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Probability Theory and Related Fields (2021) 179:317–344
Mixing time of the Chung–Diaconis–Graham random
Sean Eberhard1·Péter P. Varjú1
Received: 19 March 2020 / Revised: 21 September 2020 / Accepted: 28 September 2020 /
Published online: 10 October 2020
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020
Define (Xn)on Z/qZby Xn+1=2Xn+bn, where the steps bnare chosen indepen-
dently at random from −1,0,+1. The mixing time of this random walk is known to
be at most 1.02 log2qfor almost all odd q(Chung, Diaconis, Graham in Ann Probab
15(3):1148–1165, 1987), and at least 1.004 log2q(Hildebrand in Proc Am Math Soc
137(4):1479–1487, 2009). We identify a constant c=1.01136 ... such that the mix-
ing time is (c+o(1)) log2qfor almost all odd q. In general, the mixing time of the
Markov chain Xn+1=aXn+bnmodulo q, where ais a fixed positive integer and
the steps bnare i.i.d. with some given distribution in Z, is related to the entropy of
a corresponding self-similar Cantor-like measure (such as a Bernoulli convolution).
We estimate the mixing time up to a 1 +o(1)factor whenever the entropy exceeds
(log a)/2.
Mathematics Subject Classification Primary 60J10; Secondary 11N36
1 Introduction
Let a>1 be a positive integer and let μbe a finitely supported measure on Z. Assume
that gcd(supp μ−supp μ) =1, i.e., that μis not supported on a coset of a proper
subgroup. Define a random process (Xn)n≥0on Zby X0=0 and
Sean Eberhard and Péter P. Varjú have received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)
under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No.
803711). PV was supported by the Royal Society.
BPéter P. Varjú
Sean Eberhard
1Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WB, UK
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