
Copper substitutability might be about 60% or more of current copper use

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In their paper about the future availability of copper Henckens and Worrell (2020) assumed that not more than 10% of copper use can be substituted. Here it is argued that currently available data suggest that Cu substitutability might be about 60% or more of current copper use.

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... Unfortunately, there is no systematic and comprehensive overview of substitutability for any precious metal, or in our particular case, for copper (Reijnders, 2021). ...
... At the same time, the advantage is that power cables carry the same current at a lower weight at a significantly lower cost. Reijnders (2021) also agrees to replace copper in certain industries while opposing Henckens & Worrell (2020), who disagree with the substitutability of copper in electricity transmission. ...
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Copper and aluminium prices have long been influenced mainly by non-renewable resources and the industry's widespread use of copper and aluminium for their desired properties. Metal commodities are irreplaceable for the industry of developed countries, and their shortage in the covid times also increases the price and consequently the price of products made from them. As copper ore stocks continue to decline, suitable substitutes should be sought. The paper discusses the potential of copper substitution by aluminium and subsequently the development of prices and production of copper and aluminium, including a prediction about the future development. Research data were obtained from Market. business insider (2021) and (2022) converted to time series. The price is shown in US dollars per tonne and the production value in millions of tonnes. Development data were processed using artificial intelligence and recurrent neural networks, including the Long Short Term Memory layer. Neural networks, as such, have great potential to predict these types of time series. The annual copper and aluminium production data were processed using a regression function. Neural networks could not be used due to the smaller data range. The results show that the 1NN30L neural network with an LSTM layer and considered a 30-day delay is the most suitable network for forecasting future copper prices, and the 3NN30L neural network with an LSTM layer and considered a 30-day delay is the most suitable network for forecasting future aluminium prices. The forecast has confirmed that the price of copper will fall at the end of 2021, and the trend will be constant in the next planned period. Aluminium will also fall sharply at the end of 2021; at the beginning of 2022, the price level is predicted to rise to that of 30 October 2021, and thereinafter the trend will be almost constant. Research has confirmed that copper and aluminium may be imperfect substitutes in some respect, but they can generally be considered complementary. Copper mining has stabilised in recent years, but aluminium production has increased significantly in the last decade, and it can be expected to grow in the near future.
... Apart from very small-sized applications such as in chips for electronics, aluminium (Al) alloys can be commercial substitutes for copper in wiring for electricity transport (Reijnders 2021). Al mining and processing is characterized by long-lasting negative impacts on the provision of ecosystem services (Tost et al. 2020), persistent soil pollution (Pokhrel and Dubey 2013;Farjana et al. 2019) and large inputs of fossil fuels (Zhang et al. 2016;Mansilha et al. 2019), which negatively impact natural capital to be transferred to future generations. ...
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Substitutability of natural capital by human-made capital would seem to be limited. When human-made capital substitutes natural capital, there are currently commonly long-lasting negative impacts of such substitutions on constituents of natural capital. Long-lasting negative impacts on natural capital can be considered at variance with justice between the generations. In view thereof, there is a case to define (environmental) sustainability as keeping natural capital intact for transferral to future generations. A major problem for such conservation regards natural resources generated by geological processes (virtually non-renewable resources), especially regarding geochemically scarce elements. Substitution of virtually non-renewable resources by generating equal amounts of renewables has been proposed as a way to conserve natural capital. However, renewables substituting for fossil carbon compounds are currently associated with negative impacts on constituents of natural capital to be transferred to future generations. The same holds for the substitution of widely used geochemically scarce virtually non-renewable copper by abundant resources generated by geological processes. Though current negative impacts of substitutions on natural capital can be substantially reduced, their elimination seems beyond the scope of what can be achieved in the near future. The less strict “safe operating space for humanity”, which has been used in “absolute sustainability assessments” is, however, not a proper alternative to keeping natural capital intact for transferral to future generations.
