Content uploaded by Peter Alfrey
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All content in this area was uploaded by Peter Alfrey on Nov 23, 2020
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Number 5
© Azores Bird Club
Front cover: Blackburnian Warbler (Vincent Legrand)
Back cover: Grey-tailed Tattler (Rúben Coelho)
Introduction 3
Editorial team and principal contributors 4
Contributors to the Systematic List 5
Azores Ornithological Review 2017 8
Systematic List 9
Appendix 1: Additional records 54
Appendix 2: Guidelines on criteria for the assessment of records from the Azores 55
Appendix 3: Retrospective records 56
Notes for contributors 59
Back issues, useful websites and links 61
This is the fifth edition of the Azores Rare and Scarce Bird Report.
The report details records from 2017 of all species defined as rare or scarce in the archipelago. In order
to document the status of these species as accurately as possible, certain criteria have been applied for
the inclusion of records in this report:
1) All records of species assessed by the national Portuguese Rarity Committee (PRC) should be
accompanied by a photographic record/description to be assessed by this report’s Records
Validation Group, except where there are multiple (two or more) known observers and a
photographic record has proved to be unobtainable. Single observer records without supporting
photo/detailed description (see Appendix 2 for more information) are included in Appendix 1. In
the case of major rarities, a preliminary assessment is also undertaken by the Records Validation
Group (see Appendix 2).
2) Records of all non-national PRC species (that is, local Azores rarities adjudicated by the Azores
Regional Rarities Sub-Committee, ARRSC) should be accompanied by a photographic
record/description for preliminary assessment by the Records Validation Group where there
have been 10 or fewer documented records. Exceptions apply as in 1) above.
3) All non-PRC species are included without the requirement for a photographic record/
description unless reason(s) to the contrary are presented to the Records Validation Group.
The final adjudication of such reports for the official Azores rarity record is the responsibility of the PRC
and the ARRSC, and the Azores Rare and Scarce Bird Report aims to assist and support the work of those
We hope to improve this report year on year. Scope for development includes analysis, additional
papers and integration into other ornithological initiatives. Contributors and collaborators with ideas for
further development are therefore most welcome – please see page 63 for details of how to contribute.
Systematic List and Editorial Group Peter Alfrey, Chris Bell, Rúben Coelho, Dominic
Mitchell, Ana Mendonça, Darryl Spittle, André
Records Validation Group Peter Alfrey, Chris Bell, Rúben Coelho Pierre-
Andre Crochet, Richard Bonser, Josh Jones,
Vincent Legrand, Dominic Mitchell, Darryl
Spittle, André Vieira
Azores Regional Rarities Sub-Committee (ARRSC) Peter Alfrey, Rúben Coelho, Pierre-Andre
Crochet, Chris Bell, Josh Jones, Sofia Goulart,
Alexandre Espanhol Leitão, Darryl Spittle,
André Vieira
Photographic Editor Vincent Legrand
Waterfowl Darryl Spittle
Divers to birds of prey Peter Alfrey
Crakes to waders Rúben Coelho and Ana Mendonça
Skuas to woodpeckers André Vieira
Passerines Chris Bell
Report compilation and production Peter Alfrey
Report editor Dominic Mitchell
Portuguese nomenclature Sofia Goulart
Selmeczi Kovacs Adam (SKa)
Peter Adriaens (PAd)
Luís Aguiar (LA)
Peter Alfrey (PA)
Paulo Alves (PAl)
Ana Isabel Amaral (AIA)
Isabel Amaral (IA)
Barbara Ambros (BA)
Susana Ázera (SA)
Elisabete Azevedo (EA)
Filipe Barata (FB)
Luís Barcelos (LB)
Joan Barrachina (JBa)
Gordon Beck (GB)
Chris Bell (CB)
Paulo Belo (PB)
Carlos Bettencourt (CBe)
Jerry Bettencourt (JB)
João Bettencourt (JB)
Mariana Bettencourt (MaBe)
Miguel Berkemeier (MB)
Nuno Bicudo da Ponte (NBdP)
Jurgen Blessing (JBl)
Ricardo Bispo (RBi)
Gabor Bodor (GB)
Richard Bonser (RB)
Jose Maria Botelho (JMB)
Richard Bowker (RBo)
Margaret Bowker (MBo)
Diana Braga (DB)
Tatiana Branco (TB)
Joël Bried (JBr)
João Brito (JBt)
Véronique Buchet (VB)
Mika Bruun (MB)
Jorge Cardoso (JC)
Bosse Carlsson (BC)
Peter Carr (PCa)
Rafael Ceia( RCei)
Paulo Chaves (PC)
Pauline Chèvre (PCh)o
José Manuel Coelho (JMC)
Elizabeth Coelho (EC)
Rúben Coelho (RC)
Luis Correia (LCo)
Luis Costa (LCo)
Luis Cravinho (LC)
Pierre-André Crochet (PAC)
Marta Cunha (MC)
Stanislaw Czyz (SC)
Diederik D’Hert (DD)
Ernie Davis (EDa)
Massimiliano Dettori (MDe)
Eric Didner (ED)
Klaus Drissner (KD)
Marco Duenas (MDu)
Hugues Dufourny (HD)
Stephen Dunstan (SD)
Marco Dutra (MD)
Flemming Ejlersen (FE
Laers Ejlersen (LE)
Ulla Ejlersen (UE)
Tristan Hatton-Ellis (THE)
Richard Ek (RE)
Peter Eriksen (PE)
André Enes (AE)
Expedição Birdwatching Pico 2015 (EBP2015)
Vilhelm Fagerström (VFa)
Carlos Faria (CF)
Antonio Fael (AF)
Gary Fennemore (GF)
Manuela Ferreira (MFe)
Johannes Ferdinand (JF)
Rui Figueiredo (RF)
Jerome Fischer (JF)
Manfred Fleischer (MFI)
Frederique Fornier (FF)
Per Forsberg (PF)
Tom Francis (TFr)
Tommy Frandsen (TF)
Michael Fricke (MF)
Bodor Gábor (BG)
Rui Ganchinho (RGa)
Michael Gerber (MG)
Chris Gibbins (CG)
Nuno Goncalves (NG)
María González (MGo)
Martin Gottschling (MG)
Fátima Goulart (FG)
Sofia Goulart (SG)
Gonçalo Graça (GG)
Radosław Gwóźdź (RG)
Kari Haataja (KH)
Seppo Haavisto (SH)
Stephen Harris (SH)
Paul Harvey (PH)
Jens Sörgaard Hansen (JSH)
Justin Hart (JH)
Stewart Hinley (SHi)
Gabor Horvath (GH)
Maria Huamán
Tim Inskipp (TI)
Wojtek Janecki (WJ)
Thierry Jansen (TJ)
Mart Jansen (MJa)
Seppo Järvinen (SJ)
Josh Jones (JJ)
Graeme Joynt (GJ)
Zbigniew Kajzer (ZK)
Janne Kilpimaa (JK)
Pawel Kolodziejczyk (PKo)
Andrzej K.ośmicki (AKo)
Adam Kovacs (AK)
Ole Krome (OK)
Petri Kuhno (PK)
René-Marie Lafontaine (RL)
Thomas Lang (TL)
Kalle Larsson (KL)
Vincent Legrand (VL)
Alexandre Leitão (AL)
Domingos Leitão (DL)
Csaba Lendvai (CLe)
Christian Leth (CL)
Rony Livne (RLi)
Ferran López Sanz (FLS)
Paulo Loureiro (PL)
Joana Lourenço (JL)
Jose Macedo (JM)
Filipa Machada (FMa)
Cátia Machado (CMa)
Pedro Madruga (PMa)
Michael Maire (MM)
Rui Marcao (RMa)
Daniel Mauras (DMa)
Pedro Madruga (PMa)
Michael Maire (MM)
Rui Marcao (RMa)
Daniel Mauras (DMa)
Paul McMahon (PM)
Carlos Medeiros (CMe)
Guilherme Medeiros (GM)
Valter Medeiros (VM)
Cecília Melo (CM)
Cláudia Melo (CMl)
Marco Melo (MM)
Rita Melo (RMe)
Fábio Mendes (FM)
Carlos Mendes (CMe)
Ana Mendonça (AM)
Enésima Mendonça (EM)
Hélder Mendonça (HM)
Peter Meyrahn (PM)
Gerbrand Michielsen (GM)
Katarzyna Mikicińska
Wojciech Milosz (WM)
Guy Mirgain (GMi)
Dominic Mitchell (DMi)
Rami Mizrachi (RM)
Fiona Moejes (FMo)
Antonio Monteiro (AMo)
David Monticelli (DM)
Ana Morgado (AMor)
Lars Mortensen (LM)
Mónica Mota (MMo)
Cecile Moulard (CMo)
Nélson Moura (NM)
Toni Mulet (TM)
Alberto Nava (AN)
Micha Neumann (MN)
Verónica Neves (VN)
Dora Nicolau (DN)
Lidia Nogueira (LN)
Luis Novais (LNo)
Rodrigo Novais (RN)
Daniele Occhiato (DO)
Rolando Oliveira (ROl)
Rui Oliveira (RO)
Sarah Outen (SO)
Etienne Ouvrard (EO)
Paulo Paixão (PP)
Hannu Palojärvi (HP)
Bruno Pereira (BP)
Carlos Pereira (CP)
Joaquim Pereira (JP)
Bob Swann (BS)
Jacek Tabor (JT)
Rory Tallack (RT)
Ulrich Tammler (UT)
João Tiago Tavares (JTT)
Rick Taylor (RTa)
Joaquim Teodósio (JTe)
Fernando Terra (FT)8
Manuel Terra (MT)
João Torres (JTo)
Ingvar Torsson (IT)
Breno Toste (BT)
Tero Tovainen (TT)
Chris Townend (CT)
Vasco Valadares (VV)
Guillaume Vanlindt (GV)
Dejalme Vargas (DVa)
Diana Vertentes (DVe)
Carlos Victoria (CV)
André Vieira (AVi)
Duarte Vieira (DV)
Salvador Vieira (SV)
Alan Vittery (AV)
Ingo Weiss (IW)
Claes Wikström (CW)
Mårten Wikström (MW)
Michal Zawadzki (MZ)
José Nuno Pereira (JNP)
Rosa Peres (RPe)
Carlos Picanço (CPi)
Madalena Picanço (MP)
Tânia Pipa (TP)
Marina Pité (MPi)
Dan Pointon (DP)
Samuel Progin (SP)
Nuno Bicudo da Ponte (NBdP)
Carla Raimundo (CRa)
António Ramiro (AR)
Erik Rask (ER)
Eduardo Garcia del Rey (EGdR)
Miguel Rebelo (MR)
Conrado Requena (CRe)
Carlos Ribeiro (CR)
Jouni Riihimäki (JR)
Kathy Rita (KR)
Leandro Rocha (LR)
Afonso Rodriguez (AR)
Kris de Rouck (KdR)
Ilkka Sahi (IS)
Andreas Sandberg (AS)
Robin Sandham (RSa)
Markku Santamaa (MSa)
David Santos (DSa)
Sofia Santos (SAa)
Martin Scott (MS)
Nuno Sebastião (NS)
Jesper Segergren (JS)
Carlos Silva (CS)
Israel Silva (ISi)
Pedro Silva (PS)
Manuel Silveira (MSi)
Patricia Simões (PSi)
Marcin Solowiej (MSo)
Rainer Sottorf (RS)
Silke Sottorf (SSo)
António Sousa (ASo)
Manuela Sousa (MS)
Darryl Spittle (DS)
Attila Steiner (AS)
Lisa Steiner (LS)
Hubert Stelmach (HS)
Peter Stronach (PSt)
There were four new birds for the Azores in 2017: from North America came Redhead, Blackburnian
Warbler (fifth record for the Western Palearctic) and Bay-breasted Warbler (second for the Western
Palearctic), and from Asia there was Grey-tailed Tattler. Common Stonechat and Common Whitethroat
were the rarest vagrants from Europe, both being second records for the archipelago.
