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Geological strength index prediction by vision and machine learning methods


Abstract and Figures

In this study, we propose a novel methodology in order to predict Geological Strength Index (GSI) values of rock outcrops by using computer vision and machine learning methods. For this purpose, we separately employed two different global image descriptors namely GIST and HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) to extract a discriminative and "holistic" visual signature of the input images. Subsequently, after visual feature extraction, we utilized three different machine learning methods (i.e. SVM, Random Forests and XGBoost) for the estimation of geological strength index values of rock outcrops by using digital images. We collected a corpus involving 1488 high-quality images of eleven rock types acquired from twenty outcrops. According to the results of the experiments carried out by using test data, GIST descriptor presents a superior regression performance (i.e. accuracy of 76.36%) compared to the HOG (i.e. accuracy of 61.41%). The results show that GIST descriptor has a promising estimation performance along with a fast and easy to compute scheme for both desktop and mobile environments.
Content may be subject to copyright.
© International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
Norwegian Group for Rock Mechanics
ISBN: 978-82-8208-072-9
C.C. Li, H. Ødegaard, A.H. Høien, J. Macias (Eds.)
ISRM International Symposium
Eurock 2020
Hard Rock Engineering
Trondheim, Norway, 14-19 June
Geological strength index prediction by vision and
machine learning methods
A.S. Bozkir
Department of Computer Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
H.A. Nefeslioglu
Department of Geological Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
O. Kartal
General Directorate of Turkish State Railways, Ankara, Turkey
E. Sezer
Department of Computer Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
C. Gokceoglu
Department of Geological Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey (email of the corresponding author)
In this study, we propose a novel methodology in order to predict Geological Strength Index (GSI)
values of rock outcrops by using computer vision and machine learning methods. For this purpose, we
separately employed two different global image descriptors namely GIST and HOG (Histogram of
Oriented Gradients) to extract a discriminative and “holistic” visual signature of the input images.
Subsequently, after visual feature extraction, we utilized three different machine learning methods (i.e.
SVM, Random Forests and XGBoost) for the estimation of geological strength index values of rock
outcrops by using digital images. We collected a corpus involving 1488 high-quality images of eleven
rock types acquired from twenty outcrops. According to the results of the experiments carried out by
using test data, GIST descriptor presents a superior regression performance (i.e. accuracy of 76.36%)
compared to the HOG (i.e. accuracy of 61.41%). The results show that GIST descriptor has a
promising estimation performance along with a fast and easy to compute scheme for both desktop and
mobile environments.
Geological Strength Index (GSI), GIST, HOG, SVM, Random Forest, XGBoost
Eurock 2020 Hard Rock Engineering
1 Introduction
One of the most important stages in rock engineering applications is the assessment of rock mass
environment. To evaluate a rock mass environment, strength and deformation characteristics of the
whole mass including intact rock and rock mass discontinuities should be defined. The critical
problem is the sampling size necessary for laboratory testing. Since, there is not yet a test equipment
to test a specimen having rock mass size in the laboratory, the assessment of the strength and
deformation characteristics of rock masses in the laboratory is almost impossible. By considering this
limitation, Hoek and Brown (1980) suggested an empirical failure criterion to evaluate the strength of
rock mass. The quality of rock mass, rock mass discontinuity properties and the properties of intact
rock material e.g. uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock (σci) and the material constant (mi)
constitute the basis of the failure criterion.
To evaluate the quality of rock mass, Hoek and Brown (1997) proposed a scheme namely Geological
Strength Index (GSI). The state of blockiness and the conditions of rock mass discontinuities are the
essentials of the GSI scheme. The experience of an engineering geologist affects the determination of
the GSI value of a rock mass. According to the GSI scheme proposed by Hoek and Brown (1997), the
GSI value of a rock mass is determined by visual interpretations of blockiness and rock mass
discontinuity conditions. The minimum and maximum values of GSI were 10 and 80 on the first
scheme. Foliate/laminated/sheared and massive or intact rock environments were also added in the
subsequent versions of the scheme (Hoek et al. 1998; Hoek 1999). Taking into account the natural
uncertainty of the geological environment, it is more appropriate to define the GSI values of a rock
mass by quoting a range, instead of precise determinations (Hoek and Brown, 1997; Hoek et al., 1998;
Hoek 1999). However, there are also some GSI schemes from which GSI values can be calculated
precisely (Sonmez and Ulusay, 1999; Cai et al., 2004; Russo, 2007; Russo, 2009; Hoek et al., 2013).
