
The Research Act: A Theoretical Introduction to Sociological Methods

... A case study research methodology was adopted for this paper, being a qualitative research approach that provides an in-depth understanding of a specific case within a real-world context and it is often used in social sciences and education to explore complex phenomena and gain insights that are not easily obtained through other research methods (Denzin, 1978). ...
... The purpose of this methodology is to explore and understand the dynamics, processes, and relationships within a specific, real-life context (Stake, 1995). This methodology is also flexible and adaptable, allowing methods and techniques to be adjusted as the study progresses (Denzin, 1978). ...
... It also allows researchers to study singularities in their natural settings, facilitating the exploration of context-specific factors and interactions (Stake, 1995). This methodology also encourages the use of diverse data sources, enhancing the robustness of findings and promoting triangulation, which strengthens the credibility of the research (Denzin, 1978). ...
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The present paper addresses the possibilities of using Design Thinking as a methodology and a tool to create a new educational curriculum in design at the Bachelor level. The paper is based on the case study of the Arts+Design Department at the American University of Science and Technology [AUST], a Lebanese university adopting the American credit system, and currently undergoing significant changes in its programs. The case illustrates particular opportunities and related challenges and reveals how design thinking has been effective to address intricate social and economic conditions of a challenging environmental context. But despite the circumstances, the Arts+Design Department created a human centred design curriculum that supports students in their learning journey, not only by disseminating knowledge and expertise, but also by empowering them to strategize and to fill gaps in their communities via problem solving, entrepreneurial thinking and design training. The new-currently still under development-curriculum spearheads the way towards a forward-thinking design program, which is both open to international ideas and simultaneously deeply rooted in its socio-cultural surroundings.
... The underlying objective of researchers is to develop a study that exhibits robust internal and external validity and reliability, incorporates a complete multidimensional approach (Boyd, 2000), and deploys measures to mitigate any biases in the research (Noble, & Heale, 2019). Utilizing triangulation approaches can enhance the validity, robustness, and interpretative capacity of a study, mitigate investigator biases, and offer diverse views (Ritzer, 2007;Denzin, 2017). Triangulation has increasingly gained prominence as researchers have got more adept at developing and evaluating theories (Bans-Akutey&Tiimub, 2021). ...
... Nonetheless, the historical context of the word, along with its applications and interpretations, is fraught with ambiguities (Denzin, 2017). For instance, Richardson (2000) maintained that some authors differentiate triangulation from multiple-methods research influenced by post-structuralism and cultural studies. ...
... For instance, Richardson (2000) maintained that some authors differentiate triangulation from multiple-methods research influenced by post-structuralism and cultural studies. In this parlance, multiple realities exist for comprehending the social world (epistemological relativism)... thus, diversity and contradictions must be integrated into research narratives (Denzin, 2017). Conversely, Saukko (2003) notes that the "classical aim of triangulation is to combine different kinds of material or methods to see whether they corroborate one another" (p. ...
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This study examined the concept of triangulation, its various forms as well as its influence on research (i.e. benefits). The data for this study were acquired through reviewing extant literature on triangulation; this is achieved via surfing search engines as well as databases such as Google Scholar, ERIC, EBSCO, and PROQUEST. Hence, the keywords were searched individually as well as in combinations, which incorporate; triangulation, mixed methods, types of triangulations. It is evident that triangulation involves the integration of multiple theoretical perspectives, methodological approaches, data sources, investigators, or data analysis methods. The essence of triangulation is to reduce or offset the limitations/shortcomings of a single strategy, thereby enhancing the capacity to interpret the findings. In addition, deploying triangulation strategy does not right nor enhance a study that is fundamentally flawed. Therefore, it is recommended that should different philosophical positions and research traditions aid to answering research question(s) most robustly, then the use of triangulation is imperative. Nonetheless, researchers should clearly articulate the rationale for employing this strategy and its contribution(s) to the study.
... A review of the preferred adaptation efforts in responding to the risks of foreign ship traffic density on the community and coastal environment adjacent to the international shipping lane has never been carried out in depth. Therefore, this research adopted a descriptive qualitative method (Denzin, 2009) to investigate the obligations of foreign shipping in protecting the environment and coastal areas while freely crossing the ALKI, as mandated by the Indonesian government. ...
... The analyzed ship specification data focused on type, size, fuel consumption, and flag. In order to ensure accurate results, various information was extracted from several literatures as well as comparative research in different countries, reviews from IMO and from previous scientific evaluations that supports the implemented objectives (Denzin, 2009). ...
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The International Convention Law on the Sea, which was adopted by the United Nations in 1982, granted foreign-flagged ships the right to pass safely and smoothly through the Indonesian Archipelago Sea Route/Alur Laur Kepulauan Indonesia (ALKI). The density of the shipping lanes has triggered risks such as accidents and environmental pollution caused by ship exhaust carbon emissions. Therefore, this qualitative research aimed to determine the possibilities of coastal communities to adapt to the risk in accordance with the policy of ship traffic regulation with international shipping lanes through the Traffic Separation Scheme. There is still limited research on the community’s adaptation due to ship exhaust carbon emissions and the lack of adaptation actions taken in response to environmental pollution from foreign ship exhaust emissions. Adaptation efforts recommended include the preparation of collaborative measures and strategies to ensure the carbon management has a net zero emission value on foreign ship traffic in ALKI. The result showed that adaptation effort can be used to ensure Indonesians Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) can prevent global temperature rise from the shipping sector through carbon management, decarbonization, and energy transition programs.
... Data Analysis Techniques are used to validate data by comparing results from various sources, such as official documents, interviews, and academic literature. Denzin (2021) explains that triangulation increases the accuracy and credibility of research results. This research uses thematic analysis to identify main themes relevant to research keywords, such as decentralization, regional autonomy, good governance, public services, accountability, transparency, effectiveness and efficiency. ...
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This research analyzes the administrative systems in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam, focusing on decentralization, regional autonomy, good governance, public service, accountability, transparency, efficiency, and effectiveness. These three countries have different approaches to managing public administration, influenced by their respective political systems, history, and socio-economic conditions. In Indonesia, decentralization and regional autonomy are prominent because of the strengthening of the role of local governments, although challenges in terms of accountability and coordination between levels of government still exist. With its federal system, Malaysia shows a high efficiency level in administration but faces issues of transparency and public participation. Meanwhile, Vietnam, as a socialist country, centralized administration in the central government, but started to reform to improve efficiency and accountability. This study found that the success of public administration reforms in the three countries depends on applying good governance principles, including strengthening accountability, transparency, and efficiency of the administrative system. The study makes an important contribution to developing public administration systems in developing countries to achieve effective governance that is responsive to the needs of the people. Although the three countries have made progress in some sectors, the main challenges still revolve around improving transparency, strengthening accountability, and managing resources efficiently
... The capacity to integrate various data sources, including interviews, documents, and observations, enhances the reliability of findings through triangulation, adding depth and multi-dimensionality to the analysis (Denzin, 2017), which further solidifies its value as a robust sensitizing device. ...
Purpose: This paper investigates the role of social economy organizations and social enterprises in promoting sustainable local food systems through short food supply chains (SFSCs). Design/methodology/approach: Using an exploratory case study methodology, the paper analyzes seven European cases, relying on qualitative data from documents and interviews within the JustGreen project. This approach examines how social economy organizations and social enterprises integrate SFSCs into their operations, aligning social missions with economic activities. Findings: Participation in SFSCs can bring numerous benefits for actors involved into supply chain. The research finds that social economy organizations and social enterprises in SFSCs can reduce environmental impacts, support local economies, and enhance social inclusion by providing employment to marginalized groups. Research limitations/implications: The study is limited by its reliance on existing case studies rather than extensive primary data collection. Future research could broaden the scope with quantitative methods and additional SFSC models to validate the findings. Practical implications: The study offers insights for policymakers and practitioners on how SFSCs can support local food systems, improve access to markets for small producers, and foster collaboration between producers and consumers. Social implications: SFSCs strengthen community resilience, promote social inclusion, and support sustainable local economies. By shortening supply chains, social economy organizations and social enterprises can address food insecurity, empower vulnerable populations, and contribute to the green transition. Originality/value: The paper highlights the innovative role of SFSCs in uniting social, economic, and environmental objectives, offering a model for sustainable community development.
