... The theory builds on existing work on politically motivated cognition (e.g., Ditto, et al., 2019a, b;Kahan, 2017;Kahan, et al., 2017;Kunda, 1990;Taber and Lodge, 2006) but situates such work in a deeper theoretical framework rooted in coalitional psychology (Boyer, 2018;Cikara, 2021;Petersen, 2020;Pietraszewski, et al., 2015;Tooby & Cosmides, 2010) and the social functions of beliefs and reasoning (Butterworth, et al., 2022;Clark, et al., 2019;Funkhouser, 2017Funkhouser, , 2022Haidt, 2001;Hoffman & Yoeli, 2021;Mercier, 2020;Mercier and Sperber, 2017;Pinsof, et al., 2023;Simler and Hanson, 2016;Tetlock, 2002a;von Hippel and Trivers, 2011;Williams, 2021b). In this theory, party allegiances generate motivations to advocate for party interests. ...