The year proved to be exceptional on Corvo. The supporting cast for the Blackburnian and Bay-breasted
Warblers included Canada Warbler (third for Azores), two Magnolia Warblers (third and fourth Azores
records), two Hooded Warblers (also third and fourth records), Yellow-throated Vireo (fourth for
Azores), Swainson’s Thrush, American Robin, Tennessee Warbler and Dicksissel (all sixth records for
Azores), Black-throated Blue Warbler (seventh record), and a further five Black-and-White Warblers,
three Black-throated Green warblers, four Ovenbirds and an incredible nine Northern Waterthrushes
(on Corvo and Flores).
Additional highlights included the third records of Audouin’s Gull and Cedar Waxwing, while a Thick-
billed Murre was surprisingly (considering the high Arctic origin of this species) the fifth record for the
islands. A Red-rumped Swallow was the sixth record, and other interesting spring birds included an
Upland Sandpiper and Chimney Swift on São Miguel and an adult-plumaged Indigo Bunting on Flores.
A group of three Hooded Mergansers in the early part of the year was an exceptional multiple sighting,
and there were at least two different Snowy Egrets.
Another Swinhoe’s Storm-petrel seen during the annual Azores Pelagic from Graciosa was the seventh
record for the archipelago.
Pink-footed Goose (Ganso-de-bico-curto) Anser brachyrhynchus National PRC species
Rare autumn and winter vagrant.
Faial Two at Charcos de Pedro Miguel on 30th November, 6-7th, 14th and 16th December, and one on
18th December (AVi, DV, SV, BP, MF, EA et al).
Greylag Goose (Ganso-bravo) Anser anser Local PRC species
Rare autumn and winter vagrant.
Santa Maria One at Ribeira de São Francisco on 25th January (AV).
Snow Goose (Ganso-das-neves) Anser caerulescens National PRC species
Rare autumn and winter vagrant.
Faial The first record for Faial was of one at Praia do Norte on 5th March (AVi).
Snow Goose, Faial (André Vieira)
Barnacle Goose (Ganso-marisco) Branta leucopsis National PRC species
Rare visitor.
São Miguel One at Mosteiros on 12th July (GM).
Common Shelduck (Tadorna) Tadorna tadorna Local PRC species
Rare autumn and winter vagrant.
São Miguel One at Lagoa das Furnas on 5th March and 11th April (RC, PB).
Terceira The bird that first appeared on 26th November 2016 remained at Cabo da Praia. It was reported
throughout January and February and was last seen on 12th March (AV, DV, CP, CM et al).
Wood Duck (Pato-carolino) Aix sponsa National PRC species
Rare autumn and winter vagrant.
São Miguel Two males at Sete Cidades on 31st January and 4th February (GM, NBdP) first appeared in
American Wigeon (Piadeira-americana) Anas Americana
Regular, though scarce, autumn and winter migrant.
Corvo Four in the caldeira on 28th October.
Faial A male at Ribeira da Conceição on 12-13th April.
Flores One at Lagoa da Lomba on 16th January and 6th February. Later in the year, one at Lagoa Branca
on 24th October.
Pico One at Lagoa do Caiado on 2nd January, 12th March, 15th June and 5th September; two reported
regularly from 14th September until 18th October; and then one on 15th and 29th October, 9th November,
and 27th-28th and 31st December. One at Lagoa da Rosada on 6th September and 31st December. One at
Lagoa do Capitão on 20th October. Two at Lajes do Pico from 26th December until the end of the year.
São Miguel Three males and a female at Sete Cidades on 27th and 31st January and 4th February, with
five on 3rd, 5th and 12th February. Five at Lagoa das Furnas on 11th February and 5th March.
During the second winter period, five, including three males, at Lagoa das Furnas on 8th December and
one at Achada das Furnas on the same date.
Terceira Seven at Paul da Praia on 15th and 17th January; four on 27th January; six on 1st February; five on
7th February; four on 12th and 15th February; five on 7th, 10th and 25th March; and, finally, three on 5th
April. A rare summer record of one at Canada do Junco on 14th June. The second winter period produced
regular reports of one at Cabo da Praia from 7th until 31st October and then on 3rd, 9th, 12th, 17th, 19th and
26th November and 15th December. One was also regularly seen at Paul da Praia throughout November
and December, and it seems likely these records relate to the same individual. One at Canada do
Quinhão Grande on 15th and 19th December.
Juvenile American Wigeon, Terceira (Peter Alfrey)
Monthly maxima of American Wigeon in 2017
São Miguel
Green-winged Teal (Marrequinha-americana) Anas carolinensis
A regular though scarce autumn and winter migrant.
Terceira Two at Cabo da Praia on 6th, 15th, 17th and 27th January and 1st, 7th, 12th and 13th February; then
one on 23rd February and 10th March. Later in the year one was at Posto de Rádio Americano on 11th
Mallard (Pato-real) Anas platyrhynchos
Small numbers present across the archipelago. Origins unknown.
Corvo Two males in the caldeira on 26th October (PSt, BS).
Faial A male in eclipse plumage at Poça da Rainha on 18th July (AVi).
Pico A male at Lagoa do Caiado on 10th and 15th-16th, 18th and 29th October and 9th November (MFe, NG,
PS, JTT) and a male at Lagoa do Capitão on 20th October (PS).
São Jorge A male at Fajã dos Cúbres on 17th April (PS).
São Miguel Two at Lagoa das Furnas on 1st October (EC). One at Achada das Furnas on 8th December (RC
& EC).
Terceira One at Canada do Junco on 14th April, 14th June and 26th and 28th October (CP). A male at
Cabrito Reservoir on 15th, 17th, 19th and 23rd September and 16th-17th and 24th October (CP, AVi, RBi, SA,
American Black Duck (Pato-escuro-americano) Anas rubripes National PRC species
Scarce autumn and winter migrant though the pattern of occurrence is clouded by long-staying
individuals and Mallard hybrids.
Corvo One in the caldeira on 25th September (PSt & BS).
Flores One at Lagoa Branca on 10th May and one, with three hybrids, at the same location on 10th
October (AVi).
Gadwall (Frisada) Anas strepera
Scarce migrant, largely occurring during autumn and winter with a small number of spring records.
Faial A male at Porto de Castelo Branco on 14th-15th April (MFe, BP, TB, AVi).
Terceira A male at Paul da Praia on 7th, 9th and 11th May (RC, RBi).
Shoveler (Pato-colhereiro) Anas clypeata
Scarce migrant, largely occurring during autumn and winter with a small number of spring records.
Faial One at Charcos de Pedro Miguel on 20th and 30th November and 5th-7th, 14th and 16th December.
Pico One at Pico da Urze on 11th November and 14th December.
São Miguel Three at Lagoa Azul on 31st December.
Terceira Two at Canada do Quinhão Grande on 2nd February, and two at Paul da Praia on 15th and 27th
January and 1st, 7th and 15th February. Two at Canada do Quinhão Grande on 9th December then one on
15th and 19th December.
Northern Pintail (Arrábio) Anas acuta
Scarce autumn and winter migrant.
Flores One in the caldeira Seca on 16th January.
São Jorge One at Fajã dos Cúbres on 7th and 17th January and two there on 28th January.
São Miguel One at Fajã de Cima on 21st October and 14th and 26th December. One at Achada das Furnas
on 8th December, with a male at Lagoa das Furnas on the same date. One at Lagoa Azul on 31st
Terceira Two at Paul da Praia on 3rd and 6th January and 1st and 7th February, four on 15th and 27th
January and 12th and 15th February, three on 17th January and 7th and 10th March, and then one on 7th,
9th and 11th May. One at Cabo da Praia on 6th and 15th January, 7th, 12-15th, 23rd and 28th February and
10th March. During the second winter period, one at Lagoa do Junco on 2nd November (RBi). One at
Posto de Rádio Americano on 3rd November and two on 11th November (CP). One at Canada do Quinhão
Grande on 5th and 18th November (CP, NS). One at Paul da Praia on 2nd, 20th-21st and 24th November and
10-12th, 19-21st and 31st December. Presumably the same bird was seen at Cabo da Praia on 8th-9th, 12th,
17th, 19th and 26-27th November.
Blue-winged Teal (Marreca-d’asa-azul) Anas discors
Regular, though scarce, autumn and winter migrant.
Corvo Two in the caldeira on 10-13th October, one on 18th, two or three on 22nd October, six on 26th
October and four on 28th October.
Flores One at Lagoa Branca on 7th October.
Terceira One at Paul da Praia on 3rd, 6th and 15th January, with two there on 26th February. One at Cabo
da Praia on 6th January and two there on 15th, 17th and 27th January and 1st, 7th , 13th-15th, 19th, 23rd and
28th February and 12th March. Later in the year two were at Cabo da Praia on 4th-7th, 9th-11th, 13th, 15th-
21st, 24th-29th and 31st October and 5th, 8th, 11th November, and one on 22nd-23rd October and 17th, 19th-
20th November. Once again, due to the limited overlap in dates, the two birds seen at Paul da Praia (on
1st-3rd, 15th, 17th and 27th November and 11th-12th and 20th-21st, 26th and 31st December) were likely to be
the same as those at Cabo da Praia.
Monthly maxima of Blue-winged Teal in 2017
Blue-winged Teal, Terceira (Vincent Legrand)
Redhead (Zarro-americano) Aythya Americana National PRC species
Vagrant. This year’s record was a first for the Azores.
Terceira One, a male, was seen regularly at Paul da Praia from 26th August until the end of the year (RC,
MDe, RBi et al).
Redhead, Terceira (David Monticelli)
Redhead, Terceira (Rúben Coelho)
Ring-necked Duck (Caturro) Aythya collaris
Regular, though scarce, autumn and winter migrant.
Corvo A female/immature was in the caldeira on 25th September and 10-13th October; one was seen by
observers seawatching on 14th; then two were in the caldeira on 18th October and three on 26th October.
Flores A male at Poço do Ribeiro do Ferreiro on 11th May, and one on 19th October.
Pico A female at Lagoa do Caiado on 2nd and 25th January and 12th March, with two on 15th June.
During the second winter period, two at Lagoa do Caiado on 18th September; one, a female, on 28th
September and 1st, 15th-16th, 18th and 29th October and 28th and 31st December. One at Pico da Urze on
11th November.
Santa Maria Two at Foz da Ribeira de São Francisco on 10th November and two at Parque Florestal de
Valverde on 25th November.
São Jorge Two at Fajã dos Cúbres on 7th, 17th and 28th January. Later in the year, one at the same
location on 2nd December.
São Miguel Two at Fajã de Cima on 15th January and 12th February; four there on 11th March. Two, a
male and female, at Sete Cidades on 31st January and 3rd February, and one there on 5th February.
During the second winter period, one at Sete Cidades on 15th October, nine at Lagoa Verde on 28th
October, two at Lagoa Azul on 9th and 14th December and two at Lagoa do Carvão on 14th December.
Terceira Seven were at Paul da Praia on 3rd, 15th, 17th and 27th January and 1st, 7th, 12th and 15th
February, with five there on 6th January, three on 19th February, five again on 7th March and six on 10th
March. Later in the year, one reported regularly at Paul da Praia from 7-23rd October; two were present
on 11th and 24th October, then three on 25th, 27th, 29th and 31st October and 1-3rd November. Numbers
increased to six on 5th November, then eight on 8-9th November, before decreasing to five from 11th
November until 31st December.
