Let Kn be the set of all nonsingular n×n lower triangular (0,1)-matrices. Hong and Loewy (2004) introduced the numberscn=min{λ|λis an eigenvalue ofXXT,X∈Kn},n∈Z+. A related family of numbers was considered by Ilmonen, Haukkanen, and Merikoski (2008):Cn=max{λ|λis an eigenvalue ofXXT,X∈Kn},n∈Z+. These numbers can be used to bound the singular values of matrices belonging to Kn and they appear, e.g., in eigenvalue bounds for power GCD matrices, lattice-theoretic meet and join matrices, and related number-theoretic matrices. In this paper, it is shown that for n odd, one has the lower boundcn≥1125φ−4n+225φ−2n−255nφ−2n−2325+n+225φ2n+255nφ2n+125φ4n, and for n even, one hascn≥1125φ−4n+425φ−2n−255nφ−2n−25+n+425φ2n+255nφ2n+125φ4n, where φ denotes the golden ratio. These lower bounds improve the estimates derived previously by Mattila (2015) and Altınışık et al. (2016). The sharpness of these lower bounds is assessed numerically and it is conjectured that cn∼5φ−2n as n→∞. In addition, a new closed form expression is derived for the numbers Cn, viz.Cn=14csc2(π4n+2)=4n2π2+4nπ2+(112+1π2)+O(1n2),n∈Z+.