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Behaviour & Information Technology
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Using artificially generated pictures in customer-
facing systems: an evaluation study with data-
driven personas
Joni Salminen , Soon-gyo Jung , Ahmed Mohamed Sayed Kamel , João M.
Santos & Bernard J. Jansen
To cite this article: Joni Salminen , Soon-gyo Jung , Ahmed Mohamed Sayed Kamel , João
M. Santos & Bernard J. Jansen (2020): Using artificially generated pictures in customer-facing
systems: an evaluation study with data-driven personas, Behaviour & Information Technology, DOI:
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Published online: 06 Nov 2020.
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Using artificially generated pictures in customer-facing systems: an evaluation
study with data-driven personas
Joni Salminen
, Soon-gyo Jung
, Ahmed Mohamed Sayed Kamel
, João M. Santos
and Bernard J. Jansen
Qatar Computing Research Institute, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar;
Turku School of Economics at the University of Turku, Turku,
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt;
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Lisbon, Portugal
We conduct two studies to evaluate the suitability of artificially generated facial pictures for use in
a customer-facing system using data-driven personas. STUDY 1 investigates the quality of a sample
of 1,000 artificially generated facial pictures. Obtaining 6,812 crowd judgments, we find that 90% of
the images are rated medium quality or better. STUDY 2 examines the application of artificially
generated facial pictures in data-driven personas using an experimental setting where the high-
quality pictures are implemented in persona profiles. Based on 496 participants using 4 persona
treatments (2 × 2 research design), findings of Bayesian analysis show that using the artificial
pictures in persona profiles did not decrease the scores for Authenticity, Clarity, Empathy, and
Willingness to Use of the data-driven personas.
Received 16 April 2020
Accepted 13 October 2020
Evaluation; human–
computer interaction; user
behaviour; human factors;
artificially generated facial
1. Introduction
There is tremendous research interest concerning artifi-
cial image generation (AIG). The state-of-the-art studies
in this field use Generative Adversarial Networks
(GANs) (Goodfellow et al. 2014) and Conditional
GANs (Lu, Tai, and Tang 2017) to generate images
that are promised to be photorealistic and easily deploy-
able. GANs have been applied, for example, to auto-
matically create art (Tan et al. 2017), cartoons (Liu
et al. 2018), medical images (Nie et al. 2017), and facial
pictures (Karras, Laine, and Aila 2019), the latter includ-
ing transformations such as increasing/decreasing a per-
son’s age or altering their gender (Antipov, Baccouche,
and Dugelay 2017; Choi et al. 2018; Isola et al. 2017).
Due its low cost, AIG provides novel opportunities for
a wide range of applications, including health-care (Nie
et al. 2017), advertising (Neumann, Pyromallis, and Alex-
ander 2018),anduseranalyticsforhumancomputer
interaction (HCI) and design purposes (Salminen et al.
2019a). However, despite the far-reaching interest in
AIG among academia and across industries, there is
scant research on evaluating the suitability of the generated
images for practical use in deployed systems.Thismeans
that the quality and impact of the artificial images on
user perceptions are often neglected, lacking user studies
of their deployment in real systems. This area of evalu-
ation is an overlooked but critical area of research, as it
is the ‘final step’of deployment that actually determines
if the quality of the AIG is good enough, as prior work
has shown the impact that pictures can have on real sys-
tems (King, Lazard, and White 2020). Therefore, the
impact of AIG on user experience (UX) and design appli-
cations is a largely unaddressed field of study, although
with work in related areas of empathy (Weiss and
Cohen 2019). For example, Weiss and Cohen (2019)
that aspects of empathy with subjects in videos is complex
in terms of encouraging or discouraging engagement with
the content.
Most typically, artificial pictures are evaluated using
technical metrics (Yuan et al. 2020) that are abstract
and do not reflect user perceptions or UX. An example
is the Frèchet inception distance (FID) (Heusel et al.
2017) that measures the similarity of two image distri-
butions (i.e. the generated set and the training set).
While metrics such as FID are without question necess-
ary for measuring the technical quality of the generated
images (Zhao et al. 2020), we argue there is also a sub-
stantial need for evaluating the user experience of the
pictures for real-world systems and applications.
In this regard, the user study tradition from HCI is
helpful –in addition to technical metrics, user-centric
metrics gauging UX and user perceptions (Ashraf, Jaa-
far, and Sulaiman 2019; Brauner et al. 2019) can be
deployed. The potential impact of AIG is
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
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CONTACT Bernard J. Jansen Education City Research Complex, Doha, Qatar
transformational, including domains of public relations,
marketing, advertising, ecommerce sites, retail bro-
chures, chatbots, virtual agents, design, and others.
The use of artificially generated facial images is generally
free of copyright restrictions and can allow for a wide
range of demographic diversity (age, gender, ethnicity).
Nonetheless, these benefits only hold if the pictures are
‘good enough’for real applications. Given the multiple
application areas of AIG, the results of an evaluation
study measuring the impact of artificial facial pictures
on UX is of immediate interest for researchers and prac-
titioners alike.
To address the call for user studies concerning AIG,
we carry out two evaluation studies: (a) one addressing
the overall perceived quality of artificial pictures among
crowd workers, and (b) another addressing user percep-
tions when implementing the pictures for data-driven
personas (DDPs). Our research question is: Are artifi-
cially generated facial pictures ‘good enough’for a system
requiring substantial images of people?
DDPs are personas imaginary people representing
real user segments, as defined traditionally in HCI
(Cooper 2004) created from social media and Web ana-
lytics data (An et al. 2018a,2018b). Although the DDP
process may vary system to system, most will have the
six major steps shown in Figure 1.
The advantage of DDPs, relative to traditional personas
(Brangier and Bornet 2011) that are manually created and
typically include 3–7 personas per set (Hong et al. 2018),
is that one can create hundreds of DDPs from the data to
reflect different behavioural and demographic nuances in
the underlying user population (Salminen et al. 2018b).