Monthly maxima of Ring-necked Duck in 2017
Santa Maria
São Jorge
São Miguel
Tufted Duck (Negrinha) Aythya fuligula
Regular, though scarce, autumn and winter migrant.
Faial Two at the Lagoas Artificiais on 4th February and three on 13th March.
Flores Two males at Poço do Ribeiro do Ferreiro on 11th May and 10th June.
Pico One at Lagoa do Caiado on 15th June and 2nd, 5th and 14th September.
São Jorge One at Fajã dos Cúbres on 17th January and four (including two males) on 28th January.
São Miguel Two females at Sete Cidades on 31st January, one on 3rd February and two again on 5th
February. One at Lagoa das Furnas on 11th and 18th February. Three at Fajã de Cima on 12th February and
two on 11th March. Later in the year, two at Lagoa Verde on 19th November, two at Achada das Furnas
on 8th December, one at Lagoa Azul on 9th and 14th December, and two at Lagoa do Carvão on 14th
Terceira Numbers fluctuated at Paul da Praia with seven on 3rd, 6th and 27th January; nine on 15th and
17th January; six on 1st February; five on 7th February; eight on 12th and 15th February; four on 19th and
26th February; six on 7th March; and eight on 10th March. During the second winter period, one at Paul da
Praia on 1-3rd November, two from 5th until 27th November and 10th December, and three from 3rd
December until the end of the year.
Monthly maxima of Tufted Duck in 2017
São Jorge
São Miguel
Greater Scaup (Negrelho) Aythya marila
Regular, though scarce, autumn and winter migrant.
Faial Two at the Lagoas Artificiais on 7th January.
Pico One at Lagoa do Caiado on 2nd, 5th and 14th September and 10th October; and one at Pico da Urze
on 11th November.
São Jorge Three at Fajã dos Cúbres on 7th and 17th January and one at the same location on 2nd
São Miguel Two at Sete Cidades on 31st January with one on 3rd February. One at Fajã de Cima on 12th
February and 11th March. One at Lagoa do Carvão on 14th December.
Terceira Three at Paul da Praia on 3rd, 6th, 15th, 17th and 27th January and 1st, 7th, 12th, 15th and 19th
February and 10th March. In the later winter period there was one at Cabrito Reservoir on 9th November
and one at Paul da Praia on 21st and 26th December.
Monthly maxima of Greater Scaup in 2017
São Jorge
São Miguel
Lesser Scaup (Negrelho-americano) Aythya affinis
Regular, though scarce, autumn and winter migrant.
Faial One at Lagoas Artificiais on 7th January and 4th February (AVi).
São Miguel One at Lagoa das Furnas on 8th December (RC, EC).
Terceira Four at Paul da Praia on 3rd, 6th, 15th, 17th and 27th January; three on 1st and 7th February; four
on 12th and 15th February; three on 19th February; two on 7th March; and four on 10th March (AVi, DV,
CM, CP, RBi, SA, LB). During the second winter period, two were at Paul da Praia on 31st December (HD,
Monthly maxima of Lesser Scaup in 2017
São Miguel
Lesser Scaup, São Miguel (Rúben Coelho)
Common Scoter (Negrola) Melanitta nigra Local PRC species
Rare vagrant, largely occurring during autumn and winter with a small number of spring records.
Corvo Four, either Common or Black Scoter, were seen by observers seawatching on 17th October (PAC
et al).
Graciosa The first for the island was at Barra on 6th November (JLo, LA ).
São Jorge Two at Fajã dos Cubres on 2nd December (PS).
São Miguel Three at Farol do Arnel, Nordeste, on 6th March (MFe). One at Marina de Ponta Delgada on
15th December (GM).
Surf Scoter (Negrola-de-lunetas) Melanitta perspicillata National PRC species
Rare autumn and winter vagrant.
Corvo A juvenile at Porto Novo from 16-18th October, when it was found dead (PAC et al).
Pico One at Porto da Madalena on 29th October (AIA, EA, MFe, AVi, NG, PS).
São Miguel One at Marina de Ponta Delgada on 15th, 23rd, 26th and 28th December (GM, RC, MH, MA et
Surf Scoter, Corvo (Zbigniew Kajzer)
Long-tailed Duck (Pato-rabilongo) Clangula hyemalis National PRC species
Rare late autumn and winter vagrant.
Faial One at Baía do Porto Pim on 19th November (AR). Presumably the same bird from Pico.
Pico One at Lajes do Pico on 3rd November (NG, PS).
Goldeneye Bucephala clangula National PRC species
Rare late autumn and winter vagrant.
Corvo An immature male was seen west of the airport on 15th October (CB).
Flores One at Ribeira Grande on 15th October (JFe).
Terceira One at Cabo da Praia from 15-31st October (CM, CP, RBi et al).
Red-breasted Merganser (Merganso-de-poupa) Mergus serrator Local PRC species
Rare autumn and winter vagrant.
Pico Singles at Porto da Madalena on 2nd December (GMe, AV & DV), Porto do Calhau on 10th December
(RPe) and Cais do Pico on 31st December (NBdP, CP, CM, NG).
Hooded Merganser (Merganso-capuchinho) Lophodytes cucullatus National PRC species
Rare autumn and winter vagrant.
Pico A female at Lagoa Seca on 28th January (NG, MMo, MJa & GV).
Terceira Three at Cabrito Reservoir on 4th January, two on 17th January then one (a female) on 27th
January and 2nd, 4th and 13th February. One at Paul da Praia on 3rd, 4th, 6th and 17th January, two (a male
and female) on 15th January and 1st and 12th February, with three on 10th March (CP, CM, SA, LB, RBi).
Great Northern Diver (Mobelha-grande) Gavia immer
A regular winter visitor to the islands, with relatively low numbers this year.
Monthly maxima of Great Northern Diver in 2017
Pied-billed Grebe (Mergulhão-caçador) Podilymbus podiceps National PRC species
Rare transatlantic visitor, with new arrivals traditionally occurring in October and November.
São Miguel The long-staying bird at Lagoa Azul remained from January to December (although was not
seen in July and August), and the bird at Lagoa das Furnas was only seen between April and June.
Pied-billed Grebe, São Miguel (Rúben Coelho)
Wilson’s Storm Petrel (Casquilho) Oceanites oceanicus
Regular pelagic visitor, occurring in fluctuating numbers each year. Numbers recorded are dependent on
the number of pelagic trips organised around the islands. Only two records this year, which was most
probably due to under-recording.
Graciosa One at the Bank of Fortune on 30th August (PAC et al).
São Miguel One from a pelagic on 16th June (GM).
Swinhoe’s Storm Petrel (Painho-de-swinhoe) Oceanodroma monorhis National PRC species
Extremely rare pelagic visitor first recorded in 2012. This is the seventh record for the Azores - with all
records coming from the Bank of Fortune. The best way of encountering this species is to join the annual
birders pelagic.
Graciosa One at the Bank of Fortune on 29th and 31st August (PAC et al).
Leach’s Storm Petrel (Painho-de-cauda-forcada) Oceanodroma leucorhoa
A regular pelagic visitor in autumn. Records are typically restricted to birds that have either been storm
driven or seen from boats.
Corvo One on 13th October (PAC et al).
Great Cormorant (Corvo-marinho) Phalacrocorax carbo Local PRC species
Rare late autumn and winter vagrant.
São Miguel Two at Lagoa das Furnas on 11th February (MB) with one until 18th February (RC, EC) and
one at Lagoa Azul on 17th February (GM).
White Stork (Cegonha-branca) Ciconia ciconia Local PRC species
Vagrant. This year’s records involved the third for the Azores, originally found in 2016.
Santa Maria One at Estrada do Paúl on 5th July (PC) could possibly have been the São Miguel bird.
São Miguel One at Riberia Grande on 7th January (CR et al) was present until 1st April (this bird was
found at the end of 2016). Presumably the same bird was then relocated at Nordeste on 26th April (RC et
al) and was present there until 7th June.
Black-crowned Night Heron (Goraz) Nycticorax nycticorax Local PRC species
A scarce visitor in fluctuating numbers.
Corvo One at Costa Sul from 17-20th October (KK, MD).
São Miguel One at Lagoa Azul from 3-7th June (THE et al).
Squacco Heron (Papa-ratos) Ardeola ralloides Local PRC species
A rare visitor.
Pico One at Sao Caetano on 19th April (Mme)
Green Heron (Garça-verde) Butorides virescens National PRC species
Very rare transatlantic vagrant.
Faial One at Praça da República from 24-31st October (CF et al).
Pico One at Lajes do Pico from 8th November until 29th December (PS, NG, JTT et al) was presumably the
bird from Faial.
Green Heron, Faial, (Nuno Bicudo da Ponte)
Western Cattle Egret (Carraceiro) Bubulcus ibis
Scarce visitor with records scattered throughout the year, although influxes tend to occur in spring and
autumn. A relatively quiet year.
Monthly maxima of Western Cattle Egret in 2017
São Jorge
São Miguel
Western Reef Egret/Little Egret or hybrid Egretta gularis/Egretta garzetta
São Miguel A bird showing mixed characteristics was present on 7th August at Sete Cidades (AVi et al).
Unidentified or hybrid egret (right) with Little Egret, São Miguel (André Vieira)
Snowy Egret (Garca-branca-americana) Egretta thula National PRC species
Vagrant. At least two birds were involved in numerous sightings in the second half of the year, with a
spring bird on Pico presumed to be a third individual.
Faial One at Riberia da Conceiçao from 27-30th October (AVi) then at Avenida da Horta from 31st
October (NG) to 6th November, and then between the two sites from 7-29th November (AVi et al).
Pico One at Barca on 13th May (PS). Later in the year, one at Lajes do Pico from 17-22nd October (CP et
al), Areia Larga on 6th November and Lajes do Pico again on 29th December (CP, PS).
Terceira One at Lagoa do Junco occasionally from 15th July to 27th August (CP et al), with presumably the
same bird at Cabo da Praia on 3rd September (RB et al), and then again at Lagoa do Junco on 16th
October (CP), São Mateus on 26th October (CP, CM), at Junco from 28-31st (AN), Canada do Quinhão
Grande on 29th November (MFe) and again at Junco on 9th December (RBi et al).
Great Egret (Garça-branca-grande) Ardea alba Local PRC species
Occasional visitor. Many birds are suspected to be of Nearctic origin.
Corvo One on 13th October (PAC et al).
São Miguel Singles at Lagoa Azul from 13th August to 2nd September (NBdP et al), Faja de Cima on 12th
October (GM) and an unspecified location in December (GM).
Terceira One at an unspecified location in October (GM).
Great Egret, São Miguel (Carlos Ribeiro)
Purple Heron (Garça-vermelha) Ardea purpurea Local PRC species
Rare spring and autumn vagrant from Europe.
Faial One at Charcos de Pedro Miguel on 1st April (MF) was the first record for the island.
Terceira Singles at Paul da Praia on 7th May (RC) and Lagoa do Pico dos Pedreiros on 25th June (CM,CP).
Glossy Ibis (Íbis-preta) Plegadis falcinellus
Autumn migrant, dramatically increasing in numbers. Prior to 2010, there were only nine previous
records of this species.
Monthly maxima of Glossy Ibis in 2017
Santa Maria
São Miguel
Eurasian Spoonbill (Colhereiro) Platalea leucorodia Local PRC species
Scarce annual vagrant from Europe, usually in autumn.
Pico One at Lajes do Pico from 3rd November to the end of the year (NG, PS et al).
São Miguel One at Arribanas on 28th October (NBdP).
Terceira One at Cabo da Praia on 9th October (RBi).
Hen Harrier (Tartaranhão-cinzento) Circus cyaneus Local PRC species
Rare vagrant in autumn and winter. This year’s record of a bird in April was unseasonal.
Terceira One at Lajes airport from 14-19th April (CP).
