Conference Paper

Sports Tourism and Sports Events as a Niche Market in Oporto as a Tourism Destination

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Football is experienced in a much more intense way compared to other sports, which is also why it has a relevant place in society, when compared to other sports activities. The general objective of this research study is to ascertain the importance and perception of FC Porto regarding the ability to influence the main activities performed during the trip. Considering the general objective, an hypothesis was proposed: The importance and perception of FC Porto in Porto as a destination, influence the main activities carried out during the trip. Visioning the research objective, a quantitative methodology was applied through the application of a questionnaire to 400 tourists/visitors in the city of Oporto. Considering the results, regional and local DMO’s are suggested to promote programs that guarantee complementary offer at the destination, coincident with sporting events, in order to ensure the extension of the stay.

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... The first sports tourism trips date back to 776 BC when the first manifestations of tourism with the Olympic Games in Greece emerged. Tourism and sport have evolved over the years due to the improvement of quality of life and the achievement of free time so that human development and lifestyle as well as the promotion of peace between nations and itself people's quality of life (Liberato et al., 2021). According to Ritchie (2007), sport and tourism are the most popular leisure experiences in the world, since sport contributes between 1% and 2% to the gross domestic product (GDP) of industrialized countries. ...
... The first is sports tourism, which concerns tourist activities in which tourists participate as practitioners, that is, they are tourists who, during their travels, practice a sporting activity even though the motivation of the trip in question is; the second is spectacle tourism, referring to the activities that tourists enjoy as spectators, that is, spectacles/sporting events where tourists attend during the trip regardless of its fundamental motivation and finally, the other sporting tourist contexts correlate with cultural sport tourism and involving sport tourism, since the first one mentions 'a more cognitive character of sports culture that may be associated with a sense of sports history, intellectual curiosity or veneration', and the second refers to 'the situations inherent in the world of sport, namely the countless possibilities of tourist travel associated with sports administration or training' (Carvalho & Lourenço, 2009). On the other hand, Liberato et al. (2021) distinguish tourist sports and sports tourism, where the first refers to tourism generated by the exploitation of events with a sports nature and the second to tourism practised for the realization of a sport by visitors. ...
The chapter is structured in four parts. The first is the literature review that comprises segmentation in tourism, niche tourism, sports tourism, emotions and affectivity. Then, the second part is dedicated to the methodology where the chosen conceptual model is exposed and divided into two parts: the first consists of four semi-structured interviews and the other in a focus group of between 10 and 12 participants. The third part results in the analysis and discussion of results, which characterizes the role of emotions and affectivity in the decision-making process of the tourist/sports fan and its implications for tourism, as well as the motivations and analysis of consumer behaviour and profile. Finally, the last part ends with the conclusions as well as the limitations of the study and suggestions for future research.
... In order to understand who is the Brazilian tourist that travels abroad, this article aims to analyse the behaviour of this traveller, so to understand his socioeconomic profile, what are his choices based on travel expenses, how often does he travel abroad, how he plans and moves around these destinations. It is urgent to study the tourists' behaviour and the different factors they consider and value when choosing their destinations; only by doing this will companies be able to understand the needs of different consumers (segments), gathering information that will allow them to improve their marketing strategies and expand their results [3][4][5]. ...
Conference Paper
Tourism is an activity heavily dependent on the movement of people and travel (with different motivations). As a result, tourism has been heavily affected by the covid-19 pandemic since the beginning of 2020. The number of trips has dropped considerably across the world and particularly in Brazil. Several studies show that one of the biggest dreams of Brazilians is to travel, but only about 1% of the inhabitants in the country usually travel internationally annually. Despite being a tiny amount of the population, it is more than 2 million people who travel and consume in the international tourism sector. This study proposes to analyze the behavior of Brazilian tourists on trips abroad, describing through a survey the choices of these travelers. From an interdisciplinary perspective, this manuscript presents inputs for marketing (i.e. consumer behaviour), for tourism (i.e. management of tourism services) and for management.
For effective strategic planning and focused marketing campaigns, it is essential to understand the museum's target audience and how cultural tourism can influence sports tourism. The study aims to investigate the satisfaction and experience of international visitors to the Museum of Futebol Clube do Porto and their profiles. The TripAdvisor reviews were considered to gather information on the Museum of Futebol Clube do Porto's target audience using a business intelligence tool to process, analyze, and draw conclusions from the data. Insights regarding the geographic and gender distribution of reviewers and their overall evaluations of the museum were discovered by analysing TripAdvisor reviews.
