps reported,
including standard deviation and standard error of the mean,
are presented for the number of steps for which at least 30
samples have been found. The results for b0=3areshown
in Fig. 4(see also Figs. 12,13,14 in Appendix for the other
comparisons). As starting condition for computing the model
predictions, we have used an initial value of fixed nodes equal
to the average value of the fraction of fixed nodes found in
3Wechoose the last state in ascending lexicographic order, to be almost
sure to perturb the attractor’s state also in cyclic attractors effectively.
Fraction of fixed nodes
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Experiments' mean
Model's mean
Sample standard deviation
Standard error of the mean
Fig. 4 Comparison between the mean-field model predictions of fixed
nodes (model’s mean) and the mean value of the fraction of fixed nodes
found in the experiments (Experiments’ mean) for the case of b0=3.
In the plot, only the steps in which there was a number of samples equal
to or greater than 30 have been reported. For these steps also the sample
standard deviation (grey area) and the standard error of the mean (green
area) have been computed and reported
random attractors chosen as initial condition in our ensem-
bles of RBNs at time t<0 (i.e. in their wild condition). In
particular, we used f0∈{0.6866,0.6903,0.6419,0.6424}
for values of b0∈{1,3,5,10}, respectively.
The comparison shows, in general, a high agreement
between the values predicted by the model and the experi-
mental results. On the one hand, as pointed out in the previous
sections, this supports the validity of the mean-field model
for the prediction of fixed nodes spreading and allows us to
generalise the results obtained even for larger networks in
size, which would be otherwise computationally too expen-
sive to simulate. On the other hand, these results provide
further support to the validity of this specific methylation-
inspired mechanism as a driving mechanism for reproducing
differentiation phenomenology in Boolean networks. Indeed,
a bounded spreading of fixed nodes in response to externally
frozen genes is a necessary condition for the existence of a
progression of different (meta)stable activation patterns of
gene expressions, and so for the existence of differentiation
5 Path dependence
The notion of path dependence is expressed as the prop-
erty of attaining different outcomes from an initial common
condition, depending on the path taken by the process Des-
jardins (2011). The role of path dependence in biological
systems has been thoroughly discussed (see, e.g. Longo
(2018), Szathmáry (2006)) and is a core ingredient in cell
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Dynamical properties and path dependence in a gene-network… 6781
Fig. 5 A graphical representation of the specific formulation of the path
dependence taken into account throughout this work. σ1and σ2labels
represent different sets of freezing genes. We ascertain the presence
of path dependence if the attractors A4and A5, reached by different
temporal sequences of the same freezing sets of genes, are different
differentiation Huang (2009). In this work, we focus on a
specific definition of path dependence that refers to the capa-
bility of reaching different attractors under different freezing
sequences of the same genes, i.e. the attractor reached by
freezing first gene σ1and then gene σ2can be different
than the attractor reached by first freezing σ2and then σ1.
In a sense, this is a stronger version of the classical path
dependence, as it refers to the possibility of reaching a dif-
ferent outcome by acting on the same set of control variables,
but in different temporal order. This property is particularly
important because it makes it possible to manoeuver a lim-
ited number of control variables to lead the system towards
target asymptotic states.