For example, a news organisation distributing its contents
in social media platforms to audiences originating from
dozens of countries can have dozens of audience segments
relevant for different decision-making scenarios in other
geographic areas (Salminen et al. 2018e). DDPs summar-
ise these segments into easily approachable human
profiles (see Figure 2 for example) that can be used within
the organisation to understand the persona’s needs (Niel-
sen 2019) and communicate (Salminen et al. 2018d)about
these needs as a part of user-centric decision making
(Idoughi, Seffah, and Kolski 2012).
One of the important issues for automatically creat-
ing DDPs from data is the availability of persona pic-
tures –since DDP systems can create dozens of
personas in near real time, there is a need for an inven-
tory of pictures to use when rendering the personas for
end users to view and interact with. Conceptually, this
leads to a need for an AIG module that creates suitable
persona pictures on demand (Salminen et al. 2019a).
However, prior to engaging in system development,
there is a need for ensuring that artificially generated
pictures are not detrimental to user perceptions of the
personas, or otherwise, one risks futile efforts with
immature technology. In a sense, therefore, the question
of picture quality for DDPs is also a question of feasi-
bility study (of implementation).
Note that pictures constitute an essential element of
the persona profile (Baxter, Courage, and Caine 2015;
Nielsen et al. 2015). Pictures are instrumental for the
persona to appear believable, and they have been
found impactful for central persona perceptions, such
as empathy (Probster, Haque, and Marsden 2018).
Therefore, DDPs require these pictures in order to
realise the many benefits associated with the use of per-
sonas in the HCI literature (Long 2009; Nielsen and
Storgaard Hansen 2014).
To evaluate the quality,wefirst generate a sample of
1,000 artificial facial pictures using a state-of-the-art
generator. To evaluate this sample, we then obtain
6,812 judgments from crowdworkers. To evaluate user
perceptions, we conduct a 2 × 2 experiment with DDPs
with a real/artificial picture. For measurement of user
perceptions, we deploy the Persona Perception Scale
(PPS) instrument (Salminen et al. 2018c) to gauge the
impact of artificial pictures on the DDPs’authenticity
and clarity, as well as the sense of empathy, and willing-
ness to use among the online pool of respondents.
Thus, our research goal is to evaluate artificially gener-
ated pictures across multiple dimensions for deployment
in DDPs. Note that our goal is not to make a technical
AIG contribution. Rather, we apply a pre-existing method
for persona profiles and then evaluate the results for user
perceptions. So, our contribution is in the area of practical
design and implementation of AIG.
Note also that even though we focus on DDPs in this
research, many other domains and use cases have simi-
lar needs in terms of requiring large collections of
diverse facial images, including HCI and human-robot
interaction such as avatars (Ablanedo et al. 2018;Şen-
gün 2014; Sengün 2015), robots (dos Santos et al.
2014;Duffy2003;Edwards et al. 2016; Holz, Dragone,
and O’Hare 2009), and chatbots (Araujo 2018; Go and
Shyam Sundar 2019; Shmueli-Scheuer et al. 2018;
Zhou et al. 2019a). Thus, our evaluation study has a
cross-sectional value for other design purposes where
artificial facial pictures would be useful.
2. Related literature
2.1. Lack of evaluation studies for artificial
To quantify the need for evaluation studies of AIG in
real systems, we carried out a scoping review (Bazzano
et al. 2017) by extracting information from 20 research
articles that generate artificial facial pictures. The
articles were retrieved via Google Scholar using relevant
search phrases (‘automatic image generation + faces’,
‘facial image creation’,‘artificial picture generation +
face’, etc.) and focusing on peer-reviewed conference/
journal articles published between 2015 and 2019. The
list of articles, along with the extracted evaluation
methods, is provided in Supplementary Material.
Results show that evaluation methods in these
articles almost always contain one or more technical
metrics (90%, N= 18) and always a short, subjective
evaluation by the authors (100%, N= 20), in the line
of ‘manual inspection revealed some errors but gener-
ally good quality’(not an actual quote). Among the 20
articles, less than half (45%, N= 9) measured actual
human perceptions (typically using crowdsourced rat-
ings). More importantly, none of the articles provided
an evaluation study that would implement the generated
pictures into a real system or application. The results of
this scoping review thus show a general lack of user
studies for practical evaluation of AIG in real systems
or use cases (0% of the research we could locate did so).
As stated, the evaluation of AIG focuses on technical
metrics (Gao et al. 2020) of image generation (e.g. incep-
tion score (Dey et al. 2019;DiandPatel2017;Salimans
et al. 2016;Yinetal.2017), FID (Dey et al. 2019;Karras,
Laine, and Aila 2019;Linetal.2019), Euclidean distance
(Gecer et al. 2018), cosine similarity (Dey et al. 2019),
reconstruction errors (Chen et al. 2019; Lee et al. 2018),
or accuracy of face recognition (Di, Sindagi, and Patel
2018;Liuetal.2017)). Many of the technical metrics
are said to have various strengths and weaknesses (Barratt
and Sharma 2018; Karras, Laine, and Aila 2019;
Shmelkov, Schmid, and Alahari 2018;Zhangetal.
2018). The main weakness is that they do not capture
user perceptions or UX ramifications of the pictures in
real applications. This is because the technical metrics
are not directly related to end-user experience when the
user is observing the pictures within the context of their
intended use (e.g. as part of DDPs).
Human evaluation studies, on the other hand, tend to
focus on comparing the outputs of different algorithms,
again ignoring the importance of context on the evalu-
ation results. Typically, participants are asked to rank
pictures produced using different algorithms from best
to worst (Li et al. 2018; Liu et al. 2017; Zhou et al.
