Conference Paper

Optimum Loadability Improvement of Weak Buses using Shunt Capacitors to Enhance Voltage Stability Margin

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During the last decade, the power system voltage instability phenomenon has attracted more and more attention. In this paper, a quick algorithm is presented to improve weak bus loadability and enhance the power system's voltage stability by optimal placement of shunt capacitors. It computes using Extended Newton Raphson Load Flow (ENRLF). Optimum location of shunt capacitor and the weak bus is identified through ENRLF to be compensated with required capacity. Weak bus index is used with a new quick method in order to improve the voltage stability and loadability. The present study has been effective for those buses in the interconnected network that endures from lack of reactive power generation limit or the system excessive reactive power demand.

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... Therefore, a power system with continuous monitoring and instability prediction is urgently needed. Some of the many approaches in the literature reported to overcome the instability phenomenon include reactive power compensation, network loadability improvement, network re-configuration, and optimally distributed generation [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. ...
... These indices are appropriate for sensitivity analysis and weak bus identification. However, the sensitivity index alone is not sufficient for weak bus identification in an interconnected system [9,38]. Meanwhile, sensitivity analysis plays an important role in the prediction of critical nodes in a power system. ...
... In [44], the ENVCI is introduced based on the equivalent system model (ESM) as given in Equation (9). This index is associated with some advantages such as affectivity from both the local network and the system outside a local network, as well as real-time application and the identification of the voltage collapse point. ...
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Increasing demand for electricity and the modernization of power systems within competitive markets has induced power systems to operate close to their stability limits. Therefore, the continuous monitoring and control of power systems through voltage stability indices is urgently needed. This is the first-ever effort to examine more than 40 voltage stability indices based on their formulation, application, performance, and assessment measures. These indices are sorted based on a logical and chronological order considering the most recent indices to be applied worldwide. However, the generalizability of these indices in terms of multivariable objectives is limited. Despite its limitation, this study systematically reviews available indices in the literature within the past three decades to compile an integrated knowledge base with an up-to-date exposition. This is followed by a comparative analysis in terms of their similarity, functionality, applicability, formulation, merit, demerit, and overall performance. Also, a broad categorization of voltage stability indices is addressed. This study serves as an exhaustive roadmap of the issue and can be counted as a reference for planning and operation in the context of voltage stability for students, researchers, scholars, and practitioners.
... Therefore, a power system with continuous monitoring and instability prediction is urgently needed. Some of the many approaches in the literature reported to overcome the instability phenomenon include reactive power compensation, network loadability improvement, network re-configuration, and optimally distributed generation [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. ...
... These indices are appropriate for sensitivity analysis and weak bus identification. However, the sensitivity index alone is not sufficient for weak bus identification in an interconnected system [9,38]. Meanwhile, sensitivity analysis plays an important role in the prediction of critical nodes in a power system. ...
... In [44], the ENVCI is introduced based on the equivalent system model (ESM) as given in Equation (9). This index is associated with some advantages such as affectivity from both the local network and the system outside a local network, as well as real-time application and the identification of the voltage collapse point. ...
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Increasing demand for electricity and modernization of power systems within competitive markets induce power systems to operate close to their stability limits. Therefore, a power system continuous monitoring and control by using voltage stability indices are known exigence. This is the first-ever effort, examined more than 40 voltage stability indices thorough an exhaustive study based in on their formulation, application, performance, and assessment measures. Which is conducted based on a logical and chronological order considering the most recent worldwide applied voltage stability indices. However, the generalizability of such an immense diversity of these indices in term of multivariable objectives subjects to a certain limitation to summate into a deciphered outcome. Despite all these obstacles, this study systematically reviews available indices in the literature within the past three decades to set out an integrated knowledge with an insight up-to-date exposition. That followed with a comparative analysis in term of their similarity, functionality, applicability, formulation, merit, demerit, and overall performances. Also, a broad categorization of voltage stability indices is addressed. This study with an immediate implication in practice as an exhaustive roadmap can be counted a planning and operation reference in the context of voltage stability for students, researchers, scholars, and practitioners.
... Therefore, a power system with continuous monitoring and instability prediction is urgently needed. Some of the many approaches in the literature reported to overcome the instability phenomenon include reactive power compensation, network loadability improvement, network re-configuration, and optimally distributed generation [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. ...
... These indices are appropriate for sensitivity analysis and weak bus identification. However, the sensitivity index alone is not sufficient for weak bus identification in an interconnected system [9,38]. Meanwhile, sensitivity analysis plays an important role in the prediction of critical nodes in a power system. ...
