
Rethinking the Role of a Mobile Computing in Recreational Hiking

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Mobile computing devices, especially smartphones, are part of the recreational hiking experience in the United States. In our survey of over a thousand people in the United States in 2017, about 95% of respondents reported that they prefer to bring a smartphone when they go hiking. A smartphone used during hiking is simply a tool. That tool can improve or worsen the quality of a hiking experience. In this chapter, we propose a vision of interactive mobile computing design for hiking which may improve the quality of the hiking experience. Our vision of interactive computing and hiking is built on three principles: time spent outdoors is good for individuals, computing can play a positive role in outdoor recreation, and human–nature interaction is more important than human–computer interaction. We illustrate our approach using an extended scenario.

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... Such apps have developed a variety of functionalities from personalized training plans, weight loss tracking, to measuring steps and distance covered, estimating calories loss, etc., and some apps also explore social interactions in this context. Hakkila and Rovaniemi [7] and Anderson and Jones [1] argue that mobile technology has the potential to support activities in nature in ways that can be regarded as calming, relaxing and purifying, provided that the systems developed support users in an unobtrusive manner. For example, the Hobbit app [17] explores the concept of an asocial hiking app, in which users can generate routes that avoid meeting other people. ...
... Many mobile apps address tourists who are interested in learning about local culture and heritage. For instance, Cheverst et al. [1] present a mobile app that explores the English Lake District's cultural heritage, including the poetry inspired by the landscape. A strand of this work includes location-based games for cultural heritage, such as the Mouseion Topos mobile games [12] in which the visitor of a museum takes the role of a local undertaking missions and challenges to explore the museum and nearby village to learn about the local heritage of craftsmanship. ...
... Intense scientific research (e.g. [1][10]) has documented that the island displays parts of an exhumed subduction zone. This has inspired the project of a Syros GeoPark that is currently being realized. ...
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This paper presents the design and field evaluation of SyrosGeoPaths, a mobile app that has been developed to support visitorsof the Syros GeoPark, so they learn about its geological significancewhile hiking in a protected area. Syros GeoPaths supports the userexperience before, during, and after a hike following principlesof calm design. Before the hike, the app informs hikers about thepreparations needed and the characteristics of the paths. Duringthe hike, the app helps users navigate the GeoPaths and pointsof interest, while presenting geological information in visual andaudio descriptions. After the hike, the app offers certificates ofachievements to visitors, based on statistics of the user behaviorduring the hike. The app has been developed in open technologies:Android and OpenStreetMaps. It fully operates without requiringdata connection, since this is sometimes unavailable in this area.A field evaluation of the Syros GeoPaths mobile app has identifiedseveral user experience issues, which are considered to improvethis app and, more generally, to design hiking apps for learningabout geology, archaeology, or other fields of interest.
Tourism activities in the tropics region are significantly different from other parts of the world due to its distinctive features such as a mean annual temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, an abundance of sunshine, heavy precipitation which occasionally can induce monsoonal rainfall, high levels of humidity, dense vegetation of the rainforest, and diverse marine life. Although forest hiking has become one of the attractive interests in this wide area, the liveliness of enjoying a jungle walk might be discouraged by fear of getting lost, fear of unreachable locations by emergency vehicles, and fear of natural disasters which might lead to unpredictable subject anxiety. In this paper, we propose a conceptual model of the Internet of Things (IoT) system to support a forest hiking tourism experience. It consists of three functional sub-systems i.e., environmental monitoring sensors, tracking and tracing beacons, and early warning sensors. We propose to employ Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) architecture and communication protocols to deal with long-distance data transmission. The proposed system can provide benefits for online operational monitoring and tracking visitors’ movements to quickly detect any disruption in the field such as missing persons. The system can also be used as an early warning system when a disaster like a landslide, tsunami, wildfire, volcano eruption, or flood takes place. Several other aspects related to the security, privacy, and interoperability of the proposed system will be addressed to achieve its optimum functionality. The proposed system including both hardware and software interface will be designed and developed using co-design methods. The iterative process and stakeholder engagements used in the co-design may lead to systems that are more acceptable and relevant to the needs of an individual in a unique environment like the tropics forest.KeywordsInternet of thingsCo-designUsabilityForest hikingTropics tourismTracking and tracingEarly warning systemUser experience design
Hiking is one of the most accessible physical activities, carried out for recreation, pilgrimages, educational Field Trips. Security agencies patrols and has aesthetic value. The subtle distinction between Hiking and trekking is that of duration only. Hiking involves long walks along the trail for a single day mostly, while Trekking is done for a number of consecutive days and nights. These strolls have significantly become first line of defense in keeping lifestyle diseases including obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and fatty liver at bay. Patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by brisk walks have not only shown weight loss, but also reduction in higher levels of the liver enzymes like Alanine transaminase (ALT), Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT), and Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT). Regular walking has substantiated the increase in High-density lipoprotein (HDL) and decrease in low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Scientists investigate the links between walking and lifestyle diseases to guarantee its health benefits. Subsequently practice should be carried forward to ensure health benefits and research should seek to understand as to how Trekking and life style diseases are interlinked.
