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Child abuse associates with increased recruitment of perineuronal nets in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex: evidence for an implication of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells


Abstract and Figures

Child abuse (CA) is a strong predictor of psychopathologies and suicide, and can lastingly alter normal trajectories of brain development, particularly in areas closely linked to emotional responses such as the prefrontal cortex (PFC). Yet, the cellular underpinnings of these enduring effects are unclear. Childhood and adolescence are marked by the protracted formation of perineuronal nets (PNNs), which are essential in orchestrating the closure of developmental windows of cortical plasticity by regulating the functional integration of parvalbumin interneurons (PV) into neuronal circuits. Using well-characterized post-mortem brain samples, we explored the hypothesis that CA has lasting effects on the development of PNNs in the ventromedial PFC. We found that a history of CA was specifically associated with increased recruitment and maturation of PNNs. Through single-nucleus sequencing and fluorescent in-situ hybridization, we show that the expression of canonical components of PNNs is highly enriched in oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs), and that they are upregulated in CA victims. These findings suggest that early-life adversity may lead to persistent patterns of maladaptive behaviours by reducing the neuroplasticity of cortical circuits through the enhancement of developmental OPC-mediated PNN formation.
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Child abuse associates with increased recruitment of perineuronal nets in the ventromedial
prefrontal cortex: evidence for an implication of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells
Arnaud Tanti1,2, Claudia Belliveau1,3, Corina Nagy1, Malosree Maitra1,3, Fanny Denux1, Kelly Perlman1,3,
Frank Chen1, Refilwe Mpai1,3, Candice Canonne1, Maria Antonietta Davoli1, Gustavo Turecki1,4 and
Naguib Mechawar1,4
1 McGill Group for Suicide Studies, Douglas Mental Health University Institute, Verdun, QC, Canada.
2 Current address: UMR 1253, iBrain, Université de Tours, Inserm, Tours, France.
3 Integrated Program in Neuroscience, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada.
4 Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada.
Corresponding author
Naguib Mechawar, PhD
McGill Group for Suicide Studies, Douglas Mental Health University Institute
Department of Psychiatry, McGill University
Main TextAbstract, Introduction, Results, figure legends and discussion (1855 words)
Methods (1311 words)
2 figures, 1 table
15 references
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Child abuse (CA) is a strong predictor of psychopathologies and suicide, and can lastingly alter normal
trajectories of brain development, particularly in areas closely linked to emotional responses such as the
prefrontal cortex (PFC). Yet, the cellular underpinnings of these enduring effects are unclear. Childhood
and adolescence are marked by the protracted formation of perineuronal nets (PNNs), which are essential
in orchestrating the closure of developmental windows of cortical plasticity by regulating the functional
integration of parvalbumin interneurons (PV) into neuronal circuits. Using well-characterized post-
mortem brain samples, we explored the hypothesis that CA has lasting effects on the development of
PNNs in the ventromedial PFC. We found that a history of CA was specifically associated with increased
recruitment and maturation of PNNs. Through single-nucleus sequencing and fluorescent in-situ
hybridization, we show that the expression of canonical components of PNNs is highly enriched in
oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs), and that they are upregulated in CA victims.
These findings suggest that early-life adversity may lead to persistent patterns of maladaptive behaviours
by reducing the neuroplasticity of cortical circuits through the enhancement of developmental OPC-
mediated PNN formation.
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Child abuse (CA) has enduring effects on psychological development. Severe adversity during sensitive
periods, during which personality traits, attachment patterns, cognitive functions and emotional responses
are shaped by environmental experiences, is thought to have a profound effect on the structural and
functional organization of the brain (1).
At the cellular level, childhood and adolescence are marked by the establishment and maturation of neural
circuits. This protracted period is characterized by windows of heightened plasticity that precede the
development of functional inhibitory connections and the balance of excitatory-inhibitory
neurotransmission (2). A major mechanism behind the closing of these windows in neocortex is the
recruitment of perineuronal nets (PNNs), a condensed form of extracellular matrix forming most notably
around parvalbumin-expressing (PV+) interneurons. PNNs are thought to gradually decrease heightened
plasticity by stabilizing the integration and function of PV+ cells into cortical networks and hindering the
remodelling of these networks (3, 4). This PNN-induced stabilization of PV+ interneuron connectivity has
been notably linked to the persistence of long-term associations, including fear memories (5–7).
Although little is known regarding the cellular effects of CA, evidence in rodents suggests that early-life
stress associates with precocious functional maturation of PV+ neurons and the early emergence of adult-
like characteristics of fear and extinction learning (8), in addition to discrete changes in the
immunoreactivity of inhibitory neuron markers and PNNs (9). Taken together, these observations suggest
that CA may alter the formation of PNNs.
We addressed this question using well-characterized post-mortem samples (Douglas-Bell Canada Brain
Bank) from adult depressed suicides who died during an episode of major depression with (DS-CA) or
without (DS) a history of severe child abuse and from matched psychiatrically healthy individuals
(CTRL). Standardized psychological autopsies were conducted to provide comprehensive post-mortem
diagnostic and retrieve various dimensions of childhood experience, including history and severity of CA.
We focused on the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), a brain area closely linked to emotional
learning and which is structurally and functionally altered in individuals with a history of CA (1).