Marinos et al. (2005) explain this peculiarity as follows; the main reason for the attempt to obtain
more accurate GSI values is due to the over-deterministic expectations of the responsible engineers.
Considering the natural uncertainty of the geological environment, it is evident that precise GSI
determinations may not be reliable. The blockiness and rock mass discontinuity assessments may not
be so precise as the geological engineer expected.
In the present study, to reduce uncertainties and expert subjectivities, a novel GSI determination
method is represented. To predict Geological Strength Index (GSI) values of rock outcrops, computer
vision and machine learning (ML) methods were implemented. For the purpose, the digital images of
different rock masses of which GSI values were assigned by experienced engineering geologists were
used. To extract a discriminative and “holistic” visual signature of the input images, two different
global image descriptors namely GIST and HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) were separately
employed. Subsequently, after visual feature extraction, 3 different ML methods (i.e. SVM, Random
Forests and XGBoost) for the estimation of geological strength index values of rock outcrops were
utilized by using the digital images.
2 Data
In the present study, the GSI values which were assigned for 11 rock types at 20 outcrops were used
(Fig. 1). The GSI values given for lava and peridotite were acquired from Marinos et al., (2006), while
sandstone-siltstone and siltstone-sandstone data were obtained from Marinos (2019). The remainder
was provided by the General Directorate of the Turkish State Railways. The GSI determinations were
carried out according to the GSI schemes suggested by Hoek et al., (1998) and Marinos and Hoek
(2001). The expressive GSI values that can be obtained from the schemes are only multiples of five
(Hoek et al. 1998; Marinos and Hoek 2001). For this reason, as can be seen from Fig. 2a, the GSI
values, which were implemented in training and test stages were assigned as multiples of five.
The number of digital images in our corpus is 62. Though our collection covers almost the whole
range of GSI scope acquired from various kinds of rocks, the total number of images was not adequate
to create a generalizable ML model. Thus, for increasing the count of image samples we utilized a
methodology called “data augmentation”. To achieve this goal by using a single frame, we first
cropped four equal-sized sub-regions of the image that each occupies top-left, top-right, bottom-left
and bottom-right parts of the input image. In addition, we also included an image-center crop having
the same width and height yielding 5 = 4+1 images. As a result, we obtained 5 additional sub-samples
from a single photo which makes a data expansion at a rate of 1 to 6.
Eurock 2020 Hard Rock Engineering
Fig. 1 Example digital images from different rock types. The images of “Lava” and “Peridotite” were obtained from Marinos
et al., (2006); “Sandstone-Siltstone” and “Siltstone-Sandstone” were acquired from Marinos (2019); the remainder was
provided by the General Directorate of the Turkish State Railways.
Next, we have continued to increase the number of image samples by also rotating each image
obtained at the previous step by degrees of 90, 180 and 270. In this regard, we have produced 24
images from just 1 image sample implying an increment by factor of 24 (i.e., 6×4). Thus, the total
number of data samples reached up to 1488 (i.e., 62×24). With this expansion we aimed to achieve
more generalizable models. Moreover, we also investigated the performance of descriptors against
rotational variances. As stated in (Bozkir et al. 2020), data augmentation is a widely employed
technique in computer vision based tasks due to its ability to reduce bias and overfitting by also
creating more robust models against rotations and transformations.
Following the data augmentation stage, for each GSI category, we have randomly split the whole
dataset into training and testing sets having ratio of 80% and 20% respectively. Consequently, our
dataset has been restructured by covering 1193 training and 295 testing images. The distribution of the
samples in training/testing sets can be viewed in Fig 2a.