2019b) or rate the pictures by user perception metrics,
such as realism, overall quality, and identity (Yin et al.
2017; Zhou et al. 2019b). For example, Li et al. (2018)
recruited 84 volunteers to rank three generated images
out of 10 non-makeup and 20 makeup test images
based on quality, realism, and makeup style similarity.
Lee et al. (2018) employed a similar approach by asking
users which image is more realistic out of samples cre-
ated using different generation methods. Similarly,
Choi et al. (2018) asked crowd workers in Amazon
Mechanical Turk (AMT) to rank the generated images
based on realism, quality of attribute transfer (hair col-
our, gender, or age), and preservation of the person’s
original identity. The participants were shown four
images at a time, generated using different methods.
Zhang et al. (2018) conducted a two-alternative forced
choice (2AFC) test by asking AMT participants which
of the provided pictures is more similar to a reference
On rarer instances, user perception metrics, such as
realism, overall quality, and identity have been
deployed. For example, Zhou et al. (2019) evaluated
the quality of their generated results by asking if the
participants consider the generated faces as realistic
(‘yes’or ‘no’). In their study, 88.4% of the pictures
were considered realistic. Iizuka, Simo-Serra, and Ishi-
kawa (2017) recruited ten volunteers to evaluate the
‘naturalness’of the generated pictures; the volunteers
were asked to guess if a picture was real or generated.
Overall, 77% of the generated pictures were deemed to
be real. Yin et al. (2017) asked students to compare 100
generated pictures with original pictures along with
three criteria: (1) saliency (the degree of the attributes
that has been changed in the picture), (2) quality (the
overall quality of the picture), and (3) identity (if the
generated and the original picture are the same per-
son). Their AIG method achieved an average quality
rating of 4.20 out of 5. While these studies are closer
to the realm of UX, we could not locate previous
research that would (a) investigate the effect of artificial
pictures on UX of a real system, or (b) evaluate the
impact of using artificially generated pictures on user
perceptions.However, evaluating AIG approaches for
user perceptions and UX in real systems, is crucial
for determining the success of AIG in real usage con-
texts for design, HCI, and various other areas of appli-
cation (Özmen and Yucel 2019).
Figure 1. Data-driven persona development approach. Six-step process common for most DDP methods.
2.2. Data-driven persona development
A persona is a fictive person that describes a user or cus-
tomer segment (Cooper 1999). Originating from HCI,
personas are used in various domains, such as user
experience/design (Matthews, Judge, and Whittaker
2012), marketing (Jenkinson 1994), and online analytics
(Salminen et al. 2018b) to increase the empathy by
designers, software developers, marketers (etc.) toward
the users or customers of a product (Dong, Kelkar,
and Braun 2007). Personas make it possible for decision
makers to see use cases ‘through the eyes of the user’
(Goodwin 2009) and facilitate communication between
team members through shared mental models (Pruitt
and Adlin 2006). Researchers are increasingly develop-
ing methodologies for DDPs (McGinn and Kotamraju
2008; Zhang, Brown, and Shankar 2016) and automatic
persona generation (An et al. 2018a; An et al. 2018b),
mainly due to the increase in the availability of online
user data and to increase the robustness of personas
given the alternative forms of user understanding
(Jansen, Salminen, and Jung 2020). DDPs typically
leverage quantitative social media and online analytics
data to create personas that represent users or custo-
mers of a specific channel
(Salminen et al. 2017).
Regarding the development of DDPs, for the generated
pictures to be useful for personas, they need to be ‘taken
for real’, meaning that they do not hinder the user per-
ceptions of the personas (e.g. not reduce the persona’s
2.3. Persona user perceptions
Evaluation of user perceptions has been noted as a
major concern of personas. Scholars have observed
that personas need justification, mainly for their accu-
racy and usefulness in real organisations and usage
scenarios (Chapman and Milham 2006; Friess 2012;
Matthews, Judge, and Whittaker 2012). Prior research
typically examines persona user perceptions via case
studies (Faily and Flechais 2011; Jansen, Van Mechelen,
Figure 2. Example of DDP. The persona has a picture (stock photo in this example), name, age, text description, topics of interest,
quotes, most viewed contents, and audience size. The picture is purchased and downloaded manually from an online photobank;
the practical goal of this research is to replace manual photo curation through automatic image generation.
and Slegers 2017; Nielsen and Storgaard Hansen 2014),
ethnography (Friess 2012), usability standards (Long
2009), or using statistical evaluation (An et al. 2018b;
Brickey, Walczak, and Burgess 2012; Zhang, Brown,
and Shankar 2016). For example, Friess (2012) investi-
gated the adoption of personas among designers. Long
(2009) measured the effectiveness of using personas as
a design tool, using Nielsen’s usability heuristics. Niel-
sen et al. (2017) analyze the match between journalists’
preconceptions and personas created from the audience
data, whereas Chapman et al. (2008) evaluate personas
as quantitative information. While these evaluation
approaches are interesting, survey methods provide a
lucrative alternative for understanding how end users
perceive personas. Survey research typically measures
perceptions as latent constructs, apt for measurement
of attitudes and perceptions that cannot be directly
observed (Barrett 2007). This approach seems intui-
tively compatible with personas, as researchers have
reported several attitudinal perceptions concerning
personas (Salminen et al. 2019c). These are captured
in the PPS survey instrument (Salminen et al. 2018c; Sal-
minen et al. 2019f; Salminen et al. 2019g) that includes
eight constructs and twenty-eight items to measure user
perceptions of personas. We deploy this instrument in
this research, as it covers essential user perceptions in
the persona context.
2.4. Hypotheses
Following prior persona research, we formulate the fol-
lowing hypotheses to test persona user perceptions.