Copper is an economic and strategic metal consumed and produced in many nations. Previous studies of future copper demand and supply have revealed some deficiencies at the macro level. To minimize these gaps, we present here a comprehensive recycling scenario to examine the future copper sustainability for more than 50 countries by 2100. End-of-life metal recycling optimization can be a transparent, flexible and broadly applicable solution, coupled with circular economy strategies to reduce the supply of such metals and related environmental risks. Substantial recycling (estimated at 40 to 65 percent) would be more conducive to reducing primary demand in regions with large populations and rapid industrial growth. Although Latin America and Caribbean, Africa and Oceania can be identified as regions with low demand and recycling intentions by 2100, carbon emissions in Latin America will peak at 70 million tons by 2050 owing to concentrated primary copper production. In order to fully realize recycling targets, more efforts should be made to formulate policies and regulations for the copper industry, systematically scrap collection, and innovate effective technologies.
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Purpose How to assess impacts of mineral resources is much discussed in life cycle assessment (LCA). We see a need for, and a lack of, a mineral resource impact assessment method that captures the perspective of long-term global scarcity of elements. Method A midpoint-level mineral resource impact assessment method matching this perspective is proposed, called the crustal scarcity indicator (CSI), with characterization factors called crustal scarcity potentials (CSPs) measured as kg silicon equivalents per kg element. They are based on crustal concentrations, which have been suggested to correlate with several important resource metrics (reserves, reserve base, reserves plus cumulative production, and ore deposits), thereby constituting proxies for long-term global elemental scarcity. Results and discussion Ready-to-use CSPs are provided for 76 elements, through which the CSI can be calculated by multiplying with the respective masses of elements extracted from Earth’s crust for a certain product. As follows from their crustal concentrations, the three platinum-group metals iridium, osmium, and rhodium have the highest CSPs, whereas silicon, aluminum, and iron have the lowest CSPs. Conclusion An evaluation of the CSPs and the characterization factors of four other mineral resource impact assessment methods in LCA (the abiotic depletion, the surplus ore, the cumulative exergy demand, and the EPS methods) were conducted. It showed that the CSPs are temporally reliable, calculated in a consistent way, and have a high coverage of elements in comparison. Furthermore, a quantitative comparison with the characterization factors of the four other methods showed that the CSPs reflect long-term global elemental scarcity comparatively well while requiring a minimum of assumptions and input parameters. Recommendations We recommend using the CSI for assessments of long-term global elemental scarcity in LCA. Since the CSI is at the midpoint level, it can be complemented by other mineral resource impact assessment methods (both existing and to be developed) to provide a more comprehensive view of mineral resource impacts in an LCA.
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Copper and nickel are important metals for our society. Developing countries depend on copper and nickel for the construction of their infrastructure. Copper and nickel are also key elements for the transition to a fossil free electric energy production, which might lead to increased demand for these metals. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether and at which conditions a sustainable production rate of copper and nickel can be combined with an increase of the service level of the two metals for the entire future world population to the same level as in developed countries in 2020. We consider three ambition levels with regard to a sustainable production rate for copper and nickel: 1000 years, 500 years and 200 years of guaranteed, sufficient and affordable supply to the entire world population at a service level, which, in all countries, is equal to the service level in developed countries in 2020. The conclusion is that the highest sustainability ambition (1000 years) is only achievable with a combination of an optimistically large amount of available resources in combination with a high end-of-life recycling rate. Whether the required amount of resources will be available for an affordable price, remains uncertain.
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We herein report a high-resolution nanopatterning method using low voltage electromechanical spinning with a rotating collector to obtain aligned graphitized micro and nanowires for carbon nanomanufacturing. A small wire diameter and a small inter-wire spacing were obtained by controlling the electric field, the spinneret-to-collector distance, the pyrolysis parameters, the linear speed of the spinneret, the rotational speed of the collector. Using a simple scaling analysis, we show how the straightness and the diameter of the wires can be controlled by the electric field and the distance of the spinneret to the collector. A small inter-wire spacing, as predicted by a simple model, was achieved by simultaneously controlling the linear speed of the spinneret and the rotational speed of the collector. Rapid drying of the polymer nanowires enabled the facile fabrication of suspended wires over various structures. Patterned polyacrylonitrile wires were carbonized using standard stabilization and pyrolysis to obtain carbon nanowires. Suspended carbon nanowires with a diameter of <50 nm were obtained. We also established a method for making patterned, highly graphitized structures by using the aforementioned carbon wire structures as a template for chemical vapor deposition of graphite. This patterning technique offers high throughput for nano writing, which outperforms other existing nanopatterning techniques, making it a potential candidate for large-scale carbon nanomanufacturing.