Tourism is an activity heavily dependent on the movement of people and travel (with different motivations). As a result, tourism has been heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic since the beginning of 2020. The number of trips has dropped considerably across the world and particularly in Brazil. Several studies show that one of the biggest dreams of Brazilians is to travel, but only about 1% of the inhabitants in the country usually travel internationally annually. Despite being a tiny amount of the population, it is more than 2 million people who travel and consume in the international tourism sector. This study proposes to analyze the behavior of Brazilian tourists on trips abroad, describing through a survey the choices of these travelers. From an interdisciplinary perspective, this manuscript presents inputs for marketing, (i.e., consumer behavior), for tourism (i.e., management of tourism services) and for management.
This study aims to understand some of the main trends in tourist segmentation in the context of fashion tourism, with an emphasis on relationship marketing. The research study brings together a proposed conceptual model to understand some of the main determinants of tourist demand in fashion tourism environments and their behavioral intentions (i.e., satisfaction and loyalty). Fashion tourism is a niche market segment that evolved out of three major sectors: creative tourism, cultural tourism, and shopping tourism. Fashion tourism can be defined as the interaction between Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs), trade associations, tourism suppliers, and host communities, with people traveling to and visiting a particular place for business or leisure to enjoy, experiment, discover, study, trade, communicate about and consume fashion. The present study represents an important contribution in relation to the management of tourist destinations and the development of the relationship with the consumer. This manuscript is an aid to marketing and management in specific contexts of fashion tourism. The present study has as its main limitation its embryonic stage, not including collection of primary data or development of an empirical study.KeywordsSegmentationFashion tourismTourism marketingRelationship management
The concept of sport-related tourism has become more prominent in the last decades both as an academic field of study and an increasingly popular tourism product and as a niche tourism example. The main objective of the present research is to analyze the contribution of sports tourism and football tourism to the development of territories, evaluate the relationship between local entities and football clubs, and identify the marketing strategies of clubs and local entities responsible for tourism. The Quadrilátero do Minho (Minho Quadrangle), corresponding to the cities of Barcelos, Braga, Guimarães, and V.N. Famalicão, hosting the football clubs, was the main focus of the study. Data collection was carried out through four interviews with those responsible for local tourism, in the Quadrilátero do Minho, with the aim of studying whether there is a joint concern to enhance sports tourism and contribute to promoting tourism and the local economy. Results will make it possible to identify the cities that present a stronger connection between clubs and local entities and if this connection translates into greater growth in tourism and economic development of cities. In addition to the interviews, a focus group was held, bringing together twelve football fans from the clubs in the Minho Quadrangle. Results will allow informing the municipalities of the direction that the future commitment to sports tourism, and especially football, should take. The manuscript intended to analyze the views of managers/professionals and consumers.KeywordsFootball ClubsMinho QuadrangleRegional DevelopmentSport Tourism
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Nowadays, the commercialized operation of sports events is becoming more and more mature. Large-scale sports events are dominated by the government as well as by the marketing, and their comprehensive benefits have a great impact on the urban development. At the same time, in today’s increasingly mature computer technology, the organic combination of large-scale sports events and computer technology can maximize the development of large-scale sports events to the city. Based on the connotation and extension of sports events, Taking Wuxi City as an example, this paper analyzes the positive role and influence of large-scale sports events on the development of host cities, which are mainly reflected in three aspects: politics, economy, society and culture, as well as how to combine computer technology with large-scale sports events organically.
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As atividades marítimo-desportivas são um importante fator de atração turística em Cabo Verde. Recentemente surgiu um número significativo de projetos empresariais relacionados com estas atividades (mergulho, kitesurf, surf, vela, windsurf, etc.), o que permitiu criar novos empregos e estimular o desenvolvimento local, criando também outro tipo de impactos (positivos e negativos). Todavia, não existem estudos que investiguem estas atividades em Cabo Verde. Considerando esta lacuna na literatura, este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o potencial de Cabo Verde para o desenvolvimento das atividades marítimo-desportivas, através da análise da percepção dos residentes. Para este propósito foi usado o conceito de atributos turísticos do destino, definido com os fatores de atração turística para um destino (Pearce, Morrison, & Rutledge, 1998). O inquérito por questionário (de aplicação online) foi usado como método de recolha de dados, tendo-se obtido 200 respostas. Os dados foram analisados através do software IBM SPSS21, procedendo-se à análise estatística descritiva. A análise dos resultados demonstra que os principais atributos turísticos do destino percebidos pelos residentes de Cabo Verde são a temperatura da água, o clima, a gastronomia e a paisagem natural. A maioria dos inquiridos refere também que Cabo Verde apresenta um enorme potencial para desenvolver atividades marítimo-desportivas apesar destas não estarem ainda a ser bem exploradas. Estes dados poderão fornecer importantes informações para o desenvolvimento do turismo marítimo-desportivo em Cabo Verde.