.H01: Using artificial pictures does not decrease the
authenticity of the persona. HCI research has
shown that authenticity (or credibility,believability)
is a crucial issue for persona acceptance in real organ-
isations —if the personas come across as ‘fake’,
decision makers are unlikely to adopt them for use
(Chapman and Milham 2006; Matthews, Judge, and
Whittaker 2012). This is especially relevant for our
context because personas already are fictitious people
describing real user groups (An et al. 2018b), so we
need to ensure that enhancing these fictitious people
with artificially generated pictures does not further
risk the perception of realism.
.H02: Using artificial pictures does not decrease the
clarity of the persona profile. For personas to be use-
ful, they should not be abstract or misleading (Mat-
thews, Judge, and Whittaker 2012). HCI researchers
have found that personas with inconsistent infor-
mation make end users of personas confused (Salmi-
nen et al. 2018d; Salminen et al. 2019b). Again, we
need to ensure that artificial pictures do not make
persona profiles more ‘messy’or unclear for the
end users.
.H03: Using artificial pictures does not decrease
empathy towards the persona. Empathy is con-
sidered, among HCI scholars, as a key advantage of
personas compared to other forms of presenting
user data (Cooper 1999; Nielsen 2019). The generated
personas need to ‘resonate’with end users to make a
real impact. Therefore, to be successful, artificial pic-
tures should not reduce the sense of empathy towards
the persona.
.H04: Using artificial pictures does not decrease the
willingness to use the persona. Willingness to use
(WTU) is a crucial construct for the adoption of per-
sonas for practical decision making (Rönkkö 2005;
Rönkkö et al. 2004). HCI research has shown that if
persona users do not show a willingness to learn
more about the persona for their task at hand, per-
sona creation risks remaining a futile exercise
(Rönkkö et al. 2004).
Overall, ranking high on these perceptions is con-
sidered positive (desirable) within the HCI literature.
This leads to defining the ‘good enough’quality of artifi-
cial pictures in the DDP context such that a‘good
enough’picture quality does not decrease (a) the authen-
ticity (i.e. the persona is still considered as ‘real’as with
real photographs), (b) clarity of the persona profile, (c)
the sense of empathy felt toward the persona, or (d) the
willingness to learn more about the persona. In other
words, it is the design goal of replacing real photographs
with artificial pictures in the context of personas, with
the concept being transferrable to other domains.
3. Methodology
3.1. Overview of evaluation steps
Our evaluation of picture quality consists of two separ-
ate studies: (1) crowdsourced evaluation study of AIG
quality, and (2) user study measuring the perceptions
of an online panel concerning personas with artificially
generated pictures. The latter study tests if DDPs are
perceived differently when using artificial pictures,
while addressing the hypotheses presented in the pre-
vious section.
3.2. Research context
Our research context is a DDP system: Automatic Per-
sona Generation (APG
). As a DDP system, APG
requires thousands of realistic facial pictures to produce
a wide range of believable persona profiles for client
organisations (Pruitt and Adlin 2006) covering a wide
range of ages and ethnicities. An overview of the typical
DDP development process is presented in Figure 3.
A practical limitation of APG is the need for manu-
ally acquiring facial pictures for the persona profiles
(Salminen et al. 2019a). Because the pictures for APG
are acquired from online stock photo banks (e.g. iStock-
Photo,, etc.), manual effort is required to
curate a large number of pictures. A large number of
pictures is needed because APG can generate thousands
of personas for client organisations –for each persona, a
unique facial picture is required. Organisations over a
lengthy period can have dozens of unique personas.
Using stock photo banks also involves a financial cost
(ranging from $1 to $20 USD per picture), making pic-
ture curation both time-consuming and costly. Given
the goal of fully automated persona generation (Salmi-
nen et al. 2019a), there is a practical need for automatic
image generation.
Thus, we evaluate the automatically generated facial
pictures for use in APG (Jung et al. 2018a; Jung et al.
2018b). APG generates personas from online analytics
and social media data. Figure 2 shows an example of a
persona generated using the system. The practical pur-
pose of automatically generated images is to replace
the manual curation of persona profile pictures, saving
time and money. Note that the cost and effort are not
unique problems of APG, but generalise to all similar
images systems, as the pictures need to be provided
for each new persona generated.
3.3. Deploying StyleGAN for persona pictures
For AIG, we utilise a pre-trained version of StyleGAN
(Karras, Laine, and Aila 2019), a state-of-the-art gen-
erator that represents a leap towards photorealistic
facial pictures and can be freely accessed on GitHub.
StyleGAN was chosen for this research because (a) it
is a leap toward generating photorealistic facial images,
especially relative to the previous state-of-art, (b) the
trained model is publicly available, and (c) its deploy-
ment is robust for possible use in real systems. Style-
GAN generated the images, so this is a back end
We use a pretrained model from the creators of Sty-
leGAN (Karras, Laine, and Aila 2019). This model was
trained on CelebA-HQ and FFHQ datasets using eight
Tesla V100 GPUs. It is implemented in TensorFlow,
an open-source machine learning library and is avail-
able in a GitHub repository.
We access this pre-trained
model via the GitHub repository that contains the
model and the required source code to run it.
Our goal is to use this pre-trained model to generate
a sample of 1,000 realistic facial pictures. The method of
applying the published code to generate the pictures is
straightforward. We provide the exact steps below to
facilitate replication studies:
•Step 1: Import the required Python packages (os,
pickle,numpy, from PIL:Image,dnnlib).
•Step 2: Define the parameters and paths
•Step 3: Initialize the environment and load the pre-
trained StyleGAN model.
•Step 4: Set random states and generate new random
input. Randomization is needed because the model
always generates the same face for a particular input
vector. To generate unique images, a unique set of
input arrays should be provided. This is done by setting
a random state equal to the current number of iter-
ations, which allows us to have unique images and
reproducible results at the same time.
•Step 5: Generate images using the random input array
created in the previous step.