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This paper investigates aluminium and copper windings for a permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) developed for direct–drive electric vehicle (EV) application. Previously, studies have been conducted on comparison of these windings in terms of thermal and electrical conductivity, cost and mass density. However, the impact of these windings on the machine’s performance in terms of efficiency and torque has not been analysed. In this paper, for the same machine volume and geometry, a comparative analysis of PMSMs with copper and aluminium windings has been performed in terms of efficiency, torque, weight, operating speed range, ohmic losses and temperatures. Furthermore, as these machines are developed for direct–drive EV application, drive–cycle-based analysis was conducted for urban and highway cycles for a 2013 Ford Focus vehicle dynamics model. For these drive cycles, analysis in terms of torque speed characteristics and maximum energy density efficiency for both the machines has been performed.
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Main merit of the DC superconducting power transmission line is low loss even in low voltage power transmission. It should be realized when the transmission length is long. Therefore, we discuss and analyse an aspect of thermo-hydrodynamic performance of Ishikari project, and show one design of 100 km transmission line. At the same time, we also discuss the cable design and the rated voltage of the cable is lower than 50 kV for 500MW transmission. This is one of the most important advantages to make the DC power grid because we can omit an ultra-high voltage substation, the primary and the secondary substations and we can connect the power stations to the distribution stations directly. Finally, we may be able to reduce the construction and operation costs of the power grid.
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The development of fiber‐based smart electronics has provoked increasing demand for high‐performance and multifunctional fiber materials. Carbon nanotube (CNT) fibers, the 1D macroassembly of CNTs, have extensively been utilized to construct wearable electronics due to their unique integration of high porosity/surface area, desirable mechanical/physical properties, and extraordinary structural flexibility, as well as their novel corrosion/oxidation resistivity. To take full advantage of CNT fibers, it is essential to understand their mechanical and conductive properties. Herein, the recent progress regarding the intrinsic structure–property relationship of CNT fibers, as well as the strategies of enhancing their mechanical and conductive properties are briefly summarized, providing helpful guidance for scouting ideally structured CNT fibers for specific flexible electronic applications. Carbon nanotube fibers have extensively been utilized to construct wearable electronics, and their fundamental properties such as the mechanical and conductive behaviors are very crucial in affecting the electronics performance. Recent achievements and the underlying mechanisms are described and discussed toward future development in smart electronics.
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The processes taking place on the friction surface of high-alloyed aluminum alloys working with steel whilst replacing bronze journal bearings with aluminum are investigated. In this regard, eight experimental aluminum alloys with an Sn content from 5.4% to 11.0%, which also included Pb, Zn, Si, Mg, and Cu, were cast. The surface and subsurface layer of experimental aluminum bearings were studied before and after tribological tests with a 38HN3MA steel counterbody by scanning electron microscopy including energy-dispersive analysis. The best aluminum alloy, which had an Sn content of 5.8% after the friction tests, showed 6.5-times better wear resistance and steel counterbody wear rate than the bronze reference. Both structural and compositional changes in the surface layer were observed. It was revealed that secondary structures formed on the surface during the friction process and included all of the chemical elements in the tribosystem, which is a consequence of its self-organization. Generally, the secondary structures are thin metal-polymer films generated as a result of the high carbon and oxygen content. The interaction behavior of some of the chemical elements in the tribosystem is shown and discussed. In addition, the influence that Sn, Pb, Cu, and C content in the secondary structures has on the tribological properties of low-tin and medium-tin alloys is shown.