Results and discussion
PNNs densities, visualized by Wisteria Floribunda Lectin (WFL) labeling and NeuN immunostaining
(Fig.1A) were markedly higher in the vmPFC of individuals with a history of CA (Fig.1B). To
understand whether these changes were directly linked to increased PNNs recruitment rather than changes
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in PV+ cells numbers, we compared ratios of PV+ cells surrounded by PNNs. PV antigenicity is
particularly susceptible to freezing, and lost altogether in samples snap frozen prior to fixation. We
therefore developed an approach to combine fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) and
immunofluorescence to visualize PVALB expressing cells and PNNs in frozen samples (Fig.1C). ~65%
of PVALB+ cells were surrounded by PNNs (Fig.1D), in line with previous observations. Importantly,
samples from DS-CA individuals displayed a robust increase in the percentage of PVALB+ cells
surrounded by PNNs compared to DS and CTRL samples (Fig.1D).
Figure 1. (A) Representative images of PNNs labeled with WFL and their distribution throughout the cortical layers of the
human vmPFC. Scale bars = 100 and 20 µm (high magnification panel) (B) Depressed suicides with a history of child abuse (DS-
CA, N = 11) have significantly higher densities of PNNs compared to controls (CTRL, N = 10) and depressed suicides without
history of child abuse (DS, N= 14) (layer x group: F (10, 115) = 2.07, P< 0.05, followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons test).
(C) Representative images of in situ hybridization for PVALB (green) followed by WFL labeling (red). Nuclei were stained with
DAPI (cyan). Yellow arrowhead points to a PVALB+/PNN- cell. Scale bars = 25µm. (D) DS-CA (N=9) subjects have higher
ratios of PVALB+ cells surrounded by PNNs compared to CTRLs (N =8) and DS subjects (N=4) (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA
H(2,21) = 9.45, P<0.01, followed by Dunn’s test for two by two comparisons). (E) Representative images of a low (top) and high
(bottom) intensity PNN in the vmPFC. (F) PNNs from DS-CA subjects (N=475; 6) showed higher average WFL intensity
compared to CTRLs (N= 387; 6) or DS (N=479; 5) (One-way ANOVA: F(2, 1338) = 80.56, P<0.001, followed by Tukey’s
multiple comparisons test) (G) PNNs from DS-CA subjects (N=432; 6) showed higher complexity (area covered by PNNs)
compared to CTRLs (N= 363; 6) or DS (N=467; 5) (One-way ANOVA: F (2, 1259) = 11.06, P<0.001, followed by Tukey’s
multiple comparisons test). ***:P<0.001, **: P<0.01, *:P<0.05, #:P<0.1.
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To investigate if CA associates with maturational changes of PNNs, we compared the intensity of WFL
staining between groups (Fig.1E) as an indication of their maturity (10), as well as the area covered by
individual PNNs as an indicator of their morphological complexity. CA was both associated with higher
intensity of WFL staining per PNN (Fig.1F) and cells more extensively covered by PNNs (Fig.1G),
suggesting overall that CA may precipitate both the maturation and the recruitment of PNNs around PV+
We then sought to explore the molecular underpinnings of this phenomenon, and reasoned that increased
recruitment of PNNs associated with CA should translate or be induced by changes in the molecular
programs controlling PNN assembly. Our understanding of these transcriptional programs is particularly
scarce, hindered by the fact that several known molecules participating in PNN recruitment are released
non-locally and by different cell types, implying a complex cellular crosstalk orchestrating PNN
assembly. To gain insight into how, in humans, different cell types contribute to the synthesis of
canonical components of PNNs, we explored a single-nucleus sequencing dataset previously generated by
our group in the human PFC (11), and screened their expression across 8 major cell types. The main
canonical components of PNNs, namely aggrecan, neurocan, versican, phosphacan, brevican, and
tenascin-R, were highly enriched in oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) (Fig.2A). This was further
validated using FISH (Fig.2B and 2C) for versican (VCAN) and phosphacan (PTPRZ1), as they showed
the strongest expression in OPCs and are two major signature genes in late OPCs (12). We found that
virtually all PDGFRA+ OPCs express high levels of these components, while cells expressing these genes
are almost all PDGFRA+ OPCs (Fig.2D and 2E). This strongly suggests that OPCs are likely potent
regulators of PNN formation, as they are also ontogenetically-related to PV+ cells (13) and have been
shown to form extensive synaptic networks with them (14).
