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Lake Heimtjønna at Dovre, Mid-Norway, reveals remarkable late-glacial and Holocene sedimentary environments and the early establishment of spruce (Picea abies), alder (Alnus cf. incana), and alpine plants with present centric distributions


Abstract and Figures

Two and a half meters of sediments from Lake Heimtjønna in the Scandes Mountains reveal changes in the vegetation, climate, and sediment environment since deglaciation. The lake was deglaciated in the Late-Glacial (LG), perhaps as early as 16-18 ka cal BP. After deglaciation, the sediment environment at the Heimtjønna coring point was extraordinary and challenging to interpret. The genesis of the 1.7 m basal unsorted sediments including large stones is discussed concluding that the layer was rafted by lake-ice after the LG deglaciation. The Younger Dryas (YD) established a semi-perennial lake-ice that stopped the deposition of the ice-rafted stone-rich sediments. In the early Holocene, the unstratified and well-sorted clayey silt shows fluvial origin. In late Holocene, strong flood activity including the major flood disaster ‘Stor-Ofsen’ in AD 1789, caused a sediment hiatus at the coring point from ca 9.5 ka cal BP to ca 250 a cal BP. The LG interstadial warming initiated the succession from pioneer plants on mineral soils towards local dwarf-shrub heath. July temperatures reached at least 7–8 OC. In the LG and early Holocene, Papaver radicatum, Artemisia norvegica, and Campanula cf. uniflora today occurring at Dovre and with centric Scandinavian distributions, locally established. All have previously been connected to Weichselian survival on nunatak refugia. Continuous pollen curves of spruce (Picea abies) support the much-debated LG and early Holocene presence of spruce in the Scandes mountains. For the first time, it is shown that both grey alder (Alnus incana) and Armeria occurred in the Scandes in the LG and early Holocene. Due to dating errors, LG ages is exclusively based on stratigraphical correlations and considerations. The LG chronology must be thoroughly tested by future studies providing reliable AMS ¹⁴C-dates of terrestrial fossils.
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Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx
Please cite this article as: Aage Paus, Quaternary International,
Available online 8 September 2020
1040-6182/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
Lake Heimtjønna at Dovre, Mid-Norway, reveals remarkable late-glacial
and Holocene sedimentary environments and the early establishment of
spruce (Picea abies), alder (Alnus cf. incana), and alpine plants with present
centric distributions
Aage Paus
Department of Biological Science, University of Bergen, Post Box 7803, Thormøhlens gate 53A, N-5020, Bergen, Norway
Alpine mid-Norway
Sediment environment
Dating errors
Two and a half meters of sediments from Lake Heimtjønna in the Scandes Mountains reveal changes in the
vegetation, climate, and sediment environment since deglaciation. The lake was deglaciated in the Late-Glacial
(LG), perhaps as early as 16-18 ka cal BP. After deglaciation, the sediment environment at the Heimtjønna coring
point was extraordinary and challenging to interpret. The genesis of the 1.7 m basal unsorted sediments
including large stones is discussed concluding that the layer was rafted by lake-ice after the LG deglaciation. The
Younger Dryas (YD) established a semi-perennial lake-ice that stopped the deposition of the ice-rafted stone-rich
sediments. In the early Holocene, the unstratied and well-sorted clayey silt shows uvial origin. In late Ho-
locene, strong ood activity including the major ood disaster ‘Stor-Ofsenin AD 1789, caused a sediment hiatus
at the coring point from ca 9.5 ka cal BP to ca 250 a cal BP. The LG interstadial warming initiated the succession
from pioneer plants on mineral soils towards local dwarf-shrub heath. July temperatures reached at least 78
In the LG and early Holocene, Papaver radicatum, Artemisia norvegica, and Campanula cf. uniora today occurring
at Dovre and with centric Scandinavian distributions, locally established. All have previously been connected to
Weichselian survival on nunatak refugia. Continuous pollen curves of spruce (Picea abies) support the much-
debated LG and early Holocene presence of spruce in the Scandes mountains. For the rst time, it is shown
that both grey alder (Alnus incana) and Armeria occurred in the Scandes in the LG and early Holocene. Due to
dating errors, LG ages is exclusively based on stratigraphical correlations and considerations. The LG chronology
must be thoroughly tested by future studies providing reliable AMS
C-dates of terrestrial fossils.
1. Introduction
In Scandinavia, the thickness of the Weichselian ice, the time of the
deglaciation, and the migration and development of life during and after
deglaciation, have long been debated. The dominant view that one
massive central ice-dome totally covered Scandinavia during the Last
Glacial Maximum, and that the Scandes Mountains became ice-free in
the early Holocene (e.g. Andersen, 1981; Hughes et al., 2016; Stroeven
et al., 2016), is challenged by the view of a uctuating and thin
multi-domed ice-sheet and mountains becoming ice-free during the
Late-Glacial (Dahl et al., 1997; Lambeck et al., 1998, 2010; Kullman,
2008; Lane et al., 2020). Nunataks that remained ice-free throughout the
glacial have also been postulated (Nesje et al., 1988; Nesje, 1989) in line
with the theory of nunatak survival of plants during glacial periods (e.g.
Gjærevoll, 1963; Westergaard et al., 2019). In central Norway, Bøe et al.
(2007), Goehring et al. (2008), Marr et al. (2018), and Lane et al. (2020)
suggest that areas were ice-free from ca. 1915 ka cal BP. However,
these ages are based on modelling and imprecise terrestrial cosmogenic
nuclide (TCN), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates, and
Schmidt-hammer exposure-age dating. Radiocarbon dates of tree meg-
afossils in J¨
amtland (Kullman, 2008) support a Late Glacial (LG)
deglaciation of the Swedish Scandes from about 17 ka cal BP.
In order to test models on Weichselian ice thickness in central
Scandinavia, the time of deglaciation, and the immigration of ora and
fauna to newly deglaciated areas, the project WHENSED (Weichselian
and early Holocene environment and species establishment in the Dovre
mountains, mid-Norway) was initiated in 2004. The project included
multiproxy analyses of lake sediments at high elevations (11001300 m
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Received 26 June 2020; Received in revised form 2 September 2020; Accepted 4 September 2020
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a.s.l.). These lakes have the potential to signal an early deglaciation of
nunataks that formed during the down melting of the Weichselian ice.
Four adjacent lakes at Dovre were chosen for detailed multiproxy studies
(Paus et al., 2006, 2011; 2015, 2019; Paus, 2010). Although reliable
AMS-dates of terrestrial macrofossils could not be obtained, the bio- and
lithostratigraphy pointed to a LG emergence of nunataks and rapid
species immigration. This is reasonable as the study sites lie ca 2030 km
proximal to the reconstructed and fragmented Younger Dryas (YD) end
moraines (Olsen et al., 2013), and that a YD glacier regrowth should be
expected as recorded elsewhere along the Scandinavian ice margin. In
line with this, distinct hiati in the sediments of two Dovre lakes indicated
that YD glaciers/ice caps of restricted sizes reformed and covered the
lakes preventing sedimentation though without removing the underly-
ing interstadial sediments (Paus et al., 2015).
In the present study, palaeoecological results are presented from the
sediments of Lake Heimtjønna (1200 m a.s.l.). The lake is adjacent to Mt.
Knutshø (Fig. 1) which is renowned for its well-developed and species-
rich ora that includes plants of so-called centric distributions in Scan-
dinavia. Based on these phytogeographical features, the in situ glacial
survival theory was formulated (Blytt, 1882; Sernander, 1896). The
Heimtjønna studies were initiated in 2008 but abandoned due to inter-
pretative problems regarding sedimentation, chronology, and pollen
stratigraphy. However, later analyses from other WHENSED lakes (Paus,
2010; Paus et al., 2011, 2015) increased the experience and
Fig. 1. Maps of the study area with characteristic site names. The small map in the middle shows the Dovre area with Heimtjønna (black square) and the Flåfattjønna
site (black circle) studied by Paus et al. (2006). The map to the left shows the position of Heimtjønna and the mountain ridge where Ristjønna, Finnsjøen, and
Topptjønna are located (Paus et al., 2011, 2015). The map to the right shows elevations in m a.s.l. (white numbers). The black ring marks the coring site. The outlet
and main inlet of Lake Heimtjønna are shown.
Table 1
The Heimtjønna lake sediment lithology.
Depth (cm) Description (Troels-Smith, 1955) Colour Comments
13321333 Ld
3, Ag1, Ga+Brown, nig.3 Minerogenic gyttja, sharply delimited below
13331333.2 Ga2, Ag1, As1, Ld
+Brown, nig.2 Sand with clay/silt
1333.21334 Ld
1, As1, Ag1, Ga1 Light-brown,
Sandy clay/silt-gyttja
1334-1338 As1, Ag1, Ga2, Ld
+Brown, nig.2 Brown sand shining from minerogenic particles, three narrow clay bands (nig.1) at 1334.5, 1336.5,
and 1337.5 cm depth.
1338-1350 As2, Ag2, Ld
Clay/silt with ca 20 brown and narrow sand lamina <0.5 cm; two 0.5 cm thick sand lenses at 1340
and 1344 cm depth
13501410 As1, Ag3, Ga+Grey, nig.2 Clayey silt. Clasts of sand found in the upper part in one of the two parallel cores
14101581 Gg (maj.) 2, Gg (min.) 1, Gs1, Ga+,
Ag+, As+
Grey, nig.2+Unsorted clay, silt, sand, stones (<11 cm)
A. Paus
Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx
understanding of the deglacial environments at Dovre. For that reason,
the Heimtjønna studies was resumed. Though the position of the
Heimtjønna coring point appears not to be optimal, and the presented
data involve hiati/incomplete sedimentation and lack of dating preci-
sion, the results reveal after all new knowledge of the late-glacial/early
Holocene sedimentation and the local establishment of the earliest
pioneer plants. Furthermore, I have experienced among scientists many
similar problematic results that are put into the drawer and never
published, even if the data contain items of interest. By publishing and
sharing the experience of problematic data, this can represent warnings
and learning of how to avoid the problems but also provide new insights
of and possible solutions to the problems.
2. Regional setting
Lake Heimtjønna (1100 ×630 m, 0.44 km
) is situated in a depres-
sion at 1200 m a.s.l. between the Knutshø mountains (1690 m a.s.l.) and
Mount Heimtjønnshøa (1555 m a.s.l.) in Trøndelag County (Fig. 1). The
surrounding mountains delimit a catchment of 10.1 km
. The main inlet
is located in the northern end of the lake, whereas other smaller inlets
are situated on the western bank (one inlet) and in the southern end of
the lake (three inlets).
The area surrounding Heimtjønna is situated within the upper low-
alpine zone with lichen-dominated dwarf-shrub tundra including
Empetrum, Vaccinium spp., and Betula nana. The calciphilous Dryas
octopetala, Potentilla crantzii, Pulsatilla vernalis, Saxifraga oppositifolia,
and Salix polaris occur, and Juniperus and Salix shrubs are found in
protected sites.