... Finally, we compared the barriers and solutions that emerged from both modalities using methodological triangulation; (Arias Valencia, 2022;Denzin, 1978;Kimchi, Polivka, & Stevenson, 1991) a means of assessing agreement between two different approaches that have been used to study the same phenomenon. ...
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Background Our research team conducted phenomenological interviews in Kenya with people who were not able to access community eye health services, aiming to explore the barriers and ideas for potential service modifications. We conducted an embedded study that compared in-person and telephone interview modalities in terms of time requirements, costs, and data richness. Methods A team of six interviewers conducted 31 in-person interviews and 31 telephone interviews using the same recruitment strategy, topic guide, and analytic matrix for each interview. We compared the mean duration; mean number of themes reported by each participant; total number of themes reported; interviewer rating of perceived richness; interviewer rating of perceived ease of building rapport; number of days taken by the team to complete all interviews; and all costs associated with conducting the interviews in each modality. Results In-person interviews were 44% more expensive and took 60% longer to complete than our telephone interviews (requiring 5 days and 3 days respectively). The average in-person interview lasted 110 seconds longer than the average telephone interview (p = .05) and generated more words and themes. However, the full set of interviews from both approaches identified similar numbers of barriers (p = .14) and the same number of solutions (p = .03). Interviewers universally felt that the in-person approach was associated with better rapport and higher quality data (p = .01). Triangulation of themes revealed good agreement, with 88% of all solutions occurring in both sets of interviews, and no areas of thematic dissonance. Conclusions The in-person approach required more time and financial resources, but generated more words and themes per person, and was perceived to afford richer data by interviewers. However, this additional richness did not translate into a greater number of themes that our team can act upon to improve services.
... The research team has established multiple strategies to guarantee trustworthiness in the study. Data credibility benefits from the combination of interviews and classroom observation methods as stated by Denzin (2012). Participants also checked the accuracy of their interview transcripts through Member Checking. ...
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The study examines development of translanguaging through the lens of multilingualism. Teachers use translanguaging as an educational strategy that secures positive results by enhancing cognitive development among students in multilingual educational settings. The research investigates university instructor views about translanguaging practices within multilingual learning environments of Sindh Pakistan given that higher education there displays extensive language heterogeneity. University instructors from multiple academic fields participated in the study which used surveys and semi-structured interviews as data collection methods. The researchers studied how teachers perceived translanguaging while discovering their knowledge about benefits against challenges alongside their practice implementation levels. Research indicates that college instructors acknowledge translanguaging as an effective method to improve student learning but institutional language rules together with insufficient professional training prevent its adoption. Educational professionals demand specialized developmental training to provide teachers with translanguaging methods for effective management of multilingual classrooms. The study adds to current research about language education policies by demonstrating methods through which translanguaging can enhance results for multilingual university students.
... Para garantir a validade e a confiabilidade da pesquisa, foram adotadas estratégias como a triangulação de dados, que envolve a comparação de informações obtidas por diferentes métodos de coleta (entrevistas e observações). Essa abordagem fortalece a credibilidade dos resultados, uma vez que permite uma compreensão mais ampla e rica do fenômeno estudado (Denzin, 2017). Além disso, os participantes foram convidados a revisar as transcrições de suas entrevistas para assegurar que suas vozes e significados fossem representados com precisão. ...
O presente artigo explora a relação entre o método de Lesson Study e a formação de professores na educação básica, destacando a importância de práticas colaborativas e reflexivas para o desenvolvimento profissional docente. A formação de professores enfrenta desafios significativos, incluindo a necessidade de atualização constante e adaptação às novas demandas educacionais. O Lesson Study, uma abordagem que envolve o planejamento, a observação e a análise coletiva de aulas, tem se mostrado uma estratégia eficaz para promover a melhoria das práticas pedagógicas. Através de uma revisão de literatura, este estudo examina as características do Lesson Study e sua implementação em contextos educacionais. A pesquisa foi realizada com professores de diversas disciplinas, utilizando métodos qualitativos como entrevistas e observações. Os resultados indicam que o Lesson Study não apenas aprimora as habilidades pedagógicas dos professores, mas também fortalece a colaboração entre colegas e promove uma cultura de aprendizagem contínua. Sendo assim o Lesson Study representa uma abordagem promissora para a formação de professores na educação básica, contribuindo para uma prática docente mais reflexiva e adaptativa. Recomendações são feitas para a adoção mais ampla dessa metodologia nas instituições de ensino, bem como sugestões para futuras pesquisas no campo da formação docente.
... This was to ensure that our interpretation of the data was consistent with how the interviewees viewed the same data (Winchester & Matthew, 2000). We engaged in peer scrutiny and due to our different biographical, geographical and academic backgrounds as two investigators, this helped to circumvent or minimise our personal or subjective biases and overcome the deficiencies intrinsic to a single-investigator study and, thus, increase the validity of the study (Denzin, 1970). Our final manuscript was sent to two deputy headteachers and a district director of Ghana Education Service for consistency checks. ...
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Remediating unaffordable and inequitable access to secondary education precipitated Ghana's introduction of the ‘Free Senior High School (SHS)’ policy. The existing scholarship has done a good job tracing the implementation gaps created by this reform. Considering the importance of local actors, whose contribution to the sustenance of the policy is often diminished by the policy’s overly political approach to implementation, a crucial matter to tap is how school leaders are filling the implementation gaps ab initio. This study undertakes the aforementioned task, and investigates whether school type influences the kind/type of resources or strategies to fill the implementation gaps withal. The theory of educational change undergirds the study, seeking evidence to complement the existing literature by highlighting the critical role of local actors, in this case the significant role school leaders and administrators play in addressing challenges within equity‐based educational policies. Per our results, principals' varying initiatives and their reachable actors also depend on school type. In terms of soliciting donations from actors within the external environment, low‐tier schools particularly obtained vital support from non‐governmental organisations while first‐rate schools mobilised resources from parents and alumni groups. A synopsis of our qualitative evidence further unveils how government's delay in releasing groceries made the latter obtainable by borrowing or buying on credit to feed students in the early years of the reform's implementation. When these approaches became redundant, the quantity and quality of meals were reduced due to either insufficiency or the quest to keep stockpiles for future. Government's delays in paying its farmers led to acute food shortages. As such, strategic principals clandestinely lobbied these government‐contracted farmers with side‐payments to provide groceries or obtained foodstuffs with upfront payments via funding from informal sources. Given the exiguity of food, schools with campus residential facilities exchanged essential food items with neighbouring schools. For the preponderant infrastructure deficits, some principals reverted to the use of abandoned or uncompleted buildings. In other cases, large halls were partitioned for multiple use while those with undersized structures resorted to shift systems. Context and Implications Rationale for this study: When the cost‐sharing model (where education cost is split between guardians and government) of secondary education financing became deficient in ensuring equitable access to schooling, Ghana's ‘Free SHS’ policy was introduced to reduce ‘stunted’ entry vis‐à‐vis addressing equity concerns regarding affordability. The existing scholarship has particularly fixated on the implementation gaps in schools but emerging studies exploring how principals address these gaps remain barely highlighted and even more fragmented. While this discourse discerns how principals fill the implementation gaps created by the reform, it unearths whether school type really matters in attaining solutions to these challenges. Secondarily, the paper seeks to highlight how other ‘local actors’ assist in filling reform implementation gaps. Why the new findings matter: This study adds to the new strand of knowledge on what principals do when confronted with difficult situations vis‐à‐vis demonstrating their adaptability to change. The knowledge serves as a guide to educators or practitioners on various ways to mitigate reform implementation challenges. The peculiar strategies of schools' context provide insight into ways localised policies can be more context‐sensitive in design to help implement a national educational policy. Our results therefore build on a core body of work strengthening the evidence based on the role local actors play in mitigating policy implementation challenges. These insights inform future policies as it echoes the needs of schools in very distinct contexts. The new knowledge directly or indirectly appeals to other external actors to come to the aid of schools in need. At the very least, our findings open the black box to establish causal mechanisms between school type and the kind/type of strategy/resources for filling policy implementation gaps. Hence, scholars can assess these relationships in the cost‐sharing systems. Since government cannot address all the implementation gaps of such an ambitious policy, our findings highlight the importance of local actors, whose contributions to the sustenance of the policy is often diminished by the policy's overly political approach to implementation. Questionably, might the absence of assistance from alumni groups to low‐tier schools be as a result of low‐academic performance, which in the long run determines who becomes capable to assist their alma mater? Implications for policy makers and funders: The findings offer valuable policy implications, particularly in the context of tackling educational inequalities in the attainment of global education goals in developing countries. The vital policy insights the results yield are that if this new reform must reach the institutionalisation phase where implementation can go uninterrupted, policy makers must at least release edibles on time while addressing the capital expenditure concerns of schools. For equity implications, the results cry for non‐governmental organisations (funders) to come to the rescue of some first‐rate schools rather than focusing solely on the low‐tier ones. Impliedly, there is the need to address the resource disparities between elite and low‐ranked schools. As a policy perspicacity, the government's vigilance to ensure Parent Teacher Association dues are not sneaked back into secondary schools is commendable not to curtail entry and completion. But, as our results demonstrate, room must be created for voluntary contributions from parents given the government's inability to shoulder all cost associated with students.