Osprey (Aguia-pesqueira) Pandion haliaetus Local PRC species
Rare visitor.
Faial One at Porto Pim, the airport and surrounding areas from 25th September to 11th December (VM
et al). This bird showed characteristics of the American form carolinensis. Fortuitously many birders on
transit to Corvo were able to see it while waiting at the airport for their connecting flights.
Flores One at Lagoa Seca on 16th October (JF).
Terceira One at Cabo da Praia on 26th November and 26th December (SA, LB et al).
Santa Maria One at Marina de Vila do Porto on 10th December (NM).
Rough-legged Buzzard/Hawk (Butio-calcado) Buteo Lagopus National PRC species
Corvo One identified as the North American form sanctijohannis at Pico on 27th September (PSt, BS),
with two there on 29th September (PSt, BS) and 1st October. One in the caldeira on 11th October (PAC et
Common Kestrel (Peneireiro) Falco tinnunculus
Scarce visitor in small numbers, becoming increasingly regular in recent years and recorded annually
since 2005.
Corvo One in the north of the island on 25th October (GMi).
Santa Maria Four at the airport on 15th January (AV), with two at Abegoaria Grande on 11th April (NM),
one at Campo Pequeno on 11th October (NM) and one at Malmerendo on 14th November (NM).
São Miguel One at Santana on 15th May (GM).
Peregrine Falcon (Falcão-peregrino) Falco peregrinus Local PRC species
Annual visitor with most records from autumn to spring.
Terceira One at Cabo da Praia on 10th December (AVi et al).
Sora (Franga-d'água-americana) Porzana carolina National PRC species
São Miguel One at Lagoa Azul on 4th February (GM, NBpD, RC, EC, AM).
Sora, São Miguel (Gerbrand Michielsen)
Corncrake (Codornizão) Crex crex National PRC species
Rare autumn visitor from Europe on a slightly less than annual basis in recent years.
Corvo One at Cova Vermelha (Tennessee Valley) on 24th October (PSt).
Purple Gallinule (Galinha-d’agua-azul) Porphyrio martinica National PRC species
Rare vagrant. The 10th record for the Azores.
Corvo One in the middle fields from 11-13th October (SC, KM et al). This bird was suspected to be a
moorhen sp. at the time and was reidentified from photographs while compiling this report.
American Coot (Galeirão-americano) Fulica americana National PRC species
Rare transatlantic vagrant in autumn and winter. The Sete Cidades birds were present from 2016 so the
only new bird this year was on Terceira, the 35th record for the Azores.
São Miguel Three at Sete Cidades from 27-31st January (GM), two there on 3rd February (CR) and three
again from 4-12th February (GM, NBdP, RC, EC, AM, MBe).
Terceira One at Cabrito Reservoir from 16-31st October (CP, RBi, CM, FE, LE, UE, HD, VB).
Eurasian Oystercatcher (Ostraceiro) Haematopus ostralegus Local PRC species
Annual vagrant in small numbers.
São Miguel Singles at Praia do Monte Verde on 7th and 31st January (RC, EC, CR, GM), again there on
11th March (RC, EC), at ETAR, Ponta Delgada, on 7th September (MBe) and Porto/Marina de Ponta
Delgada on 21st September (GM, NBdP).
Semipalmated Plover (Batuíra-de-bando) Charadrius semipalmatus
Scarce transatlantic migrant in autumn; rare resident on Terceira in recent years.
Corvo Singles at the old harbour on 5th October (TF) and the airport on 27th October (AN, MN).
Faial Singles at Avenida da Horta on 24th September (AVi, DV) and Poça da Rainha on 20th October (AVi),
one at Porto da Feteira on 26th October (EA, MFe, AV) increased to three on 27 th October (AV) and then
one again from 29th October-8th November (BP, AVi, MF).
Flores One at the airport on 30th October (PSt).
Pico One at Barca on 3rd October (NG).
Santa Maria Four at Baia dos Anjos on 20th January (AV).
São Miguel One at Praia de Santa Bárbara on 27th September (GM).
Terceira Up to three were at Cabo da Praia on many dates from January to March, with two present
there in April and up to three again in May and June. In the second half of the year, the site held maxima
of four in July, three in August, six in September, four in October, five in November and four in
December (mo).
Eurasian Dotterel (Borrelho-ruivo) Charadrius morinellus Local PRC species
Scarce autumn migrant and winter visitor. Unusually no birds were recorded this year on Santa Maria,
following regular wintering there since 2007.
Corvo Two at the reservoir on 12th October (PAC et al).
American Golden Plover (Batuiruçu) Pluvialis dominica
Rare but regular autumn vagrant with about 117 previous records.
Corvo Two at the reservoir from 29th September to 7th October (PSt, BS, LM et al).
São Miguel One at ETAR, Ponta Delgada, on 7th March (AVi).
Terceira One at Cabo da Praia on 11th May (RBi) and two there on 27th September (RBi).
European Golden Plover (Tarambola-dourada) Pluvialis apricaria Local PRC species
Rare autumn and winter visitor from Europe with 97 previous records.
Corvo Two at the reservoir from 29th September to 7th October (PSt, BS, LM et al).
Santa Maria Two at Abegoaria Grande on 15th January (AV).
São Miguel One at ETAR, Ponta Delgada, on 7th March (AVi).
Terceira One at Cabo da Praia on 11th May (RBi) and two there on 27th September (RBi).
European Golden Plover, Terceira (Rúben Coelho)
Pacific Golden Plover (Tarambola-dourada-siberiana) Pluvialis fulva National PRC species
Rare vagrant in autumn and winter. This long-staying bird was the fifth record for the Azores.
Terceira One from 2016 remained present at Cabo da Praia from 3rd January to 9th May (Avi, DV, CM, CP,
RBi, SU, LB, RC, EC, FMo, CV, VFa).
Northern Lapwing (Abibe) Vanellus vanellus
Scarce winter visitor from Europe in small numbers annually.
Terceira Two at Canada do Quinhão Grande on 25th January (CP). Four at Lagoa do Junco on 12th
November (CP).
Semipalmated Sandpiper (Pilrito-rasteirinho) Calidris pusilla
Scarce transatlantic autumn migrant.
Corvo Singles in the caldeira from 25-29th September (PSt, BS et al), Porto Antigo from 9-18th October
(PAC et al), Vila do Corvo on October (PAC et al), the reservoir on 12th October (PAC et al) and
caldeira (Estrada de Acesso) on 14th October (PAC et al).
Faial One at Porto da Horta on 7th September (AVi, BP).
Flores One at Lagoa Branca from 29th September to 7th October (SP, PCh, JF).
Pico Singles at Lajes do Pico on 11th September (NG) and Barca from 25th September to 1st October (PS,
NG, MMo).
Terceira One at Cabo da Praia from 3-15th January (Avi, DV, CP). In the second half of the year at Cabo
da Praia, present on many dates between 27th August and 17th November, with up to two from 25-31st
August (LB, SA, RBi) followed by monthly maxima of four in September, five in October and two in
Least Sandpiper (Pilrito-anão) Calidris minutilla
Rare but regular transatlantic migrant, with the majority of records in autumn.
Pico Singles were at Lajes do Pico on 31st July (CP) and from 30th September to 3rd October (NG, MMo).
Terceira At Cabo da Praia there was one on February (SA, LB), two from 17th July to 21st August (CP,
RBi) and one on 24th September (RBi,RC, CP, ML, EC, CM, PKo).
White-rumped Sandpiper (Pilrito-de-sobre-branco) Calidris fuscicollis
Annual autumn migrant, often occurring in small flocks during favourable westerly conditions. The peak
count this year was 15 on Terceira.
Corvo In October, one in the caldeira from 10-18th (PAC et al), two at Costa do Corvo on 15th (PAC et al),
six at the airport on 23-24th (SKa, MSo, AS, BG, KDR, JR) and three at the reservoir on 26th (PSt, BS). On
the latter date two were also in the caldeira (PSt, BS), with another two at Praia on 27th (MN). On 28th
singles were seen at Lighthouse Valley (PSt, MB), caldeira (MN) and the reservoir (AN, BS), and there
were two still at the airport (PSt).
Faial Singles at Porto and Praia da Feteira on 19th May (MFe, BP), Poça da Rainha on 23rd October (AVi,
BP), Porto da Feteira from 24th October to 1st November (MFe, Avi, BP, DV, SV, NG) and Praia de Porto
Pim from 29th October to 5th November (BP, Avi).
Flores Two at Lagoa Branca on 29th September (SP, PCh), two at the airport on 27th October (JR, IS) and
five at the latter site on 30th October (PS).
Pico Singles at Barca on 3rd October (PE), Lagoa do Peixinho on 18th October (NG, PSi), Charco Corr’agua
on 18th October (NG, PSi) and Lagoa do Capitão on 20th October (PSi).
São Miguel Singles at Mosteiros on 25th September (GM), an unspecified location on 30th September
(MGo, RCEi, RCe, MH, MA), Mosteiros again on 9th October (GM) and Fajã de Cima on 21st October (CB).
Terceira Present at Cabo da Praia from 25th August to 11th November, with monthly maxima of one in
August, two in September, 15 in October and 13 in November. Elsewhere, singles were at Canada do
Junco on 16-17th October (CP, RBi, CM, FE, LE, UE) and Canada do Quinhão Grande on 26th October (CP).
Monthly maxima of White-rumped Sandpiper in 2017
São Miguel
Baird’s Sandpiper (Pilrito-de-bico-fino) Calidris bairdii National PRC species
Rare autumn vagrant.
São Miguel One at Mosteiros on 3rd October (PE).
Temminck’s Stint (Pilrito-de-temminck) Calidris temminckii Local PRC species
Terceira Two at Cabo da Praia from 23rd September to the end of the year (mo). They were also seen at
Lagoa do Junco on several occasions.
Temminck’s Stint, Terceira (Rúben Coelho)
Grey-tailed Tattler (Macarico-d’asa-branca) Tringa brevipes National PRC species
Vagrant. This year’s bird was a first for the Azores.
Terceira One at Cabo da Praia from 7th July to 19th September (JJ et al).
Grey-tailed Tattler, Terceira (Rúben Coelho)
Pectoral Sandpiper (Pilrito-de-colete) Calidris melanotos
Scarce autumn visitor from North America, typically from mid-September to late October
Corvo Singles at Cova Vermelha (Tennessee Valley) on 26th September (PSt, BS et al) and in the caldeira
from 29th September to 11th October (PSt, BS, PAC et al).
São Miguel One at Lagoa dos Espraiados on 13th August (GM).
Terceira Recorded at Cabo da Praia between 28th July and 29th October, with monthly maxima of four in
August, six in September and six in October. Elsewhere, there were two at Canada dos Juncos on 18th
September (CP).
Purple Sandpiper (Pilrito-escuro) Calidris maritima
Annual late autumn and winter visitor.
Corvo One at Porto Novo on 27th October (GMi, MB, HP).
Faial One at Porto da Horta on 8th November (AVi). One at Avenida da Horta from 27th November to 2nd
December (AVi, MFe, BP), with two there on 6th December (AVi) and one on 7th (MFe).
Flores Three at Santa Cruz das Flores on 17th January (AVi). One at Porto Velho on 12th May (AVi).
Graciosa Four at Calheta da Cruz on 17th January (LA, JL, MP), one at São Mateus on 20th January (JL) and
one at Calheta on 25th January (JL, MP).
Pico Singles at Cais do Pico from 1-23rd January (CP, CM, GM), Areia Larga on 25th January (GM, VN, CM,
CP et al) and Piscinas de Santo António on 22nd January (CP, CM). Later in the year, one at Lajido da
Criação Velha on 16th November to 22nd November (PS, NG), one at Cais do Pico on 29th December (CP)
and two there on 31st December (NBdp, CP, CM, NG).
