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Mixing time of the Chung–Diaconis–Graham random process

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Define (Xn) on Z/qZ by Xn+1=2Xn+bn, where the steps bn are chosen independently at random from -1,0,+1. The mixing time of this random walk is known to be at most 1.02log2q for almost all odd q (Chung, Diaconis, Graham in Ann Probab 15(3):1148–1165, 1987), and at least 1.004log2q (Hildebrand in Proc Am Math Soc 137(4):1479–1487, 2009). We identify a constant c=1.01136⋯ such that the mixing time is (c+o(1))log2q for almost all odd q. In general, the mixing time of the Markov chain Xn+1=aXn+bn modulo q, where a is a fixed positive integer and the steps bn are i.i.d. with some given distribution in Z, is related to the entropy of a corresponding self-similar Cantor-like measure (such as a Bernoulli convolution). We estimate the mixing time up to a 1+o(1) factor whenever the entropy exceeds (loga)/2.
Probability Theory and Related Fields (2021) 179:317–344
Mixing time of the Chung–Diaconis–Graham random
Sean Eberhard1·Péter P. Varjú1
Received: 19 March 2020 / Revised: 21 September 2020 / Accepted: 28 September 2020 /
Published online: 10 October 2020
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020
Define (Xn)on Z/qZby Xn+1=2Xn+bn, where the steps bnare chosen indepen-
dently at random from 1,0,+1. The mixing time of this random walk is known to
be at most 1.02 log2qfor almost all odd q(Chung, Diaconis, Graham in Ann Probab
15(3):1148–1165, 1987), and at least 1.004 log2q(Hildebrand in Proc Am Math Soc
137(4):1479–1487, 2009). We identify a constant c=1.01136 ... such that the mix-
ing time is (c+o(1)) log2qfor almost all odd q. In general, the mixing time of the
Markov chain Xn+1=aXn+bnmodulo q, where ais a fixed positive integer and
the steps bnare i.i.d. with some given distribution in Z, is related to the entropy of
a corresponding self-similar Cantor-like measure (such as a Bernoulli convolution).
We estimate the mixing time up to a 1 +o(1)factor whenever the entropy exceeds
(log a)/2.
Mathematics Subject Classification Primary 60J10; Secondary 11N36
1 Introduction
Let a>1 be a positive integer and let μbe a finitely supported measure on Z. Assume
that gcd(supp μsupp μ) =1, i.e., that μis not supported on a coset of a proper
subgroup. Define a random process (Xn)n0on Zby X0=0 and
Sean Eberhard and Péter P. Varjú have received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)
under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No.
803711). PV was supported by the Royal Society.
BPéter P. Varjú
Sean Eberhard
1Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WB, UK
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... This paper studies a non-linear analogue of the Chung-Diaconis-Graham process, defined on F p by X n+1 = aX n + ε n+1 , where a ∈ F × p is fixed and the ε i are independent and identically distributed. The mixing time of this Markov chain has been extensively studied, and it is now known that for certain a (such as a = 2) and almost all integers p such that (a, p) = 1, cutoff occurs at time c log p for an explicit constant c [18]. Since simple random walk on F p requires order p 2 steps to mix (see [28] for example), walk [12], which was originally suggested by Soundararajan. ...
... They showed that the mixing time was at most order log p log log p, and that for almost all odd p, order log p steps were sufficient, although for infinitely many odd p, order log p log log p steps were necessary. This process was subsequently studied in [25,26,29,27,10,18]. In particular, Eberhard and Varjú recently showed in [18] that for almost all p, the walk exhibits cutoff at c log p for some explicit constant c ≈ 1.01136. ...
... This process was subsequently studied in [25,26,29,27,10,18]. In particular, Eberhard and Varjú recently showed in [18] that for almost all p, the walk exhibits cutoff at c log p for some explicit constant c ≈ 1.01136. ...
... In this work we establish cutoff for random walks on randomly generated graphs at an entropic time. There have been multiple recent works proving cutoff at an entropic time, including [4,6,8,9,11,12,15,17,18]. For a more detailed overview please refer to [18]. ...
... Taking union over j = 0, 1, ..., M − 1 we get that there are n A + M−1 j=1 n j A+B n A + n (M−1)A+B 14 We used the last point of Assumption 6.12 here. 15 We used here that B + M A = 1 + ω(1)+log log n log n . vertices y with the neighbourhoods intersecting. ...