... Failing to meet this expectation could result in the discipline being criticized as lacking practical value and being regarded as inferior (Nogalski, Rutka, 2007). The literature also emphasizes the importance of employing multiple, mutually verifying methods within management research (Denzin, 1970). This highlights the phenomenon of methodological pluralism, which assumes that solving complex research problems requires using a combination of methods from different disciplines and theoretical perspectives. ...
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the formulation of research problems in management science, highlighting the importance of a structured research methodology and its connection to both theory and practice. The paper seeks to bridge the gap between scientific research and business practice in the discipline of management. Design/methodology/approach: The paper is based on an extensive literature review and theoretical analysis of the development of management science. The methodological approach includes examining historical methods in management research, analyzing their evolution, and proposing a model for structuring the research process. The paper emphasizes methodological triangulation and the relevance of both qualitative and quantitative methods. Findings: The analysis reveals that management science has evolved significantly, from industrial efficiency to modern paradigms that include flexibility, sustainability, and innovation. The formulation of research problems in management science is driven by both theoretical inquiry and practical application, requiring a balance of qualitative and quantitative methods. The paper identifies the importance of methodological pluralism and the necessity of bridging theory with practice in modern management research. Research limitations/implications: The research primarily focuses on the theoretical development of management science and does not include empirical testing. Future research should aim to test the proposed models and frameworks in practical settings to validate their applicability and effectiveness. Practical implications: The paper offers insights into how businesses can benefit from structured research methodologies in management science, providing a guide for managers to apply academic research to real-world business problems. It encourages businesses to adopt flexible and innovative management practices, supported by rigorous research methods. Social implications: The research highlights the importance of sustainable and responsible business practices, suggesting that management science can contribute to societal well-being by promoting practices that balance economic success with environmental and social responsibility. Originality/value: This paper contributes to the ongoing discussion of research methodologies in management science by proposing a model that integrates theoretical and practical perspectives. It is valuable for researchers and practitioners looking to enhance their understanding of the evolving nature of management science and the formulation of research problems.
... • Se utilizó triangulación metodológica para contrastar los hallazgos obtenidos por distintos métodos y validar la fiabilidad de los resultados (Denzin, 2009). ...
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Educational systems globally have had to adjust to contemporary social changes, which require educational institutions to train critical, reflective professionals committed to quality, ethical and contextualized education in their social environment. In addition, teachers and students in training are required to assume new roles. In this framework, the improvement of the educational process is essential as the central core of the comprehensive training of the student body, and as part of this, the teaching-learning process. However, in the Dominican Republic, specifically at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), this process presents deficiencies that affect the preparation of future teachers, and that represent challenges for its quality. The study aims to carry out a critical analysis of the teaching-learning process of the subject Fundamentals of Education, using the theoretical references provided by the educational sciences and the specific disciplines of teacher training, as well as the professional experience of the authors. The methodology is based on the systematization and analysis of various sources of information related to the key aspects of the research, as well as the application of surveys to teachers and students. The results show the existence of shortcomings and challenges that characterize the teaching-learning process in the Fundamentals of Education subject, impacting the training of future teachers.These findings highlight the need to implement strategies to improve the quality of the teaching-learning process of the subject Fundamentals of Education at the UASD, in order to train more competent teachers capable of responding to the challenges of contemporary education.
... Our study employs a comprehensive dataset to examine the Tom Girardi embezzlement scheme, guided by the triangulation principle (Denzin, 2017). The primary components include over 2,000 legal filings from the Thomas V. Girardi and Girardi Keese Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Proceedings, 387 specific case-related materials, and insights from a case witness. ...
... The themes from the analysis of the interview content are displayed in Figure 2. Furthermore, triangulation techniques involve cross-verifying themes across different sources, as noted by Denzin (1984) and Flick (2009). Continuous comparison of data has allowed for the iterative refinement of emerging themes. ...
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This research explores the human resource (HR) capabilities that reinforce performance and resilience in community-based enterprises (CBEs). Locally, the food-processing sector, specifically focusing on the provinces of Ubon Ratchathani, Yasothon, Amnat Charoen, and Si Sa Ket, serves as the focus of this study. Adopting a qualitative research methodology based on acceptable criteria, the researchers conducted three rounds of purposive sample selection. Ultimately, 16 CBEs comprising 43 key informants were included in the study. Categorical data were gathered through diverse methods to ensure data saturation and mitigate bias. The approaches of focus groups, observations, face-to-face interviews, and analysis of relevant documentation were ethically employed. Thematic and content analyses were used to examine the data within the framework of HR capability and operational performance among CBE members. The findings derived from HR capability and their contributions to firm performance rely on several critical aspects, such as the importance of employee training and development, leadership effectiveness, strategies for motivation and retention, fostering a supportive organizational culture, implementing strategic HR practices, adapting to new technologies, leveraging external HR services, adhering to regulatory standards, promoting gender equality and inclusivity, and understanding economic influences. This study contributes to the theoretical understanding of strategic HR management by contextualizing these internal (HR) and external (economy) practices within CBEs. Additionally, it offers an essential agenda for practical recommendations to HR professionals and policymakers with a shared goal of advancing local and national growth and development. Importantly, it emphasizes achieving sustainable growth for CBEs and enhancing resilience in the food-processing sector
... This included familiarization with the data, initial coding, searching for themes, reviewing themes, defining and naming themes, and report writing. To enhance the credibility of findings, both data and method triangulation were applied, in line with Denzin's (2017) recommendations. ...
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This research is motivated by the need to improve academic service quality at Graha Nusantara University to meet student expectations and dynamic higher education industry demands. The study aims to analyze gaps between students' perceptions and expectations of academic services and develop innovative strategies through the integration of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and SERVQUAL. The research employs a mixed-method approach with sequential explanatory design, conducted in 2024 involving 289 students as respondents selected through proportionate stratified random sampling from 1,038 population. Data collection utilized SERVQUAL dimension-based questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The results identified eight service attributes with significant gaps, particularly in campus facilities (gap=-1.15), health services (gap=-1.11), and problem-solving training (gap=-1.01). Based on improvement ratio, enhancement priorities include facility cleanliness (1.59), health services (1.55), and problem-solving training (1.50). The research recommends improving cleaning systems, developing health facilities, modernizing laboratories, and implementing problem-based learning.
... To ensure the credibility and reliability of the findings, member checking will be employed. This involves returning to the participants with the findings to validate the interpretations and conclusions drawn from the data [55]. Additionally, triangulation will be used by comparing data from different sources (interviews, documents, observations) to verify the consistency of the findings and enhance the robustness of the conclusions [56]. ...
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Building Information Modelling (BIM) has emerged as a transformative tool in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industries, offering significant potential to improve project efficiency and outcomes. This study explores the impact of BIM implementation on project time and cost by analyzing critical factors such as design errors, unbudgeted changes, Requests for Information (RFIs), labour dynamics, and scheduling across multiple case studies. Quantitative results reveal that BIM adoption reduces project timelines by an average of 20% and costs by 15%, while also decreasing design errors by 30% and RFIs by 25%. Furthermore, BIM enhances collaboration among stakeholders, improves design visualization, and facilitates better risk assessment, leading to more informed decision-making throughout the project lifecycle. These findings are synthesized into a decision-making framework that estimates the probability of errors, evaluates their potential time and cost implications, and ensures alignment with project budgets. The framework serves as a strategic guide for project teams to assess the suitability of BIM for specific projects, thereby optimizing decision-making processes and improving overall project performance. Additionally, the study examines the role of BIM in sustainability by reducing material waste and improving resource allocation. This study addresses a critical gap in the field by systematically evaluating the interrelationships among BIM's impacts on key project parameters, which have often been treated in isolation in prior research. The importance of this work lies in its provision of a structured methodology to harness BIM's capabilities, demonstrating its value in delivering significant time and cost efficiencies while enhancing project quality. By integrating empirical analysis with practical applications, this research contributes to the growing body of knowledge on BIM adoption and provides actionable insights for AEC professionals seeking to optimize project outcomes.
