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Investigation of the Effect of Amrap and Classic Crossfit Trainings in Wrestlers on Anerobic Power


Abstract and Figures

The aim of this study is to investigate anaerobic power changes of the wrestlers who are performing AMRAP (As many reps or rounds as possible) and Classic Crossfit trainings. The research has been conducted on thirty-two male wrestlers who are challenging in first league of Turkish Wrestling in the season of 2018-2019. The volunteer participants in test groups during eight weeks preseason in preparation stage; Test Group I (Classic Crossfit) and Test Group II (Crossfit AMRAP) have performed Crossfit models three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday). They have participated in routine wrestling trainings in between times (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday). The data form has been given to identify the demographic features of the participants. The support of specialist physician has been ensured during the implementation of the programs. By creating a measuring parkour and after recording respectively body weight, height and age, 6-30 sec anaerobic power test on wattbikepro has been implemented and it has been recorded on data form. The measurements recorded on data form have been arranged on MS Excel spreadsheet program. When identifying the differences between first and last measurements of anaerobic power values of the participants, two factor variance analysis (two-way ANOVA for repeated measures) has been used in repetitive measurements. As findings, when evaluating results obtained at the end of 8-week training period, significant changes have been found in group X time interaction dimension in 6-30 sec anaerobic absolute average power (watt) and anaerobic relative average power (watt/kg) values in classic Crossfit training group (p<0,05). According to simple effect test results, it has been seen a change in classic Crossfit training group at the end of the process in 6 sec Anaerobic Absolute Average Power (watt), Anaerobic Relative Average Power (watt/kg) and Anaerobic Absolute Peak Power (watt) values. On the other hand, an interaction has been recorded in AMRAP Crossfit training group only in Anaerobic Absolute Peak Power (watt) values. Consequently, even though it has been ensured that there is a change in a positive way in anaerobic capacity in wrestlers in both Crossfit training models, it has been seen that the effect of classic Crossfit trainings on the performance is more.
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International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology VOL. 9 (9)
Investigation of the Effect of Amrap and Classic Crossfit Trainings in
Wrestlers on Anerobic Power
Ali Türker1 and Oğuzhan Yüksel2
1Mus Alparslan University, Turkey.
Dumlupinar University, Turkey.
The aim of this study is to investigate anaerobic power changes of the wrestlers who are performing
AMRAP (As many reps or rounds as possible) and Classic Crossfit trainings. The research has been
conducted on thirty-two male wrestlers who are challenging in first league of Turkish Wrestling in the
season of 2018-2019. The volunteer participants in test groups during eight weeks preseason in preparation
stage; Test Group I (Classic Crossfit) and Test Group II (Crossfit AMRAP) have performed Crossfit models
three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday). They have participated in routine wrestling trainings in
between times (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday). The data form has been given to identify the demographic
features of the participants. The support of specialist physician has been ensured during the implementation
of the programs. By creating a measuring parkour and after recording respectively body weight, height and
age, 6-30 sec anaerobic power test on wattbikepro has been implemented and it has been recorded on data
form. The measurements recorded on data form have been arranged on MS Excel spreadsheet program.
When identifying the differences between first and last measurements of anaerobic power values of the
participants, two factor variance analysis (two-way ANOVA for repeated measures) has been used in
repetitive measurements. As findings, when evaluating results obtained at the end of 8-week training
period, significant changes have been found in group X time interaction dimension in 6-30 sec anaerobic
absolute average power (watt) and anaerobic relative average power (watt/kg) values in classic Crossfit
training group (p<0,05). According to simple effect test results, it has been seen a change in classic Crossfit
training group at the end of the process in 6 sec Anaerobic Absolute Average Power (watt), Anaerobic
Relative Average Power (watt/kg) and Anaerobic Absolute Peak Power (watt) values. On the other hand, an
interaction has been recorded in AMRAP Crossfit training group only in Anaerobic Absolute Peak Power
(watt) values. Consequently, even though it has been ensured that there is a change in a positive way in
anaerobic capacity in wrestlers in both Crossfit training models, it has been seen that the effect of classic
Crossfit trainings on the performance is more.
Keywords: Anaerobic Power, Crossfit, Wrestling, Amrap.
1. Introduction
Crossfit is a sport organization whose popularity is speeding up as a brand and training modality
throughout the World. We see that it is participated in more than 10.0000 sport organizations in more than
142 countries in 2014 [3]. This popularity is increasing day by day and it has been creating an individual
cultural structure by arranging yearly Crossfit games [1]. Because of the popularity and speed in spreading
culturally of Crossfit, Forbes Magazine has categorized it as sport organization which is the fastest growing
in America [15].
In Crossfit programs whose founder is Glassman, 10 basic bio motor skills required to be improved
are aimed. These skills; cardiovascular, capacity, power, strength, flexibility, endurance, speed, coordination,
agility, balance and hitting [12]. When examining the content of Crossfit programs, we can see that it consists
of functional movements performed in high intensity. Crossfit training programs typically include Olympic
liftings, power liftings (squat, deadlift, bench press etc.) and gymnastic movements [24]. Exercise programs
called “Work of Day (WOD)” with these movements have been created and these turn Crossfit into a flexible
structure [21]. Crossfit programs by general definition is creating a good alternative to High Intensity
Interval Training (HIIT) modality. Crossfit exercises are functional performances which are multi-junction
and including combined movements and because it is structured in high in intensity, resting times between
sets is either not or pretty short [26,11].