São Miguel Two at Mosteiros on 31st January (GM). Two at ETAR, Ponta Delgada, on 8th December (EC,
RC), with one on 16th December (NBdp) and two again on 28th (RC, EC, ML, JMC, GM).
Terceira One at Cabo da Praia from 20-22nd October (RBi, SA, LB, RC, AM).
Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Pilrito-acanelado) Tryngites subruficollis National PRC species
Rare autumn migrant from North America. The record from this year was the 44th record for the Azores,
following two records in 2012, 2013 and 2014 and two in 2016.
Terceira One first near the airport and then at Cabo da Praia from 21sd August to 23rd September (SU,
LB, RC, MDe, CP, RBi, CM, PKo).
Jack Snipe (Narceja-galega) Lymnocryptes minimus Local PRC species
Rare autumn and winter visitor from Europe. Like the next species, many records involve birds flushed
from boggy areas in the centre of São Miguel and Terceira.
Terceira One at Canada Quinhão Grande from 23rd January to 13th February (CP, Cm, RBi).
Wilson’s Snipe (Narceja-de-wilson) Gallinago delicata National PRC species
Scarce autumn and winter visitor from North America. Its status is unclear and requires review. All
records are listed here without necessarily meeting criteria.
Corvo Two in the caldeira on 10th October (PAC et al).
São Miguel Singles at Achada das Furnas on 5th March (RC, EC, AM) and Planalto dos Graminhais on 5th
March (RC).
Terceira In the first part of the year, singles were at Canada do Quinhão Grande on 6th January and from
28th to 4th February (CP), Cabo da Praia from 16th January to 14th February (CP, SA, LB, CM) and on 10th
March (RBi), and Cabrito Reservoir on 2nd February (CP). The first in autumn was at Lagoa do Bispo on
27th August (CP, RC), with two at Canada do Junco on 1-2nd September (CP, CM). There was one at Cabo
da Praia from 15th October to 17th November (CM, CP, RBi, Cmp LB, RBi, SA et al), two still at Canada do
Junco on 29th October (CP, JSa, SA, LB) and one at Canada do Quinhão Grande from 5-8th October (CP)
and again from 5-29th November (CP, NS).
Long-billed Dowitcher (Maçarico-de-bico-comprido) Limnodromus scolopaceus National PRC species
Rare autumn vagrant from North America.
Terceira One at Cabo da Praia from 4th to 15th September (RBi, CP, SA, LB).
Pectoral Sandpiper (left) and Long-billed Dowitcher, Terceira (Ricardo Bispo)
Bar-tailed Godwit (Fuselo) Limosa lapponica
Scarce autumn migrant and winter visitor.
Pico one at Lajes do Pico from 11-14th September (NG, PS).
São Miguel Two at Praia do Monte Verde from 7th to 31st January (CR, RC, EC). In the second half of the
year, singles were at Praia do Pópulo on 21th August (MaBe) and ETAR, Ponta Delgada, on 28th December
(RC, EC, ML, JMC).
Terceira One at Canada do Quinhão Grande on 6th January (CP, CM). Four at Cabo da Praia on 6th
January (CP, CM) with two there from 7-12th January (RBi, CP, SA, LB) and four again from 13-23rd
February (RBi, CP). One was at the same site from 12-28th May (mo), with two present from 29th to 7th
June (SA, LB, CP, MMo, CM, ISi, MPi). Later in the year there were three at Cabo da Praia from 14th
November to 3rd December (mo), with a fourth individual on 20th November (RBi), two from 7-11th
December (mo) and three again from 12-26th December (RBi, CP, GM).
Hudsonian Whimbrel (Maçarico-galego-americano) Numenius hudsonicus
Scarce visitor from North America, and although spread throughout the year, records peak in late
summer and early autumn.
Terceira Singles were seen at Cabo da Praia from 12th February to 25th March (CP, LB, SA, RBI, CM, RC,
EC) and on 12th September (CP, RC, EC, ML).
Common Redshank (Perna-vermelha) Tringa totanus
Rare European visitor in autumn and winter
Pico Singles at Madalena Harbor on 8th December (EA, MFe, AVi, PS) and Lajes do Pico from 13-29th
December (PS, NG, CP, MMo, NBdP).
Santa Maria One at the airport from 18-23th January (AV).
São Miguel One at ETAR, Ponta Delgada, on 30th August (NBdP).
Terceira One at Cabo da Praia from 3rd January to 5th April (mo).
Greater Yellowlegs (Perna-amarela-grande) Tringa melanoleuca National PRC species
Rare transatlantic vagrant.
Corvo One at the reservoir on 15th October (PAC et al).
Pico Two at Charco Corr’água on 18th October (NG, PS).
Lesser Yellowlegs (Perna-amarela-pequeno) Tringa flavipes
Scarce transatlantic autumn visitor, less frequently in spring or overwintering.
Corvo Two at the reservoir on 7thOctober (LM) and one there on 16th October (PAC et al). Two at the
caldeira from 10-18th October (PAC et al) with three present on 22nd October and a single bird on 26th
October (PSt, BS). One at Vila do Corvo on 23rd October (MSa, PSt).
Flores One at Lagoa Branca on 28th September (SP, PCh).
Terceira One at Cabo da Praia from 25th March to 25th September (mo) with two there on 27th
September, four on 28th (RBi), three from 30th September to 4st October (SA, LB), four from 5-7th October
(mo) and three from 10-13th October (RBi). One at Paúl da Praia on 7th October (RBi, RC, PA, DO) and four
there on 9th October (RBi). One at Negrito on 22nd October (SA, LB).
Green Sandpiper (Maçarico-bique-bique) Tringa ochropus Local PRC species
Rare European vagrant, usually in autumn.
São Miguel One at Achada das Furnas on 5th March (RC, EC, AM).
Wood Sandpiper (Maçarico-de-dorso-malhada) Tringa glareola Local PRC species
Scarce spring and autumn visitor from Europe.
Santa Maria One at Abegoaria Grande on 4th October (NM).
São Miguel One at Achada das Furnas on 5th March (RC, EC, AM).
Terceira Singles at Lagoa do Junco on 15-16th September (CP, CM) and Cabo da Praia from 30th
September to 27th November (mo).
Solitary Sandpiper (Maçarico-solitário) Tringa solitaria National PRC species
A rare vagrant with 21 previous records.
Corvo One at Estrada de Cima on 15th September (PSt, BS et al). One in the caldeira on 26th September
(PSt, BS et al) and another at Cova Vermelha (Tennessee Valley) on the same date (PSt, BS et al).
Flores One at Poço da Alagoinha on 29th September. (SP, PCh). Two at Poço do Ferreiro on 8th October
São Miguel One at Furnas on 8th September (GM).
Terceira One at Cabo da Praia on 11th August (RC).
Solitary Sandpiper, Corvo (David Monticelli)
Common Sandpiper (Maçarico-das-rochas) Actitis hypoleucos
Annual visitor in small numbers, predominantly in autumn and winter
Graciosa One on 30th September (JL, LA, TP, CS).
Santa Maria One at Ribeira de São Francisco on 23rd January (AV). One at Foz da Ribeira de São Francisco
on 10th October (NM). One at Lagoa do Ginjal on 11th December (NM).
São Miguel One at Mosteiros on 27th January (GM). One at Mosteiros on 13th October (CP, CR)
Spotted Sandpiper (Maçarico-pintado) Actitis macularius
Scarce autumn visitor in small numbers annually, with some birds overwintering. The records this year
are typical for this species.
Corvo One in the caldeira on 26th September (PSt, BS et al) increased to two on 29th September (PSt, BS
et al), and there were singles at Old Harbour from 5-18th October (TF, JF, PAC et al), caldeira again on
18th October (PAC et al) and Campos Baixos from 21-27thOctober (mo).
Faial In the first part of the year singles were at Castelo Branco harbour on 5th February (AVi), Feteira
from 10th March to 25th April (AIA, AVi), Poça da Rainha from 20th March to 29th April (MFe, BP, AVi) and
Baía de Porto Pim on 30th April (AVi, JNP). In autumn the first was at Castelo Branco harbour on 23rd
August (BP), followed by singles at Baía de Porto Pim on 4th September (MBe), Porto da Horta on 30th
September (AVi), Baia do Porto Pim again from 6-22nd October (AVi, MF, DV) and Avenida da Horta from
15-20th October (BP, AVi, DV, MFe).
Flores Singles at the natural pools of Santa Cruz on 18th January (AVi), Fajã Grande on 5-27thOctober (JF,
MG) and Ponta Delgada on 11th October (JF).
Pico One at Lajes do Pico from 22-25th January (CP, GM, VN, CM, et al). Later in the year, two at the
same site on 2nd September (MB) and one there from 11-14th September (NG, PS) and from 31st October
to 31st December (mo). Singles were also at Barca from 17th October to 3rd December (NG, GM, MFe,
AVi) and Porto da Madalena from 10-20th December (NG, EA, MFe, AVi, PS).
Santa Maria One at Foz da Ribeira de São Francisco on 20th October (NM).
São Miguel Singles at Fajã de Cima on 20th August (RC, FT, SSa) and Lagoa das Sete Cidades on 15th
October (GM).
Terceira Singles at Cabo da Praia from 9-24th September, 21-26th October and 7-19th December, Paul da
Praia from 7-29th October and Porto de Pescas da Praia da Vitória on 21st October (mo).
Upland Sandpiper (Maçarico-do-campo) Bartramia longicauda National PRC species
Very rare vagrant from North America. The spring bird this year was of particular note.
Corvo One at the reservoir from 14-30th October (mo).
São Miguel One at Mosteiros on 5th May (GM).
Upland Sandpiper, São Miguel (Gerbrand Michielsen)
Grey Phalarope (Falaropo-de-bico-grosso) Phalaropus fulicarius
Scarce visitor, largely in autumn following inclement weather.
Corvo One at Costa Sul on 17-18th October (PAC et al).
Graciosa One at Banco da Fortuna on 29th August (RC, PAC, HD, RM, RLi, EGdR, PCa et al).
Pomarine Skua (Moleiro-do-ártico) Stercorarius pomarinus
Scarce annual visitor, usually in autumn although can be recorded in winter and spring. Probably under
recorded during passage periods, as most birds are likely to pass offshore.
Faial Adult south of Faial on 18th September (JNP).
São Miguel One 125 miles east of Nordeste on 29th September (RT).
Arctic Skua (Moleiro-pequeno) Stercorarius parasiticus
Scarce spring and autumn visitor, usually recorded from offshore pelagics.
Corvo One in the Corvo-Flores channel on 1st July (TP).
São Miguel One at Mosteiros on 4th and 7th October (GM) and 11th October (DMi).
Terceira One seen from ferry between Terceira and São Jorge on 28th July (CP, CM).
Long-tailed Skua (Moleiro-rabilongo) Stercorarius longicaudatus National PRC species
Scarce late summer and autumn visitor, often seen from offshore pelagic trips.
Santa Maria One at Santa Maria Airport on 18th May (NM).
Bonaparte’s Gull (Guincho-americano) Chroicocephalus philadelphia National PRC species
Rare winter migrant.
Corvo One at Campos Baicos on 31st October (MB).
Terceira One at Lagoa do Junco on 31st October (AN) and possibly the same individual on 5th November
at Canada do Quinhão Grande (CP).
Mediterranean Gull (Gaivota-de-cabeça-preta) Ichthyaetus melanocephalus
Scarce winter visitor.
Santa Maria First-winter at Vila do Porto on 15th January (AV).
Terceira One at Ponta da Má Merenda on 19th December (CP).
