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Public Speaking is the soft skills that you must have in the future. What is public speaking? Basically, it's a presentation that's given live before an audience. Public speeches can cover a wide variety of different topics. The goal of the speech may be to educate, entertain, or influence the listeners. Sometimes effective public speaking skills can help with career advancement, as they indicate creativity, critical thinking skills, leadership abilities, poise, and professionalism, qualities which are very valuable for the job market. Speaking at events and conferences is a good way of building credibility.
Importance of Public Speaking in the Future
1.1 Introduction
From the time we wake up, until the time we sleep, we’re surrounded by people.
Whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert, whether you like it or not, you have to interact
with people. That’s when soft skills come into the picture. Soft skills are personal attributes
that enable a person to interact effectively with others.
Remember that kid in your school who always got selected as the class representative?
That colleague who always gave the best presentations? Why were these people so popular and
liked by others? What was so special about them? The way we communicate, our personal and
professional relationships, the way we carry ourselves in formal and informal situations are all
our soft skills. In a group of people, it is very easy to decide who’s the best at mathematics. A
simple test will tell you that. However, it would be difficult to tell who’s the best at handling
conflict. Everyone would react differently in a conflicting situation, and there are no strict
measures to decide who came up with the best solution.
For overall growth and success, an individual ought to focus on developing both his
hard and soft skills. The importance of soft skills cannot be undermined – and since it often is,
here’s how to navigate your professional growth with empathy in mind. The world is filled
with talented people who are failures. They’re stuck in the same place for many years. At the
same time, there are people who are not as good technically but achieve phenomenal success
in a short period.
In a world of cut-throat competition, people are always looking for ways to get ahead.
From school kids to college students, working professionals to housewives and entrepreneurs,
everyone is realizing the need to have better soft skills. There are literally hundreds of essential
skills that can help you develop an envious personality, and critical for career success.
1.2 Problem Statements
1. What is public speaking?
2. What history of public speaking?
3. Why Public Speaking important to us ?
4. What we have to do to have a public speaking skills?
1.3 Purpose of Public Speaking
The purpose of public speaking is to manage anxiety and build our self-confidence.
Learning how to confront fear in public speaking, gives us tips in other situations as well. And
then, we learn how to pack a beneficial information. Good speakers are highly receiver-
oriented. We must very concerned about giving thoughtful, well organized, easily followed,
and engaging presentations. The ability to create messages that fit the standards will serve us a
good variety of professional and personal settings. Many people have good ideas, but not
everyone can communicate them well to others. In public speaking, we learn how to package
our message to present the best speech for audience.
Public Speaking is the soft skills that you must have in the future. What is public
speaking? Basically, it's a presentation that's given live before an audience. Public speeches
can cover a wide variety of different topics. The goal of the speech may be to educate, entertain,
or influence the listeners. Often, visual aids in the form of an electronic slideshow are used to
supplement the speech and make it more interesting to the listeners. A public speaking
presentation is different from an online presentation because the online presentation may be
viewed and/or listened to at the viewer's convenience, while a public speech is typically limited
to a specific time or place. Online presentations are often comprised of slideshows or pre-
recorded videos of a speaker. Because public speaking is done before a live audience, there are
some special factors the speaker needs to take into consideration. Sometimes public speaking
is one of the things that some people fear. This fear is not uncommon. The reason is, while
doing this activity, we are required to stand alone in front of many people who focus their eyes
and attention on us. As a result, this pressure also makes us feel like we can't make mistakes,
which in turn makes us tense. In fact, sometimes it makes us unable to do this well.
There's a good chance that there's been public speaking, in one form or another, as long
as there've been people. Trace the origins of modern public speaking back to ancient Greece
and Rome. The ancient Greeks, in particular, used public speaking primarily to praise or
persuade others. At one point, all Greek citizens had the right to suggest or oppose laws during
their assemblies, which resulted in a need for skilled public speakers. Public speaking became
a desirable skill and was taught. Public speaking in the time of the Greeks was called rhetoric.