Crossfit exercises is very close to High Intensity Functional Training (HIFT) working principle. The
principle of “Functional Training” is aiming a multifaceted improvement close to real movements and far
from isolated [5]. Crossfit combines it with high intensity and short intervals [10]. Another important reason
International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology VOL. 9 (9)
of the popularity of Crossfit is that it includes less risk of injury compared to most of the traditional training
Crossfit has a flexible structure with training models and methods. Today, AMRAP (As many reps or
rounds as possible) method is a commonly used method which is also used in Crossfit Games [18]. In this
method, the aim is to perform required movement routines as much as possible for a length of time [9]. This
method is also aiming to push physiologic limits of the sportsmen by forcing working capacity along with
the fatigue [25].
When we look at the sportive performance, we can easily see that aerobic and anaerobic capacities
are some of the most important parameters for sportsmen to reach the success [17]. Crossfit training models
target aerobic and anaerobic capacity within together [20]. Aerobic capacity can be defined as oxygen which
can be used in society. While anaerobic capacity is the ability to adapt in maximal and minimal sub Works,
anaerobic power is on the other hand a response to anaerobic capacity of the work performed in unit of time
[27]. Crossfit exercises continue in high intensity and have short resting times. For this reason, it has to use
all energy systems and thus it is known that it improves not only aerobic but also anaerobic capacity and
power [13]. In terms of the difficulty, performing time and movements included of Crossfit exercises, it has
been seen that anaerobic power is important for sportsmen to be successful [14].
2. Method
32 healthy male wrestler taking part actively for five years and challenging in Turkish Wrestling First
League in the season of 2018-2019 have participated in our study. While (n=16) age average values of the
wrestlers are 20.8 ± 1.15 year and their height values are 175.2± 5.03 cm in Test-I (Classic Crossfit Training)
group, (n=16) age average values of the wrestlers are 20.93 ± 1.06 year and their height values are 176.5 ± 1.4
cm in Test-II (Crossfit AMRAP; As many reps or rounds as possible). The volunteer participants in Test
groups as Test-I (Classic Crossfit) and Test -II (Crossfit AMRAP; As many reps or rounds as possible) have
performed Crossfit models in preseason preparation period for 8 weeks and three times a week (Monday,
Wednesday, Friday). They have participated in routine wrestling trainings in rest of the days (Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday). Verbal and written explanations related to the research to be conducted and the
measurements to be made have been made to the individuals participated in the study. The individuals
accepted to participate into the study have been ensured to fill “Volunteer Consent Form”. Each subject has
performed a gradual standard warming for 15 minutes before the test. All tests have been conducted on the
same day and have been observed and recorded by same researchers. Age, height and body weight of the
volunteer participants have been identified.
Height and Body Weight: Body heights of the participants have been adjusted with Holtain brand
slippery caliper while they are standing upright position and touching the heads of slippery caliper on the
scale and height has been read with 1 mm precision. Their body weight has been measured on Angel brand
scale which has 0,01 kg precision. The measurement has been made when the participant with the position
while the body weight on both feet even and standing on the scale and it has been recorded in terms of kg
30 sec and 6 sec Anaerobic Power Test: It is to pedal with highest speed as much as possible for 30
seconds against a certain outer resistance with wattbike pro anaerobic power. After volunteer participants
have been informed about the test before starting it, the participants have been ensured to have a position
according to seat height of wattbike with cambered knee joint (about 5 °) when they pedal at the same time
with leg scratching (Wattbike Pro, Wattbike, Nottingham, England). Air and magnetic resistances are used
in terms of increasing the resistance for the participants during the test on wattbike pro. To warm up, a
warming time for 3 minutes has been given to the participants by adjusting air and magnetic resistance as 1.
Body weight for resistance adjustments to be conducted on participants has been recorded to 30 sec test
program. Air and magnetic resistance adjustments have been implemented with the test program according
to the body weight of each participant. While the resistance has been designed according to program
specifications, it has been done in terms of representing equal work load with a percent of 7.5 of the body
weight. After the resistance has been adjusted specially for the participant on wattbike pro, the test has been
started on the condition of high speed turns as much as possible in 30 seconds. The participants have been
motivated verbally during the test. The information related to power parameters during the test has been
transferred to the program on wattbike 30’pro. All power parameters have been calculated by software
International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology VOL. 9 (9)
program. After the test is completed, the instruction to continue to pedal against 1 magnetic resistance and
air against cooling has been given to the participants. The participants have been given 3-5 minutes for
cooling down [23,7]
When identifying 6 sec anaerobic power capacity, all protocols defined above have been implemented
exactly and the test has been conducted by ensuring the participant to perform with the highest level for 5 6
sec on wattbike pro. 6 sec anaerobic power and 30 sec anaerobic power tests have been conducted on the
participants on different days. The participants have been provided to rest between those two measurements
2.1.Training Protocol
Test-I (Crossfit AMRAP; As many reps or rounds as possible) and Test II (Classic Crossfit) groups
have performed Crossfit models 3 days in a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) for 8 weeks. Additionally,
the participants have performed 3 days in a week (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) for 8 weeks with the
condition of scope and violence in parallel.
Table1. Classic and AMRAP Crossfit Training Program
1. and 2.
Technical and
Technical and
Technical and
3. and 4.
Technical and
Technical and
Technical and
5. and 6.
Technical and
Technical and
Technical and
Technical and
Technical and
Technical and
Technical and
Technical and
Technical and
International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology VOL. 9 (9)
A-Classic Crossfit Training (1st and 2nd Week)
The training program including 10 stations created by the participants has been performed circularly.
After the defined station has been implemented for 30 seconds, they have switched to the other station. The
participants have made the performance in all stations. 5 sets have been implemented in total. 1-2 minutes
rest between the sets has been given. 1. Tire& sledgehammer (10 kg), 2.Crunch, 3.Burpee, 4.Hiper extension ,
5.TRX- rowing, 6.Ab Roller crunch, 7.Rope swinging (each rope weight; 12 kg), 8.Tire flips (28 kg),
9.Skipping rope, 10.Dynamic plank stations have been created. The participants have performed the
movements according to movement rank in the stations.