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Figure 2. (A) Average gene expression of canonical components of PNNs according to cell type, derived from single-nucleus
RNA sequencing of 34 human prefrontal cortex samples (11). Expression was calculated by weighting normalized transcript
counts of each cluster by the size (number of nuclei) of the cluster. Weighted average expression values are displayed in a
heatmap, with the expression values as z-scores, and darker colors indicating higher expression. OPCs consistently express
higher levels of most of these components compared to other cell types. (B) Representative images of in situ hybridization
validation of VCAN (Versican, yellow) expression in OPCs (PDGFRA+ cells, white). Note the VCAN expressing OPC directly
juxtaposed to a PVALB+ (magenta) cell. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (blue). Scale bar = 5 µm. (C) Representative
images of in situ hybridization validation of PTPRZ1 (Phosphacan, yellow) expression in OPCs (PDGFRA+ cells, white). Nuclei
were counterstained with DAPI (blue). Scale bar = 5 µm. (D-E) Both VCAN (D) and PTPRZ1 (E) expression is highly enriched
in OPCs, with 97.8 percent of VCAN+ cells (N=225) co-expressing PDGFRA (D), and 91.8 percent of PTPRZ1+ cells (N= 281)
co-expressing PDGFRA (E). (F) A negative correlation was found between average distance of OPCs from closest PVALB+ cell
and PNNs density (R2 = 0.36, P<0.05) in the same subjects, suggesting that OPCs proximity with PVALB+ cells could reflect
changes in PNN density. (G) Proximity of OPCs with PVALB+ cells was decreased in DS-CA subjects (N=90 OPCs, 5 subjects)
compared to CTRLs (N= 106 OPCs, 6 subjects) and DS (N= 73 OPCs, 4 subjects) (One-way ANOVA: F (2, 266) = 7.963,
P<0.001, followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test). (H-I) Both PTPRZ1 (H) and TNR (I) average expression in OPCs
modestly correlated with PNNs densities (R2 = 0.35, P<0.05 and R2 = 0.28, P<0.05 respectively). (J) The average expression of
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VCAN in OPCs was significantly higher in DS-CA subjects (N=139 cells, 7 subjects) compared to CTRLs (N= 160 cells, 8
subjects) and DS (N= 119 cells, 6 subjects) (One-way ANOVA F (2, 415) = 17.25, P<0.001, followed by Tukey’s multiple
comparisons test). (K) The average expression of PTPRZ1 in OPCs was significantly higher in DS-CA subjects (N=63 cells, 4
subjects) compared to CTRLs (N= 117 cells, 6 subjects) and DS (N= 81 cells, 5 subjects) (One-way ANOVA F (2, 258) = 31.65,
P<0.001, followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons test). (L) The average expression of TNR in OPCs was significantly higher
in DS-CA subjects (N=200 cells, 8 subjects) compared to CTRLs (N= 207 cells, 7 subjects) and DS (N= 160 cells, 5 subjects)
(One-way ANOVA, F (2, 564) = 18.69, P<0.001, followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons test). ***:P<0.001), *:P<0.05.
OPCs were on occasions found to be directly juxtaposed to PVALB+ cells (Fig.2B), as previously
reported in rodents (15). Interestingly, OPC proximity to PVALB+ cells modestly correlated with PNN
density (Fig.2F), and was increased in individuals with a history of CA (Fig.2G), further suggesting an
interplay between these two cell types. In support of a possible involvement of OPCs in mediating CA-
related changes in PNNs, the expression of both PTPRZ1 and TNR in OPCs correlated with PNNs
densities (Fig.2H and 2I) and were upregulated in OPCs of CA victims (Fig.2J-L).
Overall, our results suggest that a history of CA associates with increased recruitment and maturation of
PNNs, as well as an upregulation of their canonical components by OPCs, a cell type that likely plays a
key role in the cellular crosstalk that orchestrates PNN formation. Whether changes in OPCs are causal in
the increased recruitment of PNNs following CA or an indirect response following changes in PNN
dynamics remains to be explored in preclinical models. These findings raise the possibility that aversive
memories and maladaptive patterns of emotional processing associated with early-life adversity could be
stabilized more durably in the brain of CA victims, thus favoring the emergence of psychopathologies.
The present study used the services of the Douglas-Bell Canada Brain Bank and of the Molecular and
Cellular Microscopy Platform (MCMP) at the Douglas Hospital Research Centre. The authors are grateful
to Maâmar Bouchouka, Josée Prud’homme, Dominique Mirault, and Melina Jaramillo Garcia for their
kind assistance.
Author Contributions
AT and NM conceived the study. GT participated in the acquisition and clinical characterization of the
brain samples. AT, CB, FD, MAD, CC, RM contributed to immunohistological experiments. AT, CN,
MM and KP generated and analysed the snSeq dataset. AT and FC performed the in situ hybridization
experiments. AT and NM prepared the manuscript and all authors contributed to and approved its final
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Competing Interest Statement
The authors have no financial interest or conflict of interest to declare.
This work was funded by a CIHR Project grant to NM. AT was supported by fellowships from the FRQS
and Toronto Dominion, and an American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) Young Investigator
Innovation Grant (YIG-0-146-17). The Molecular and Cellular Microscopy Platform and the Douglas-
Bell Canada Brain Bank (DBCBB) are partly funded by a Healthy Brains for Healthy Lives (CFREF)
Platform Grant to GT and NM. The DBCBB is also funded by the Réseau Québécois sur le suicide, le
troubles de l’humeur et les troubles associés (FRQS).
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Material and Methods
Human post-mortem brain samples. Brain samples were obtained from the Douglas-Bell Canada Brain
Bank (Montreal, Canada). Phenotypic information was retrieved through standardized psychological
autopsies, in collaboration with the Quebec Coroner’s Office and with informed consent from next of kin.
Presence of any or suspected neurological/neurodegenerative disorder signalled in clinical files
constituted an exclusion criterion. Cases and controls are defined with the support of medical charts and
Coroner records. Proxy-based interviews with one or more informants best acquainted with the deceased
are supplemented with information from archival material obtained from hospitals, Coroner’s office and
social services. Clinical vignettes are then produced and assessed by a panel of clinicians to generate
DSM-IV diagnostic criteria, providing sociodemographic characteristics, social developmental history,
DSM-IV axis I diagnostic information and behavioural traits; information that is obtained through
different adapted questionnaires. Toxicological assessments and medication prescription are also
obtained. Presence of severe child abuse was based on adapted Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse
(CECA) interviews assessing various dimensions of childhood experience, including abuse (Bifulco et al.,
Table 1. Subjects characteristics
N 11 12 16
Axis 1 diagnosis 0 MDD (11); DD-NOS (1) MDD (14); DD-NOS (2)
Age (years) 43.18 ± 7.11 37.75 ± 3.10 46.63 ± 3.48
Sex (M/F) 9/2 9/3 14/2
PMI (hours) 35.95 ± 7.15 40.92 ± 6.68 45.95 ± 8.06
Tissue pH 6.4 ± 0.09 6.56 ± 0.08 6.52 ± 0.07
Substance dependence 0 5 6
Medication 0
SSRI (2); Benzodiazepines (2);
Antipsychotics (1); Antimanic
SSRI (4); SNRI (1); TCA
antidepresants (1);
Benzodiazepines (3);
Antipsychotics (2); Antimanic
Data represent mean ± s.e.m. PMI: Post-mortem interval; MDD: Major Depressive Disorder; DD-NOS: Depressive Disorder Not
Otherwise Specified. SSRI: Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor; SNRI: Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor; TCA:
tricyclic antidepressant.