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Future global copper demand is expected to keep rising due to copper’s indispensable role in modern technologies. Unfortunately, increasing copper extraction and decreasing ore grades intensify energy use and generate higher environmental impact. A potential solution would be reaching a circular economy of copper, in which secondary production provides a large part of the demand. A necessary first step in this direction is to understand future copper demand. In this study, we estimated the copper demand until 2100 under different scenarios with regression and stock dynamics methods. For the stock dynamics method, a strong growth of copper demand is found in the scenarios with a high share of renewable energy, in which a much higher copper intensity for the electricity system and the transport sector is seen. The regression predicts a wider range of copper demand depending on the scenario. The regression method requires less data but lacks the ability to incorporate the expected decoupling of material use and GDP when the stock saturates, limiting its applicability for long-term estimations. Under all considered scenarios, the projected increase in demand for copper results in the exhaustion of the identified copper resources, unless high end-of-life recovery rates are achieved. These results highlight the urgency for a transition towards the circular economy of copper.
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This paper presents various solutions for the power traction motors of electrical vehicles. Equivalent designs to those commercially available on the roads are investigated. Potential simple modifications of the winding configurations and cooling system are studied: (a) flat wire (hairpin) winding vs stranded round wire in induction, synchronous permanent magnet and wound field machine topology, (b) winding material grades effect - copper vs aluminum, (c) cooling systems - water jacket vs spray, fluid properties and flow rate.
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In the recent years economic reasons have forced us to search for new applications of aluminium and its alloys in electrical engineering as an alternative material for the traditionally used copper. Presently aluminium wires with the diameter not exceeding 1 mm are used for the production of automotive conductors, accumulator cables and winding wires. In this case the possibilities for mass processing of aluminium into fine wires are significantly limited by the technological problems. The main reasons for the limited aluminium deformation properties, so important in the wire drawing process, are the high coefficient of friction, adherence of the material to the tool surface and too low plasticity resulting from the natural occurrence of silicone in the bauxite. Silicone causes cracking of the material as a result of which a net of micro-cracks forms on its surface limiting the wire deformation properties. Elimination or significant reduction of this negative phenomenon may be obtained by introducing iron to aluminium which by forming hard and high-melting chemical compounds such as Al3Fe will help in self-cleaning of the wire drawing die surface by removing the adhered patches of aluminium and will lower the aluminium ductility threshold. Additionally, by binding silicone, iron improves the electrical conductivity of the material and also its plasticity liquidating the stress concentration points, particularly dangerous in case of the hardened fine wires. The article presents the analysis of the influence of iron addition on the properties and deformability of aluminium rod and aluminium wires as well as the results of the author’s own research on unalloyed aluminium rod with varied iron content used for the processing of fine wires designated for the production of automotive bundles. It has also been proved that the increase of the content of iron does not significantly decrease the electrical conductivity of the material and enables drawingof the fine 0.1 mm wires on the industrial scale.
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The production of continuous fibers made purely of carbon nanotubes has paved the way for new macro-scale applications which utilize the superior properties of individual carbon nanotubes. These wire-like macroscopic assemblies of carbon nanotubes were recognized to have a potential to be used in electrical wiring. Carbon nanotube wiring may be extremely light and mechanically stronger and more efficient in transferring high frequency signals than any conventional conducting material, being cost-effective simultaneously. However, transfer of the unique properties of individual CNTs to the macro-scale proves to be quite challenging. This Feature Article gives an overview of the potential of using carbon nanotube fibers as next generation wiring, state of the art developments in this field, and goals to be achieved before carbon nanotubes may be transformed into competitive products.
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One option to decarbonise residential heat in the UK is to convert the existing natural gas networks to deliver hydrogen. We review the technical feasibility of this option using semi-structured interviews underpinned by a literature review and we assess the potential economic benefits using the UK MARKAL energy systems model. We conclude that hydrogen can be transported safely in the low-pressure pipes but we identify concerns over the reduced capacity of the system and the much lower linepack storage compared to natural gas. New hydrogen meters and sensors would have to be fitted to every building in a hydrogen conversion program and appliances would have to be converted unless the government was to legislate to make them hydrogen-ready in advance.Converting the gas networks to hydrogen is a lower-cost residential decarbonisation pathway for the UK than those identified previously. The cost-optimal share of hydrogen is sensitive to the conversion cost and to variations in the capital costs of heat pumps and micro-CHP fuel cells. With such small cost differentials between technologies, the decision to convert the networks will also depend on non-economic factors including the relative performance of technologies and the willingness of the government to organise a conversion program.