A1-AMRAP (As many reps or rounds as possible) Crossfit Training (1st and 2nd Week)
The participants have been ensured to perform with the highest resistance coefficient as much as they
can within a certain time at the stations taken part in Classic Crossfit Training protocol. The resistance
coefficient that the participants can perform has been recorded individually. They have been asked to
increase resistance coefficient during 8-week training period each week in the stations within the time
B-Classic Crossfit Training (3. and 4. Week)
The training program including 9 stations created by the participants has been performed circularly.
After the defined station has been implemented for 45 seconds, they have switched to the other station. The
participants have made the performance in all stations. 6 sets have been implemented in total. 1-2 minutes
rest between the sets has been given. 1. Tire& sledgehammer (10 kg), 2.Crunch, 3.Burpees box jump over,
4.Hiper extension, 5.Ring dips, 6.Ab Roller crunch, 7.Rope swinging (each rope weight; 12 kg), 8.Air squat,
9.Dynamic plank stations have been created. The participants have performed the movements according to
movement rank in the stations.
B1-AMRAP (As many reps or rounds as possible) Crossfit Training (3rd and 4rd Week)
The participants have been ensured to perform with the highest resistance coefficient as much as they
can within a certain time at the stations taken part in Classic Crossfit Training protocol. The resistance
coefficient that the participants can perform has been recorded individually. They have been asked to
increase resistance coefficient during 8-week training period each week in the stations within the time
C-Classic Crossfit Training (5th and 6th Week)
The training program including 10 stations created by the participants has been performed circularly.
After the defined station has been implemented for 45 seconds, they have switched to the other station. The
participants have made the performance in all stations. 6 sets have been implemented in total. 1-2 minutes
rest between the sets has been given. Tire& sledgehammer (10 kg), 2.Hiper extension 3.Walking lunge (20 kg
dumbbell on both hands), 4.Crunch, 5.Push Press (Olympic Bar + place; 25 kg), 6.Box jumps (40 cm), 7. TRX-
push up, 8.Ab Roller crunch, 9. Rope swinging (each rope weight; 12 kg), 10. Tire flips (28 kg) stations have
been created. The participants have performed the movements according to movement rank in the stations.
C1-AMRAP (As many reps or rounds as possible) Crossfit Training (5th and 6th Week)
The participants have been ensured to perform with the highest resistance coefficient as much as they
can within a certain time at the stations taken part in Classic Crossfit Training protocol. The resistance
coefficient that the participants can perform has been recorded individually. They have been asked to
increase resistance coefficient during 8-week training period each week in the stations within the time
D-Classic Crossfit Training (7th Week)
The training program including 5 stations created by the participants has been performed circularly.
After the defined station has been implemented for 45 seconds, they have switched to the other station. The
participants have made the performance in all stations. 6 sets have been implemented in total. 3-5 minutes
rest between the sets has been given. 1. Back squat (60 percent of 1 maximum), 2. Butterfly pull up, 3.
Dumbbell Turkish sit up (60 percent of 1 maximum), 4. Crunch, 5. Push up stations have been created. The
participants have performed the movements according to movement rank in the stations.
International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology VOL. 9 (9)
D1-AMRAP (As many reps or rounds as possible) Crossfit Training (7th Week)
The participants have been ensured to perform with the highest resistance coefficient as much as they
can within a certain time at the stations taken part in Classic Crossfit Training protocol. The resistance
coefficient that the participants can perform has been recorded individually. They have been asked to
increase resistance coefficient during 8-week training period each week in the stations within the time
E-Classic Crossfit Training (8th Week)
The training program including 3 stations created by the participants has been performed circularly.
After the defined station has been implemented for 45 seconds, they have switched to the other station. The
participants have made the performance in all stations. 2 sets have been implemented. 5 minutes rest
between the sets has been given. 1. Push press (60 percent of 1 maximum), 2. Deadlift (60 percent of 1
maximum), 3. Butterfly pull up (60 percent of 1 maximum), 4. Crunch, 5. Push up stations have been created.
The participants have performed the movements according to movement rank in the stations.
E1-AMRAP (As many reps or rounds as possible) Crossfit Training (8th Week)
The participants have been ensured to perform with the highest resistance coefficient as much as they
can within a certain time at the stations taken part in Classic Crossfit Training protocol. The resistance
coefficient that the participants can perform has been recorded individually. They have been asked to
increase resistance coefficient during 8-week training period each week in the stations within the time
Wrestling Technical and Tactical Training (1st and 8th Week)
The participants in each training group of Test-I (Crossfit AMRAP; As many reps or rounds as
possible) and Test II (Classic Crossfit) groups have performed wrestling combined technical and tactical
trainings 3 days in a week (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) for 8 weeks with the condition of scope and
violence in parallel. HIIT (High Intensive Interval Training) program suitable to wrestling branch feature has
been implemented. In each exercises session, wrestling trainings; 10 minute warming (running and sprint
and then static and dynamic stretching of lower and upper extremities), 20 minute routine wrestling
exercises, 22-25 minute HIIT (8 wrestling technics) and 10 minute cooling (standard stretching) have been
performed as unit training for 90 minutes [2].
2.3. Analysis
In data analysis, MS Excel (2007) spreadsheet program for Windows has been used and the graphics
have been drawn. The analysis has been written in MS Word (2007) for Windows. The statistical analysis has
been written in SPSS (17.0) program for Windows. For identifying the differences between pre and final
measurements anaerobic power values of test and control group participants in the study, two-way ANOVA
test has been used for repetitive measurements. We have looked at whether the data has normal distribution
or not for defining a suitable test before testing the hypothesis. Significance level has been evaluated as p <
Table 2. Comparing “30 Sec Absolute Average Power- Absolute Peak Power –Relative Average Power” values
according to Group X Measurement interaction.