Tissue dissections
Dissections were performed by expert brain bank staff on fresh-frozen 0.5 cm thick coronal sections with
the guidance of a human brain atlas. Ventromedial prefrontal cortex samples were dissected in sections
equivalent to plate 3 (approximately − 48 mm from the center of the anterior commissure) of this atlas.
Samples were either kept frozen or fixed overnight in 10% formalin until processed for in situ
hybridization or immunohistochemistry, respectively.
Frozen tissue blocks were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin overnight at 4 °C, rinsed in PBS and
kept in 20% sucrose/PBS solution until serially sectioned at 40 μm on a cryostat. Free-floating sections
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were rinsed in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and then incubated overnight at 4ºC under constant
agitation with a mouse anti-NeuN antibody (Millipore, 1:500, MAB377) and biotinylated Wisteria
Floribunda Lectin (WFL, Vector Laboratories, B-1355; 1:2500) diluted in a blocking solution of
PBS/0.2% Triton-X/2% normal donkey serum. Sections were then rinsed and incubated for 2h at room
temperature with Cy3-conjugated Streptavidin (Jackson ImmunoResearch, 016-160-084; 1:500) for the
detection of PNNs and Alexa-488 conjugated anti-Mouse (Jackson ImmunoResearch, 1:500) for NeuN,
diluted in the same blocking solution as the primary incubation. Following the secondary antibody
incubation, sections were rinsed, endogenous autofluorescence from lipofuscin and cellular debris was
quenched with Trueblack (Biotium), and sections were mounted on Superfrost charged slides and
coverslipped with Vectashield mounting medium (Vector Laboratories, H-1800).
Whole vmPFC sections were scanned on a Zeiss Axio Imager M2 microscope equipped with a motorized
stage and Axiocam MRm camera at x20. The ImageJ software (NIH) Cell Counter plugin was used to
manually count PNNs. An average of 4 sections per subject was used. Cortical layers were delineated
based on NeuN+ cells distribution and morphology, and the number of PNNs as well as the area of each
layer were measured, allowing to generate PNNs density values (n/mm²).
Fluorescent in situ hybridization
Frozen BA9 blocks were cut serially with a cryostat and 10µm-thick sections collected on Superfrost
charged slides. In situ hybridization was performed using Advanced Cell Diagnostics RNAscope® probes
and reagents following the manufacturer instructions. Sections were first fixed in cold 10% neutral
buffered formalin for 15 minutes, dehydrated by increasing gradient of ethanol bathes and air dried for 5
minutes. Endogenous peroxidase activity was quenched with hydrogen peroxide for 10 minutes followed
by protease digestion for 30 min at room temperature. The following probes were then hybridized for 2
hours at 40C in a humidity-controlled oven: Hs-PVALB (cat. no. 422181), Hs-VCAN (cat. no. 430071-
C2), Hs-PDGFRA (cat. no. 604481-C3), Hs-TNR (cat. no. 525811), Hs-PTPRZ1 (cat. no. 584781-C2).
Amplifiers were added using the proprietary AMP reagents, and the signal visualized through probe-
specific HRP-based detection by tyramide signal amplification with Opal dyes (Opal 520, Opal 570 or
Opal 690; Perkin Elmer) diluted 1:700. Slides were then coverslipped with Vectashield mounting medium
with DAPI for nuclear staining (Vector Laboratories) and kept at 4C until imaging. For
immunohistochemical staining of PNNs following PVALB in situ hybridization, slides were rinsed in
PBS, incubated overnight at 4C with biotinylated WFL followed by Cy3-conjugated Streptavidin for 2
hours prior to coverslipping.
Imaging and analysis of in situ RNA expression in OPCs
Image acquisitions was performed on a FV1200 laser scanning confocal microscope (FV1200) equipped
with a motorized stage. For each experiment and subject, 6 to 10 stack images were taken to capture at
least 20 OPCs (PDGFRA+) per subject. Images were taken using a x60 objective (NA = 1.42) with a XY
pixel width of ~0.25µm and Z spacing of 0.5µm. Laser power and detection parameters were kept
consistent between subjects for each set of experiment. Since TSA amplification with Opal dyes yields a
high signal to noise ratio, parameters were optimized so that autofluorescence from lipofuscin and cellular
debris was filtered out. OPCs were defined by bright clustered puncta-like PDGFRA signal present
within the nucleus of the cells. Using ImageJ, stacks were first converted to Z-projections, and for each
image the nuclei of OPCs were manually contoured based on DAPI expression. Expression of VCAN,
TNR or PTPRZ1 in OPCs was quantified using the area fraction, whereby for each probe the signal was
first manually thresholded and the fraction of the contoured nucleus area covered by signal measured for
each OPC. Area fraction was the preferred measure to reflect RNA expression as punctate labeling
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generated by FISH often aggregates into clusters that cannot readily be dissociated into single dots or
Ratios of PVALB+/PNN+ cells
Proportions of PVALB+ cells enwrapped by PNNs were determined in a single section. An average of 55
PVALB+ cells per subject were imaged under a x20 objective through layers 4-5 of the vmPFC.
