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Predicting Spatial Crime Occurrences through an Efficient Ensemble-Learning Model


Abstract and Figures

While the use of crime data has been widely advocated in the literature, its availability is often limited to large urban cities and isolated databases that tend not to allow for spatial comparisons. This paper presents an efficient machine learning framework capable of predicting spatial crime occurrences, without using past crime as a predictor, and at a relatively high resolution: the U.S. Census Block Group level. The proposed framework is based on an in-depth multidisciplinary literature review allowing the selection of 188 best-fit crime predictors from socioeconomic , demographic, spatial, and environmental data. Such data are published periodically for the entire United States. The selection of the appropriate predictive model was made through a comparative study of different machine learning families of algorithms, including generalized linear models, deep learning, and ensemble learning. The gradient boosting model was found to yield the most accurate predictions for violent crimes, property crimes, motor vehicle thefts, vandalism, and the total count of crimes. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets of crimes reported in 11 U.S. cities demonstrated that the proposed framework achieves an accuracy of 73% and 77% when predicting property crimes and violent crimes, respectively.
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International Journal of
Predicting Spatial Crime Occurrences through an
Ecient Ensemble-Learning Model
Yasmine Lamari 1, Bartol Freskura 2, Anass Abdessamad 1, Sarah Eichberg 3and
Simon de Bonviller 1, *
1Augurisk, Inc., Wilmington, DE 19802, USA; (Y.L.); (A.A.)
2Velebit Artificial Intelligence LLC, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia;
3Independent Researcher, Dunedin, FL 34698, USA;
Received: 11 September 2020; Accepted: 23 October 2020; Published: 29 October 2020
While the use of crime data has been widely advocated in the literature, its availability is
often limited to large urban cities and isolated databases that tend not to allow for spatial comparisons.
This paper presents an ecient machine learning framework capable of predicting spatial crime
occurrences, without using past crime as a predictor, and at a relatively high resolution: the U.S. Census
Block Group level. The proposed framework is based on an in-depth multidisciplinary literature
review allowing the selection of 188 best-fit crime predictors from socio-economic, demographic,
spatial, and environmental data. Such data are published periodically for the entire United States.
The selection of the appropriate predictive model was made through a comparative study of
dierent machine learning families of algorithms, including generalized linear models, deep learning,
and ensemble learning. The gradient boosting model was found to yield the most accurate predictions
for violent crimes, property crimes, motor vehicle thefts, vandalism, and the total count of crimes.
Extensive experiments on real-world datasets of crimes reported in 11 U.S. cities demonstrated that
the proposed framework achieves an accuracy of 73% and 77% when predicting property crimes and
violent crimes, respectively.
Keywords: crime prediction; ensemble learning; machine learning; regression
1. Introduction
The ability to access reliable, high-resolution crime data has long been advocated by researchers [
The analysis of crime data can be useful in many aspects of law enforcement policy. Among other
uses, it may help allocate law enforcement resources where they are most needed [
] and adapt law
enforcement policies to an ever-changing environment [3].
In the United States, crime data are mainly available through the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report
program through the Summary Reporting System (SRS), currently transitioning into the National
Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). However, the available data are still fragmented and not
always directly comparable across the contiguous U.S. In the absence of homogenous data, local crime
prediction can provide an additional perspective.
In the field of machine learning (ML), many approaches and models have been defined in
relation to crime prediction through methods of classification, clustering, regression, deep learning,
and ensemble learning [
]. However, such models face a number of challenges. Among them,
many ML models dedicated to crime prediction are exclusively data-driven in their feature selection
process: the extensive use of feature engineering and automated feature selection techniques can
then limit the out-of-sample reliability of predictions. In addition, the ML models reaching satisfying
performances in their predictions tend to use past crime as a determinant of future crime [
]. As such
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data tend to be available only in major urban centers and are often dicult to compare across locations,
databases tend to be defined either at an aggregated level (city, county
. . .
) or at the local level only
(e.g., a detailed grid in one city only).
As a result, oering a prediction with a wide coverage and a high resolution would provide policy
makers and individuals with spatial elements of comparison in the U.S. and other countries without
national crime data, in addition to the traditional advantages brought by predictive policing [9].
In this paper, we present an ML model able to predict crime counts in all U.S. Census Block
Groups, by using data available throughout the entire contiguous U.S. Our model relies on a thorough
review of the neighborhood eects literature to identify community correlates of crime.
As a first step, we reviewed dierent crime theories related to social, economic, and demographic
characteristics of a neighborhood, and selected 188 predictors by combining this approach with
correlation analysis. These predictors, along with our targets, consisting of crime counts for various
crime types between 2014 and 2018, were gathered at the U.S. Census Block Group level for the
contiguous U.S. Census Blocks are local areas defined as containing 600 to 3000 people, with a
median BG area of about 1.3 km
. They have been argued to align with residents’ perception of
their neighborhood, suggesting that they form an appropriate unit of analysis to study neighborhood
eects [10]. To build our model, we use the Crime Open Database [11], geodocumenting crimes in 11
U.S. cities between 2014 and 2018, and thereby oering a variety of urban contexts.
Then, since we deal with a regression problem, we studied dierent predictive modeling families,
including Generalized Linear Models (GLMs), deep learning, and Ensemble Learning. We maintained
the most accurate model for most types of crimes considered, namely: violent crimes, property crimes,
motor vehicle theft (MVT), and vandalism.
In short, the main contributions of this paper are as follows:
Contribution 1: A spatial crime prediction model using data commonly available throughout the
entire continental U.S., thereby enabling spatial comparisons.
Contribution 2: An ecient data strategy based on a multidisciplinary literature review on crime
and state-of-the-art predictive ML techniques.
Contribution 3: A concise comparison of the performance of three predictive models, namely:
Poisson regression, Sequential Neural Network, and gradient boosting.
Contribution 4: A set of extensive experiments on real-world datasets of crimes reported in
dierent U.S. cities, and a detailed discussion of the promising local crime predictions achieved.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2presents the theoretical background
informing neighborhood eects on crime research and some state-of-the-art predictive ML algorithms.
Section 3describes the data strategy followed to produce the input dataset and the proposed predictive
method. Section 4discusses the achieved crime occurrences predictions. Finally, Section 5concludes
and identifies some directions for future research.
2. Background and Related Work
2.1. Theoretical Background
Neighborhood eects is an important concept in geographic, public health, and social science
research and is concerned with how neighborhood conditions aect social outcomes. The notion can
be traced back to University of Chicago sociologists Shaw and McKay [
] who proposed the field’s
oldest theoretical perspective, social disorganization, positing that neighborhood structures such as
socioeconomic disadvantage, racial heterogeneity, and residential mobility prevent residents from
forming social ties to regulate crime. Shaw and McKay’s work heralded a major paradigm shift away
from individual-level theories of crime toward ecological models [13].
While social disorganization theory fell out of favor in the 1960s, the approach was revitalized
in the 1980s by scholars in the U.S. with a renewed interest in neighborhood dynamics due to rising
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crime rates and urban decline. These authors updated the framework by addressing criticisms [
testing and clarifying concepts [15,16], and expanding causal mechanisms [1719].
One important extension of social disorganization theory was the concept of collective ecacy [
which refers to residents’ ability to come together to achieve a shared desire for a safe neighborhood [
Collective ecacy combines social cohesion, defined as trust and sense of community between
neighbors, with informal social control, which refers to residents’ ability to regulate community
disorder. Subsequent research has repeatedly demonstrated that collective ecacy exerts a strong
eect on community crime and violence [2123].
Routine activities (RA) theory is another prominent neighborhood eects perspective and suggests
that the way daily activities are organized creates opportunities for crime. The theory specifically posits
that crime is more likely to occur when three factors meet in time and space: a motivated oender,
an available target, and the absence of a capable guardian (e.g., an authority figure) [
]. Research in
this area is concerned with temporal and spatial eects on crime and focuses on micro-geographies,
including “hot spots,” such as street segments where crime occurs [25].
Pratt and Cullen [
] assessed RA theory and social disorganization theory along with other
criminological frameworks in their meta-analysis of macro-level predictors and theories of crime.