An Al-Mg-Si aluminium alloy was shaped by using a two-pass equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) process. This led to fragmentation of the coarse Fe-rich intermetallics (IMCs), a decrease in grain size and an increase in the high angle grain boundary (HAGB) density, with overconcentration of HAGBs around the IMCs. Corrosion tests in NaCl solution showed that, before and after ECAP, only pitting corrosion occurred. However, for ECAP samples, pits were more numerous due to the fragmentation of the IMCs; they were also larger and less deep, their propagation being strongly influenced by the presence of very small grains around the IMCs.
A comprehensive study is carried out to determine (1) the annual historical demand and supply, (2) the annual prospective demand, and (3) the carrying capacity and future sustainability of copper resources in China. The results of the first analysis show that both the demand and supply have substantially increased since 2000 after remaining relatively minute for the period from 1950 to 2000. By 2015, the per capita total and domestic demand had reached 7.6 kg and 5.4 kg, respectively. The annual demand prospects suggest that the copper demand will peak in 2030 and either stabilize or marginally drop thereafter. This was found to be the case for all population variants and demand growth rates that were considered herein, with the exception of the “stable scenario”. Under the considered scenarios, the domestic demand in the year 2050 is predicted to fall by 6.7 million metric tons (Mt) to 15 Mt, while the total demand will likely fall by 9.4 Mt to 21.2 Mt. The projected drastic increase in the cumulative primary demand suggests that China should pursue more industrially sustainable options. If the current trends continue, demand will likely surpass even the projected reserve base of 2050 sometime from 2025 to 2035 unless necessary actions to change the course are initiated as soon as possible. Chinese efforts to promote recycling in recent decades have been admirable but are not sufficient to meet the primary demand, thus leaving a large proportion of the demand to be met using imports. Thus, in order to reduce the primary copper imports, it is desirable to increase recycling rates to 60-70%. The shortcomings of the domestic recycling industry include poor end-of-life collection and an elastic policy framework. These issues merit attention in the short-term in order to increase the long-term sustainability of copper resources in China.
The following paper explores the nature of electronic transport in a hybrid carbon nanotube graphene conductive network. These networks may have a tremendous impact on the future formation of new electrical conductors, batteries and supercapacitors as well as many other electronic and electrical applications. The experiments described show that the deposition of graphene nanoflakes within a carbon nanotube network improves both its electrical conductivity and its current carrying capacity. They also show that the effectiveness of doping is enhanced. To explain the effects observed in the hybrid carbon nanotube graphene conductive network, a theoretical model was developed. The theory explains that graphenes are not merely effective conductive fillers of the carbon nanotube networks but also effective bridges able to introduce additional states at the Fermi level of carbon nanotubes.
A 3D thermal model of underground power cable is presented in this paper. A detailed representation of the cable and its joints, the laying condition, the soil and the heat exchanges between soil upper surface and air, considering different weather conditions, is given. The model solves the thermal problem by means of an equivalent electric circuit and has been validated against field measurements, showing its applicability both for steady state and transient studies. In order to verify if any correlation between the occurrence of overheatings and the anomalous increase of failures, observed by Italian Distribution System Operators (DSOs) during summer 2015, exists, the model has been applied to simulate one-year operation of an existing underground cable. The cable is located in the MV distribution network owned by A.S.M. Terni S.p.A., the DSO in Terni, a city placed in the Central Italy. Ambient temperature and relative humidity trends have been taken from registrations made by a weather station, whereas the current profile along the cable has been assumed equal to that measured in 2015 by A.S.M., sampled every ten minutes. A second current profile has been also used, derived from the measured one in order to have the cable loaded at ampacity for a considerable time span during the year. In all cases, results show that no overheating occurred and, moreover, that the joint is the coldest part of the underground power cable.