... Data analysis was undertaken after each perception survey collected (trainer perception survey data collection and school staff perception survey data collection). Based on Denzin, external validity was sought through triangulation of the data (Denzin, 2009), which included naturally occurring data (attendance data and observation data) and the various data collection points (survey data) checked for internal validation (Glaser & Strauss, 1999;Corbin & Strauss, 2015). ...
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There is good evidence that targeted reciprocal reading instruction for struggling readers can lead to attainment gains in reading for children aged 9–12 years in England using the FFT Reciprocal Reading instruction programme when training is delivered by the programme developer. However, for programme scale-up, a train-the-trainer delivery approach is required. This study reports the development of a train-the-trainer delivery approach during a Phase-1 pilot to enable the programme’s delivery at greater scale. During the pilot, five trainers were trained to cascade training to 16 English primary schools, which implemented the programme with 217 children. The train-the-trainer approach developed used a workshop and cascade model recommended by both health and education sectors. Trainer and school staff perception feedback was collected during the development process, and independently designed standardised reading tests were used to explore children’s progress during the pilot. Feedback suggests that the train-the-trainer approach developed is implementable in schools, including observable pupil progress in reading. This train-the-trainer delivery approach should now be tested using RCT methodology.
... We employ data triangulation, a wellestablished method in qualitative research that enhances validity, robustness, and interpretative potential, while reducing investigator biases and incorporating multiple perspectives. 28,33 The study was conducted between July 2023 until February 2024 from St. Gallen, Switzerland. A comparison of diabetes ecosystems before and after 2013 highlights not only new stakeholders and value streams but also shifts in innovation patterns. ...
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Background The global rise in type-2 diabetes (T2D) has prompted the development of new digital technologies for diabetes management. However, despite the proliferation of digital health companies for T2D care, scaling their solutions remains a critical challenge. This study investigates the digital transformation of T2D ecosystems and seeks to identify key innovation patterns. We examine: (1) What are emerging organizations in digital diabetes ecosystems? (2) What are the value streams in digital T2D ecosystems? (3) Which innovation patterns are present in digital T2D ecosystems? Methods We conducted a literature review and market analysis to characterize organizations and value streams in T2D ecosystems, pre- and post-digital transformation. We used the e3-value methodology to visualize T2D ecosystems (RQ1 and RQ2) and conducted expert interviews to identify emerging innovation patterns in digital diabetes ecosystems (RQ3). Results Our analyses revealed the emergence of eight organization segments in digital diabetes ecosystems: real-world evidence analytics, healthcare management platforms, clinical decision support, diagnostic and monitoring, digital therapeutics, wellness, online community, and online pharmacy (RQ1). Visualizing the value streams among these organizations highlights the crucial importance of individual health data (RQ2). Furthermore, our analysis revealed four major innovation patterns within the digital diabetes ecosystem: open ecosystem strategies, outcome-based payment models, platformization, and user-centric software (RQ3). Conclusions Our findings illustrate the transition from traditional value chains in T2D care to platform-based and outcome-oriented models. These innovation patterns can inform strategic decisions for companies and healthcare providers, potentially helping anticipate new digital trends in diabetes care and across other chronic disease ecosystems.
... Some FC for example, limit their member-mortgagor's mortgage finance to three times of his/her share capital (Merrett and Russell, 1994). Denzin (1978) introduces the concept of triangulation to four elements of research study: data, methodology, investigator, and theory. One of the least popular of these four is theoretical triangulation. ...
This paper utilises an analytical framework to explore and critically examine issues and challenges of offering Shari’ah-compliant mortgage financing by financial cooperatives in Malaysia. Concepts from five distinct theories (Theory of Credit Cooperative, Transaction Costs Theory, Agency Theory, Stakeholder Theory, and Theory of Credit Rationing) are modified and integrated to form a hybrid, layered framework. This is then used as a ‘lens’ to highlight the issues pertaining to business models and strategies, good governance, regulation and supervision, risk management, human resource management, which may influence the success of mortgage financing. This analytical framework is useful for relevant stakeholders on how to manage the issues, challenges, and harnessing the prospects of Shari’ah-compliant mortgage financing products.
... Asimismo, la integración de datos cualitativos y cuantitativos facilita la triangulación, un proceso que mejora la validez del estudio al proporcionar un análisis más riguroso y diverso del fenómeno investigado (Denzin, 2017). ...
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En el siglo XXI, la publicidad dirigida a menores en España ha experimentado una evolución significativa, impulsada por los avances tecnológicos, los cambios en las características de los consumidores infantiles y las crecientes expectativas sociales y normativas. Este estudio examina cómo las estrategias publicitarias han transitado de los medios tradicionales hacia formatos digitales innovadores e hiperpersonalizados, integrando tecnologías avanzadas como la inteligencia artificial y la realidad aumentada, con un enfoque en la interactividad y en fomentar el engagement emocional con los menores. Mediante un enfoque metodológico mixto, que combina el análisis de un caso de estudio de LEGO con encuestas realizadas a padres españoles, se analiza cómo las marcas han adaptado sus tácticas para responder a las dinámicas y desafíos de la publicidad infantil contemporánea. Además, el trabajo profundiza en las implicaciones éticas, sociales y normativas de estas prácticas, al tiempo que identifica las tendencias emergentes y los retos que configuran el futuro de la publicidad infantil en un entorno digital en constante transformación.
... This research used a sequential explanatory mixed methods research approach, which, according to Dörnyei (2007) and Creswell and Creswell (2017), can help researchers identify a trend and probe into the factors behind it. Moreover, mixed-methods studies can achieve data and methodological triangulation to enhance research validity and reliability (Denzin, 2009). As for the present research, the quantitative strand included questionnaires, while the qualitative strand included a survey asking open questions and semi-structured interviews (see Fig. 2). ...
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To deliver high-quality courses across various instructional environments, instructors must consider variations in learner engagement. However, limited attention has been paid to whether online and in-person teaching approaches differ in terms of their effects on learner engagement in language learning environments. To fill this void, we aim to investigate the differences in overall and three specific types of engagement between online and in-person classrooms. The study is based on 168 learners in China who attended online and in-person English as a foreign language (EFL) course, respectively, across two semesters. This research utilized the mixed methods approach, involving the quantitative and qualitive strands. Firstly, t-tests revealed that, although participants positively rated their engagement in online and in-person courses, they evaluated online instruction less favorable in terms of overall engagement, emotional engagement, and cognitive engagement compared to in-person instruction. They also reported similar levels of behavioral engagement. Secondly, an open survey and interviews revealed these differences were primarily caused by the limited interaction, learners' insufficient digital skills, their lack of self-regulation, and instructors' inadequate technological pedagogical content knowledge online, while the flexibility of online learning likely compromised the behavioral engagement difference. We discussed the findings in light of self-determination theory (SDT), drawing pedagogical implications for language teaching and policymaking for delivery of engaging offline, online, and hybrid language programs in the future.