They found that social disorganization and resource deprivation theory, which links economic inequality
with an inability to regulate behavior in accordance with social norms, had the strongest eects on
crime. RA theory had a moderate eect on crime. Spano and Freilich [
] evaluated the empirical
validity of RA theory in response to mixed support in existing multivariate studies. Based on a review
of 33 articles, they found overall support for the theory, although nuanced analysis uncovered some
limitations. For example, studies using U.S. samples were almost four times more likely to be consistent
with hypothesized eects than studies using non-U.S. samples.
Based on the findings above, and the fact that we were largely dependent on the U.S. Census
dataset for input, we elected to concentrate on socio-demographic and socio-economic predictors
associated with social disorganization theory in our framework. However, we introduced a few
predictors consistent with RA theory into our model, such as climate, given the theory’s eectiveness
in the U.S. context. In addition, some social structural variables used in social disorganization research
are applicable to RA theory (e.g., population characteristics influence who commits a crime and who is
victimized) and previous researchers have used Census data measures to represent RA theory [27].
Predictors of crime associated with social disorganization theory can be divided into two broad
categories: static” neighborhood conditions that reflect a neighborhood’s social structural conditions
and “dynamic” neighborhood processes, such as collective efficacy or social cohesion [
]. Single static
variables with significant effects on crime include income inequality [
], race/ethnic segregation [
racial heterogeneity [
], residential instability [
], gender [
], and age [
], all taken into
account in our model. Table 1lists major social structural predictors of crime assessed in prior reviews [
and a meta-analysis [13] and indicates their effects (positive, negative, or unclear) on crime.
Table 1. Direct and indirect eects of variables on urban crime [13,29,51].
Social Structural Variables Relationship to Crime
Concentrated Disadvantage Positive
Unclear, possibly positive
Family Disruption Positive
Residential Instability Positive
Racial/Ethnic Heterogeneity Positive
Segregation Positive
Income Inequality Positive
Immigration Unclear
Gender (Male) Positive
Age (Younger) Positive
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Multicollinearity among social structural variables is a potential challenge in regression models
concerned with causal analysis of crime. This is because of strong links between many of the structural
factors associated with crime [
], creating what Wilson [
] referred to as “concentration eects”.
Concentrated disadvantage or “resource deprivation” [
] is one such index variable that incorporates
indicators for income inequality, poverty, racial diversity, educational attainment, residential mobility,
unemployment, and/or family disruption [
]. Another index variable is family disruption
which combines measures of family stability such as non-marriage, early marriage, early childbearing,
parental absenteeism, widowhood, and death [
]. While we are aware of multicollinearity issues
in crime research, we did not use index variables in our model since collinearity is only an issue for
causal inference and not prediction—the purpose of our framework.
Brisson and Roll [
] assessed four dynamic or process variables in their review that tend to
interact with static predictors to aect crime. Assessing social cohesion, Brisson and Roll found
limited evidence of a relationship between social cohesion and crime in studies on hate crimes [
and general violence or intimate partner violence [
]. Results were mixed for informal social control,
with one study showing a relationship between informal social control and a decline in delinquency
rates [
] and another finding eects on anti-Black hate crime [
]. A third study, however, was unable
to demonstrate a link between informal social control and general violence and intimate partner
violence [
]. Research on social ties, which is a concept closely aliated with social cohesion that
looks at the number of relationships in a community, has demonstrated that eects on crime depend
on the type and intensity of relationships and their influence on informal social control [
]. Finally,
support for the eect of collective ecacy on crime is robust and the concept is applicable across urban
locations. Collective ecacy has been associated with a decline in violent victimization [
], a decline
in homicide [63], reduced fear of crime [64], and increased street ecacy [55].
There is a nascent rural crime literature, largely dominated by studies oriented around social
disorganization theory [
]. Findings have been inconsistent, with evidence for some aspects of social
disorganization but little or no support for others [
]. Consequently, it is dicult to make broad
statements about crime patterns, but preliminary research indicates that variables such as poverty
and family disruption aect crime dierently in rural communities than in urban areas. For example,
research suggests that poverty has no relationship or an inverse relationship with crime [
possibly because community stability produces stronger informal social control [
]. In another
example, racial heterogeneity appears to have limited eects on social disorganization in rural settings,
given the mixed results of studies. For example, Bouard and Muftic [
] found no association between
ethnic heterogeneity and violent crime, while other scholars have found a positive relationship between
variables, including robbery and assault in rural counties [
] and youth violent crime [
]. Table 2
provides an overview of social structural predictors of crime in rural communities.
Table 2. Social disorganization variables eects on rural crime [66,74].
Structural Variables Relationship to Crime
Poverty, Income, Income Inequality
No relationship or Inverse
Unemployment Unclear, possibly positive
Family Disruption
Unclear, possibly no relationship or even inverse
Residential Instability Unclear
Racial/Ethnic Heterogeneity Unclear
Due to remaining uncertainty about the mechanisms of crime in rural communities, we did not
create a separate model for predicting rural crime but applied the same model to rural and urban
contexts. Similarly, sparse research into suburban crime [
] meant that we were not able to
develop a distinct model to predict crime in suburban settings.
In sum, based on our thorough review of the neighborhood eects literature, we decided to
select predictors of urban crime associated with the neighborhood eects perspective, mainly social
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disorganization theory and, to a lesser degree, RA theory, to inform our framework. Most of these
were social structural predictors that have demonstrated significant relationships with crime in prior
research (these are summarized in Table 3). We subsequently drew on datasets, including the U.S.
Census, to select social, economic, and demographic indicators to represent these predictors.
Table 3. Summary of the selected features.
Themes Number of Attributes Mean Absolute
Correlation (%)
Mean Feature
Importance (%)
Poverty 14 23.57 0.59
Residential instability 4 19.89 0.75
Housing and commuting 14 19.18 0.65
Income 4 18.4 0.68
Population 4 16.95 1.26
Family disruption 10 16.79 0.69
Unemployment 8 11.16 0.66
Gender 2 9.29 0.71
Climate 60 8.99 0.31
Education 36 8.73 0.54
Socio-economic indicators 5 8.67 0.12
Age 10 7.45 0.64
Law enforcement 4 7.37 0.65
Ethnic heterogeneity 12 5.17 0.61
Land area 1 4.47 3.61
2.2. Related Work: ML and Crime Prediction
In this section, we review the recent work on spatial crime prediction using dierent ML techniques,
with an emphasis on the methods estimating crime rates or occurrences.
H.W. Kang and H.B. Kang [
] proposed a deep learning method based on a deep neural network
(DNN) for crime occurrences prediction at the U.S. census-tract level. In their data strategy, the authors
involved various sources of data, including crime occurrence reports and demographic and climate
information. Additionally, they considered environmental context information using image data from
Google Street View. In their prediction model, the authors adopted a multimodal data fusion method,
in such a way that the DNN is defined with four layer groups, namely: spatial, temporal, environmental
context, and joint feature representation layers. This predictive model produces significant results in
terms of accuracy. However, it was trained and tested using only real-world datasets collected from
the city of Chicago, Illinois, due to data availability constraints. Thus, it cannot be used uniformly for
all U.S. cities.
Based also on the deep learning family of methods, Huang et al. [
] proposed a Recurrent Neural
Network (RNN) for predicting spatio-temporal crime occurrences in urban areas. Their method is
characterized by detecting dynamic crime patterns using a hierarchical recurrent neural network
from hidden representation vectors. These vectors embed spatial, temporal, and categorical signals
while preserving the correlations between the crime occurrences and their time slots. This method
was trained and evaluated using real-world datasets collected from New York City. In this dataset,
crimes are recorded with their respective category, location, and timestamp. However, such a method
cannot be uniformly used for all urban areas, since these kinds of data are not commonly available for
other cities.
A probabilistic model based on the Bayesian paradigm was suggested by [
]. This proposed
model was conceived to predict spatial crime rates using demographic and historical crime data.
It quantifies the uncertainties in the output predictions and the model parameters using a combination
of two Bayesian linear regression models. A first parametric model that takes into account the
relationship between crime rate and location-specific factors, and a second non-parametric model
that addresses the spatial dependencies. It also handles the inferences on the regression parameters
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by estimating the posterior probability distribution using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method
(MCMC). Results regarding three types of crime comply with the existing theoretical criminological
assumptions. In addition, the proposed model can be generalized to all of Australia, since it uses
demographic census data available nearly in all locations.
Besides these eorts, we found that ensemble-learning methods have been the subject of several
studies in the literature, and have proven to be eective in the context of spatial crime prediction.
This family of ML models draws its strength from the fact that it employs multiple learning algorithms.
