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Efficient Similarity-Preserving Unsupervised Learning using Modular Sparse Distributed Codes and Novelty-Contingent Noise

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Abstract and Figures

There is increasing realization in neuroscience that information is represented in the brain, e.g., neocortex, hippocampus, in the form sparse distributed codes (SDCs), a kind of cell assembly. Two essential questions are: a) how are such codes formed on the basis of single trials, and how is similarity preserved during learning, i.e., how do more similar inputs get mapped to more similar SDCs. I describe a novel Modular Sparse Distributed Code (MSDC) that provides simple, neurally plausible answers to both questions. An MSDC coding field (CF) consists of Q WTA competitive modules (CMs), each comprised of K binary units (analogs of principal cells). The modular nature of the CF makes possible a single-trial, unsupervised learning algorithm that approximately preserves similarity and crucially, runs in fixed time, i.e., the number of steps needed to store an item remains constant as the number of stored items grows. Further, once items are stored as MSDCs in superposition and such that their intersection structure reflects input similarity, both fixed time best-match retrieval and fixed time belief update (updating the probabilities of all stored items) also become possible. The algorithm’s core principle is simply to add noise into the process of choosing a code, i.e., choosing a winner in each CM, which is proportional to the novelty of the input. This causes the expected intersection of the code for an input, X, with the code of each previously stored input, Y, to be proportional to the similarity of X and Y. Results demonstrating these capabilities for spatial patterns are given in the appendix.
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Efficient Similarity-Preserving Unsupervised
Learning using Modular Sparse Distributed Codes
and Novelty-Contingent Noise
Rod Rinkus
Chief Scientist, Neurithmic Systems
Newton, MA 02465
There is increasing realization in neuroscience that information is represented in the
brain, e.g., neocortex, hippocampus, in the form sparse distributed codes (SDCs), a
kind of cell assembly. Two essential questions are: a) how are such codes formed
on the basis of single trials, and how is similarity preserved during learning, i.e.,
how do more similar inputs get mapped to more similar SDCs. I describe a novel
Modular Sparse Distributed Code (MSDC) that provides simple, neurally plausible
answers to both questions. An MSDC coding field (CF) consists of
competitive modules (CMs), each comprised of
binary units (analogs of principal
cells). The modular nature of the CF makes possible a single-trial, unsupervised
learning algorithm that approximately preserves similarity and crucially, runs in
fixed time, i.e., the number of steps needed to store an item remains constant as
the number of stored items grows. Further, once items are stored as MSDCs in
superposition and such that their intersection structure reflects input similarity,
both fixed time best-match retrieval and fixed time belief update (updating the
probabilities of all stored items) also become possible. The algorithm’s core
principle is simply to add noise into the process of choosing a code, i.e., choosing
a winner in each CM, which is proportional to the novelty of the input. This
causes the expected intersection of the code for an input, X, with the code of each
previously stored input, Y, to be proportional to the similarity of X and Y. Results
demonstrating these capabilities for spatial patterns are given in the appendix.
1 Introduction
Perhaps the simplest statement of the fundamental question of neuroscience is: how is information
represented and processed in the brain, or what is the neural code? For most of the history of
neuroscience, thinking about this question has been dominated by the “Neuron Doctrine” that says
that the individual (principal) neuron is the atomic functional unit of meaning, e.g., that individual
V1 simple cells represent edges of specific orientation and spatial frequency. This is partially
due to the extreme difficulty of observing the simultaenous, ms-scale dynamics of all neurons in
large populations, e.g., all principal cells in the L2 volume of a cortical macrocolumn. However,
with improving experimental methods, e.g., larger electrode arrays, calcium imaging [
], there is
increasing evidence that the “Cell Assembly” (CA) [
], a
of co-active neurons, is the atomic
functional unit of representation and thus of cognition [
]. If so, we have at least two key
questions. First, how might a CA be assigned to represent an input based on a single trial, as
Preprint. Under review at the 2nd Shared Visual Representations in Human and Machine Intelligence (SVRHM)
Workshop at NeurIPS 2020.