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For a finite graph G=(V,E) let GG^* be obtained by considering a random perfect matching of V and adding the corresponding edges to G with weight ε\varepsilon , while assigning weight 1 to the original edges of G. We consider whether for a sequence (Gn)(G_n) of graphs with bounded degrees and corresponding weights (εn)(\varepsilon _n), the (weighted) random walk on (Gn)(G_n^*) has cutoff. For graphs with polynomial growth we show that log(1εn)logVn\log \left( \frac{1}{\varepsilon _n}\right) \ll \log |V_n| is a sufficient condition for cutoff. Under the additional assumption of vertex-transitivity we establish that this condition is also necessary. For graphs where the entropy of the simple random walk grows linearly up to some time of order logVn\log |V_n| we show that 1εnlogVn\frac{1}{\varepsilon _n}\ll \log |V_n| is sufficient for cutoff. In the special case of expander graphs we also provide a complete picture for the complementary regime 1εnlogVn\frac{1}{\varepsilon _n}\gtrsim \log |V_n|.
... Many recent works have focused on establishing cutoff for random walks on randomly generated graphs at an entropic time, see for example [6], [4], [17], [12], [13], [10], [9] and [15]. This paper generalises the results of [19] in the case of graphs with linear growth of entropy and graphs with polynomial growth of balls. ...
... and both sides converge to ν almost surely. 15 For the bound on deviations for X σ k : ...
For a finite graph G=(V,E) let GG^* be obtained by considering a random perfect matching of V and adding the corresponding edges to G with weight ε\varepsilon, while assigning weight 1 to the original edges of G. We consider, for various sequences of graphs (Gn)(G_n) and corresponding weights (εn)(\varepsilon_n), whether the (weighted) random walk on (Gn)(G_n^*) has cutoff. In particular, we show a phase transition for two families of graphs, graphs with polynomial growth of balls, and graphs where the entropy of the simple random walk grows linearly up to time of order logVn\log|V_n|. These include in particular tori, expander families and locally expanding families.
... Usually one takes a particular value of the parameter ε, for example, ε = 1/4, and below we speak about t mix := t mix (1/4). A simple random walk on F p has mixing time t mix of order p 2 (see [16]), and it was shown in [6] (also see the recent paper [7]) that the mixing time of the process (1.1) is at most O(log p · log log p). Hence the Chung-Diaconis-Graham process gives an example of a speedup phenomenon, that is, a phenomenon of the decreasing time of convergence. ...
We study the lazy Markov chain on Fp\mathbb{F}_p defined as follows: Xn+1=XnX_{n+1}=X_n with probability 1/2 and Xn+1=f(Xn)εn+1X_{n+1}=f(X_n) \cdot \varepsilon_{n+1}, where the εn\varepsilon_n are random variables distributed uniformly on the set {γ,γ1}\{\gamma, \gamma^{-1}\}, γ\gamma is a primitive root and f(x)=x/(x1)f(x)=x/(x-1) or f(x)=ind(x)f(x)=\mathrm{ind}(x). Then we show that the mixing time of XnX_n is exp(O(logplogloglogp/loglogp))\exp(O(\log p \cdot \log \log \log p/ \log \log p)). Also, we obtain an application to an additive-combinatorial question concerning a certain Sidon-type family of sets. Bibliography: 34 titles.
... It will illustrate that the random mapping technique can be effective in constructing strong stationary times in situations where they are difficult to find and have lead to numerous mistakes in the past. While there is room for improvement in our estimates, we hope this new approach will help the understanding of the convergence to equilibrium of related random walks, see for instance Hermon and Thomas [11], Breuillard and Varjú [2], Eberhard and Varjú [9] or Chatterjee and Diaconis [5] for very recent progress in this direction. the matrices of the form where x k,l Z M for 1 ¤ k l ¤ N , the group operation corresponds to the matrix multiplication. ...
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The random mapping construction of strong stationary times is applied here to finite Heisenberg random walks over \ZZ_M, for odd M3M\geq 3. When they correspond to 3×33\times 3 matrices, the strong stationary times are of order M6M^6, estimate which can be improved to M4M^4 if we are only interested in the convergence to equilibrium of the last column. Simulations by Chhaïbi suggest that the proposed strong stationary time is of the right M2M^2 order. These results are extended to N×NN\times N matrices, with N3N\geq 3. All the obtained bounds are thought to be non-optimal, nevertheless this original approach is promising, as it relates the investigation of the previously elusive strong stationary times of such random walks to new absorbing Markov chains with a statistical physics flavor and whose quantitative study is to be pushed further. In addition, for N=3, a strong equilibrium time is proposed in the same spirit for the non-Markovian coordinate in the upper right corner. This result would extend to separation discrepancy the corresponding fast convergence for this coordinate in total variation and open a new method for the investigation of this phenomenon in higher dimension.