Performance of power cable connectors is usually evaluated in bare conditions as for overhead applications, such as specified in the test standards ANSI C119.4 and IEC 61238-1. Significant differences exist between the requirements of these two standards, in particular the short-circuit current test which only becomes optional in the recent ANSI 2011 edition. Furthermore, past and recent experience with testing MV cable splices according to the standard IEEE 404 have revealed the shortcoming of the aluminum connectors tested on aluminum conductors with overheating failure. New mechanical power connectors on the market offering range taking capability and easy installation promise better connectivity and reproducibility based on the shear-bolt technology. This paper discusses the results as obtained in an accelerated aging test on different types of cable splices with both compression and mechanical connectors. Based on the test results, a simple and effective method is also proposed to identify a degraded connector inside a cable splice.
Recent development in mobile electronic devices and electric vehicles requires electrical wires with reduced weight as well as enhanced stability. In addition, since electric energy is mostly generated from power plants located far from its consuming places, the mechanically stronger and higher electric power transmission cables are strongly demanded. However, there has been no alternative materials that can practically replace copper materials. Here, we report a method to prepare ultra-strong graphene fibers (GFs)-Cu core-shell wires with significantly enhanced electrical and mechanical properties. The core GFs are synthesized by chemical vapor deposition (CVD), followed by electroplating of Cu shells, where the large surface area of GFs in contact with Cu maximizes the mechanical toughness of the cores-shell wires. At the same time, the unique electrical and thermal characteristics of graphene allows ~10 times higher current density limit, providing more efficient and reliable delivery of electrical energies through the GFs-Cu wires. We believe that our results would be useful to overcome the current limit in electrical wires and cables for light-weight, energy-saving and high-power applications.
The weight of wiring harnesses has been increasing with the growing number of systems used in vehicles in recent years. For the purpose of reducing their weight, aluminum instead of the conventional copper has been getting popular as a wire conductor. Conventional Al alloys, however, cannot be used for small gauge wires (0.35 mm² and 0.5 mm²) or in the engine compartments due to their insufficient conductor strength. For this reason, we have developed a stronger Al alloy that has a conductor strength equivalent to or stronger than that of copper, and successfully manufactured a high-strength Al alloy wire for the first time in the industry. Applying it the 0.35 mm² wire used in engine compartment, we started its mass production in April 2015. The target properties of this alloy were a tensile strength of 220 MPa and conductivity of 50%IACS. Based on the age-precipitated 6000 series Al alloy, additive elements and their content were specified. The aging conditions were determined by examining the precipitation status of Mg2Si intermetallic compounds. With this approach, we achieved a tensile strength of 250 MPa and conductivity of 52%IACS, both of which exceed the targets.
Individual carbon nanotubes are highly interesting electrical conductors which could well complete with superconductors. Yet, the possibility of production of top-performance carbon nanotube electrical conductors beyond nanoscale, is the question currently challenging scientists. This study discusses theoretical potential of macroscopic fibres made purely of carbon nanotubes, in charge transport and electrical applications. It also examines various aspects of their electrical conductivity including both direct and alternating current transport, weight-conductivity ratios, current density and doping issues. The reasons for the constraints in electrical transport in fibres manufactured today are explained, as are possible routes to achieving significant improvements in the performance.
This paper is a first of two presenting a review of research results in underground cable transmission obtained by the Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University ET/AAU and Danish TSO within the last 6 years. The main core of the results are obtained by PhD students researching electrical engineering topics related to using underground cables for power transmission at EHV level and including the 420 kV level. The research topics were laid down by ET/AAU and in the DANPAC (DANish Power systems with AC Cables) research project. The main topics are discussed on the basis of 39 references published by ET/AAU and Part I of the paper explains the events that lead to the research project, reactive power compensation, modelling for transient studies, including field measurements and improvements to the existing models, and temporary overvoltages due to resonances. Part II covers transient phenomena, harmonics in cables, system modelling for different phenomena, main and backup protections in cable-based networks, online fault detection and future trends.
