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MANTAR DERGİSİ/The Journal of Fungus Ekim(2020)11(2)158-161
Araştırma Makalesi/Research Article
Doi: 10.30708.mantar.737501
Phylloscypha boltonii, A New Record for the Mycobiota of
Derya KAPLAN1, Yasin UZUN2
Abdullah KAYA*3
* Corresponding author:
1Mareşal Fevzi Çakmak Regional Boarding Secondary School, Mersin, Turkey
2Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University, Science Faculty, Department of Biology, 70100 Karaman, Turkey
3Gazi University, Science Faculty, Department of Biology, 06500 Ankara, Turkey
1Orcid ID: 0000-0002-7026-5587 /
2Orcid ID:0000-0002-6423-6085 /
3Orcid ID: 0000-0002-4654-1406 /
Abstract: Phylloscypha boltonii is reported for the first time for the mycobiota of Turkey.
This species is the second member of the genus Phylloscypha Van Vooren in Turkey. A brief
description of the taxon is given together with the photographs related to its macro and
Key words: Ascomycota, Biodiversity, Mersin, Pezizales, Taxonomy
Phylloscypha boltonii, Türkiye Mikobiyotası İçin Yeni Bir Kayıt
Öz: Phylloscypha boltonii Türkiye mikobiyotası için ilk kez rapor edilmiştir. Bu tür
Phylloscypha Van Vooren cinsinin Türkiye’deki ikinci üyesidir. Taksonun kısa bir betimlemesi,
makro ve mikromorfolojilerine ait fotoğrafları ile birlikte verilmiştir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Ascomycota, Biyoçeşitlilik, Mersin, Pezizales, Taksonomi
Phylloscypha Van Vooren is an ascomycete
genus within the family Pezizaceae. It is a newly erected
genus and proposed by Van Vooren (2020). Based on
both morphological characters and molecular data
obtained from databases, he transferred five Peziza Dill.
Ex Fr. species with new names Phylloscypha boltonii
(Quél.) Van Vooren & Hairaud, P. coquandii (Donadini)
Van Vooren, P. labessiana (Boud.) Van Vooren, P.
phyllogena (Cooke) Van Vooren and P. retrocurvatoides
(Van Vooren) Van Vooren) with the type species P.
phyllogena (Van Vooren, 2020; Index fungorum,
accessed 28 August 2020). Members of the genus are
characterized by epigeous, sessile, cupulate ascomata
witih a distinctly furfuraceous or pustulate external
surface; a purplish-coloured flesh without latex; an
operculate, 8-spored asci with wall diffusely bluing in
iodine solution; hyaline paraphyses; eguttulate spores
with small polar granules and warty ornamentation.
The checklists (Sesli and Denchev, 2014; Solak et
al., 2015) don’t contain any member of the genus
Phylloscypha. But three papers (Acar et al., 2015;
Türkekul and Işık, 2016; Sadullahoğlu and Uzun, 2020)
reported the existance of P. phyllogena in Turkey.
According to the current checklists (Sesli and Denchev,
2014; Solak et al., 2015) on Turkish macromycota and
the later contributions (Kaşık et al., 2017; Akçay et al.,
2018; Işık and Türkekul, 2018; Uzun et al., 2018, 2020;
Acar et al., 2019; Çağli et al., 2019; Keleş, 2019; Sesli,
2019; Yakar et al., 2019; Yıldız et al., 2019), P. boltonii
hasn’t been reported from Turkey before.
The study aims to make a contribution to the
mycobiota of Turkey.
Material and Method
Fruit bodies of Phylloscypha boltonii were collected
in 2019 during a routine field trip in Silifke district of Mersin
Province. First they were photographed at their natural
habitats, and notes were taken related to their ecology,
morphology and geographic position etc. The collected
fruit bodies were put in paper boxes and transferred to the
fungarium. The samples were dried in an air conditioned
room. Microscopic investigations were carried out on dry
samples. A Nikon Eclipse Ci-S trinocular microscope was
MANTAR DERGİSİ/The Journal of Fungus Ekim(2020)11(2)158-161
used for microscopic investigation and a DS-Fi2 digital
camera was used to obtain microstructural photographs.