•Steps 6: Save the generated images as files to the out-
put folder. We use the resolution of 1024 × 1024 pixels.
Other available resolutions are 512 × 512 px and 256 ×
256 px.
Figure 3. APG data and processing flowchart from server configuration to data collection and persona generation.
The above steps with the mentioned parameters
enable us to generate artificial pictures with similar
quality to those in the StyleGAN research paper (Karras,
Laine, and Aila 2019). For replicability, we are sharing
the Python code we used for AIG in Supplementary
4. STUDY 1: crowdsourced evaluation
4.1. Method
We evaluate the human-perceived quality of 1,000 gener-
ated facial pictures. To facilitate comparison with prior
work using human evaluation for artificial pictures
(Choi et al. 2018; Song et al. 2019; Zhang et al. 2018),
we opt for crowdsourcing, using Figure Eight to collect
the ratings. This platform has been widely used for gath-
ering manually annotated training data (Alam, Ofli, and
Imran 2018) and ratings (Salminen et al. 2018a) in var-
ious subdomains of computer science. The pictures
were shown in the full 1024 × 1024 pixels format to pro-
vide the crowd raters enough detail for a valid evaluation.
The following task description was provided to the crowd
raters, including the quality criteria and examples:
You are shown a facial picture of a person. Look at the
picture and choose how well it represents a real person.
The options:
.5: Perfect—the picture is indistinguishable from a
real person.
.4: High quality—the picture has minor defects, but
overall it’s pretty close to a real person.
.3: Medium quality—the picture has some flaws that
suggest it’s not a real person.
.2: Low quality—the picture has severe malformations
or defects that instantly show it’s a fake picture.
.1: Unusable—the picture does not represent a person
at all.
We also clarified to the participants that the use case
is to find realistic pictures specifically for persona
profiles, explaining that these are descriptive people of
some user segment. Additionally, we indicated in the
title that the task is to evaluate artificial pictures of
people, to manage the expectations of the crowd raters
accordingly (Pitkänen and Salminen 2013). Other than
the persona aspect, these are similar to guidelines used
in prior work to facilitate image comparisons.
Following the quality control guidelines for crowd-
sourcing by Huang, Weber, and Vieweg (2014) and
Alonso (2015), we implemented suitable parameters in
the Figure Eight platform. We also enabled Dynamic
judgments, meaning the platform automatically collects
more ratings when there is a higher disagreement
among the raters. Based on the results of a pilot study
with 100 pictures, not used in the final research, we
set the maximum number of ratings to 5 and confidence
goal to 0.65. The default number of raters was three, so
the platform only went to 5 raters if a 0.65 confidence
was not achieved.
4.2. Results
We spent $266.98 USD to obtain 6,812 crowdsourced
image ratings. This was the number of evaluations
from trusted contributors, not including the test ques-
tions. Note that if the accuracy of a crowd rater’s ratings
relative to the test questions falls below the minimum
accuracy threshold (in our case, 80%), the rater is dis-
qualified, and the evaluations become untrusted.
There were 423 untrusted judgments (6% of the total
submitted ratings), i.e. ratings coming from contribu-
tors that continuously fail to correctly rate the test pic-
tures. Thus, 94% of the total ratings were deemed
trustworthy. The majority label for each rated picture
is assigned by comparing the confidence-adjusted rat-
ings of each available class, calculated as follows:
Confidenceclass =
where the confidence score of the class is given by the
sum of the trust scores from all nraters of that picture.
The trust score is based on a crowdworker’s historical
accuracy (relative to test questions) on all the jobs he/
she has participated in. For example, if the confidence
score of ‘perfect’is 0.66 and ‘medium quality’is 0.72,
then the chosen majority label is ‘medium quality’
(0.72 > 0.66).
The results (see Table 1) show ‘High quality’as the
most frequent class. Sixty percent (60%) of the generated
pictures are rated as either ‘Perfect’or ‘High quality’. The
average quality score was 3.7 out of 5 (SD = 0.91) when
calculated from majority votes and 3.8 when calculated
from all the ratings. 9.9% of the pictures were rated as
‘Low quality’, and none was rated as ‘Unusable’.
4.3. Reliability analysis
To assess the reliability of the crowd ratings, we
measured the interrater agreement of the quality ratings
among crowdworkers. For this, we used two metrics:
Gwet’sAC1(AC1) and percentage agreement (PA).
Using AC1 is appropriate when the outcome is ordinal,
the number of ratings varies across items (Gwet 2008)
and where the Kappa metric is low despite a high level
of agreement (Banerjee et al. 1999; Salminen et al.
2018a). Because of these properties, we chose AC1
with ordinal weights as the interrater agreement metric.
In addition, PA was calculated as a simple baseline
measure. Standard errors were used to construct the
95% confidence interval (CI) for AC1. For PA, 95% CI
was calculated using 100 bootstrapped samples.
Results (see Table 2) show a high PA agreement
(86.2%). The interrater reliability was 0.627, in the
range of good (i.e. 0.6−0.8) (Wongpakaran et al.
2013). The results were statistically significant (p<
0.001), with the probability of observing such results
by chance is less than 0.1%. Therefore, the crowd ratings
can be considered to have satisfactory internal validity.
However, the quality of some pictures is more easily
agreed upon than others. When stratified, the overall
agreement and AC1 were similar across low,moderate,
and high quality labels (PA ∼85%, and AC1 ∼0.75).
However, the agreement was lower when the picture
was rated perfect (PA = 76.7%, AC1 = 0.498). This
implies that ‘perfect’is more difficult to determine
than the other rating labels.
5. STUDY 2: effects on persona perceptions
5.1. Experiment design
We created two base personas using the APG (An et al.
2018b) methodology described previously; one male
and one female. We leave the evaluation of other gen-
ders for future research. The experiment variable is
the use of an artificial image in the persona profile.