Fig. 2 Distribution of training and test sets per GSI category (a); the number of images per rock type (b).
Eurock 2020 Hard Rock Engineering
3 Methods and Application
In this section, we first briefly explain the employed computer vision and ML methods. Next, we have
presented how we extract the visual descriptors based on GIST and HOG (Histogram of Oriented
Gradients) features, which then be fed to ML algorithms to predict GSI scores. Moreover, we have
demonstrated our experimental results on both training and testing data.
3.1 Vision based feature extraction
Recent years have witnessed widespread use of computer vision based studies in numerous diverse
fields such as human action recognition (Zhang et al. 2019), phishing web page detection (Dalgic et al.
2018) and medical image analysis (Diament et al. 2018). Moreover, the literature also covers many
successful examples of vision based studies applied to the domain of geology. For instance,
Farahbakhsh et al. (2018) have employed vision techniques in order to reduce the dimension of data
and remove noise to enhance the expression of geological lineaments. In this study, we have employed
GIST (Oliva and Torralba 2001) and HOG image descriptors (Dalal and Triggs 2005) in order to
reveal and represent the discriminative visual cues located in rock mass photos. To this end, the
mentioned descriptors combined with conventional ML methods – have yielded the basis of our GSI
score estimator scheme.
3.1.1 GIST descriptors
Invented by Oliva and Torralba (2001), the aim of GIST descriptor is to produce a low dimensional
representation of a visual scene without the need for a segmentation process (Diament et al. 2018).
Furthermore, the GIST descriptors are often employed for scene understanding via focusing on the
visual outlines to reveal identifiable visual characteristics the spatial envelope of an image.
Similarly, Diament et al. (2018) state that the GIST descriptor deals with the shape of the scene by
considering the relationship between the outlines of the surfaces as well as their properties while
discarding the local objects and their relationships in the scene/image. To compute a GIST based
feature vector (960 dimensional in our case), first, the input image is divided into n × n blocks where
each block is processed with Gabor filters at different scales and orientations (Eroglu et al. 2019).
Finally, the histograms collected from different orientations and cells are concatenated to obtain a
unified and image resolution invariant feature vector. The GIST based feature vector generation
process along with ML methods has been depicted in Fig. 3 below.
3.1.2 Histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) descriptors
On the other hand, invented by Dalal and Triggs (2005), HOG features aim to represent the edge and
corner structures of an image by computing the intensity-based gradients and their magnitudes in
fixed-sized blocks and cells as well. Technically speaking, HOG descriptor first divides an image into
small neighbor areas called blocks having equal-sized cells and then it computes the histogram of
gradient and edge directions of the pixels within each cell followed by a block-level normalization
Fig. 3 The process of GIST based feature extraction and utilization of machine learning methods to estimate the GSI value.
Eurock 2020 Hard Rock Engineering
stage. Next, normalized gradient magnitudes for each angle interval are collected to form a large
histogram which also takes the spatial ordering into account.
Though they serve fast and effective solutions, the HOG features are known to be invariant to
deformations/transformations (e.g. shifting and rotation) to a certain extent. Further, it should be
noted that, during the computation of HOG, the size of the input image affects the dimension of the
resultant feature vector while GIST does create a fixed-sized feature vector regardless of the
resolution. Besides, the main goal of HOG is to capture the edge and corner like structures for
characterizing the scene without requiring color information whereas GIST is also able to take the
color as a source of information.
3.1.3 Feature extraction in details
In order to compute the aforementioned descriptors regarding the training and test images, we created
a script coded in Python 3.6 programming language and employed “pyleargist package in order to
extract color GIST descriptors. GIST descriptors can be obtained from grayscale and colored images.
In this study, we have preferred color GIST features since we did not want to lose color information
and allow the learning methods to work in mode information-rich data. During the GIST computation,
we have kept the parameters at their default values yielding two fine 8 orientations and one coarse 4
orientations that are computed for 16 equal-sized regions in a 3-channel (RGB) colored image. In this
way, our GIST vectors were generated by having 960 dimensions = 3 × (4 × 4) × (8 + 8 + 4).