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Este trabalho buscou investigar o turismo futebolístico no “novo” Mineirão. A partir dos resultados da pesquisa empírica, observou‐se um perfil de torcedor viajante que se aproxima das definições acerca do torcedor consumidor. Em relação à motivação, o futebol constitui‐se o principal motivo da viagem. Assim, a experiência de vivenciar o esporte in loco e conhecer o estádio são fatores que se complementam.
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Nostalgia has been identified as an essential factor to understand sport tourists’ behavioral intentions. However, a measurement model to examine nostalgia has not been developed in the field of sport tourism. The purpose of this study was to develop a valid and reliable Nostalgia Scale for Sport Tourism (NSST) to measure sport tourists’ nostalgia. A multilevel analysis was used in order to avoid biases caused by common characteristics within a travel group. The scale conceptualized sport nostalgia as a five-dimensional construct reflecting sport tourists’ nostalgia of sport team, environment, socialization, personal identity, and group identity and showed adequate psychometric properties in assessing sport-specific nostalgia. The NSST scale developed here can be a useful tool for future empirical studies aiming to better understand sport spectator nostalgia and identify the role of nostalgia in sport tourism.
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Este texto resulta das notas preparatórias para a nossa intervenção d nos encontros de Primavera do ICOM Portugal que se realizou em 28 de março de 2016, onde participamos juntamente com Clara Freyão Camacho e Ana Carvalho. O modelo da participação, previamente combinado, foi o de uma conversa, o que nos obrigou a prepara um conjunto de notas base para responder a um conjunto de questões previamente combinadas, mas sempre sujeitas ao imprevisto do presente e da deriva das palavras. A recomendação permite acolher a diferenças e a pluralidade de olhares, respostas diversificadas em função das relevâncias que cada um dá aos diferentes aspectos da Recomendação. Está previsto que no próximo número de outono do Boletim do ICOM a apresentação da conversa propriamente dita, pelo que aqui se apresenta um texto reflexivo, construído a partir da leitura do texto da Recomendação propriamente dito e do seminário sobre ao processo que conduziu à aprovação desta Recomendação, juntamente com Mário Chagas, Mário Moutinho, Judite Primo e que deu origem ao documento acima apresentado. Note-se ainda que este texto continuou a ser trabalhado na fese seguinte da conferencia, atendendo ás questões nela suscitadas e em função de assunto de agenda. Como já temos vindo a salientar, estes textos assumem por vezes a forma de postais, trabalhado no nosso Blog “Global Heritges local memories"
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Este trabajo analiza la literatura referida al turismo deportivo y a las caracteristicas del cliente de este tipo de servicios. Partiendo de fuentes secundarias y una vez analizado las caracteristicas de esta demanda, se propone el desarrollo de estrategias de comercializacion de este producto, asi como las tendencias futuras previsibles para el sector turistico.
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The concept of serious leisure (Stebbins, 1979; 1992) was used to examine the meanings, rituals, and practices associated with being a University of Florida Football fan. We contend that Gator football fans typify the serious leisure category of the hobbyist. Face to face in-depth interviews were conducted with four female and sixteen male fans. The transcribed interviews were analyzed using constant comparison and grounded theory methods (Glaser & Strauss, 1967; Strauss & Corbin, 1998 a & b). Themes emerging from the data confirmed Stebbins' six characteristics of serious leisure. The results suggest that being a Gator football fan provides both a source of identity for the fan as an individual and a sense of belonging in an increasingly fragmented postmodern society.