Intensity and area measurements
For each subject, ~15 z-stacks (0.26μm Z-spacing) spanning all layers of the vmPFC were acquired at 40x
magnification on an Olympus FV1200 laser scanning confocal microscope. PNNs were traced manually
with ImageJ using maximum intensity projections generated from each stack. For each PNN, the mean
pixel value of adjacent background was subtracted to the mean pixel value of the contoured soma of the
PNN, yielding the mean corrected fluorescence intensity. To infer on their morphological complexity, we
measured the area covered by each contoured PNN, including soma and ramifications extending over
proximal dendrites.
Cell-type specific expression of PNN canonical components using single-nucleus sequencing
Cell-type specific expression of canonical components of PNNs was explored using a snRNA-seq dataset
from the human prefrontal cortex previously generated by our group (11), for which methodology is
extensively described in this published resource. Average expression for each PNN component in each
cell type was calculated by weighting the expression values (normalized transcript counts) of each cluster
by the size (number of nuclei) of the cluster. Weighted average expression values are displayed in a
heatmap, scaled by row (i.e. gene). The color bar therefore represents the expression values as z-scores,
with darker colors indicating higher expression.
Statistical analyses
Analyses were performed on Statistica version 12 (StatSoft) and Prism version 6 (GraphPad Software).
Distribution and homogeneity of variances were assessed with ShapiroWilk and Levene’s tests,
respectively. PNNs densities were analyzed using a mixed-effects model, using layer and group as fixed
factors, followed by Tukey’s HSD test for corrected post hoc comparisons. For all other variables (WFL
intensity, WFL area per PNN, PNN+/PVALB ratios, RNA expression in OPCs and distance of OPCs
from PVALB+ cells) group effects were detected using one-way ANOVAs or Kruskal-Wallis test
followed by Tukey’s HSD or Dunn’s test respectively. Linear regressions were used to address the
relationship between PNNs densities, distance of OPCs from PVALB+ cells, and RNA expression of
canonical components of PNNs. Significance threshold was set at 0.05.
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... Perineuronal nets (PNNs) are lattice-like structures consisting of large molecular aggregates composed primarily of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (neurocan, brevican, aggrecan, and versican) and extracellular matrix components such as collagen, laminin and fibronectin as well as additional molecules (Tsien, 2013;Van't Spijker and Kwok, 2017). Components of PNNs are thought to be contributed by both neurons and glial cells (Carulli et al., 2006;Tanti et al., 2020) although their development is not yet fully understood. Evidence in animals suggest that PNNs may serve very different functions in specific brain regions, for example, loss of PNNs in the adult mouse visual cortex enhances LTP formation (de Vivo et al., 2013) whereas similar manipulations in the adult mouse LA reduces LTP (Gogolla et al., 2009). ...
... To our knowledge, a single study has examined the possible consequences of ELS on PNNs in human post-mortem tissue. This recent paper reported an increase in PNNs in layers III, IV, V, and VI of the vmPFC of adult depressed suicides with a history of severe child abuse (Tanti et al., 2020). Along with the augmented density of PNNs, the authors observed an increase in intensity of the staining and coverage of enwrapped cells (Figure 4) that was associated with child abuse. ...
... Along with the augmented density of PNNs, the authors observed an increase in intensity of the staining and coverage of enwrapped cells (Figure 4) that was associated with child abuse. Using in situ hybridization, the same study found that 65% of vmPFC PVpositive cells were surrounded by PNNs in psychiatrically healthy controls (Tanti et al., 2020) which is similar to the ratio calculated in rodent studies using IHC (Van't Spijker and Kwok, 2017). The ratio of neurons enwrapped by PNNs was disturbed in depressed suicides with a history of child abuse. ...
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The links between early life stress (ELS) and the emergence of psychopathology such as increased anxiety and depression are now well established, although the specific neurobiological and developmental mechanisms that translate ELS into poor health outcomes are still unclear. The consequences of ELS are complex because they depend on the form and severity of early stress, duration, and age of exposure as well as co-occurrence with other forms of physical or psychological trauma. The long term effects of ELS on the corticolimbic circuit underlying emotional and social behavior are particularly salient because ELS occurs during critical developmental periods in the establishment of this circuit, its local balance of inhibition:excitation and its connections with other neuronal pathways. Using examples drawn from the human and rodent literature, we review some of the consequences of ELS on the development of the corticolimbic circuit and how it might impact fear regulation in a sex- and hemispheric-dependent manner in both humans and rodents. We explore the effects of ELS on local inhibitory neurons and the formation of perineuronal nets (PNNs) that terminate critical periods of plasticity and promote the formation of stable local networks. Overall, the bulk of ELS studies report transient and/or long lasting alterations in both glutamatergic circuits and local inhibitory interneurons (INs) and their associated PNNs. Since the activity of INs plays a key role in the maturation of cortical regions and the formation of local field potentials, alterations in these INs triggered by ELS might critically participate in the development of psychiatric disorders in adulthood, including impaired fear extinction and anxiety behavior.