As noted before, the vector dimension of HOG descriptors is highly dependent on various factors such
as (a) image size, (b) block size and (c) cell size. In order to create an ML model, we need fixed-sized
vectors with their ground truth GSI scores. Thus, we followed the following procedure. We first
converted the images into the grayscale color space and get the center crops. Second, we resized them
in order to have 256 × 256 wide by utilizing Python Image Library (PIL). In this way, we obtained a
scalable yet efficient workflow for collecting fixed-length feature vectors. Next, we have applied
various cell sizes (i.e 16, 32, 64 pixels) in order to identify which model suits best. For the
hyperparameter of cells_per_block, we have set 2×2 whereas 9 for the orientations. For the block_
norm technique, we have preferred “L2-Sys” scheme.
3.2 Learning to automatically estimate the GSI score
Having the discriminative visual features, our next goal was to find out whether the aforementioned
descriptors provide us a ML based predictable environment for unseen photos of rock masses.
Therefore, following the visual feature extraction stage, we have applied 3 well-known supervised ML
methods namely Random Forests (RF), XgBoost (XGB) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) for GSI
score prediction based on previously seen examples. These methods are used for both classification
(i.e. label assignment) and regression (i.e. numeric estimation) tasks. Nonetheless, in this study, we
have utilized these methods as a regressor.
Briefly, invented by Breiman (2001), Random Forests is an ensemble learning method designed for
classification and regression tasks. By building a diverse collection of decision trees by a random
selection of input features and samples, Breiman (2001) has targeted to avoid the problem of
overfitting which exists in traditional decision trees. In other words, it behaves as a meta estimator that
fits several decision trees on various sub-instances for enhancing the prediction capability along with
reducing overfitting (Bozkir et al. 2020). On the other hand, suggested by Chen and Guestrin (2016),
XGBoost (XGBoost, 2019) has been designed to be a highly efficient, portable and hardware
optimized open-source distributed gradient tree boosting framework. XGBoost scheme runs a parallel
tree boosting algorithm which is applicable to numerous data science problems such as classification,
regression, calculation of feature importances and ranking (XGBoost, 2019). As another method,
Support Vector Machine (SVM), first introduced by Vapnik (1995) attempts to find an optimal
hyperplane between positive and negative classes. For regression oriented tasks, on the other hand,
Support Vector Regression (SVR) has been derived from the conventional SVM classification scheme
for predicting continuous values instead of labeling categories. As a nonparametric method, SVR is an
appropriate regressor which can be employed for linear and nonlinear seperable datasets (Bozkir et al.
2020). It should be noted that SVM can be trained for linear and nonlinear datasets via linear and
radial basis kernels respectively.
As depicted in Fig. 3, following the stage of visual feature extraction from separated training and
testing images, we have created their corresponding comma-separated values (CSV) files in order to
Eurock 2020 Hard Rock Engineering
be further trained via “sklearn” library in Python language. Next, we have coded a Python script in
order to build different ML models belonging to XGBoost, Random Forests, and SVR schemes. Since
XGB and RF discover the nonlinear patterns in data, we have trained SVR algorithm with linear
kernel in order to explore whether the underlying visual features have linear relationships with the
target value (i.e. GSI score). During the training, we have kept the hyperparameters at their default
values except the C (i.e. cost value) parameter in SVR as being set to 100. According to our
observations, on a platform having Intel 8750 CPU and 24 GB 2666 Mhz DDR4 memory, XGB
requires the lowest training time with 10 seconds on average.
3.3 Results of the experiments and findings
In order to assess the effectiveness of the created models, we have measured the obtained results in
terms of different performance metrics such as (a) mean absolute error (MAE), (b) mean squared error
(MSE), (c) root mean squared error (RMSE), (d) coefficient of determination (R2), and accuracy.