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occurs in the formation of an episodic memory? Second, how might similarity relations in the input
space be preserved in CA space, as is necessary in order to explain similarity-based responding /
I describe a novel CA concept, Modular Sparse Distributed Coding (MSDC), which provides simple,
neurally plausible, answers to both questions. In particular, MSDC admits a single-trial, unsupervised
learning method (algorithm) which approximately preserves similarity—specifically, maps more
similar inputs to more highly intersecting MSDCs—and crucially, runs in
fixed time
. “Fixed time”
means that the number of steps needed to store (learn) a new item remains
as the number
of items stored in an MSDC coding field (CF) increases. Further, since the MSDCs of all items are
stored in superposition and such that their intersection structure reflects the input space’s similarity
structure, best-match (nearest-neighbor) retrieval and in fact, updating of the explicit probabilities of
all stored items (i.e., “belief update” [17]), are also both fixed time operations.
There are three essential keys to the learning algorithm. 1) The CF has a modular structure: an MSDC
CF consists of QWTA Competitive Modules (CMs), each comprised of Kbinary units (as in Fig. 1).
Thus, all codes stored in the CF or that ever become active in the CF are of size Q, one winner per CM.
This modular CF structure distinguishes MSDC from numerous prior, “flat CF” sparse distributed
representation (SDR) models, e.g., [
]. 2) The modular organization admits an extremely
efficient way to compute the familiarity (
, defined shortly), a generalized similarity measure that
is sensitive not just to pairwise, but to all higher-order, similarities present in the inputs, without
requiring explicit comparison of a new input to stored inputs. 3) A novel,
use of noise
(randomness) in the learning process, i.e., in choosing winners in the CMs. Specifically, an amount
of noise inversely proportional to
(directly proportional to novelty) is injected into the process of
choosing winners in the
CMs. Broadly: a) to the extent an input is novel, it will be assigned to
a code having low average intersection (high Hamming distance) with the previously stored codes,
which tends to increase storage capacity; and b) to the extent it is familiar, it will be assigned to a
code having higher intersection with the codes of similar previously stored inputs, which embeds
the similarity structure over the inputs. The tradeoff between capacity maximization and embedding
statistical structure is an area of active research [4, 14].
In this paper, I describe the MSDC coding format (Fig. 1), semi-quantitatively describe how the
learning algorithm works (Figs. 2 and 3), then formally state a simple instance of the algorithm (Fig.
4), which shows that it runs in fixed time. The appendix includes results of simulations demonstrating
the approximate preservation of similarity for the case of spatial inputs, and implicitly, fixed-time
best-match retrieval and fixed-time belief update. This algorithm and model has been generalized to
the spatiotemporal pattern (sequence) case [20, 23]: results for that case can be found in [22].
2 Modular Sparse Distributed Codes
Fig. 1b shows a simple model instance with an 8x8 binary pixel input, or receptive field (RF), e.g.,
from a small patch of lateral geniculate nucleus, which is fully (all-to-all) connected to an MSDC CF
(black hexagon) via a binary weight matrix (blue lines). The CF is a set of Q=7 WTA Competitive
Modules (CMs) (red dashed ellipses), each comprised of K=7 binary units. All weights are initially
zero. Fig. 1a shows an alternate, linear view of the CF (which is used for clarity in later figures). Fig.
1c shows an input pattern, A, seven active pixels approximating an oriented edge feature, a code,
, that has been activated to represent A, and the 49 binary weights that would be increased from
0 to 1 to form the learned association (mapping) from A to
. Note: there are
possible codes.
Together, Figs. 2 and 3 describe a single-trial, fixed-time, unsupervised learning algorithm, made
possible by MSDC, which approximately preserves similarity. A simple version of the algorithm,
called the code selection algorithm (CSA), is then formally stated in Fig. 4. Fig. 2a shows the four
inputs, A-D, that we will use to explain the principle for preserving similarity from an input space to
the code space. Fig 2b shows the details of the learning trial for A. The model (a different instance
than the one in Fig. 1), with A presenting as input, is shown at the bottom. The CF (gray hexagon) has
Q=5 CMs, each with K=3 binary units. Since this is the first input, all weights are zero (gray lines).
