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Will coronavirus cause a big city exodus?


Abstract and Figures

What does the pandemic mean for the future of cities? We’ve seen predictions that COVID-19 is an ‘extinction-level event’ for expensive, commuter-driven urban cores. We’ve also seen confidence: if the ‘death of distance’ didn’t finish off big cities in the 1980s, why should this time be different? A key uncertainty is how working from home affects productivity and innovation. A second is how we exit the pandemic. Exploring these issues helps us understand how big cities could now evolve.
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Forthcoming in Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science
Will coronavirus cause a big city exodus?
What does the pandemic mean for the future of cities? We’ve seen predictions that COVID-19
is an ‘extinction-level event’ for expensive, commuter-driven megacities. We’ve also seen
confidence: if the death of distance didnt finish off big cities in the 1980s, why should this
time be different?
These debates are bound up in the UK and US, at least with worries about empty city centres
and working from home. At the time of writing, a majority of UK workers is commuting at
least once a week (Figure 1, left). But city centre footfall especially in the biggest places
remains well down (Figure 1, right). And within big cities like London, footfall is shifting from
cores to suburbs (Anderson, Hesketh et al. 2020).
Figure 1. Left: Where are people working? Right: Footfall by city size.
Is this the beginning of the end for big cities? Academics have been quick to make predictions
(Batty 2020, Couclelis 2020, Florida, Rodríguez-Pose et al. 2020, Kellerman 2020, Kleinman
2020). How should we assess the possibilities? A key uncertainty is how working from home
affects productivity and innovation. A second is how we exit the pandemic. Exploring these
issues helps us understand how big cities could now evolve.
% of respondents
Week ending
Working from home only Travel to work only
Both working from home and travel to work Furloughed
Source: ONS Opinions and Lifestyle Survey. Base = GB. Weekly data
1/ Remote possibilities
Home working is increasingly feasible for many activities, including complex tasks requiring
interaction (Clancy 2020). So why isn’t it more common? One barrier is practicality. In most
countries, the nature of the work the ‘task content’ means only a minority of jobs can be
done from home around 44% in the UK (Dingel and Neiman 2020). Another barrier is inertia.
Pre-pandemic, only 27% of UK workers had ever worked from home: a big gap (Office for
National Statistics 2020). This gap has now closed: in a recent survey regular remote working
had risen from 6% pre-pandemic to 43% by the end of June (Felstead and Reuschke 2020).
That share will be higher in big cities.
As Clancy notes, even if remote working is not be as effective as face to face, firms may trade-
off less effective working practices for cost savings. The effect on productivity of the current
shift is unknown. Newly-remote urban office workers work longer days, have more, but
shorter, meetings and do more email (DeFilippis, Impink et al. 2020). While 29% of workers
in Felstead and Reuschkes survey report higher output, 30% say it had fallen.
We also lack robust pre-pandemic evidence. In specific cases patent examining or call centres
(Bloom, Liang et al. 2014, Choudhury, Foroughi et al. 2020) shifting to remote working
increased productivity. This tells us how existing teams adjust but says little about long term
change. Those dynamics matter. Physically co-located workers in workplaces, but also in
incubators, accelerators and science parks can learn more easily from each other, and develop
and test new ideas (Madaleno, Nathan et al. 2018). These effects extend beyond the firm.
Physical proximity in cities increases innovation, and this link remains strong, even as remote
working tools have improved and travel costs have fallen (Duranton and Puga 2020). Dense
urban areas are good at generating unconventional ideas (Berkes and Gaetani 2019) including
through serendipitous interaction (Atkin, Chen et al. 2019). Even as new ideas diffuse, their
birthplace retains disproportionate job shares in related activities (Bloom, Hassan et al. 2020).
Learning is especially important for younger workers, who experience bigger wage gains when
moving to urban cores (De La Roca and Puga 2017).
This raises the question of the private versus the social benefits of proximity. Even if shifting
to home working makes individual firms more productive, cities could still lose the collective
benefits of between-firm and worker interaction. Of course, mass remote workarounds for face
to face may emerge (Page 2020). And constraints on face-to-face interaction can also alter the
direction of innovation, in ways that might bring benefits (Andrews 2019). But these latter
possibilities are highly speculative.
Firms will continue to experiment with ways of reorganising office work in the coming months.
The longer the period of forced experiment, the more firms and their workers can figure out
what works for them. This is one of many reasons why the length of the pandemic will matter.
2/ Early exit
An effective vaccine available from mid-2021 will mean a rapid end to the disruptions caused
by lockdowns and social distancing. Unfortunately, temporary shocks such as lockdown
could have permanent scarring effects. The resilience literature suggests that richer regions,
with more educated workforces, bounce back faster from recessions.