Evaluations were carried out on both training (1193 samples) and testing data (295 samples). The
results were listed in Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4 according to the employed descriptor and the dataset
predicted by the related ML model.
Table 1 Performance evaluation of GIST descriptors along with various learning methods on training data
Random Forest
Linear SVR
Table 2 Performance evaluation of HOG descriptors along with various cells sizes and learning methods on training data
Descriptor [Mode]
HOG 64 px cells
HOG 32 px cells
HOG 16 px cells
HOG 64 px cells
Random Forest
HOG 32 px cells
Random Forest
HOG 16 px cells
Random Forest
HOG 64 px cells
Linear SVR
HOG 32 px cells
Linear SVR
HOG 16 px cells
Linear SVR
Table 3 Performance evaluation of GIST descriptors along with various learning methods on test data
Random Forest
Linear SVR
Table 4 Performance evaluation of HOG descriptors along with various cells sizes and learning methods on test data
Descriptor [Mode]
HOG 64 px cells
HOG 32 px cells
HOG 16 px cells
HOG 64 px cells
Random Forest
HOG 32 px cells
Random Forest
HOG 16 px cells
Random Forest
HOG 64 px cells
Linear SVR
HOG 32 px cells
Linear SVR
HOG 16 px cells
Linear SVR
For HOG based analysis, we have tested different cell sizes as an attempt to explore the degree of
details and the patch area processed by the descriptor generation algorithm. According to the results
we have obtained the following findings:
Eurock 2020 Hard Rock Engineering
GIST descriptor along with XGBoost scheme performs the best estimation (i.e. 76.36%
accuracy and 7.24 MAE) on testing data
Compared the other regressors, XGBoost achieves the best scores. Moreover, it enables us to
fit the training data well (i.e. >99.9% accuracy on training data)
In all evaluations, GIST outperforms HOG descriptors with a large margin which implies that
the GIST provides much more suitable and discriminative features in the problem domain.
Reducing the cell sizes in HOG based estimation results better accuracy and lower error which
shows the positive effect of working on smaller patches.
Linear SVR performs the worst results in terms of all metrics by also clearly indicating that
the dependent variable (GSI) has nonlinear relationships with the revealed visual features.
4 Conclusions
In this study, we attempted to utilize 2 visual features (GIST and HOG) along with ML methods in
order to compute the approximate GSI value of the rock mass when we are only given the photos of
the rock outcrops. In particular, GIST based scheme shows promising results. The accuracy scores
were found as higher than 99% and 76% for training and test images respectively, by using the GIST
descriptors and XGBoost algorithm.
It should be noted that prior works were also conducted for indirect estimation of GSI values (Sonmez
et al., 2003; Poulsen et al., 2015). Nonetheless, in these methods, the parameters were required to be
either computed or defined in advance. Likewise, extra requirements for calculations and definitions
prevent the method from being fully automated and hamper human and computer interaction (Bozkir
et al. 2020).
In this regard, the approach suggested in this study serves promising results towards a fully automated
scheme. Our observations and measurements show that the inference speed of the system is capable of
being run on a mobile cell phone platform too. Furthermore, 11 rock types at 20 outcrops were
implemented. We believe that, as the number of rock types evaluated in the corpus and the number of
GSI definitions evaluated at the training stage increase, the accuracy and generalization capability of
the offered approach will observably increase. As future work, we plan to employ different visual
descriptors in order to gain more robust estimators.
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... The proposed quantified GSI charts in Table 4 can be found in Appendix A. Note that the majority of these correlations combine qualitative parameters from other widely used classification systems like RMR, Q, and RMi [27]. There are at least six additional quantification attempts [28][29][30][31][32][33] using probabilistic and/or computerbased methods (including machine learning), for a total of at least 23 different quantifications of the GSI chart. Attempts to quantify GSI create a situation analogue to the allegory proposed in Forscher [34]-chaos in the brickyard-concerning the confusion of introducing many different correlations that consider diverse parameters to estimate a GSI value, without any of these correlations having a clear advantage over the others. ...