The other elements of the persona profiles are identical
between the two treatments. For this, we manipulated
the base personas by introducing either (a) a real photo-
graph of a person or (b) a demographically matching
artificial picture (see Figure 4).
The demographic match was determined manually
by two researchers who judged that the chosen pictures
were similar for gender, age, and race. Using a modified
Delphi method, a seed image of either a real or article
picture was select using the meta-data attributes of gen-
der, age, and race. The researchers independently
selected matching images for each. The two researchers
then jointed selected the mutually agreed upon image
for the treatments. The artificial pictures were chosen
from the ones rated ‘perfect’by the crowd raters. The
real photos were sourced from online repositories,
with Creative Commons license.
In total, four persona treatments were created: Male
Persona with Real Picture (MPR), Male Persona with
Artificial Picture (MPA), Female Persona with Real Pic-
ture (FPR), and Female Persona with Artificial Picture
(FPA). The created personas were mixed into four
.Sequence 1: MPR →FPA
.Sequence 2: MPA →FPR
.Sequence 3: FPR →MPA
.Sequence 4: FPA →MPR
Each participant was randomly assigned to one of the
sequences. To counterbalance the dataset, we ensured
an even number of participants (N= 520/4 = 130) for
each sequence. Technically, the participants self-
selected the sequence, as each participant could only
take one survey. The participants were excluded from
answering in more than one survey based on their
(anonymous) Respondent ID. The gender distribution
for each of the four sequences, as shown: S1 (M:
Table 1. The results of crowd evaluation based on a majority vote of the picture quality. Most frequent class bolded. Example facial
image from each of the 5 classes shown for comparison.
Table 2. Agreement metrics for the crowdsourced ratings
showing satisfactory internal validity.
Measure Value SE 95% CI P
PA 86.2% 0.6% 85.27%, 87.2%
AC1 0.627 0.017 0.59, 0.66 <0.001
41.5% F: 58.5%), S2 (M: 39.0% F: 61.0%), S3 (M: 39.8%
F:60.2%), S4 (M: 34.5% F: 64.5%).
5.2. Recruitment of participants
We created a survey for each sequence. In each sur-
vey, we (a) explain to participants what the research
is about and what personas are (‘a persona is defined
as a fictive person describing a specificcustomer
group’). Then, we (b) show an example persona with
explanations of the content, and (c) explain the task
scenario (‘Imagine that you are creating a YouTube
video for the target group that the persona you will
be shown next describes’.). After this, (d) the partici-
pants are shown one of the four treatments, asked
to review the information carefully, and complete
the PPS questionnaire.
In total, 520 participants were recruited using
Prolific, an online survey platform often applied in
social science research (Palan and Schitter 2018).
Prolific was chosen for this evaluation step (as opposed
to previously used Figure Eight), as it provides back-
ground information of the participants (e.g. gender,
age) that can be deployed for further analyses. The aver-
age age of the participants was 35 years old (SD = 7.2),
with 59.1% being female, overall. The nationality of
the participants was the United Kingdom, they had at
least an undergraduate degree, and none were students.
We verified the quality of the answers using an attention
check question (‘It’s important that you pay attention to
this study. Please select “Slightly agree”’.). Out of 520
answers, 19 (3.7%) failed the attention check; these
answers were removed. In addition, five answers were
timed out by the Prolific platform. Therefore, we
ended up with 496 qualified participants (95.4% of the
5.3. Measurement
The perceptions are measured using the PPS (Salminen
et al. 2018c), a survey instrument measuring what indi-
viduals think about specific personas (see Table 3). The
PPS has previously deployed in several persona exper-
iments (see [Salminen et al. 2019f; Salminen et al.
2019g]). Note that the authenticity construct is similar
to constructs in earlier artificial image evaluation –
specifically to realism (Zhou et al. 2019b) and natural-
ness (Iizuka, Simo-Serra, and Ishikawa 2017). However,
the other constructs expand the perceptions typically
used for image evaluation. In this sense, the hypotheses
(a) add novelty to the measurement of user perceptions
regarding the employment of artificial images in a real
system output, and (b) are relevant for the design and
use of personas.
5.4. Analysis procedure
The participants were grouped based on the persona
presented (either the male or the female one), and
whether the persona picture was artificial or real. The
data was re-arranged to disentangle the gender of the
persona, leading to one male-persona dataset (with a
‘real’and an ‘artificial’group), and a female-persona
dataset with similar groups. This allowed the usage of
a standard MANOVA (Hair et al. 2009) to determine
whether the measurements differed across artificial
and real pictures; both genders were analysed
To enhance the robustness of the findings, Bayesian
independent samples tests were used to estimate
Bayesian Factors (BF), comparing the likelihoods
between the null and alternative hypotheses (Lee
2014). A Naïve Bayes approach was employed with
regards to priors.
Figure 4. Artificial male picture [A], Real male picture [B], Artificial female picture [C], and Real female picture [D]. Among the male/
female personas, all other content in the persona profile was the same except the picture that alternated between Artificial and Real.
Pictures of the full persona profiles are provided in Supplementary Material.
5.5. Results
Male persona: Beginning with the multivariate tests, no
significant effects were registered for Type of Picture
(Pillai’s Trace = 0.017, F(5, 476) = 1.651,
p=0.017, p
= 0.145), indicating that none of the measurements
differed across male real and artificial pictures for the
persona profile. Nevertheless, we proceeded with an
analysis of univariate tests, which confirmed that none
of the measurements differed across types of pictures.
The univariate differences for between-subjects are
summarised in Table 4.
The lack of differences in scale ratings (see Figure 5)
also indicates that the use of real or artificial pictures
results in no differences for authenticity,clarity,empa-
thy,orwillingness to use for the male persona.