We should not assume a rapid return to pre-COVID norms. The pandemic may change longer-
term behaviour even if we exit early. Expectations about the likelihood of future pandemics
may change, and that could shift preferences for big city living. The forced experiment of mass
remote working could also act as a collective nudge. If this overcomes organisational inertia,
working from home could permanently increase. These shifts, and others, are more likely if
exit from the pandemic happens later.
3/ Exit later
What if a vaccine is two to three years away or rather less likely that COVID-19 becomes
less infectious, or herd immunity emerges? This prolongs forced experimentation and moves
us further from old norms.
If working from home does become an effective substitute for face-to-face interaction and
this is debatable then it could increase the spatial footprint of more dynamic firms and cities
as commuting does, but at lower economic, social and environmental costs. If this vision of
workers in rural idylls dialling into high-paying, big city jobs sounds familiar, that’s because it
is: mass telecommuting, first promised decades ago, will have arrived.
One challenge to this rosy outlook is greater offshoring: if a task can be done anywhere, why
not outside the UK? A second challenge is that profound reductions in transport and
telecommunication costs generate further shifts in geographies of people and jobs, as changes
in location preferences work through the urban system.
For home-working households, less commuting weakens the link between residential and work
location. This means non-work considerations can play a bigger role in choosing where to live.
In the UK, housing shortages and unresponsive supply make large population adjustments
unfeasible. Instead, any significant drop in demand for big cities will produce higher house
prices in desirable non-urban locations. Higher-paid jobs are more amenable to remote
working, reinforcing these price effects. A similar story could play out within cities, with
wealthier households moving to desirable suburbs. These shifts will reinforce spatial
segregation, rather than ‘levelling up’.
Wealthy households moving to the suburbs also increase demand for high-end shops,
restaurants and gyms in those neighbourhoods. Will we see one-for-one shifts of activity from
central cities to suburbs? This will depend on the extent to which households substitute home
production, local or online purchases for the services they used to consume while at work.
Many workers may make their own lunch when working from home Some shopping will shift
to local businesses but it will also move online. Lockdown has seen many households substitute
online shopping for physical retail (Relihan, Ward Jr. et al. 2020). Offsetting this is reduced
expenditure on commuting and office clothing; against that, there is higher spending on office
equipment and energy at home.
What about office work? A shift to home working lowers demand for office space and even as
firms hold onto offices, many are already renegotiating or withholding rents. But companies
are also experimenting, reorganising roles and workflows. One decision for firms is what tasks
need to be done in the office, under social distancing if required. Another decision is when
these tasks will be done - city traders who need fast, bespoke internet connections may need to
be always-in, for example. Companies will need to figure out the impacts of home versus office
working, and change management practices around this.
All this makes it hard to predict the future of urban office markets. We may see a lot more full-
time remote working, or more mixed patterns (in five days in ten). In the former case, total
demand for office space will be lower. In the latter, total demand may be the same or higher.
US firms surveyed in June predicted zero change in future demand for space (Altig, Barrero et
al. 2020).
The wider geographical affects are also hard to predict. Falling transaction costs could lead to
more concentration, with front office activities in city centres while back office activities
move to the suburbs. Functional specialisation could see headquarters increasingly
concentrated in bigger cities, while smaller cities specialise in production.
4/ No exit
In the absence of an effective vaccine, declining infectiousness or herd immunity, Covid-19
will stay endemic, and will need to be managed through large-scale testing, track and trace and,
if that fails, local lockdowns (Aleta, Martín-Corral et al. 2020). Where would this leave big
One key question is whether big cities are more vulnerable to Covid-19, or future pandemics.
Big cities have long been hard hit by disease but evidence on Covid-19 is limited. Contact-
tracing studies highlight how prolonged exposure in crowded, enclosed environments and
events spreads the virus (Cevik, Marcus et al. 2020). Yet this doesn’t mean that size, density
or connectivity makes big cities inherently riskier.
In the UK and elsewhere, the biggest, densest cities were hit earlier. But allowing for timing,
there may be no link between Covid-19 death rates and density (Carozzi, Provenzano et al.
2020). Other factors may offset the proximity disadvantage of big cities: younger than average
populations, for example, and more residents who can reduce exposure by changing behaviour.
If these findings generalise, economic, physical or demographic characteristics reliance on
public transport, crowded housing, physically and economically exposed work in frontline
services, and concentrations of vulnerable groups may better explain the spread of Covid-19.