Later, when Rome came to power, public speaking was used during the sessions of the
governing body. The Romans adopted the public speaking rhetoric methods of the
Greeks. (Keith & Lundberg, 2014)
Sometimes effective public speaking skills can help with career advancement, as they
indicate creativity, critical thinking skills, leadership abilities, poise, and professionalism,
qualities which are very valuable for the job market. Speaking at events and conferences is a
good way of building credibility. The more well known the event the better, as we can add
these speaking achievements to your resume. Public speaking can significantly boost
our confidence. Overcoming the fears and insecurities that accompany public speaking is
empowering. Furthermore, connecting with audiences can be a strong reminder that you have
valuable insights and opinions to share with the world. Our confidence levels will grow as you
go from speaking to small groups of people up to large audiences. This will benefit you not
just on stage, but in everyday life as well, whether it be in a meeting or on a date.
Communication skills are crucial for personal and professional success and improving
this area is one of the greatest benefits of public speaking. Preparing a speech forces speakers
to take a step back and think critically about effective ways to communicate. In everyday life,
it’s easy to fall back on communication habits we formed many years ago. Public speaking
focuses on communicating ideas. We can learn to calmly take up an opposing view, to present
your ideas in an organized and coherent manner, and to defend your views to others. (Menzel,
We'll have become conscious of timing, when to pause and how long for. We’'ll know
about vocal variety, how to shift through changes of volume, speech rate and tone. Our
articulation will be clearer. As we become more confident we'll know about mime, using props
and storytelling. All of these acting skills enhance your speech. Listening may be a lost art, but
a public speaking course actually teaches you to become a better listener. When we attend
conferences, we’ll hear several different types of speeches about a wide variety of topics, from
people who may be very different from us. This will passively build our listening ability and
note taking. As well as having a flexible vocabulary, we'll no longer use common filler words
we hear in everyday conversation indicating that the speaker may be unsure about what they're
saying or anxious about speaking. (Menzel, 1994)
So, what we have to do to have a public speaking skills? When we speak in public, of
course there are goals we want to achieve, whether it's giving new perspectives, expressing
opinions, sharing experiences, or simply entertaining listeners. If we have set these goals, we
can arrange presentation materials or speeches based on these goals. If we want to provide a
new perspective, we will need to provide arguments that support our opinion. If you want to
share your experience, share parts that you find interesting for the listener to know. So that the
message we convey can be understood by listeners, we must also recognize the characteristics
of the listener. Adapt your delivery to your audience. If we speak in front of young people, use
light and relaxed language. If we do public speaking in front of professional people, be polite
and neat and use official language. (Menzel, 1994)
Imagine if we were in the position of a listener paying attention to a speech or
presentation. Are we tired of hearing our own speeches? Listeners who are positioned passively
will easily lose concentration and will look for more fun things to do. Therefore, try to interact
with listeners. Ask them questions that catch their attention. We can also do simple games as
long as they are in accordance with the theme of the speech. One of the main goals of doing
public speaking is of course so that it can be heard and understood by listeners, right?
Therefore, try so that they can still pay attention to us during public speaking. We can share
our personal experiences that are relevant to many people or use props so that the listener does
not get bored.
Communication does not have to be verbal or verbal. We can convey messages
nonverbally using tone of speech and body language. When we say something important, for
example, we can slow down our speech and make a serious face. But when you are telling a
fun or funny part, try to use a cheerful tone of voice and boisterous body language so that the
listener understands the meaning of your message. Don't keep using the same tone of voice or
your listeners will quickly get bored. Understand where we need to sound serious, joking, or
even sad in our speech. (Rintaningrum, 2016)
Props such as presentation slides can help us convey the messages we want to convey
when doing public speaking. We can insert large images, graphics, or text to highlight
important parts of the speech. Sometimes, there are those who use sound or accompanying
music to build an atmosphere. We can be creative in preparing any props to be used in public
speaking because there are no limitations, as long as these tools really help us speak in front of
many people. After knowing what we have to prepare before doing public speaking, don't
forget to train yourself to be fluent in conveying it. We can also use text or write down
important parts of the speech so that the plot sounds neater and less messy. (Rintaningrum,
lnvestigating Reasons Why Listening in English is Difficult: Voice from Foreign language
Learners, 2014)
So, There are many skills are needed in the future. Not only hard skills, soft skills is
very important to us. It’ll be help us to be a professionalism in a world of cut-throat
competition. Public speaking is one of soft skills you must have. This skills provides a lot of
benefits that we can get. However, there are still many challenges to mastering these skills.