The regional climate is continental with July and January mean
temperatures of ca. 7.58 C and 11 C, respectively and an annual
precipitation of 450 mm. The temperatures are estimated using data
from the nearest climate stations at Kongsvold and Fokstugu (DNMI,
2020), assuming a lapse rate of 0.6 C/100 m (Laaksonen, 1976). The
regional forest-line of Betula pubescens is situated at about 10501100 m
a.s.l. In continental areas, the forest-line roughly follows the 10 C July T
isotherm (Odland, 1996).
The bedrock consists of the metamorphic greenschist, greenstone,
garben schist, and amphibolite (NGU, 2020). Presence of
lime-demanding plants (see above) shows that carbonates occur in
bedrock and/or local tills. Adjacent areas are assumed to have been
deglaciated around 1815 ka cal BP (Paus et al., 2006, 2015; Bøe et al.,
2007; Goehring et al., 2008; Lane et al., 2020), though YD ice caps
re-established in areas of favourable conditions for snow/ice accumu-
lation (Paus et al., 2015). On the other hand, glacial lineations have been
interpreted to reect northeastern and northwestern ows of regional
ice in the early YD and late YD, respectively (Follestad, 2005; Follestad
and Fredin, 2007). Furthermore, glacial deposits within the Heimtjønna
catchment have been mapped (NGU, 2020).
3. Material and methods
3.1. Sampling and lithostratigraphy
Lake sediments were retrieved using a 110 mm piston corer (Nesje,
1992) at maximum water depth (13.3 m) by coring from the 0.9 m thick
winter-ice. The coring point (UTM 32V 0538 258 6 910 458) is situated
halfway between the shore and the lake centre and ca. 200 m SE of the
main inlet (Fig. 1). Two parallel cores were sampled of which one core
included the topmost sediments. Sediments were described (Troels--
Smith, 1955, Table 1), and the organic content was estimated at 0.51
cm intervals by measuring percentage loss-on-ignition (LOI) at 550 C.
3.2. Pollen
Samples were treated with HF and acetolysed according to Fægri and
Iversen (1989). Lycopodium tablets were added to the samples (1 cm
Table 2
Results of the eight
C-dates from Heimtjønna. Calibrated ages (Stuiver et al., 2020) show probabilities within two sigma. Median value in brackets.
Sediment type Lab. ref. Depth cm Date Uncal. Cal. Age BP 2 SD δ
C Dating material
mg C dated type and weight
Minerogenic gyttja Ua-44734 13321333 237 ±30 147-422 (282) 27.5 Leaves and/or seeds of Betula nana, Cerastium, Dryas, Salix polaris (68 mg)
Laminated sand ETH-46616 1334-1338 983 ±38 767-930 (880) 29.6 0.81 Very fragmented remains of leaves, stems, twigs (2.8 mg)
Silt/clay ETH-74321 1370-1375 9636 ±28 10,860-11175 (10,959) 26 0.33 Salix polaris leaves (0.9 mg)
Coarsely minerogenic with large stones 11 cm ETH-75471 14001410 5769 ±61 6432-6717 (6569) 27.4 Fragmented stems and leaves (0.5 mg)
ETH-75470 14201430 9199 ±89 10,215-10581 (10,380 22.4 Unidentied fragments of leaves and stem (0.9 mg)
ETH-74320 14401460 18,274 ±49 21,919-22338 (22,146) 22 0.28 Unidentied fragments of leaves and stem, including wood (0.9 mg)
ETH-73065 14501460 40,462 ±402 43,245-44789 (44,023) 35.8 0.45 Wood fragments (1.8 mg)
ETH-73066 15601580 8325 ±86 9088-9496 (9324) 34 0.07 gas Saxifraga oppositifolia leaf fragments, unidentied mosses (0.7 mg)
A. Paus
Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx
for estimates of concentration and inux (Stockmarr, 1971). Identi-
cations were based on Fægri and Iversen (1989), Moore et al. (1991),
and Punt et al. (19761996), in combination with a reference collection
of modern material. Betula nana pollen was distinguished using pollen
morphological criteria (Terasm¨
ae, 1951). The pollen diagram was
drawn by the computer program CORE 2.0 (Kaland and Natvig, 1993)
and divided into seven local pollen assemblage zones (PAZ H1 PAZ H7)
by visual inspection.
Principle Component Analysis (PCA) in the computer program
CANOCO 4.5 (ter Braak and Smilauer, 19972002) was used for
detecting and graphing ordination patterns in the terrestrial vegetation
development within the Heimtjønna area. In addition, to simplify the
correlation of the Heimtjønna pollen data with those of four other Dovre
lakes (Paus et al., 2006, 2011, 2015), the merged pollen data from all
ve lakes were ordinated by PCA. Palynological terrestrial richness (PR)
estimates E(T
) with the basic sum 118, were achieved by rarefaction
analyses (program RAREPOLL; Birks and Line, 1992). PR is a proxy for
the total oristic richness including all terrestrial seed plants and spore
plants within the pollen source area.
3.3. Dating
Eight samples of terrestrial plant remains were dated from
Heimtjønna (Table 2). Sediments between the dating samples contained
no datable material. The hand-picked macrofossils were stored in water
for less than one day to prevent fungi development (Wohlfarth et al.,
1998). All dates are given in calibrated years BP (cal BP; present 1950
AD) based on the InCal13 calibration curve and CALIB 8.2 (Stuiver et al.,
4. Results
4.1. Lithostratigraphy
The sediment sequence (Table 1) mainly consists of loosely
consolidated minerogenic deposits (1350-1581 cm; Fig. 2) where LOI is
less than 1%. The upper 19 cm (1332-1350 cm, Fig. 3) are slightly more
organic (LOI between 1% and 10%). Except for the brown and distinctly
stratied upper silt above the hiatus at 1338 cm depth (Fig. 3), all layers
are homogenous and uniform.
4.2. AMS
C-dates and sources of error
The upper sample (Ua-44734) including many well-preserved mac-
rofossils (Table 2; Fig. 3) is assumed to give a reliable date. Likewise, the
date of a few well-preserved Salix polaris leaves (ETH-74321) indicating
in situ position in level 13701375 cm depth, is assumed reliable.
The dating sample ETH-46616 at 13341338 cm depth (Fig. 3) is
apparently of late Holocene age. Both this sample and the three dating
samples from the stony layer and younger than the in situ Salix polaris
leaves above (Table 2), contain minor organic fragments. Some of these
were probably caught in the upper organic layer by the sediment catcher
(metal iris shutter at the base of the coring tube) and released into the
sediments further down (see discussion in Paus et al., 2011). To avoid
the inclusion of ex situ fragments into dating samples, the outer 23 cm
of the core were tried removed. However, the stony layer made this
difcult, so dates might be contaminated by young material.
Two other dates from the stony layer gave surprisingly old results. In
level 14501460 cm, three rounded wood fragments with a polished
surface were picked for dating. Their clean surfaces with no discernible
contamination attached, indicate that the dating result 44 ka cal BP
would be reliable. Obviously, the wood fragments are reworked. Dates
of similar ages from the Dovre-Jotunheimen area (Thoresen and Ber-
gersen, 1983; Lie and Sandvold, 1997; Paus et al., 2011; Hufthammer
et al., 2019) show ice-free conditions during MIS 3 (see discussion in
Hufthammer et al., 2019). The dates fall within the period 3545 ka BP
when Fennoscandia experienced reduced ice volume/ice-free conditions
(Olsen et al., 2013), and when the western coast of Norway showed two
ice-free periods; the Austnes and Ålesund interstadials (Mangerud et al.,
Fig. 2. The sediment core of LG and early
Holocene layers with minimal organic con-
tent (LOI 1%). The horizontal depth scale
is shown with the deepest part (15.8 m
depth) to the left and the topmost part (13.4
m depth) to the right. Material >0.5 mm (in
boxes) and stones are placed outside the core
at their original depths. Dated fragments are
from levels shown by bold horizontal bars.
Their dating results are shown in ka cal BP.
The position of the pollen diagram (starting
at 1464 cm depth) with interpreted periods
indicated. Here, LGI represent PAZ H1H2,
YD-PBO represents PAZ H3H4, and Holo-
cene covers PAZ H5 and PAZ H6.
Fig. 3. The sediment core of the upper 30 cm of sedi-
ments with LOI between 1% and 10%. The horizontal
depth scale is shown with the deepest part (1353 cm
depth) to the left and the topmost part (1332 cm depth)
to the right. The occurrence of several hiati in the late
Holocene spanning ca 9000 years (ca 9500-250 cal yrs
PB) starts at 1338 cm depth with brown and distinct
sand layers above. Levels shown by with lines include
dated fragments in years cal BP. (For interpretation of
the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader
is referred to the Web version of this article.)
A. Paus
Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 4. Lake Heimtjønna pollen diagram. It also includes LOI-estimates, palynological richness (PR) estimates E(T
), PCA sample scores, total pollen concentration,
and tentative total pollen inux. Shaded curves represent 10x exaggeration of the scale. Lithostratigraphical details can be found in Table l and Figs. 2 and 3. The
hiatus at the PAZ H6/H7 transition and spanning the period from ca 9500-250 cal yrs BP, is indicated.
A. Paus
Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx
The other old sample (14401460 cm depth) includes several types
of minor fragments giving a date of 22.1 ka cal BP (Table 2). The date
probably reects in situ material being contaminated by reworked old
material (and by young material dragged down by the coring equip-
ment, also?). Altogether, the ve dates from the stony layer (LOI <1%)
show how old or young contaminants heavily inuence dating results of
samples with low carbon content.
4.3. Pollen results and statistical analysis
One hundred terrestrial taxa were identied in 55 levels at 14 cm
intervals (Fig. 4). The pollen sum ΣP varied between 102 (in PAZ H3)
Fig. 4. (continued).
A. Paus
Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx
and around 760780 (in PAZ H2 and H7) with the mean ΣP of 362 grains
per level. In the pollen diagram (Fig. 4), the percentage calculation basis
(ΣP) comprises the total sum of terrestrial pollen taxa. For a taxon X
within aquatic plants (AQP) and spores, the calculation basis is ΣP +X.
Below the lowermost analysed level of the diagram (1464 cm), the
coarsely minerogenic sediments down to the basal 1581 cm level
contain too small amounts of pollen to be included in a percentage di-
agram (Table 3). Here, the basal 20 cm show slightly increased pollen
content. Pollen grains are generally well-preserved through the whole
core which reects primary origin. Though unidentied triporate grains
of less than 10% representation (Fig. 4), could be reworked. The old
C-dated fragments advocate that reworking processes are
involved (see 4.2.).
The pollen diagram represents the time elapsed from the local
deglaciation to present. However, the pollen curves (Fig. 4) do not
display features typical for LG and Holocene pollen results elsewhere
from Dovre. It is possible that the sediment catcher thought to drag
fragments downwards during coring (see 4.2.), also could have brought
pollen grains from above. However, the sudden appearance of countable
amounts of pollen at the lower PAZ H-1 zone border and the seven
distinctly dened pollen assemblage zones show that the primary pollen
deposited in situ is not neutralized by material brought downwards by
the coring equipment. The pollen assemblage zones with their main
characteristics are described in Table 4.