While these are features of many big cities, especially in more deprived neighbourhoods, they
are also characteristics of poorer small cities and towns where coronavirus cases are now
A radical shift in economic geography becomes more likely as the time to exit increases. A
long crisis could alter beliefs about the likelihood of future pandemics, thus changing
behaviour. Slow exit also allows further development of remote working practices and
technologies. Diffusion lags can be lengthy: two decades passed before factories took full
advantage of electrification, for example (David 1990). Large-scale shocks can also lead to
permanent shifts between multiple equilibria’ even if underlying fundamentals don’t
change. The benefits of co-location reduce when everyone is working from home. This reduces
the individual benefits of a return to the office, even if there would be collective benefits from
doing so.
No exit could also lead to other, long-term transformations. For example, for older
households, more vulnerable to the disease, the benefits of home working will increase, while
the amenity benefits of cities will weaken. As the young are less vulnerable, the demography
of city centres could get even younger, while older households move to the suburbs or out of
cities entirely.
Other adjustments will be needed. For example, can cities that rely on public transport find
innovative commuting arrangements that manage congestion and allow employment to remain
concentrated in the city centre (Hidalgo 2020)? How will they manage this given falling tax
revenues, if demand for office space falls and takes some local services with it?
5/ Conclusions
The virus has already altered patterns of working, shopping and social interaction: the question
is whether and how these continue.
Time to exit will shape big city futures. National differences will also matter. In countries with
effective public health responses, change will be voluntary: as public confidence returns, firms
and households can try out new ways of organising life and work (Parnell 2020). By contrast,
in countries where the virus response is poor, forced adaptation will continue with all the
difficulties that entails.
There will be other globalised pandemics. And cities still need to address larger, pre-existing
challenges: most obviously, climate change. The way in which cities adapt to the current crisis,
and the lessons learned for other challenges, may be as important as the novel coronavirus
Max Nathan
University College London & Centre for Economic Performance. Corresponding author.
Henry Overman
London School of Economics and Political Science & Centre for Economic Performance
An earlier version of this piece was published on the UKRI Economics Observatory.
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... Although there are concerns about the future of cities and the changing trends, some scholars maintain that cities have traditionally demonstrated resilience and will emerge from the pandemic even stronger 17,18 . Also, some studies confirm that urban outmigration trends have gradually reversed after the relaxation of COVID-19 protective measures 5,11,17,19 . ...
... Reluctance to relocate is particularly strong among younger people. These findings provide promising insights and could alleviate concerns regarding largescale migration from urban areas, which could lead to unsustainable urban growth patterns 18,42 . It is argued that well-designed compact urban development provides multiple co-benefits for sustainability and resilience by, among other things, facilitating efficient resource management, decreasing energy and travel demand, reducing risk exposure, enabling better emergency response, providing better access to services, and promoting better community support during times of crisis [43][44][45] . ...
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... Examining the impacts of digital technologies and digital platforms on cities contributes to understandings of urban evolution and change. When the pandemic precipitated sudden and protracted urban mobility shifts (Brail & Donald, 2024;Nathan & Overman, 2020), we contend that a digital platform pivot from ride hailing to food hailing (that is, food delivery) ensued. By analyzing the conditions that enabled the shift from ride hailing to food hailing, we gain insight into the role of urban innovation and policy in shaping cities. ...
... Stringency measures to contain the spread of COVID-19, such as social distancing, lockdowns, business and school closures contributed to sharp declines in internal population movements within countries (Nouvellet et al., 2021). As the virus spread globally in early 2020, COVID-19 infection and mortality rates were disproportionately higher in large and dense metropolitan areas (Pomeroy and Chiney, 2021), remote work reduced the need to commute (Nathan and Overman, 2020) and diminished retail activity decreasing the attractiveness and vibrancy of these areas (Florida, Rodríguez-Pose and Storper, 2021). In a gloomy prospect for urban centres, media headlines suggested the death of cities gathering anecdotal evidence on an "urban exodus", claiming sudden rises in the number of people moving from large cities to suburbs and rural locales (Paybarah, Bloch and Reinhard, 2020;Marsh, 2020). ...