The samples were identified according Seaver (1942);
Hohmeyer (1986); Lantieri (2004, 2005); Medardi (2006)
and Pancorbo and Ribes (2010). The specimens are kept
at Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University, Kâmil Özdağ
Science Faculty, Department of Biology.
Ascomycota Caval-Sm
Pezizomycetes O.E.Erikss. & Winka
Pezizales J.Schröt.
Pezizaceae Dumort.
Phylloscypha boltonii (Quél.) Van Vooren &
Syn: [Aleuria boltoni (Quél.) Gillet; Galactinia
boltonii (Quél.) Boud.; Peziza boltonii Quél.]
Macroscopic and microscopic features:
Apothecia 20-40 mm in diameter, sessile, cup to saucer
shaped, edges irregular, wavy and generally inrolled,
hymenial surface smooth, dark purplish to dark violet
when young, more brown when at maturity, outer surface
concolorous with the hymenial surface or lighter brown,
completely covered with small violet-black furfurations
(Fig. 1). Flesh brittle, dark purple.
Asci 245-275 × 15-18 µm, cylindrical, operculate,
amyloid, uniseriate, eight-spored (Fig. 2a-e). Paraphyses
cylindrical, multi-septate (Fig. 2b,c), some slightly
thickened at the apex. Ascospores 15-18 × 7.5-9 µm,
ellipsoidal, hyaline, biguttulated to without guttules,
ornamented with small warts (Fig. 2d-f).
Phylloscypha boltonii was reported to grow as
solitary or gregariously on sandy soil, dune with Pinus
spp., broadleaved shrubs (Lantieri, 2004; Medardi, 2006;
Pancorbo and Ribes, 2010), rarely on mosses and burnt
soil (Dougoud 2001; Lantieri et al., 2009).
Specimen examined: Mersin, Silifke, Kargıcak
Village, Göksu river bank, on sand and sandy soil,
36°26′N-33°38′E, 110 m, 29.10.2019, D.Kap.252;
09.11.2019, D.Kap.296.
Figure 1. Ascocarps of Phylloscypha boltonii on sand and sandy soil
MANTAR DERGİSİ/The Journal of Fungus Ekim(2020)11(2)158-161
Phylloscypha boltonii is reported for the first time
for the mycobiota of Turkey. Macroscopic and
microscopic characteristics of Turkish collection are in
accordance with those given in literature (Seaver, 1942;
Hohmeyer, 1986; Lantieri, 2004, 2005; Medardi, 2006;
Pancorbo and Ribes, 2010).
Phylloscypha boltonii is generally linked with sandy
soils but may also grow on burnt places. Though it has
some very marked macroscopic characteristics, it is
possible to confuse P. boltonii with numerous
macroscopically similar Peziza species like Pz. gerardii
Cooke, Pz. lividula W. Phillips, Pz. lobulata (Velen.), Pz.
moseri Svrcek Aviz.-Hersh. & Nemlich, Pz.
pseudoampelina Donadini, Pz. tenacella W. Phillips and
Pz. violacea Pers. But the microscopic characters of all
these taxa differentiate them from P. boltonii. Among
them Pz. gerardii and Pz. lividula has fusiform ascospores
while Pz. lobulata and Pz. moseri have smooth
ascospores. Like P. boltonii, Pz. pseudoampelina and Pz.
tenacella also have ornamented ascospores but the prior
species has quite larger ascospores (20-25 x 9.5-12 μm),
and the latter one has smaller ascospores (11-14 x 6-8
μm) compared to that of P. boltonii. On the other hand Pz.
violacea has smaller and finely warty ascospores. Violet
coloration of Pz. violacea is also another differentiating
character between this species and P. boltonii (Lantieri,
2005; Medardi, 2006; Pancorbo and Ribes, 2010).
Figure 2. Asci (a-e), paraphyses (b,c) and ascospores (d-e) of Phylloscypha boltonii (bars: 10 μm; a,d,e,f in Melzer)
MANTAR DERGİSİ/The Journal of Fungus Ekim(2020)11(2)158-161
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