Each algorithm works on a chunk or on the whole dataset to produce intermediate predictions that
are collected and processed in order to obtain the final predictions. Examples of studies relying on
ensemble-learning methods include [6,7,79].
Alves et al. [
] used a random forest regressor to predict crime in urban areas. Knowing that
this ML model is extremely sensitive to its main parameters (the number of trees and the maximum
depth of each tree), the authors estimated them using the stratified k-fold cross-validation method and
then set them using the grid-search algorithm. Thus, they managed to create a trade-obetween bias
and variance errors. The authors also studied the relationship between crime incidents and urban
indicators using various statistical tests and metrics, in order to select the most important explanatory
indicators. Their proposed model has been trained and tested using urban indicators data from all
Brazilian cities. Experiments showed that it can yield a promising accuracy reaching up to 97% on
crime prediction. However, predictions concern only a single type of crime—i.e., homicides, at an
aggregated city-level.
More recently, Kadar et al. [
] proposed a predictive approach for spatio-temporal crime hotspots
predictions in low population density areas. The authors focused mainly on the problem of class
imbalance, handled through a repeated under-sampling technique. Indeed, in the learning phase,
their predictive model is trained using balanced sub-samples of the input dataset, which are created by
randomly selecting the same number of instances from the majority and minority classes. As a next
step, they adopted the random forest classifier as a base learner for predicting crime hotspots after a
deep evaluation of other ML models. Results with an input dataset composed of dierent predictors,
such as socio-economic, geographical, temporal, meteorological, and crime variables, showed that
this approach outperforms the common baselines in predicting hotspots. However, it is conceived to
predict only a single type of crime, burglary incidents.
Another ensemble-learning predictive approach was proposed in [
]. Ingilevich and Ivanov
conceived a three-step approach for crime occurrences prediction in a specific urban area. Their approach
starts with a clustering step, in which the authors applied the Density-Based Spatial Clustering of
Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) algorithm in order to study the spatial patterns of the considered
crime types and to remove the noise from the dataset. This is followed by a feature selection step,
in which the authors applied the chi-squared test in order to study the relative importance of the
features. Finally, in the third step, the authors used the gradient boosting model to predict crime
occurrences after a performance comparison of two other models—i.e., the linear regression and
the logistic regression. This model was trained and tested using the crime incidents dataset from
Saint-Petersburg, Russia. It outperformed the two other models in terms of accuracy for three types of
street crimes.
Building on this previous work and on our own eorts, we propose a predictive framework that
has been carefully designed to spatially predict crime occurrences at the U.S. Census Block Group level,
based on the gradient boosting model.
3. Methodology
3.1. Data Strategy
This paper uses observed crime data from the Crime Open Database (Ashby, 2018), available at We trained and tested a predictive model based on 13,897 U.S. Block Groups.
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We then generated predictions for the contiguous U.S., representing 217,840 Block Groups. Due to
data limitations of this approach, it should be noted that our sample represents just 6.4% of the total
existing U.S. observations.
As a result, our research design was adapted to face this challenge. Feature selection in this
study was mainly theory-based, in order to select predictors based on their causality relationship with
crime and as identified by the literature in various contexts, thereby increasing our chance to preserve
our prediction performance outside of our sample. First, relevant crime predictors were identified
using insights from the sociological, geographical, and ML literature, as detailed in the Theoretical
Background and Related Works sections. Second, correlations between all variables available from the
American Community Survey and our target variables were examined, and variables displaying a
correlation over 0.25 with the total crime count target were retained. Third, variables were generated
based on neighboring Block Groups’ characteristics to allow for spillover eects. For each ACS feature,
a twin variable was generated defined as either the sum or the average of the ACS feature over all
neighboring block groups. The resulting features are called ”spillover variables” in this paper and are
denoted by (spillover) when discussed.
Overall, 164 features were incorporated based on theory, while 24 features were defined based
on our correlation analysis with crime. Moreover, the data used referred to 11 cities across 9 states,
whose characteristics vary widely in terms of population density, climate, coordinates, and culture.
An important point is that our sample only covers urban and suburban contexts, due to the lack
of available geolocalized crime data in rural contexts. Additional testing regarding out-of-sample
predictions is provided in Section 4.4.2, using NIBRS Crime State totals as a reference.
The following sections detail data sources and preprocessing steps used throughout this study.
3.1.1. Data Sources
The input dataset of our proposed framework was built from dierent sources, as listed below:
Socio-economic and demographic data were extracted from the American Community Survey
(ACS) 5-Year Estimates [
]. In the present work, we used the ACS 5-year Estimates collection
covering the period 2014–2018 for all U.S. Block Groups.
Climate data (monthly averages related to wind, rainfall, and temperature) were retrieved from
the WorldClim 2 project [81].
Law enforcement data were collected based on Homeland Infrastructure data related to local law
enforcement agencies in the U.S.
Crime counts for violent crime, property crime, and two specific subcases (vandalism and motor
vehicle theft) in the time-period 2014–2018 were extracted and pooled at the U.S. Census Block
Group level from the Crime Open Database [
]. Cities covered include Tucson, AZ; Los Angeles,
CA; San Francisco, CA; Chicago, IL; Louisville, KY; Detroit, MI; Kansas City, MO; New York, NY;
Austin, TX; Fort Worth, TX; and Virginia Beach, CA.
State crime totals were extracted from the FBI Crime Data Explorer for the years 2018 and 2019.
3.1.2. Data Preprocessing
The feature preprocessing pipeline adopted in our data strategy consists of four steps: preparing the
collected data, creating the new features, scaling the features, and de-skewing, as depicted in Figure 1.
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preserve our prediction performance outside of our sample. First, relevant crime predictors were
identified using insights from the sociological, geographical, and ML literature, as detailed in the
Theoretical Background and Related Works sections. Second, correlations between all variables
available from the American Community Survey and our target variables were examined, and
variables displaying a correlation over 0.25 with the total crime count target were retained. Third,
variables were generated based on neighboring Block Groups’ characteristics to allow for spillover
effects. For each ACS feature, a twin variable was generated defined as either the sum or the average
of the ACS feature over all neighboring block groups. The resulting features are called ”spillover
variables” in this paper and are denoted by (spillover) when discussed.
Overall, 164 features were incorporated based on theory, while 24 features were defined based
on our correlation analysis with crime. Moreover, the data used referred to 11 cities across 9 states,
whose characteristics vary widely in terms of population density, climate, coordinates, and culture.
An important point is that our sample only covers urban and suburban contexts, due to the lack of
available geolocalized crime data in rural contexts. Additional testing regarding out-of-sample
predictions is provided in Section 4.4.2, using NIBRS Crime State totals as a reference.
The following sections detail data sources and preprocessing steps used throughout this study.
3.1.1. Data Sources
The input dataset of our proposed framework was built from different sources, as listed below:
Socio-economic and demographic data were extracted from the American Community Survey
(ACS) 5-Year Estimates [80]. In the present work, we used the ACS 5-year Estimates collection
covering the period 2014–2018 for all U.S. Block Groups.
Climate data (monthly averages related to wind, rainfall, and temperature) were retrieved from
the WorldClim 2 project [81].
Law enforcement data were collected based on Homeland Infrastructure data related to local
law enforcement agencies in the U.S.
Crime counts for violent crime, property crime, and two specific subcases (vandalism and
motor vehicle theft) in the time-period 2014–2018 were extracted and pooled at the U.S. Census
Block Group level from the Crime Open Database [11]. Cities covered include Tucson, AZ; Los
Angeles, CA; San Francisco, CA; Chicago, IL; Louisville, KY; Detroit, MI; Kansas City, MO;
New York, NY; Austin, TX; Fort Worth, TX; and Virginia Beach, CA.
State crime totals were extracted from the FBI Crime Data Explorer for the years 2018 and 2019.
3.1.2. Data Preprocessing
The feature preprocessing pipeline adopted in our data strategy consists of four steps [82]:
preparing the collected data, creating the new features, scaling the features, and de-skewing, as
depicted in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Data preprocessing steps.
First, the collected data were cleaned and formatted. Then, some new features were created by
combining the existing features with the goal of adding explicit information. For example, for each
socio-economic and demographic variable, a spillover variable was generated using the variable’s
mean or sum in neighboring Block Groups. In the feature selection step, an analysis of the
importance of features was conducted. In the context of a tree-based algorithm, feature importance
can be calculated by the sum of all improvements over all internal nodes where this feature is used
Figure 1. Data preprocessing steps.