Thus, the bottom-up signals arriving from the five active input units yield raw input summation (u) of
zero for the 15 CF units (ucharts). Note that we assume that all inputs have the same number, S=5,
of active units. Thus, we can convert the raw uvalues to normalized Uvalues in [0,1] by dividing by
S(Ucharts). The final step is to convert the Udistribution in each CM into a probability distribution
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Figure 1: (a) Linear view of an MSDC coding field (CF) comprised of Q=7 WTA competitive
modules (CMs) (red dashed boxes), each comprised of K=7 binary units. (b) A small model instance
with an 8x8 binary pixel input, i.e., receptive field (RF), fully connected to the CF (black hexagon).
(c) Example of learned association from an input, A, to its code, φ(A).
Figure 2: (a) Four sample inputs where B-D have decreasing similarity with A. (b) The learning trial
for A. All weights are initially 0 (gray), thus u=U=0 for all units, which causes (see algorithm in
Fig. 4) the win probability (
) of all units to be equal, i.e., uniform distribution, in each CM, thus a
maximally random choice of winners as As code,
(black units). (c) The 25 increased (from 0
to 1) weights (black lines) that constitute the mapping from A to φ(A).
) from which a winner will be chosen. In this case, it is hopefully intuitive that the uniform U
distributions should be converted into uniform
distributions (
charts). Thus, the code chosen,
, is completely random. Nevertheless, once
is chosen, the mapping from A to
embedded at full strength, i.e., the 25 weights from the active inputs to the Q=5 winners are increased
from 0 to 1 (black lines in Fig. 2c). Thus, a strong memory trace can be immediately formed via the
simultaneous increase of numerous weak (in an absolute sense) thalamocortical synapses, consistent
with [2].
Input A having been stored (Fig. 2), Fig. 3 considers four hypothetical next inputs to illustrate
the similarity preservation mechanism. Fig. 3a shows what happens if A is presented again and
Figs. 3b-d show what happens for three inputs B-D progressively less similar to A. If A presents
again, then due to the learning that occurred on As learning trial, the five units that won (by chance)
in that learning trial will have u=5 and thus U=1. All other units will have u=U=0. Again, it is
hopefully intuitive in this case, that the Udistributions should be converted into extremely peaked
distributions favoring the winners for
. That is, in this case, which is in fact a retrieval trial,
we want the model to be extremely likely to reactivate
. Fig. 3a shows such highly peaked
distributions and a statistically plausible draw where the same winner as in the learning trial is
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Figure 3: a) Illustration of the principle by which similarity is approximately preserved. Given
that codes are MSDCs, all of size Q, all that needs to be done in order to ensure approximate
similarity preservation is to make the probability distributions in the CMs increasingly noisy (flatter)
in proportion to the novelty of the input.
chosen in all Q=5 CMs. Fig. 3b shows the case of presenting an input B that is very similar to A (4
out of 5 features in common, red indicates non-intersecting input unit). Due to the prior learning,
this leads to u=4 and U=0.8 for the five units of
and u=U=0 for all other units. In this case,
we would like the model to pick a code,
, for B that has high, but not total, intersection with
. Clearly, we can achieve this by converting the Udistributions into slightly flatter, i.e., slightly
distributions, than those in Fig. 3a. Fig. 3b shows slightly flatter
distributions and a
statistically plausible outcome where the most-favored unit in each CM (i.e., the winner for A) wins
in four of the five CMs (red unit is not in intersection with
). Figs 3c and 3d then just complete
the explanation by showing two progressively less similar (to A) inputs, which lead to progressively
distributions and ultimately codes with lower intersections with
. The u,U, and
distributions are identically shaped across all CMs in each panel of Fig. 3 because each assumes that
only one input, A, has been stored. As a succession of inputs are stored, the distributions will begin
to differ across the CMs, due to the history of probabilistic choices (as can be seen in the appendix).
Having described the similarity preservation principle, i.e., adding noise proportional to input novelty
into the code selection process, Fig. 4 formally states a simple version of the learning algorithm.
Steps 1 and 2 have already been explained. Steps 3 and 4 together specify the computation of the
familiarity,G, of an input, which is used to control the amount of noise added. Gis a generalized
similarity measure and thus an inverse novelty measure. Step 3 computes the maximum Uvalue in
each CM and Step 4 computes their average, G, over the QCMs. Steps 5 and 6 specify the nonlinear,
specifically, sigmoidal, transform that will be applied from the Uvalues to relative probabilities of
winning (within each CM) (
), which are then normalized to total probabilities (
). The main idea is
as follows. If Gis close to 1, indicating the input, X, is highly similar to at least one stored input, Y,
then we want to cause the units of
to be highly favored to win again in their respective CMs.