The Heimtjønna sediments contains unusually low amounts of pol-
len. The total pollen concentration in Fig. 4 varies between ca 200 and
6000 pollen grains cm
, where the latter represents the present pollen
concentration deposited in the upper surface layer. Using a tentative
chronology for the Heimtjønna sediments (Fig. 4), the tentative total
pollen inux of 145 pollen grains cm
appears throughout the
diagram. This is extremely low and comparable to modern values from
the Arctic (Fredskild, 1973; Gajewski, 2015) and from Weichselian
deglaciation periods at Andøya (Alm, 1993) and Dovre (Paus et al.,
The Principle Component Analysis (PCA) of the Heimtjønna pollen
data (Figs. 4 and 5) concentrates the pioneers on shallow disturbed soils
(e.g. Beckwithia, Papaver, Saxifraga spp.) to the lower right (Fig. 5),
whereas plants on fertile humus-soils (e.g. Filipendula, Polypodiaceae,
Urtica) are found in the upper left. By this, successional stages in the
local vegetation development can be identied.
PCA of the merged pollen data (Figs. 6 and 7) compares pollen data
from ve adjacent Dovre sites: Flåfattjønna (Paus, 2010; Paus et al.,
2006), Topptjønna and Ristjønna (Paus et al., 2011), and Finnsjøen
(Paus et al., 2015) in addition to Heimtjønna. By this, regional features
in vegetation development should be displayed. Quite extraordinary,
PCA axis 1 captures as much as 72% of the total data variation along a
gradient of presence/dominance of pollen taxa showing rare taxa to the
left and dominant/frequently occurring taxa to the right (Fig. 6). No
apparent ecological gradients linked to e.g. soil features, vegetation
closure, or temperature can be inferred from axis 1. This is shown by that
the 55 unspecied rare taxa in Fig. 6, includes taxa of quite different
ecological demands (e.g. pioneer species on dry soils: Astragalus alpinus,
Armeria, snowbed plants: Koenigia, Saxifraga cernua, Sibbaldia, tall herbs:
Geum, Valeriana, Urtica, trees: Sorbus, Populus). In a test, the 55 rare taxa
occurring in less than 10% of the samples, were removed from the
merged data set before a new PCA was carried out (not gured). Then
axis 1 captured 67% of the total data variation still displaying a gradient
of presence/dominance of pollen taxa. PCA of the data set excluding the
Heimtjønna data (Paus et al., 2015) shows that axis 1 captures 30% of
the total data and displays taxa along a main gradient of soil thickness.
Hence, it is the inclusion of the Heimtjønna data that causes the unusual
PCA ordination which shows how strongly the Heimtjønna pollen data
deviates from the pollen data of the other Dovre sites.
In contrast to PCA axis 1, axis 2 can be interpreted in ecological
terms. Along axis 2 (Fig. 6), positive values with e.g. Empetrum, Vacci-
nium, Dryas, Corylus, Ulmus, Alnus, Pediastrum and Botryococccus,
correlate with (1) humus-soil formation indicated by local pollen taxa,
(2) fertile thick soils indicated by long-distance transported pollen, and
(3) ourishing algae. Hence, positive values show favourable terrestrial
and limnic growth conditions, and can therefore reect summer tem-
peratures. However, algal growth can also depend on light transperancy
and nutrient concentrations in the water masses (Weckstr¨
om et al.,
Table 3
The number of microfossils from below the lowermost pollen spectrum (1464 cm depth) of the pollen diagram (Fig. 4). No pollen was found in the samples 1490 cm,
1510 cm, and 1540 cm depth below water surface.
Depth cm 1470 1480 1500 1520 1530 1550 1560 1570 1580
Pinus 2 2 4 4 1
Betula 1 2 1 2 2 1
Betula nana 1
Alnus 1 2
Vaccinium-type 1
Poaceae 1 1 1 2 2
Cyperaceae 1 2 1
Arenaria-type 1
Artemisia 4 1
A.norvegica 2 1
Beckwithia glac. 1
Chenopodiaceae 1
Oxyria-type 1 3
Papaver radicatum-type 1
Saxifraga. opp. 1
Silene dioica 1
Thalictrum 1 1
Lyc. annotinum 1
Lyc. clavatum 1
Polypodiaceae 1 1
Selaginella 2 1
Sum terrestrial microfossils 1 2 3 6 3 8 11 26 5
Sum terr. taxa 1 2 2 4 3 6 6 14 5
Pediastrum 1
Botryococcus 1
Concentration: Terrestrial microfossils per cm
9 18 7 19 19 14 40 55 18
A. Paus
Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx
5. Discussion
5.1. The deposition of the stony layer
The 171-cm thick minerogenic basal layer (14101581 cm depth) is
homogenous, unstratied, and unsorted (see particle sizes in Table 1,
Fig. 2.) and may apparently be a till. However, the layer is unconsoli-
dated, easily penetrated by the hand-driven coring equipment, and the
pebbles are angular (Fig. 2). Hence, the layer cannot be classied as a
subglacial till (e.g. Bennett and Glasser, 2009). Flow till/sediment ow
diamicts of supraglacial origin normally contain angular erratics (Evans,
2018), but would most likely deviate from the Heimtjønna deposit by
being more consolidated and stratied by ow packages (Bennett and
Glasser, 2009). If glacier margins, oating or land-based, were close to
Heimtjønna, glaciolacustrine outwash ows may have resulted in
stratied and sorted subaqueous deposits (Bennet and Glasser, 2009),
sometimes annually laminated (Earle, 2019). This deviates from the
unsorted Heimtjønna sediments. Also, if the unsorted Heimtjønna de-
posits indicate the absence of an adjacent ice margin, then iceberg rafted
mud with drop stones cannot have contributed to the Heimtjønna stony
layer either.
Snow avalanches can bring mud and stones to the surface of winter-
ice and may potentially have contributed to the deposition of the stony
layer (Luckman, 1975; Hartshorn and Lewkowicz, 2000). However, the
catchment topography of Lake Heimtjønna is gentle (Fig. 8), which in-
dicates that a major stone and pebble contribution from snow ava-
lanches, is unlikely. Alternatively, stones/pebbles from eroded bedrock
and/or slush material in-washed by ow activity during melting periods,
would be frozen to anchor lake ice (Evans, 2018) that formed along the
shores and in shallow parts of Heimtjønna during winter. The later
release of the adfrozen material after lifting and drift of the lake ice
during spring melt (e.g. Heron and Woo, 1994; Smith, 2000; Evans et al.,
2006), could have contributed to the deposition of the Heimtjønna basal
stone layer. This is a parallel to how lake deposition of erratics have been
explained elsewhere (e.g. Gilbert, 1990; Johansson, 1995; Bennett et al.,
1996; Hartshorn and Lewkowicz, 2000; Paus et al., 2006). By this, the
stony layer in Heimtjønna would represent a minerogenic parallel to the
present Arctic ‘mud-lakeswith more organic sediments (Nichols, 1967).
In contrast to the lithology of the stone layer, its microfossil content
can be divided into distinct layers. The basal 21 cm (15601581 cm)
contains small amount of pollen, whereas in the 96 cm above
(14641560 cm), pollen is almost absent (Table 3). From 1464 cm depth
to the top (1410 cm), the abruptly appearing and countable amounts of
pollen can be divided into the pollen assemblage zones H1 and H2
(Fig. 4). Pollen is well preserved as shown by the presence of complete
and large Picea grains in PAZ H2 (Fig. 9) which suggests primary pro-
duction and proximal deposition. The pollen assemblages show a
gradual vegetation development. Hence, the layer, at least the upper
third, was not deposited in one event. In line with this, distinct repre-
sentation of the algae Pediastrum and Botryococcus shows low turbidity
and high light transparency and hence low-energic and slow deposition
of the upper stony layer (PAZ H2, Fig. 4). So, the biostratigraphy ex-
cludes a glacier-induced and vigorous deposition of the entire stony
The same is inferred from stone layers of similar lithostratigraphy to
Heimtjønna, though much thinner, described from three other alpine
lakes in the Dovre Mountains (Paus et al., 2006, 2011). If their
biostratigraphy reects in situ (non-disturbed) sedimentation, a bio-
stratigraphical correlation between the closely situated Topptjønna,
Ristjønna and Heimtjønna (Fig. 1) shows that the stone layers were
Table 4
Names, assumed dates, and biostratigraphical features of the local pollen assemblage zones.
PAZ Name Tentative Age
(cal. ka BP)
Pollen assemblage zone characteristics Diagnostic taxa not included in Fig. 4
H7 Betula-Pinus 00.3 Betula, Pinus, Selaginella, and algae distinctly increase to diagram
maximum values. Betula nana, Artemisia, and Poaceae decrease to
minimum diagram values. Loss-on-ignition (LOI), total pollen
conc. (TPC) and tentative total pollen inux (TTPI) distinctly
Calluna vulgaris, Campanula cf. uniora, Geranium, Melampyrum,
Parnassia palustris, Pteridium aquilinum; Ulmus
H6 Betula nana-
ca 9.5-10.2 Artemisia and Betula nana shows maximum values. Pinus shows a
maximum in early H6. Juniperus and Oxyria increase, Dryas
appears for the rst time since H2. In late H6, LOI rises. TPC
increases, thereafter showing variating values. TTPI decreases to
ca 10 grains cm
Ephedra distachya-type, Ephedra fragilis-type, Plantago maritima,
Polypodium vulgare, Rhinanthus, Rubus chamaemorus, Ulmus
H5 Betula 10.211.2 Betula and Botryococcus show distinct maxima. Filipendula
displays continuous representation. In mid H5, Artemisia rises. PR
slightly decrease. TPC slightly increase, whereas TTPI distinctly
decrease to 20 grains cm
H4 Salix-Artemisia-
11.211.7 Betula, shrubs, and Selaginella increase. Poaceae shows dominant
percentages. TPC slightly rise, whereas TTPI reach maximum
diagram values of 45 grains cm
. Towards the H4/H5
boundary, features of H3 appear, such as low Betula values and
high Poaceae and PC1 axis values.
Circium-type, Onagraceae, Plantago lanceolata, Silene dioica-type,
Toeldia pusilla, Ulmus
H3 Poaceae-
11.712.8 Poaceae, Artemisia norvegica, and Arenaria increase. Betula, Alnus,
shrubs, Selaginella, TPC and TTPI show distinct minima. Values of
PCA axis1increase and shows improved representation of pioneer
species on disturbed soils (Fig. 5).
Campanula cf. uniora
H2 Alnus-Pinus-
12.813.8 Alnus and algae show maxima throughout the zone. Poaceae,
Rumex, Thalictrum and Selaginella show distinct percentages.
Cyperaceae declines, whereas Pinus, Betula nana, and Artemisia
increase. Palynological richness (PR) shows diagram maximum
values. TPC and TTPI reach 1200 grains cm
and 40 grains cm
, resp.