Art. Ort. ± Std. D.
Average Power
Pre test
Final test
Pre test
Final test
Absolute Peak
Pre test
Final test
International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology VOL. 9 (9)
Pre test
Final test
Average Power
Pre test
Final test
Pre test
Final test
(df=1,30, *p<0,05)
When obtained results have been evaluated, the difference between pre and final test average values
of AMRAP Crossfit group and Classic Crossfit group in Anaerobic Absolute Average Power and Anaerobic
Relative Average Power values in group X time interaction has been found statistically significant on behalf
of classic Crossfit group (*p<0,05).
Table 3. Comparing simple effect “30 Sec Absolute Average Power- Absolute Peak Power –Relative Average Power”
MD ± Std. H.
Anaerobic Absolute
Average Power
Final test
Pre test
Final test
Pre test
Anaerobic Absolute
Peak Power
Final test
Pre test
Final test
Pre test
Anaerobic Relative
Average Power
Final test
Pre test
Final test
Pre test
According to simple effect test results, the development in Anaerobic Absolute Peak Power values of
AMRAP Crossfit group and Anaerobic Absolute Average Power and Anaerobic Relative Average Power
values in classic Crossfit training group has been found statistically significant (*p<0,05).
Table 4. Comparing 6 Sec Absolute Average Power- Absolute Peak Power –Relative Average Power” values according
to Group X Measurement interaction.
AM ± Std. H.
Absolute Average
Pre test
Final test
Pre test
Final test
Absolute Peak
Pre test
Final test
Pre test
Final test
Relative Average
Pre test
Final test
Pre test
Final test
International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology VOL. 9 (9)
(df=1,30, p<0,05)
When evaluating obtained results, the difference between pretest and final test values of AMRAP
Crossfit group in Anaerobic Absolute Average Power and Anerobic Relative Average Power values in group
X time interaction dimension and also pretest and final test values of classic Crossfit group has been found
statistically significant on behalf of classic Crossfit group (*p<0,05).
Table 5. Comparing Simple effect “6 Sec Absolute Average Power- Absolute Peak Power –Relative Average Power”
MD ± Std. H.
Absolute Average Power
Final test
Pre test
Final test
Pre test
Anaerobic Absolute Peak
Final test
Pre test
Final test
Pre test
Anaerobic Relative
Average Power
Final test
Pre test
Final test
Pre test
Along with that there is statistically significant difference based on Anaerobic Absolute Peak Power
and Anaerobic Relative Average Power training period of AMRAP Crossfit group
when examining pre and final test values according to simple effect test results, the change in classic
Crossfit training group in Anaerobic Average Power, Anaerobic Relative Average Power and Anaerobic
Absolute Peak Power values has shown statistically significant difference (*p<0,05).
4. Discussion and Conclusion
The aim of this study is to identify the effect level of classic Crossfit training and Crossfit AMRAP
training on anaerobic power. When we look at the effect of training models applied for 8 weeks on anaerobic
power development, the quantitative development in Absolute Average Power and Anaerobic Relative
Average Power values of classic Crossfit training group is found statistically significant compared to the
development in Crossfit AMRAP training group according to Watt Bike anaerobic test results conducted for
30 and 6 seconds. Considering refereed journal and journals in the index, there is a limited literature
possibility on performance parameters.
When examining the pre and final measurements of the groups, the quantitative development has
been found statistically significant only in 30 seconds Watt Bike test in Crossfit AMRAP training group.
While the development in Anaerobic Absolute Average Power and Anaerobic Relative Average Power
values of regular Crossfit training group has been found significant in 30- and 6-seconds Watt-Bike test,
Anaerobic Absolute Peak Power has been found significant only in 6 seconds Watt-Bike test.
Dexheimer et al. in their study have identified that Crossfit has enhanced the relation of “fran”,
“grace” and nancy models with anaerobic power performance and they have also stated that only nancy
models have significant relation with anaerobic power [8].
Timon et al. in their study have examined biochemical parameters and recovery after Crossfit training
model in different type. In this study, AMRAP and RFR (rounds for time) method within work of the day
have been compared. At the end of this study, there is more increase in RFR model, lactic amount, difficulty
level perceived (RPE), Maximum heart beat number and average compared to AMRAP model. Especially in
high heart beat numbers endurance time is more in RFT model. While RFT is more intensive model as
violence, AMRAP can be considered to develop to work in higher masses. It can be stated that the findings
of our study are supported in terms of the parameters that this study has examined [25].
Bellar et al. in their study have stated that the difference in peak power value of the sportsmen
(806.5±129.4 w) who have not participated in any competition before and experienced sportsmen
(864.8±154.8 w) who have performed actively and participated in competitions is not statistically significant.
International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology VOL. 9 (9)
In addition to that, they have identified that experienced group has achieved more reps in a significant way
in AMRAP exercises and completed reps in 21-15-9 workout exercises in shorter time in a significant way.
Also, it has been cited that Crossfit performance is related with aerobic capacity and anaerobic power of the
individual [4,17].
Martínez et al. in their measurements that they have conducted on the sportsmen whose age average
is 36±9 and participated in Crossfit competitions, have stated that body weight of high-performance group
(HP) is 78±2 and body weight of the sportsmen who have shown low performance (LP) is 84±11. It has been
noted that the performances of HP group are significantly higher in squat jump test results. Also, it has been
reported that the difference between average power values (HP;671 ± 39, LP;639 ± 70 w) and peak power
(HP;823 ± 58, LP;788 ± 86 w) values has not been found significant [14].