Thus, we put the Uvalues through a nonlinear transform that amplifies the differences between high
and low Uvalues. On the other hand, if Gis near 0, indicating X is not similiar to any previously
stored input, then we want to diminish the differences between high and low Uvalues, i.e., squash
them together. Thus, we set the numerator,
, in Equation 6, to low value, which flattens the resulting
distribution. When G=0,
η= 0
, and all units in the CM are equally likely to win. In work thus far,
transform (Step 6) has been modeled as sigmoidal. The motivation is that this will better
model the phenomenon of categorical perception. However, a wider range of functions, including
purely linear, would yield similarity preservation and should be investigated in future research.
Crucially, the learning algorithm has a
number of steps. That is, it iterates only over quantities
that are fixed for the life of the model, i.e., the units and the weights, with only a single iteration
occurring in any of the steps that involve iteration. In particular, there is no explicit iteration over
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Figure 4: Simple version of the learning algorithm sketched in Figs. 2 and 3.
stored inputs. This is an associative memory model, in a similar spirit to those of [
], but with
the added simple mechanism for statistically ensuring more similar inputs are assigned to more highly
intersecting MSDCs.
3 Discussion
The work described herein has several novel components: 1) the modularity of sparse coding field;
2) the efficient means of computing familiarity (
); and 3) the normative use of noise to efficiently
achieve approximate similarity preservation. Regarding (1), there is substantial evidence for the
existence of mesoscale, i.e., macrocolumnar, coding fields in cortex, but we are as yet, a long way
from definitively observing the formation (during learning) and reactivation/deactivation (during
cognition/inference) of cell assemblies in such coding fields. Given that the model does learning
and best-match retrieval, it can be viewed as accomplishing a form of locality sensitive hashing
(LSH) [
], in fact, adaptive LSH (reviewed in [
]). Interestingly, recent work has proposed that
the fly olfactory system performs a form of LSH [
], and in fact, includes a novelty (i.e., inverse
familiarity) computation, putatively performed by a mushroom body output neuron, that is quite
similar to our model’s
computation. However, the Dasgupta et al model is not adaptive and thus,
does not use novelty to influence the learning process. Finally, I emphasize the importance of the
normative view of noise in our model. There has been much discussion of the nature, causes, and
uses, of correlations and noise in cortical activity; see ([
]) for reviews. Most investigations
of neural correlation and noise, especially in the context of probabilistic population coding models
], assume a priori: a) fundamentally noisy neurons, and b) tuning functions (TFs) of some
general form, e.g., unimodal, bell-shaped, and then describe how noise/correlation affects the coding
accuracy of populations of cells having such TFs ([
]). Specifically, these treatments
measure correlation in terms of either mean spiking rates (“signal correlation”) or spikes themselves
(“noise correlations”). However, as noted above, our model makes neither assumption. Rather, in our
model, noise (randomness) is actively injected—implemented via the
-dependent modulation of
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the neuronal transfer function—during learning to achieve the goal of similarity preservation. Thus,
the pattern of correlations amongst units (neurons) simply emerges as a side effect of cells being
selected to participate in MSDCs. How such a familiarity-contingent noise functionality might be
implemented neurally remains an open question. It is most likely subserved by one or more of the
brain’s neuromodulatory systems, e.g., NE, ACh, and some preliminary ideas were sketched in [
Broader Impact
I do not believe broader impact statement is applicable to this work.
Acknowledgments and Disclosure of Funding
I thank Dan Hammerstrom, Codie Petersen, and Jacob Everist for helpful discussions related to this
work. This work was done without funding and there are no competing interests.