Annual total of Mediterranean Gulls in the Azores, 2005-2017
Ring-billed Gull (Gaivota-de-bico-riscado) Larus delawarensis
Scarce late autumn migrant and winter visitor from North America, with a regular wintering flock
present at Praia da Vitória, Terceira, each year. A smaller flock also occurs in Ponta Delgada harbour.
Faial Second-winter at Horta harbour on 25th April (AVi) and one in Santa Bárbara on 18th February (BP),
17th December (AVi) and two birds there on 21st December (AVi).
Pico Second-winter at Madalena harbour on 19th March (MS).
São Miguel Three at Ponta Delgada marina on 11th February (MBe), one on 3rd March (GM), six on 7th
March (AVi), one again on 11th March (RB, EC) and still one on 30th April (JBt). At the end of the year, one
was at Arribanas on 10th December (RC, AM, NBdP).
Terceira Nine at Lajes Airport on 15th January (CP), 13 at Praia da Vitória bay on 7th February (RBi) and
six again there on 21st February (CP). Later in the year, one at Ponta Má Merenda and five others at
Praia da Vitória bay on 18th December (CP), rising to six at the latter site on 26th December (RBi).
Monthly maxima of Ring-billed Gulls in 2017
São Miguel
Audouin’s Gull (Gaivota-de-audouin) Larus audouinii Local PRC species
Extreme vagrant with only two previous records.
São Miguel One at Ponta Delgada marina on 2nd (PAC, DP, PSt, RB) and 7th September (PH).
European Herring Gull (Gaivota-prateada) Larus argentatus Local PRC species
Scarce visitor, presumably overlooked previously. Only in recent years have observers begun to record
this species on the Azores, so establishing its true status is perhaps currently premature. See also
Appendix 1.
Faial Adult at Horta harbour on 1st April (AVi), 2nd Apr (AVi, TB) and 3rd Apr (Avi), and at Santa Bárbara
on 13th April (AVi, BP, MS).
São Miguel Adult at Ponta Delgada harbour on 20th and 28th February (RC, EC) and 20th March (PL).
Terceira First-winter at Canada do Quinhão Grande on 28th January (CP) and Lagoa do Junco on 30th
September (CP), with two close to Lagoa do Junco on 5th November (CP, RC, EC).
American Herring Gull (Gaivota-prateada-americana) Larus smithsonianus National PRC species
Scarce winter visitor.
Terceira The first-year bird present from 2016 was seen again at Canada do Quinhão Grande on 28th
Iceland Gull (Gaivota-branca) Larus glaucoides
Rare winter visitor with 80 previous records. There was a small influx this year but it included one
individual of the Canadian and Greenland subspecies kumlieni, known as Kumlien’s Gull, and a potential
thayeri-type (Thayer’s Gull), both on Flores.
Flores One of the subspecies kumlieni at Lajes harbour on 3rd February (LC); previously, a possible
thayeri individual was at the same location on 17th January (AVi).
Pico Juvenile at Lajes do Pico on 25th January (GM et al).
São Miguel At Ponta Delgada marina, two on 3rd March (GM), three on 7th March (AVi), one on 11th
March (RC, EC) and two on 18th March (RC, EC).
Terceira Juvenile at Canada do Quinhão Grande on 28th January (CP) and another at São Mateus on 13th
and 15th February (CP).
Number of Iceland Gulls (including kumlieni) each month by island in 2017
São Miguel
Glaucous Gull (Gaivotão-branco) Larus hyperboreus
Rare winter visitor from the Arctic.
Faial juvenile at Praia do Almoxarife on 24th February (VM, DVa).
São Miguel One at Ponta Delgada marina on 18th February (RC, EC) and again on 7th (AVi), 11th and 18th
March (RC, EC).
Terceira One at Praia da Vitória fishing harbour and Cabo da Praia on 13th February (CP, RB) and again at
the fishing harbour on 14th (CP, CM) and 15th February (RB).
Number of Glaucous Gulls recorded each month by island in 2017:
São Miguel
Kittiwake (Gaivota-tridactila) Rissa tridactyla
Rare pelagic visitor.
Corvo One at Topo on 30th June (TP).
Graciosa One at Santa Cruz on 28th December (LA).
Santa Maria One at Anjos on 18-19th October (NMo).
Terceira 17 birds observed from Ponta da Má Merenda on 19th December (CP) and one at Cabo da Praia
the same day (CP).
Sandwich Tern (Garajau-de-bico-preto) Thalasseus sandvicensis PRC species
Scarce autumn and winter visitor, with three birds recorded including regularly returning birds in
Terceira, but this autumn, four were observed, suggesting that the wintering population might be
growing. Observers should aim to document all records of this species in detail, being aware of the
closely related and now-split Cabot’s Tern (Thalasseus acuflavida) from North America.
Terceira Up to three at Praia da Vitória fishing harbour between 15th January and 28th February (RC, EC),
with two still on 14th April. Later in the year birds were again present from 17th October to 19th
December, peaking at four on 19th October, and at Ponta da Má Merenda on 21st Dec (RBi).
Forster’s Tern (Garajau-de-forster) Sterna forsteri National PRC species
Rare vagrant.
Faial One at Pasteleiro on 15th March (AVi, DV) was the first record for Faial, and conceivably involved
the individual seen earlier on São Miguel. It was subsequently seen at Lajinha on 17th March (MS), Poça
da Rainha on 28th (AVi, BP) and 31st March (MS), and Baía de Porto Pim on 4th (AVi, DV) and 5th Apr (BP).
São Miguel One at Ponta Delgada marina/harbour on 15-16th February, 18-20th February and 3rd, 7th and
11th Mar (GM, NBdP et al).
Little Tern (Chilreta) Sternula albifrons Local PRC species
Rare vagrant.
São Miguel Juvenile at Ponta Delgada marina on 7-8th, 13th, 19th and 21st September (PH et al).
Little Tern, São Miguel (Rúben Coelho)
Bridled Tern (Garajau-de-dorso-castanho) Onychoprion anaethetus National PRC species
Rare pelagic vagrant, with all records in the period June to September, with 22 records in total, the last in
Terceira One at Ilheu das Contendas on 18th Aug (ER), 25-26th Aug (RC), 27th Aug (RC, CP), 28th Aug (LB,
SA) and 1st Sep (CP, CM).
Sooty Tern (Garajau-de-dorso-preto) Onychoprion fuscatus National PRC species
Almost annual summer visitor, historically favouring tern colonies offshore from Graciosa or Santa
Maria. This species bred for the first time in the Azores (and Europe) in 2010.
Graciosa Two adults in Ponta da Restinga on 21st June (RC, TP, VN, ROl et al) and one at Ilheu da Praia
on 13th (VN) and 20th August (ER) and at Bank of Fortune on 29th August (RLv).
Thick-billed Murre (Airo-de-freio) Uria lomvia National PRC species
Vagrant with remarkably (for this High Arctic species) four previous records.
Corvo One near Ilheu Ponta do Marco on 2nd June (CMe, TP, BA).
European Turtle Dove (Rola-brava) Streptopelia turtur Local PRC species
Rare visitor from Europe with 18 records, all between May and October.
São Miguel One at Nordeste on 28th April (MH, RC, EC) and two birds in the same spot on 30th April
(MH, MAb, RC, EC, AM).
European Turtle Doves, São Miguel (Rúben Coelho)
Mourning Dove (Rola-carpideira) Zenaida macroura National PRC species
Rare vagrant.
Flores One at Ponta da Fajã on 21st October (SH et al).
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Papa-lagarta-norte-americano) Coccyzus americanus National PRC species
Rare but regular transatlantic vagrant to Corvo and Flores, with records of moribund birds from the other
Corvo One at Campos Médios on 9th Oct (PAC et al), Campos Baixos next day and Campos Médios again
on 14-15th October. On 19th October one in Poço d’Água and another in Campos Médios. Next day
possibly four birds were seen: one at Pico, another in Fojo, one at Cova Vermelha (Tennessee Valley)
and finally another at Lighthouse Valley (PAC et al). The last record was of one at Campos Baixos on 24th
(KD) and 25th October (ZK, KdR).
Short-eared Owl (Coruja-do-nabal) Asio flammeus Local PRC species
Rare vagrant, with records spread across the period September to May. Most records are of singles,
though there were five together on Santa Maria in November 2010 and four on São Miguel in March
Corvo One at Cancelas on 24th October (GMi).
Faial One at Charcos Pedro Miguel on 23rd November (MS).
Terceira One at Cabo da Praia on 21st October (SA, LB, CM, RBi, CP).
Chimney Swift (Andorinhão-de-rabo-espinhoso) Chaetura pelagica National PRC species
Vagrant. The single record this year was the first in spring.
São Miguel One at Nordeste on 3rd May (AR, JTo, RC).
Common Swift (Andorinhão-preto) Apus apus Local PRC species
Scarce spring overshoot from Europe, with some autumn records. 2017 was a year with records in four
islands, which is unusual.
Faial Singles at Angústias, Horta, on 12th April (MS) and at Horta (Carmo) on 2nd November (MS).
Flores One at Boqueirão, Santa Cruz, on 10th October (AVi).
Santa Maria One at Macela on 10th May (NMo).
São Miguel One at São Pedro Nordestinho on 20th April (RC, MH et al) and again on 29th April in
Nordeste (RC).
Belted Kingfisher (Guarda-rios-cintado) Megaceryle alcyon National PRC species
Rare vagrant. A single record again in 2017, after none the year before.
Corvo One at Porto Antigo on 3rd, 5th (TF) and 6th October (JF).
Eurasian Skylark (Laverca) Alauda arvensis
Annual visitor from Europe.
Santa Maria Fourteen at Abegoaria Grande on 22nd January (AV).
Sand Martin (Andorinha-das-barreiras) Riparia riparia Local PRC species
Rare spring and autumn migrant. Conceivably, some individuals (especially those in autumn) may
emanate from the Nearctic, where this species is referred to as Bank Swallow, but European and North
American birds are indistinguishable in the field. There have been almost 50 records of this species to
date, including a record influx of 25 birds in 2013.
São Miguel One at Lagoa Azul on 9th April (GM).
Terceira One at Cabo da Praia on 14th April (FMo, CP, CV).
Red-rumped Swallow (Andorinha-dáurica) Cecropis daurica Local PRC species
Extremely rare European vagrant during spring. This is the sixth record for the archipelago (of seven
birds), all but one of which have been since 2008.
São Miguel One at Nordeste on 12th March (EC, RC).
Meadow Pipit (Petinha-dos-prados) Anthus pratensis Local PRC species
Rare autumn migrant and winter visitor from Europe, though increasingly frequent in recent years.
Santa Maria Two at Abegoaria Grande on 15th January and five there on 22nd January (AV).
Terceira six at Canada do Quinhão Grande on 17th January (CP), with two until 27th February, and one at
Canada do Junco on 26th October (CP).
Red-throated Pipit (Petinha-de-garganta-ruiva) Anthus cervinus National PRC species
Rare vagrant from Europe, chiefly in October and November, though has occurred in spring and
overwintered on one occasion. Five in one year is exceptional.
Terceira Two at Canada do Quinhão Grande had been present since 2016, with five there on 17th
January (CP), and four on 2nd February, the last at the site being one on 26th.
Red-throated Pipit, Terceira (Rúben Coelho)
Buff-bellied Pipit (Petinha-fulva) Anthus rubescens National PRC species
Rare transatlantic migrant, occurring annually in small numbers in recent years during October and
November, though has overwintered. The bird on Faial is especially noteworthy in being the second
record for the island.
Faial One at Serra da Feteira on 24th October (AVi).
Terceira Two at Canada do Quinhão Grande from 2016 remained until 27th February (RC et al).
Corvo Two in the caldeira on 10th October (PAC et al).
White Wagtail (Alvéola-cinzenta) Motacilla alba Local PRC species
Scarce vagrant in autumn and winter, having been recorded annually since 2005, though the bird at
Praia do Norte was the first for Faial.