The Bayesian analysis on the male persona indicates
strong lack of evidence for differences regarding clarity
(BF = 13.856; F(1, 480) = 0.002; p= 0.965) and willing-
ness to use (BF = 10.030; F(1, 480) = 0.658; p= 0.418),
and moderate lack of evidence for differences regarding
authenticity (BF = 5.126; F(1, 480) = 2.023; p= 0.156)
and empathy (BF = 5.040; F(1, 480) = 2.057; p= 0.152)
(Jeffreys 1998).
Female persona: Beginning with the multivariate
tests, unlike with the male persona, significant effects
were registered for Type of Picture (Pillai’s Trace =
0.051, F(5, 476) = 5.081,
p=0.051, p< 0.001),
indicating that at least one of the measurements differed
between real and artificial pictures for the female per-
sona. Thus, we proceeded with univariate testing to
determine which of the measurements exhibited differ-
ences across picture type (see Table 4). Authenticity had
significant differences across types of picture (BF =
0.032; F(1, 480) = 12.479, p< 0.001). Artificial female
pictures were perceived as more authentic (M= 5.075,
SD = 1.016) than real pictures (M= 4.711, SD = 1.235).
None of the other measurements differed across types
of pictures. Figure 6 illustrates the comparison between
the two groups for the female persona.
This was corroborated by the Bayesian Factors that
indicate that strong lack of evidence regarding differ-
ences for clarity (BF = 13.865; F(1, 480) = 0.001, p=
0.980) and willingness to use (BF = 13.828; F(1, 480) =
0.006, p= 0.938), and moderate lack of evidence for
empathy (BF = 8.290; F(1, 480) = 1.045, p= 0.307) (Jeffr-
eys 1998).
Finally, as one the statements in PPS specifically dealt
with the picture of the persona (Item 3: ‘The picture of the
persona looks authentic’.), we inspected the mean scores
of this statement separately. In line with our other
findings, the artificial female persona picture is in fact
considered to be more authentic than the real photo-
graph (M
= 5.74 vs. M
= 4.89). This difference is
statistically significant (t(480) = 6.896, p< 0.001). For
Table 3. Survey statements. The participants answered using a 7-point Likert scale, ranging from Strongly
Disagree to Strongly Agree. The statements were validated in (Salminen et al. 2018c). WTU –willingness to
Perception Statements
Authenticity The persona seems like a real person.
I have met people like this persona.
The picture of the persona looks authentic.
The persona seems to have a personality.
Clarity The information about the persona is well presented.
The text in the persona profile is clear enough to read.
The information in the persona profile is easy to understand.
Empathy I feel like I understand this persona.
I feel strong ties to this persona.
I can imagine a day in the life of this persona.
Willingness To Use I would like to know more about this persona.
This persona would improve my ability to make decisions about the customers it describes.
I would make use of this persona in my task [of creating a YouTube video].
Table 4. Univariate tests for between-subjects effects (df(error) = 1(480)).
Male persona Female persona
Independent variable Dependent variable F
pp-value F
pp- value
Type of Picture (real or artificial) Authenticity 2.023 0.004 0.156 12.479 0.025 <0.001
Clarity 0.002 <0.001 0.965 0.001 <0.001 0.980
Empathy 2.057 0.004 0.152 1.045 0.002 0.307
WTU 0.658 0.001 0.418 0.006 <0.001 0.938
the male persona, differences are minimal (M
= 5.11
vs. M
= 5.14) and not statistically significant (t(480)
=−0.187, p= 0.851).
In summary, for H01, there were no significant differ-
ences in the perceptions for the male persona; however,for
the female persona, artificial pictures actually increased the
perceived authenticity. For the other perceptions, there
was no significant change when replacing the real photo
with the artificially generated picture. Therefore,
.There was no evidence that using artificial pictures
decrease the perceived authenticity of the persona
(H01: supported).
.There was no evidence that using artificial pictures
decrease the clarity of the persona profile (H02:
.There was no evidence that using artificial pictures
decrease empathy towards the persona (H03: supported).
.There was no evidence that using artificial pictures
decrease the willingness to use the persona (H04).
6. Discussion
6.1. Can artificial pictures be used for DDPs?
Our analysis focuses on a timely problem in a relevant,
yet underexplored area. However, it is one of increasing
importance in a media rich online environment
(Church, Iyer, and Zhao 2019). The impact of artificial
facial pictures on user perceptions has not been studied
thoroughly in previous HCI design literature. The lack
of applied user studies is understandable given that
until recently, the generated facial pictures were not
close to realistic, so the research focus was on improving
algorithms. However, as the quality of the facial pictures
improves, the focus ought to shift towards evaluation
studies in real-world use cases, systems, and appli-
cations. As there is a lack of literature in this regard,
the research presented here contains a step forward in
analysing the use of artificially facial generated pictures
in real systems.
In terms of results, the crowd evaluation suggests that
more than half of the artificial pictures are considered as
either perfect or high quality. The ratio of ‘perfect and
high-quality’pictures to the rest is around 1.5, implying
that most of the pictures are satisfactory according to
the guidelines we provided. The persona perception
analysis shows that the use of artificial pictures vs. real
pictures in persona profiles does not reduce the authen-
ticity of the persona or people’s willingness to use the
persona, two crucial concerns of persona applicability.
Therefore, we find the state-of-the-art of AIG satisfac-
tory for a persona and most likely for other systems
requiring the substantial use of facial images. So, it is
possible to replace the need for manually retrieving pic-
tures from online photo banks with a process of auto-
matically generated pictures.