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4 Appendix
In this appendix, I present results of a small-scale simulation demonstrating approximate similarity
preservation for spatial inputs. In these experiments, the model has a 12x12 binary pixel input level
(i.e., receptive field, RF) that is fully connected to the CF, which consists of Q=24 WTA competitive
modules (CMs), each comprised of K=8 binary units. Fig. 5a shows six inputs,
, all with
the same number of active pixels, S=12, which have been previously stored in the model instance
depicted in Fig. 3b. For simplicity of exposition, these six inputs have zero pixel-wise overlap
with each other. The second row of Fig. 3a shows a novel test stimulus,
, also with S=12 active
pixels, which has been designed to have progressively smaller pixel overlaps with
pixels). Given that all inputs are constrained to have exactly 12 active pixels, we can measure input
similarity simply as size of pixel intersection divided by 12 (shown as decimals under inputs), e.g.,
sim(Ix, Iy) = |IxIy|/12.
Fig. 5b shows the code,
, activated in response to
, which by construction is most similar to
. Black coding cells are cells that also won for
, red indicates active cells that did not win for
, and green indicates inactive cells that did win for
. The red and green cells in a given CM can
be viewed as a substitution errors. The intention of the red color for coding cells is that if this is a
retrieval trial in which the model is being asked to return the closest matching stored input,
, then
the red cells can be considered errors. Note however that these are sub-symbolic scale errors, not
errors at the scale of whole inputs (hypotheses, symbols), as whole inputs are collectively represented
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by the entire SDR code (i.e., be an entire “cell assembly”). In this example appropriate threshold
settings in downstream/decoding units, would allow the model as a whole return the correct answer
given that 18 out of 24 cells of s code,
, are activated, similar to thresholding schemes in other
associative memory models (Marr 1969, Willshaw, Buneman et al. 1969). Note however that if this
was a learning trial, then the red cells would not be considered errors: this would simply be a new
, being assigned to represent a novel input,
, and in a way that respects similarity in the
input space.
Fig. 5d shows the main message of the figure, and of the paper. The active fractions of the codes,
, representing the six stored inputs,
, are highly rank-correlated with the
pixel-wise similarities of these inputs to
. Thus, the blue bar in Fig. 5d represents the fact that
the code,
, for the best matching stored input,
, has the highest active code fraction, 75% (18
out 24, the black cells in Fig. 5b) of the cells of
are active in
. The cyan bar for the next
closest matching stored input,
, indicates that 12 out of 24 of the cells of
(code note shown)
are active in
. In general, many of these 12 may be common to the 18 cells in
And so on for the other stored hypotheses. The actual codes,
, are not shown; only the
intersection sizes with
matter and those are indicated along right margin of chart in Fig. 3d.
We note that even the code for
, which has zero intersection with
has two cells in common with
. In general, the expected code intersection for the zero input intersection condition is not zero,
but chance, since in that case, the winners are chosen from the uniform distribution in each CM: thus,
the expected intersection in that case is just Q/K.
As noted earlier, we assume that the similarity of a stored input,
, to the current input,
, can be
taken as a measure of
’s probability/likelihood. And, since all codes are of size
, we can divide
code intersection size by
, yielding a normalized likelihood, e.g.,
L(I1) = |φ(I1)φ(Iy)|/Q
, as
suggested in Fig. 5d. We also assume that
each occurred exactly once during training and
thus, that the prior over hypotheses is flat. In this case the posterior and likelihood are proportional to
each other, thus, the likelihoods in Fig. 5d can also be viewed as unnormalized posterior probabilities
of the hypotheses corresponding to the six stored codes.
We acknowledge that the likelihoods in Fig. 5d may seem high. After all,
has less than half its
pixels in common with
, etc. Given these particular input patters, is it really reasonable to consider
to have such high likelihood? Bear in mind that our example assumes that the only experience this
model has of the world are single instances of the six inputs shown. We assume no prior knowledge of
any underlying statistical structure generating the inputs. Thus, it is really only the relative values that
matter and we could pick other parameters, notably in CSA Steps 5 and 6 of the learning algorithm,
which would result in a much less expansive sigmoid nonlinearity, which would result in lower
expected intersections of
with the learned codes, and thus lower likelihoods. The main point is
simply that the expected code intersections correlate with input similarity, and thus, with likelihood.