Electrochemical deposition of copper on a carbon nanotube (CNT) fiber from a copper sulfate – sulfuric acid bath was studied in order to produce a carbon nanotube-copper composite wire. The high resistivity of the aerogel-spun fiber causes a non-uniform current distribution during deposition, which results in a drastic drop in the copper nuclei population density as sufficient overpotential is not available beyond a certain distance from the current feed point. Copper was found to fill the pores between CNT bundles from Focused Ion Beam (FIB) cut cross-sections confirming that aqueous based electrolytes can fill micropores between as-spun CNTs in a fiber network. The speed at which copper grows on the fiber surface was identified at ca. 0.08 mm/s with 1 mA applied current. The copper cladding showed columnar growth with a grain size an order of magnitude higher than the CNT-Cu region. The resulting composite was found to have specific conductivity similar to that of pure copper i.e. 98% of copper with 0.2 w-% of CNT, exhibiting a ninefold increase from the pure CNT fiber. Self-annealing was shown to decrease the resistance of the composite.
In recent years we have seen a worldwide increase in the demand for electric conductors which have a large transmission capacity to meet rapidly growing electricity consumption. The use of ZTACIR (Aluminum Conductor Invar Reinforced) can double the capacity of overhead power transmission line without extra infrastructure construction. In particular, aluminum clad invar alloy wire, which is highly resistant to corrosion, reduces transmission loss, and produces less CO2 emissions, is increasingly demanded. The authors have worked to develop a high-strength aluminum clad invar alloy wire by enhancing the durability of the conventional invar alloy wire. The newly developed wire is as strong as steel wire and can therefore be used as the core wire of high voltage overhead transmission line. This paper features the characteristics of the developed invar alloy wire.
There are benefits if copper windings are replaced with aluminum in applications that are cost- and mass-sensitive, such as automotive traction; these include the low cost of aluminum, low mass of aluminum, and the ease of motor recycling at the end of life. However, the relatively low electrical conductivity of aluminum compared to copper needs to be overcome. Precompressed motor coils have been shown to produce very high fill factors ( >75% > 75\% ), reducing dc-winding losses, therefore enabling the use of aluminum conductors. However, the single-stranded conductors used can be prone to high ac losses due to skin and proximity effects. Therefore, a method of manufacture of precompressed coils made from stranded/Litz wire is needed, allowing ac losses to be reduced to low levels. This paper describes the development and test of stranded, precompressed aluminum coils, which have been developed for use in an automotive traction application.
As the demand for the reduction of CO2 emissions from automobiles is ever increasing, lightweight wiring harnesses have been in high demand. Effective weight reduction can be expected by replacing conventional copper electric wires with aluminum electric wires. However, aluminum wires have several drawbacks such as low electrical conductivity, low tensile strength, and poor workability, as well as a strong insulating oxide film on the surface and galvanic corrosion. To solve these problems, we have developed an aluminum alloy conductor with improved electrical conductivity, tensile strength, and workability. We also developed a unique serration terminal structure that maintains low contact resistance and sufficient wire retention force even under a thick oxide layer. We also established an anti-corrosion technology that prevents galvanic corrosion by molding the crimped joint of the terminal. This paper explains respective solutions in detail.
Material efficiency is increasingly being seen as a means to save resources and achieve greater security of supply. Whether these aims can be achieved to the desired extent depends, among other things, on the presence of rebound effects. This article estimates economy-wide rebound effects for non-energetic raw materials in the context of a set of material efficiency projects carried out in Germany. Under the assumption that the efficiency technologies developed in these projects are scaled up to the national level, input-output analysis is used to calculate changed material requirements and corresponding rebound effects. Reduced material flows in monetary terms, together with economic data, are aggregated to an economy-wide impulse, which can cause re-increases in the demand for the considered raw materials. Depending on the project-specific framework conditions and subject to the modeling assumptions, our estimates suggest that individual materials display a wide range of rebound effects, ranging from close to zero to low double digit percentages. These results point towards the conclusion that economy-wide rebound effects do not make these efficiency measures obsolete. However, they also suggest that rebound effects should not be ignored in the assessment of the role of efficiency in future resource consumption.
