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Using Frugal Education Principles and the RPG Maker MV Game Engine to Aid the Co-creation of Digital Game-based Learning Resources.



The exploration of digital game-based learning (DGBL) as an educational practice has been received relatively well amongst learning practitioners, particularly from a theoretical standpoint. However, when it comes to original content creation, there are multiple barriers to entry from a digital games design and development perspective. Digital games are typically resource heavy for new adopters who face issues such as: a lack of specialist skill; financial backing; personnel; time allocation; and access to essential technologies and infrastructure. At the same time, the pressure on Higher Education authorities to ‘do more with less’ without providing the tools and opportunities to do so, leaves little room for experimentation with new pedagogies, such as DGBL. In response to these pressures the paper introduces Frugal Education as a concept for fostering sustainable innovation in education and applies the emerging principles to a design case study. The authors present the design methodology of ‘Book Runner: A Library Induction’ game created in RPG Maker MV alongside evaluation results from developer/ facilitator-based interviews conducted to assess the tool, development process, and validity of the game. The authors conclude with a discussion on how these results align to our mission of lowering the barriers to creating DGBL experiences and furthers our understanding of Frugal Education within the field of Game Science.
Using Frugal Education Principles and the RPG Maker MV Game Engine to Aid the
Co-creation of Digital Game-based Learning Resources.
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Frugal Education
! ! G  "/   
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        ,    !    !(L    
Frugal Education Principles
!!1 !!56*
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Design with Empathy
! L ' !  , ! ,
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Build for Everyone
  '   '      '     ,  H    
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          !(!  !    !   !
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Leverage the Trailing Edge
  "3  !  !  '  !  I!      !  
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Teach Sustainably
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Make it Open
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, ! '    ! '
        ,                ,  
Needs Assessing the Problem
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Book Runner: The Library Induction Game
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Condence & Skills in Creating Digital Game-Based Learning Resources
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Resource Management
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1.  !    7    5  $ Journal of Educational Technology
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63$Journal of Indian Business Research>)+<KMD@
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"  E$  )<=Q+ MOOCs Need to Be User Innovation Toolkits RS    '
... Educational learning games merupakan jenis permainan yang didesain khusus untuk menciptakan pembelajaran ataupun menumbuhkan pengetahuan bagi pemainnya dalam proses pembelajaran (Usman et al., 2024;Dubey & Sinha, 2023;Rüth, Birke, & Kaspar, 2022;Clarke et al., 2020). Berdasarkan penelitian dari Usman et al., (2024), educational learning games dapat meningkatkan prestasi siswa, meningkatkan kemampuan dalam memecahkan masalah, menumbuhkan creative thinking, dan juga belajar secara mandiri. ...
Menurut Permendikbudristek Nomor 12/2024, Bahasa Inggris akan menjadi mata pelajaran wajib bagi siswa sekolah dasar (SD). Hal ini menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi guru SD yang merupakan guru kelas dan tidak memiliki latar belakang mengajar Bahasa Inggris. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan pelatihan educational learning games untuk guru sekolah dasar demi menunjang proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris siswa SD. Metode ceramah, demonstrasi, dan diskusi digunakan selama proses pelatihan. Beberapa games seperti; Simon Says, Memory Match, Charades, Snakes and Ladders, dan Whispering Gams telah dijelaskan dan dipraktekkan langsung oleh peserta. Berdasarkan hasil diskusi dengan peserta, pelatihan ini dinilai sangat bermanfaat, menarik, mudah dipahami, dan juga mudah dipraktekkan. Para guru percaya bahwa mengajar Bahasa Inggris menggunakan educational learning games dapat menjadi cara yang efektif untuk menarik perhatian dan motivasi siswa dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris. Adapun kekurangan dari pelatihan ini adalah modul yang belum tersedia. Dimana modul tersebut sangat dibutuhkan guru untuk memudahkan mengingat tahapan permainan. Katakunci: Bahasa Inggris, educational learning games, guru sekolah dasar
... Other authors attempted to co-create toolset for learning pathways (Hyysalo et al., 2019;Wareing et al., 2019), 3D Virtual Campus for synchronous distance teaching (González-Yebra et al., 2019), peer-assisted learning programme (Higgins et al., 2019), innovative solution for science learning out of the classroom (Dural et al., 2020), learning model ) and a course (Bombaerts et al., 2021). In addition, Digital Game-based Learning Resources (Clarke et al., 2020), knowledge using mobile technologies and digital media as pedagogical devices (Reyna & Meier, 2020), ill-structured problem-solving activities online (Pee, 2020), flip classroom models (Uskoković, 2018;) and, a variety of artistic initiatives (Chemi & Krogh, 2017) have also been co-design in higher education. ...
