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A large-scale optical microscopy image dataset of potato tuber for deep learning based plant cell assessment


Abstract and Figures

We present a new large-scale three-fold annotated microscopy image dataset, aiming to advance the plant cell biology research by exploring different cell microstructures including cell size and shape, cell wall thickness, intercellular space, etc. in deep learning (DL) framework. This dataset includes 9,811 unstained and 6,127 stained (safranin-o, toluidine blue-o, and lugol’s-iodine) images with three-fold annotation including physical, morphological, and tissue grading based on weight, different section area, and tissue zone respectively. In addition, we prepared ground truth segmentation labels for three different tuber weights. We have validated the pertinence of annotations by performing multi-label cell classification, employing convolutional neural network (CNN), VGG16, for unstained and stained images. The accuracy has been achieved up to 0.94, while, F2-score reaches to 0.92. Furthermore, the ground truth labels have been verified by semantic segmentation algorithm using UNet architecture which presents the mean intersection of union up to 0.70. Hence, the overall results show that the data are very much efficient and could enrich the domain of microscopy plant cell analysis for DL-framework.
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SCIENTIFIC DATA | (2020) 7:371 |
A large-scale optical microscopy
image dataset of potato tuber
for deep learning based plant cell
Sumona Biswas & Shovan Barma
We present a new large-scale three-fold annotated microscopy image dataset, aiming to advance the
Background & Summary
Microscopy image analysis by employing machine learning (ML) techniques advances the critical understanding
of several characteristics of biological cells, ranging from the visualization of biological structures to quantica-
tion of phenotypes. In recent years, deep learning (DL) has revolutionized the area of ML, especially, in computer
vision technology by evidencing vast technological breakthroughs in several domains of image recognition tasks
including object detection, medical and bio-image analysis, and so on. In general, the ML implicates complex sta-
tistical techniques on a set of images and its recognition eciency heavily relies on the handcraed data features;
whereas, the DL processes the raw image data directly and crams the data representation automatically. Indeed,
its performance highly depends on the large number of diverse images with accurate and applicable labelling.
Following the trend, the DL is emerging as a powerful tool for microscopy image analysis, such as cell segmen-
tation, classication, and detection by exploring the dynamic variety of cells. Moreover, the DL pipeline allows
discovering the hidden cell structures, such as single-cell size, number of cells in a given area, cell wall thickness,
intercellular space distribution, subcellular components, and its density, etc. from microscopy images by extract-
ing the complex data representation in hierarchical way. Meanwhile, it expressively diminishes the burden of
feature engineering in traditional ML.
Certainly, several works have been attempted in cell biology and digital pathology domain to provide quanti-
tative support in automatic diagnosis and prognosis by detecting mitosis, nucleus, cells, and the number of cells
from breast cancer1,2, brain tumour3, and retinal pigment epithelial cell4 images in DL framework. Consequently,
the DL network successfully applied in plant biology for stomata classication, detection57, and counting8, plant
protein subcellular localization9, xylem vessels segmentations10, and plant cell segmentation for automated cells
tracking11,12. erefore, it is necessary to assemble a large number of annotated microscopy images and its ground
truth for the successful application of DL based microscopy image analysis13. Certainly, there are numerous pub-
licly available microscopy image datasets, mostly medical images for DL based diagnosis and prognosis, such as
Human Protein Atlas14, H&E-stained tissue slides from the Cancer Genome Atlas15, DeepCell Dataset16,17, Mitosis
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Information Technology Guwahati,
Guwahati, Assam, India. e-mail:;
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SCIENTIFIC DATA | (2020) 7:371 |
detection in breast cancer18, lung cancer cell19. In contrast, there are very few number of publicly accessible bio-
logical microscopy image datasets of plant tissue cells, which are suitable for the DL framework. Furthermore, the
existing datasets have limited number of diverse images with proper annotation. In such context, we have gener-
ated an optical microscopy image dataset of potato tuber with a larger number of diverse images, and appropriate
annotation. is publicly available dataset will be benecial in analysing the plant tissue cells with great details by
employing DL based techniques.
Microscopy image analysis has become more reliable in understanding the structure, texture, geometrical
properties of plant cells and tissues which pay a profound impact on botanical research. Such studies have sig-
nicant aspects in interpreting the variety of dierent plant cells, tissues, and organs by discriminating cell size,
shape, orientation, cell wall thickness, distribution, and size of intracellular spaces20, tissue types, and mechani-
cal21,22 properties like shear, compressive stiness etc. For instance, the shape and size of cell guides to determine
the size and texture23 of a plant organ; while, the tissue digestibility and plant productivity24,25 are controlled by
the cell wall thickness; similarly, the mechanical properties of the cell wall plays a crucial role in plant stability
and resistance against pathogens26; whereas, the intercellular spaces inuence the physical properties of tissues,
like rmness, crispness, and mealiness27. Certainly, it has been practiced in various domains of plant cell research,
such as fruits and vegetables23,28. In this connection, there are various ways to generate microscopy images, such
as brighteld microscopy, uorescence microscopy, and electron microscopy. All these methods have their own
advantages and disadvantages as well. Besides, sample preparation is one of the crucial steps in microscopy image
generation which includes xation, paran embedding, and dierent staining techniques for better visualization
of cell segments. e most widely used stains are safranin-o29,30 and toluidine blue-o31 for visualizing cell walls
and lugol’s iodine32 for starch detection.