Arctous alpina, Campanula cf. uniora, Circium-type Ephedra
fragilis-type, Helianthemum, Melampyrum, Onagraceae, Pedicularis,
Potamogeton sect. Eupotamogeton, Rhinanthus-type, Rubus
chamaemorus, Silene dioica-type, Ulmus
H1 Salix-
13.814.5 Salix and Cyperaceae reach their diagram percentage maxima.
Betula, Poaceae, Astragalus alpinus, Beckwithia glacialis, and
Saxifraga oppositifolia show distinct representation. PR shows
diagram minimum values. Total pollen conc. (TPC) and tentative
total pollen inux (TTPI) reach 800 grains cm
and 25 grains
, resp.
Polygonum aviculare-type, cf. Rhododendron lapponicum,
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Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx
asynchronously deposited (Fig. 7). As the deglaciation would have
occurred more-or-less simultaneously at these adjacent sites, the asyn-
chronous stone layers were not deposited by glacial processes. As dis-
cussed above in this sub-section, it is more probable that drop stones and
mud from lake ice are the origin of the stony/pebbly basal layers in the
high-mountain lakes at Dovre. Also, pollen deposition indicates local
vegetation in ice-free catchments and hence, an additional supply of
material by erosion of running water into the lakes.
The abrupt cessation of the stone-dominated layer at 1410 cm depth
(at the PAZ H2/H3 transition; Fig. 4) must signal a similarly abrupt
event. According to the inferred stone layer genesis, no adjacent glaciers
seem to have been present, so the depositional change may not be
glacially induced. Most probably, a severe cooling established a peren-
nial lake-ice that prevented ice rafting and deposition of stones and
pebbles in the lake (Paus et al., 2006, 2011). A perennial lake ice could
have caused a hiatus. It cannot be excluded that sedimentation through
the ice (Squyres et al., 1991) and/or the presence of ice-free narrow
moats along the lake shores allowed delimited deposition during sum-
mers as seen by the strongly reduced though distinct pollen concentra-
tions in the lowermost well-sorted sediments (Fig. 4).
Also, during the period of permanent lake ice, material could have
been brought to the ice surface by avalanches and/or debris ows. When
climate ameliorated, this material would then have been released upon
melting as the nal deposition of stones and pebbles. After this, the
transport of stones into the lake disappeared most probably due to
thinning of lake ice, depletion of sources along the lake margins, and
cessation of debris ows derived from melting snow and ice.
5.2. Sedimentation of the younger layers
The deposition above 1410 cm depth of homogeneous clayey silt
shows sorting of sediments by owing water. No distinct end-moraines
appear in LIDAR or are reported within the lake catchment (Fig. 8), so
the water input in the early Holocene should mainly reect the yearly
melting of snow. The large catchment of 10.1 km
indicates a production
of considerable amounts of meltwater. Today, the main inlet is a
brooklet except during snow melt when it grows to size of a river.
The change from grey to brown deposits at 1350 cm depth (Fig. 3)
shows slightly increasing LOI most probably due to increased organic
production within the catchment as the local vegetation developed. The
dated layer of Salix polaris leaves (Table 2) and occasional sand lenses in
the upper part of the clayey silt (Table 1) reect periodically variations
of current strength. However, the brown sand layers above 1338 cm
depth (Fig. 3) show that melt water started to erode other minerogenic
deposits within the catchment. Each of these coarse sand layers sepa-
rated by ner minerogenic material most probably reect big ood-
driven turbidity ows causing graded beds ning upwards (Bøe et al.,
2006). In south Norway, strong ood events increased their frequency
from 2.5 ka cal BP (Støren et al., 2010) culminating with the major ood
disaster ‘Stor-Ofsenin July AD 1789 (Bøe et al., 2006; Støren et al.,
2010). Above the sand layers, one cm of organic sediments occurs
reecting the sediment surface and dated to ca 250 a BP (Table 2).
The rapid sediment shifts and the abrupt pollen assemblage changes
at the PAZ H6/H7 transition indicate that the Late Holocene oods
removed sediments and caused at least one hiatus. The lack of distinct
Holocene pollen features shows that the hiatus spanned the period ca
9.50.25 ka cal BP (see 5.4.). These oods were so strong, that even if
the coring site is positioned halfway towards the lake center from the
shore and as far as 200 m from the main inlet (Fig. 1), they were able to
remove sediments from the site. During eld work, a course bathymetry
was obtained (Fig. 8), and the coring site for sediment and pollen
analysis (Figs. 1 and 4) was placed at the site with maximum water
depth. Such sites usually show to have sediments best suited for palae-
ecological studies. The Heimtjønna studies denitely challenge this
view. From the bathymetry, it seems that the coring site may have hit a
channel running through the lake oor from the inlet and outwards.
The upper one cm of rather organic sediments (LOI 10%; Fig. 4,
Table 1) from the last 250 years has not been removed. The reason could
be that no oods of similar strength have occurred since Stor-Ofsen
(Støren et al., 2010). Also, one can speculate whether the upper layer
contains more minerogenic matter and is heavier than the sediments
removed by the oods. The local introduction of summer farming ca
250300 years ago (Streitlien, 1980) and the impact of grazing, caused
break up of vegetation and increasing erosion of minerogenic deposits.
Furthermore, during summers in the last 100 years, herds of horses at
Bekklegret (Fig. 1) have been grazing in the area around Heimtjønna and
would have increased the erosion.
Fig. 5. PCA of species included in the Heimtjønna data set, as displayed for
samples in Fig. 4. A DCA gradient length of 1.5 standard deviation units of
turnover suggests linear response curves. Hence, PCA was chosen as ordination
technique. Eigenvalues: axis 1: 0.220, axis 2: 0.160, axis 3: 0.072, axis 4: 0.048.
Fig. 6. PCA of species included in the total Dovre data set (Heimtjønna, Top-
ptjønna, Ristjønna, Finnsjøen, Flåfattjønna), as displayed for samples in Fig. 7. A
DCA gradient length of 1.2 standard deviation units of turnover suggests linear
response curves. Hence, PCA was chosen as ordination technique. Eigenvalues:
axis 1: 0.721, axis 2: 0.095, axis 3: 0.046, axis 4: 0.024. The total data set in-
cludes 120 identied taxa in 245 samples. Fifty-ve rare taxa, occurring in less
than 10% of the samples and displayed to the left are not specied in the gure.
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Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx
5.3. Chronology
Due to sources of error such as reworking processes and contami-
nation, a reliable
C-chronology for the Heimtjønna sediments is pre-
vented. Instead, three lines of evidence dene a tentative chronology:
(1) the date of Salix polaris leaves from the homogenous silt, (2) The
abrupt cessation of the stone layer deposition, and (3) the microfossil
content of the stone layer. Similar studies in adjacent lakes at Dovre
(Paus et al., 2006, 2011; 2015, 2019; Paus, 2010) support the dened
Heimtjønna chronology.
(1) The date of well-preserved in situ leaves of Salix polaris of 11 ka
cal BP (Table 2) is assumed reliable. The leaves postdate the onset
of the warming after the Pre-Boreal Oscillation (see 5.4.)
signalled by similar biostratigraphy within the Dovre region
(Fig. 7 and Paus et al., 2011, 2015; Paus, 2010).
(2) Most probably, the stone deposition ceased when a perennial lake
ice established due to a severe cooling (see 5.1.). Only the onset of
the strong YD cooling could have been the responsible factor. No
perennial lake-ice established in adjacent lakes at higher altitudes
during Holocene coolings such as the Pre-Boreal oscillation, the
Erdalen event, or the 8.2 event (Paus et al., 2011, 2015, 2019).
That YD stopped the deposition of stones was also indicated for a
similar sediment change in Flåfattjønna, ca 30 km E of
Heimtjønna (Paus et al., 2006; Paus, 2010).
(3) The microfossils in the stone layer (PAZ H2) reect a mild period.
The cool MIS 3 interstadials from Dovre (Thoresen and Bergersen,
1983; Paus et al., 2011) deviates from PAZ H2 by the absence of
Alnus and Corylus (Fig. 4). In addition, deposits from the Eemian
interglacial and warm MIS 5 interstadials show distinctly higher
LOI and more obvious traces of forests (e.g. Helle et al., 1981;
Mangerud et al., 1981; Helmens, 2014) than the Heimtjønna
stony layer. PCA ordination shows that PAZ H2 correlates to
(parts of) LG interstadial (Bølling-Allerød) pollen assemblages, at
four other Dovre sites (Fig. 7). PAZ H1 signals rapidly increasing
local pollen production/vegetation closure as a (delayed?) local
response to the global Bølling warming 14.6 ka cal BP (K¨
et al., 2011, 2014; Brendryen et al., 2020).
There is little evidence to suggest any reliable age for the base the
stony layer 116 cm below the lowest part of PAZ H1 (Fig. 4). However,
the layer is homogenous and unconsolidated and without any traces of
hiati (section 5.1.) and must be expected to have been deposited during/
after the nal deglaciation. Assuming similar sedimentation rates below
the pollen diagram (sediments of 116 cm thickness) and the 54 cm thick
sediments covering the LG interstadial (PAZ H1/H2), the core bottom
can roughly be dated to ca 1618 ka cal BP. This estimate also depends
on to what degree the local vegetation response lagged the global Bølling
warming. However, using other estimate methods at Dovre, Paus et al.
(2006, 2011) and Lane et al. (2020) suggested similar deglaciation ages
(1618 ka BP). Dating results (1519 ka BP) from the Scandes Mountains
(Bøe et al., 2007; Goehring et al., 2008; Kullman, 2008; Marr et al.,
2018) are in line with this. It must be underlined that the deglaciation of
Dovre and the Scandes have never been reliably dated by in situ terres-
trial plant material, which is widely accepted as the denite evidence for
dating deglaciations. Apparently, during the rst period after deglacia-
tion, the local development of pioneer vegetation was too sparse to give
datable organic signals in sediments to reveal the time of deglaciation.
5.4. Vegetation and environmental history
In the LG interstadial, i.e. Bølling-Allerød (PAZ H1/H2 at 1410-1464
cm depth), the herb-/graminid-dominated pollen assemblages infer a
local vegetation mosaic formed by the variations in topography and
exposure. The mosaic included pioneer species on moist mineral soils (e.
g. Beckwithia, Oxyria, Saxifraga spp.) and well-drained minerals soils (e.
g. Armeria, Artemisia norvegica, Astragalus alpinus, Papaver). In open
grasslands, light-demanding species such as Botrychium, Selaginella,
Pedicularis, and Rhinanthus occurred. Dwarf-shrubs such as Dryas,
Empetrum, Vaccinium together with Juniperus and Rubus chamaemorus
show developing humus-soils. In PAZ H2, the increasing representation
of dwarf-shrubs, the improved long-distance signal of Populus and Cor-
ylus, and the algae bloom indicates warmer climate both on local and
regional scale. Local representation of Juniperus, Betula nana, and
Selaginella indicates July mean temperatures of at least 7-8 C (Kolstrup,
1979) which is similar to the present.