To assess to what extent RBNs exhibit path dependence as
a function of the order of gene freezing, we run experiments
in which two genes (or two small groups of genes) σ1and σ2
are successively frozen in both orders starting from the same
state, and the final attractor reached is compared. A graphi-
cal representation of this process is depicted in Fig. 5: let us
suppose to select two sets σ1and σ2of nodes to be externally
frozen; starting from a state in attractor A14we freeze the
nodes in σ1(resp. σ2) and let the network relax to the asymp-
4For both the freezing sequences, we take the same state in the attractor,
so as to avoid the variance caused by starting from different attractor
phases. In particular, we choose the first state in ascending lexicographic
Table 1 Parameters of the experiments for assessing path dependence
n=100 , k=2, bias = 0.5
100 randomly sampled pairs σ1
totic condition represented by attractor A2(resp. A3); once
in A2(resp. A3), the other group of nodes is frozen and the
final attractor A4(resp. A5) is stored. If the two final asymp-
totic states are different, then we can say that the network
shows path dependence under the condition that the starting
attractor is A1and the pair of sets to be frozen is σ1
By replicating this comparison with random samples of σ1
and σ2, we can estimate the tendency of a RBN to exhibit
path dependence. The comparison between two asymptotic
states reached after freezing two different groups of nodes
requires some care, because one cannot simply compare the
two attractors tout court, i.e. on all the nodes, for they are any-
way very likely to differ in the frozen nodes by construction
(they might coincide only in the rare case in which in both
the attractors A2and A3, reached by, respectively, freezing
the two different groups of nodes σ1and σ2, all the nodes in
σ1are constant at 0 in A3and all the nodes in σ2are con-
stant at 0 in A2). Furthermore, a comparison based on the set
of nodes complementing σ1σ2would miss an important
modelling assumption: The observed cell types are a func-
tion of a limited number of coding genes, which are in turn
controlled by the remaining part of the network (Borriello
et al. 2018; Espinosa-Soto et al. 2004; Fumiã and Martins
2013). Therefore, we compared the asymptotic states on the
basis of the values assumed by the nodes in a subset M, that
we name attractor projection of size m=|M|. Referring to
Fig. 5,proj(A4|M)=proj(A5|M)if the network states of
the two attractors restricted to the nodes in Mare the same.
The nodes to be frozen are chosen outside Mand excluding
those nodes always at 0 along the attractor.
The assessment of the general tendency towards path
dependence of RBNs has been undertaken in different
experimental conditions, summarised in Table 1. For each
parameter configuration, 1000 RBNs were generated and for
each of them the experiment has been replicated for 100
random samples of σ1and σ2and from a different initial
number of externally frozen nodes. In this way, it is possi-
ble to ascertain the progressive tendency of exhibiting path
dependence, while the number of externally frozen nodes
is incremented. A representative example of the results we
obtained is depicted in Fig. 6—the results of the other con-
figurations are qualitatively the same and can be found in the
Appendix. For each RBN, the fraction of pairs σ1
led to differing asymptotic states (y-axis) is shown w.r.t. the
number of initially frozen nodes (x-axis). The area below the
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6782 M. Braccini et al.
Initial no. of frozen nodes
Fraction of freezing sequences producing path dependence
0 6 24 42
10 samples
100 samples
1000 samples
Fig. 6 Pictorial view of the results concerning path dependence for
the case of 40 nodes chosen for the projection and |σ1|=|σ2|=3.
The figures concerning the other cases are reported in Appendix. For
each RBN, the fraction of pairs σ1
2that led to differing projected
asymptotic states (y-axis) is shown w.r.t. the number of initially frozen
nodes (x-axis). The area below the segmented line is coloured so as to
have a pictorial view of the density of this property across RBNs: the
darker the colour, the higher the fraction of RBNs with that amount of
path dependence
segmented line is coloured so as to have a pictorial view of the
density of this property across RBNs: the darker the colour
of a point , the higher the fraction of RBNs with that amount
of path dependence. We first observe the darker area, cor-
responding to the majority of replicas: The impact of path
dependence is about the 20% in the case without initially
frozen nodes and decreases linearly to a smaller yet non-
negligible fraction. This trend is qualitatively the same by
considering the distribution of this fraction across the RBNs;
nevertheless, we observe that path dependence is still quite
intense even for about one fourth of initially frozen nodes in
a considerable fraction of replicas.