In this view, we present a large brighteld optical microscopy image dataset of plant tissues of potato tuber, as
it is one of the principal and high productive tuber crops and a valuable component of our regular diet. Usually,
potato tubers are of oval or round shape with white esh and pale brown skin with bud and stem end. ree major
parts of the tuber are cortex, perimedullary zone (outer core), and pith (inner core) with medullary rays, which
are made up of parenchyma cells. e cell structures are distinct for dierent tuber variety33, even within the same
tuber, especially inner core and outer core34. e same structural dierences can also be observed between the
stem and bud ends. In addition, the cell division and enlargement in various regions play an important role35 on
potato tuber growth. Following such variations in cell structure, we have generated a large dataset consisting of
15,938 fully annotated unstained and stained images with three-fold labelling. e labelling has been prepared
based on the tuber size (large, medium, and small), collections area (bud, middle and stem part), and tissue zones
(inner and outer core) and the images have been graded as physical, morphological and tissue grading respec-
tively. In addition, 60 ground truth segmentation labels of the images from the inner core have been prepared for
the dierent tuber weight. To check the quality of the images, technical validation has been conducted by the DL
based classication and segmentation tasks, which displayed signicant recognition accuracy. us, this dataset
is very much suitable for studying plant cell microstructures including cell size and shape, cell wall thickness,
intercellular space, starch, and cell density distribution in potato tubers using DL based pipeline. Indeed, such
properties can be explored explicitly as the dataset includes the images from the entire region of the tuber cov-
ering two tissue zones from stem to bud end for dierent tuber weights. In addition, large number of images in
this dataset will provide new opportunities for evaluating and developing DL based plant biology classication
and segmentation algorithms. Furthermore, the unstained along with stained images will be suitable to develop
virtual-staining algorithms in the DL framework. erefore, the dataset could enrich the DL based microscopy
cell assessment in plant biology substantially.
 e raw potato tubers (Solanum
tuberosum L.) of an Indian variety, Kufri Pukhraj have been chosen in this work. e Kur Pukhraj, an excellent
source of vitamin C, potassium, and bre is one of the popularly grown commercial cultivars in India. e tubers
have been collected immediately aer harvesting in mid of December 2019 from Kamrup, a district of Assam
state, India. All the samples without any outer damages have been collected and stored in the temperature of
19.2 °C–29.2 °C with 70% relative air humidity. Based on the weight of the tuber, samples have been graded into
large, medium, and small of weight 80–100 gm, 40–50 gm, and 15–25 gm respectively. From each of these groups,
5 samples (total of 15 samples) have been selected for image generation at the laboratory maintaining stable
room temperature and humidity. e whole experiment including collection of the tuber samples and image
generation has been accomplished in 20 days. Dierent graded tuber samples are chosen alternate days during
the experiment.
e major parts of potato tuber, periderm (skin) with the bud and stem ends, cortex, perimedullary zone
(outer core), and pith (inner core) with medullary rays have been displayed in Fig.1b,c. e periderm, the outer-
most layer, protects a tuber from dehydration, infection, and wounding during harvest and storage. e cortex,
outer core, and inner core tissues appear successively aer the skin where starch granules are stored in paren-
chyma cells. e thickness of the cortex is about 146–189 µm36 and the largest cells are found here. e outer
core spreads about 75% of the total tuber volume and contains the maximum amount of starch37. e innermost
region i.e., inner core expands from stem to bud end38 along longitude direction; whereas, the medullary rays
spread toward the cortex. e samples have been collected from the inner and outer core which covers most of
the areas of a tuber. Besides, the cell structures34 and the amount of starch are distinct in these two tissue zones.
Similar samples have been collected from three areas, named Z1, Z2, and Z3 as indicated in Fig.1b. e samples
have been extracted with a cork borer of a diameter of 4 mm and rinsed in distilled water. Aer that, 5 thin sec-
tions from the inner core as well as the outer core of each of the three areas have been collected. erefore, from
a tuber sample, 30 thin sections (5 sections ×3 section areas ×2 tissue zones) have been analysed. Furthermore,
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SCIENTIFIC DATA | (2020) 7:371 |
to capture images, fresh thin potato sections (i.e., unstained samples) have been placed under the microscope.
In addition, for the better visualization of cell boundaries and subcellular components, especially starch, the
samples have been stained. Safranin-o (1% solution) and toluidine blue-o (0.05% solution) has been used to vis-
ualize all cell walls; whereas, lugol’s iodine solution helped to distinguish starch granules. An optical microscope
(Labomed Lx300, Labomed America) accompanied by a smartphone camera (Redmi Note 7 Pro) was used to
generate and capture microscopy images as shown in Fig.1f. e brighteld microscopy images have been gen-
erated using a 10x lens (eld number = 18, numerical aperture = 1.25) which provides a eld of view (FOV) of
diameter 0.18 mm. e camera of the smartphone has been xed on the microscope eyepiece by using an adaptor.
Certainly, the exposure and white balance state has been secured by the adequate brightness level of the micro-
scope’s built-in light-emitting diode (LED) and a clear FOV. e exposure time of the smartphone camera has
been kept in the range of 1/200 s– 1/100 s which provides satisfactory brightness level; whereas, the focus setting
of the camera has been locked that maintains xed magnication among all the images. e images have been
captured in the highest quality JPG format with maximum of 10% compression only to retain the image quality
reasonably high. e mobile camera has been xed to 3x zoom which oers a FOV of 890 × 740 µm2 with an
approximate resolution of 0.26 µm/pixel. Following this setting, three images have been taken for each eld of
view by changing the focus distance of 3 µm. Similarly, around 15 images have been acquired from a section by
continuous precision shiing of the microscope stage along the x-y plane before the samples get dried. us, in
total 9,811 unstained and 6,127 stained images have been captured and saved in JPG format in 24-bit RGB color
and of resolution 3650 × 3000.