PAZ H3 (14041410 cm depth) shows increasing Poaceae and
minima in trees and the Pediastrum algae. A few pioneer taxa (Arenaria-
type, Artemisia norvegica-type, Saxifraga spp.) increased their represen-
tation. PCA axis1 values show the return to early PAZ H1 vegetation
(Fig. 4). This vegetation regression indicates a cooling. Simultaneously,
the cessation of stone deposition indicates the formation of perennial
Fig. 7. PCA of samples for the total Dovre data set
(this study and Paus et al., 2006, 2011, 2015). As no
reliable 14C-dates exist from Dovre, the y-axis reects
a depth scale. The three correlated periods include
period 1 (pre-YD), period 2 (from YD to end of the
PreBoreal Oscillation, PBO), and period 3 (the early
Holocene after PBO). The white horizontal lines show
the onset of the Holocene. Note that period 2 is absent
in the Flåfattjønna sediments. The oldest early Holo-
cene AMS
C-dates of terrestrial macrofossils at each
site (stippled white arrows) are shown in ka cal BP.
The vertical extension of unsorted stone-rich deposits
is visualized by Ses in the curve of PCA axis 2 values.
A. Paus
Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 8. Features of the Heimtjønna catchment. (A) LIDAR map (Kartverket, 2020). An altitudinal prole is shown from Nordre Knutshøa (1684 m a.s.l.) to the left, via
the Heimtjønna coring point (blue circle), to Heimtjønnshøa (1555 m a.s.l.). (B): map showing the distribution of supercial sediments (NGU, 2020) and a course lake
bathymetry. The bathymetric contour lines (10m and 5 m, respectively) are ovals around the coring point. The deposits are described as thin morainic material
(TnM), thick morainic material (TcM), weathering material (WM), glaciuvial deposits (G), and peat (P). BR reects bare rock. (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
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lake ice as a response to the YD cooling (see 5.1.). YD is represented by 6
cm of sediments, only. In line with this, perennial lake ice hermetically
sealing lakes, is described from the Arctic for the recent past, today
showing a July mean and January mean of about 3 and -32 C, respec-
tively (Doubleday et al., 1995).
PAZ H4 (13771404 cm depth) indicates the Holocene warming by a
regrowth of shrubs and dwarf-shrubs, whereas herbs and grasses
decreased. Apparently, vegetation and temperatures were at least 78 C
as also indicated for PAZ H2. In contrast to the local signals, the long-
distance representation of Corylus and Populus, show a delay to the
ameliorating conditions. This also accounts for Pediastrum inuenced by
turbid sediment environments.
At the close of PAZ H4, a small-scale parallel to the cooling in PAZ H3
occurred by showing increasing herbs, reduced tree representation, and
similar PCA patterns (Fig. 4). This short-lasting cooling is dated to
shortly before 11 ka cal BP and probably reects the Pre-Boreal Oscil-
lation (PBO) that is recorded in lake sediments elsewhere at Dovre (Paus
et al., 2011, 2015).
At the onset of PAZ H5 (13631377 cm depth) around 11.2 ka cal BP,
birch and the alga Botryococcus rapidly rose and reached a distinct
maximum. The same patterns signal the post PBO warming elsewhere at
Dovre (Paus et al., 2011, 2015). Here, the birch expansion reects forest
establishment in the lowlands (Paus et al., 2015, 2019). Though less
pronounced, the pine rise in early PAZ H6 (13381363 cm depth) could
reect the increasing pine around 10.2 ka cal BP as frequently recorded
at Dovre (Paus, 2010; Paus et al., 2011, 2015, 2019). After this pine rise,
no pollen stratigraphic features can be linked to the further Holocene
vegetation development as recorded elsewhere in the Scandes, such as
the local birch-forest period, the Alnus rise around 9.3 ka cal BP, signals
of the 8.2 event, the maximum in the warmth-demanding deciduous
forests reected by long-distance transport, the local deforestation, and
the subsequent juniper dominance (e.g. Høeg, 1994; Segerstr¨
om and von
Stedingk, 2003; Giesecke, 2005; Velle et al., 2005; Paus, 2010; Paus
et al., 2015, 2019). This shows that the sediments are lacking from the ca
9.50.25 ka cal BP which is explained by late Holocene oods removing
material at the coring site (see 5.2.). After ca 250 cal a BP, the PAZ H7
shows the long-distance dominance of Betula and Pinus and the local
herb-rich dwarf-shrub tundra.
5.5. Plant geography
5.5.1. Centric plants
Lake Heimtjønna is located close to the Knutshøa Mountains (Fig. 1)
well known for its species-rich alpine ora including so-called centric
species conned to southern and/or northern areas within the Scandes
Mountains. Both the southern centric Artemisia norvegica and the
bicentric Campanula uniora connected to the theory of in situ glacial
survival (Blytt, 1882; Sernander, 1896) are common within the
Heimtjønna area today. Hence, the distinctly spiny pollen grains of
norvegica and C. cf. uniora in the pollen assemblages could reect their
local appearance in early LG interstadial (Fig. 4) or earlier (Table 3).
5.5.2. Armeria
In seven core levels from PAZ H1 to H6, fragments of the large,
distinctly reticulate and spiny Armeria grains have been found (Fig. 9C).
Armeria is insect pollinated and a sparse pollen-producer, so single-grain
occurrences indicate local presence. Armeria is regularly recorded in the
lowlands during the LG together with other seashore-plants (e.g.
Iversen, 1954; Paus, 1988, 1989), whereas the Heimtjønna nds from
PAZ H1 in early LG interstadial to the Holocene PAZ H6 are the rst
alpine pollen records of Armeria. The only occurring Armeria species in S
Norway today is the common seashore-plant A. maritima. This species is
also growing at a few inland sites (Artsdatabanken, 2020) including sites
at Hardangervidda 1200 m a.s.l. (personal observation). Hence, these
inland sites could represent relicts from an early and wider pioneer
Armeria distribution also including alpine areas.
5.5.3. Alnus
Well-preserved Alnus grains, apparently of primary origin, occur
from early LG interstadial (PAZ H1) to late Holocene (PAZ H7). In PAZ
H2, maximum Alnus values correlate to the assumed LG interstadial
maxima at Dovre (Fig. 7 and Paus et al., 2006, 2011, 2015). In YD and
pre-interstadial periods, Alnus decreased and almost disappeared. LG
interstadial Alnus has also been reported from W Norway (Mangerud,
1977). The inverse LG pattern has been found in other studies (e.g.
David, 1993; Bigelow and Edwards, 2001; Demske et al., 2005; Lacourse
et al., 2005; De Klerk, 2008; Kaufman et al., 2012) showing
well-represented Alnus in the pre-interstadial and/or YD. This suggests
that the LG Alnus-pollen maxima at Dovre do not reect long-distance
transport but reect local/extra-local origin. A clump of ca 30 Alnus
Fig. 9. Light microscope photographs. Length of scale
bars is given in
(A) A clump of Alnus pollen grains from Finnsjøen
(PAZ F-1, Paus et al., 2015). PAZ F-1 is correlated to
Heimtjønna PAZ H2 (Fig. 4) and the period 1 (Fig. 7)
with distinct Alnus representation in all the studied
Dovre sites.
(B) p
ollen grain of Picea abies (PAZ H2, 1412 cm depth
below water surface) (
C) pollen grain fragment of Armeria maritima type A
(PAZ H4, 1390 cm depth below water surface).
A. Paus
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pollen grains found in LG interstadial sediments of Finnsjøen (Fig. 9A)
accords with this. All the LG interstadial Alnus grains at Dovre have 45
distinctly protruding pores and well-developed arci. These features ex-
cludes the representation of the subgenus Alnobetula including e.g.
A. virides and A.crispa (Leopold et al., 2012).
The indicated July mean of at least 78 C in PAZ H2 could indicate
local/extra local growth of the cold tolerant Alnus incana. Today, A.
incana is growing at 1200 m a.s.l. at the birch tree line in Central Norway
(Artsdatabanken, 2020). In addition, A. incana with N-xing root nod-
ules is thriving on minerogenic soils of ooded riverbanks and active
sandurs (e.g. Fåbergstøsgrandane) in central Norway today. Similar
minerogenic substrates must have been common at Dovre after degla-
ciation (Fig. 8). During the Last Glacial Maximum, Alnus incana survived
in northern refugia and rapidly migrated northwards during LG (Douda
et al., 2014; Mandak et al., 2016; Dering et al., 2017). Macrofossils of A.
incana and Alnus sp. are found at the southern coast of the Baltic Sea
from 13.5 ka cal BP (Douda et al., 2014; Mandak et al., 2016). Studies
including the present, show that alpine areas in Central Norway was
ice-free in the LG interstadial (Paus et al., 2006, 2011; 2015; Bøe et al.,
2007; Goehring et al., 2008; Marr et al., 2018). Hence, long distance
dispersal of Alnus seeds might have reached Central Norway and
developed local populations in climatic favourable sites during the LG
After PAZ H3, Alnus frequently occurs (Fig. 4). This contrasts the
more fragmented early Holocene Alnus representation elsewhere at
Dovre before the distinct rise around 9.3 ka cal BP (Paus, 2010; Paus
et al., 2011, 2019), synchronous to Alnus rises in the Scandes mountains
from Setesdalen in the south to inner Troms in the north (e.g. Høeg,
1994; Segerstr¨
om and von Stedingk, 2003; Bergman et al., 2005; Bjune,
2005; Eide et al., 2006; Jensen and Vorren, 2008). This could indicate
that A. incana occurred sparsely in the mountains almost undetected due
to low temperatures reducing pollen production (cf. Moe, 1998; Hicks,
2006), until its main expansion around 9.3 ka cal BP. In line with this,
Giesecke and Brewer (2018) postulate Alnus establishment of N Euro-
pean outposts in the earliest Holocene. The Alnus records in Heimtjønna
and other Dovre sites could accord this view assuming a rapid early
Holocene re-establishment of A. incana outposts after being forced
southwards by the YD cooling.
5.5.4. Picea abies
Picea abies pollen grains are found in every spectrum except two
(Figs. 4 and 9B). The well-preserved and often complete Picea grains
constituting up to 12% ΣP, indicate their primary origin. In forests,
such values should indicate local presence (Giesecke and Bennett, 2004;
Latałowa and van der Knaap, 2006). However, as the Heimtjønna dia-
gram reects low pollen-producing pioneer vegetation/dwarf-shrub
tundra, the Picea values could reect long-distance transport from
expanding spruce south-southeast of the Baltic Sea both during the LG
and during the early Holocene (Latałowa and van der Knaap, 2006;
a et al., 2009; Gałka and Tobolski, 2013; Amon et al., 2014;
e et al., 2015). On the other hand, Picea pollen grains are large
and heavy and have reduced ability to travel such long distances ac-
cording to e.g. Segerstr¨
om and von Stedingk (2003) who postulated
early Holocene establishment of sparse Picea populations in the
mid-Scandes based on even single-grain occurrences. The early Holo-
cene presence of Picea in the mid-Scandes has later been evidenced by
sedaDNA (Parducci et al., 2012) and megafossils (e.g. ¨
Oberg and Kull-
man, 2011). Therefore, the representation in PAZ H4 H7 in the
Heimtjønna diagram would most probably reect the early Holocene
establishment of Picea abies populations in low abundance at Dovre.
