
Problems of Qualifying Crimes Under Article 273 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation at the Stage of Initiating Criminal Proceedings

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At present public relations in all most vital spheres of the life of Russian society (science, education, economy, finance, defense, public safety, etc.) are seriously threatened by cybercrimes, which are constantly evolving and changing acquiring a transnational, organized, economic and political identity in the Russian Federation. The economic damage inflicted on the Russian society by cybercrimes is tremendous and could be counted in hundreds of billions of rubles and, sadly, is it growing from year to year. Especially difficult is the investigation of cybercrimes connected with the creation, use and dissemination of harmful software (Art. 273 of the CC of the RF). The use of harmful software is often a method of committing other crimes and reaching other criminal goals not immediately connected with damaging computer information protected by law. There are no clarifications of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation regarding the court practice on criminal cases of cybercrimes, and the investigators make numerous mistakes in the legal assessment of criminal actions at the stage of initiating criminal proceedings as well as at other stages of preliminary investigation. Meanwhile, the legal qualification of cybercrimes at the stage of initiating criminal proceedings has a fundamental importance for resolving most vital legal and procedural problems in the investigation of such crimes as well as for the court hearing and passing a fair guilty verdict on a case. The authors analyze Russian court and investigation practice on criminal cases involving the creation, use and dissemination of harmful software as well as related offences. They offer recommendations on the most complete legal definition of crimes under Art. 273 of the CC of the RF and present their suggestions on improving court practice at the stage of initiating criminal proceedings.

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... Another similar example is contained in the study of Evdokimov, in which he used as an example the verdict of the Kuzminsky District Court of Moscow in 2013 in criminal case No. 1-968/13 [8]. However, Evdokimov believes that under the circumstances set forth, the actions of the perpetrator are additionally subject to qualification under article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. ...
... 274.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) was introduced into the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation only on July 26, 2017 (Federal Law No. 194 -FL) [4]. It should also be borne in mind that digital information can be used for committing crimes of other kinds as well [5], for example, bringing to suicide [6,7], sexual harassment against minors or other persons [8,9,10] and some others. In particular, insurance fraud can also be committed by means of information and telecommunication technologies [11], Illegal drug trafficking has become widespread through information and telecommunication networks [12]. ...
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Continuous expansion of the scope of network information technologies application permanently create the background for the appearance of new threats to the security of individuals, society and the state, including information security. Especially dangerous are terrorist acts potential threats by using information resources in the appropriate infrastructure of society and the state individual institutions. The current state of the problem of criminal liability for trespass to digital information, their dynamics and impact on Russia's technological and industrial potential, as well as the negative consequences of committing crimes in the sphere of digital information are considered in the article. A wide use of information and communication technologies (ICT) is an integral requirement of time representing an indicator of the development of a modern economy, both private and national, i.e. state. However, an increase in the share of information crime interferes with the progressive development of ICT. When using the methodological approach in science, measures of general prevention, as well as measures of special prevention aimed at digital crime countering are singled out. The most effective of them are special preventive measures, such as the current criminal, criminal procedure and information legislation improvement; the judicial practice improvement; the creation of new and improvement of existing methods of investigation and prevention of digital security crimes; the qualified personnel training in the field of information security (including specialized research institutes and government agencies of the relevant areas); as well as the need to keep within the necessary information security limits by the users themselves, both in the workplace and in everyday communication. This article is devoted to discussing some of these special preventive measures.
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This paper explores the nature of groups engaged in cyber crime. It briefly outlines the definition and scope of cyber crime, theoretical and empirical challenges in addressing what is known about cyber offenders, and the likely role of organized crime groups. The paper gives examples of known cases that illustrate individual and group behaviour, and motivations of typical offenders, including state actors. Different types of cyber crime and different forms of criminal organization are described drawing on the typology suggested by McGuire (2012). It is apparent that a wide variety of organizational structures are involved in cyber crime. Enterprise or profit-oriented activities, and especially cyber crime committed by state actors, appear to require leadership, structure, and specialisation. By contrast, protest activity tends to be less organized, with weak (if any) chain of command.