One of the most important aspects is the things that some people fear. Sometimes, pleasure
makes us feel like we can't make mistakes, which in turn makes us tense, also it makes us
unable to do this well. We must stay calm and do it patiently. And Finally, the most important
is don't let fear overwhelm you.
Menzel, K. E. (1994). The relationship between preparation and performance in public
speaking. Communication Education, 17-26.
Rintaningrum, R. (2016). Maintaning English Speaking Skill In Their Homeland Through
Technology. Asian EFL Journal.
Rintaningrum, R. (2014). lnvestigating Reasons Why Listening in English is Difficult: Voice
from Foreign language Learners. Asian EFL Journal.
... According Angeline (2020) argues that effective public speaking skills can help career advancement, because these skills demonstrate creativity, critical thinking skills, leadership abilities, composure, and professionalism, qualities that are very valuable for the job market. ...
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Public speaking is an important communication skill in various contexts, both in academic, professional, and social environments. This study aims to identify strategies that can be used in public speaking learning through lectures, with a focus on developing communication skills and self-confidence. The literature review shows that lectures as a teaching method can be enhanced by techniques such as speaking simulations, providing practical examples, constructive feedback, and a gradual approach starting from small groups to larger audiences. These strategies have been shown to be effective in reducing public speaking anxiety and helping participants hone their communication skills. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the development of more effective and in-depth public speaking learning in various educational institutions.
... Hence, by considering the situation as well as the future development of the Tourism Destination Study Program, simply known as Despar, it is seen that there is a need to train the students for a good English speaking skill especially to be used in the public forum. English public speaking slowly becomes the fundamental need of college student todays (Adiwinata, 2017;Angeline, 2020) as well as for students at Despar. Thus, it is necessary to give attention more on the issue. ...
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This study aims to identify the need of English public speaking skill for students at the Tourism Destination Study Program and formulate the required solution. This study was motivated by recent student events called “Seminar Pariwisata” or Tourism Seminar where all the students had to present their projects from the Integrated Field Practicum and also “Duta Polije”, a contest where campus ambassadors were selected. This study was an aftermath evaluation following the conducted events with the hope to bring an improvement in the future for both the students and the study program. This was a descriptive-qualitative study and the data were collected through observation, documentation and interview. The results of the study show that there is a need in providing students with English public speaking skill through intensive public speaking classes, to support them especially in non-academic activities. This is also useful to equip them with additional competencies in order to help them in the workplace after graduation, especially to have a career in the tourism business. The class can be conducted during the running academic year by integrating the class with English courses, by adding the public speaking class at the speaking skill section of the RPS (Semester Teaching Plan) and BKPM (Student’s Workbook) of English courses. This idea is suggested to be taken into consideration to create a better educational supports for the students as well as for the development of the study program in the future.
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How are children still able to speak in English in their homeland where the English language is not readily available there? The ability to speak English in a setting where the language is not readily available there, is not as easy as people think. Moreover, it becomes a major concern when the status of the language is only a foreign language, meaning that the language is not widely used as a tool of communication. However, in global era where technology develops very rapidly, proficiency in English, in particular, speaking skill is highly demanded. Increasingly, every year international students from Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam, China, and Indonesia continue their study in English speaking countries such as the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. Their family such as their wife or their husband as well as their children goes with them for some years to live in an English speaking country. This study investigates a set of efforts concerning the ability of those children to sustain their spoken language in a country where the English language is not there after returning back from an English speaking background. This study employs observation and interview to obtain the data. This study argues that technology is a tool that can be used to maintain children’s ability to speak in English under a foreign language setting. This study documents how children keep talking in English where an opportunity to use English is very limited in their country. Keywords: maintain, speaking in English, foreign language setting, technology
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Listening is not as easy as people think, particularly when the English language has status as a foreign language that is different from a second language as well as first language. For many reasons, foreign language learners find it difficult to listen to English. Although some language learners find it easy to comprehend listening, there are still more learners who have got difficulties in listening than others who do not. There must be some factors that hinder listeners to do it well. Although listening is categorized as a receptive skill, it is an active process. Listeners have to focus on what they are hearing since this involves many mental processes. If a question is asked ‘how many people in a foreign language setting are able to listen very well?’. For the first sight, the answer is not many. However, when a lot of trainings are conducted, the answer will be different. This study documents some reasons why students have got difficulties in listening in English in order that some assistance to help the learners of English can be provided in strategic ways. Key-Words: listening, difficult, foreign language
One hundred and nineteen public speaking students were videotaped while giving speeches and filled out questionnaires concerning preparation time, past experience speaking, anxiety about the speech just performed, general anxiety about communication, and grade point average. Researchers rated the content and delivery of the speeches and compared the ratings with the questionnaire responses. The quality of speech performance correlated positively with cumulative grade point average, total preparation time, time spent preparing a visual aid, number of rehearsals for an audience, time rehearsing silently, time rehearsing out loud, number of rehearsals out loud, research outside the library (interviews, phone calls, surveys, etc.), and preparation of speaking notes. Anxiety about the speech just delivered correlated negatively with quality of performance. Past experience with public speaking instruction had a mixed relation to speech quality. Significant predictors of the quality of speech performance were grade point average, total preparation time, number of rehearsals for an audience, and state anxiety.