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First, the collected data were cleaned and formatted. Then, some new features were created by
combining the existing features with the goal of adding explicit information. For example, for each
socio-economic and demographic variable, a spillover variable was generated using the variable’s mean
or sum in neighboring Block Groups. In the feature selection step, an analysis of the importance of
features was conducted. In the context of a tree-based algorithm, feature importance can be calculated
by the sum of all improvements over all internal nodes where this feature is used ([
], cited by [
The resulting feature importance, as calculated by the LightGBM regressor within the Python SciKitlearn
library [
], sums to 100 (across all features used) and provides a way to describe a feature’s relative
importance in generating the final prediction. In the feature scaling step, a min–max normalization
was performed in order to transform all input feature values to the
[0, 1]
range. Finally, a
de-skew function was applied only to variables with a skew score greater than 0.75 (found empirically
to be optimal). The skew score was calculated using the skew function from the Scipy [
] library.
log(1+x)de-skewing was also applied to the target variable during the training phase.
The above steps yielded a dataset composed of 13,897 observations where each observation
has 188 features. For the sake of clarity, we aggregated all the considered features under 15 themes,
as shown in Table 3. We present the mean absolute correlation of features per theme in order to take
into account the positive and negative correlations to the total crime count target attribute, in addition
to the mean of the feature importance per theme. The obtained values are expressed in percentages.
Target variables include four types of crime counts and a single variable, which represent a
combination of two types of crime counts: violent and property crimes. Our 5 targets along with
information on their distributions can be found in Table 4:
Table 4. Crime target variables, summed over 2014–2018.
Total Count Violent Crime Property Crime Vandalism Motor Vehicle Theft (MVT)
Average 318.4 125.3 193.1 51.5 23.3
1st quartile 103 34 60 20 5
Median 202 77 113 37 12
3rd quartile 376 159 211 65 30
99th percentile 2002 732 1469 243 143
Nb of 0 crime count
13 51 19 52 355
Obs. 13,897 13,897 13,897 13,897 13,897
An overview of correlations listed in Table 3suggests that factors showing the highest
correlations with total crime counts are related to static neighborhood conditions as poverty, residential
instability, housing and commuting, and income, all clearly identified in the literature as crime
, along with population and population density. Feature importance
reveals that the land area covered by and population in a Block Group have the highest importance,
as Block Groups can widely vary in size (with urban Block Groups smaller than rural Block Groups)
and population (usually 600 to 3000).
3.2. The Proposed Method
The considered targets are count variables (the sum of crime type incidents within a fixed zone
area, a Block Group, during 5 years) and can be approximated by a Poisson distribution. Thus, we first
selected the Poisson regression model, because of its ability to model count data. The considered target
variables and the logarithm of its expected values can be modeled by a linear combination of unknown
parameters. However, this model assumes that the mean and variance are equal (equi-dispersion).
Unfortunately, this assumption is often violated in the observed data [86].
be the response variable. We assume that
follows a Poisson distribution with mean
as a function of covariates xi. The Poisson probability mass function is given by the equation below:
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where: λi=E(yixi), and Pdefines the dimension of the covariates vector incorporated in the model.
We also examined the possibility of modeling the problem addressed in this paper using deep
learning methods. The Multilayer perceptron is one of the most widely used class of artificial neural
networks (ANN). It is composed of several layers. Each layer contains multiple, but non-connected
perceptrons [87].
The number of layers was tested empirically using 1 to 10 layers, and 200 to 1000 perceptrons per
layers. The best configuration found based on model performance (i.e., the MAE metric) included 2
hidden layers, the first containing 700 units, and the second including 25 units. The input units pass
their outputs to the units in the first hidden layer. Each of the hidden layer units adds a constant
(”bias”) to a weighted sum of its inputs, and then calculates an activation function of the result, in our
case the ReLU activation function:
y=max(0; x)(2)
We also investigated the use of Ensemble Learning methods. We opted for the gradient boosting [
algorithm because it performs well on tasks where the numbers of features and observations are
relatively limited and have a small computational footprint. The gradient boosting model produces
an ensemble of weak prediction models, typically decision trees, and it generalizes them by allowing
optimization of an arbitrary dierentiable loss function, in our case, the Fair loss function [89].
Finally, negative binomial models were also tested, but their results were not reported here, as
model performance proved to be lower.
As the model was trained on the
transformed targets, we used the inverse
1 on the
model predictions when inferencing in order to get proper crime count values.
The dataset is randomly split into train and test sets using an 80:20 ratio, respectively. To find
optimal model hyperparameters, we employed the cross-validation strategy on the train set (n_folds =6)
along with grid search for the hyperparameter space search. The cross-validation chooses the optimal
hyperparameters according to the lowest negative mean absolute error score.
We used the LightGBM gradient boosting algorithm implementation. The optimal hyperparameters
found using grid search appear in Table 5:
Table 5. The optimal hyperparameters set using the grid search algorithm.
Parameters Values
learning_rate 0.005
reg_lambda 0.01
num_leaves 128
max_bin 512
max_depth 7
num_iterations 5000
objective Fair
seed 1337
Hyperparameter tuning was performed on the total crime count target variable, and the same
optimal hyperparameters were used to train models for the remaining four target variables. In the end,
each target variable has a dedicated gradient boosting model.
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Experimental Settings
All operations related to the training and the test of the three models—i.e., gradient boosting,
neural network, and Poisson regressor, were conducted on a computer having a processor Intel (R)
Core (TM) i5 of 2.40 GHz and eight Giga bytes of RAM.
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The proposed framework was implemented using Python 3.7, installed on a virtual environment
of the package manager Anaconda. For the gradient boosting model implementation, we used the
Light GBM library. For the Poisson model implementation, we used the Scikit-learn package. For the
neural network model implementation, we used the Keras library based on the TensorFlow backend.
4.2. Evaluation Metrics
In order to assess the quality of the predictions obtained with our proposed framework, we relied
on the most commonly used evaluation metrics for regression problems, namely the mean absolute
error (MAE) and the root mean squared error (RMSE).
denotes the ground truth target value for the i-th data point,
denotes the predicted target
value for the i-th data point, and nis the total number of data points.
Additionally, we used a third metric to quantify the percentage of how close the predictions are
against the ground truth: the MAE divided by the mean of target values. This was defined in order to
avoid judging models where the relative error (as expressed by the mean absolute percentage error,
for example) is high, but the absolute error is low. To do so, we compared the MAE to the target’s mean
instead of the target value. This metric, which we call accuracy in this paper, is defined as follows:
4.3. Experiment Results
Table 6shows the performances of three dierent predictive models, namely Poisson regression,
deep learning, and gradient boosting. We applied these models for each crime type, in addition to the
total count of crimes, using the same input dataset and in the same conditions. Then, we measured
their performance using the MAE and RMSE described above, along with the relative absolute error,
the R-squared, and the linear correlation between prediction and observed values. In addition to these
results, the regressor error characteristics (REC) curves appear in Figure 2.
The gradient boosting model outperforms the other models in all the evaluated types of crime and
across all metrics. It should be noted, however, that the deep learning model also yields performances
close to the gradient boosting results.
In order to further evaluate the performance of these predictive models, we selected a random set
of 1000 observations from the input dataset and then we compared the predicted crime occurrences
of each type of crime, in addition to the total count of crime occurrences, against the ground truth,
as depicted in Figure 3. On this sample of observations, the gradient boosting and the deep learning
models yield competitive results compared to the Poisson regression.
As stated before, our framework is able to provide predicted crime occurrences for all Block
Groups in the contiguous U.S. The learning phase was performed on 188 identified features using the
split defined p.10, used to predict crime occurrences for 11 U.S. cities across 13,897 Block Groups and
for 5 years (2014–2018). The resulting model then generated predictions for crime occurrences for the
same period and all U.S. Block Groups. For the sake of clarity, Figure 4represents our findings for one
year using map visualizations of the New York City area, with a focus on Manhattan.
ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020,9, 645 11 of 20
Table 6.
Comparison of the performance of three predictive models using dierent evaluation metrics.