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Description The COVID‐19 pandemic has impacted population movement around the world. Existing work has focused on countries of the Global North and restricted to the immediate effects of COVID-19 during 2020. Data have represented a major limitation to monitor changes in mobility patterns in Latin American countries. Drawing on aggregate anonymised mobile phone location data from Meta‐Facebook users, we aim to analyse the extent and persistence of changes in the levels (or intensity) and spatial patterns of internal population movement across the rural-urban continuum in Argentina, Chile and Mexico over a 26-month period from March 2020 to May 2022. We reveal an overall systematic decline in the level of short- and long-distance movement during the enactment of nonpharmaceutical interventions in 2020, with the largest reductions occurred in the most dense areas. We also show that these levels bounced back closer to pre-pandemic levels in 2022 following the relaxation of COVID-19 stringency measures. However, the intensity of these movements remained below pre-pandemic levels in many areas in 2022. Our findings lend some support to the idea of an urban exodus. They reveal continuing negative net balances of short-distance movements in the most dense areas of capital cities in Argentina and Mexico, reflecting a pattern of suburbanisation. Chile displays limited changes in the net balance of short-distance movements but reports a net loss of long-distance movements. These losses were, however, temporary, moving to neutral and positive balances in 2021 and 2022. This contrasts with a systematic pattern of net migration losses observed for the Metropolitan Region of Santiago over the last 20 years.
... New factors recently came into play regarding urban containment. Teleworking, considerably intensified in 2020 during the pandemic and gradually became mainstream, is a new centrifugal force, weakening the link between work and home locations, altering human geography and land uses in cities (Nathan and Overman, 2020). The disruptive impact of teleworking is substantially reinforced by the coincidental concurrent emergence of private sector investments to provide internet access globally, via satellite constellations. ...
For exactly one century Greece, in turbulent times and with a fragile economy, has aspired to articulate a land policy able to control urbanization and tilt the scales in favor of society, away from merely passively accommodating free market decisions. However, the analysis of available data shows that so far this quest has not been successful. Urbanization largely proceeded unimpeded. In the past thirty years urban land increased by 70% while urban density has reduced almost by half. Surprisingly the trends are persistent even to the severe economic crisis of the past decade. The form of sprawl in Greece is characterized by strip development along the coastline, sometimes at substantial depths, and by low density expanses in low laying areas, that are mixed in land use, but in a suboptimal and conflicting fashion. The main drivers of uncontrolled urbanization is on the one hand a strong growth coalition (owners, developers, interest groups) and on the other a chronically inefficient planning system. The results clearly show that unless land policy abandons the laissez-faire attitude, that favors the growth coalition, and shifts to endorsing the concept of urban containment, the protagonists of growth will continue to avoid bearing the cost of development externalities , which so far is successfully passed to the broader society in a vicious circle of land speculation.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused economic crises and increased inter-regional economic disparities. However, the catalyst effect that the pandemic has had on digitalization may change the traditional pattern of internal migration, in favour of rural areas. Using time-sensitive register data we explain changes in net migration rates of German districts from an economic geography perspective. We show that, since the beginning of the pandemic, rural regions benefited more from migration. In particular, younger and highly skilled individuals increasingly move to rural areas. This confirms that rural regions can benefit from increasing remote work, but these effects differ across region types and individual skill levels.
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This article explores the evolving spatiality of media production through an analysis of recent developments in UK broadcaster Channel 4’s move to a multi-site operating model. Historically, media buildings have served as landmarks of power and influence, embodying the aspirations and identities of media organisations and, as such, offer a fruitful lens for the specific exploration of the spaces of contemporary media production. Through a detailed analysis of Channel 4’s decision-making process, site selections and the significance of the chosen buildings within areas with an urban regeneration focus, the study investigates the complex interplay between media industry dynamics, regional development policies, and wider political and economic forces. Drawing on a range of academic literature and evidence from media, industry and policy reporting, the article highlights the strategic motivations behind Channel 4’s decentralisation efforts, positioned by the organisation as an effort to address diversity in terms of nations and regions representation but significantly shaped by political factors. However, it also raises critical questions about the long-term sustainability, economic viability and cultural impact of these relocation decisions. The article discusses how Channel 4’s regional media spaces and decentralisation reflect the impermanence and crisis facing Public Service Media, emphasising the shifting power dynamics within the media landscape and the need for adaptive strategies in an increasingly volatile industry environment. By examining the evolving investment in media buildings, this research contributes to a growing body of research seeking to understand the complex dynamics shaping contemporary media landscapes and urban environments.
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It is impossible to predict the future spatial structure of cities from our current models of location and travel behaviour for the forces that have previously determined where people locate, have been turned on their heads by the pandemic. The only way we can explore such an uncertain future is to build hypothetical cities on which we are able to experiment with different urban futures. Here we build a hypothetical, symmetric, monocentric city which we proceed to lockdown by moving 80 percent of its workers to work from home. We then illustrate how we can relax this situation, letting the city return to a new equilibrium and showing how changes in our travel behaviour can lead to very different forms of future city. We argue that only through hypothetical simulations can we explore this future effectively and we point to where we have applied the model to London.
Technical Report
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Report on the growth, characteristics and consequences of homeworking before and during the UK 2020 lockdown.