6 Conclusion
In the previous sections, we have shown that RBNs subject to
(possibly progressive) external clamping of some nodes to a
fixed value exhibit the properties of (i) keeping the avalanche
of frozen nodes bounded—so that on average the asymptotic
fraction of frozen nodes is less than 1—and (ii) allowing
the possibility of reaching two different asymptotic states by
exerting the external freezing of the same genes but in dif-
ferent temporal order. The first property guarantees that in
general the network has still multiple fates after e-freezing,
i.e. the external intervention can constrain and control the
future asymptotic states but does necessarily imply a final
unique asymptotic state. The second property—i.e. strong
path dependence—shows that it is possible to reach differ-
ent fates by simply permuting the sequence of external node
freezing. This overall outcome supports the use of external
freezing in analogy with methylation mechanisms in real
cells, enabling us to address some questions on cell dif-
ferentiation by looking for generic properties in RBNs. For
example, one may ask how many control actions are avail-
able to reach fates with given characteristics, or, conversely,
whether there exist fates that can be reached by specific or
fragile sequences of external freezing interventions. Future
work is indeed planned to assess in more detail the control-
lability of RBNs under e-freezing in terms of control theory.
A question may arise as to whether the choice of externally
freezing the nodes to 0 might impact the results. In RBNs
with k=2 and Boolean functions uniformly distributed, the
average distribution of 0s and 1s is symmetrical, therefore the
choice of either 0 or 1 simply breaks the symmetry towards
one of the two values but the results are the same. Of course,
results might differ if the RBNs considered have a different
number of inputs per node and an asymmetric distribution
of Boolean functions, but they are not expected to undergo
qualitative changes.
In addition, we remark that our results are the outcome
of models and experiments characterised by the hypothesis
that networks are random, therefore one may ask to what
extent these results can be valid also for real cells, which
are supposed to be characterised by genes with non-random
relations. First of all, some questions can be addressed in
terms of generic properties—in the frame of the ensemble
approach Kauffman (2004)—that can be investigated also
in random models. Second, if some properties are generally
found in random networks, even if with a mild tendency,
it means that selection could easily exploit and enhance
those properties during evolution. So ensembles of networks
that are the result of evolutionary processes, or have differ-
ent architectures than the one tested here (different degree
of connectivity, scale-free, modular, etc.), or are subject to
other updating mechanisms (asynchronous), or can accom-
modate some kind of expression noise (extrinsic and intrinsic
ones), could better match the statistical features of real cells.
On the other hand, the simple control mechanism we have
discussed in this work may be also applied in the case
of Boolean models of real gene regulatory networks. Fur-
thermore, other models or formalisms that can be applied
to the study of cellular differentiation can extend our pro-
posed model. For this purpose, reactive graphs Gabbay and
Marcelino (2009b), or more specifically reactive Boolean
networks Figueiredo and Barbosa (2019), can assume the role
of the control module and so represent the causal interactions
that ultimately produces the progression of e-frozen nodes—
currently externally controlled—that drive the differentiation
process. Future work is planned in these directions.
Funding Open access funding provided by Alma Mater Studiorum -
Universitá di Bologna within the CRUI-CARE Agreement.
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Dynamical properties and path dependence in a gene-network… 6783
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Pictorial view of the results concerning path dependence.
For each RBN, the fraction of pairs σ1
2that led to dif-
fering projected asymptotic states (y-axis) is shown w.r.t. the
number of initially frozen nodes (x-axis). The area below
the segmented line is coloured so as to have a pictorial view
of the density of this property across RBNs: the darker the
colour, the higher the fraction of RBNs with that amount of
path dependence (Figs. 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 and
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Initial no. of frozen nodes
Fraction of freezing sequences producing path dependence
Fig. 7 10 nodes, |σ1|=|σ2|=3
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Initial no. of frozen nodes
Fraction of freezing sequences producing path dependence
0 4 13 22
Fig. 8 70 nodes, |σ1|=|σ2|=3
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
Initial no. of frozen nodes
Fraction of freezing sequences producing path dependence
Fig. 9 10 nodes, |σ1|=|σ2|=1
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6784 M. Braccini et al.