Crime Types Metrics Models
Poisson Regression Deep Learning Gradient Boosting
MAE 181.94 130.69 123.24
RMSE 439.35 331.14 318.28
RAE 102.5% 74.5% 59.7%
R2 3.6% 45.3% 49.4%
Pearson Corr. 41.9% 67.7% 71.9%
MAE 76.41 52.48 49.87
RMSE 175.70 132.39 132.37
RAE 118.78% 73.7% 62.4%
R2 6.1% 46.7% 46.8%
Pearson Corr. 50.3% 68.6% 70.1%
MAE 114.34 86.61 79.13
RMSE 309.25 246.30 230.73
RAE 97.3% 78.3% 56.5%
R2 1.2% 37.3% 44.3%
Pearson Corr. 34.2% 62.2% 67.8%
MAE 15.54 9.35 8.70
RMSE 37.64 23.28 23.81
RAE 101.8% 60.3% 51.7%
R2 1.0% 62.2% 60.5%
Pearson Corr. 34.2% 79% 80.4%
MAE 28.56 20.18 18.54
RMSE 56.25 39.04 38.19
RAE 86.2% 62.9% 51.7%
R2 2.8% 53.2% 55.3%
Pearson Corr. 47.6% 73.2% 76.2%
ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 22
Figure 2. Regression Error Characteristic (REC) curves for (a) the gradient boosting model, (b) the
Poisson model, and (c) the deep learning model.
The gradient boosting model outperforms the other models in all the evaluated types of crime
and across all metrics. It should be noted, however, that the deep learning model also yields
performances close to the gradient boosting results.
In order to further evaluate the performance of these predictive models, we selected a random
set of 1000 observations from the input dataset and then we compared the predicted crime
occurrences of each type of crime, in addition to the total count of crime occurrences, against the
ground truth, as depicted in Figure 3. On this sample of observations, the gradient boosting and the
deep learning models yield competitive results compared to the Poisson regression.
Figure 2.
Regression Error Characteristic (REC) curves for (
) the gradient boosting model, (
) the Poisson
model, and (c) the deep learning model.
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ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 22
Figure 3. Comparison of the predicted occurrences of crimes against the ground truth using three
different models. (a) Total crime count: predictions vs. real observations; (b) violent crimes:
predictions vs. real observations; (c) property crimes: predictions vs. real observations; (d) MVT:
predictions vs. real observations; (e) vandalism: predictions vs. real observations.
Figure 3.
Comparison of the predicted occurrences of crimes against the ground truth using three
dierent models. (
) Total crime count: predictions vs. real observations; (
) violent crimes: predictions
vs. real observations; (
) property crimes: predictions vs. real observations; (
) MVT: predictions vs.
real observations; (e) vandalism: predictions vs. real observations.
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ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 22
As stated before, our framework is able to provide predicted crime occurrences for all Block
Groups in the contiguous U.S. The learning phase was performed on 188 identified features using
the split defined p.10, used to predict crime occurrences for 11 U.S. cities across 13,897 Block Groups
and for 5 years (2014–2018). The resulting model then generated predictions for crime occurrences
for the same period and all U.S. Block Groups. For the sake of clarity, Figure 4 represents our
findings for one year using map visualizations of the New York City area, with a focus on
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4. Map visualizations of yearly-predicted crime occurrences in New York City. (a) Predicted
total crime (count) occurrences; (b) predicted violent crime occurrences; (c) predicted property crime
occurrences; (d) predicted MVT occurrences; (e) predicted vandalism acts. Categories used to
generate maps (from light to dark) correspond to the first quartile, second quartile, third quartile,
fourth quartile (excluding the 2 highest centiles), and the two highest centiles of crime count
predictions, respectively. Basemap obtained from OpenStreetMap, and U.S. Census Block Groups
delimitations were extracted from the Tiger Census Shapefiles.
4.4. Discussion
4.4.1. Prediction Results within the Training and Testing Sample
Figure 4.
Map visualizations of yearly-predicted crime occurrences in New York City. (
) Predicted
total crime (count) occurrences; (
) predicted violent crime occurrences; (
) predicted property crime
occurrences; (
) predicted MVT occurrences; (
) predicted vandalism acts. Categories used to generate
maps (from light to dark) correspond to the first quartile, second quartile, third quartile, fourth quartile
(excluding the 2 highest centiles), and the two highest centiles of crime count predictions, respectively.
Basemap obtained from OpenStreetMap, and U.S. Census Block Groups delimitations were extracted
from the Tiger Census Shapefiles.
4.4. Discussion
4.4.1. Prediction Results within the Training and Testing Sample
Our approach generates mean absolute errors (MAE) between 36% (vandalism) and 41% (property
crime) of the targets’ means, suggesting accuracies between 59% and 64% in our ability to predict
the exact count of crimes occurring in a Block Group between 2014 and 2018. This performance can
appear moderate in comparison to studies using aggregated data (city, county, state) and past crimes
as features that can reach up to 97% accuracy [6]. However, we believe it to be remarkable given that
(1) we predict crime at a higher resolution (Census Block Groups) and (2) our approach does not use
past crimes as a predictor. Our approach has the advantage of only using features available throughout
the entire U.S. Its results can thus provide elements of comparison to policy makers at the national
ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020,9, 645 14 of 20
level, including in urban environments where crime data are scarce. Furthermore, our tests reveal that
predicting whether an observation lies within one of the categories displayed in Figure 4instead of the
exact crime count can increase our accuracy to 75% when predicting the total count of crimes: 77% for
violent crimes, 73% for property crimes, 77% for motor vehicle thefts, and 77% for vandalism acts.
Analyzing the importance of selected features in the decision process can add perspective to our
results. The 30 features found to be the most important in our model appear in Table 7.
Table 7. The 30 features with the highest importance, based on the gradient boosting model.
Rank Feature Importance (%)
1 Land area 3.61
2 Population density 1.94
3 Total population 1.92
4 Distance to nearest Local Law Enforcement Agency 1.56
5 Number of houses built between 2000–2009 (spillover) 1.26
6 Number of individuals 25+with an associate’s degree (spillover) 1.15
7 Fraction of people who moved in less than 4 years ago (spillover) 0.99
8 Median Female Age 0.99
9 Median Male Age 0.93
10 % Asian (spillover) 0.88
11 Population 25+with a master ’s degree (spillover) 0.86
12 Total Population with a Bachelor Degree 0.85
13 % Male (spillover) 0.84
14 No vehicle available and householder 35+(spillover) 0.84
15 Total: some college, less than 1 year: Population 25+(spillover) 0.84
16 Total: never married 0.84
17 % Black (spillover) 0.83
18 Year structure built: between 2000 and 2009 0.83
19 Ethnic heterogeneity index (spillover) 0.82
20 Single householder, female (spillover) 0.82
Fraction of households earning less than USD 10,000/year (spillover)
Number of households earning less than USD 10,000/year (spillover)
23 Number of individuals in poverty (18+) 0.79
24 % not in labor force (spillover) 0.77
25 Never married (female) 0.77
26 Total: Some college, 1 or more years, no degree: Population 25+0.77
27 Total: GED or alternative credential: Population 25+0.76
28 Total: Regular high school diploma: Population 25+(spillover) 0.76
29 Number of Unemployed individuals 0.75
30 % Other races (spillover) 0.75
TOTAL: 31.29
The total area covered by the Block Group, which can vary significantly (with larger Block Groups
located in rural areas), is the most important predictor (3.6%), followed by population and population
density. The median age (aggregating female and male) comes third, followed by the distance to the
nearest local law enforcement agency. However, those features collectively explain less than 11% of the
total feature importance (with the 10 most important, involving additional factors related to social
mobility and education, explaining 17% of the total importance). The diversity of relatively important
factors highlights the complexity of crime as a social phenomenon: an important number of features in
our framework significantly improve our ability to predict crime occurrences.
Additionally, in many instances, spillover features (i.e., features describing attributes of the
neighboring Block Groups) were found as more important than original features (describing attribute
of a single Block Group). This is further illustrated by an important spatial autocorrelation in crimes
predicted. If we consider total crime throughout the U.S., the Moran’s I (i.e., the correlation between
crime in a Block Group and the average crime predicted in neighboring Block Groups) predicted by
ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020,9, 645 15 of 20
our approach is around 0.7 nationwide, and the existence of clusters is particularly clear in the case of
violent crime, vandalism, and motor vehicle theft (see Figure 4b,d,e for the case of New York).