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The purpose of the study is to substantiate that all types of offence and not only crimes have social danger. The achievement of this purpose should facilitate the normal functioning of the regime of legality and the legal order. Moreover, it will help the law enforcer not to bring to responsibility the offender whose actions only formally fall within the characteristics of corpus delicti and do not have social danger, which in its turn is consistant with the concept of a law-governed sate, fair law and fair justice. The obtained results will be useful for judges, prosecutors, students of law schools, legal practitioners. To achieve this purpose the following methods will be used: dialectical, comparative legal, formal legal. The use of the dialectical method allows to study the phenomenon in its complexity and interconnection with the practice and its development in social relations. The comparative legal method allows to go beyond the framework of the Russian Federation's legal system, to compare legislative definitions of offense in different countries and to identify their common features. The use of these methods has been tested by science and practice, which indicates their effective applicability to legal studies. To achieve this goal the article examines the social danger and its characteristics based on legislative definitions of an offence in different countries. It offers a comparative and legislative analysis of the concept of “offence” based on regulatory legal acts of different countries. The authors assert that all offences are not only crimes possess characteristics of social danger. A conclusion is made that a punishment which exceeds a criminal punishment cannot be imposed if an offence does not involve social danger. To a certain extent, we can judge about the nature and degree of social danger by the type of sanctions and the amount of adverse abridgment of rights that shall be imposed on the entity that has violated the legal norm. Social danger is a universal characteristic of an offence. Being a phenomenon of the real world, it does not depend on the legislation of a particular country nor on the type of its legal system. On the other hand, fixation of social danger in the law text depends on a legislator's will. Working out of a universal approach to social danger allows to avoid law enforcement mistakes, violations of human rights and freedoms, as well as facilitates integration of legal systems and the establishment of a law-governed state. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3p613
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Recent discussions of ‘cybercrime’ focus upon the apparent novelty or otherwise of the phenomenon. Some authors claim that such crime is not qualitatively different from ‘terrestrial crime’, and can be analysed and explained using established theories of crime causation. One such approach, oft cited, is the ‘routine activity theory’ developed by Marcus Felson and others. This article explores the extent to which the theory’s concepts and aetiological schema can be transposed to crimes committed in a ‘virtual’ environment. Substantively, the examination concludes that, although some of the theory’s core concepts can indeed be applied to cybercrime, there remain important differences between ‘virtual’ and ‘terrestrial’ worlds that limit the theory’s usefulness. These differences, it is claimed, give qualified support to the suggestion that ‘cybercrime’ does indeed represent the emergence of a new and distinctive form of crime.
The article analyzes the legislative and scientific definitions of the crime and other offences on the basis of comparative legal science. It substantiates that violations of criminal, administrative, civil, and other types of legislation have social danger. Social danger is an inherent characteristic of the offence not only according to the Russian legislation but also according to the legislation of other countries. The purpose of this article is to corroborate the presence of the social danger characteristic not only in one type of offences – a crime, but also in different types of offences by using legislation of Russia and other countries. Research methods. A dialectical method was applied in the process of the research, based on which phenomena and notions were defined in their integration and interconnection with social relations. Historical legal, formal legal, and comparative legal methods were used.
This chapter provides guidance for critical reading of the studies and survey results about computer crime. The chapter emphasizes that all studies about computer crime should be studied carefully before placing reliance on their results. Some important items to consider include the population of sampling, the self-selection bias, and testing for the assumptions of randomness, normality, and equality of variance. The chapter discusses different research methods applicable to computer crime. It highlights that interviewing individuals can provide a wealth of data that are unavailable through any other method. One can learn details of computer crime cases or motivations and techniques used by computer criminals. Interviews can be structured or unstructured. The chapter also discusses about surveys which consist of asking people to answer a fixed series of questions with lists of allowable answers. Surveys can be carried out face to face or by distributing and retrieving questionnaires by telephone, mail, fax, and email.
Which government agency should have primary responsibility for the Internet? The USA seems to have decided this question in favour of the military — the US military today has the largest concentration of expertise and legal authority with respect to cyberspace. Those in the legal community who support this development are divided as to the appropriate legal rules to guide the military in its oversight of the Internet. Specialists on the international law on the use of force argue that with analogy and interpretation, current international law can be applied in a way that allows great freedom without sending the message that the USA is acting lawlessly when it comes to the Internet. Others reject this argument as unnecessary and potentially too restrictive. The USA need not observe international law rules, especially not with respect to the Internet. The way forward is to follow the Cold War strategy of threatening enemies with overwhelming force and preparing to act on these threats. This article also questions the application of international law on the use of force to the Internet. Rather than rejecting international law in general, however, the thesis here is that international law rules governing economic activity and communications are the relevant ones for activity on the Internet. Moving away from military analogy in general and Cold War deterrence in particular, will result in the identification and application of rules with a far better chance of keeping the Internet open and safer for all.
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