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Although there is growing awareness of the relationship between hosting megasporting-events and destination image, there is little empirical evidence documenting what images people hold before an event. The purpose of this study was to investigate the images young Americans hold of China both as a tourist destination and as the host of the 2008 Olympic Games. Specifically, the relationships among destination image, travel intentions, and tourist characteristics were explored. A total of 350 college students were surveyed before the close of the Athens Olympic Games. Overall, the respondents perceived China and the Beijing Olympic Games positively. Destination image was significantly (p < .05) predictive of the intention to travel to China and the Olympic Games. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that destination image partially mediated the relationship between past international travel experience and intention to travel. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed with a view to promoting China as a tourist destination and the host of the Olympic Games.
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Nostalgia's role in sport tourism is multifaceted and stems from the nostalgic appeal of sport, tourism and related social experience. Sport, tourism, and by extension, sport tourism are useful incubators for nostalgia, as memories of past experience within each domain (whether lived or learned) are linked to an individual's personal and social identities. This essay discusses two broad conceptualizations of nostalgia in sport tourism: nostalgia for sport place or artefact, and nostalgia for social experience. Nostalgia sport tourism is considered congruously with travel to visit place and artefact, travel to participate in physical activity, travel to watch sport, and travel to volunteer at sport events.
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The motivation(s) of the sport tourist has been a regular source of discussion within much of the sport tourism literature (Gammon and Robinson, 19977. Gammon , S and Robinson , T . 1997 . Sport Tourism: A Conceptual Framework . Journal of Sport Tourism , 4 ( No. 3 ) [Taylor & Francis Online]View all references; Gibson, 1998a8. Gibson , H . 1998a . Sport Tourism: A critical analysis of research . Sport Management Review , 1 : pp. 45–76 [CrossRef]View all references; Hinch and Higham, 200413. Hinch T Higham J 2004 Sport Tourism Development Clevedon: Channel View Publications View all references; Kurtzman and Zauhar, 1995a17. Kurtzman , J and Zauhar , J . 1995a . Sports Tourism International Council (STIC) Research Unit. Sports Tourism Categories Revisited . Journal of Sports Tourism , 2 ( No. 3 ) View all references; Standeven and De Knop, 199928. Standeven J De Knop P 1999 Sport Tourism Leeds: Human Kinetics View all references). Much consideration has been paid to the interaction and influence each sport or tourism motive has upon the other. This paper discusses the complexity of combining these motives; concluding that it is unrealistic to list all the possible motivational variations, but more enlightening to suggest that a relationship exists based upon primary and secondary considerations. Using this premise, a sport tourism framework is detailed (originally outlined in 1997) which not only illustrates a tentative sport tourist typology (based upon competitiveness, recreation, activity and passivity) but also a method which organisations can utilise, in order to identify current and future sport tourism developments. Four applications of the framework are included which demonstrate its utility with regards to general, domestic, local and sport specific profiling. Lastly, it is suggested that a sport tourism index be created where countries, regions and cities can compare their current sport tourism offerings with either competitors or national/international averages.
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The interconnection between tourism and sport is actually an evidence in the advanced societies. This relation is evident in the interest that show different organizations (publics and privates) and in the coordination of efforts to increase the policies of proceedings and to improve the ties of union between both discipline. Our contribution in these pages has diverse objectives. First, analyze in a theoretical level the contributions realized about the conceptualization and classification of sports tourism. Secondly, we try to examine the existing models analyses in the sports tourism and to propose an alternative model. Finally, we offer some figures that allow to identify the profile of the sport tourist and the trends of future for this sector La interconexión entre turismo y deporte es una evidencia en las sociedades avanzadas. Esta relación se manifiesta en el interés que muestran diferentes organismos (públicos y privados) hacia este binomio y en la coordinación de esfuerzos para incrementar las políticas de actuación y mejorar los lazos de unión entre ambas disciplinas. Nuestra contribución en estas páginas tiene diversos objetivos. En primer lugar, analizar a nivel teórico las aportaciones realizadas sobre la conceptualización y clasificación del turismo deportivo. En segundo lugar, pretendemos examinar los modelos de análisis existentes en el turismo deportivo y proponer un modelo alternativo. Finalmente, se ofrecen algunas cifras que permiten identificar el perfil del turista deportivo y ofrecer las tendencias de futuro para este sector.