 Previous studies identied that the potato tuber weight is directly associated with the num-
ber of cells and cell volume in dierent tissue zones. Nevertheless, the cell numbers are considered as a signicant
factor compared to mean cell volume for a tuber weight variation39. Hence, potato tuber weight has been recog-
nized as one of the important physical parameters to achieve versatility in the image database. erefore, in this
work, based on the weight, potato tubers are categorized into three groups as large, medium, and small. Certainly,
the captured microscopic images are composed of discrete cells with thin nonlignied cell walls surrounded by
starch granules40. In a tuber, the cell size diers considerably in the two tissue zones— inner and outer core34. In
general, the outer core occupies the maximum volume of the tuber and stores the largest number of starch gran-
ules as reserve material. On the contrary, the inner core cells are smaller34 with lower starch content which makes
this tissue zone wet and translucent as displayed in Fig.2. Such variation of cell sizes and starch distribution can
be observed in the stem, bud, and middle section of tubers as well. erefore, the images have been graded into
three categories namely (1) physical grading, (2) morphological grading and, (3) tissue grading based on tuber
weight, section areas, and tissue zones respectively.
Physical grading. Tubers of three dierent weight ranges have been selected for the image dataset, as it has a
correlation with the cell features. ree dierent weight groups of tubers, such as large (L), medium (M), and
small (S) with weight 80–100 gm, 40–50 gm and 15–25 gm respectively, have been considered for this microscopy
image dataset. e generated images have been labelled with L, M, and S followed by sample number 1–5 to dis-
tinguish tuber weight along with sample number; for instance, L1 refers to the rst sample of a large tuber. e
labels associate with weights and related parameters along with sample numbers for physical grading have been
listed in Table1.
Fig. 1 Demonstration of potato tuber anatomy, sample preparations, and image acquisition set up for
microstructure visualization: (a) A potato tuber sample. (b) Longitudinal cross-section of a tuber. e samples
have been divided into three parts, named Z1, Z2, and Z3 nearer to bud, middle and stem respectively as
indicated by dotted lines for microscopic observations. (c) Transverse cross-sections of the tuber where sample
collection areas, inner and outer core are highlighted by red circle. (d) Tissue samples have been collected
by using a cork borer of diameter 4 mm from specied zones. (e) in free-hand unstained sections have
been obtained. e stained samples have been prepared by using safranin-o (1%), toluidine blue-o (0.05%),
and lugol’s iodine. (f) Image capturing set up in which, the camera of the smartphone has been xed on the
microscope eyepiece by using an adaptor. Two types of microscopy images, unstained and stained images have
been captured independently without drying the sections.
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SCIENTIFIC DATA | (2020) 7:371 |
Morphological grading. e bud and stem ends of potato tubers are connected with the apical and basal end of
the shoot respectively. ese areas displayed compositional variations41,42 with distinct cell features. e images
of the tuber middle part (separates the bud, and stem end) have been incorporated in this dataset to visualize
structural variations along the longitudinal direction. erefore, for morphological grading, the tubers have been
divided into three parts namely Z1, Z2, and Z3 which specify the bud, middle, and stem areas respectively as
shown in Fig.1b. Certainly, the images have been captured from these areas for each physically graded sample
and labelled accordingly.
Tissue grading. A signicant variation in cell sizes within the same potato tuber can be observed in inner core
and outer core tissue zones. e cell size of the outer core is larger than that of the inner core and contains most of
the starch material. erefore, in tissue grading, these two zones have been identied. Certainly, the images have
been captured from these zones for each morphologically graded sample and labelled as IC and OC which indi-
cates the inner and outer core of the potato tuber respectively. Example of unstained and stained images of large,
medium, and small potato tuber from dierent section areas and tissue zones have been displayed in Figs.35
Database Summary
ere are total 15,938 (9,811 unstained and 6,127 stained) numbers of images in this dataset. e images are
categorized based on dierent grading and labelling basis, and listed in Table2. e rst two columns refer to
grading and labelling basis followed by the number of images for unstained and stained cases. Furthermore, the
stained images with three stains (safranin-o, toluidine blue-o, and lugol’s iodine) are also specically mentioned.
 Segmentation is performed
to split an image into several parts to identify meaningful features or objects. In microscopy image analysis,
a common problem is to identify distinct parts which correspond to a single cell or cell components to quan-
tify the spatial and temporal coordination. Furthermore, as a precursor to geometric analysis, such as cell size
and its distributions, image segmentation is essential. Such a task can be performed manually, which is very
much time-consuming, irreproducible, and tedious for larger image sets. Nonetheless, it can be automated by
the ML techniques which require proper ground truth labels. erefore, we have generated ground truth labels
of cell boundaries for the automated segmentation task. e images have been captured from dierent parts of
the tubers as mentioned earlier, and labelled accordingly. Certainly, to generate the ground truth labels for cell
boundary segmentation, the unstained images of inner core from the Z2 area have been selected, as cell bounda-
ries are comparatively prominent in this zone due to presence of fewer amounts of starch granules.
Segmentation of potato cell images can be very much challenging because of its complex cell boundaries and
non-uniformity in image background which leads to poor contrast between cell boundary and background.
erefore, to generate the ground truth cell boundaries, a few steps have been involved: (1) pre-processing (2)
thresholding, and (3) morphological operations. e pre-processing steps have been mainly implicated in back-
ground correction and image ltering. Generally, the uneven thickness of the tuber section results non-uniform
microscopy image background. us, to minimize such non-uniformity a well-known rolling ball algorithm43,44
has been employed. It eliminates the unnecessary background information by converting a 2D image I(x,y) into
a 3D surface; where, the pixel values are considered as the height. en, a ball of a certain radius (R) is rolled over
the backside of the surface which creates a new surface S(x,y). Furthermore, a new image with a uniform
Fig. 2 A schematic diagram displaying inner and outer core cell characteristics of a potato tuber.