Fig. 5c shows the second key message: the likelihood-correlated pattern of activation levels of the
codes (hypotheses) apparent in Fig. 5d is achieved via independent soft max choices in each of the
CMs. Fig. 5c shows, for all 196 units in the CF, the traces of the relevant variables used to determine
. As for Fig. 3, the raw input summation from active pixels is indicated in the
charts. Note
that while all weights are effectively binary, “1” is represented with 127 and “0” with 0. Hence, the
value possible in any cell when
is presented is 12x127=1524. The normalized input
summations are given in the
charts. As stated in Fig. 4, a cell’s
value represents the total local
evidence that it should be activated. However, rather than simply picking the max
cell in each CM
as winner (i.e., hard max), which would amount to executing only steps 1-3 of the learning algorithm,
the remaining CSA steps, 4-8, are executed, in which the
distributions are transformed as described
in Fig. 4 and winners are chosen via soft max in each CM. The final winner choices, chosen from
distributions are shown in the row of triangles just below CM indexes. Thus, an extremely
cheap-to-compute (ie., Step 4) global function of the whole CF,
, is used to influence the local
decision process in each CM. We repeat for emphasis that no part of the algorithm explicitly operates
on, i.e., iterates over, stored hypotheses; indeed, there are no explicit (localist) representations of
stored hypotheses on which to operate; all items are stored in sparse superposition.
Fig. 6 shows that different inputs yield different likelihood distributions that correlate approximately
with similarity. Input
(Fig. 6a) has highest intersection with
and a different pattern of
intersections with the other learned inputs as well (refer to Fig. 5a). Fig. 6c shows that the codes
of the stored inputs become active in approximate proportion to their similarities with
, i.e., their
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Figure 5: In response to an input, the codes for learned (stored) inputs, i.e., hypotheses, are activated
with strength that is correlated with the similarity (pixel overlap) of the current input and the learned
input. Test input
is most similar to learned input
, shown by the intersections (red pixels) in panel
a. Thus, the code with the largest fraction of active cells is
(18/24=75%) (blue bar in panel d).
The other codes are active in rough proportion to the similarities of
and their associated inputs
(cyan bars). (c) Raw (
) and normalized (
) input summations to all cells in all CMs. The
are transformed to unnormalized win probabilities (
) in each CM via a sigmoid transform whose
properties, e.g., max value of 255.13, depend on
and other parameters. The
values are normalized
to true probabilities (
) and one winner is chosen in each CM (indicated in row of triangles: black:
winner for
that also won for
; red: winner for
that did not win
: green: winner for
did not win for
. (e, f) Details for CMs, 7 and 15. Values in second row of
axis are indexes
of cells having the
values above them. Some CMs have a single cell with much higher
value than the rest (e.g., CM 15), some others have two cells that are tied for the max
(e.g., CMs 3, 19, 22).
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Figure 6: Details of presenting two further novel inputs, (panels a-d) and (panels e-h). In both cases,
the resulting likelihood distributions correlate closely with the input overlap patterns. Panels b and f
show details of one example CM (indicated by red boxes in panels d and h) for each input
likelihoods are simultaneously physically represented by the fractions of their codes which are active.
value in this case, 0.65, yields, via steps 5 and 6, the
transform shown in Fig. 6b,
which is applied in all CMs. Its range is [1,300] and given the particular
distributions shown in
Fig. 6d, the cell with the max
in each CM ends up being greatly favored over other lower-
The red box shows the
distribution for CM 9. The second row of the abscissa in Fig. 6b gives the
within-CM indexes of the cells having the corresponding (red) values immediately above (shown for
only four cells). Thus, cell 3 has
=0.74 which maps to approximately
250 whereas its closest
competitors, cells 4 and 6 (gray bars in red box) have
=0.19 which maps to
1. Similar statistical
conditions exist in most of the other CMs. However, in three of them, CMs 0, 10, and 14, there are
two cells tied for max
. In two, CMs 10 and 14, the cell that is not contained in
‘s code,
wins (red triangle and bars), and in CM 0, the cell that is in
does win (black triangle and bars).
Overall, presentation of
activates a code
that has 21 out of 24 cells in common with
manifesting the high likelihood estimate for I2.