Today, spruce individuals occur at 10001200 m a.s.l. 57 km from
Heimtjønna (Artsdatabanken, 2020).
The Picea percentages in the LG interstadial (PAZ H1 and H2, Fig. 4)
are similar to those of the early Holocene. This could indicate that spruce
also established within the Dovre area during the LG. Climate may not
have been restrictive for its growth as Picea abies can survive and
occasionally produce viable seeds at mean JulyAugust temperatures
down to 5 C (Kullman, 2002). In LG, July mean temperatures reached at
least 78 C locally (see 5.4.). Finds of Picea megafossils (Kullman, 2008)
and stomata (Paus et al., 2011) advocate its LG presence at Dovre.
6. Conclusions
Heimtjønna was deglaciated earlier than 11 ka cal BP according to
AMS dated terrestrial plant macrofossils. Bio- and lithostrati-
graphical considerations and correlations suggest a nal deglaciation
before the onset of Bølling, perhaps as early as 16-18 ka cal BP.
Two dates older than 20 ka cal. BP suggest that vegetation estab-
lished at Dovre during one or more ice-free Weichselian interstadials.
The presence of the old material reects reworking processes and a
pulsating ice cap during the last glacial.
The basal 1.7 m of the Heimtjønna deposits consists of unconsoli-
dated and unsorted clay, silt, sand, pebbles, and larger stones (11
cm) interpreted to reect material rafted by lake-ice during melting
in spring/early summer in the LG interstadial (Bølling-Allerød).
YD established a semi-perennial lake-ice preventing deposition of
ice-rafted material.
Late Holocene oods including Stor-Ofsen AD 1789 removed
sediments spanning the period of ca 9.50.25 ka cal BP, from the
coring site.
The minerogenic Heimtjønna sediments contained extremely low
amounts of datable material, so sources of error such as reworked
material and young material brought from above by the coring
equipment, heavily impacted dating results. Dates of fewer and
larger remains are assumed reliable.
The local response to the LG interstadial warming initiated the suc-
cession from pioneers on mineral soils towards local dwarf-shrub
heath. July temperatures reached at least 78 C.
In the LG, the seashore plant Armeria maritima and arctic/alpine
pioneers of centric distribution today (Papaver, Artemisia norvegica,
Campanula cf. uniora) occurred. Individuals of Picea and Alnus cf.
incana were present in favourable sites at Dovre.
The biostratigraphy of the thin YD sediment sequence signals vege-
tation regression towards pioneer conditions.
In the early Holocene, local dwarf-shrub heath re-established locally.
Picea abies and Alnus cf. incana re-established within the Dovre area.
As no reliable radiocarbon dates on in situ macrofossils exist, the LG
chronology is exclusively based on stratigraphical correlations and
considerations. It must be thoroughly tested by future studies
providing reliable AMS
C-dates of terrestrial fossils.
The problematic Heimtjønna sediments from a dynamic area have
thrown new light upon LG and Holocene environmental conditions
and change. This shows that scientic contributions from an atypical
site can be of value.
Declaration of competing interest
The author declares that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
Espen Paus, Erling Straalberg, and Ståle Samuelshaug helped during
coring. Jan Berge, Linn Cecilie Krüger, and Arild Breistøl prepared the
Heimtjønna pollen samples. Thanks also to David J.A. Evans, Atle Nesje,
and John-Inge Svendsen for comments regarding the deposition of the
basal stony layer. I also want to thank Irka Hajdas, ETH Zürich, for
discussions regarding dating problems, and Atle Nesje and the Depart-
ment of Earth Science for loan of coring equipment. Thanks also to
Antony Brown and one anonymous reviewer for their valuable com-
ments signicantly improving the mansucript. This work was nancially
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A. Paus

Supplementary resource (1)

... På Åreskutan (1460 moh) i Sverige, 4 mil fra Trøndelag, er det funnet stammer av bjørk (Betula pubescens), furu (Pinus sylvestris) og gran (Picea abies) fra denne tiden (Kullmann 2002(Kullmann , 2008Öberg & Kullman 2011a), mens nålerester av furu, gran og einer (Juniperus communis) er registrert fra samme periode i innsjøavsetninger på Dovre . Her viser betydelige mengder av pollen at også or, mest sannsynlig den hardføre gråoren (Alnus incana), etablerte seg senglacialt (Paus 2021 Etter Allerød-perioden inntraff en kraftig klimaforverring som innledet den drøyt tusen år lang kuldeperioden Yngre Dryas (12 800-11 600 år før nåtid). Resultatet var et betydelig breframrykk som avsatte den tydelige Ra-morenen langs kysten fra Østfold til Finnmark. ...
... Trolig hadde gråor etablert seg i fjellet i den milde Allerød-perioden mot slutten av istiden. Men den kalde Ra-perioden som fulgte, hadde presset den sørover og ut av Skandinavia (Paus 2021). I begynnelsen av etteristiden registreres sparsomme mengder av orepollen i fjellet før den naermest synkrone oppgangen for 9300 år siden langs hele den skandinaviske fjellkjeden. ...
... I begynnelsen av etteristiden registreres sparsomme mengder av orepollen i fjellet før den naermest synkrone oppgangen for 9300 år siden langs hele den skandinaviske fjellkjeden. Dette tyder på gråoras sparsomme naervaer før ekspansjonen (Giesecke & Brewer 2018, Paus 2021. Det er påfallende at en global og kortvarig kuldeperiode, også registrert i Norge Innvandringen av hassel til Sør-Norge basert på pollendata fra Høeg 1982, Paus 1982a,b, Johansen 1983, Tjemsland 1983, Kvamme 1984, Aksdal 1986, Hafsten & Mack 1990, Hafsten 1992a, Midtbø 1995, Moe & al. 1996, Paus 2010, Birks & Birks 2008, Mehl & Hjelle 2015, Mangerud & al. 2018, Høeg & al. 2019, Paus & al. 2023. ...
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The paper elucidates the migration of trees into S.Norway after last glaciation. The paper is published in the Årringen journal, årsskrift nr. 26–27 for Arboretet, Bergen botaniske hage & Muséhagen Universitetsmuseet – Universitetet i Bergen
... På Åreskutan (1460 moh) i Sverige, 4 mil fra Trøndelag, er det funnet stammer av bjørk (Betula pubescens), furu (Pinus sylvestris) og gran (Picea abies) fra denne tiden (Kullmann 2002(Kullmann , 2008Öberg & Kullman 2011a), mens nålerester av furu, gran og einer (Juniperus communis) er registrert fra samme periode i innsjøavsetninger på Dovre . Her viser betydelige mengder av pollen at også or, mest sannsynlig den hardføre gråoren (Alnus incana), etablerte seg senglacialt (Paus 2021 Etter Allerød-perioden inntraff en kraftig klimaforverring som innledet den drøyt tusen år lang kuldeperioden Yngre Dryas (12 800-11 600 år før nåtid). Resultatet var et betydelig breframrykk som avsatte den tydelige Ra-morenen langs kysten fra Østfold til Finnmark. ...
... Trolig hadde gråor etablert seg i fjellet i den milde Allerød-perioden mot slutten av istiden. Men den kalde Ra-perioden som fulgte, hadde presset den sørover og ut av Skandinavia (Paus 2021). I begynnelsen av etteristiden registreres sparsomme mengder av orepollen i fjellet før den naermest synkrone oppgangen for 9300 år siden langs hele den skandinaviske fjellkjeden. ...
... I begynnelsen av etteristiden registreres sparsomme mengder av orepollen i fjellet før den naermest synkrone oppgangen for 9300 år siden langs hele den skandinaviske fjellkjeden. Dette tyder på gråoras sparsomme naervaer før ekspansjonen (Giesecke & Brewer 2018, Paus 2021. Det er påfallende at en global og kortvarig kuldeperiode, også registrert i Norge Innvandringen av hassel til Sør-Norge basert på pollendata fra Høeg 1982, Paus 1982a,b, Johansen 1983, Tjemsland 1983, Kvamme 1984, Aksdal 1986, Hafsten & Mack 1990, Hafsten 1992a, Midtbø 1995, Moe & al. 1996, Paus 2010, Birks & Birks 2008, Mehl & Hjelle 2015, Mangerud & al. 2018, Høeg & al. 2019, Paus & al. 2023. ...
... Öberg & Kullman 2011;Paus, Velle & Berge 2011;Kullman & Öberg 2015Kullman & Öberg , 2020 Kullman & Öberg , 2021 Kullman 2017a Kullman ,b, 2022Paus 2021;Paus, Brooks, Haflidason et al. 2023).Lateglacial tree growth 350 m higher than present-day treelines is no big wonder, considering the effect of land uplift. At the time of the oldest megafossils, i.e. the summit of Åreskutan appears to have been about 300 m closer to the sea level than today(Eronen 2005;Påsse & Andersson 2005). ...
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In the context of proposed future anthropogenic climate warming, the present study accounts for arboreal responses to recent temperature rise, viewed in the perspective of Lateglacial and early Holocene climate and ecosystem variability. As an analogue to a future warmer world, the focus is on an early deglaciated nunatak in the southern Swedish Scandes, Mt. Åreskutan, with a well-researched arboreal history, embracing periods of climate warming of present-day extent. New research from this and adjacent localities challenges traditional historical narratives, which fail to provide a true picture of deglaciation and vegetation history. It is increasingly evident that common boreal tree species grew close to this summit in a climate, 2-3 °C warmer than at present, during the Lateglacial and early Holocene periods 16 800-6000 years ago. Based on minimal temperature requirements for tree growth, future warming of the same magnitude would be sufficient for trees to reclaim their lost ground close to this peak. Recent observations of tree saplings and the emergence of genuine "forest plants" at these high elevations, indicate that dispersal mechanisms will not constrain this progressive process. Conceivably, it will not manifest as advancement of a broad forest front. History suggests that pockets of trees, with a ground cover of boreal plant species, will establish in local favourable niches, e. g. sites of vanished glaciers and perennial snow beds. Much of the present-day alpine tundra may be more conservative and resilient to tree invasion, as evident from insignificant upslope movement of forest limits in response to modern climate warming. By and large, continued warming is no imminent threat to alpine biodiversity. An open and diverse high-mountain landscape is likely to prevail.
... Heller ikke strandplantene trivdes i høyden. Et unntak er strandnellik (Armeria maritima) (Paus 2021), som også i dag har noen få voksesteder i fjellet. (Kullman 2002;2008), støtter dette synet, idet Åreskutans rester av bjørk (Betula pubescens), furu (Pinus sylvestris) og gran (Picea abies) er datert å vaere mellom 17 000 og 13 000 år gamle (figur 6). ...