SI. No. Weight
Categories Label Weight
(gm) Length
(mm) Width
(mm) ickness
(mm) Sa mp le’s No.
1Large L 80–100 65–80 50–55 40–45
1–52 Medium M 40–50 50–65 40–45 30–40
3Small S 15–25 38–50 25–35 25–30
Tab le 1. Summary of dierent parameters for physical grading including weight and associated measures of
potato tubers.
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SCIENTIFIC DATA | (2020) 7:371 |
background is created by,
=+−−IxyIxy Sx yR(, )((, )1)((, ))
44. To achieve an optimal image with the best
uniform background, the values of R must be selected carefully. In our work, empirically, the values of R have
been kept as 30 < R < 60. Next, for image ltering, bandpass lter has been used to enhance the cell edges by
eliminating shading eects. In this purpose, Gaussian ltering in Fourier space has been considered. A bandpass
lter having two cut-o frequencies, lower (fcl) and higher (fch) are kept within a range for intensity variation in
the captured image. Empirically, it has been kept as 10 < fcl < 30 and 60 < fch < 120. Furthermore, the adaptive
thresholding method45 has been implemented to binarize the images for discriminating the cell boundaries.
Moreover, morphological operators, such as opening, closing, and hole lling has been chosen to rene cell
boundaries. Several values of fcl, fch, and R have been chosen to get the best binary images. Although, very few
starch granules and some disconnected cell boundaries can be observed in the resultant binary images, which
could lead to a weak cell boundary segmentation. Certainly, such discrepancies have been further rened by very
well-known manual process46 which involves removal of the starch granules and contouring cell boundaries. e
whole process of cell boundary segmentation ground truth label generation has been shown in Fig.6.
is dataset is publicly available on gshare47 (gshare.c.4955669) which can be
downloaded as a zip le. e zip le contains three folders named as “stain, “unstain, and “segmentation. All
the images are in JPG format. e raw microscopy images of potato tubers can be found in “stain” and “unstain”
folder; whereas, the segmentation folder provides raw images with ground truth segmentation labels. e “stain
Fig. 3 Example of unstained and stained images of large (80–100 gm) potato tubers. Rows and columns indicate
respective tissue zones (inner and outer core) and dierent staining agents. e rst column species the
unstained images, whereas, the subsequent columns are for stained images of safranin-o, toluidine blue-o, and
lugol’s iodine. e images are from (a) Bud Region (Z1), (b) Middle Region (Z2), and (c) Stem Region (Z3).
Note: All the images are with the scale at top-le corner on unstained image.
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SCIENTIFIC DATA | (2020) 7:371 |
folder contains dierent stained images in the respective folders named as “safranin, “toluidine”, and “lugols”. e
image labels information can be extracted from the image lenames itself. e le naming format for unstained
image is as < physical grading with sample no. > _ < morphological grading > _ < tissue grading > _ < section
no. > _ < image no. > ; for example, M1_Z1_IC_Sec. 1_02.jpg refers to an image (rst section out of ve) taken
from the inner core of Z1 of medium weight potato tuber (sample no. 1). Similarly, the stained image le naming
format is as < physical grading with sample no. > _ < morphological grading > _ < tissue grading > _ < section
no. > _ < stain type > _ < image no.>; for example, S1_Z2_OC_Sec. 3_lugol_02.jpg refers to an lugol’s iodine
stained image (third section out of ve) taken from the outer core of Z2 of small weight potato tuber (sample
no. 1). e whole le naming format can be understood by following Table3. e segmentation folder con-
tains two subfolders, named as “images” and “groundtruth. e image les naming format is as < physical grad-
ing > _ < image no. >; for example, “L_2.jpg” represents the second image of a large potato tuber sample. Besides,
the ground truth label images are kept in binary image format having the same dimensions of the raw images.
e technical validation has been conducted by employing the DL based classication and segmentation tasks
on the acquired image dataset as illustrated in Fig.7. Multi-label cell classication has been conducted to verify
the quality of the assigned labels. It has been examined by considering two specic image labels— physical (L,
M, and S) and tissue grading (IC and OC). Besides, to verify the ground truth segmentation labels, semantic
Fig. 4 Example of unstained and stained images of medium (40–50 gm) potato tubers. Rows and columns
indicate respective tissue zones (inner and outer core) and dierent staining agents. e rst column species
the unstained images, whereas, the subsequent columns are for stained images of safranin-o, toluidine blue-o,
and lugol’s iodine. e images are from (a) Bud Region (Z1), (b) Middle Region (Z2), and (c) Stem Region (Z3).
Note: All the images are with the scale at top-le corner on unstained image.
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Fig. 5 Example of unstained and stained images of small (15–25 gm) potato tubers. Rows and columns indicate
respective tissue zones (inner and outer core) and dierent staining agents respectively. e rst column
species the unstained images, whereas, the subsequent columns are for stained images of safranin-o, toluidine
blue-o, and lugol’s iodine. e images are from (a) Bud Region (Z1), (b) Middle Region (Z2), and (c) Stem
Region (Z3). Note: All the images are with the scale at top-le corner on unstained image.