4.4.2. Prediction Results Outside of the Training and Testing Sample
As mentioned in Section 3, our model is trained and tested based on 6.4 % of the total U.S. Block
Groups. However, our predictions cover the entire contiguous U.S. Thus, a potential weakness of
our model is that the validity of our predictions can be aected by dierences between our sample
and the total population. In order to provide an additional perspective on our results, aggregated
yearly crime predictions at the state level were compared to NIBRS crime data in 17 states where
enough data (i.e., where at least 90% of law enforcement agencies reported data to the NIBRS program)
were available for 2018 and 2019, using the case of violent crime. Where NIBRS data covered x% of
a state’s population, the NIBRS crime count estimate was multiplied by
. The results
appear in Figure 5.
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distance to the nearest local law enforcement agency. However, those features collectively explain
less than 11% of the total feature importance (with the 10 most important, involving additional
factors related to social mobility and education, explaining 17% of the total importance). The
diversity of relatively important factors highlights the complexity of crime as a social phenomenon:
an important number of features in our framework significantly improve our ability to predict crime
Additionally, in many instances, spillover features (i.e., features describing attributes of the
neighboring Block Groups) were found as more important than original features (describing
attribute of a single Block Group). This is further illustrated by an important spatial autocorrelation
in crimes predicted. If we consider total crime throughout the U.S., the Moran’s I (i.e., the correlation
between crime in a Block Group and the average crime predicted in neighboring Block Groups)
predicted by our approach is around 0.7 nationwide, and the existence of clusters is particularly
clear in the case of violent crime, vandalism, and motor vehicle theft (see Figure 4b,d,e for the case of
New York).
4.4.2. Prediction Results Outside of the Training and Testing Sample
As mentioned in Section 3, our model is trained and tested based on 6.4 % of the total U.S. Block
Groups. However, our predictions cover the entire contiguous U.S. Thus, a potential weakness of
our model is that the validity of our predictions can be affected by differences between our sample
and the total population. In order to provide an additional perspective on our results, aggregated
yearly crime predictions at the state level were compared to NIBRS crime data in 17 states where
enough data (i.e., where at least 90% of law enforcement agencies reported data to the NIBRS
program) were available for 2018 and 2019, using the case of violent crime. Where NIBRS data
covered x% of a state’s population, the NIBRS crime count estimate was multiplied by [1+
. The results appear in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Comparison of the predicted crime occurrences against the NIBRS data at the state level.
At the aggregated state level, the comparison between our predictions and NIBRS data in 2019
reveals a correlation of 90.8%. Overall, the R2 of the linear regression of NIBRS data on predictions is
82.4%, suggesting that our predictions reflect the trends observed in crime data across states where it
can be observed.
Figure 5. Comparison of the predicted crime occurrences against the NIBRS data at the state level.
At the aggregated state level, the comparison between our predictions and NIBRS data in 2019
reveals a correlation of 90.8%. Overall, the R2 of the linear regression of NIBRS data on predictions is
82.4%, suggesting that our predictions reflect the trends observed in crime data across states where it
can be observed.
However, in the case of violent crime, a general trend towards crime overestimation can be
noted in absolute terms. In states such as Virginia, Connecticut, and Kentucky, the overestimation is
particularly high and can limit our model’s usability. These states tend to display under-average crime
rates as defined by the NIBRS program (204.2, 209.6 and 217.9 crimes per 100k inhabitants, against a
383.4 U.S. average).
In contrast, predictions are close to the NIBRS data in states such as South Dakota and Montana,
where the gaps between predictions and NIBRS totals represent
2% and 1% of NIBRS totals,
respectively. Note that these comparisons should be analyzed with caution, due to the dierence in
data sources involved: our sample is based on the Open Crime Database, gathering incident data
from various city-level geodatabases [
], while NIBRS data are based on the FBI Uniform Crime
Report program.
Finally, if we consider each state’s rank position in terms of crime count, our model shows a
satisfactory performance: the rank-order correlation between prediction and 2018 NIBRS data is 95.8%,
ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020,9, 645 16 of 20
and the maximal error is four ranks (i.e., Rhode Island is predicted to rank 14th, but found to rank
18th in the NIBRS data; Virginia is predicted to be 2nd, and found 6th among the 20 states considered).
Our model successfully predicts whether a state is in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th quartile in terms of
aggregated violent crime among the 20 states considered in 60% of cases.
Overall, comparisons between model predictions and 2018 NIBRS data at the state aggregated level
suggest that our model generates predictions involving significant overestimations in absolute terms
(crime count predictions), but reproduces crime trends across states (as displayed by correlation and
R-squared) and shows a reasonable performance in predicting a state’s rank in terms of violent crimes.
4.4.3. Limitations
Finally, a number of limitations should be stated. First, due to the methodological framework used,
we can identify features of importance but not their impact (positive or negative) on crime in our model.
Second, our approach is based on more than 180 features gathered from multiple dierent sources.
Therefore, it involves a significant amount of work in terms of data processing. Third, our accuracy
could be improved by adding additional types of features to the analysis. These could include
point of interests (involving a significant amount of social interaction), such as bus stops [
], malls,
bars, churches, or schools [
], factors related to street lights [
] and/or social networks data [
to complement our analysis and potentially mitigate the overestimations identified in some states.
Considering ambient population instead of residential population [
] is also a promising perspective
for future research. In some states, Section 4.4.2 identified significant overestimations in the crime
counts predicted, in spite of a reasonable relative performance. Finally, our model is trained on
various urban contexts, meaning that it does not necessarily capture crime dynamics in rural settings.
Consequently, predictions relative to rural areas might be more uncertain than their urban counterparts.
5. Conclusions
In this paper, we proposed an ML framework able to provide predictions for spatial crime
occurrences across all U.S. Census Block Groups in the contiguous U.S. Our findings from a set of
extensive experiments on real-world datasets of crimes reported in 11 U.S. cities demonstrate that the
proposed framework yields accurate predictions for the dierent crime types considered—i.e., violent
crimes, property crimes, motor vehicle thefts, vandalism acts, and total count of crime occurrences.
For these crime types, our ability to predict whether crime count in a Block Group belongs to the first,
second, third, or fourth quartile or the two highest centiles range between 73% and 77%. Comparing
model predictions and NIBRS crime data outside of the sample used to train and test the model
suggests significant a trend towards overestimations in absolute crime count predictions, particularly
marked for specific states, including Virginia and Kentucky. However, the model shows a satisfactory
performance in relative terms, as measured by the rank-order correlation between states predictions
and NIBRS and quartile analysis.
We believe that our findings (and in particular the mentioned overestimations) could be further
enhanced by considering additional features, such as social networks data, sites involving significant
amounts of social interaction (malls, bars, churches, schools, etc.), land use, and streetlights. Another
path to explore deeply in future research could be the subject of rural crime. Although many factors
defining rural areas (such as lower population density) have indeed been taken into account by our
model, diering societal frameworks might justify the use of a separate model in the future.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, Simon de Bonviller, and Sarah Eichberg; Methodology, Anass
Abdessamad and Bartol Freskura; Software, Anass Abdessamad, and Bartol Freskura; Validation, Simon de
Bonviller, Anass Abdessamad, and Bartol Freskura; Formal Analysis, Yasmine Lamari, Bartol Freskura, and Anass
Abdessamad; Investigation, Bartol Freskura and Anass Abdessamad; Resources, Simon de Bonviller, Yasmine
Lamari, Anass Abdessamad, Sarah Eichberg, and Bartol Freskura; Data Curation, Yasmine Lamari, Anass
Abdessamad, and Simon de Bonviller; Writing—Original Draft Preparation, Yasmine Lamari, Simon de Bonviller,
Anass Abdessamad, Sarah Eichberg, and Bartol Freskura; Writing—Review and Editing, Yasmine Lamari, Simon
de Bonviller, Anass Abdessamad, and Sarah Eichberg; Visualization, Yasmine Lamari and Anass Abdessamad;
ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020,9, 645 17 of 20
Supervision, Simon de Bonviller and Yasmine Lamari; Project Administration, Simon de Bonviller, and Yasmine
Lamari; Funding Acquisition, Simon de Bonviller, Anass Abdessamad, and Yasmine Lamari. All authors have
read and agree to the published version of the manuscript.
This work wasfunded by Augurisk in the context of a crime risk assessment project forcommercial purposes.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... The model can capture complex patterns in large datasets and generate fake data to complement sparse data and improve model performance (He and Zheng 2021) (2016) and Lamari et al. (2020), weak learners are sequentially trained to initially train the model. At every level, the new learner finds and fixes the mistakes made by the previous learners improving the performance of the model. ...