To finish our demonstration of approximate similarity preservation, Fig. 6e shows presentation of
another input,
, having half its pixels in common with
and the other half with
. Fig. 6g shows
that the codes for
have both become approximately equally (with some statistical variance)
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(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made
The copyright holder for this preprintthis version posted October 10, 2020. ; bioRxiv preprint
active and are both more active than any of the other codes. Thus, the model is representing that these
two hypotheses (stored items) are the most likely and approximately equally likely. The exact bar
heights fluctuate somewhat across repeated trials, e.g., sometimes
has higher likelihood than
but the general shape of the distribution is preserved. The fact that one of the two bars is blue, the
other cyan, just reflects the approximate nature of the retrieval process. The remaining hypotheses’
likelihoods also approximately correlate with their pixelwise intersections with
. The qualitative
difference between presenting
is readily seen by comparing the
rows of Fig. 6d and 6h
and seeing that for the latter, a tied max
condition exists in almost all the CMs, reflecting the equal
similarity of
. In approximately half of these CMs, the cell that wins intersects with
and in the other half, the winner intersects with
. In Fig. 6h, the three CMs in which there
is a single black bar, CMs 1, 7, and 12, indicates that the codes,
, intersect in those
.CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseavailable under a
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made
The copyright holder for this preprintthis version posted October 10, 2020. ; bioRxiv preprint
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Methods for one-photon fluorescent imaging of calcium dynamics can capture the activity of hundreds of neurons across large fields of view at a low equipment complexity and cost. In contrast to two-photon methods, however, one-photon methods suffer from higher levels of crosstalk from neuropil, resulting in a decreased signal-to-noise ratio and artifactual correlations of neural activity. We address this problem by engineering cell-body-targeted variants of the fluorescent calcium indicators GCaMP6f and GCaMP7f. We screened fusions of GCaMP to natural, as well as artificial, peptides and identified fusions that localized GCaMP to within 50 μm of the cell body of neurons in mice and larval zebrafish. One-photon imaging of soma-targeted GCaMP in dense neural circuits reported fewer artifactual spikes from neuropil, an increased signal-to-noise ratio, and decreased artifactual correlation across neurons. Thus, soma-targeting of fluorescent calcium indicators facilitates usage of simple, powerful, one-photon methods for imaging neural calcium dynamics.
Memories for events are thought to be represented in sparse, distributed neuronal ensembles (or engrams). In this article, we review how neurons are chosen to become part of a particular engram, via a process of neuronal allocation. Experiments in rodents indicate that eligible neurons compete for allocation to a given engram, with more excitable neurons winning this competition. Moreover, fluctuations in neuronal excitability determine how engrams interact, promoting either memory integration (via coallocation to overlapping engrams) or separation (via disallocation to nonoverlapping engrams). In parallel with rodent studies, recent findings in humans verify the importance of this memory integration process for linking memories that occur close in time or share related content. A deeper understanding of allocation promises to provide insights into the logic underlying how knowledge is normally organized in the brain and the disorders in which this process has gone awry. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Neuroscience Volume 41 is July 8, 2018. Please see for revised estimates.
You can't tell how deep a puddle is until you step in it. When I am asked about my profession, I have two ways of answering. If I want a short discussion, I say that I am a mathematician; if I want a long discussion, I say that I try to understand how the human brain works. A long discussion often leads to further questions: What does it mean to understand "how the brain works"? Does it help to be trained in mathematics when you try to understand the brain, and what kind of mathematics can help? What makes a mathematician turn into a neuroscientist? This may lead into a metascientific discussion which I do not like par­ ticularly because it is usually too far off the ground. In this book I take quite a different approach. I just start explaining how I think the brain works. In the course of this explanation my answers to the above questions will become clear to the reader, and he will perhaps learn some facts about the brain and get some insight into the construc­ tions of artificial intelligence.
Fly brain inspires computing algorithm Flies use an algorithmic neuronal strategy to sense and categorize odors. Dasgupta et al. applied insights from the fly system to come up with a solution to a computer science problem. On the basis of the algorithm that flies use to tag an odor and categorize similar ones, the authors generated a new solution to the nearest-neighbor search problem that underlies tasks such as searching for similar images on the web. Science , this issue p. 793
Shared neural variability is ubiquitous in cortical populations. While this variability is presumed to arise from overlapping synaptic input, its precise relationship to local circuit architecture remains unclear. We combine computational models and in vivo recordings to study the relationship between the spatial structure of connectivity and correlated variability in neural circuits. Extending the theory of networks with balanced excitation and inhibition, we find that spatially localized lateral projections promote weakly correlated spiking, but broader lateral projections produce a distinctive spatial correlation structure: nearby neuron pairs are positively correlated, pairs at intermediate distances are negatively correlated and distant pairs are weakly correlated. This non-monotonic dependence of correlation on distance is revealed in a new analysis of recordings from superficial layers of macaque primary visual cortex. Our findings show that incorporating distance-dependent connectivity improves the extent to which balanced network theory can explain correlated neural variability.