... He, Pham, and Xu [18] recently proved that, for n prime and for f (x) = x −1 when x = 0, and f (0) = 0, this chain takes only order log n steps to mix. For f (x) = 2x, it was shown by Eberhard and Varjú [16] that the chain has cutoff at time c log n, for some absolute constant c > 0. ...
... For more related work and references we refer the reader to [18]. Some notable works include [7,5,18,17,10,11,9,8,13]. ...
We consider a variant of the configuration model with an embedded community structure and study the mixing properties of a simple random walk on it. Every vertex has an internal degint3\mathrm{deg}^{\text{int}}\geq 3 and an outgoing degout\mathrm{deg}^{\text{out}} number of half-edges. Given a stochastic matrix Q, we pick a random perfect matching of the half-edges subject to the constraint that each vertex v has degint(v)\mathrm{deg}^{\text{int}}(v) neighbours inside its community and the proportion of outgoing half-edges from community i matched to a half-edge from community j is Q(i,j). Assuming the number of communities is constant and they all have comparable sizes, we prove the following dichotomy: simple random walk on the resulting graph exhibits cutoff if and only if the product of the Cheeger constant of Q times logn\log n (where n is the number of vertices) diverges. In [4], Ben-Hamou established a dichotomy for cutoff for a non-backtracking random walk on a similar random graph model with 2 communities. We prove the same characterisation of cutoff holds for simple random walk.
Изучается ленивая цепь Маркова на Fp\mathbb {F}_p, заданная формулой Xn+1=XnX_{n+1}=X_n с вероятностью 1/2 и в противном случае Xn+1=f(Xn)εn+1X_{n+1}=f(X_n) \cdot \varepsilon_{n+1}, где случайные величины εn\varepsilon_n равномерно распределены на {γ,γ1}\{\gamma, \gamma^{-1}\}. Здесь γ\gamma - первообразный корень и функция f(x)=x/(x1)f(x)=x/(x-1) или же f(x)=ind(x)f(x)=\mathrm{ind} (x). Показано, что время перемешивания такой цепи XnX_n есть exp(O(logplogloglogp/loglogp))\exp(O(\log p \cdot \log \log \log p/ \log \log p)). Также мы получаем приложение разработанной техники к одному аддитивно-комбинаторному вопросу о множествах Сидоновского типа. Библиография: 34 названия.
The goal of this workshop was to explore the recent advances in the mathematical understanding of the macroscopic properties which emerge on large space-time scales from interacting microscopic particle systems. The talks addressed the following topics: randomness emerging from deterministic dynamics, hydrodynamic limits, Markov chain mixing times and cut-off phenomenon, superdiffusivity in out-of-equilibrium 2-dimensional systems.
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We study the Markov chain xn+1=axn+bnx_{n+1}=ax_n+b_n on a finite field Fp{\mathbb {F}}_p, where aFp×a \in {\mathbb {F}}_p^{\times } is fixed and bnb_n are independent and identically distributed random variables in Fp{\mathbb {F}}_p. Conditionally on the Riemann hypothesis for all Dedekind zeta functions, we show that the chain exhibits a cut-off phenomenon for most primes p and most values of aFp×a \in {\mathbb {F}}_p^\times . We also obtain weaker, but unconditional, upper bounds for the mixing time.
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The paper is devoted to a study of the exit boundary of random walks on discrete groups and related topics. We give an entropic criterion for triviality of the boundary and prove an analogue of Shannon's theorem for entropy, obtain a boundary triviality criterion in terms of the limit behavior of convolutions and prove a conjecture of Furstenberg about existence of a nondegenerate measure with trivial boundary on any amenable group. We directly connect Kesten's and Folner's amenability criteria by consideration of the spectral measure of the Markov transition operator. Finally we give various examples, some of which disprove some old conjectures.