... Selain itu, penelitian ini juga memanfaatkan triangulasi data untuk meningkatkan validitas temuan. Data dari wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi program dibandingkan untuk memastikan konsistensi dan validitas hasil penelitian (Denzin, 2017). Triangulasi ini penting untuk mengurangi bias dan memberikan gambaran yang lebih komprehensif mengenai fenomena yang diteliti. ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana praktik Shopee Affiliate dapat menumbuhkan jiwa digitalpreneur dan meningkatkan literasi digital mahasiswa. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif, data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dan observasi partisipatif terhadap 15 mahasiswa program studi Bisnis Digital. Penelitian ini menggali pengalaman mereka untuk memahami dampaknya terhadap keterampilan pemasaran digital dan kewirausahaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa mengalami peningkatan signifikan dalam kemampuan memanfaatkan platform digital untuk bisnis, terutama dalam memahami e-commerce, pemasaran online, dan penggunaan media sosial sebagai alat promosi. Selain itu, mahasiswa juga memperoleh wawasan praktis tentang cara kerja program afiliasi, termasuk strategi memilih produk yang sesuai dengan target audiens. Namun, tantangan seperti kurangnya pengalaman awal dalam pemasaran digital, keterbatasan akses ke sumber daya pembelajaran, dan kesulitan menentukan produk yang tepat untuk dipromosikan masih menjadi hambatan yang perlu diatasi. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan perlunya bimbingan intensif, akses ke materi pembelajaran yang relevan, dan integrasi program afiliasi dalam kurikulum pendidikan tinggi untuk memaksimalkan manfaatnya. Dengan demikian, mahasiswa dapat memperoleh keterampilan praktis yang relevan dengan dunia digital dan bisnis, sekaligus mendorong mereka menjadi digitalpreneur yang kompeten. Temuan ini memberikan kontribusi penting bagi pengembangan kurikulum pendidikan tinggi yang lebih responsif terhadap kebutuhan industri digital.
... It entails the combination of multiple perspectives derived from disparate data sources, research methods, researchers, or theoretical frameworks, with the objective of enhancing the reliability and accuracy of the research findings (Flick, 2004). Triangulation can be implemented through a number of different approaches, including data triangulation (Denzin, 1978), methodological triangulation (Flick, 2004), investigator triangulation (Patton, 1999), and theoretical triangulation (Creswell & Poth, 2018). Despite the recommendations of techniques such as data triangulation (which involves employing multiple data collection instruments to explore findings in greater depth and enhance reliability), methodological triangulation (which advocates for the use of multiple research methods to address the same research question) and theoretical triangulation (which entails interpreting data through multiple theoretical frameworks or perspectives), the nature of these case studies limits data collection exclusively to interviews (Creswell, 2013;Creswell & Miller, 2000;Guba, 1981). ...
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This study explores the classroom management challenges encountered by teachers in online classrooms compared to traditional classrooms. A qualitative case study approach was employed, whereby 97 teachers with experience of remote teaching were interviewed using semi-structured questions to identify and analyze the challenges encountered. The findings indicate that online classrooms present a number of challenges, primarily in the form of low student participation, a lack of interaction, technical issues such as internet connectivity and hardware deficiencies, and varying levels of technology literacy among teachers. However, traditional classrooms also present challenges, including discipline problems, overcrowding, and issues related to student motivation and readiness. The study revealed that effective classroom management in online classrooms is crucial for academic success and that teachers should receive continuous in-service training to enhance their technology literacy. Furthermore, improving technical infrastructure, such as internet speed and hardware quality, is recommended to support synchronous learning.
... In my view, these datasets allow us to trace the mechanisms of cultural reproduction of classes and the transformations of lifestyles that occur within the studied social structure, as well as in other segments of society. The methodological juxtaposition of accounts from different individuals at different points in time represents a triangulation of data sources, thereby reinforcing the intersubjectivization of the research process(Denzin 1970). ...
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The article addresses the intergenerational transmission of a middle-class lifestyle in Poland. The analysis demonstrates mechanisms through which cultural practices are inherited in the context of leisure activities. The following categories of leisure activities were identified as being of particular interest: 1) passions, that is, the most pronounced leisure interests, including sport, 2) travel, 3) various forms of cultural participation, such as reading, visual and performing arts, or audiovisual content. The innovative research plan included reanalysis, revisits, and new in-depth interviews. The findings are based on a substantial corpus of qualitative empirical material, comprising 66 individual in-depth interviews. This material covers interviews conducted approximately twenty years before my research, new interviews with the same participants conducted subsequently , and interviews with their adult children. The aforementioned methodological procedures permitted comparisons over time and between generations. Middle-class parents proactively transmit values and practices to their children that are instrumental in maintaining their children's social status. The effort to format lifestyle messages has significant implications for the long-term viability of this social structure segment in Poland. The analyses conducted indicate the cultural identity of the middle class and the stability of values and practices enacted in non-work and non-educational leisure time. Consequently, they are expected to yield tangible benefits in the professional and educational domains for subsequent generations. This represents the anticipated return on investment in leisure time for middle-class children.
... By combining data from KIIs and FGDs in Appendix 1, this study leverages complementary sources to provide a more holistic understanding of migration-related challenges and family planning access. This approach aligns with established qualitative research practices that advocate for triangulation to mitigate biases and enrich the depth of findings (Denzin, 2012). ...
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This study explores the relationship between migration and access to family planning among Zimbabwean emigrants in South Africa. Despite free and chemically identical contraceptives being available in their host country, many migrants prefer to obtain them from Zimbabwe due to socio-cultural and structural barriers. Using qualitative methods, including focus groups and interviews, the research examines the motivations behind this behavior and its implications for reproductive health. The study highlights the need for culturally sensitive healthcare policies to ensure better access to family planning services for migrants.
... En phase avec l'analyse qualitative de phénomènes sociaux, nous avons utilisé un processus inductif, pour mobiliser la comparaison et l'échantillonnage théorique continu afin de produire des théories [30]. L'échantillon final est ainsi composé de 12 professionnels. ...
Face aux enjeux de la collaboration interprofessionnelle, considérée comme l’un des principaux leviers susceptibles d’améliorer la sécurité des patients et la qualité des soins, il apparaît pertinent de s’intéresser aux facteurs impactant la relation-clé entre médecins en formation et infirmières. L’objectif de notre recherche consiste à étudier les caractéristiques de cette relation pour en tirer des enseignements visant à favoriser la collaboration interprofessionnelle entre ces deux groupes. Une étude qualitative par entretiens semi-directifs auprès de 6 médecins en formation et de 6 infirmières a été menée dans un service de chirurgie digestive d’un Centre Hospitalier Universitaire français. Un traitement qualitatif inductif par codage ouvert des données a permis de faire émerger plusieurs résultats. Premièrement, la relation médecin en formation-infirmière apparaît comme une relation basée sur un objectif commun créateur de sens: la prise en charge sécurisée des patients. Ensuite, la relation d’interdépendance entre des professionnels exerçant des rôles différenciés les amène à développer de fortes attentes réciproques. Celles-ci se développent de manière accélérée dès le premier contact, résultant de l’accumulation d’expériences partagées en situation de travail. La confiance réciproque se construit, ou non, sur une exigence de compétence et d’implication des professionnels dans la prise en charge du patient. L’un des résultats principaux met l’accent sur les enjeux de perspectives temporelles différentes : la relation s’inscrit pour les médecins en formation dans une logique linéaire de parcours de formation, alors qu’elle s’inscrit pour les infirmières dans une logique circulaire de cycles d’accompagnement semestriel de cohortes d’internes.
... The validity technique employed in this research is data triangulation, encompassing source triangulation, method triangulation, and researcher triangulation. Source triangulation is conducted by comparing information obtained from various informants, while method triangulation is performed by comparing the results of interviews, observations, and document analysis [17]. Researcher triangulation involves discussions between the primary researcher and collaborators to ensure data consistency. ...
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Taman Nasional Gunung Merbabu possesses a diverse flora, encompassing various indigenous plant species crucial for ecosystem equilibrium. The preservation of these native plants is threatened by anthropogenic activities in the surrounding area, including forest fires, highintensity human activities, illegal actions, and excessive exploitation. This research aims to explore the role of communities in the conservation efforts of indigenous plants in Taman Nasional Gunung Merbabu. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews, field observations, and document analysis. The results indicate that a strong synergy between the government and local communities is essential for the conservation of Merbabu’s native plants. The government’s role involves educating communities about native plant conservation, in addition to its primary function as a policymaker. Communities participate in various activities such as protected area security, plant monitoring, nursery development, planting, and environmental education. These roles contribute positively to the conservation of Gunung Merbabu’s indigenous plants. Active community participation not only strengthens conservation efforts but also enhances awareness and concern for the necessity of preserving plant diversity. The findings from this research provide insights into how participatory approaches can improve the effectiveness of conservation programs and suggest models that can be applied to other national parks to address similar challenges.