... As of yet, there is little evidence of PNN changes in mood disorders in humans. Two studies have examined PFC subregions (Alcaide et al., 2019;Tanti et al., 2020). Alcaide et al. reported no changes in PNNs in the dlPFC of depressed patients, but reductions in overall PNN densities in the same region in BD. ...
... Subgroup analysis by Tanti et al. (2020) found PNN increases in the vmPFC of depressed suicides with a history of child abuse compared to depressed suicides and nonpsychiatric controls with no such history. This suggests that PNNs may be lastingly increased by early-life adversity, which is a strong predictor of later depression and suicidality (Felitti et al., 1998). ...
... The limited translatability of animal studies to human postmortem findings may be explained in part by differences in study design; animal studies mostly compared stressed to non-stressed groups rather than grouping by behavior, whereas humans were grouped into phenotypic classes (psychiatric diagnoses), which inherently vary widely due to heterogeneity in the clinical populations with these disorders. Recent postmortem findings from Tanti et al. (2020) suggest that refining the phenotypic characterization of human subjects by taking into account histories of life (such as early-life adversity) may yield more faithful neurobiological underpinnings. A thorough assessment of child abuse and/or trauma histories will thus be an important consideration for future postmortem studies, as it may be mediating the observed association between mood disorders and PV interneuron changes. ...
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Stress-related psychiatric disorders including depression involve complex cellular and molecular changes in the brain, and GABAergic signaling dysfunction is increasingly implicated in the etiology of mood disorders. Parvalbumin (PV)-expressing neurons are fast-spiking interneurons that, among other roles, coordinate synchronous neuronal firing. Mounting evidence suggests that the PV neuron phenotype is altered by stress and in mood disorders. In this systematic review, we assessed PV interneuron alterations in psychiatric disorders as reported in human postmortem brain studies and animal models of environmental stress. This review aims to 1) comprehensively catalog evidence of PV cell function in mood disorders (humans) and stress models of mood disorders (animals); 2) analyze the strength of evidence of PV interneuron alterations in various brain regions in humans and rodents; 3) determine whether the modulating effect of antidepressant treatment, physical exercise, and environmental enrichment on stress in animals associates with particular effects on PV function; and 4) use this information to guide future research avenues. Its principal findings, derived mainly from rodent studies, are that stress-related changes in PV cells are only reported in a minority of studies, that positive findings are region-, age-, sex-, and stress recency-dependent, and that antidepressants protect from stress-induced apparent PV cell loss. These observations do not currently translate well to humans, although the postmortem literature on the topic remains limited.
... These results are difficult to interpret together given that the ELA paradigms and examined brain regions differ across studies. A recent report examining human postmortem brain tissue reported that adults with MDD and with a previous history of childhood maltreatment have higher numbers of PNN+ neurons in the prefrontal cortex than those without such a history (Tanti et al., 2021). Collectively, the rodent and human findings raise intriguing possibilities regarding potential effects of ELA as well as therapeutic targets, however, the available evidence is very limited. ...
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It is now well-established that early life adversity (ELA) predisposes individuals to develop several neuropsychiatric conditions, including anxiety disorders, and major depressive disorder. However, ELA is a very broad term, encompassing multiple types of negative childhood experiences, including physical, sexual and emotional abuse, physical and emotional neglect, as well as trauma associated with chronic illness, family separation, natural disasters, accidents, and witnessing a violent crime. Emerging literature suggests that in humans, different types of adverse experiences are more or less likely to produce susceptibilities to certain conditions that involve affective dysfunction. To investigate the driving mechanisms underlying the connection between experience and subsequent disease, neuroscientists have developed several rodent models of ELA, including pain exposure, maternal deprivation, and limited resources. These studies have also shown that different types of ELA paradigms produce different but somewhat overlapping behavioral phenotypes. In this review, we first investigate the types of ELA that may be driving different neuropsychiatric outcomes and brain changes in humans. We next evaluate whether rodent models of ELA can provide translationally relevant information regarding links between specific types of experience and changes in neural circuits underlying dysfunction.
... (Lourenço et al., 2016;Gorter and Baron, 2020). Indeed, oligodendrocyte progenitor cells are enriched for PNN components including aggrecan, neurocan, versican, phosphacan, brevican and tenascin-R in a pathological state where PNNs were elevated (Tanti et al., 2022). It is therefore rationale to speculate that where oligodendrocytes are lost, PNNs may also be impacted. ...
... Along these lines, it is relevant to note that the components of diffuse and structured ECM described in the rodent brain exist in the human brain (Fatemi et al., 2000;Laifenfeld et al., 2005b;Mauney et al., 2013). Furthermore, major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder, conditions linked to stress, have been associated with altered levels of diffuse ECM molecules, such as reelin, hyaluronan, and laminin (Fatemi et al., 2000;Guidotti et al., 2000;Laifenfeld et al., 2005b;Lubbers et al., 2014;Ventorp et al., 2016), and increased PNNs have been reported in the prefrontal cortex of suicide victims previously exposed to childhood maltreatment (Tanti et al., 2020). The similarities between rodent and human studies increase confidence that a better understanding of the connections between the ECM and stress-induced behavioral dysfunction in rodents may provide a window into stress-induced neuropsychiatric disease in humans. ...