Grading Basis Labelling Basis
Number of Images
Safranin-O Toluidine Blue-O Lugol’s Iodine
Large (L) 3,311 674 683 680
Medium (M) 3,200 671 663 653
Small (S) 3,300 702 705 696
Bud (Z1) 3,271 708 690 655
Middle (Z2) 3,327 660 698 674
Stem (Z3) 3,213 679 663 700
Tissue Inner Core (IC) 5,220 1,079 1,042 993
Outer Core (OC) 4,591 968 1,009 1,036
Tab le 2. e number of images under each grading for unstained and stained image dataset.
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SCIENTIFIC DATA | (2020) 7:371 |
segmentation has been performed using the DL pipeline. e rst test can yield information about the possible
separation of labels and the later can access individual cells in dierent tuber weights.
Multi-label cell classification. The CNN classification network, VGG1648 has been employed for
multi-label cell classication using input images of 256 × 256 pixels with two labels, physical (L, M, and S)
and tissue grading (IC and OC). e rst 13 layers of the neural network have been pre-trained on ImageNet
[ILSVRC2012] dataset. On top of it, task-specic fully-connected layers have been attached and activated by the
sigmoid function. e complete network has been ne-tuned on our datasets. e network performance has been
evaluated based on the train-test scheme. erefore, the entire image dataset (unstained and stained) has been
partitioned randomly into two subsets, with 80% for training and 20% for test. e network has been trained
using SGD49 optimizer with a learning rate of 102, momentum 0.9, and the binary cross-entropy as loss function
for both the image dataset. With the iterative learning technique, performance metrics, such as accuracy and
F2-score (assessing the correctness of the image labels), have been obtained for test images. e results have been
listed for the test set in Table4. It shows that for the same number of epochs (30), the unstained image dataset
gives a better result than the stained image dataset.
 In this task, Unet50, a very well recognized image segmentation neural network has been
employed. It has shown remarkable performance in biomedical image segmentation. e input images have been
generated by subdividing each ground truth labels and raw images into 20 sub-images, which further resized to
512 × 512 pixels before training. e network has been trained using Adam51 optimizer with learning rate of 101.
Two types of inputs, namely raw and normalized images have been given separately into the network. e entire
Grading Sample
No. Morphological
Grading Tissue
Grading Section
No. Stain Type Image
No. Remark
Large (L)
1 to 5
Bud (Z1) Inner Core
Sec <1 to
blue-o (tolu)
Lugol’s iodine
L1_Z1_OC_Sec. 1_1
L1_Z1_IC_Sec. 4_safo_1
Medium (M) Middle (Z2) M1_Z1_OC_Sec. 1_2
Outer Core
M2_Z1_IC_Sec. 1_tolu_1
Small (S) Stem (Z3) S2_Z2_OC_Sec. 3_3
S1_Z1_IC_Sec. 3_lugol_3
Tab le 3. Raw image le name format.
Fig. 6 Steps involved in generating the ground truth segmentation labels for the inner core tissues. e
original images pre-processed by employing rolling ball algorithm and bandpass ltering. Next, the adaptive
thresholding has been employed to obtain binary images. Furthermore, morphological operations have been
performed to rene the cell boundaries and remove the starch granules. By changing fcl, fch and R at pre-
processing steps, possible binary images have been generated. en, the best image has been selected for manual
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SCIENTIFIC DATA | (2020) 7:371 |
image dataset has been partitioned randomly into two subsets, with 80% for training and 20% for test. en, per-
formance evaluation has been conducted by employing normal adaptive learning rate-based training. During the
training period, early stopping has been used to choose the model with the highest validation performance. e
mean intersection of union (IOU) has been chosen as a performance metric that measures how much predicted
boundary overlaps with the ground truth (real cell boundary) and the results have been displayed in Table5. For
the same deep neural network, normalize input images give better result than the raw images. A representative
Fig. 7 Overall technical verication of image and ground truth segmentation label. Two types of microscopy
images have been chosen independently. e image labels have been veried by VGG1648 deep neural network
employing transfer learning. e Unet50 architecture has been used to employ the semantic segmentation using
the generated ground truth segmentation labels and hence verify the same.
Model Accuracy F2-score
Unstained images as train and test 0.9427 0.9207
Stained images as train and test 0.9205 0.8918
Tab le 4. Performance assessment based on accuracy and F2-score of unstained and stained image dataset.
Model Input typ e Mean IOU
Cell Boundary
as train and test
Raw Images 0.6964
Normalized Images 0.7020
Tab le 5. Performance assessment based on mean IOU of raw and normalize image dataset.
Fig. 8 Example of dierent image sets used during cell segmentation by Unet50 for ground truth labels
validation. e rst and second rows indicate the train and test images respectively. (a) Unstained raw RGB
images, (b) Ground Truth images, (c) Segmentation result for raw RGB input images, and (d) Segmentation
result for normalized input images.
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SCIENTIFIC DATA | (2020) 7:371 |
result of cell segmentation for raw and normalized input images has been displayed in Fig.8 in which (a), (b),
(c), and (d) refer to raw RGB image, ground truth, the result for raw and normalized input images respectively.
Received: 29 April 2020; Accepted: 16 September 2020;
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with the le number IMP/2018/000538.
Author contributions
Both the authors have equal contribution in writing the manuscripts, carried outing main research, and analysis
tasks of this work.
e authors declare no competing interests.
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... There is a need for automated, scalable software tools that could automatically analyze large datasets efficiently. An accurate but automated way to measure anatomical traits could also allow us to take advantage of increasingly available large image datasets [14]. In short, a faster means of measuring key characteristics of xylem anatomy would greatly broaden the scope of questions that can be asked about plant structure and function. ...