Purpose The depletion of abiotic resources needs to be discussed in the light of available geologic stocks. For the evaluation of long-term resource availability under consideration of the resources’ functional relevance, the abiotic resource stock that is ultimately available for human purposes needs to be identified. This paper discusses the determination of geologic resources stocks and outlines an approach for the estimation of the resource stocks ultimately available for human use in the long-term. Based on these numbers, existing characterization factors for the assessment of resource depletion by means of the anthropogenic stock extended abiotic depletion potential (AADP) model can be updated. Methods For the assessment of long-term resource availability, the share of abiotic resources ultimately available for human extraction needs to be inferred from the quantity of the elements available in the earth’s crust. Based on existing data on crustal concentrations and assumptions regarding the maximal extractable amount of resource, three different approaches for the determination of ultimately extractable reserves are proposed. The different resource numbers are compared, and their effects on the resulting characterization factors derived from the abiotic depletion potential (ADP) and the AADP models are analyzed. Results and discussion A best estimate for the determination of ultimately extractable reserves is proposed. Based on this new resource number, AADP characterization factors for 35 materials are calculated. The use of ultimately extractable reserves leads to an improved applicability of the AADP model and increases the overall significance of the results. Conclusions Resource security is a premise for sustainable development. The use of resources needs to be evaluated in the context of their decreasing availability for future generations. Thus, resource choices should also be based on an analysis of available resource stocks. The proposed AADP characterization factors based on ultimately extractable reserves will enable a more realistic evaluation of long-term resource availability for human purposes.
This paper reports a propulsion motor for a solar-powered aircraft. The motor uses precompressed aluminum stator windings, with a fill factor of greater than 75%, in a permanent magnet synchronous machine. The motor performance is compared empirically to an identical machine with conventionally wound copper windings. It is shown that there are many advantages to using compressed aluminum windings in terms of weight reduction, thermal improvement, and lower cost, for the same loss and electromagnetic performance, provided a sufficiently high slot fill factor can be achieved. The design and manufacture of the compressed coils is also discussed. A modular stator arrangement is used, in the form of a solid coreback with keyed teeth to allow easy assembly of the compressed windings. It is noted that the electromagnetic performance of the machine is unaffected by the modular nature of the magnetic core. Two prototype motors, one wound with conventional copper and the other with precompressed aluminum windings, are constructed and tested.
Conference Paper
Suitable permanent connectors are required for use with branch circuit aluminum wire in homes. Some connection devices that have been marketed as suitable for use with aluminum wire are prone to deteriorate with time under conditions of normal use, leading to instances of hazardous overheating. The literature and experimental evidence discussed in this paper soundly support the position that, from a safety standpoint, the only acceptable aluminum connection devices for permanent residential installation are those that show no resistance increase under both normal and accelerated test conditions.
Adopting an evolutionary perspective, this paper argues that path dependence plays a major role in material use and substitution such that it might delay or even prevent substitution despite the occurrence of significant relative price changes. After elucidating the importance of material substitution from an ecological-economic point of view and after explaining the meaning of path dependence from an evolutionary perspective, the copper–aluminum material substitution process is described for the main electrical conductor producing countries—the US, Germany, and Japan. This example makes clear that irrespective of attractive relative prices in favor of aluminum it could neither achieve a predominant market position nor is it possible to identify an explicit relation between relative price changes and relative material use in a qualitative analysis. Applying a Distributed Lag Model for data on copper and aluminum for electrical applications, the significance of relative prices and path dependence is examined for a 51-year time period for the US, Japan, and Germany. The results indicate that path dependence and relative prices—especially in the long run—are both important factors influencing the copper–aluminum substitution process. The major conclusions read that substitution processes cannot be predicted by relative price movements alone and that price instruments to encourage material substitution should not be overestimated. Instead, in the design of resource policies it should be considered that material substitution is an evolutionary and path-dependent process, which requires learning as well as time, capital, research, and experience.
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