Bellar has cited that aerobic capacity and anaerobic power with the experience and age has affected
Crossfit performance [4]. Butcher et al. have defined that grace and fran performances of the sportsmen
participated in 4th Crossfit Open are related with anaerobic threshold [6]. Goins et al. have stated that they
have observed a significant development in some strength values and anaerobic capacity values in 6 weeks
in their study which they have examined the effects of 6-week Crossfit training on some physical and
physiologic variables [13]. Schafer et al. have reported that the increase in vertical jump, anaerobic power
and peak power values in first grade college students who have 18 age average and performed ROTC
training with Crossfit for 12 weeks has not shown significance [19]. Most of the studies in literature have
shown that Crossfit training is effective on anaerobic power development. One study has noted that it has
not provided an increase in anaerobic power values [19].
As a consequence, while the quantitative increase in performance values of AMRAP Crossfit training
group after 8-week training has not been found statistically significant, the alteration in classic Crossfit
training has been found effective. It has been seen that AMRAP Crossfit training is effective only on peak
power. The effective resistance coefficient which can be performed during the implementation of the
movement in AMRAP model has been decreasing the quality of output against resistances. At the same time,
it has been causing injury risks. The criteria to participate in Crossfit trainings should be implemented by
identifying effectively by the trainers. It has been seen that the design of classic crossfit training model is
more distinct in reflecting to the wrestlers. However, it should be noted that the wrestlers to be trained
actively involve in either Greco-Roman or freestyle.
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... Detailed information on the quality scores of each included study's PEDro scale is presented in Table 2. The PEDro scale scores ranged from 5 to 6. Seven studies scored 6 points [59][60][61][62][63][64][65], while six studies scored 5 points [41, [66][67][68][69][70]. These scores indicate that the included articles are of good quality. ...
... Seven studies investigated the impact of HIFT on power in a total of 184 male martial arts athletes, 20 female martial arts athletes, and 22 female volleyball athletes [41, [59][60][61]64,68,70]. The main methods used to evaluate power included the squatting jump, standing long jump, and Anaerobic Power Test. ...
... Notably, Caloglu and Yuksel found that eight weeks of HIFT positively impacted the power indicators of wrestlers[41]. Furthermore, numerous studies across different sports have demonstrated the effectiveness of HIFT in enhancing athletes' power ability[60,61,64,68,70]. Thus, our metaanalysis provides robust evidence supporting the positive impact of HIFT on athletes' power ability. ...
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Objective This study aims to meta-analyze the impact of high-intensity functional training on athletes’ physical fitness and sport-specific performance. Methods A systematic search was conducted in five well-known academic databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, EBSCOhost, and the Cochrane Library) up to July 1, 2023. The literature screening criteria included: (1) studies involving healthy athletes, (2) a HIFT program, (3) an assessment of outcomes related to athletes’ physical fitness or sport-specific performance, and (4) the inclusion of randomized controlled trials. The Physical Therapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale was used to evaluate the quality of studies included in the meta-analysis. Results 13 medium- and high-quality studies met the inclusion criteria for the systematic review, involving 478 athletes aged between 10 and 24.5 years. The training showed a small to large effect size (ES = 0.414–3.351; all p < 0.05) in improving upper and lower body muscle strength, power, flexibility, and sport-specific performance. Conclusion High-intensity functional training effectively improves athletes’ muscle strength, power, flexibility, and sport-specific performance but has no significant impact on endurance and agility. Future research is needed to explore the impact of high-intensity functional training on athletes’ speed, balance, and technical and tactical performance parameters.
... Başka bir ifadeyle CrossFit, yüksek yoğunluklu ve tekrarlı fonksiyonel hareketleri içeren bir antrenman sistemidir (Butcher vd., 2015). Çaloğlu ve Yüksel (2020) CrossFit antrenmanlarının temel bileşenin yoğunluk olduğunu vurgulamaktadır. Birçok spor aktivitesinin içeriklerinin yer aldığı CrossFit antrenmanlarının temelinde clean, deadlift, squat, snatch ve overhead gibi olimpik kaldırışlar, paralel bar, ring, pull up gibi cimnastik ve yüzme, koşu, kürek gibi egzersiz paternlerinden oluşmakta ve günün antrenmanı "günün çalışması-WOD" olarak programlanmaktadır (Meyer vd., 2017;Claudino vd., 2018). ...
... Katılımcılardan elde edilen verilere istatistiksel analizler uygulanmadan önce normallik testleri uygulanmış olup ilgili verilerin analizler için varsayımları sağlayıp sağlamadığı kontrol edilmiştir (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2013 (Ambroży, 2022;Türker & Yüksel, 2020;Kartal & Ergin, 2020;Shamsi vd., 2022;Şeker vd., 2019). Ancak grup içi 20 metre sürat skorları değerlendirildiğinde geleneksel kuvvet antrenman uygulayanlarda azalma olurken Amrap modeli crossfit modelinde ise sürenin arttığı görülmektedir. ...