... Previous studies have applied machine learning algorithms to topics such as plant disease classification [19] and plant leaf classification [20]; however few studies have been conducted on machine learning at the cellular level. Those studies at this microscopic level have mainly been focused on the segmentation of plant tissues, then possibly classifying those segmented images [14,[21][22][23][24]. To our best knowledge, we are the first group to design a cascade-like machine learning model to classify tracheary elements (vessels), fibers, and parenchyma cells in plants, with discussions on the effects of inputting a contextualized image alongside the image to be classified. ...
Anatomical studies of plant hydraulic traits have traditionally been conducted by manual measurements of light micrographs. An automated process could expedite analysis and broaden the scope of questions that can be asked, but such an approach would require the ability to accurately classify plant cells according to their type. Our research evaluates a deep learning-based model which accepts a cropped cell image input alongside a broader cropped image which incorporates contextual information of that cell type’s original cropped image, and learns to segregate these plant cells based off of the features of both inputs. Whilst a single cropped image classification yielded adequate results with outputs matching the ground-truth labels, we discovered that a second image input significantly bolstered the model’s learning and accuracy (98.1%), indicating that local context provides important information needed to accurately classify cells. Finally our results imply a future application of our classifier to automatic cell-type detection in xylem tissue image cross sections.
... In biological microscopy, deep learning has demonstrated promising performance in a range of segmentation applications including semantic segmentation of human oocyte (Targosz et al., 2021), semantic and instance segmentation for cell nuclei (Caicedo et al., 2019) and semantic segmentation potato tuber (Biswas and Barma, 2020). Examples of plant phenotyping applications include semantic and instance segmentation for plant leaf detection and counting (Aich and Stavness, 2017;Giuffrida et al., 2018;Itzhaky et al., 2018;Jiang et al., 2019;Fan et al., 2022), semantic and instance segmentation for crop phenotyping (Jiang and Li, 2020), grapevine leaf semantic segmentation (Tamvakis et al., 2022), barley seed detection from instance segmentation (Toda et al., 2020) and many other applications (Kolhar and Jagtap, 2023). ...
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In commercial forestry and large-scale plant propagation, the utilization of artificial intelligence techniques for automated somatic embryo analysis has emerged as a highly valuable tool. Notably, image segmentation plays a key role in the automated assessment of mature somatic embryos. However, to date, the application of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for segmentation of mature somatic embryos remains unexplored. In this study, we present a novel application of CNNs for delineating mature somatic conifer embryos from background and residual proliferating embryogenic tissue and differentiating various morphological regions within the embryos. A semantic segmentation CNN was trained to assign pixels to cotyledon, hypocotyl, and background regions, while an instance segmentation network was trained to detect individual cotyledons for automated counting. The main dataset comprised 275 high-resolution microscopic images of mature Pinus radiata somatic embryos, with 42 images reserved for testing and validation sets. The evaluation of different segmentation methods revealed that semantic segmentation achieved the highest performance averaged across classes, achieving F1 scores of 0.929 and 0.932, with IoU scores of 0.867 and 0.872 for the cotyledon and hypocotyl regions respectively. The instance segmentation approach demonstrated proficiency in accurate detection and counting of the number of cotyledons, as indicated by a mean squared error (MSE) of 0.79 and mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.60. The findings highlight the efficacy of neural network-based methods in accurately segmenting somatic embryos and delineating individual morphological parts, providing additional information compared to previous segmentation techniques. This opens avenues for further analysis, including quantification of morphological characteristics in each region, enabling the identification of features of desirable embryos in large-scale production systems. These advancements contribute to the improvement of automated somatic embryogenesis systems, facilitating efficient and reliable plant propagation for commercial forestry applications.
... Finally, we argue that the microscopic images are one potential to recognize plant disease at the cell level via combining compute vision and plant cell [61]. Besides, one microscopic image dataset is proposed to analyze potato tubes [62]. ...
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The background of deep learning and plant disease recognition are discussed in this thesis. Different methods and sensors are compared to perform plant disease recognition. Based on proximal RGB images, we conduct our study using deep learning. To address the limited training dataset challenge, we propose a style-consistent image translation algorithm and a transfer learning strategy through this viewpoint. Inspired by one observation that the images of healthy leaf are much easier collected with high intra-class variation than some diseased one, the healthy leaves are translated into disease, yet image styles are retained using a style loss function, by which the high intra-class variation can be taken from healthy leaves to disease one. On the other hand, we noticed the difference between the dataset in general computer vision and plant disease. A common reasonable assumption is that similar source and target datasets are beneficial with the transfer learning paradigm. Therefore, a plant-related dataset, PlantCLEF2022, with 2,885,052 images and 80,000 classes, is utilized to pre-train a model. To reduce the time to train in PlantCLEF2022, we propose a two-step transfer learning where one public model pre-trained in ImageNet is pre-trained once more in PlantCLEF2022 before fine-tuning in a target dataset.
... It indicated that the cortex, vascular ring and medulla at the outside stem end part (No. 1-4, 6-9) generally had the highest DM levels, while the pith in the inside sections (No. 5, 14, 23) had the lowest DMC. Previous studies suggested that the potato tuber weight may be correlated with the cell volume of different tissue zones [46]. Microscopic images of different sections of number 1 potato were acquired during the experiment. ...