... In the initial research (Yu et al. 2016), the process entails finding the best ensemble spatiotemporal pattern (ESTP) combinations and balancing sample weights in order to enhance the models functionality. Conversely, the subsequent study (Lamari et al. 2020) employs hyperparameter optimization techniques, such as grid search and cross-validation, to identify the optimal parameters for the gradient boosting model. The predictive power of the model is further improved in both investigations by combining data from various sources. ...
... Among these, the S-BEL model demonstrated the best performance. Lamari et al. (2020) utilized 188 features derived from socioeconomic, demographic, spatial, and environmental variables collected from census data, such as income inequality, poverty rate, population density, average wind speed, precipitation, temperature, average age, and gender distribution, linked to past crime data. Each feature was assigned a value based on its relationship with crime. ...
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This research addresses the potential for tackling crime volumes and improving crime analytics through new enhancement strategies. The use of machine learning and deep learning solutions is increasing in crime prediction, as in many other fields. This study aims to strengthen proactive approaches in criminology by evaluating the effectiveness of the stacking-based ensemble learning (S-BEL) model, which aims to enhance overall performance by combining the strengths of various algorithms to improve crime analytics and facilitate crime prevention strategies. The study analyzes six studies leveraging the S-BEL model for crime prediction, along with 28 research articles on crime prediction, seven studies utilizing ensemble learning models, and 56 research articles leveraging the S-BEL model in general prediction studies. The findings of the study highlight that S-BEL stands out as a prominent technique in crime prediction, providing valuable insights for law enforcement.
... An ensemble method is obtained by blending diverse models to get a more optimal predictive model [49]. Instead of just counting on one model and expecting we earned the right decision at each split, ensemble methods permit us to take a sampling of various models into account, compute which features to utilize or queries to ask at each partition, and make a final predictor based on the aggregated results of the sampled models [49]. ...
... An ensemble method is obtained by blending diverse models to get a more optimal predictive model [49]. Instead of just counting on one model and expecting we earned the right decision at each split, ensemble methods permit us to take a sampling of various models into account, compute which features to utilize or queries to ask at each partition, and make a final predictor based on the aggregated results of the sampled models [49]. As of why the ensemble works better than the primary machine learning model due to its performance because it can predict better than the linear model does. ...
... A model is built at first using the training data, and then the next model is built that attempts to fix the errors present in the model created earlier [51]. Until the complete dataset is predicted correctly, this procedure is repeated with a maximum number of models [49]. parallelly to get the predicted outcome of new stacked dataset. ...
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Crimes are a social issue that affects not only an individual but also humanity. Crime classification techniques for crime forecasting are an emerging research area. generally, Crime data are centrally organized with regular maintenance of the criminal registers that can aid officers in sharing observations and improve early alert approaches to keep the citizens secure within their towns. Hence, the aim of this study is to compare the performance of the state-of-the-art Dynamic Ensemble Selection of Classifier algorithms for predicting crime. We used five different benchmark crime datasets (Chicago, San Francisco, Pheonix, Boston, and Vancouver) for this experimental research work. The performance of the state-of-the-art dynamic ensemble selection of classifiers algorithms was evaluated and compared using various performance evaluation metrics such as accuracy, F1-score, precision, and recall. The KNORA Dynamic ensemble algorithms, which select the subset of ensemble members before the forecasting, outperformed the typical machine learning algorithms, and also the traditional ensemble algorithm techniques in terms of accuracy showed that the dynamic ensemble algorithms are more powerful. This ability to predict crimes within urban societies can help citizens, and law enforcement makes precise informed conclusions and preserves the neighborhoods more unassailably to improve the quality of life for humans.
... For instance, some studies advocate for combining LSTM (long short-term memory network) and ST-GCN (spatial-temporal graph convolutional network) models for daily crime prediction [19], while others advocate for a crimeprediction model based on HDBSCAN (hierarchical density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise) and SARIMA (seasonal auto-regressive integrated moving average) approaches [20]. Machine learning algorithms such as support vector machines, logistic regression, and decision trees are also employed to enhance prediction accuracy, improve efficiency, and mitigate the impact of data sparsity and uncertainty on prediction outcomes [21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28]. ...
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The existing research on security risk often focuses on specific types of crime, overlooking an integrated assessment of security risk by leveraging existing police resources. Thus, we draw on crime geography theories, integrating public security business data, socioeconomic data, and spatial analysis techniques, to identify integrated risk points and areas by examining the distribution of police resources and related factors and their influence on security risk. The findings indicate that security risk areas encompass high-incidence areas of public security issues, locations with concentrations of dangerous individuals and key facilities, and regions with a limited police presence, characterized by dense populations, diverse urban functions, high crime probabilities, and inadequate supervision. While both police resources and security risk are concentrated in urban areas, the latter exhibits a more scattered distribution on the urban periphery, suggesting opportunities to optimize resource allocation by extending police coverage to risk hotspots lacking patrol stations. Notably, Level 1 security risk areas often coincide with areas lacking a police presence, underscoring the need for strategic resource allocation. By comprehensively assessing the impact of police resources and public security data on spatial risk distribution, this study provides valuable insights for public security management and police operations.
... The NGFR platform, which represents a computing and communication hub, must satisfy both the general emergency response requirements (e.g., emergency detection, EMC, hazards taxonomy, and crowdsourcing) [6,42,51,53], and the technological-societal requirements. The latter addresses interoperability with the smart city emergency resources, including surveillance, IoT, positioning systems, mobile radio, and various predictive technologies regarding transportation, crime, epidemic, and fire [50,[54][55][56]. The first response quality critically depends on the societal-technology resources delegated by the city. ...
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This paper contributes to the development of a Next Generation First Responder (NGFR) communication platform with the key goal of embedding it into a smart city technology infrastructure. The framework of this approach is a concept known as SmartHub, developed by the US Department of Homeland Security. The proposed embedding methodology complies with the standard categories and indicators of smart city performance. This paper offers two practice-centered extensions of the NGFR hub, which are also the main results: first, a cognitive workload monitoring of first responders as a basis for their performance assessment, monitoring, and improvement; and second, a highly sensitive problem of human society, the emergency assistance tools for individuals with disabilities. Both extensions explore various technological-societal dimensions of smart cities, including interoperability, standardization, and accessibility to assistive technologies for people with disabilities. Regarding cognitive workload monitoring, the core result is a novel AI formalism, an ensemble of machine learning processes aggregated using machine reasoning. This ensemble enables predictive situation assessment and self-aware computing, which is the basis of the digital twin concept. We experimentally demonstrate a specific component of a digital twin of an NGFR, a near-real-time monitoring of the NGFR cognitive workload. Regarding our second result, a problem of emergency assistance for individuals with disabilities that originated as accessibility to assistive technologies to promote disability inclusion, we provide the NGFR specification focusing on interactions based on AI formalism and using a unified hub platform. This paper also discusses a technology roadmap using the notion of the Emergency Management Cycle (EMC), a commonly accepted doctrine for managing disasters through the steps of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. It positions the NGFR hub as a benchmark of the smart city emergency service.
... Machine learning, with its capacity to discern intricate patterns and extract insights from large datasets, emerges as a transformative force in addressing these challenges [8]. Supervised learning, where models are trained on labeled datasets, holds promise in predicting and classifying criminal activities. ...
The rise in crime rates poses a significant challenge for law enforcement agencies worldwide. Traditional methods of crime pattern analysis often fall short in handling the complexity and volume of data generated by criminal activities. This research paper explores the application of supervised and unsupervised machine learning methodologies in crime pattern analysis, aiming to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of crime detection and prevention. By leveraging advanced computational techniques, law enforcement agencies can gain valuable insights into patterns, trends, and potential hotspots, thereby improving resource allocation and decision-making processes.
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This article explores how problem-based learning (PBL) can enhance geography education by improving spatial thinking through social dynamics. Spatial thinking is crucial for understanding geography’s social complexity and advancing STEM education quality. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the Spatial-Based Learning (SBL) model are utilized to develop these skills, vital for disaster management and emergencies. The study employs participatory action research, involving students, teachers, and communities in solving real-world problems, assessing PBL’s impact on spatial thinking in geography education. The community dynamics framework emphasizes active student engagement with local communities, deepening their geographical understanding. Internet-based GIS technology facilitates collaborative spatial data analysis, promoting civic participation and social responsibility. PBL in studying societal dynamics fosters critical thinking, relevance, and authenticity in learning. By addressing real-world challenges, students improve critical thinking, problem-solving, and motivation. In conclusion, integrating PBL in geography education, focusing on societal dynamics to enhance spatial thinking, significantly improves teaching effectiveness and develops critical thinking skills crucial for geographic education.