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Sport Tourism represents the knowledge and the group of practices where Sport and Tourism became interdependent. This overlapping area turns clearly at two levels that might be named by Sport Tourism Spectacle and Sport Tourism Practice. According to Pigeassou [9] the foundations of sport tourism do not consist purely of classifying sport tourism activities using categories employed in sport activities. In this article we provide a theoretical framework for the understanding of the market segment in Sport Tourism Practice, looking at their client behaviour typology (enthusiastic and casual), their motivations and high lightening the role this framework plays on the tourist destiny development. Furthermore we present some empirical results of a seminal experimental design.
This article explores the significance of touristic trips by European football fans. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork with supporters of the Turkish team Beşiktaş, I argue that journeys to watch sides play constitute an ‘exceptional habit’, a ritualised shot of unorthodoxy that provides structure for other practices of football support. These trips are characterized by bodily practices less common in everyday life, such as mass imitation, fighting and drinking to excess. Yet examining fans' home lives also shows how they draw on exceptional practices to prepare for and memorialise the away match experience. Tracking both everyday and exceptional aspects of football support helps rebalance tourism studies: away from disproportionate focus on the touristic moment to considering its interpolation with everyday life.
This study explored the relationships among sport tourists’ team identification, sport nostalgia, and revisit intention. In addressing the research goal, survey data were collected from 487 sport tourists to professional baseball games in South Korea, which were then analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results revealed that team identification positively affected sport nostalgia, and sport nostalgia had a positive effect on revisit intention. Further analysis showed team identification had an indirect influence on revisit intention, suggesting full mediation by sport nostalgia. This study provides greater insights into how sport tourists’ team identification contributes to sport nostalgia and how the two constructs collectively influence revisit intention. The findings can be used in developing more effective marketing strategies in sport tourism.
This case study investigates how various sporting and cultural events impact economic activity at a single full-service restaurant in center-city Charlotte, NC. We find no evidence of significant changes in daily revenue, customers served, and revenue per customer on the day before, day of, and day after many of the events. The exceptions are National Football League (NFL) home games, swimming events, events at the Charlotte Convention Center, the 2012 Democratic National Convention, NASCAR races, PGA tournaments, and entertainment events at the Spectrum Center. The results invite future research using firm-level data to better understand the disparate impact of events on business enterprises.
This study evaluated the cross-cultural generalizability of the Nostalgia Scale for Sport Tourism (NSST), which was originally developed and examined in the context of football tourists in the United States. Data were collected from baseball tourists in South Korea, and multilevel confirmatory factor analysis and multilevel structural equation modelling were used for data analysis. Results supported the reliability and the validity of the scale both at individual and group levels, revealing an identical five-factor structure across the 29-item scale. Additionally, this study found a significant effect of sport nostalgia on revisit intention both at individual and group levels. The findings indicate that the NSST is applicable in understanding sport tourists’ nostalgia across different sport and cultural settings. Implications and suggestions for future nostalgia research are also discussed.
Given that sport tourists usually come to sporting events in groups and are exposed to multiple types of stimuli, the influence of sport tourists' nostalgia on their attitude or behavior can be more complex than in other settings. Thus, this study explored how sport tourists' nostalgia toward a sporting event shapes their intentions to engage in related activities when their attitude toward the event functions as a mediator. To this end, data gathered from U.S. sport tourists to college football games were analyzed using a multilevel approach. Results showed that the relationship between nostalgia and intentions concerning college football was fully mediated by attitude toward college football at both individual and group levels. Such findings provide evidence for the positive link between nostalgia and intentions in a sport tourism context as well as for the applicability of the Nostalgia Scale for Sport Tourism.
Based on cognitive–affective-behaviour theory, authors examined how European football club fans’ nostalgia and motivation affect the intention to visit an overseas stadium. Results from 301 European football club fans, yet to visit their favourite football team stadium, showed that nostalgia positively affected motivation and motivation significantly influenced intention to visit the stadium. Testing the mediation effect between nostalgia and intention to visit an overseas stadium, only the indirect effect was significant and not the direct effect. This study extends the knowledge of first-time visitors’ decision-making process and provides insights for sport marketers to develop effective marketing strategies in sport tourism.