6.2. Gender differences in perception
Regarding the female persona with an artificial picture
being perceived as more authentic, we surmise that
there might be a ‘stock photo’effect involved, rather
than a gender effect. This proposition is backed up by
previous findings of stock photos being perceived differ-
ently by individuals than non-stock photos (Salminen
et al. 2019f). Visually, to the respondents, the real
photo chosen for the female persona appears different
from the one chosen for the male persona (see Figure
4). It is difficult to explain or quantify why this is. We
interpret this finding such that the choice of pictures
for a persona profile, and perhaps other system contexts,
is a delicate matter; even small nuances can affect user
This interpretation is generally in line with previous
HCI research regarding the foundational impact of
photos in persona profiles (Hill et al. 2017; Salminen
et al. 2018d;Salminen et al. 2019b). Possibly, stock
photos can appear, at times, less realistic than photos
of ‘real people’because they are ‘too shiny, too perfect’
Figure 5. Means of the scale variables for the male persona.
Error bars indicate standard error.
Figure 6. Means of the scale variables for the female persona.
Error bars indicate standard error.
(or ‘too smiling’[Salminen et al. 2019e]). Thus, if the
generator’s outputs are closer to real people than stock
photos in their appearance, it is possible that these pic-
tures are deemed more realistic than stock photos. How-
ever, this does not explain why the effect was found for
the female persona and not for the male one. The only
way to establish if there is a gender effect that influences
perceptions of stock photos is to conduct repeated
experiments with stock photos of different people. In
addition to repeated experiments, for future research,
the gender difference suggests another variable to con-
sider: ‘the degree of photo-editing’or ‘shiny factor’
(i.e. how polished the stock photo is and how this
affects persona perceptions). The proper adjustment of
this variable is best ensured via a manipulation check.
6.3. Wider implications for HCI and system
In a broader context, the manuscript contributes to
evaluating a machine learning tool for UX/UI design
work. For the use of artificial images, guidelines are
.Solutions for Mitigating Subjectivity: The results
indicate that evaluating the quality of artificial facial
pictures contains a moderate to a high level of subjec-
tivity, making reliable evaluation for production sys-
tems costlier. We hypothesise that there will always
be some degree of subjectivity, as individuals vary
in their ability to pay attention to details. This can
be partially remedied by choosing the pictures with
the highest agreement between the raters,orusing a
binary rating scale (i.e. ‘good enough’vs. ‘not good
enough’) as the agreement is generally easier to
obtain with fewer classes (Alonso 2015). The
observed ‘disagreement’may be partly fallacious
because people might agree whether a picture is
either usable (4 or 5) or non-usable (1 or 2), but
the exact agreement between 4 or 5, for example, is
lower. As stated, for practical purposes, it does not
matter if a picture is ‘Perfect’or ‘High quality’,as
both classes are decent, at least for this use case.
.Handling of Borderline Cases. Regarding pictures to
use in a production system, we recommend a border-
line principle: if in doubt of the picture quality, reject
it. The marginal cost of generating new pictures is
diminishingly low but showing a low-quality picture
decreases user experience, sometimes drastically. For
this reason, the economics of automatic image gener-
ation are in favour of rejecting borderline images
more than letting through distorted images. How-
ever, rejecting borderline images does increase the
total cost of evaluation because to obtain nuseful pic-
tures, one now has to obtain n× (1 + false positive
rate) ratings, which is (n× (1 + false positive rate) –
n)/nratings more than nratings. Additionally, as
we have shown, the higher the disagreement among
the crowd raters, the more ratings required.
.Final Choice for Human. In evaluating the suitability of
artificial pictures for use in real applications, domain
expertise is needed because, irrespective of quality
guidelines, the crowd may have different quality stan-
dards than domain experts. For example, the crowd
can be used to filter out low-quality photos, but the ‘bet-
ter’quality photos should be evaluated specifically by
domain experts, as different domains likely have differ-
ent quality standards. For personas, the pictures need to
be of high quality, but when implementing them for the
system, they are cropped into a smaller resolution that
helps obfuscate minor errors.
6.4. Future research avenues
The following avenues for future research are proposed.
.Suitability in Other Domains. For example, how do
quality standards and requirements by users and
organizations differ across domains and use cases?
How well are artificial (‘fake’) pictures detected by
end users, such as consumers and voters? This research
ties in with the nascent field of ‘deep fakes’(Yang, Li,
and Lyu 2019), i.e. images and videos purposefully
manipulated for a political or commercial agenda.
To this end, future studies could investigate the
wider impact of using AI-generated images for
profile pictures on sharing, economy platforms, or
social media and news sites, and how that impact
user perceptions, such as trust. Another interesting
domain for suitability studies includes marketing,
as facial pictures are widely deployed to advertise
products such as fashion and luxury items.
.Algorithmic Bias. It would be important to investi-
gate if the generated pictures involve an algorithmic
bias –given that the training data may be biased, it
would be worthwhile to analyze how diverse the gen-
erated pictures for different ethnicities, ages, and gen-
ders. Regarding persona perceptions, the race could
be a confounding factor in our research and should
be analysed separately in future research. A related
question is: does the picture quality vary by demo-
graphic factors such as gender and race? Studies on
algorithmic bias have been carried out within the
HCI community (Eslami et al. 2018; Salminen et al.
2019b) and should be extended to this context.
.Demographically Conditional Images. For future
development, we envision a system that automati-
cally generates persona-specific pictures based on
specific features/attributes of the personas –this
would enable ‘on-demand’picture creation for new
personas generated by APG, whereas currently, the
pictures need to manually tagged for age, gender,
and country.
7. Conclusion
Our research goal was to evaluate the applicability of
artificial pictures for personas along two dimensions:
their quality and their impact on user perceptions. We
found that more than half of the pictures were rated
as perfect or high quality, with none as unusable. More-
over, the use of artificial pictures did not decrease the
perceptions of personas that are found important in
the HCI literature. These results can be considered as
a vote of confidence for the current state of technology
concerning the automatic generation of facial pictures
and their use in data-driven persona profiles.
1. A demo of the system can be accessed at https://
6. Confidence is defined as agreement adjusted by trust
score of each rater.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
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