Faial One at Praia do Norte on 22nd January and 5th February (AVi).
São Miguel Two in Ponta Delgada harbour on 11th February (MBe).
Santa Maria Two at Vila do Porto on 25th January (AV).
Cedar Waxwing (Picoteiro-americano) Bombycilla cedrorum National PRC species
Extremely rare vagrant from North America, with all records in October. This was the third record for the
Corvo One in the upper part of Ribeira do Cantinho on 27th October (PSt, BS).
European/ Siberian Stonechat (Cartaxo/ Cartaxo-asiático ) Saxicola rubicola/maura Local/National PRC species
Extremely rare vagrant from Europe/ Asia. The second for the Azores.
São Jorge A male at Fajã dos Cubres on 17th January (DB, FM).
Grey-cheeked Thrush (Tordo-de-faces-cinzentas) Catharus minimus National PRC species
Rare but increasingly regular autumn vagrant from North America, having been first recorded in 2002.
Multiple arrivals are not unusual, with these being the 16th and 17th for the archipelago.
Corvo Singles in Ribeira das Cancelas on 20th October (JK, TT) and Lighthouse Valley on 24th October
(PSt, BS).
Swainson’s Thrush (Tordo-dos-pântanos) Catharus ustulatus National PRC species
Extremely rare vagrant from North America. There are five previous records, with four from Corvo and
one from Flores, and all in October.
Corvo One in Lighthouse Valley from 22-25th October (KD et al).
Fieldfare (Tordo-zornal) Turdus pilaris
Scarce winter visitor in varying numbers each year, having been recorded annually since 2005.
Faial Ten at Serra de Feteira on 4th February (AVi), with three in the caldeira on 1st March (AVi); both
localities also held the species in late 2016.
Song Thrush (Tordo-pinto) Turdus philomelos Local PRC species
Rare but increasingly regular vagrant from Europe that has been annual since 2014, with nine previous
records involving 13 birds.
São Miguel One at Lagoa Azul on 10th December (NBdP, RC, AM, GM).
American Robin (Tordo-americano) Turdus migratorius National PRC species
Extremely rare vagrant from North America. The fourth for Corvo and fifth for the Azores, all having
occurred since 2012.
Corvo One in the caldeira from 26-28th October (BS).
Common Whitethroat (Papa-amoras) Sylvia communis Local PRC species
Extremely rare vagrant from Europe, this was the first for Corvo and second for the Azores.
Corvo One at Cova Vermelha (Tennessee Valley) from 17-19th October (VL et al).
Common Whitethroat, Corvo (Vincent Legrand)
Yellow-browed Warbler (Felosa-listada) Phylloscopus inornatus National PRC species
Extremely rare vagrant from Asia, with just one previous record for the Azores from the same locality in
December 2001. However, given the huge upsurge in sightings in western Europe during autumn,
perhaps more can be expected.
São Miguel One at Sete Cidades from 9-28th December (GM).
Common Chiffchaff (Felosa-comum) Phylloscopus collybita
Regular visitor from Europe, with peak numbers usually associated with easterly winds in autumn. A
small number of birds probably winter on the islands.
Flores One at Lajes das Flores on 16th January (AVi).
São Miguel Singles at Sete Cidades from 3-12th February (CR) and on 10th December (EC, RC, NBdP).
Terceira Singles at Cabo da Praia from 8-11th (RBi) and on 21st November (RBi), plus 19th December (CP),
could well have been the same bird.
Willow Warbler (Felosa-musical) Phylloscopus trochilus Local PRC species
Annual autumn visitor from Europe, in smaller numbers than the preceding species and typically slightly
earlier in the season.
Corvo Singles were at Cova Vermelha (Tennessee Valley) from 7-20th October and the middle fields from
11-19th October (mo).
Yellow-throated Vireo (Juruviara-de-garganta-amarela) Vireo flavifrons National PRC species
An extremely rare transatlantic vagrant, this was the fourth for the Azores and the first since 2009. All
have been in October.
Corvo One at Cova Vermelha (Tennessee Valley) on 15th October (RG, HS).
Yellow-throated Vireo, Corvo (Rúben Coelho)
Philadelphia Vireo (Juruviara-da-filadélfia) Vireo philadelphicus National PRC species
Rare transatlantic vagrant that has been annual since 2011, almost exclusively on Corvo in October,
though there is also a single record from Flores; these were the 14th to 15th records for the Azores.
Corvo Singles were at Ribeira da Ponte on 27th September (PSt, BS) and Lighthouse Valley on 23rd
October (PSt).
Red-eyed Vireo (Juruviara) Vireo olivaceus
Annual autumn visitor, and since the first record in 2005, this species has become the most frequently
encountered Nearctic passerine on the Azores. An exceptional autumn with 25 easily the highest total on
record, beating the previous best of 15 in October 2015. Records away from Corvo are harder to come
by, with this being surprisingly the first on Flores since 2014.
Corvo A conservative total of 24 birds was recorded between 23rd September and 31st October, with a
large fall in late September producing 15, including trios at both Lighthouse Valley and Ribeira da Ponte.
In October the highest count was three in Fojo on 20th, a day when eight were present on the island,
with the last being singles at Cantinho from 23-26th, Lighthouse Valley on 24th and Fojo on 31st, all of
which were probably new.
Flores One at Santa Cruz airfield on 23rd October (MG, RC, AM).
Eurasian Siskin (Lugre) Spinus spinus Local PRC species
Rare migrant and winter visitor from Europe, with around 30 previous records; two small groups
represented an average showing by recent standards.
São Miguel Two at Sete Cidades from 9-26th December (GM), rising to five from 10-16th, and six at
Lagoa das Furnas on 8th (EC, RC).
Siskin, São Miguel (Rúben Coelho)
Black-and-White Warbler (Riscadinha) Mniotilta varia National PRC species
Rare Nearctic vagrant, with 15 previous records. Multiple arrivals are not uncommon, though this is the
first year that five have been recorded.
Corvo Singles were in Fojo on 23rd September (PSt, BS), Ribeira da Ponte on 23-24th (PSt, BS), Ribeira do
Poco de Agua on 25th (PSt, BS), Ribeira da Lapa on 26th (PSt, BS), and Pico/ Ribeira da Ponte from 20-27th
October (ZK).
Northern Parula (Mariquita-azul) Setophaga americana National PRC species
Rare transatlantic vagrant with records confined to Corvo and Flores.
Flores One at Fajã Grande on 21st October (MG).
Tennessee Warbler (Mariquita-do-tennessee) Leiothlypis peregrina National PRC species
An extremely rare vagrant from North America, this was the fourth for Corvo and fifth for the Azores,
though the first since 2012.
Corvo One at Ribeira da Lapa from 20-23rd October (PAC).
Northern Parula, Flores (Michael Gerber)
Tennessee Warbler, Corvo (Vincent Legrand)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (Mariquita-azul-de-garganta-preta) Setophaga caerulescens National
PRC species
Extremely rare vagrant from North America, all having been on Corvo in October. This year’s bird was the
seventh for the Azores.
Corvo A male in the upper part of Ribeira da Lapa on 1-2nd October (JPJ).
Black-throated Green Warbler (Mariquita-verde-de-garganta-preta) Setophaga virens National PRC species
Extremely rare vagrant from North America, which like the preceding species has been restricted to
Corvo in October. This is the first year that three have been recorded, and the first in September.
Corvo Singles were at Ribeira do Cantinho from 27-30th September (PSt, BS),
Lighthouse Valley on 14th October (MB, MSa) and Ribeira das Cancelas on 20-21st October (GM).
Black-throated Green Warbler, Corvo (Zbigniew Kajzer)
Magnolia Warbler (Mariquita-de-faces-pretas) Setophaga magnolia National PRC species
An extremely rare North American vagrant, with all previous records coming from the western islands in
October. The third and fourth well documented records for the Azores, this is the first time that two have
been recorded in the same year and the first in September.
Corvo Singles were in Lighthouse Valley on 23rd September (PSt, BS) and Ribeira da Ponte on 19th
October (RE, JS).
Magnolia Warbler, Corvo (Vincent Legrand)
Bay-breasted Warbler (Mariquita-de-peito-castanho) Setophaga castanea National PRC species
The first record for the Azores of this North American vagrant, and just the second for the Western
Palearctic, this was one of the highlights of the autumn for many birders.
Corvo One in Lighthouse Valley from 22-25th October (GB, DM).
Bay-breasted Warbler, Corvo (Radoslaw Gwozdz)
Blackburnian Warbler (Mariquita-papo-de-fogo) Setophaga fusca National PRC species
Extremely rare vagrant from North America, this was another first for the Azores, and a stand-out
highlight of the autumn on the archipelago, with just four previous Western Palearctic records.
Corvo One (probably a first-winter male) at Cova Vermelha (Tennessee Valley) from 15-18th October
Blackburnian Warbler, Corvo (Vincent Legrand)
Myrtle Warbler (Mariquita-coroada) Setophaga coronata National PRC species
Rare North American vagrant with 16 previous records, this was the first since 2013, and the first record
for Terceira.
Terceira One at Cabo da Praia from 20-26th October (RE, JS).
Blackpoll Warbler (Mariquita-de-perna-clara) Setophaga striata National PRC species
Increasingly regular transatlantic vagrant with around a dozen previous records, all of which have been
in October. Multiple arrivals are not uncommon, though five in one year is exceptional.
Corvo Two were in the middle fields from 13-20th October (PAC) and the lower fields from 22-28th
October (PSt), while up to three were in Lighthouse Valley from 22-30th (GB, DM, VL).
Blackpoll Warbler, Corvo (Vincent Legrand)
Ovenbird (Mariquita-de-coroa-ruiva) Seiurus aurocapilla National PRC species
Very rare North American vagrant. Prior to this year there had been just eight records, so four in one
year is outstanding.
Corvo Singles in Lighthouse Valley on 27th September (PSt), Ribeira da Ponte from 19-23rd October and
Ribeira das Cancelas from 21-27th October (GM).
Flores One at Ponta da Fajã on 22-23rd October (MG).
Ovenbird, Flores (Michael Gerber)
Northern Waterthrush (Mariquita-boreal) Parkesia noveboracensis National PRC species
Very rare vagrant from North America, with seven previous records making the arrival of nine in one
autumn even more remarkable than the preceding species.
Corvo Two were in the lower fields on 2-3rd October (PSt), with two in the middle fields from 3rd to 9th
(PSt, BS) and singles at Cova Vermelha (Tennessee Valley) on 14th (KD) and Ribeira da Lapa on 21st (KdR).
Flores Singles at Ribeira Grande on 11th September (PVH, RT), Fajazinha from 15-18th October (JF) and
Lagoa dos Patos from 26-29th (MG).
Northern Waterthrush, Corvo (David Monticelli)
Common Yellowthroat (Mariquita-de-mascarilha) Geothlypis trichas National PRC species
The most frequently recorded Nearctic wood-warbler and an annual vagrant since 2008.
Corvo A male near Pico on 27th September (PSt, BS), with singles in the middle fields from 14-20th
October (PAC) and the power station on 20th October (PSt).
São Miguel a male at Sete Cidades from 27th January to 12th February (GM).
Hooded Warbler (Mariquita-de-capuz) Setophaga citrina National PRC species
Extremely rare North American vagrant, these were the third and fourth records for the Azores, with the
previous records in 2005 and 2008, both on Corvo in October.
Corvo Singles were at Ribeira das Cancelas from 20-25th October (VL) and Ribeira do Cantinho from 23-
27th (PSt, BS), the latter a brightly plumaged male.