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This paper presents a participatory design-based research that aimed to create a model of co-creation in the curriculum in Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments (TELE) in tertiary education, specifically to co-design assessment between professors and students. This qualitative research followed four phases divided into five stages with two iterative cycles of design and re-design. Accordingly, a mixed method approach was used to collect the data: systematic literature review, semi-structured interviews, and student surveys. As a result, the model highlights and distinguishes four different dimensions: characterization, co-creation, reflection, and technology. The first three dimensions are represented chronologically and the last one is present in all stages of the previous ones. Furthermore, we depicted how technology is present throughout the co-creation process and in each dimension specifically. In conclusion, this model expands the basis of co-creation in the curriculum literature and provides tools for practitioners to innovate in their academic contexts and involve students in their own learning process through co-creation. Further research in this field should be carried out, so we intend to apply this research to other fields of study and educational levels, contexts, and situations.
... An initial set of principles was developed and subsequently applied within a gamebased learning design project at Coventry University (e.g. Clarke et al., 2020). Successive iterations introduced more detailed categorisation in the form of frugal aspects, proving effective for mapping on a more granular level, using specific aspects to articulate the frugal practices within a given learning design . ...
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This paper explores how frugal innovation practices can challenge resource constraints by leveraging available resources in creative and innovative ways towards more affordable, practical, sustainable and resilient education practice. The education sector has faced many challenges when adapting practice to deliver quality education in the wake of a world‐changing pandemic. There is a great deal we can learn from each other with regards to the frugal application of resources, such as time, money, people and space. However, forms of frugality in education design are driven by necessity and are reactive as opposed to proactive measures. We can, however, learn from educators and institutions that have been able to achieve significant educational impact at low cost with far fewer resources, adopting frugal approaches to education design and delivery. This paper proposes a set of frugal education aspects that demonstrate how frugal design practices can be organised and applied within an educational context. The aspects are outlined, and examples are presented to illustrate their effectiveness within existing education practice. This paper seeks to contribute to the existing knowledge base and research into frugal innovation practice as it applies within an education context, reframing the use of the term ‘frugal’ away from affordability and poor quality, towards a more expansive understanding that establishes a foundation on which to build, define, and contextualise frugality within an education context. The paper concludes with recommendations for the development of practical resources, informed by the research, to support educators in the design of frugal education practice.
... Educational games are game variants specifically designed to provide education or knowledge to players in the context of the learning process (Clarke et al., 2020;Dubey & Sinha, 2023;Rüth et al., 2022). The main aim of educational games is to arouse students' interest in the subject matter being taught (Crovato et al., 2016;Ng et 106 al., 2013;Schadenbauer, 2009). ...
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Research on educational games in learning contexts and advances in science and technology are becoming increasingly important. This research aims to analyze the use of educational games in the learning context in Indonesia, focusing on computer science and social science. The method used in this research is a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), with inclusion criteria of publication period between 2018 and 2023, English language articles, article accessibility, and relevance to computer science and social sciences. The results of this research analysis include several important findings, namely: 1) the number of educational game document publications has fluctuated, 2) affiliation trends vary, 3) author trends also vary, and 4) the results of the systematic analysis show that educational games can improve student academic achievement, problem-solving abilities, creative thinking, and independent learning abilities. In addition, the role of teachers and parents is recognized as an important factor in supporting and maximizing the benefits of digital educational technology. The findings from this research emphasize the importance of designing learning that integrates educational game-based approaches to improve the quality of learning and achieve better learning outcomes for students. The implications of this research provide a basis for developing innovative and sustainable learning strategies in the fields of computer science and social sciences in Indonesia.