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Diffuse and structured extracellular matrix (ECM) comprise ∼20% of the brain’s volume and play important roles in development and adult plasticity. Perineuronal nets (PNNs), specialized ECM structures that surround certain types of neurons in the brain, emerge during the postnatal period, making their development and maintenance potentially sensitive to experience. Recent studies have shown that stress affects diffuse ECM as well as PNNs, and that such effects are dependent on life stage and brain region. Given that the ECM participates in synaptic plasticity, the generation of neuronal oscillations, and synchronous firing across brain regions, all of which have been linked to cognition and emotional regulation, ECM components may be candidate therapeutic targets for stress-induced neuropsychiatric disease. This review considers the influence of stress over diffuse and structured ECM during postnatal life with a focus on functional outcomes and the potential for translational relevance.
... Moreover, perineuronal nets (PNNs) have heightened affinity to PV-expressing GABAergic interneurons, and PNN formation and condensation is thought to coincide with the closure of critical periods (Reichelt et al., 2019). New evidence suggests that CA might be associated with increased recruitment and maturation of PNNs in human ventromedial prefrontal cortex as well as with upregulated expression of canonical components of PNNs in oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (Tanti et al., 2020). Despite these findings, it has been demonstrated that PNNs may also be dynamically regulated in adulthood, in processes such as learning and memory formation (Banerjee et al., 2017;Carulli et al., 2020). ...
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Childhood abuse (CA) is a prevalent global health concern, increasing the risk of negative mental health outcomes later in life. In the literature, CA is commonly defined as physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, as well as neglect. Several mental disorders have been associated with CA, including depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and post-traumatic stress disorder, along with an increased risk of suicide. It is thought that traumatic life events occurring during childhood and adolescence may have a significant impact on essential brain functions, which may persist throughout adulthood. The interaction between the brain and the external environment can be mediated by epigenetic alterations in gene expression, and there is a growing body of evidence to show that such changes occur as a function of CA. Disruptions in the HPA axis, myelination, plasticity, and signaling have been identified in individuals with a history of CA. Understanding the molecular impact of CA on the brain is essential for the development of treatment and prevention measures. In this review, we will summarize studies that highlight the molecular changes associated with CA in the human brain, along with supporting evidence from peripheral studies and animal models. We will also discuss some of the limitations surrounding the study of CA and propose extracellular vesicles as a promising future approach in the field.
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Major depressive disorder (MDD) has an enormous impact on global disease burden, affecting millions of people worldwide and ranking as a leading cause of disability for almost three decades. Past molecular studies of MDD employed bulk homogenates of postmortem brain tissue, which obscures gene expression changes within individual cell types. Here we used single-nucleus transcriptomics to examine ~80,000 nuclei from the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of male individuals with MDD (n = 17) and of healthy controls (n = 17). We identified 26 cellular clusters, and over 60% of these showed differential gene expression between groups. We found that the greatest dysregulation occurred in deep layer excitatory neurons and immature oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs), and these contributed almost half (47%) of all changes in gene expression. These results highlight the importance of dissecting cell-type-specific contributions to the disease and offer opportunities to identify new avenues of research and novel targets for treatment. Single-nucleus transcriptomics reveal brain alterations associated with major depression. Deep layer excitatory cells and immature oligodendrocytes showed most changes, involving synaptic plasticity, immune function and steroid hormones.
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Significance This study reveals the roles of PV interneurons surrounding perineuronal nets (PNNs) in both the hippocampus and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in contextual fear memory. We show that increasing PNN expression in these 2 brain structures enhances the recall and reconsolidation of both recent and remote fear memory, corresponding to the enhancement of GABA-related theta oscillations. Conversely, removal of PNNs impairs consolidation and reconsolidation of both recent and remote fear memory via increased feedback inhibition and impairment of theta oscillations. Together, our results suggest that PNNs in the hippocampus and ACC affect behavioral plasticity during the consolidation and reconsolidation of contextual fear memory by regulating feedback inhibition of PV interneurons.
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Elucidating the prefrontal cortical microcircuit has been challenging, given its role in multiple complex behaviors, including working memory, cognitive flexibility, attention, social interaction and emotional regulation. Additionally, previous methodological limitations made it difficult to parse out the contribution of certain neuronal subpopulations in refining cortical representations. However, growing evidence supports a fundamental role of fast-spiking parvalbumin (PV) GABAergic interneurons in regulating pyramidal neuron activity to drive appropriate behavioral responses. Further, their function is heavily diminished in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in numerous psychiatric diseases, including schizophrenia and autism. Previous research has demonstrated the importance of the optimal balance of excitation and inhibition (E/I) in cortical circuits in maintaining the efficiency of cortical information processing. Although we are still unraveling the mechanisms of information representation in the PFC, the E/I balance seems to be crucial, as pharmacological, chemogenetic and optogenetic approaches for disrupting E/I balance induce impairments in a range of PFC-dependent behaviors. In this review, we will explore two key hypotheses. First, PV interneurons are powerful regulators of E/I balance in the PFC, and help optimize the representation and processing of supramodal information in PFC. Second, diminishing the function of PV interneurons is sufficient to generate an elaborate symptom sequelae corresponding to those observed in a range of psychiatric diseases. Then, using this framework, we will speculate on whether this circuitry could represent a platform for the development of therapeutic interventions in disorders of PFC function.
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NG2 cells, oligodendrocyte progenitors, receive a major synaptic input from interneurons in the developing neocortex. It is presumed that these precursors integrate cortical networks where they act as sensors of neuronal activity. We show that NG2 cells of the developing somatosensory cortex form a transient and structured synaptic network with interneurons that follows its own rules of connectivity. Fast-spiking interneurons, highly connected to NG2 cells, target proximal subcellular domains containing GABAA receptors with γ2 subunits. Conversely, non-fast-spiking interneurons, poorly connected with these progenitors, target distal sites lacking this subunit. In the network, interneuron-NG2 cell connectivity maps exhibit a local spatial arrangement reflecting innervation only by the nearest interneurons. This microcircuit architecture shows a connectivity peak at PN10, coinciding with a switch to massive oligodendrocyte differentiation. Hence, GABAergic innervation of NG2 cells is temporally and spatially regulated from the subcellular to the network level in coordination with the onset of oligodendrogenesis.