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Siste istids isavsmelting og innvandring av planter til Sør-Norge Aage Paus (f. 1953) er professor emeritus i vegetasjonshistorie ved Universitetet i Bergen. Han har arbeidet i naert sam-arbeid med kvartaergeologer, blant annet ved å benytte pollenanalyse for å studere deglasiasjoner og klima-endringer. Etablering av vegetasjon under og like etter isavsmeltingen var en prosess forsinket av et ustabilt og periodevis kaldt klima, en gradvis isavsmelting, en innvandring av arter langt sørfra og en langsom utvikling av et naeringsrikt jordsmonn. De første kystområdene smel-tet fram for 18-20 000 år siden. Før 14 600 år før nåtid var klimaet kaldt og tørt og ve-getasjonen glissen med arktisk-alpine arter. Den etterfølgende, varmere perioden, 14 600-12 800 år før nåtid, reflekterte i første del en blanding av både fjellplanter, strandplan-ter og steppeplanter, senere en fortetting med lyng, busker og traer som bjørk og osp i sparsomme bestander. I den kalde Yngre dryas (12 800-11 600 år før nåtid), som avsatte Ra-morenen langs hele norskekysten, forsvant traer og busker, og pionervegetasjonen re-turnerte. Etteristidens kraftige oppvarming medførte senere en etablering av tett skog både langs kysten og i fjellområdene. Introduksjon Etter at Jens Esmark fastslo istidenes eksistens (Esmark 1824), tok det ikke lang tid før forskningen fattet interesse for innvandringen av planter og dyr etter at isen smeltet vekk. Man forstod tidlig at vegetasjonen og livsbetingelse-ne etter isavsmeltingen stadig hadde endret seg i takt med et skiftende klima. Dansken Japetus Steenstrup, svensken Alfred Nathorst og nord-mannen Axel Blytt var blant pionérene i denne forskningen. Men kunnskapen var mangelfull og alderen for innvandringen helt ukjent. I dag gir sofistikerte metoder oss muligheten til å re-konstruere utviklingen i detalj. Den vegetasjonshistoriske metoden Som pionérene hadde forstått, er myrer, tjern og vann kildene til fortidsinformasjonen. Disse representerer naturens øyne som har sett alt og lagret alt på netthinnen, det vil si på tjernbunnen og myroverflaten (figur 1). Her havner det organiske materialet som naturen produserer år for år: pollen, frø, blomster-, blad-og stengelrester fra planter, mikroalger, insektrester og rester av DNA. På den måten bygges avsetninger i kronologisk rekkefølge med det yngste materialet øverst. Avsetninge-ne blir med det et historisk arkiv der man kan bla seg nedover og bakover i historien. På grunn av det vannholdige miljøet, råtner ikke de organiske restene, men lar seg artsidentifi-sere ved bruk av moderne mikroskoper og DNA-analyser. Det gir oss muligheten til å re-konstruere fortidens endringer i vegetasjon, miljø og det klimaet som medvirket til end-ringene.
... However, these dates were obtained on bulk sediments with low organic content (<2% TOC), and we do not consider them reliable. Lastly, Paus (2021) obtained an age of 44 cal ka BP from a small redeposited wood piece in a lake core from the Dovre mountains ( Fig. 1). We decide in section 5.8 to reject such isolated old finite dates as listed here in our reconstructions, although accepting that some of them might be correct. ...
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We describe glaci-lacustrine sediments buried under thick tills in Folldalen, south-east Norway, a site located close to the former centre of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet. Thus, the location implies that the ice sheet had melted when the sediments were deposited. The exposed ground was occupied by arctic vegetation. The best age estimate from 20 quartz luminescence dates is 55.6 ± 4.6 ka. Due to possible incomplete bleaching, an age in the younger part of the time range is most probable. We conclude that the Scandinavian Ice Sheet melted almost completely away early in Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3. Our review shows that the other Eurasian ice sheets also disappeared in that period. In north-western Germany, there were forests, containing warmth-demanding trees early in MIS 3, indicating a summer climate only slightly cooler than at present, thus supporting the evidence that the adjacent ice sheets had melted. The melting of the Eurasian ice sheets contributed to 50–100% of the sea-level rise from MIS 4 to MIS 3, implying that the much larger North American ice sheets did not melt much. In contrast, the Eurasian ice sheets contributed only about 30% to the sea-level drop from MIS 3 to MIS 2, meaning that the North American ice sheets during that period expanded strongly.
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The subalpine landscape between forest and alpine tundra has changed in important respects due the common climate amelioration, that peaked for the first time by the late 1930s. That point of time marks a fundamental break in the ecological recovery following the brutal nature and societal regression during the preceding Little Ice Age. Today, the new and warmer climate can be sensed as a greener, lusher and more species rich subalpine and alpine plant cover, where pine may become more dominant in the future. There is currently nothing to suggest that dystopic projections of a vanishing alpine world would come true. Development over the past 100 years is well within the frames of natural climate and ecosystem dynamics during the postglacial period. The living mountainscape is changing marginally in the new and slowly warming climate. Overall, an aesthetic, rich and inspiring landscape is likely to prevail. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die subalpine Landschaft zwischen Wald und alpiner Tundra hat sich durch die allgemeine Klimaverbesserung, die in den späten 1930er Jahren ihren ersten Höhepunkt erreichte, in wichtigen Punkten verändert. Dieser Zeitpunkt markiert eine grundlegende Zäsur in der ökologischen Entwicklung nach dem brutalen natürlichen und gesellschaftlichen Einschnitt während der vorangegangenen Kleinen Eiszeit. Heute macht sich das neue, wärmere Klima in einer grüneren, üppigeren und artenreicheren subalpinen und alpinen Pflanzendecke bemerkbar, in der die Kiefer in Zukunft dominanter werden könnte. Derzeit deutet nichts darauf hin, dass dystopische Projektionen einer verschwindenden alpinen Welt wahr werden. Die Entwicklung der letzten 100 Jahre liegt durchaus im Rahmen der natürlichen Klima
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This study focuses, by in situ records and long-term observations, on recent (post-Litte Ice Age), arboreal change in a mountain birch dominated (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) valley in the Swedish Scandes. During the early Holocene thermal optimum and up to the onset of the mid-Holocene Neoglaciation, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) dominated the tree cover of this valley and formed the treeline ecotone adjacent to the early alpine tundra. Subsequently, and consistent with progressive cooling until the late 19th century, prevailing pine stands demised and opened for landscape-level expansion of birch and spruce (Picea abies). A short and distinct break in that process took place by the Medieval Climate warming phase, about 1000-800 years before present. Subsequently, during pre-industrial time, temperatures reached their lowest levels of the entire post-glacial period. This was the so-called Little Ice Age, which ended the long-term Holocene cooling. That cold-climate epoque was broken by the late-19th and early 20th century. Thereafter and up to the present-day, temperatures in the study region (summer and winter) have increased by slightly less than 2 °C. As a consequence, treelines of all species have advanced by a maximum of more than 200 altitudinal meters. Pine displays the most persistent expansion, particularly over the past few decades. "Falangist" occurrences appear in the pure birch forest, tens of kilometers and hundreds of meters, respectively, beyond and above the outposts by the early 20th century. Occasionally, scattered young pine trees now grow close to the birch forest limit and somewhat above. In particular, at sites where pine stands demised during the Little Ice Age, c. AD. 1300-1850, prolific regeneration and insignificant winter mortality are recorded over the past 15 years. In comparison, birch and spruce provide no analogous signs of recent expansion. It may be hypothesized that unabated climate warming and corresponding arboreal progression will profoundly transform the plant cover of this valley, and others alike, into the same pine-dominated state that prevailed during the early Holocene. In other words, a new biogeographic zonation pattern may be on the rise, with pine back as the dominant subalpine species. This option is focused by continued monitoring.
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Largely consistent with general predictions and earlier empirical studies, it appears that post-Little Ice Age climate warming has started to affect large-scale biogeographic patterns in northern Sweden. Long-term monitoring in subalpine and adjacent regions reveals sparse spread of broadleaved thermophilic tree species. Saplings of Quercus robur, Ulmus glabra, Acer platanoides, Alnus glutinosa and Betula pendula have responded to recent climate warming by jump-dispersal in the order of 50-300 km northwards and 500-800 m upwards, relative to their natural range limits. Consistent with treeline rise by boreal tree species, the thermophilies have reinvaded regions where they grew during the warmest phase of the Holocene, 9500-8000 years ago, but were subsequently extirpated by the Neoglacial cooling. Confined to the past 20 years or so, the unique observations of recent termophilies comply with background climate data, i.e. warming of all seasons. These results may contribute to more realistic vegetation models by stressing that the distributions of certain plant species are able to track climate warming without substantial migrational lag. Hitherto, vegetation and climate evolution appear to be well within the frames of natural dynamics during the postglacial era, although mechanisms may differ.
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For many arctic species, the spatial (re-)colonization patterns after the last Pleistocene glaciation have been described. However, the temporal aspects of their colonization are largely missing. Did one route prevail early, while another was more important later? The high Arctic archipelago Svalbard represents a good model system to address timeframe of postglacial plant colonization. Svalbard was almost fully glaciated during last glacial maximum and (re-)colonization of vascular plants began in early Holocene. Early Holocene climatic optimum (HCO) supported an expanded establishment of a partly thermophilic vegetation. Today, we find remnants of this vegetation in sheltered regions referred to as "Arctic biodiversity hotspots". The oldest record of postglacial plant colonization to Svalbard is found in Ringhorndalen-Flatøyrdalen. Even though thermophilic species could establish also later in Holocene, only HCO was favorable for vast colonization, and only hotspots offered stable conditions for thermophilic populations throughout Holocene. Thus, these relic populations may reflect colonization patterns of HCO. We investigate whether the colonization direction of thermophilic plants (Arnica angustifolia, Campanula uniflora, Pinguicula alpina, Tofieldia pusilla, and Vaccinium uliginosum ssp. microphyllum) in Ringhorndalen-Flatøyrdalen was uniform and different from later colonization events in other localities and non-thermophilic plants (Arenaria humifusa, Bistorta vivipara, Juncus biglumis, Oxyria digyna, and Silene acaulis). We analyzed plastid haplotypes of the 10 taxa from Ringhorndalen-Flatøyrdalen, from later-colonized localities in Svalbard, and from putative source regions outside Svalbard. Only rare and thermophilic taxa Campanula uniflora and Vaccinium uliginosum ssp. microphyllum provided results suggesting at least two colonization events from different source regions. Tofieldia pusilla and all the non-thermophilic plants showed no clear phylogeographically differentiation within Svalbard. Two of the thermophilic species showed no sequence variation. Based on the results, a uniform colonization direction to Svalbard in early Holocene is not probable; several source areas and dispersal directions were contemporarily involved.
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The dynamics and paleo‐glaciology of ice sheet interiors during the last deglaciation are poorly constrained, hindering ice sheet model. We provide direct evidence of Fennoscandian Ice Sheet (FIS) interior behavior during deglaciation through surface exposure dating. Our results demonstrate early thinning of the FIS, prior to the Younger Dryas (YD, 12.8–11.7 ka). Interior thinning in central Norway was concurrent with retreat along the coastline, exposing ice‐free mountainous tracts, potentially as early as 20–15 ka. The FIS then formed moraines in these ice‐free tracts during the YD. This is contrary to current hypotheses advocating a landscape fully covered by cold, inactive ice during this period. Present empirical and model reconstructions fail to capture rapid interior downwastage, increasing uncertainties in ice sheet volume estimates and sea level contributions.