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
Initial no. of frozen nodes
Fraction of freezing sequences producing path dependence
0 6 24 42
Fig. 10 40 nodes, |σ1|=|σ2|=1
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Initial no. of frozen nodes
Fraction of freezing sequences producing path dependence
0 4 13 22
Fig. 11 70 nodes, |σ1|=|σ2|=1
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Fraction of fixed nodes
Experiments' mean
Model's mean
Sample standard deviation
Standard error of the mean
Fig. 12 Comparison between the mean-field model predictions of fixed
nodes (model’s mean) and the mean value of the fraction of fixed nodes
found in the experiments (Experiments’ mean) for the case of b0=1
Fraction of fixed nodes
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
01 423 5678
Experiments' mean
Model's mean
Sample standard deviation
Standard error of the mean
Fig. 13 Comparison between the mean-field model predictions of fixed
nodes (model’s mean) and the mean value of the fraction of fixed nodes
found in the experiments (Experiments’ mean) for the case of b0=5
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Dynamical properties and path dependence in a gene-network… 6785
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Fraction of fixed nodes
Experiments' mean
Model's mean
Sample standard deviation
Standard error of the mean
Fig. 14 Comparison between the mean-field model predictions of fixed
nodes (model’s mean) and the mean value of the fraction of fixed nodes
found in the experiments (Experiments’ mean) for the case of b0=10
1 2 5 10 20 50 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
steps of trajectories (log scale)
no. of fixed nodes over trajectory (100 networks)
Fig. 15 Progression of the number of fixed nodes in 100 trajectories
after externally freezing 1node. Blue dots indicate the number of fixed
nodes in the starting attractor, while the red dots show the same for
the final attractor: the fixed nodes count includes the externally frozen
12 51020 50
0 20406080100
steps of trajectories (log scale)
no. of fixed nodes over trajectory (100 networks)
Fig. 16 Progression of the number of fixed nodes in 100 trajectories
after externally freezing 5nodes. Blue dots indicate the number of fixed
nodes in the starting attractor, while the red dots show the same for the
final attractor: the fixed nodes count includes the externally frozen nodes
12 51020
0 20406080100
steps of trajectories (log scale)
no. of fixed nodes over trajectory (100 networks)
Fig. 17 Progression of the number of fixed nodes in 100 trajectories
after externally freezing 10 nodes. Blue dots indicate the number of
fixed nodes in the starting attractor, while the red dots show the same
for the final attractor: the fixed nodes count includes the externally
frozen nodes
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6786 M. Braccini et al.
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... Critical RBNs have proven capable of properly reproducing many biological processes [26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34] and have proven efficient when used as controllers of artificial agents, such as robots [27]. ...
... The basic steps defining adaptation strategy 1 and 3 are actually the same as those used in the online adaptation mechanism proposed in [34]. See Figure 3. ...
Full-text available
Recent technological advances have made it possible to produce tiny robots equipped with simple sensors and effectors. Micro-robots are particularly suitable for scenarios such as exploration of hostile environments, and emergency intervention, e.g., in areas subject to earthquakes or fires. A crucial desirable feature of such a robot is the capability of adapting to the specific environment in which it has to operate. Given the limited computational capabilities of a micro-robot, this property cannot be achieved by complicated software but it rather should come from the flexibility of simple control mechanisms, such as the sensory–motor loop. In this work, we explore the possibility of equipping simple robots controlled by Boolean networks with the capability of modulating their sensory–motor loop such that their behavior adapts to the incumbent environmental conditions. This study builds upon the cybernetic concept of homeostasis, which is the property of maintaining essential parameters inside vital ranges, and analyzes the performance of adaptive mechanisms intervening in the sensory–motor loop. In particular, we focus on the possibility of maneuvering the robot’s effectors such that both their connections to network nodes and environmental features can be adapted. As the actions the robot takes have a feedback effect to its sensors mediated by the environment, this mechanism makes it possible to tune the sensory–motor loop, which, in turn, determines the robot’s behavior. We study this general setting in simulation and assess to what extent this mechanism can sustain the homeostasis of the robot. Our results show that controllers made of random Boolean networks in critical and chaotic regimes can be tuned such that their homeostasis in different environments is kept. This outcome is a step towards the design and deployment of controllers for micro-robots able to adapt to different environments.