... Mixed research methods allow researchers to use a variety of techniques to solve research questions, without being limited to a single method [41]. Denzin [42] argued that employing mixed methods can significantly enhance the validity and reliability of research findings. Consequently, adopting a mixed-methods approach is considered the most suitable strategy to achieve the objectives of this study. ...
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The concept of circular economy (CE) has emerged as an effective strategy for addressing resource depletion, waste generation, and environmental challenges, offering a promising path towards a more sustainable future. In the building sector, adopting CE principles can significantly mitigate environmental impacts, minimize lifecycle costs, and promote sustainability throughout a building’s lifecycle. Using a mixed-method approach via a pre-interview questionnaire and semi-structured interviews with 10 sustainability experts, this study analyses the significance of 15 CE strategies in building construction projects, assessing their importance and ranking their potential for adoption. Furthermore, this study evaluates the feasibility of applying CE principles to different building types, including storage, industrial, commercial, residential, business, and healthcare facilities. The role of lifecycle stages including initiation and planning, design, procurement, construction, operation and maintenance, and end of life is examined to identify phases with the highest potential for successfully embracing CE principles. The role of stakeholders in driving change is also analyzed. The outcomes of this study reveal that the most feasible strategies include the use of renewable energy, design for durability and longevity, prefabrication, and offsite construction. The study findings indicate that storage, industrial, and business (office) buildings are the most feasible for CE application, while the initiation and planning and design stages are identified as critical phases for embracing CE adoption. Owners and designers emerge as the stakeholders with the greatest influence on CE implementation. The results of this study provide a comprehensive overview of the feasibility of CE adoption in the building sector. These findings offer valuable insights that can inform the development of targeted strategies to support the effective adoption of CE principles.
... The investigator triangulation approach was employed to ensure the coding reliability of the analysis (Denzin 2017). The first author initially coded all articles and subsequently shared the list of relevant codes with the second author. ...
... Furthermore, from a quantitative research perspective, quantitizing can act as a form of reliability check, such as by comparing the quantitized qualitative data with other quantitative data. In qualitative research terminology, this approach is considered a form of triangulation (Denzin, 1978) or, as Newman and Benz (1998) described, a method for assessing structural relationships. ...
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This article builds on the highly cited 2009 article authored by Professor Emerita Margarete Sandelowski and her colleagues by critically reevaluating the process of quantitizing—transforming qualitative data into quantitative forms—a technique that has surprisingly not proliferated in academic research, presumably due to a shortage of methodological exploration in this area. This article responds to this shortfall by proposing a comprehensive meta-framework using the 5W1H approach, which outlines why, when, what, where, how, and who should engage in quantitizing, thereby integrating several frameworks and models across both mixed and multiple methods research. Central to this framework is the DIME-Driven Model of Quantitizing, which categorizes quantitizing into Descriptive, Inferential, Measurement, and Exploratory types, each enhancing the utility and precision of quantitizing. This innovative model supports the article's broader advocacy for quantitizing as a crucial methodological tool across diverse research traditions. This article explores the application and value of quantitizing across qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research traditions, demonstrating its broad relevance and transformative potential. It discusses the variable adoption of quantitizing based on differing philosophical perspectives related to ontology, epistemology, axiology, and methodology. Despite these differences, only a few research philosophies completely reject quantitizing. The article advocates for a balanced use of quantitizing to complement qualitative analyses and to enhance research clarity and applicability without compromising the richness of qualitative data. It serves as a comprehensive resource for understanding the complexities and utility of quantitizing, aiming to inspire researchers to consider this approach to enrich their analytical tools and to enhance the depth and applicability of their research findings.
... Primary data referred to in this research is collected from the results of in-depth interviews with stakeholders as well as implementers of the requirement itself, namely PPAT. Besides, this research uses the concept of triangulation of data sources in research that is widely used in other qualitative social science research (Denzin, 1978;Patton, 1999). The practice of field observation, especially in seeing how the practice of transferring land rights occurs between the parties who play an active role in it, the use of data collection methods in the form of observation is used by researchers in order to explore information that is considered deep enough without being able to interfere with the dynamics of land rights transfer practices so as to minimize biased information conveyed in the research findings (Adler, 1994;McKechnie, 2008). ...
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The signing of a deed before a Land Deed Official (PPAT) is one of the important stages in the process of transferring land rights regulated by Indonesian agrarian law. This study aims to evaluate the feasibility of the deed signing process before a PPAT in the working area of West Jakarta Administrative City. This evaluation includes compliance with legal procedures, the quality of PPAT services, as well as the suitability of documents and the legality of the deed made. Through a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis, this research examines the various factors that influence the feasibility of deed signing, including the PPAT's role in ensuring the validity and legality of the deed, as well as the challenges faced by the parties involved in the process. The results show that although most PPATs in West Jakarta have carried out their duties in accordance with applicable regulations, there are some obstacles related to the public's limited knowledge of legal procedures, as well as potential problems in document verification that affect the feasibility of signing the deed. Recommendations are given to improve the quality of PPAT services through regulatory development and increasing public legal awareness
... Aunque se reconoce el reducido número de entrevistas realizadas, estas han aportado información valiosa que no se hubiese podido obtener solo de la revisión documental y normativa, ya que proporcionaron experiencias y valoraciones de primera mano. Además, la triangulación de datos (Denzin, 1978) ha permitido involucrar distintas fuentes que se complementaron y verificaron entre sí, y también proporcionar información más rica y completa desde el interés por asegurar la fiabilidad y riqueza del análisis como se expresa en la Tabla 2. ...
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El artículo analiza la evolución e incidencia de los cambios legislativos chilenos en materia de políticas municipales y participación durante las últimas cuatro décadas. Mediante un enfoque cualitativo, la investigación se desarrolló a través de entrevistas en profundidad a alcaldes y una exhaustiva revisión documental de normativas e instrumentos institucionales. Los resultados revelan que bajo un mismo marco normativo, los municipios muestran resultados disimiles en participación. Mientras algunos implementan exitosos mecanismos, otros mantienen una participación meramente formal. Las políticas públicas analizadas revelan una brecha entre el marco normativo y la ejecución local, identificándose factores claves como el liderazgo municipal, la institucionalización participativa y la reorganización municipal. Esto evidencia la necesidad de profundizar en el análisis de las causas subyacentes de la baja participación y desarrollar propuestas para fomentarla.
... This approach is particularly well-suited for examining social and economic variables in dynamic contexts, where regulatory frameworks are still evolving (Creswell & Poth, 2013;Bryman, 2016). It allows for an in-depth exploration of complex socio-economic factors, regulatory structures, and technological impacts within the financial sector, which quantitative approaches might fail to capture effectively (Denzin, 2017). ...
This study examines the ongoing debate between Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Centralized Finance (CeFi), analysing their unique advantages and challenges within the rapidly evolving financial landscape. The objective of this research is to argue for the convergence of DeFi and CeFi to create an innovative and secure financial ecosystem that balances accessibility with security, using Kazakhstan as a case study. The study employs comparative analysis and case-study methodology to explore Kazakhstan’s regulatory approach to digital assets. The focus is on understanding how licensing, anti-money laundering (AML) protocols, and consumer protection measures can support the integration of DeFi and CeFi. Primary data includes an analysis of Kazakhstan’s regulatory framework for digital assets, statistical data on AML implementation, and levels of consumer protection within the country. Findings indicate that a hybrid regulatory model effectively bridges the operational differences between DeFi and CeFi, fostering inclusivity and economic growth while safeguarding consumer interests. Kazakhstan’s regulatory focus on licensing and AML protocols illustrates that a balanced regulatory approach can accommodate both technological progress and necessary protections for financial participants. The study concludes that a convergence of DeFi and CeFi through a hybrid regulatory model can lay the foundation for a sustainable digital financial environment that is accessible, innovative, and secure. Future studies are encouraged to explore the role of emerging technologies, such as quantum computing, and examine the socio-economic impacts of DeFiCeFi integration on financial inclusivity for underserved populations.
... A triangulation strategy refers to the integration of different data sources, theoretical perspectives, researchers, or methodologies to address a research question. Specifically, it involves (1) collecting data from different times, places or people (data triangulation), (2) combining various theoretical perspectives (theory triangulation), (3) involving multiple researchers in data collection or analysis (investigator triangulation) and (4) applying different methodologies to the same topic (methodological triangulation) (Denzin, 1978). In this study, investigator triangulation was used. ...