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Rapid sea-level rise caused by the collapse of large ice sheets is a threat to human societies. In the last deglacial period, the rate of global sea-level rise peaked at more than 4 cm yr−1 during Meltwater Pulse 1A, which coincided with the Bølling warming event some 14,650 years ago. However, the sources of the meltwater have proven elusive, and the contribution from Eurasian ice sheets has been considered negligible. Here, we present a regional carbon-14 calibration curve for the Norwegian Sea and recalibrate marine 14C dates linked to the Eurasian Ice Sheet retreat. We find that marine-based sectors of the Eurasian Ice Sheet collapsed at the Bølling transition and lost an ice volume of 4.5–7.9 m sea-level equivalents (SLE) over 500 years. During peak melting, 3.3–6.7 m SLE of ice was lost, potentially explaining up to half of Meltwater Pulse 1A. A mean meltwater flux of 0.2 Sv over 300 years was injected into the Norwegian Sea and the Arctic Ocean at a time when proxy evidence suggests vigorous Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Our reconstruction shows that massive marine-based ice sheets can collapse in as little as 300–500 years. Marine-based sections of the Eurasian Ice Sheet collapsed rapidly during a warming event 14,600 years ago and contributed to the Meltwater Pulse 1A event, according to a recalibrated age model for sediments from the Norwegian Sea.
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Rapid sea-level rise caused by the collapse of large ice sheets is a global threat to human societies. In the last deglacial period, the rate of global sea-level rise peaked at more than 4 cm/yr during Meltwater Pulse 1a, which coincided with the abrupt Bølling warming event 14,650 yr ago. However, the sources of the meltwater have proven elusive, and the contribution from Eurasian ice sheets has until now been considered negligible. Here we show that marine-based sectors of the Eurasian ice sheet complex collapsed at the Bølling transition and lost an ice volume of between 4.5 and 7.9 m sea level equivalents (95% quantiles) over 500 yr. During peak melting 14,650 - 14,310 yr ago, Eurasian ice sheets lost between 3.3 and 6.7 m sea level equivalents (95% quantiles), thus contributing significantly to Meltwater Pulse 1a. A mean meltwater flux of 0.2 Sv over 300 yr was injected into the Norwegian Sea and the Arctic Ocean during a time when proxy evidence suggests vigorous Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Our reconstruction of the EIS deglaciation shows that a marine-based ice sheet comparable in size to the West Antarctic ice sheet can collapse in as little as 300-500 years.
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Schmidt-hammer exposure-age dating (SHD) was performed on blockfields and related landforms on Blåhø, Southern Norway. By developing a linear high-precision age-calibration curve through young and old control points of known age from terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide dating, it was possible to gain landform age estimates based on Schmidt hammer R-values. The aim of this study is to relate formation and subsequent stabilization of the landforms investigated to climate fluctuations since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and to explore the palaeoclimatic implication of such periglacial landforms. The SHD ages range from 19.14 ± 0.91 ka for the Rundhø blockfield to 5.32 ± 0.73 ka for the lowest elevation rock-slope failure. The R-value frequency distributions obtained on the landforms studied indicate complex, long-term formation histories. Landforms above 1450 m a.s.l. share comparable SHD ages and seem to have stabilized during the Karmøy/Bremanger readvance (∼18.5–16.5 ka). The lower elevation rock-slope failures most likely occurred during the Bølling-Allerød interstadial (∼14.7–12.9 ka) and the Holocene Thermal Maximum (∼8.0–5.0 ka). The results contrast with the established model that rock-slope failures occur within the first millennia following deglaciation. Instead of the inferred ice coverage above 1450 m a.s.l. until 15.0 ± 1.0 ¹⁰Be ka, our results suggest severe periglacial and ice-free conditions occurred earlier. Landforms above 1450 m a.s.l. do not show any form of reactivation during cold periods within the Late Glacial and Holocene. Our SHD results suggest that the landforms investigated were (at least partly) generated prior the LGM and survived beneath cold-based ice or were located on nunataks.
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The reaction of vegetation to past climate change provides important insights for vegetation responses to future climate change. A key problem for projections into the future is obtaining estimates of the rates at which plants are able to spread as their environment changes. To address this uncertainty, we review the palaeoecological and phylogeographic literature to estimate the range of observed rates of spread for the major European trees and discuss aspects of their postglacial spread. The review is illustrated with isochrone maps depicting the time when particular thresholds in pollen proportion were reached in pollen diagrams available from the European Pollen Database. We find that rates of at least 1,000 m year⁻¹ were realised by early colonisers including Corylus and Ulmus, while trees spreading later into established woodlands, e.g. Quercus and Tilia, achieved rates of around 500 m year⁻¹. Phylogeographic investigations are available for most of the abundant European trees, often indicating that populations in the central and southern parts of the three south European peninsulas were not the origins for the postglacial colonization of central and northern Europe. In some cases, the results of these studies clearly show the direction of postglacial spread, while generally providing new information to help in interpreting pollen data. Phylogeographic results for Alnus suggest that the high apparent rates of postglacial spread are due to an initial spread at low population density and a later expansion. This decoupling between spread and population expansion is also seen for late expanding trees such as Picea, Fagus and Carpinus. Here, population expansion was probably not delayed by dispersal, but by a limiting climate as assumed by von Post. While the late Holocene expansion of Picea and Fagus in Sweden was important as a dating tool in the development of pollen analysis by von Post 100 years ago, we remain unable to determine which particular driver caused the late expansion of these two trees.
One of the most reliable proofs of terrestrial ice-free conditions within Stadials is the presence of terrestrial vertebrate fauna that require access to vegetation in the winter, for example sedentary birds such as Ptarmigans and herbivorous mammals in particular. The musk ox (Ovibos moschatus) is an example of the latter; modern-day distributions of this species are limited to areas with low snow accumulations. In this paper we discuss the discovery of musk ox bones in Norway. Recently obtained radiocarbon dates on this material demonstrate the presence of this species 41–35 cal kyr B.P. in southern Norway during late Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS3). Furthermore the dates have implications for the interpretation of climate and environmental conditions; indicating the existence of a small ice cap in the mountains and climate and vegetation supporting a large mammal fauna in South Norway at that time.
Quaternary glaciations have played a major role in shaping the genetic diversity and distribution of plant species. Strong paleoecological and genetic evidence supports a postglacial recolonization of most plant species to northern Europe from southern, eastern, and even western glacial refugia. Although highly controversial, the existence of small in situ glacial refugia in northern Europe has recently gained molecular support. We used genomic analyses to examine the phylogeography of a species that is critical in this debate. Carex scirpoidea Michx ssp. scirpoidea is a dioecious, amphi‐Atlantic arctic‐alpine sedge that is widely distributed in North America, but absent from most of Eurasia, apart from three extremely disjunct populations in Norway, all well within the limits of the Weichselian ice sheet. Range‐wide population sampling and variation at 5307 SNPs show that the three Norwegian populations comprise unique evolutionary lineages diverged from Greenland with high between‐population divergence. The Norwegian populations have low within‐population genetic diversity consistent with having experienced genetic bottlenecks in glacial refugia, and host private alleles likely accumulated in long‐term isolated populations. Demographic analyses support one single, pre‐Weichselian colonization into Norway from East‐Greenland, and subsequent divergence of the three populations in separate refugia. Other refugial areas are identified in Northeast‐Greenland, Minnesota/Michigan, Colorado and Alaska. Admixed populations in British Columbia and West‐Greenland indicate postglacial contact. Taken together, evidence from this study strongly indicate in situ glacial survival in Scandinavia. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
We found strong signals of two cooling events around 9700 and 8200 cal yrs. BP in lakes Store Finnsjøen and Flåfattjønna at Dovre, mid-Norway. Analyses included pollen in both lakes, and C/N-ratio, bio-markers (e.g. alkanes and br-GDGTs), and XRF scanning in Finnsjøen. The positions of these lakes close to ecotones (upper forest-lines of birch and pine, respectively) reduced their resilience to cold events causing vegetation regression at both sites. The global 8.2 event reflects the collapse of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. The 9.7 event with impact restricted to Scandinavia and traced by pollen at Dovre only, reflects the drainage of the Baltic Ancylus Lake. More detailed analysis in Finnsjøen shows that the events also caused increased allochtonous input (K, Ca), increased sedimentation rate, and decreased sediment density and aquatic production. br-GDGT-based temperatures indicate gradual cooling through the early Holocene. In Finnsjøen, ca. 3100 maxima-minima couplets in sediment density along the analysed sequence of ca. 3100 calibrated years show the presence of varves for the first time in Norway. Impact of the 9.7 and 8.2 events lasted ca. 60 and 370 years, respectively. Pine pollen percentages were halved and re-established in less than 60 years, indicating the reduction of pine pollen production and not vegetative growth during the 9.7 event. The local impact of the 8.2 event sensu lato (ca. 8420e8050 cal yrs. BP) divides the event into a precursor, an erosional phase, and a recovery phase. At the onset of the erosional phase, summer temperatures increased.
Provides the first comprehensive review of the current state of the science on tills It is critical that glacial scientists continue to refine their interpretations of ancient archives of subglacial processes, specifically those represented by tills and associated deposits, as they form the most widespread and accessible record of processes at the ice-bed interface. Unfortunately, despite a long history of investigation and a lexicon of process-based nomenclature, glacial sedimentologists have yet to reach a consensus on diagnostic criteria for identifying till genesis in the geological record. What should be called till? Based on the author's extensive field research, as well as the latest literature on the subject, this book attempts to provide a definitive answer to that question. It critically reviews the global till literature and experimental and laboratory-based assessments of subglacial processes, as well as the theoretical constructs that have emerged from process sedimentology over the past century. Drawing on a wide range of knowledge bases, David Evans develops a more precise, contemporary till nomenclature and new investigatory strategies for understanding a critical aspect of glacial process sedimentology. • Provides an in-depth discussion of subglacial sedimentary processes, with an emphasis on the origins of till matrix and terminal grade and the latest observations on till evolution • Describes contemporary laboratory and modelling experiments on till evolution and techniques for measuring strain signatures in glacial deposits • Develops an updated till nomenclature based on an array of knowledge bases and describes new strategies for field description and analysis of glacial diamictons Written by an internationally recognised expert in the field, this book represents an important step forward in the modern understanding of glacial process sedimentology. As such, Till: A Glacial Process Sedimentology is an indispensable resource for advanced undergraduates and researchers in sedimentology, glacier science and related areas.
The decay of a lake-ice cover in the Canadian High Arctic was studied for 2 years. Melt at the upper surface accounted for 75% of the decrease in ice thickness, while 25% occurred at the ice–water interface. An energy-balance model, incorporating density reduction due to internal ice melt, was used to simulate the decay of the ice cover. The overall performance of the model was satisfactory despite periods when computed results differed from the observed ice decay. Energy-balance calculations indicated that the absorption of shortwave radiation within the ice provided 52% of the melt energy while 33 and 15% came from the surface-energy balance and heat flux from the water.