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Bu araştırmanın amacı; Rekreatif amaçlı geleneksel kuvvet ve AMRAP modeli Crossfit Antrenman uygulayan bireylerde bazı performans parametrelerine etkisinin incelenmesidir. Araştırmaya rekreasyon amaçlı fitness merkezlerinde crossfit (Crossfit AMRAP antrenman, n=30) veya geleneksel kuvvet (geleneksel kuvvet antrenman; n=30) programına dahil olan 60 erkek katılımcı gönüllü yer almışlardır. Araştırmada sekiz haftalık süreçte ilk ve son haftalarda 20 m. sürat, dikey sıçrama, 1 dak. mekik, 1 dak. şınav, 1 Maksimum tekrar kg (bench press, shoulder press, leg press, leg curl, lat pull down, barbel curl, triceps push down) ve vücut bileşimi (vücut ağırlığı, body mass index, vücut yağ yüzdesi; %, yağ kütlesi, kas kütlesi) değerleri tespit edilmiştir. Antrenman periyodu 8 hafta, haftada da üç gün olarak programlandı. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde SPSS (27.0) paket programında Karışık Ölçümlerde ANOVA uygulanmıştır (p<0.05). Veri analizi sonuçlarına göre gruplar arası son testler göz önünde bulundurulduğunda araştırmaya katılan grupların son test 20 metre sprint, dikey sıçrama, şınav testi, mekik testi, 1 TM (shoulder press, leg press, triceps push down) ve kas kütle değerleri istatistiksel farklılığa sahiptir. Grup içi ön test-son test değerleri karşılaştırıldığında AMRAP grubunda dikey sıçrama, şınav testi, mekik testi 1 TM (bench press, leg press, leg curl, lat pull down, barbel curl, triceps push down), yağ yüzdesi ve kas kütle değerlerindeki gelişimin istatistiksel olarak daha fazla olduğu belirlenmiştir. 20 m. sürat ve 1 TM shoulder press değerlerindeki farklılık geleneksel kuvvet uygulayanlar lehine daha etkin değerlere sahiptir. Sonuç olarak; elde edilen veriler ışığında, AMRAP modelinin rekreatif amaçlı fitness yapan bireylerde performans değerlerine katkı sağlama konusunda öne çıktığı görülmektedir.
... This finding signified that the CrossFit training program can effectively improve muscle strength and flexibility in adolescents, similar to the report of Kaczorowska et al. (21). This improvement may be attributed to exercises such as pull-ups, knees-to-chest, and toesto-bar incorporated into CrossFit, which gradually enhance grip strength and, alongside movements like "swinging," "pull-downs," and "pullups," can also train the forearm musculature (22). ...
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Background A decline in adolescent health holds significant repercussions for public health. Promoting exercise is essential to improve physical and mental health among youth. This study aimed to explore the effect of CrossFit training programs on the physical health and sociogenic somatic anxiety of adolescents. Methods In March 2023, 100 adolescents were openly recruited from eight middle schools in Jinhua, China. The participants, were divided equally into control and experimental groups, experienced either traditional or CrossFit training, respectively, over nine weeks. Evaluation measures included the analysis of social physique anxiety, body esteem, physical self-efficacy, and general physical health before and after the exercise program. Results Post-intervention data demonstrated marked reductions across all facets of the social physique anxiety scale, including worries about public scrutiny, anxiety from social comparison, and discomfort related to one’s physical self-image, more so in the experimental group (P<0.05). Likewise, assessments of the physical self-perception profile and physical self-efficacy scale were enhanced, again with the experimental cohort displaying more pronounced improvements (P<0.05). Results from biophysical function evaluations indicated significant health improvements post-intervention, with noted advancements in lung capacity, aerobic fitness by the standing long jump, and muscular endurance as assessed by grip strength, sit-up, and push-up counts, primarily in the experimental group (P<0.05). Conclusion CrossFit training offered considerable advantages by reducing social physique anxiety and enhancing adolescents’ body esteem and physical self-efficacy. The program stimulated improvements in body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle strength, and flexibility.
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Aim; CrossFit is a sports branch which started as a training model and constituted its discipline by increasing gradually. The present study aims to examine the anaerobic power and dynamic balance changes of freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestlers who perform CrossFit training. Material and Method; The study was conducted with 40 male wrestlers who compete in the Turkish Wrestling Major League in the season of 2015-2016. Data form was distributed in order to determine the demographic characteristics of participants. Specialist physician support was provided during the application of tests and training programs. The values were recorded to the data form by creating measurement parkour and applying 30 seconds of anaerobic power test on Wattbike Pro after the body weight, length and age were recorded respectively. The recorded measurements were organized in MS Excel spreadsheet program. Two way ANOVA was used for repeated measures in the determination of differences between the pre and post measurement of participants' anaerobic power and balance values. Findings; The average pretest values for anaerobic absolute peak power of wrestlers in the experimental group were determined as 847.40 ± 186.98 watt and average posttest values were determined as 942.55 ± 193.77 watts. While the average pretest values for anaerobic relative peak power were determined as 7.32 ± 0.87 watts/kg and average posttest values were determined as 7.79 ± 0.75 watt/kg, the average pretest values for anaerobic absolute average power were determined as 522.40 ± 94.09 watt and average posttest values were determined as 563.75 ± 91.04 watt. The average pretest values for anaerobic absolute peak power of wrestlers in the control group were determined as 812.35 ± 137.37 watts and the average posttest values were determined as 878.45 ± 129.64 watts. While the average pretest values for anaerobic relative peak power were determined as 6.96 ± 0.7 watts/kg and average posttest values were determined as 7.23 ± 0.87 watt/kg, the average pretest values for anaerobic absolute average power were determined as 525.45 ± 82.8 watt and average posttest values were determined as 553.25 ± 78.1 watt. When dynamic balance values were examined, it was determined that the average pretest values for balance score of wrestlers in the experimental group were 19.82 ± 4.92 and the average posttest values were 14.12 ± 4.15, the average pretest values for balance score of wrestlers in the control group were 20.60 ± 5.77 International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology VOL.9 (1) 123 and the average posttest values were 17.64 ± 5.07. Result; In accordance with these findings, it was observed that both the CrossFit and conventional wrestling training provided positive increases on the anaerobic power values and the dynamic balance of wrestlers. When the group factor was considered, it was observed that there wasn't a significant difference between the relative power, absolute peak power and average anaerobic power parameters of wrestlers in the experimental and control group. When measurement on dynamic balance (pretest-posttest) and group factor were examined, positive decreases were observed which had a significant difference.