Brain function involves the activity of neuronal populations. Much recent effort has been devoted to measuring the activity of neuronal populations in different parts of the brain under various experimental conditions. Population activity patterns contain rich structure, yet many studies have focused on measuring pairwise relationships between members of a larger population-termed noise correlations. Here we review recent progress in understanding how these correlations affect population information, how information should be quantified, and what mechanisms may give rise to correlations. As population coding theory has improved, it has made clear that some forms of correlation are more important for information than others. We argue that this is a critical lesson for those interested in neuronal population responses more generally: Descriptions of population responses should be motivated by and linked to well-specified function. Within this context, we offer suggestions of where current theoretical frameworks fall short. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Neuroscience Volume 39 is July 08, 2016. Please see for revised estimates.
The ability to record the joint activity of large groups of neurons would allow for direct study of information representation and computation at the level of whole circuits in the brain. The combinatorial space of potential population activity patterns and neural noise imply that it would be impossible to directly map the relations between stimuli and population responses. Understanding of large neural population codes therefore depends on identifying simplifying design principles. We review recent results showing that strongly correlated population codes can be explained using minimal models that rely on low order relations among cells. We discuss the implications for large populations, and how such models allow for mapping the semantic organization of the neural codebook and stimulus space, and decoding.
The neural representation of information suffers from “noise”—the trial-to-trial variability in the response of neurons. The impact of correlated noise upon population coding has been debated, but a direct connection between theory and experiment remains tenuous. Here, we substantiate this connection and propose a refined theoretical picture. Using simultaneous recordings from a population of direction-selective retinal ganglion cells, we demonstrate that coding benefits from noise correlations. The effect is appreciable already in small populations, yet it is a collective phenomenon. Furthermore, the stimulus-dependent structure of correlation is key. We develop simple functional models that capture the stimulus-dependent statistics. We then use them to quantify the performance of population coding, which depends upon interplays of feature sensitivities and noise correlations in the population. Because favorable structures of correlation emerge robustly in circuits with noisy, nonlinear elements, they will arise and benefit coding beyond the confines of retina.
The explosive growth in big data has attracted much attention in designing efficient indexing and search methods recently. In many critical applications such as large-scale search and pattern matching, finding the nearest neighbors to a query is a fundamental research problem. However, the straightforward solution using exhaustive comparison is infeasible due to the prohibitive computational complexity and memory requirement. In response, Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) search based on hashing techniques has become popular due to its promising performance in both efficiency and accuracy. Prior randomized hashing methods, e.g., Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH), explore data-independent hash functions with random projections or permutations. Although having elegant theoretic guarantees on the search quality in certain metric spaces, performance of randomized hashing has been shown insufficient in many real-world applications. As a remedy, new approaches incorporating data-driven learning methods in development of advanced hash functions have emerged. Such learning to hash methods exploit information such as data distributions or class labels when optimizing the hash codes or functions. Importantly, the learned hash codes are able to preserve the proximity of neighboring data in the original feature spaces in the hash code spaces. The goal of this paper is to provide readers with systematic understanding of insights, pros and cons of the emerging techniques. We provide a comprehensive survey of the learning to hash framework and representative techniques of various types, including unsupervised, semi-supervised, and supervised. In addition, we also summarize recent hashing approaches utilizing the deep learning models. Finally, we discuss the future direction and trends of research in this area.
For over a century, the neuron doctrine - which states that the neuron is the structural and functional unit of the nervous system - has provided a conceptual foundation for neuroscience. This viewpoint reflects its origins in a time when the use of single-neuron anatomical and physiological techniques was prominent. However, newer multineuronal recording methods have revealed that ensembles of neurons, rather than individual cells, can form physiological units and generate emergent functional properties and states. As a new paradigm for neuroscience, neural network models have the potential to incorporate knowledge acquired with single-neuron approaches to help us understand how emergent functional states generate behaviour, cognition and mental disease.