... Since their inception as an abstract model of gene regulatory networks [14], Boolean networks (BNs) have been the subject of a wealth of works investigating their computational and dynamical properties. Notably, BNs have demonstrated their ability to effectively capture significant biological phenomena, such as cell differentiation [15][16][17][18][19][20][21]. Evidence of an edge provided by critical Boolean networks has been demonstrated in classification, filtering and control tasks, just to mention some examples. ...
... Finally, in light of the great complexities posed by the path-dependent nature of the online adaptation process [20,48,49], we conclude that a mechanism such as the one we have introduced might be an effective tool for tuning artificial systems to the specific environment in which they have to operate. As a futuristic application, we imagine the construction of miniaturized robots that can accomplish missions precluded to humans, such as recovering polluted environments. ...
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Systems poised at a dynamical critical regime, between order and disorder, have been shown capable of exhibiting complex dynamics that balance robustness to external perturbations and rich repertoires of responses to inputs. This property has been exploited in artificial network classifiers, and preliminary results have also been attained in the context of robots controlled by Boolean networks. In this work, we investigate the role of dynamical criticality in robots undergoing online adaptation, i.e., robots that adapt some of their internal parameters to improve a performance metric over time during their activity. We study the behavior of robots controlled by random Boolean networks, which are either adapted in their coupling with robot sensors and actuators or in their structure or both. We observe that robots controlled by critical random Boolean networks have higher average and maximum performance than that of robots controlled by ordered and disordered nets. Notably, in general, adaptation by change of couplings produces robots with slightly higher performance than those adapted by changing their structure. Moreover, we observe that when adapted in their structure, ordered networks tend to move to the critical dynamical regime. These results provide further support to the conjecture that critical regimes favor adaptation and indicate the advantage of calibrating robot control systems at dynamical critical states.
... Random Boolean Networks (RBNs for short) are strongly simplified models of gene regulatory networks (GRNs), proposed by one of us (Kauffman) more than 50 years ago, which have also been widely studied as abstract models of complex systems, thanks to the fact that their dynamical behavior can be tuned from ordered to disordered by modifying a few key parameters. They have also been applied to different biological phenomena, such as, e.g., cell differentiation [1][2][3], as well as to different fields, including robotics [4][5][6], the study of evolutionary processes [7][8][9] and the simulation of social systems [10][11][12][13]. ...
... In this Section, we modify the connectivity k (i.e., the number of input connections per node) of the system, and we simultaneously change the bias in order to maintain the RBN dynamically critical, according to Equation (3). Criticality is also checked by verifying the Derrida parameter By increasing k, one observes a decrease in the average number of attractors and an increase in the size of the common part (Figure 9a,b). ...
Full-text available
Random Boolean Networks (RBNs for short) are strongly simplified models of gene regulatory networks (GRNs), which have also been widely studied as abstract models of complex systems and have been used to simulate different phenomena. We define the “common sea” (CS) as the set of nodes that take the same value in all the attractors of a given network realization, and the “specific part” (SP) as the set of all the other nodes, and we study their properties in different ensembles, generated with different parameter values. Both the CS and of the SP can be composed of one or more weakly connected components, which are emergent intermediate-level structures. We show that the study of these sets provides very important information about the behavior of the model. The distribution of distances between attractors is also examined. Moreover, we show how the notion of a “common sea” of genes can be used to analyze data from single-cell experiments.