... In recent years, rock engineers have begun to apply machine learning to rock engineering applications. One application is in using machine learning (ML) to automate and quantify the GSI chart, as shown in [29][30][31][32]. However, this practice has several limitations. ...
... More broadly, the use of ML does not remove subjectivity or increase precision, as discussed in [1,59]. If the ML model is trained on a dataset where GSI values of outcrop images were determined by engineers using a qualitative chart, as in the case of [30], then the model will propagate the biases and subjectivity associated with those GSI values rather than removing them. Using a quantified GSI chart to determine GSI values for the training set also does not remove subjectivity as the parameters used in the quantifications are still subjective (as discussed in the previous section). ...
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In the past decade, there has been an increasing trend of digitalizing rock engineering processes. However, this process has not been accompanied by a critical analysis of the very same empirical methods that many complex numerical and digital methods are founded upon. As engineers, we are taught to use and trust numbers. Indeed, we would not be able to define the factor of the safety of a structure without numbers. However, what happens when those numbers are nothing but numerical descriptions of qualitative assessments? In this paper we present a critical review of the many attempts presented in the literature to quantify GSI (geological strength index). To the authors’ knowledge, this paper represents the first time that all the different GSI tables and quantification methods that have been proposed over the past two decades are collated and compared critically. In our critique, we argue against the paradigm whereby the quantification process adds the experience factor for inexperienced engineers. Furthermore, we discuss the limitations of the notion that GSI quantification methods could transform subjectivity into objectivity since the parameters under considerations are not quantitative measurements. Relying on empirically defined quantitative equivalences raises important questions, particularly when these quantitative equivalences are being used to define so-called accurate rock mass classification input for design purposes.
... The areas of the valley that were not accessible because of the steep slopes were characterized using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Integration of structural analysis with remote sensing data has been used successfully by several researchers (Sturzenegger and Stead 2009;Riquelme et al. 2014Riquelme et al. , 2015Riquelme et al. , 2018Greenwood et al. 2016;Manousakis et al. 2016;Öztürk et al. 2019;Bozkır et al. 2020;Ma et al. 2020;Yalçın et al. 2022;Haider et al. 2023;Wang et al. 2023). A total of 2053 images were collected during a two-day field study (Fig. 7), that led to the generation of a high-density point cloud with 35,192,531 points for the western side of the valley. ...
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Mudurnu County, situated in northwestern Turkey, is a prominent settlement area because it is located on major trade routes (i.e., the Silk Road and the Crimean Road) and has served as a trading town and a military base in the Byzantine, Seljuk, and Ottoman periods. Mudurnu County is affected by regional complex rock slope instabilities that pose a substantial hazard to the settlement area and generate regional risk to human life, buildings, houses, and industrial facilities. Mudurnu, because of its invaluable historical structures, has been nominated for the UNESCO World Heritage List. Yet, those historical structures are threatened by the rock instabilities. The aim of the paper is to characterize the rock mass on the western slopes of the Mudurnu Valley, through geomechanical evaluation of the rock and empirical assessment of the slope instabilities. The engineering geological and geomechanical properties of the area were acquired via a 3D point cloud together with field scan-line surveys. The western slope of the Mudurnu Valley was divided into 11 geomechanically uniform sectors. Classification of the sectors using the SMR and Q-slope methods demonstrated that the rock mass was prone to complex planar, wedge, and toppling failures. Proper identification of such complex failures was performed using a decision tree methodology. Estimation of the probabilities of the complex failures was accomplished using empirical classifications and field observations. It was found that Sector 8 was the most critical for combined toppling and wedge failures, as well as toppling with a combination of planar and wedge failures. In addition, Sector 6 was the most critical for combined toppling and planar failures.