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Potatoes are generally consumed directly as a staple food or used for processing, depending on the quality of raw materials. Dry matter content (DMC) is the most critical characteristic of potatoes, as it determines the processing and the final product quality. This study aimed to investigate the potential of different optical sensing systems in predicting the DMC of intact potato tubers, and the efficacy of classifying potatoes based on dry matter levels. The whole tubers were scanned using three optical sensing modes (transmittance spectra, interactance spectra and hyperspectral imaging). PLSR and different classifiers (PLSDA, SVM and ANN) were utilized to build the prediction and classification models, respectively. To extract the most influential wavelengths related to the prediction of DMC, the CARS and CSMW techniques were applied. The results indicated that the DMC of two sections on the equator of the potato tuber belly can well represent the DMC of the intact potato, and together with the spectral detection at the equatorial position, it provided good performance. The CARS-PLSR prediction model in transmittance mode showed stronger correlations than other systems, with Rp and RMSEP values of 0.968 and 0.413%, respectively. The CARS-SVM-Linear classification model exhibited the best performance with classification rates of 100% and 97.62% in the training and testing sets, respectively. Moreover, the spectra preferred by CARS and CSMW variable selection methods in transmittance mode overlapped near the absorption peak at 980 nm, indicating the importance of this band for predicting DMC. This study presented the feasible application of using spectroscopy to evaluate the DMC of intact potatoes and classify potatoes based on thresholds that are crucial to consumers and food processors. Graphical abstract
Given the significant impact of biofilms on human health and material corrosion, research in this field urgently needs more accessible techniques to facilitate the testing of new control agents and general understanding of biofilm biology. Microtiter plates offer a convenient format for standardized evaluations, including high-throughput assays of alternative treatments and molecular modulators. This study introduces a novel Biofilm Analysis Software (BAS) for quantifying biofilms from microtiter plate images. We focused on early biofilm growth stages and compared BAS quantification to common techniques: direct turbidity measurement, intrinsic fluorescence detection linked to pyoverdine production, and standard crystal violet staining which enables image analysis and optical density measurement. We also assessed their sensitivity for detecting subtle growth effects caused by cyclic AMP and gentamicin. Our results show that BAS image analysis is at least as sensitive as the standard method of spectrophotometrically quantifying the crystal violet retained by biofilms. Furthermore, we demonstrated that bacteria adhered after short incubations (from 10 min to 4 h), isolated from planktonic populations by a simple rinse, can be monitored until their growth is detectable by intrinsic fluorescence, BAS analysis, or resolubilized crystal violet. These procedures are widely accessible for many laboratories, including those with limited resources, as they do not require a spectrophotometer or other specialized equipment.
Gold Nanoparticles (AuNPs) are extensively used in cellular imaging, single particle tracking, disease detection, membrane protein interaction and drug delivery. Understanding the dynamics of AuNP uptake in live cells is crucial for optimizing their efficacy and safety. Traditional manual methods for quantifying AuNP uptake are time-consuming and subjective, limiting their scalability and accuracy. The available fluorescence-based techniques are limited to photobleaching and photo blinking. The optical microscopy techniques are limited by diffraction limits. The electron microscopy-based imaging techniques are destructive and not suitable for live cell imaging. Furthermore, the resulting images may contain hundreds of particles of varied intensities, blurring, and substantial occlusion that are difficult to count visually. To overcome this issue and measure AuNP uptake into live cells we annotated a dataset of dark-field images of 50 nanometer radius AuNPs at varied incubation durations. Then, to count the number of particles present within a cell, we created a customized multi-column convolutional neural network (MC-CNN). The customized MC-CNN outperformed typical particle counting architectures when compared to spectroscopy-based counting. This will allow researchers to gain a better understanding of AuNP behavior and interactions with cells, paving the way for advancements in nanomedicine, drug delivery, and biomedical research. The code for this paper is available at the following link:
A major bottleneck in the crop improvement pipeline is our ability to phenotype crops quickly and efficiently. Image-based, high-throughput phenotyping has a number of advantages because it is nondestructive and reduces human labor, but a new challenge arises in extracting meaningful information from large quantities of image data. Deep learning, a type of artificial intelligence, is an approach used to analyze image data and make predictions on unseen images that ultimately reduces the need for human input in computation. Here, we review the basics of deep learning, assessment of deep learning success, examples of applications of deep learning in plant phenomics, best practices, and open challenges. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Plant Biology, Volume 75 is May 2024. Please see for revised estimates.
In recent advancements of lightweight deep architectures for edge devices, most of the works follow typical MobileNet pipeline designed for computer vision tasks which is not very appropriate for microscopy image analysis. Certainly, design of dedicated lightweight network for highly complex microscopy image analysis has not been attempted so far. Therefore, this work proposes a new deep lightweight network, “MicrosMobiNet” having multi-scale feature extraction mechanism for bright-field microscopy image analysis on mobile-edge computing framework. It consists of three key attributes—depth-wise separable convolution for making the network lightweight, multiple kernels with hierarchical feature fusion to extract complex features, and residual connection to keep network deep. Experimental validations have been conducted by two different microscopy image datasets—plant (potato tuber) and histopathology (cancer cell) generated by two different image generation modalities. In experiment, multi-class and multi-label classification tasks have been evaluated by measuring accuracy, F1-score, and error. In ablation study, the key attributes of the network have been verified. The results and analysis show that the MicrosMobiNet can achieve classification accuracy upto 98.43% and 96.25% for plant and cancer cells with minimum error 8.38% and 10.03% respectively. In comparative study, the MicrosMobiNet outperforms the existing lightweight state-of-the-art methods with fewer parameters (1.9M) and FLOPs count (42M). Finally, the new network has been implemented on an edge device, Smartphone (Android platform) which is working satisfactorily with high speed (140ms) and very low memory (7.4 MB). Hence, the network exhibits its superiority in bright-field microscopy image analysis on mobile-edge computing platforms in lightweight deep learning framework.