Common Yellowthroat, Corvo (Radoslaw Gwozdz)
Hooded Warbler, Corvo (Vincent Legrand)
Hooded Warbler, Corvo (Zbigniew Kajzer)
Canada Warbler (Mariquita-do-canadá) Cardellina canadensis National PRC species
Extremely rare vagrant from North America, with just two previous records, both of which were on Corvo
in October.
Corvo One in Ribeira do Poco de Agua on 27-28th September (PSt, BS).
Scarlet Tanager (Sanhaçu-escarlate) Piranga olivacea National PRC species
Rare but increasingly regular autumn vagrant from North America, with in excess of 25 previous records
since the first in 2005. After just one in 2016, there were two documented records in 2017.
Corvo Singles were at Ribeira da Lapa on 20th (PSt) and Ribeira do Poco de Agua on 24th (JK, TT).
Dickcissel (Papa-capim-americano) Spiza americana National PRC species
Extremely rare North American vagrant, with the first being two on Flores in November 2009, though all
subsequent records have come from Corvo, with this being the sixth for the Azores.
Corvo A first-winter female was at Ribeira da Lapa from 18-20th October (FLS).
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Realejo) Pheucticus ludovicianus National PRC species
Rare vagrant from North America, occurring annually in very small numbers in recent years. Although
expected in autumn, there are two spring records.
Corvo Singles at the reservoir on 29th September (PSt, BS) and 20th October (KK, MD), and in the caldeira
on 27th October (PSt, BS).
Flores Singles at Ponta da Fajã from 21-23rd October (MG) and Fajazinha on 25th October (MG).
Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Flores (Michael Gerber)
Indigo Bunting (Mariposa-azul) Passerina cyanea National PRC species
One of the most regular transatlantic vagrants, being almost annual in the western islands in October,
where it has amassed a total of almost 50 records. The bird on Flores in May is, however, the first spring
record for the archipelago.
Corvo Although three birds were reported none was documented (see Appendix 1).
Flores One at Lajes das Flores from 8-13th May (DN).
The following records from 2017 are listed separately here because they do not meet the criteria
adopted by the Records Validation Group for inclusion in the main Systematic List (see Introduction and
Appendix 2). This does not necessarily mean that there has been an error in identification, but rather
that for such locally or nationally rare species the required supporting evidence – for example,
unequivocal photographic documentation, sound recordings or a detailed description – is incomplete or
lacking. Should further evidence become available, such records can be included in the Systematic List in
a future report and added to the Azores Bird Club database accordingly.
Wood Duck (Pato-carolino) Aix sponsa National PRC species
Faial A female at Ribeira dos Flamengos on 1st October.
Northern Fulmar (Pombalete) Fulmarus glacialis National PRC species
São Miguel One from Mosteiros on 4th February.
Desertas Petrel (Freira-de-bugio) Pterodroma deserta National PRC species
Corvo One reported on 13th October.
Great Blue Heron (Garça-real-americana) Ardea herodias National PRC species
Faial One at Lajinha on 8th April.
Rough-legged Buzzard/Hawk (Butio-calcado) Buteo Lagopus National PRC species
Flores Four were reported at Morro Alto on 15th October.
Water Rail (Frango-d’agua) Rallus aquaticus Local PRC species
Corvo One at Poço d’Agua on 21st October.
Spotted Crake (Franga-d’água-malhada) Porzana porzana Local PRC species
Corvo One at Ribeira do Cantinho on 23rd October.
Short-billed Dowitcher (Maçarico-de-bico-curto) Limnodromus griseus National PRC species
Santa Maria One at the airport from 18-23rd January.
Bonaparte’s Gull (Guincho-americano) Chroicocephalus philadelphia National PRC species
Flores One at Lagoa Rasa on 10th September.
Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis michahellis Local PRC subspecies
Santa Maria A first-winter on 25th January.
Sabine’s Gull (Gaivota-de-sabine) Xema sabini Local PRC species
São Miguel One at São Roque on 28th October.
Red-rumped Swallow (Andorinha-dáurica) Cecropis daurica Local PRC species
São Miguel One at Sete Cidades on 9th April.
Rook (Gralha-calva) Corvus frugilegus Local PRC species
Santa Maria Four over woodland north of Vila do Porto on 20th January.
Buff-bellied Pipit (Petinha-fulva) Anthus rubescens National PRC species
Santa Maria One at Anegoaria Grande on 15th January.
Black Redstart (Rabirruivo) Phoenicurus ochruros Local PRC species
Santa Maria One at Cova do Areao on 15th January.
São Miguel One at Mosteiros on 4th January.
European Pied Flycatcher (Papa-moscas-preto) Ficedula hypoleuca Local PRC species
Corvo One at Ribeira do Poco de Agua on 10th October.
Grey-cheeked Thrush (Tordo-de-faces-cinzentas) Catharus minimus National PRC species
Corvo One at Cova Vermelha (Tennessee Valley) on 24th October.
Melodious Warbler (Felosa-poliglota) Hippolais polyglotta Local PRC species
Santa Maria One at Cova do Areao on 15th January.
Philadelphia Vireo (Juruviara-da-filadélfia) Vireo philadelphicus National PRC species
Corvo One at Ribeira do Vinte on 7th October.
Blackpoll Warbler (Mariquita-de-perna-clara) Setophaga striata National PRC species
Corvo Singles at Ribeira do Poco de Agua on 20th and Ribeira da Lapa from 21-29th October.
Ovenbird (Mariquita-de-coroa-ruiva) Seiurus aurocapilla National PRC species
Corvo Singles at Ribeira do Cantinho on 8th October and Lighthouse Valley on 24th October.
Common Yellowthroat (Mariquita-de-mascarilha) Geothlypis trichas National PRC species
Corvo One at Fojo on 20th October.
Scarlet Tanager (Sanhaçu-escarlate) Piranga olivacea National PRC species
Corvo Singles were in Lighthouse Valley on 8th October and the middle fields on 14th October.
Lapland Bunting (Escrevedeira-da-lapónia) Calcarius lapponicus National PRC species.
Corvo One at the reservoir on 26th October.
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Realejo) Pheucticus ludovicianus National PRC species
Corvo One in the middle fields on 9th October.
Indigo Bunting (Mariposa-azul) Passerina cyanea National PRC species
Corvo In October singles were at Fojo on 20th, Ribeira da Lapa on 22nd and Ribeira do Poco de Agua on
Bobolink (Triste-pia) Dolichonyx oryzivorus National PRC species
Corvo One at Ribeira do Poco de Agua on 6-7th October.
First record for the Azores
Single observer
Clear photographic record showing identification features is required, with preferably a range of
photographs and/or video footage showing salient features from various angles. Ideally, supporting
photos or video evidence should show local context, for example including endemic vegetation or
recognisable landforms/features. Where call is a factor then a sound recording is also recommended.
Where call is a critical identification feature than a sound recording is essential.
Multi-observer (two or more individuals)
Preferably a photographic record/sound record as above.
Very detailed notes/detailed sketches from observers who have good experience with describing rarities
to rarity committees.
Detailed notes and sketches could be considered by an observer who has a prolonged history of
successful and high-quality record submissions and who has not been able to collect photographic
evidence due to exceptional and rare circumstances which should be detailed.
Second to 10th records for the Azores
Single observer
Preferably: clear photographic record showing identification features, and ideally a range of
photographs and/or video footage showing salient features from various angles. Also preferable if
supporting photos or video evidence show local context, for example including endemic vegetation or
recognisable landforms/features. Where call is a factor then a sound recording is also recommended.
Where call is a critical identification feature than a sound recording is essential.
Detailed notes and detailed sketches from an observer with good rarity-recording experience.
Co-ordinated notes and sketches from all observers.
11 or more records for the Azores
Single observer
Preferably photo documentation.
Detailed notes and sketches considered from an observer, preferably with rarity-recording experience.
Preferably photo documentation. Co-ordinated detailed notes from observers. Sketches are preferable.
Desertas Petrel (Freira-de-bugio) Pterodroma deserta National PRC species
São Miguel One on 9th October 2016, 30 km east of Soa Miguel (TMu). Satellite tracking studies show
that Desertas Petrel regularly move into Azorean waters so the majority of ‘Fea’s-complex’ petrels are
assumed to be Desertas when seen in the Azores.
Sora (Franga-d'água-americana) Porzana carolina National PRC species
Corvo One at Vila do Corvo on 5th September 2016 (BA).
Sooty Tern (Garajau-de-dorso-preto) Onychoprion fuscatus National PRC species
Terceira Two on 18th July 2016 28 km off Terceira (TM).
2016 Report Erratum:
Common Scoter, photo page 18: the photographer was Nuno Bicudo da Ponte and location was
Povoaçao, São Miguel.
The Editorial Group welcomes submissions of records, images, papers and short notes relating to rare
and scarce birds in the Azores.
Records of interest should be sent to Peter Alfrey: Please note the
criteria for inclusion in this report which is set out in Appendix 2 (see page 65), and include the
necessary supporting evidence for sightings of rare and scarce birds with your submission.
Images for possible publication should be sent to Vincent Legrand, Photographic Editor: Original, unedited RAW files or high-quality jpegs are preferred, with files
renamed to indicate the species name, location, island, date and photographer’s name, as follows:
When submitting images, the email subject line should read ‘Azores [year] selection [your name]’.
Copyright of individual images published in this report remains with the photographer.
Contributors of papers and short notes for possible publication should be sent as a Word or RTF file,
attached to an email, to Peter Alfrey: Accounts of the discovery of new
or very rare species in the Azores are particularly welcome, but the Editorial Group would be pleased to
consider material on a wide range of subjects related to rare and scarce birds in the Azores, including
identification and changes in status and distribution. If required, advice can be provided on the
suitability of any proposed material at the draft stage. Written submissions are considered on the
understanding that they are being offered solely for publication in the Azores Rare and Scarce Birds
Report, which will retain copyright.
Unless notified otherwise, English and scientific names of birds should follow the IOC World Bird List at
O Grupo Editorial recebe submissões de registros, imagens, documentos e notas curtas relativas a aves
raras e escassos nos Açores.
Registros de interesse que não tenham já apareceram online no
deve ser enviado para Peter Alfrey: Por favor, note os critérios de
inclusão no presente relatório, que é apresentado no apêndice 2 (ver página 65), e incluem os
elementos comprovativos necessários para avistamentos de pássaros raros e escassos com o seu envio.
Possíveis imagens para publicação devem de ser enviadas para o Vincent Legrand, editor fotográfico: De preferência fotos originais não editadas em formato RAW ou Jpegs em
alta resolução com os ficheiros identificando espécie, localização, ilha, data e o nome do fotografo como
neste exemplo:
NorthernFlicker_Fojo_ Corvo_15Outubro2010 (Vincent Legrand).
Quando enviar os ficheiros, favor escrever em assunto do email “Azores, o ano, seleção e o seu nome”.
Direitos de imagens individuais publicadas neste relatório permanecem com o fotógrafo.
Contribuintes de papéis e notas curtas para possível publicação deve enviar o texto como um arquivo
Word ou RTF, anexado a um e-mail, para Peter Alfrey: Contas da
descoberta de espécies novas ou muito raros nos Açores são particularmente bem-vinda, mas o Grupo
Editorial seria o prazer de considerar o material em uma vasta gama de assuntos relacionados com as
aves raras e escassos nos Açores, incluindo a identificação e mudanças no estado e distribuição. Se
necessário, o conselho pode ser fornecida sobre a adequação de qualquer material proposto na fase de
projecto. Observações por escrito são considerados no entendimento de que eles estão sendo
oferecidos exclusivamente para a publicação nos Açores raros e escassos Birds relatório, que irá reter
direitos autorais.
A não ser notificado em contrário, os nomes científicos de aves Inglês e deve seguir a lista Pássaro IOC
World at
Further copies of this issue and limited copies of other issues are available at £8 plus p&p (£1.50 UK, £3
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