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The main purpose of this book chapter is to develop a computer vision based approach which is able to calculate approximate Geological Strength Index (GSI) value of rock mass when the photograph of rock outcrop is given to the computer. For this purpose, local image descriptors Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) and DAISY and machine learning methods Support Vector Regression (SVR), Random Forests (RF), and XGBoost were investigated. The chapter involves three mains sections as follows: (i) The details of GSI are described in the "Geological Strength Index" section; (ii) Local image descriptors and machine learning methods investigated in this study are summarized in the "Methods" section; and (iii) the details of data, descriptor generation, prediction models, and validations were provided in the "Experimental Studies" section. The GSI values defined for eleven rock types at twenty outcrops were evaluated in the experimental studies. The total number of digital images collected for our corpus is 1488. As a result, by using the SIFT descriptors and XGBoost estimator, the accuracy values were obtained as higher than 99% and 90% for training and test stages, respectively. This promising result shows that the proposed method is quite acceptable and computer vision methods are capable to estimate GSI value of a rock mass from photo.
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The extraction of tectonic lineaments from digital satellite data is a fundamental application in remote sensing. The location of tectonic lineaments such as faults and dykes are of interest for a range of applications, particularly because of their association with hydrothermal mineralization. Although a wide range of applications have utilized computer vision techniques, a standard workflow for application of these techniques to tectonic lineament extraction is lacking. We present a framework for extracting tectonic lineaments using computer vision techniques. The proposed framework is a combination of edge detection and line extraction algorithms for extracting tectonic lineaments using optical remote sensing data. It features ancillary computer vision techniques for reducing data dimensionality, removing noise and enhancing the expression of lineaments. The efficiency of two convolutional filters are compared in terms of enhancing the lineaments. We test the proposed framework on Landsat 8 data of a mineral-rich portion of the Gascoyne Province in Western Australia. To validate the results, the extracted lineaments are compared to geologically mapped structures by the Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA). The results show that the best correlation between our extracted tectonic lineaments and the GSWA tectonic lineament map is achieved by applying a minimum noise fraction transformation and a Laplacian filter. Application of a directional filter shows a strong correlation with known sites of hydrothermal mineralization. Hence, our method using either filter can be used for mineral prospectivity mapping in other regions where faults are exposed and observable in optical remote sensing data.
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Although widely used in many applications, accurate and efficient human action recognition remains a challenging area of research in the field of computer vision. Most recent surveys have focused on narrow problems such as human action recognition methods using depth data, 3D-skeleton data, still image data, spatiotemporal interest point-based methods, and human walking motion recognition. However, there has been no systematic survey of human action recognition. To this end, we present a thorough review of human action recognition methods and provide a comprehensive overview of recent approaches in human action recognition research, including progress in hand-designed action features in RGB and depth data, current deep learning-based action feature representation methods, advances in human–object interaction recognition methods, and the current prominent research topic of action detection methods. Finally, we present several analysis recommendations for researchers. This survey paper provides an essential reference for those interested in further research on human action recognition.
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Phishing, a continuously growing cyber threat, aims to obtain innocent users' credentials by deceiving them via presenting fake web pages which mimic their legitimate targets. To date, various attempts have been carried out in order to detect phishing pages. In this study, we treat the problem of phishing web page identification as an image classification task and propose a machine learning augmented pure vision based approach which extracts and classifies compact visual features from web page screenshots. For this purpose, we employed several MPEG7 and MPEG7-like compact visual descriptors (SCD, CLD, CEDD, FCTH and JCD) to reveal color and edge based discriminative visual cues. Throughout the feature extraction process we have followed two different schemas working on either whole screenshots in a "holistic" manner or equal sized "patches" constructing a coarse-to-fine "pyramidal" representation. Moreover, for the task of image classification, we have built SVM and Random Forest based machine learning models. In order to assess the performance and generalization capability of the proposed approach, we have collected a mid-sized corpus covering 14 distinct brands and involving 2852 samples. According to the conducted experiments, our approach reaches up to 90.5% F1 score via SCD. As a result, compared to other studies, the suggested approach presents a lightweight schema serving competitive accuracy and superior feature extraction and inferring speed that enables it to be used as a browser plugin.