Research question: The inbound tourist expenditure generating role of football (soccer), particularly the English Premier League (EPL), is evaluated. An enhanced economic and management understanding of the role of regular sporting fixtures emerges, as well as quantification of their impact. Expenditure on football tickets is isolated to identify local economic spillovers outside the stadium walls. Research methods: Using the UK International Passenger Survey, unconditional quantile regressions (UQR) are used to evaluate the distributional impact of football attendance on tourist expenditures. Both total expenditure and a new measure which adjusts expenditures for football ticket prices are considered. UQR is a novel technique which is as yet underexploited within sport economics and management and confers important methodological advantages over both ordinary least squares and quantile regressions. Results and findings: Significant cross quantile variation is found. High spending football fans spend more, even after ticket prices are excluded. Surprisingly, spending effects owing to attendance are strongest for those who overall spend the least, confirming the role of sport as a generator of tourist expenditure. Though the attendance effect is smaller for higher aggregate spenders, there is nevertheless a significant impact across the distribution. Implications: Distributional expenditure impacts highlight clear differentials between attendance by high and low spenders. Similar analysis is applicable to other global brands such as the National Football League (NFL), in the United States (American football) and the Indian Premier (cricket) League. The EPL's global popularity can be leveraged for achieving enhanced tourist expenditure.
Purpose This paper aims to explain how FC Porto became an important agent on the contribution for the development of tourism in the city of Porto. Design/methodology/approach The paper is based on information drawn from official sources and relevant data from Futebol Clube do Porto. Findings Through the football matches and since the migration of the club’s headquarters to the eastern district of the city, during the mid-1950s, FC Porto proved to be responsible for bringing attention and public to the city of Porto and then to an area where progress was missing. Originality/value The FC Porto Museum has been able to capture strong interest and satisfaction from visitors less connected to the phenomenon of sports, attracted by the theme of a museum of a sports club that speaks the language of the city, the region and the country.
Drawing on signaling theory and branding framework, the aim of this research was to describe the impacts of the interaction between, on the one hand, the brand images of the Olympic Games and Brazil (as a tourism destination), and on the other, attitudes toward attending the 2016 Rio Olympic Games and visiting the country after the event. A sample of American adults (n = 722), most (82.2%) with at least one international travel experience, was analyzed. Results showed that the interaction between the hospitality associated with the Olympic Games hospitality and that of Brazil positively affected attitudes toward visiting the country after the Games. None of the tested interactions affected attitudes toward attending the 2016 Olympic Games. In the second part of the study, five focus groups with sport management graduate students (n = 23) indicated that the association with the Olympic brand might bring fewer gains to Brazilian tourism than the expected.
Destinations use sport events to attract participants and spectators, who then hold perceptions of both the sport event and destination. This research aimed to a) understand how active sport tourists perceive the meaning of a sport event experience and b) develop a scale for that meaning. Both aims are studied in a post trip context as evaluative research. Two focus groups were used to understand the meaning of the sport event experience among active sport tourists. Results from the focus groups suggest participants attribute meanings related to organizational, environmental, physical, social, and emotional aspects of the sport event experience. Next, semantic differential items were developed to measure the meaning of a sport event experience in the post trip phase. The items were tested with two different sport event participant samples using surveys. A uni-dimensionsal scale of 11 semantic differential items emerged. These items provide a measure for the evaluative meaning of a sport event experience.
This article reviews ‘event tourism’ as both professional practice and a field of academic study. The origins and evolution of research on event tourism are pinpointed through both chronological and thematic literature reviews. A conceptual model of the core phenomenon and key themes in event tourism studies is provided as a framework for spurring theoretical advancement, identifying research gaps, and assisting professional practice. Conclusions are in two parts: a discussion of implications for the practice of event management and tourism, and implications are drawn for advancing theory in event tourism.
Places have long sought a defining image to drive their economic and social initiatives. Many of the branding strategies have been examined extensively and utilised in the marketplace. For emerging, transition, negatively viewed, and newly industrialised nations considering the possibilities for differentiation, a relatively underused positioning is incorporating sports into the branding mix as both a primary and secondary tool. There are a number of specific strategies that can be used to implement this initiative, and the authors explore and analyse these sports place branding possibilities.
Results of this study highlight the importance of brand image for fan loyalty in team sport. First, the existing conceptualization and operationalization of the brand image-construct is refined. It can be shown that a parsimonious four-factor and 20- indicator structure successfully seize the construct’s content. In contradiction to Keller’s proposed model, relationships between the brand image’s components were discovered. Thus, in line with means end theory, a brand image model should incorporate causalities between brand attributes, benefits and attitudes. Second, fan loyalty is positively influenced by a fan’s brand attitude. The hypothesized relationships between the brand image dimensions and loyalty are confirmed via structural equations modeling. The causal analysis reveals that the non-product related brand attributes (i.e., logo or tradition) have a particularly large impact on attitudes and behavior. They, thus, represent promising starting points for a successful and differentiating team brand strategy.