Professor Sproule’s 2012 essay is a superb piece of history, providing a robust account of where public speaking instruction came from and how it has evolved.1 Sproule’s account reveals that just as there is no single source or precursor for the public speaking tradition there are also a number of different ends toward which public speaking instruction might aim. The virtue of Sproule’s retelling of the history is that there is no one necessary or inevitable telos toward which the tradition of public speaking bends; instead, he finds a number of disparate social, pedagogical, and political goals woven into the fabric of the public speaking tradition, each one arising from the cumulative choices made by teachers and authors throughout the history of public speaking instruction. Our focus in this response will be to address the shallowness Sproule finds in the contemporary theoretical understanding of the term “public speaking,” and, further, to argue that teachers of the tradition ought to recover and return to the civic and humanistic mission of public speaking pedagogy. Specifically, we would like to take up the claim that if the theoretical discourse around public speaking has become “banal,” that the time may have come to reinvest public speaking in its civic mission, and simultaneously to inject some theoretical vigor into the tradition by putting the “public” squarely at the center of “public speaking.”2 Why? One cannot argue for what the public speaking tradition should be, or what it ought to do, without understanding both where it has come from, and equally importantly, by conceptualizing what it should do, or, more directly, where it should be going. To argue that one is teaching a “good” or “better” public speaking course, a common tendency (and one made impossible by the rich historical account Sproule provides) tempts advocates of the tradition to pull a few threads from a dimly perceived history, and further, to argue that the resulting story is “the” history of public speaking. This impulse is not, in itself, wrongheaded; predicating a pedagogy on a vision of classical rhetoric, elocutionary insights on delivery, or social scientific data about presentation can all make good sense. But the temptation is to take each approach as uniquely justified by an historical account. Many approaches can be justified, because, as Sproule shows us, there are many histories. As a result, it is incumbent upon us to actually take up and argue for the relative merits of the pedagogical tendencies of our favored versions of the tradition as one choice among others. In other words, we would like to suggest that we be deliberate about using the history to define the current and future mission of public speaking. In the face of a complex history, our choices will not be compelled; we should instead ask how we can choose to use the history as an argumentative force in defining a future shape and importance of the public speaking course. What resources from history—and what theory—can we muster to account for the future of this pedagogy? Of course, if current textbooks are theoretically barren, there might be structural reasons for it. Their writing is driven in part by market forces that value imitating successful books (even the less sensible parts of successful books), and it is a market that responds to instructors who don’t easily decide to change their teaching; since almost everyone learns to teach public speaking by apprenticing in graduate school, without their pedagogy being particularly informed by the scholarship studied in their coursework, there is little training or motivation to reflect about the public speaking course. (The situation in composition is of course quite different, since there is a substantial and lively literature on teaching writing and its relationship to its own disciplinary history.)3 Nonetheless, there is enormous potential to reform the basic course, updating it by fertilizing it with resources drawn from various theoretical traditions. There are numerous candidates for what ought to be the overarching goals of public speaking instruction. Public speaking might be best conceptualized as a course dedicated to clear communication; or in the social science-informed tradition and compelling personal and professional interactions; or in the...