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Plant stomata are essential structures (pores) that control the exchange of gases between plant leaves and the atmosphere, and also they influence plant adaptation to climate through photosynthesis and transpiration stream. Many works in literature aim for a better understanding of these structures and their role in the evolution process and the behavior of plants. Although stomata studies in dicots species have advanced considerably in the past years, even there is not much knowledge about the stomata of cereal grasses. Due to the high morphological variation of stomata traits intra- and inter-species, detecting and classifying stomata automatically becomes challenging. For this reason, in this work, we propose a new system for automatic stomata classification and detection in microscope images for maize cultivars based on transfer learning strategy of different deep convolution neural netwoks (DCNN). Our performed experiments show that our system achieves an approximated accuracy of 97.1% in identifying stomata regions using classifiers based on deep learning features, which figures out as a nearly perfect classification system. As the stomata are responsible for several plant functionalities, this work represents an important advance for maize research, providing an accurate system in replacing the current manual task of categorizing these pores on microscope images. Furthermore, this system can also be a reference for studies using images from different cereal grasses.
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Premise: Digitized images of herbarium specimens are highly diverse with many potential sources of visual noise and bias. The systematic removal of noise and minimization of bias must be achieved in order to generate biological insights based on the plants rather than the digitization and mounting practices involved. Here, we develop a workflow and data set of high-resolution image masks to segment plant tissues in herbarium specimen images and remove background pixels using deep learning. Methods and results: We generated 400 curated, high-resolution masks of ferns using a combination of automatic and manual tools for image manipulation. We used those images to train a U-Net-style deep learning model for image segmentation, achieving a final Sørensen-Dice coefficient of 0.96. The resulting model can automatically, efficiently, and accurately segment massive data sets of digitized herbarium specimens, particularly for ferns. Conclusions: The application of deep learning in herbarium sciences requires transparent and systematic protocols for generating training data so that these labor-intensive resources can be generalized to other deep learning applications. Segmentation ground-truth masks are hard-won data, and we share these data and the model openly in the hopes of furthering model training and transfer learning opportunities for broader herbarium applications.
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Stomata regulate important physiological processes in plants and are often phenotyped by researchers in diverse fields of plant biology. Currently, there are no user‐friendly, fully automated methods to perform the task of identifying and counting stomata, and stomata density is generally estimated by manually counting stomata. We introduce StomataCounter, an automated stomata counting system using a deep convolutional neural network to identify stomata in a variety of different microscopic images. We use a human‐in‐the‐loop approach to train and refine a neural network on a taxonomically diverse collection of microscopic images. Our network achieves 98.1% identification accuracy on Ginkgo scanning electron microscropy micrographs, and 94.2% transfer accuracy when tested on untrained species. To facilitate adoption of the method, we provide the method in a publicly available website at
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Stomata are morphological structures of plants that have been receiving constant attention. These pores are responsible for the interaction between the internal plant system and the environment, working on different processes such as photosynthesis process and transpiration stream. As evaluated before, understanding the pore mechanism play a key role to explore the evolution and behavior of plants. Although the study of stomata in dicots species of plants have advanced, there is little information about stomata of cereal grasses. In addition, automated detection of these structures have been presented on the literature, but some gaps are still uncovered. This fact is motivated by high morphological variation of stomata and the presence of noise from the image acquisition step. Herein, we propose a new methodology of an automatic stomata classification and detection system in microscope images for maize cultivars. In our experiments, we have achieved an approximated accuracy of 97.1% in the identification of stomata regions using classifiers based on deep learning features.
In this article, we synthesise concepts from the theories of plasticity, volumetric growth, and pseudo-hyperelasticity to develop a phenomenological constitutive model for potato tuber tissue. Here, particular focus is laid on the inhomogeneity of the constitutive behaviour across different anatomical zones of a potato tuber. The internal stresses are expressed in terms of an elastic contribution to the local strains and are controlled by a kinetic memory variable that traces the past strain history. Inelastic strains, by contrast, are considered as a combination of a plastic component and a pure volumetric component mimicking the eviction of fluid. Considering tubers of cultivar Belana, we identify the relevant constitutive parameters based on stress–stretch curves obtained from single-cycle uniaxial compression experiments on samples extracted from different anatomical tuber parts. The stress–strain response of the tissue is characterised by a pronounced and well-reproducible hysteresis which displays slight stiffening along the initial loading branch. Considering the parenchyma microstructure, the significant reduction in tissue turgidity on unloading may be caused by the eviction of intracellular fluid from the parenchyma cells and an inelastic cell wall response. The experiments show that the inelastic volume change varies approximately linearly with the axial stretch. Additionally, histological analyses are presented in an attempt to quantify microstructural inhomogeneities.
Recent advances in computer vision and machine learning underpin a collection of algorithms with an impressive ability to decipher the content of images. These deep learning algorithms are being applied to biological images and are transforming the analysis and interpretation of imaging data. These advances are positioned to render difficult analyses routine and to enable researchers to carry out new, previously impossible experiments. Here we review the intersection between deep learning and cellular image analysis and provide an overview of both the mathematical mechanics and the programming frameworks of deep learning that are pertinent to life scientists. We survey the field’s progress in four key applications: image classification, image segmentation, object tracking, and augmented microscopy. Last, we relay our labs’ experience with three key aspects of implementing deep learning in the laboratory: annotating training data, selecting and training a range of neural network architectures, and deploying solutions. We also highlight existing datasets and implementations for each surveyed application.