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This paper provides an overview of the Internet of Things (IoT) with emphasis on enabling technologies, protocols, and application issues. The IoT is enabled by the latest developments in RFID, smart sensors, communication technologies, and Internet protocols. The basic premise is to have smart sensors collaborate directly without human involvement to deliver a new class of applications. The current revolution in Internet, mobile, and machine-to-machine (M2M) technologies can be seen as the first phase of the IoT. In the coming years, the IoT is expected to bridge diverse technologies to enable new applications by connecting physical objects together in support of intelligent decision making. This paper starts by providing a horizontal overview of the IoT. Then, we give an overview of some technical details that pertain to the IoT enabling technologies, protocols, and applications. Compared to other survey papers in the field, our objective is to provide a more thorough summary of the most relevant protocols and application issues to enable researchers and application developers to get up to speed quickly on how the different protocols fit together to deliver desired functionalities without having to go through RFCs and the standards specifications. We also provide an overview of some of the key IoT challenges presented in the recent literature and provide a summary of related research work. Moreover, we explore the relation between the IoT and other emerging technologies including big data analytics and cloud and fog computing. We also present the need for better horizontal integration among IoT services. Finally, we present detailed service use-cases to illustrate how the different protocols presented in the paper fit together to deliver desired IoT services.
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There is growing evidence to suggest that exposure to natural environments can be associated with mental health benefits. Proximity to greenspace has been associated with lower levels of stress (Thompson et al., 2012) and reduced symptomology for depression and anxiety (Beyer et al., 2014), while interacting with nature can improve cognition for children with attention deficits (Taylor and Kuo, 2009) and individuals with depression (Berman et al., 2012). A recent epidemiological study has shown that people who move to greener urban areas benefit from sustained improvements in their mental health (Alcock et al., 2014). In this paper we critically review evidence indicating that such mental health benefits are associated with the so-called “restorative” properties of natural environments. In particular we focus on the claim that interaction with (or just passive perception of) natural scene content can be linked to the restoration of limited-capacity attentional resources, in comparison to similar exposure to urban or built scene content.
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Recent developments and technological advancements in wireless communication, MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) technology and integrated circuits has enabled lowpower, intelligent, miniaturized, invasive/non-invasive micro and nano-technology sensor nodes strategically placed in or around the human body to be used in various applications such as personal health monitoring. This exciting new area of research is called Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) and leverages the emerging IEEE 802.15.6 and IEEE 802.15.4j standards, specifically standardized for medical WBANs. The aim of WBANs is to simplify and improve speed, accuracy, and reliability of communications. The vast scope of challenges associated with WBANs has led to numerous publications. In this paper, we survey the current state-of-art of WBANs based on the latest standards and publications. Open issues and challenges within each area are also explored as a source of inspiration towards future developments in WBANs.
Conference Paper
Many people enjoy hiking as an outdoor escape from everyday life. However, in our survey of 1002 respondants in the United States, 95% of respondents indicate that they prefer to bring their cell phone when hiking. This potentially creates distractions by reminding hikers of the daily pressures they sought to escape. We believe technology has the ability to enable or enhance outdoor activities, such as hiking, without taking away from the experience. But to begin to realize this vision we must first understand current attitudes towards technology in the outdoors. We present data from a nationwide survey conducted within the United States. We have used this data to identify clusters around attitudes towards hiking and technology use while hiking. We present initial results and analysis of this data as well as direction for future work.
Interest in Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) has increased significantly in recent years thanks to the advances in microelectronics and wireless communications. Owing to the very stringent application requirements in terms of reliability, energy efficiency, and low device complexity, the design of these networks requires the definition of new protocols with respect to those used in general purpose wireless sensor networks. This motivates the effort in research activities and in standardisation process of the last years. This survey paper aims at reporting an overview of WBAN main applications, technologies and standards, issues in WBANs design, and evolutions. Some case studies are reported, based on both real implementation and experimentation on the field, and on simulations. These results have the aim of providing useful insights for WBAN designers and of highlighting the main issues affecting the performance of these kind of networks.
Specialized elements of hardware and software, connected by wires, radio waves and infrared, will be so ubiquitous that no one will notice their presence.
Ubiquitous sensing enabled by Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technologies cuts across many areas of modern day living. This offers the ability to measure, infer and understand environmental indicators, from delicate ecologies and natural resources to urban environments. The proliferation of these devices in a communicating-actuating network creates the Internet of Things (IoT), wherein, sensors and actuators blend seamlessly with the environment around us, and the information is shared across platforms in order to develop a common operating picture (COP). Fuelled by the recent adaptation of a variety of enabling device technologies such as RFID tags and readers, near field communication (NFC) devices and embedded sensor and actuator nodes, the IoT has stepped out of its infancy and is the the next revolutionary technology in transforming the Internet into a fully integrated Future Internet. As we move from www (static pages web) to web2 (social networking web) to web3 (ubiquitous computing web), the need for data-on-demand using sophisticated intuitive queries increases significantly. This paper presents a cloud centric vision for worldwide implementation of Internet of Things. The key enabling technologies and application domains that are likely to drive IoT research in the near future are discussed. A cloud implementation using Aneka, which is based on interaction of private and public clouds is presented. We conclude our IoT vision by expanding on the need for convergence of WSN, the Internet and distributed computing directed at technological research community.
Directed attention plays an important role in human information processing; its fatigue, in turn, has far-reaching consequences. Attention Restoration Theory provides an analysis of the kinds of experiences that lead to recovery from such fatigue. Natural environments turn out to be particularly rich in the characteristics necessary for restorative experiences. An integrative framework is proposed that places both directed attention and stress in the larger context of human-environment relationships.
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