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Bu çalışmanın amacı süper slow motion kuvvet antrenmanlarının kadın voleybolcularda anaerobik güç düzeyine olan etkilerini tespit etmektir. Deney grubu katılımcıların (n=14; süper slow motion + rutin voleybol antrenman) yaş 20,35±2,11 yıl; boy uzunluğu 171.28 ± 8.25 cm; vücut ağırlığı 58.85±12.6 kg iken kontrol grubunun (n=14 ; rutin voleybol antrenman) ise yaş 21,1±0,41 yıl; boy uzunluğu 169.42±7.32 cm; vücut ağırlığı 61.44±8.5 kg olarak tespit edilmiştir. Sekiz haftalık süreç öncesi ve sonrası Wattbike ergo bisiklette 6 sn-30 sn, squat ve göğüs press (MYO test) anaerobik güç değerleri kaydedilmiştir. İlk iki hafta 1 MT (maksimum tekrar) % 50, 5. ve 6. hafta 1 MT % 70; 7. ve 8.hafta 1 MT % 80’ i ile sekiz istasyonlu süper slow motion programı uygulanmıştır. İlk 4 hafta 2 sn konsantrik – 4 sn eksantrik,son dört hafta ise 3 sn kon-6 sn eks. izotonik kasılma uygulanmıştır. Veriler Tekrarlı Ölçümler Anova testi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Grup x ölçüm etkileşimi sonuçlarına göre Bench Peak Power Watt/kg değerlerinde anlamlı değişim görülmüştür. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre süper slow motion egzersizlerinin üst ekstremiteye ait anaerobik gücü olumlu katkı sağlamaktadır.
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The aim of this study was to determine the physiological variables that predict competition performance during a CrossFit competition. Fifteen male amateur CrossFit athletes (age, 35 ± 9 years; CrossFit experience, 40 ± 27 months) performed a series of laboratory-based tests (incremental load test for deep full squat and bench press; squat, countermovement and drop jump tests; and incremental running and Wingate tests) that were studied as potential predictors of CrossFit performance. Thereafter, they performed the five Workouts of the Day (WODs) corresponding to the CrossFit Games Open 2019, and we assessed the relationship between the laboratory-based markers and CrossFit performance with regression analyses. Overall CrossFit performance (i.e., final ranking considering the sum of all WODs, as assessed by number of repetitions, time spent in exercises or weight lifted) was significantly related to jump ability, mean and peak power output during the Wingate test, relative maximum strength for the deep full squat and the bench press, and maximum oxygen uptake (VO 2max) and speed during the incremental test (all p < 0.05, r = 0.58-0.75). However, the relationship between CrossFit Performance and most laboratory markers varied depending on the analyzed WOD. Multiple linear regression analysis indicated that measures of lower-body muscle power (particularly jump ability) and VO 2max explained together most of the variance (R 2 = 81%, p < 0.001) in overall CrossFit performance. CrossFit performance is therefore associated with different power-, strength-, and aerobic-related markers.
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CrossFit is high-intensity interval training involving routines called 'workouts of the day' (WOD). The aim of the present study is to analyse biochemical parameters and physical performance after two modalities of CrossFit WODs, and to evaluate 48-hour recovery. Twelve trained CrossFit practitioners (age: 30.4 ± 5.37 years; VO2max: 47.8 ± 3.63 ml/min/kg; 1RM Power Clean: 93.2 ± 7.62 kg) participated in the study. A crossover design was applied, and participants completed two modalities of WODs on separate days: WOD1 (as many rounds as possible) and WOD2 (rounds for time). Blood lactate, ratings of perceived exertion and heart rate were measured to determine the intensity of training sessions. Biochemical parameters and physical performance were evaluated before, immediately after, 24 hours after and 48 hours after exercise. There were significant differences in intensity between WOD1 and WOD2 (lactate: 13.3±1.87 vs. 18.38±2.02 mmol/L, heart rate mean: 127.6±11.1 vs. 159.8±12.1 bpm), and blood glucose concentrations were significantly higher after WOD2 (135.4 ± 19.6 vs. 167.4±19.6 mg/dL). After exercise, WOD1 and WOD2 caused significant increases of hepatic transaminases, creatine phosphokinase and blood glucose, as well as a large decrease in the physical performance evaluated by the plank test. All these values returned to baseline by 48 hours after exercise. Both WODs caused metabolic and muscular stress, as well as a decrease in physical performance. All the levels recovered at 48 hours, so the stress caused by CrossFit WODs did not induce a pathological state.
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CrossFit® began as another exercise program to improve physical fitness and has rapidly grown into the “sport of fitness”. However, little is understood as to the physiological indicators that determine CrossFit® sport performance. The purpose of this study was to determine which physiological performance measure was the greatest indicator of CrossFit® workout performance. Male (n = 12) and female (n = 5) participants successfully completed a treadmill graded exercise test to measure maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), a 3-minute all-out running test (3MT) to determine critical speed (CS) and the finite capacity for running speeds above CS (D′), a Wingate anaerobic test (WAnT) to assess anaerobic peak and mean power, the CrossFit® total to measure total body strength, as well as the CrossFit® benchmark workouts: Fran, Grace, and Nancy. It was hypothesized that CS and total body strength would be the greatest indicators of CrossFit® performance. Pearson’s r correlations were used to determine the relationship of benchmark performance data and the physiological performance measures. For each benchmark-dependent variable, a stepwise linear regression was created using significant correlative data. For the workout Fran, back squat strength explained 42% of the variance. VO2max explained 68% of the variance for the workout Nancy. Lastly, anaerobic peak power explained 57% of the variance for performance on the CrossFit® total. In conclusion, results demonstrated select physiological performance variables may be used to predict CrossFit® workout performance.