... También, se han cocreado itinerarios de aprendizaje (Villatoro y de-Benito, 2022), herramientas para itinerarios de aprendizaje (Hyysalo et al., 2019;Wareing et al., 2019), así como actividades de resolución de problemas en línea (Pee, 2020). Igualmente, se ha diseñado de manera colaborativa entre profesorado y alumnado un programa de aprendizaje asistido entre iguales (Higgins et al., 2019), recursos digitales de aprendizaje basados en juegos (Clarke et al., 2020) y un campus virtual 3D para la enseñanza a distancia sincrónica (González-Yebra et al., 2019). En cuanto a la participación del alumnado en procesos de evaluación se distinguen tres fases: (1) planificación de la evaluación, (2) desarrollo y/o ejecución de la evaluación y/o (3) valoración de los resultados de aprendizaje (Rodríguez Gómez et al., 2013). ...
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Resumen Esta investigación indaga las percepciones que los profesores tienen sobre los procesos de cocreación de la evaluación en entornos de aprendizaje enriquecido por tecnología en educación superior. En este estudio cualitativo de casos múltiples se entrevistó a seis profesores (cuatro mujeres y dos hombres) y se analizaron los datos siguiendo el criterio inductivo-deductivo por medio de Atlas.ti. Este artículo presenta resultados relacionados con el nivel de participación de los/las estudiantes, el rol del alumnado y del profesorado, así como el papel de las TIC en procesos de cocreación y los aprendizajes que ambos agentes adquirieron en él. Del análisis cualitativo de los resultados, se infiere un rol más democrático en el profesorado y un rol activo en el alumnado. Igualmente, se percibe un aumento en el nivel de participación de los/as estudiantes. Además, los aprendizajes de los participantes de este proceso sacan a la luz algunos beneficios y limitaciones sobre la cocreación de la evaluación. Por un lado, se observa la adquisición de habilidades prácticas, de razonamiento y profesional por parte del alumnado. Asimismo, se percibe un aumento de la alfabetización en evaluación, la motivación y la empatía por parte de los mismos. Por otro lado, el profesorado expone el factor tiempo y organizacional como grandes limitantes del proceso de cocreación. Por último, se señala que esta investigación busca contribuir a la escasa literatura y no pretende generalizar sus resultados. Abstract This research aims to gain professors' perceptions on assessment co-creation processes in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments (TELE) in Higher Education. We will present results related to students' level of participation, and students', professors', and ICT's role in the co-creation process. Furthermore, we will show what students' and professors' learnt from this process. To do so, we conducted a qualitative multi-case study and we interviewed six professors (four females and two males) who participated in this research. To analyze data, we used Atlas.ti following the inductive-deductive criteria. It is inferred that professors tend to have a more democratic role whereas students assume a more active one. Also, students' level of participation seems to be raised. In addition, participants, from their learning in assessment co-creation, revealed some benefits and limitations in the process. On the one hand, professors perceived students' acquisition of practical, reasoning, and professional skills on the part of students. Likewise, teachers reported an increase in evaluation literacy, motivation, and empathy on their part. On the other hand, the teaching staff pointed out as major constraints to the co-creation process the time and organizational factors. Finally, we would like to highlight that this research seeks to contribute to the scarce literature and does not intend to generalize its results.
... The ideation of the game design process calls for a Design Sprint (see Table 3), a problem-solving cum productivity cycle that guides a group of participants through a series of processes over five days developed by Google Venture (Knapp et al., 2016). The processes are summarised as follows: Frugal Education Action Cards (Clarke et al., 2020) were employed in game development. Alex Masters of GameChangersUK at Coventry University developed the frugal education action cards as a tool for educators to design educational interventions based upon three main principles: "Design with an Open Mind, Leverage available resources, and Build at the speed of need". ...