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The aim of this study is to reveal the impact of Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) on students’ ability to come up with the rules of divisibility themselves and on their academic achievement in the 8th grade Mathematics course as well as to obtain students’ views on the learning and teaching process, through the use of a mixed-methods sequential explanatory design. The quantitative part of the study was composed of a one-group pre-test–post-test design, while the qualitative part involved a case study design. The sample group consisted of 20 students studying in the 8th grade of a secondary school in the 2020/21 academic year. At the end of the procedure, interviews were held with four students. The relevant data analysis indicated that the students’ level of readiness regarding the divisibility rules was not at a sufficient level, and that the difference between the pre-test and post-test scores was statistically significant with a high positive effect size on the students’ academic achievement. The results based on student views revealed that the rules forgotten due to memorization turned out to become permanent with the use of the IBL activities for learning the divisibility rules, that the students understood the subject matter better, that they came up with the divisibility rules themselves during the implementation of the activities, and that they enjoyed such a learning process.
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The study contemplated importance of the role of teacher as a constructor of music instruction and also investigated concept of professional knowledge of music teaching as practical knowledge and its formation within the music teaching process. On theoretical perspective teaching professionality means intensified ability of delivering knowledge to students which includes knowledge of teaching strategies, knowledge about students, content knowledge of subject, and knowledge of teaching environment. Professional knowledge of music teaching surely requires same kind of knowledges for education in general, also demands specific knowledge for music teaching like musical knowledge, skills for musical expression, executing music teaching strategies. 8 of elementary school teachers participated in qualitative investigation applying grounded theory. From the results, this study found most of knowledge factors that main theories suggested, and it can be possibly interpreted that teacher s valuation of music and willness for ‘good teaching are also critical factors for self-development of teaching professionality. For future discussion, this study suggests teachers inner orientation toward value of music for education.
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O artigo tem como objetivo trazer à luz as experiências vividas pelo Casal do Número Manuel da Rosa e Ana Pereira em sua jornada migratória pela América Meridional. A partir da “Política de Casais”, Portugal buscava ampliar a ocupação das terras meridionais e a defesa de seus territórios, os quais estavam em constante disputa com os espanhóis. Para tanto, promoveu o deslocamento de famílias dos Açores para povoar e colonizar o sul da América portuguesa no século XVIII. Através de documentos históricos, como os registros dos livros eclesiais, pode-se identificar vestígios e pistas acerca da viagem transatlântica e as agruras presentes na travessia, bem como os desafios fronteiriços para povoar o extremo sul da América Portuguesa. Ao acompanhar as pistas e vestígios do deslocamento de Manoel e Ana, destaca-se um Casal de Número que vivenciou as experiências do movimento de emigração que resultou no deslocamento de mais de seis mil açorianos emigrantes do Arquipélago de Açores para as terras da América Meridional, atendendo ao Edital de 1746.
Supply chain disruptions regularly interrupt the normal operations of organizations, impairing their financial, operational, and service performance. Therefore, organizations must develop capabilities to enhance their resilience–their ability to anticipate, overcome, and transform after disruptions. The literature proposes that agility, adaptability, and alignment (AAA capabilities) enhance long‐term organizational success but does not explicitly link these AAA capabilities to resilience. Motivated by conversations with senior supply chain leaders, our research explores how organizations utilize practices, behaviors, and structures to build AAA capabilities in their pursuit of resilience over different phases of disruption. We use a grounded theory approach, conducting in‐depth, semi‐structured interviews with supply chain executives. Our findings contribute to the supply chain resilience literature by (a) highlighting how distinct practices, behaviors, and structures support the development of distinct AAA capabilities, (b) demonstrating which AAA capabilities are most influential in enhancing resilience during specific phases of a disruption, and (c) illustrating how the AAA capabilities operate in a feedback loop to synergistically improve resilience over the lifecycle of a disruption.
Background : Physical activity levels decline following diagnosis of ovarian cancer, and there is limited research investigating the factors that influence participation across the cancer continuum. The objective of this study is to explore barriers, facilitators, perceptions, and preferences of physical activity for women with recurrent ovarian cancer and to explore whether these factors change across the cancer continuum. Methods : Women enrolled in the Exercise During Chemotherapy for Recurrent Ovarian Cancer trial were invited to participate. Semistructured interviews, guided by social cognitive theory, were conducted by 2 interviewers via video conferencing. All interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were analyzed using an adaptive thematic approach. Results : An overarching theme, “The swaying pendulum,” emerged following 13 participant interviews, representing the instability of physical activity participation in women with recurrent ovarian cancer. Five themes captured factors swaying the “pendulum”: (1) the “priority ladder” of physical activity and the importance of social support and the physical environment, (2) the “hurdles” of treatment- and disease-related side effects, (3) the power of physical activity support and advice from health professionals in the face of uncertainty and fear, (4) a “yearning” for the outdoors, and (5) resorting to walking. Conclusions : Physical activity participation in women with recurrent ovarian cancer is swayed by a complex combination of internal and external factors, unique to each individual, and continually changing circumstances across the cancer continuum.
This research explores the impact of social media on Indonesian society, highlighting the challenges of global technology company dominance, algorithmic bias, and increasingly complex digital inequality. Social media has developed into a new arena of power that affects various aspects of people's lives, including the formation of public opinion, the distribution of information, and the strengthening of power structures. In the context of political economy, fundamental questions arise about how algorithms designed by digital platforms systematically reinforce social and economic inequalities, especially for marginalized groups who have limited access to technology. This study aims to analyze the dynamics of power in the era of digital platforms, by emphasizing the importance of digital literacy as a strategic step. Digital literacy is seen as able to increase user awareness of use ethics, information accuracy, and more responsible content management. Using a critical paradigm, this research utilizes the theory of media political economy and the concept of digital public space to explore the relationship between social media, economics, and politics. The methodology applied includes a qualitative approach through literature study and content analysis. This study analyzes how data-driven algorithms and business models affect public discourse, as well as their impact on the quality of democracy. The findings show that digital literacy can reduce hoaxes, disinformation, and algorithmic manipulation, while increasing public participation in more constructive discussions. In conclusion, inclusive, participatory, and transparent policies are needed to create a fair social media ecosystem. Social media has the potential to become a public space that strengthens democracy and community engagement equally if it is supported by regulations that prevent the exploitation of technology by dominant actors.
This chapter examines the pivotal role of trustworthiness in qualitative research within the aviation industry, crucial for ensuring the validity and credibility of findings. It outlines strategies to enhance trustworthiness, including triangulation, member checking, detailed documentation, and maintaining objectivity. The chapter also addresses unique challenges in aviation research, such as biases and subjectivity, and emphasizes reflexivity and ongoing reflection. The importance of researcher expertise, transparency, and ethical conduct is highlighted. Ultimately, the chapter underscores trustworthiness as essential for producing credible, valid findings that advance knowledge and safety in aviation research.
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Introduction Road traffic accidents account for numerous fatalities worldwide, disproportionately affecting vulnerable groups such as children. To counteract this trend, innovative educational approaches are essential, integrating road safety into school curricula. This study presents a novel teaching model for student teachers specializing in traffic physics. The model employs a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to foster safety awareness during teacher training and to prevent accidents effectively. Methods The teaching approach combines theoretical concepts of traffic physics with real-world applications. Schools serve as testing grounds where prospective teachers conduct traffic analyses, identify hazardous zones, and examine physical laws such as traffic density and speed patterns, alongside psychological aspects like behavioral deviations. Qualitative methods, including design thinking and interviews with road users, promote empathy and provide deeper insights into the challenges of road safety. Prototypes, such as optimized traffic signs and technology-driven safety solutions, illustrate practical applications and solutions. Results The active involvement of students in analyzing and resolving traffic issues enhanced their understanding of physical principles. The combination of theory and practice improved hazard perception, risk assessment, and empathy toward road users. The developed prototypes translated learning objectives into actionable safety measures and demonstrated potential for scalable applications. An evaluation tool ensured the objective assessment of learning outcomes, incorporating pedagogical principles and subject-specific standards. Discussion The findings emphasize the importance of integrating traffic physics into school education. This context-oriented approach connects learning with students' everyday experiences, fostering cognitive, emotional, and behavioral dimensions of road safety. By involving prospective teachers, the program not only enhances their individual competencies but also contributes to a broader societal impact, improving road safety education. This study outlines an innovative framework for teaching traffic physics that integrates theoretical knowledge with practical application to promote road safety. The model provides a replicable and scalable solution for embedding safety education into school curricula, addressing a critical public health issue effectively.