A novel online adaptation mechanism has been recently introduced, which is inspired by the phenotypic plasticity property present in biological organisms and which exploits the intrinsic computational capabilities of the Boolean network (BN) controlling the robot. In these robots, the BN is coupled with sensors and actuators and plays the role of the control system. The coupling is dynamically changed so as to increase a utility function. Recent results have shown that this mechanism can yield robots accomplishing tasks of a different nature and that, in general, critical networks attain the best performance compared to the other ones.An analysis of this mechanism in noisy environments is needed to assess its performance in more realistic scenarios and to reduce the so-called reality gap. This work aims precisely to start investigating this question and to generalise the previously attained result.KeywordsPhenotypic plasticityOnline adaptation mechanismBNs roboticsReality gap
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Synthesis methods based on formal reasoning are a powerful way to automate the process of constructing computational models of gene regulatory networks (GRNs) and increase predictive power by considering a set of consistent models that are guaranteed to satisfy known experimental data. Previously, a formal reasoning based approach enabling the synthesis and analysis of biological networks formalized using Abstract Boolean Networks (ABNs) was developed, where the precise interactions and update rules are only partially known. System dynamics can be constrained with specifications of some required behaviors, thereby providing a characterization of the set of all networks capable of reproducing given experimental observations. The synthesis method is supported by a tool, the Reasoning Engine for Interaction Networks (RE:IN). Starting with the synthesis framework supported by RE:IN, we provide translations of experimental observations to temporal logic and semantics of Abstract Boolean Networks, enabling us to use off-the-shelf model checking tools and algorithms. An initial prototype implementation we have developed demonstrates this is a gainful approach, providing speed-up gains for some benchmarks, while also opening the way to study extensions of the experimental observations specification language currently supported in RE:IN by using the rich expressive power of temporal logic.
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A well-known hypothesis, with far-reaching implications, is that biological evolution should preferentially lead to states that are dynamically critical. In previous papers, we showed that a well-known model of genetic regulatory networks, namely, that of random Boolean networks, allows one to study in depth the relationship between the dynamical regime of a living being’s gene network and its response to permanent perturbations. In this paper, we analyze a huge set of new experimental data on single gene knockouts in S. cerevisiae , laying down a statistical framework to determine its dynamical regime. We find that the S. cerevisiae network appears to be slightly ordered, but close to the critical region. Since our analysis relies on dichotomizing continuous data, we carefully consider the issue of an optimal threshold choice.
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The dependence on history of both present and future dynamics of life is a common intuition in biology and in humanities. Historicity will be understood in terms of changes of the space of possibilities (or of “phase space”) as well as by the role of diversity in life’s structural stability and of rare events in history formation. We hint to a rigorous analysis of “path dependence” in terms of invariants and invariance preserving transformations, as it may be found also in physics, while departing from the physico-mathematical analyses. The idea is that the (relative or historicized) invariant traces of the past under organismal or ecosystemic transformations contribute to the understanding (or the “theoretical determination”) of present and future states of affairs. This yields a peculiar form of unpredictability (or randomness) in biology, at the core of novelty formation: the changes of observables and pertinent parameters may depend also on past events. In particular, in relation to the properties of synchronic measurement in physics, the relevance of diachronic measurement in biology is highlighted. This analysis may a fortiori apply to cognitive and historical human dynamics, while allowing to investigate some general properties of historicity in biology.
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DNA methylation is a stable epigenetic mark that can be inherited through multiple cell divisions. During development and cell differentiation, DNA methylation is dynamic, but some DNA methylation patterns may be retained as a form of epigenetic memory. DNA methylation profiles can be useful for the lineage classification and quality control of stem cells such as embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent cells and mesenchymal stem cells. During cancer initiation and progression, genome-wide and gene-specific DNA methylation changes occur as a consequence of mutated or deregulated chromatin regulators. Early aberrant DNA methylation states occurring during transformation appear to be retained during tumor evolution. Similarly, DNA methylation differences among different regions of a tumor reflect the history of cancer cells and their response to the tumor microenvironment. Therefore, DNA methylation can be a useful molecular marker for cancer diagnosis and drug treatment.