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Music education often emphasises the acquisition of practical components, with students assessed on their ability to handle and operate musical instruments. The theoretical aspects of music education, particularly music theory, have been relegated to a secondary role. However, recent research has shown that music creativity, including composition, improvisation, performance of composed music, and ideation, is a core element in music studies. Teaching music theory is becoming less popular among music teachers, and consequently, the stigma associated with learning music theory limits students' ability to explore music independently. This study proposes a gamified learning intervention through Music Rhythm Tour Board Game to promote music literacy and creativity in elementary music education. Observations on players’ behaviour were conducted to test the efficacy of the board game in promoting music composition. The gameplay analysis showed how the intervention successfully reduced the stigma associated with constructing rhythmic phrases, facilitating a smoother transition to music composition and rhythmic sight reading (kinetic responses of players). The findings showed that Music Rhythm Board Game effectively reflects the potential of capitalising on collaborative structures of cooperative board games. It provides a promising avenue for improving music education by encouraging students to develop their creativity and musical skills through gamified learning.
... The game is based on the dietary patterns, lifestyle and gut microbiota profile obtained from pregnant Malaysian women (Abdullah et al. 2021). This game development is part of an effort in harnessing frugal education by utilizing design thinking, leveraging available resources, and embracing sustainability to develop creative, practical, and sustainable education for all (Clarke et al. 2020). It is also designed to cater to multicultural Malaysian society, which is immersive in the collectivism element (Yusof et al., 2020). ...
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Changes in antenatal gut microbiota (GM) have been associated with gestational diabetes and obesity which are influenced by diet and lifestyle. Gamification can be used as an interactive health education tool to convey this concept to the public. Thus, we designed an interactive story titled ‘MoM: Microbiome of Maternity’ highlighting the importance of diet and lifestyle during pregnancy. Using the ‘RPG Maker MV’ software, a branching narrative emphasizing flavour texts with a local flair was developed. The choice-based game narrative revolves around daily diet and lifestyle preferences in an engaging story throughout pregnancy. A graphical report is provided at predetermined intervals, highlighting the relevant details on their health and GM. A pilot evaluation was conducted using feedback surveys: Part A evaluated the knowledge on GDM, healthy diet and GM (13 items, score ≥8 (≥60%) depicts adequate knowledge) and Part B evaluated the satisfaction on the game design and structure (24 items, score ≥38 depicts satisfaction and pleasant experience). We found that the initial knowledge on the introduced health concept were inadequate (Part A score 7.67 ± 2.97). After playing ‘MoM’, their understanding was improved and were satisfied with the design (Part B score 42.3 ± 6.49). In conclusion, ‘MoM’ is an effective educational game in promoting health awareness among women © 2022, Asian Journal of University Education.All Rights Reserved.
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Due to its significance and prominence in Malaysian culture, English is taught and learned as a second language. Along with transforming the Malaysian education system towards the better, innovative teaching approaches are necessary to assist learners in learning English as their second language in schools. In this study, a flash card game was designed and developed to encourage primary school learners to learn vocabulary and improve their reading skills. It is inspired by the culture and lifestyle of the people in Sarawak, and it is named Rajang River Run. The use of flashcard games as a game-based learning and storytelling approach to acquire new vocabulary, construct engaging sentences, and increase students' motivation was examined in this study. This study was conducted at a national government-funded public primary school in Putrajaya, Malaysia, involving 15 Primary one students that were used as the target participants in this research. The game design thinking approach was employed to develop the game, which acts as a guide to scaffold creativity and collaboration. The study implemented an observation checklist derived from the Revised Conceptual Model of Academic Success for data collection. Findings demonstrated that learning through the Rajang River Run could boost pupils' capacity and desire to learn new words. The implication of this study suggested that gamified learning, such as gamified narrative, increased players' motivation to play the game. The participants' memory retention and attentiveness have improved due to the supportive and engaging setting.
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