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This research examines the role of cinematic storytelling in building luxury brand identity, focusing on the film Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris and its depiction of the Dior brand. Using Kapferer and Bastien's Luxury Brand Identity Model, this research explores five key dimensions of luxury branding: exclusivity, craftsmanship, dream factor, symbolic value, and cultural dimension. Through a qualitative content analysis of key scenes, dialogue, and visual elements, the study found that the storytelling in the film effectively highlighted Dior's aspirations and exclusivity, despite criticisms of authenticity and over-commercialization. In addition, sentiment analysis of 342 Google reviews showed that the film's narrative elements were able to create emotional resonance, reinforcing the aspirational and exclusive nature of the Dior brand. The findings provide important insights for academics and practitioners on how storytelling strategies can be used to integrate cultural, emotional and symbolic elements in luxury branding, and maintain brand relevance in a competitive global market. This analysis underscores the importance of authentic and relevant narratives in maintaining credibility and consumer trust in luxury brands.
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Este estudio aborda la pregunta de investigación: ¿Cómo fortalecer la cultura organizacional de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC)? y tiene como objetivo analizar los elementos clave que conforman la cultura organizacional de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi para el fortalecimiento del desempeño individual. A través de un enfoque cualitativo, se identificaron los valores, creencias y prácticas predominantes que configuran la cultura institucional, utilizando herramientas como encuestas, grupos focales y entrevistas en profundidad. Los hallazgos muestran que la UTC se caracteriza por una cultura tipo Clan, centrada en las relaciones humanas y la cohesión interna, pero enfrenta desafíos en términos de adaptabilidad e innovación frente a un entorno competitivo. El alcance de este estudio incluye la identificación de oportunidades para incorporar elementos de culturas adaptativas como la Adhocracia. Las unidades de significancia encontradas en los elementos de la Cultura Organizacional son: Universidad vinculada a los sectores sociales, Universidad humanista, Comunicación directa, Promotores de comunicación, Actualización normativa, Inducción a las normativas, Sentido de pertenencia, Involucramiento, Historia institucional, Respeto, Innovación. Este enfoque integral contribuye a una gestión sostenible y a la consolidación de una cultura alineada con los retos actuales del entorno educativo.
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This research investigates the economic education values contained within the tradition of "Bedeya," a traditional barter trading system practiced by the Sasak tribe community on Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara. Utilizing an ethnographic approach, this study explores the social, economic, and educational interactions intertwined within the practice of "Bedeya," revealing how this tradition facilitates the transmission of values and knowledge within the community. Data collection methods included participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and document analysis, with qualitative analysis techniques used to interpret the gathered data. The findings indicate that "Bedeya" is not only about the exchange of goods but also encompasses social and cultural learning, teaching values such as trust, fairness, and cooperation. This practice promotes social cohesion and maintains cultural identity amid modern socioeconomic changes. "Bedeya" plays a crucial role in the Sasak community's informal education system, providing life lessons relevant to the community's needs and challenges. This study offers new insights into the role of traditional trading systems in economic and social education, affirming the importance of preserving cultural practices as a vital source of learning. The findings provide a broader perspective on the integration of economic education in social and cultural life, underlining the need for a more holistic and community-based approach to economic education.
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This study is intended to analyze the narrative texts involved in the tenth-grade English textbook published by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture In this case, this research only focuses on mood types and speech functions. This qualitative study uses discourse analysis. The writer analyzed the data using three stages outlined by Miles and Huberman (2014). The first process is data condensation, during which the writer selects, focuses, simplifies, abstracts, and transforms. In the second phase, the author presents the data using a coding system.The final step is to draw a conclusion or verify it. The writer in this step calculated the data into percentage and gives the description to describe the percentage. From the data and the analysis has done, there are 214 clauses found in the three narrative texts in the tenth-grade English textbook published by Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. Therefore, the dominant mood used in the narrative texts in the tenth-grade English textbook published by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture is the declarative mood, with a total number of 191 clauses with a percentage of 89,25%. For the speech function, the percentage of the statement clauses was 89,25% (191 statements were found). The dominant speech function used in the narrative texts in the tenth-grade English textbook. This study has some consequences for how teachers choose words while teaching. The teacher might use a precise format when instructing the students so that they recognize what the teacher is saying. Furthermore, teachers must be able to select the appropriate words while expressing, asking, offering, and demanding while teaching English to students in the classroom so that the students can understand the teachers' statements, commands, questions, and offers.
In Open Source Software, resources of any project are open for reuse by introducing dependencies or copying the resource itself. In contrast to dependency-based reuse, the infrastructure to systematically support copy-based reuse appears to be entirely missing. Our aim is to enable future research and tool development to increase efficiency and reduce the risks of copy-based reuse. We seek a better understanding of such reuse by measuring its prevalence and identifying factors affecting the propensity to reuse. To identify reused artifacts and trace their origins, our method exploits World of Code infrastructure. We begin with a set of theory-derived factors related to the propensity to reuse, sample instances of different reuse types, and survey developers to better understand their intentions. Our results indicate that copy-based reuse is common, with many developers being aware of it when writing code. The propensity for a file to be reused varies greatly among languages and between source code and binary files, consistently decreasing over time. Files introduced by popular projects are more likely to be reused, but at least half of reused resources originate from “small” and “medium” projects. Developers had various reasons for reuse but were generally positive about using a package manager.
Whiskey distilleries have interesting histories that create a robust content for storytelling. Incorporating storytelling in distillery tours can cultivate ongoing relationships with the brand. There is a need to curate stories that are highly impactful, and relevant to the nuances of distillery tourism, however, a dearth of literature provides no clear roadmap to aid distillery tourism operators in curating storytelling content during tours. Thus, the identification of key components of distillery tourism stories can provide critical insight into curating effective tours and strengthen the brand marketing. The purpose of this research is to identify specific tourism success factors that can be operationalized in whiskey distillery tourism as storytelling content. As such, a lexicon was built to catalog key tourism success factors ( n = 20) identified utilizing a bibliometric review of tourism success factor literature using a multi-phased qualitative analysis. These factors were refined through a Delphi study of industry professionals to identify the five most impactful whiskey distillery tourism storytelling components: authenticity of the storyteller (m = 4.29), history of the product (m = 4.43), history of the people (m = 4.50), uniqueness of the product (m = 4.79), and authenticity of the product (m = 4.86). These tourism success factors provide the specific and effective story content whiskey tour outfits can use to curate stories that resonate with tourists to develop and strengthen the tourist-brand relationship both on-site and through continued brand engagement.
This study highlights how far medicinal plants found in many areas of Klaten Central Java are utilized to build herb culture and support health tourism, i.e. tourism which provides travellers with good habits of consuming healthy food and drinks while in the destination. This descriptive research applied qualitative approach and employed several data collection techniques which include site observation, interview, focus group discussion, and document study. Data were analysed using interactive and thematic analysis technique. Results show that most eating places including restaurants and food stalls in tourist destinations do not provide traditional drinks made of medicinal plants such as ginger, tamarind, turmeric, curcuma zanthorrhiza ( temulawak ), and kaempferia galanga ( kencur ). Tourism stakeholders have not yet realized the potentials to build herbs culture where the locals provide traditional drinks made of medicinal plants and the tourists consume them in tourist destinations to perform health tourism.
This present qualitative study focused on the professional experiences of social workers and educators working with Ethiopian children in Israel, through the lens of anti-oppressive theory. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 53 social workers and educators, who work with families and children of Ethiopian origin. A thematic analysis approach was used. Data analysis revealed that social workers and educators experienced a discrepancy between government program aims and the Ethiopian community’s needs. At the same time, these themes highlighted an emerging stereotype about the community, suggesting that long-term efforts to drive change have been unsuccessful. Our findings also reveal that the participants felt that children, specifically, were being both economically and sexually exploited, with little or no attention paid to preventing this exploitation. Applying the framework of anti-oppressive practice, social workers and educators should be educated about the social and political context of their clients’ lived experiences and acknowledge the often-unequal power relations that occur.
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