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Synthetic rock mass modelling is based on estimating the mass scale properties of rock directly from properties of the intact material and observed jointing geometry and strength. This technique explicitly represents characteristics of the rock mass that are implicit in the widely applied, empirical Hoek-Brown strength criterion. We demonstrate here that the two approaches converge in mass strength and the strength envelope when the necessary conditions for the empirical method are satisfied. However, the synthetic rock mass approach is advantageous whenever the necessary conditions of the empirical method are not satisfied. As an example, we use the synthetic rock mass method to describe an anisotropic strength envelope for a rock mass with four independent joint sets, where the orientation-specific strength has a significant impact on rock mass stability. In addition we show that rock mass strength is controlled strongly by joint persistence and the resultant connectivity of discontinuities, and only weakly by joint density and intensity.
Use of the geological strength index (GSI) rock mass classification system and the associated m, s and a parameter relationships linking GSI with the Hoek–Brown failure criterion provides a demonstrated, effective and reliable approach for prediction of rock mass strength for surface and underground excavation design and for rock support selection for most “normal” rock masses. One of the key advantages of the index is that it allows characterization of rock masses difficult to describe, such as flysch, and the geological reasoning it embodies, allowing adjustments to be made to its ratings to cover a wide range of rock masses and conditions compared to a typical engineering approach. Flysch, having high heterogeneity in its petrographic nature and a tectonically disturbed structure, forms very weak rock masses in many cases and needs a particular geotechnical classification according to the engineering geological characteristics it presents. After a decade of application of the GSI for the classification of heterogeneous rock masses (Marinos and Hoek 2001), this paper attempts to re-evaluate or verify the original values and to contribute to the appropriate selection of the index for various conditions. A revised GSI diagram for heterogeneous rock masses, such as flysch, is presented, where a certain range of GSI values for every rock mass type is proposed according to the siltstone-sandstone participation and their tectonic disturbance. Data from the design and construction of a large number of tunnels in a variety of geological conditions were assessed for this purpose. In addition to the GSI values, the selection of the appropriate “intact” rock properties for this type of heterogeneous rock mass is also discussed, where characteristic σci, Ei and modulus ratio (MR) values are proposed.
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We study the question of feature sets for robust visual object recognition, adopting linear SVM based human detection as a test case. After reviewing existing edge and gradient based descriptors, we show experimentally that grids of Histograms of Oriented Gradient (HOG) descriptors significantly outperform existing feature sets for human detection. We study the influence of each stage of the computation on performance, concluding that fine-scale gradients, fine orientation binning, relatively coarse spatial binning, and high-quality local contrast normalization in overlapping descriptor blocks are all important for good results. The new approach gives near-perfect separation on the original MIT pedestrian database, so we introduce a more challenging dataset containing over 1800 annotated human images with a large range of pose variations and backgrounds.
Tree boosting is a highly effective and widely used machine learning method. In this paper, we describe a scalable end-to-end tree boosting system called XGBoost, which is used widely by data scientists to achieve state-of-the-art results on many machine learning challenges. We propose a novel sparsity-aware algorithm for sparse data and weighted quantile sketch for approximate tree learning. More importantly, we provide insights on cache access patterns, data compression and sharding to build a scalable tree boosting system. By combining these insights, XGBoost scales beyond billions of examples using far fewer resources than existing systems.
The original Geological Strength Index chart was developed on the assumption that observations of the rock mass would be made by qualified and experienced geologists or engineering geologists. With the ever increasing use of the GSI chart as the basis for the selection of input parameters for numerical analysis, often by individuals without the strong geologic understanding of rock mass variability necessary to interpret the graphical GSI chart properly, some uniformity and quantification of the chart seems necessary. This paper presents a proposed quantification of the GSI chart on the basis of two well-established parameters - Joint Condition and RQD. Recommendations for future development of more robust scales are presented.
In the history of research of the learning problem one can extract four periods that can be characterized by four bright events: (i) Constructing the first learning machines, (ii) constructing the fundamentals of the theory, (iii) constructing neural networks, (iv) constructing the alternatives to neural networks.