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Background. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) may affect acylated ghrelin (AG) through changes in body composition. Objectives. The present study was designed to investigate and compare the effects of two different orders of wrestling-based HIIT on AG levels and body composition in highly trained wrestlers. Methods. Forty-two male wrestlers (aged 16–21 years) were randomly assigned to one of three groups: HIIT23 (2 sets of 3 min wrestling techniques; 80-90% HRmax); HIIT32 (3 sets of 2 min wrestling techniques; 90-100% HRmax); and a control group that performed routine wrestling exercises. HIIT protocol consisted of eight techniques which were performed three day/week for eight weeks. Body composition and total plasma AG were measured 48 h before and after the protocol. Results. Body fat percentage (p
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CrossFit is a physically and metabolically-demanding training mode increasing in popularity among recreational athletes. Presently, however, scarce evidence is available documenting its energetic profile. This study investigated the metabolic characteristics of a CrossFit training bout as measured by expired gases and blood lactate. Eleven females and 7 males completed a 12-minute CrossFit bout on two occasions separated by three days. During both experimental sessions (Pt1, Pt2), subjects performed as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) within the timed workout which consisted of consisted of 12 box jumps (30" for males, 20" for females), 6 thrusters (24 kg for males, 16 kg for females), and 6 bar-facing burpees in sequence. Oxygen consumption (VO2), respiratory exchange ratio (RER), blood lactate (BL), and repetitions completed were measured during both experimental sessions. The average VO2 and RER of both bouts (Pt1 and Pt2) was 37.0 ± 4.8 ml/kg/min and 1.04 ± 0.1, respectively. Average BL significantly increased above pre-exercise concentrations (3.0 ± 1.3 mmol/L) at 4 min (10.1 ± 3.2 mmol/L; p < 0.01), 8 min (12.3 ± 3.5 mmol/L; p < 0.01), and immediately post at 12 min (12.6 ± 3.9 mmol/L; p < 0.01). Repetitions completed in Pt2 (140.2 ± 25.9) were significantly different to repetitions completed in Pt1 (131.2 ± 27.2) (p = 0.023). Average repetitions completed in Pt1 and Pt 2 was 135.7 ± 26.6. These data suggest that CrossFit is a metabolically-demanding conditioning method that relies heavily on both aerobic and anaerobic energy production and may represent an alternative to traditional methods of exercise to improve fitness and longevity.
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CrossFit training is a relatively new training program characterized by “high intensity, constantly varied, functional movements” (Glassman, 2007). Considering the initiation of exercise is usually affected by multiple factors, the authors qualitatively examined the factors that encourage individuals with more than three months of CrossFit training experience to adopt and maintain this high-intensity training modality. Seventeen individuals over 25 years old were purposively sampled and contacted by an investigator for an interview. Semi-structured interviews were selected as the primary form of data collection. Analyses of the interviews led to the following four overarching themes: Accepting and Overcoming Challenge, Commitment, Connection and Community, and Empowerment and Transformation.
Train to perform at the highest level with the lowest risk of injury. The second edition of New Functional Training for Sports produces the best results on the court, field, track, and mat, not just in the weight room. Michael Boyle, one of the world’s leading sport performance coaches, presents the concepts, methods, exercises, and programs that maximize athletes’ movements in competition. A series of functional assessments help in determining the design of a specific plan for each athlete. Self-reinforcing progressions in exercises for the lower body, core, upper body, and ultimately total body give athletes the balance, proprioception, stability, strength, and power they require for excelling in their sports. Sample programs assist in the customization process and cover each aspect of preparation for physical performance. Boyle also draws on the latest research and his wealth of experience to offer programming advice and recommendations on foam rolling, stretching, and dynamic warm-ups. New Functional Training for Sports goes beyond traditional exercise descriptions and explanations, incorporating full-color, high-definition composites of foundational movements as well as online access to video demonstrations, commentary, and analysis of key exercises. New Functional Training for Sports is a refined and expanded version of Boyle’s original work published more than a decade previously. This edition offers the most current functional training expertise to apply to your specific purposes.
CrossFit is a fitness program that has become increasingly popular in the Western world, but as in other sports, the risk of injury is present. Only a few studies have addressed health benefits and injuries in CrossFit. It is known that chronically overloaded tendons will thicken and increase the risk of tendinopathy. However, it remains unknown whether acute overload caused by strenuous, high-intensity exercise will exert changes in tendons and if these changes can be detected and described by ultrasonography. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of acute overload on tendon thickness using ultrasonography. Standardized ultrasound measurements of the patella, Achilles, and plantaris tendons were performed before and after a specific workout in 34 healthy subjects. Significant increases were observed in patella tendon thickness before (M = 4.5, SD = 0.6) and after (M = 5.0, SD = 0.7) highly intense strenuous exercise, with an estimated mean differences of 0.47 mm (95% CI: 0.35-0.59 mm; P < 0.0001) and in Achilles tendon thickness before (M = 4.4, SD = 0.4) and after (M = 4.5, SD = 0.5) workout, with an estimated difference of 0.17 mm (95% CI: 0.04-0.29 mm; P < 0.01). However, there was no significant difference in fascia plantaris thickness before (M = 3.4, SD = 0.5) and after (M = 3.4, SD = 0.5) workout (P = 0.97). A significant increase in the thickness of the patellar and Achilles tendons was found in response to strenuous, highly intense CrossFit exercises. In order to understand the underlying mechanisms of the findings and possibly utilize this to gain a better understanding, further studies must be conducted.