This paper discusses a survey regarding tourist decision-making, conducted in the Province of New Brunswick in the Canadian Maritime Provinces. Based on the results of the survey, a model is built that incorporates the most important travel decisions in the sequence most travelers follow. A number of recommendations are made regarding the location and type of tourist facilities to be offered and promoted.
A identidade da marca versus imagem: Caso Futebol Clube do Porto
  • H Ramos
Ramos, H.: A identidade da marca versus imagem: Caso Futebol Clube do Porto. Master thesis. Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto (2013). https://repositorio-aberto.
A comunicação no futebol de massas: reflexão sobre a importância estratégica da relação com os media para um clube de massas. Estudo de Caso: o Futebol Clube do Porto
  • J Almeida
Almeida, J.: A comunicação no futebol de massas: reflexão sobre a importância estratégica da relação com os media para um clube de massas. Estudo de Caso: o Futebol Clube do Porto. Master thesis. Instituto de Ciências Sociais. Universidade do Minho (2008). http://hdl.
Percepções e Práticas de Responsabilidade Social Empresarial no Futebol Profissional Português: O Caso dos Três Grandes. Projeto de Mestrado
  • P Magalhães
Magalhães, P.: Percepções e Práticas de Responsabilidade Social Empresarial no Futebol Profissional Português: O Caso dos Três Grandes. Projeto de Mestrado. ISCTE Business School. Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Available at: (2010)
A Força das Marcas: Aplicação dos modelos de Brand Equity de David Aaker e Kevin Keller ao caso do Futebol Clube do Porto
  • F Viana
Viana, F.: A Força das Marcas: Aplicação dos modelos de Brand Equity de David Aaker e Kevin Keller ao caso do Futebol Clube do Porto. Master thesis, Católica Porto Business School. Universidade Católica Portuguesa (2016).
A Importância da Marca nas Organizações Desportivas: O Caso Benfica
  • F Pereira
Pereira, F.: A Importância da Marca nas Organizações Desportivas: O Caso Benfica. Master thesis, Universidade Europeia -Laureate International Universities (2015). http://hdl.handle. net/10400.26/9643
Turismo desportivo: benefícios da generalização da participação. In 8º congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Gestores de Desporto
  • P Rodrigues
  • J Dávila
Rodrigues, P., Dávila, J.: Turismo desportivo: benefícios da generalização da participação. In 8º congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Gestores de Desporto. Aveiro (2007). http://
Gestão Emocional da Marca: O Caso Futebol Clube do Porto
  • L Lopes
Lopes, L.: Gestão Emocional da Marca: O Caso Futebol Clube do Porto. Dissertação de Mestrado. Escola de Gestão do Porto (2009).
Dragon Force International Clinics - do Planeamento à Concretização de um Programa Internacional de Futebol
  • M Pereira
Pereira, M.: Dragon Force International Clinics -do Planeamento à Concretização de um Programa Internacional de Futebol. Master thesis, Faculdade de Desporto da Universidade do Porto (2016). 135622
Avaliação da qualidade do serviço prestado num estádio de futebol: o caso do F.C. do Porto
  • P Silva
Silva, P.: Avaliação da qualidade do serviço prestado num estádio de futebol: o caso do F.C. do Porto. Master thesis, IPAM -The Marketing School. Escola Superior do Porto (2013).
Marketing Desportivo Digital: A importância do marketing digital para os clubes desportivos - Estudo de Caso F
  • P Pereira
Pereira, P.: Marketing Desportivo Digital: A importância do marketing digital para os clubes desportivos -Estudo de Caso F.C. Porto. Master thesis, Escola de Economia e Gestão. Universidade do Minho (2013).
Desenvolvimento urbano e grandes eventos esportivos: o legado olímpico nas cidades
  • R Gonçalves
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Estratégias organizacionais de clubes de ténis em Portugal estruturadas a partir de um modelo de gestão do marketing do desporto
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Porto European Best Destination
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O contributo do turismo de eventos para o desenvolvimento turístico de uma região
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