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Predictive biology is elusive because rigorous, data-constrained, mechanistic models of complex biological systems are difficult to derive and validate. Current approaches tend to construct and examine static interaction network models, which are descriptively rich, but often lack explanatory and predictive power, or dynamic models that can be simulated to reproduce known behavior. However, in such approaches implicit assumptions are introduced as typically only one mechanism is considered, and exhaustively investigating all scenarios is impractical using simulation. To address these limitations, we present a methodology based on automated formal reasoning, which permits the synthesis and analysis of the complete set of logical models consistent with experimental observations. We test hypotheses against all candidate models, and remove the need for simulation by characterizing and simultaneously analyzing all mechanistic explanations of observed behavior. Our methodology transforms knowledge of complex biological processes from sets of possible interactions and experimental observations to precise, predictive biological programs governing cell function.
The term "artificial life" describes research into synthetic systems that possess some of the essential properties of life. This interdisciplinary field includes biologists, computer scientists, physicists, chemists, geneticists, and others. Artificial life may be viewed as an attempt to understand high-level behavior from low-level rules—for example, how the simple interactions between ants and their environment lead to complex trail-following behavior. An understanding of such relationships in particular systems can suggest novel solutions to complex real-world problems such as disease prevention, stock-market prediction, and data mining on the Internet. Since their inception in 1987, the Artificial Life meetings have grown from small workshops to truly international conferences, reflecting the field's increasing appeal to researchers in all areas of science. Bradford Books imprint
A reactive model, as studied by D. Gabbay and his collaborators, can be regarded as a graph whose set of edges may be altered whenever one of them is crossed. In this paper we show how reactive models can describe biological regulatory networks and compare them to Boolean networks and piecewise-linear models, which are some of the most common kinds of models used nowadays. In particular, we show that, with respect to the identification of steady states, reactive Boolean networks lie between piecewise linear models and the usual, plain Boolean networks. We also show this ability is preserved by a suitable notion of bisimulation, and, therefore, by network minimisation.
Stuart Kauffman here presents a brilliant new paradigm for evolutionary biology, one that extends the basic concepts of Darwinian evolution to accommodate recent findings and perspectives from the fields of biology, physics, chemistry and mathematics. The book drives to the heart of the exciting debate on the origins of life and maintenance of order in complex biological systems. It focuses on the concept of self-organization: the spontaneous emergence of order widely observed throughout nature. Kauffman here argues that self-organization plays an important role in the emergence of life itself and may play as fundamental a role in shaping life's subsequent evolution as does the Darwinian process of natural selection. Yet until now no systematic effort has been made to incorporate the concept of self-organization into evolutionary theory. The construction requirements which permit complex systems to adapt remain poorly understood, as is the extent to which selection itself can yield systems able to adapt more successfully. This book explores these themes. It shows how complex systems, contrary to expectations, can spontaneously exhibit stunning degrees of order, and how this order, in turn, is essential for understanding the emergence and development of life on Earth. Topics include the new biotechnology of applied molecular evolution, with its important implications for developing new drugs and vaccines; the balance between order and chaos observed in many naturally occurring systems; new insights concerning the predictive power of statistical mechanics in biology; and other major issues. Indeed, the approaches investigated here may prove to be the new center around which biological science itself will evolve. The work is written for all those interested in the cutting edge of research in the life sciences.
Chromatin structure is intimately connected with gene expression and cell identity. Here we review recent advances in the field and discuss how establishment of cell identity during development is accompanied by large-scale remodeling of the epigenetic landscape and how this remodeling drives and supports lineage specification and maintenance. We discuss maternal control of the early embryonic epigenetic landscape, selective usage of enhancer clusters via 3D chromatin contacts leading to activation of transcription factor networks, and conserved regulation of developmental pathways by specific DNA demethylation of key regulatory regions. Together, these processes establish an epigenetic framework regulating different phases of embryonic development.