This monograph presents a mathematical theory of concentration inequalities for functions of independent random variables. The basic phenomenon under investigation is that if a function of many independent random variables does not depend too much on any of them then it is concentrated around its expected value. This book offers a host of inequalities to quantify this statement. The authors describe the interplay between the probabilistic structure (independence) and a variety of tools ranging from functional inequalities, transportation arguments, to information theory. Applications to the study of empirical processes, random projections, random matrix theory, and threshold phenomena are presented. The book offers a self-contained introduction to concentration inequalities, including a survey of concentration of sums of independent random variables, variance bounds, the entropy method, and the transportation method. Deep connections with isoperimetric problems are revealed. Special attention is paid to applications to the supremum of empirical processes.
By a Cantor-like measure we mean the unique self-similar probability measure μ\mu satisfying μ=i=0m1piμSi1\mu = \sum^{m-1}_{i=0} p_{i}{\mu} {\circ} S^{-1}_{i} where Si(x)=xd+idd1m1S_{i}(x) = \frac{x}{d} + \frac{i}{d} \cdot \frac{d-1}{m-1} for integers 2d<m2d12 \leq d < m \leq 2d - 1 and probabilities pi>0,pi=1p_{i} > 0, {\sum}p_{i} = 1. In the uniform case (pi=1/mforalli)(p_{i} = 1/m {\rm for all} i) we show how one can compute the entropy and Hausdorff dimension to arbitrary precision. In the non-uniform case we find bounds on the entropy.
Consider the random process on the integers mod p with X 0 =0 and X n+1 =2X n +b n (modp)where b 0 ,b 1 ,b 2 ,… are i.i.d. random variables which can have only 1, 0, and −1 as possible values. We show that unless P(b n =0)=1∕2 or P(b n =1)=P(b n =−1)=1∕2, then for some C>1 depending on the probability distribution for b n , at least Clog 2 p steps are needed to make X n close to uniformly distributed.
Suppose that an infinite set A occupies at most 12(p+1)\frac{1}{2}(p+1) residue classes modulo p, for every sufficiently large prime p. The squares, or more generally the integer values of any quadratic, are an example of such a set. By the large sieve inequality the number of elements of A that are at most X is O(X1/2)O(X^{1/2}), and the quadratic examples show that this is sharp. The simplest form of the inverse large sieve problem asks whether they are the only examples. We prove a variety of results and formulate various conjectures in connection with this problem, including several improvements of the large sieve bound when the residue classes occupied by A have some additive structure. Unfortunately we cannot solve the problem itself.
Random number generators often work by recursively computing Xn+1aXn+b(modp)X_{n+1} \equiv aX_n + b (\mod p). Various schemes exist for combining these random number generators. In one scheme, a and b are themselves chosen each time from another generator. Assuming that this second source is truly random, we investigate how long it takes for XnX_n to become random. For example, if a=1a = 1 and b=0,1b = 0, 1, or 1-1 each with probability 13\frac{1}{3}, then cp2cp^2 steps are required to achieve randomness. On the other hand, if a=2a = 2 and b=0,1b = 0, 1, or 1-1, each with probability 13\frac{1}{3}, then clogploglogpc \log p \log\log p steps always suffice to guarantee randomness, and for infinitely many p, are necessary as well, although, in fact, for almost all odd p,1.02log2pp, 1.02 \log_2 p steps are enough.
This paper considers random processes of the form Xn+1=anXn+bn(modp)X_{n + 1} = a_nX_n + b_n (\operatorname{mod} p), where X0=0X_0 = 0 and the sequences ana_n and bnb_n are independent with ana_n identically distributed for n=0,1,2,n = 0, 1, 2, \ldots and bnb_n identically distributed for n=0,1,2,n = 0, 1, 2, \ldots. Chung, Diaconis and Graham studied such processes where an=2a_n = 2 always; this paper considers more general distributions for ana_n and bnb_n. The question is how long does it take these processes to get close to the uniform distribution? If ana_n is a distribution on Z+\mathbf{Z}^+ which does not vary with p and bnb_n is a distribution on Z\mathbf{Z} which also does not vary with p, an upper bound on this time is O((logp)2)O((\log p)^2) with appropriate restrictions on p unless an=1a_n = 1 always, bn=0b_n = 0 always or ana_n and bnb_n can each take on only one value. This paper uses a recursive relation involving the discrete Fourier transform to find the bound. Under more restrictive conditions for ana_n and bnb_n, this paper finds that a generalization of the technique of Chung, Diaconis and Graham shows that O(logploglogp)O(\log p \log \log p) steps suffice.