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Significance Perineuronal nets (PNNs), a type of extracellular matrix only found in the central nervous system, wraps tightly around the cell soma and proximal dendrites of a subset of neurons. The PNNs are long-lasting structures that restrict plasticity, making them eligible candidates for memory processing. This work demonstrates that PNNs in the lateral secondary visual cortex (V2L) are essential for the recall of a remote visual fear memory. The results suggest a role of extracellular molecules in storage and retrieval of memories.
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Oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPC) are glial cells that differentiate into myelinating oligodendrocytes during early stages of post-natal life. However, OPCs persist beyond developmental myelination and represent an important population of cycling cells in the grey and white matter of the adult brain. While adult OPCs form unique territories that are maintained through self-avoidance, some cortical OPCs appear to position their cell body very close to that of a neuron, forming what are known as OPC-neuron pairs. We used unbiased systematic stereological analysis of the NG2-CreER(TM):EYFP reporter mouse to determine that close to 170,000 OPC-neuron pairs can be found in the dorsal portion of the adult neocortex, with approximately 40% of OPCs and 4% of neurons in pairs. Through stereological analysis, we also determined that reference memory training does not change the prevalence of OPC-neuron pairs or the proportion of OPCs and neurons that form them. GABAergic agent administration did not affect the proportion of OPCs and neurons that can be found in pairs. However, the GABAB-receptor agonist baclofen and the GABAA receptor antagonist picrotoxin significantly increased the estimated number of pairs when compared to the control group and the GABAB-receptor antagonist (i.e. saclofen) group. Density of OPC-neuron pairs were increased by the GABAA receptor antagonist picrotoxin. Finally, histological analysis of OPC-neuron pairs suggested that in the dorsal portion of the cortex, GABAergic interneurons represent the most common neuronal component of the pairs, and that calbindin, calretinin and parvalbumin GABAergic interneurons found in the cortex take part in these pairs. Using previous estimates of the number of GABAergic neurons in the rodent cortex, we estimate that roughly one in four GABAergic neurons are paired with an OPC.
Characterizing the developmental trajectory of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPC) is of great interest given the importance of these cells in the remyelination process. However, studies of human OPC development remain limited by the availability of whole cell samples and material that encompasses a wide age range, including time of peak myelination. In this study, we apply single cell RNA sequencing to viable whole cells across the age span and link transcriptomic signatures of oligodendrocyte-lineage cells with stage-specific functional properties. Cells were isolated from surgical tissue samples of second-trimester fetal, 2-year-old pediatric, 13-year-old adolescent, and adult donors by mechanical and enzymatic digestion, followed by percoll gradient centrifugation. Gene expression was analyzed using droplet-based RNA sequencing (10X Chromium). Louvain clustering analysis identified three distinct cellular subpopulations based on 5,613 genes, comprised of an early OPC (e-OPC) group, a late OPC group (l-OPC), and a mature OL (MOL) group. Gene ontology terms enriched for e-OPCs included cell cycle and development, for l-OPCs included extracellular matrix and cell adhesion, and for MOLs included myelination and cytoskeleton. The e-OPCs were mostly confined to the premyelinating fetal group, and the l-OPCs were most highly represented in the pediatric age group, corresponding to the peak age of myelination. Cells expressing a signature characteristic of l-OPCs were identified in the adult brain in situ using RNAScope. These findings highlight the transcriptomic variability in OL-lineage cells before, during, and after peak myelination and contribute to identifying novel pathways required to achieve remyelination.
Perineuronal nets (PNNs) are extracellular matrix (ECM) chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CSPG)-containing structures that surround the soma and dendrites of various mammalian neuronal cell types. PNNs appear during development around the time that the critical periods for developmental plasticity end and are important for both their onset and closure. A similar structure — the perinodal ECM — surrounds the axonal nodes of Ranvier and appears as myelination is completed, acting as an ion-diffusion barrier that affects axonal conduction speed. Recent work has revealed the importance of PNNs in controlling plasticity in the CNS. Digestion, blocking or removal of PNNs influences functional recovery after a variety of CNS lesions. PNNs have further been shown to be involved in the regulation of memory and have been implicated in a number of psychiatric disorders. Specialized extracellular matrix structures known as perineuronal nets surround the soma and dendrites of many CNS neurons. Fawcett and colleagues provide an update on our current understanding of perineuronal net composition, formation and functional roles in brain function and disease.
Significance Particular inhibitory neurons containing parvalbumin (PV) play a critical role in determining the time course by which experience shapes developing brain circuits. Embedded deep within cortical gray matter, extracellular matrices enwrapping PV-positive (PV+) cells have remained difficult to study partly due to the small length scale on which they are organized. To overcome such challenges, we used a superresolution fluorescence imaging approach to visualize these perineuronal nets (PNNs), a specialized form of the extracellular matrix critical for maintaining mature PV+ neuron function and their synaptic inputs. We quantified changes that define PNN structure and identified specific synaptic defects in a mouse model lacking MeCP2 , the causative gene for Rett syndrome, a regressive neurodevelopmental disorder.