... In [44], the ENVCI is introduced based on the equivalent system model (ESM) as given in Equation (9). This index is associated with some advantages such as affectivity from both the local network and the system outside a local network, as well as real-time application and the identification of the voltage collapse point. ...
Increasing demand for electricity and modernization of power systems within competitive markets induce power systems to operate close to their stability limits. Therefore, a power system continuous monitoring and control by using voltage stability indices are known exigence. This is the first-ever effort, examined more than 40 voltage stability indices thorough an exhaustive study based in on their formulation, application, performance, and assessment measures. Which is conducted based on a logical and chronological order considering the most recent worldwide applied voltage stability indices. However, the generalizability of such an immense diversity of these indices in term of multivariable objectives subjects to a certain limitation to summate into a deciphered outcome. Despite all these obstacles, this study systematically reviews available indices in the literature within the past three decades to set out an integrated knowledge with an insight up-to-date exposition. That followed with a comparative analysis in term of their similarity, functionality, applicability, formulation, merit, demerit, and overall performances. Also, a broad categorization of voltage stability indices is addressed. This study with an immediate implication in practice as an exhaustive roadmap can be counted a planning and operation reference in the context of voltage stability for students, researchers, scholars, and practitioners.
... Based on the measurement objectives such as proximity to voltage collapse point that predicts how a system operates close to voltage instability. Additionally, the voltage instability mechanism identifies the most sensitive and voltage-weak areas [31,34,35]. In addition to the categories mentioned above, the third category is PMU technology. ...
... Some scholars and researchers have argued that the voltage stability indices in use are quite different and for convenience, they classified these indices into two categories: Given state-based, and large deviation-based indices [37,43,54]. Despite the existing variety of indices in view of various aspects, there are two common characteristics among all these classes [29,34]: ...
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Within the framework of this study, the inductive analysis of voltage stability indices’ theoretical formulation, functionality, and overall performances are introduced. The prominence is given to investigate and compare the original indices from three main dimensions (formulation, assessment, and application) standpoints, which have been frequently used and recently attracted. The generalizability of an exhaustive investigation on comparison of voltage stability indices seems problematic due to the multiplicity of the indices, and more importantly, their variety in theoretical foundation and performances. This study purports the first-ever framework for voltage stability indices classification for power system analysis. The test results found that indices in the same category are coherent to their theoretical foundation. The paper highlights the fact that each category of the indices is functional for a particular application irrespective of the drawback ranking, and negated the application of the Jacobian matrix-based indices for online application. Finally, the research efforts put forward a novel classification of voltage stability indices within the main three aspects of formulation, assessment, and behavior analysis in a synergistic manner as an exhaustive reference for students, researchers, scholars, and practitioners related to voltage stability analysis. The simulation tools used were MATLAB® and PowerWorld®.
... The sensitivity analysis is used to enhance the loadability of weak buses and hence, improve the global stability of the power system. The sensitivity index for bus voltage is considered as the bus voltage changes with reference to [24][25]. Nevertheless, the sensitivity index is not adequate to classify weak buses, particularly, in an interconnected network [26][27]. ...
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Ever-growing electrical loads are having a huge impact on the operation and stability of the power system. Moreover, the integration of renewable generation poses various challenges to the future power system, especially, regarding stability. Thus, this paper presents the impact of synchronous condensers (SCs) on static voltage stability analysis for a test transmission network, considering line contingencies, in the presence of renewable generation. The main purpose of this study was to identify critical buses in the power system when line contingencies occur. Both (N-1) and (N-2) contingencies were considered in this study. The impact of renewable generation is also assessed. To analyze the static voltage stability, the conventional power-voltage (P-V) curve method, using continuation power flow (CPF), is applied on the IEEE 14-bus test system. DIgSILENT PowerFactory software simulations are used to obtain the results. The P-V analysis accurately quantifies the critical buses for both cases, considering (N-1) and (N-2) line contingencies.
... However, singular value decomposition method time intensive since it is required a lot of computational resources for large matrices [21,22]. Sensitivity analysis method is used for identification of weak sensitive buses in the system, in respect to voltage variation due to active and reactive loads changes in a system [23][24][25]. ...
Conference Paper
The comparative analysis of load flow calculation methods are outlined in this study on the basis of voltage stability con-strains methodology, to distinguish the appropriate method for voltage stability studies at the critical point. Study of voltage stability and reliability analysis as an indispensable part of a power system operation and control, requires comprehensive investigation and stimulation efforts. The critical point assessment is inclination point for researchers and power system operators. On the other hand, the load flow calculation at the critical point is the basis of voltage stability and reliability studies. So, the discernment of an appropriate sufficient calculation technique is essential. In this paper the Jacobian matrix-based and variable based, load flow techniques are addressed. Which, a sharper focus is given on calculation deficiencies such over-determined system, minimal norm solutions for the under-determined systems, and singularity of the Jacobian matrix.
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