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The current study tests neighborhood (i.e., block group) effects reflective of broken windows theory (i.e., neighborhood, public space, social, housing disorder) on crime. Furthermore, these effects are tested independently on serious (i.e., Part I), and less serious (i.e., Part II) crime rates. Disorder data on a racially/ethnically stratified sample of block groups (N = 60) within Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. were collected through systematic observations. Using these data, along with census and crime data, linear regression modeling was employed to test the effect of disorder measures on each crime outcome measure. Consistent with broken windows theory, disorder was associated with crime rates; however, the effect of disorder on crime was limited to the public space disorder measure. Furthermore, the effects of disorder on Part I crime rates were mediated by Part II offenses. Partial support was found for broken windows theory, in which neighborhood context had a greater effect on less serious offenses. Neighborhoods with increasing frequencies of disorder may benefit from bolstering partnerships between law enforcement officers, community members, and other local stakeholders with the aim of deterring offending at all levels, and consequently, decreasing indices of disorder and crime.
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Geographical information systems have found successful applications to prediction and decision-making in several areas of vital importance to contemporary society. This article demonstrates how they can be combined with machine learning algorithms to create crime prediction models for urban areas. Selected point of interest (POI) layers from OpenStreetMap are used to derive attributes describing micro-areas, which are assigned crime risk classes based on police crime records. POI attributes then serve as input attributes for learning crime risk prediction models with classification learning algorithms. The experimental results obtained for four UK urban areas suggest that POI attributes have high predictive utility. Classification models using these attributes, without any form of location identification, exhibit good predictive performance when applied to new, previously unseen micro-areas. This makes them capable of crime risk prediction for newly developed or dynamically changing neighborhoods. The high dimensionality of the model input space can be considerably reduced without predictive performance loss by attribute selection or principal component analysis. Models trained on data from one area achieve a good level of prediction quality when applied to another area, which makes it possible to transfer or combine crime risk prediction models across different urban areas.
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In the spatial analysis of crime, the residential population has been a conventional measure of the population at risk. Recent studies suggest that the ambient population is a useful alternative measure of the population at risk that can better capture the activity patterns of a population. However, current studies are limited by the availability of high precision demographic characteristics, such as social activities and the origins of residents. In this research, we use spatially referenced mobile phone data to measure the size and activity patterns of various types of ambient population, and further investigate the link between urban larceny-theft and population with multiple demographic and activity characteristics. A series of crime attractors, generators, and detractors are also considered in the analysis to account for the spatial variation of crime opportunities. The major findings based on a negative binomial model are three-fold. (1) The size of the non-local population and people’s social regularity calculated from mobile phone big data significantly correlate with the spatial variation of larceny-theft. (2) Crime attractors, generators, and detractors, measured by five types of Points of Interest (POIs), significantly depict the criminality of places and impact opportunities for crime. (3) Higher levels of nighttime light are associated with increased levels of larceny-theft. The results have practical implications for linking the ambient population to crime, and the insights are informative for several theories of crime and crime prevention efforts.
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SciPy is an open-source scientific computing library for the Python programming language. Since its initial release in 2001, SciPy has become a de facto standard for leveraging scientific algorithms in Python, with over 600 unique code contributors, thousands of dependent packages, over 100,000 dependent repositories and millions of downloads per year. In this work, we provide an overview of the capabilities and development practices of SciPy 1.0 and highlight some recent technical developments. This Perspective describes the development and capabilities of SciPy 1.0, an open source scientific computing library for the Python programming language.
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The study of spatial and temporal crime patterns is important for both academic understanding of crime-generating processes and for policies aimed at reducing crime. However, studying crime and place is often made more difficult by restrictions on access to appropriate crime data. This means understanding of many spatio-temporal crime patterns are limited to data from a single geographic setting, and there are few attempts at replication. This article introduces the Crime Open Database ( code ), a database of 16 million offenses from 10 of the largest United States cities over 11 years and more than 60 offense types. Open crime data were obtained from each city, having been published in multiple incompatible formats. The data were processed to harmonize geographic co-ordinates, dates and times, offense categories and location types, as well as adding census and other geographic identifiers. The resulting database allows the wider study of spatio-temporal patterns of crime across multiple US cities, allowing greater understanding of variations in the relationships between crime and place across different settings, as well as facilitating replication of research.
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Criminologists and social scientists have long sought to explain why crime rates vary across urban landscapes. By dissecting the city into neighbourhood units, consideration has been given to the comparable features of settings under study which may help to explain why measured crime is higher in certain areas as compared to others. Some, from the socio-spatial perspective, argue that the socio-demographic makeup of a neighbourhood influences the social processes within it relevant to the disruption of crime. Others posit that physical features of neighbourhood settings, which include its layout, architectural design, and more specific measures to ‘target harden’ buildings against property crimes, can exhibit a deterrent effect. Whilst these explanations profess discrete empirical support, little has been done to consider how these influences may come to explain neighbourhood crime rates concomitantly. In this article, I seek to develop a new socio-physical model in an attempt to integrate and appraise aspects of these domains and their purported ability to explain variations in recorded crime. To achieve this, I use Collective Efficacy theory as a central organising concept which can aid researchers in interrogating current findings. I conclude that the dichotomy between how neighbourhood settings can be both defended, and be defensible, can be addressed by considering the relevance of social cohesion in activating resident social control.
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Rates of crime and delinquency vary widely across communities, and research going back many decades provides a good understanding of the nature, correlates, and probable causes of these community differences. Unfortunately, previous studies have been limited in an important way. Virtually all studies of communities and crime are based on large urban areas, almost totally excluding nonmetropolitan areas—that is, rural areas and smaller cities and towns. The findings in this Bulletin help to fill some gaps in the research by examining variations in rates of juvenile violence across nonmetropolitan communities in Florida, Georgia, Nebraska, and South Carolina. Social disorganization is the primary theory by which criminologists account for rates of crime in urban communities. If this theory also applies to rural settings, then what is known about crime in urban areas can provide a basis for developing programs that address the problem of delinquency in smaller communities. The research presented in this Bulletin indicates that the principles of social disorganization theory hold up quite well in rural settings. As in urban areas, rates of juvenile violence are considerably higher in rural communities that have a large percentage of children living in single-parent households, a high rate of population turnover, and significant ethnic diversity. These factors, it should be noted, are statistical correlates and not causes of such violence; nor are they the only correlates.
Crime events are known to reveal spatio-temporal patterns, which can be used for predictive modeling and subsequent decision support. While the focus has hitherto been placed on areas with high population density, we address the challenging undertaking of predicting crime hotspots in regions with low population densities and highly unequally-distributed crime. This results in a severe sparsity (i. e., class imbalance) of the outcome variable, which impedes predictive modeling. To alleviate this, we develop machine learning models for spatio-temporal prediction that are specifically adjusted for an imbalanced distribution of the class labels and test them in an actual setting with state-of-the-art predictors (i. e., socio-economic, geographical, temporal, meteorological, and crime variables in fine resolution). The proposed imbalance-aware hyper-ensemble increases the hit ratio considerably from 18.1% to 24.6% when aiming for the top 5% of hotspots, and from 53.1% to 60.4% when aiming for the top 20% of hotspots. As direct implications, the findings help decision-makers in law enforcement and contribute to public decision support in low population density regions.
This literature review illuminates the conceptualization of predictive policing, and also its potential and realized benefits and drawbacks. The review shows a discrepancy between the considerable attention for potential benefits and drawbacks of predictive policing in the literature, and the empirical evidence that is available. The empirical evidence provides little support for the claimed benefits of predictive policing. Whereas some empirical studies conclude that predictive policing strategies lead to a decrease in crime, others find no effect. At the same time, there is no empirical evidence at all for the claimed drawbacks. We conclude that the current thrust of predictive policing initiatives is based on convincing arguments and anecdotal evidence rather than on systematic empirical research. We urge the research community to do independent tests of both positive and negative expectations to generate an evidence base for predictive policing.