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Abstract and Figures

We build on the argument that measurement of digitalization is essential for effective public policy strategies in order to to govern digital transition. Developing this argument, we investigate the five principal dimensions of the European Commission´s Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) using a series of multivariate statistics. The analysis can be divided into three groups. First, we analyse the linear relationships between dimensions by correlation analysis, partial correlation analysis, and principal component analysis. In the partial correlation analysis, causal relationships between the dimensions show high correlations. Second, we assign countries into groups with cluster analysis and multi-dimensional scaling. The groups obtained by the two methods are very similar. Finally, we rank the European Union (EU) countries using statistical methods and compare with the results obtained with the overall DESI index. The correlation between the two rankings shows a strong linear relationship. Based on these results we draw conclusions on how to effectively use the DESI data for public policy analysis.
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Regional Statistics, Vol. 10. No. 2. 2020: 42–62; DOI: 10.15196/RS100209
What the overall Digital Economy and Society Index
reveals: A statistical analysis of the DESI EU28
Zoltán Bánhidi
Budapest University of Technology
and Economics
Imre Dobos
Budapest University of Technology
and Economics
András Nemeslaki
Budapest University of Technology
and Economics
digital transformation measurement,
DESI index,
correlation analysis,
cluster analysis,
multidimensional scalin
We build on the argument that measuremen
of digitalization is essential for effective
public policy strategies in order to to govern
digital transition. Developing this argument,
we investigate the five principal dimensions
of the European Commission´s Digita
Economy and Society Index (DESI) using
series of multivariate statistics. The analysis
can be divided into three groups. First, we
analyse the linear relationships between
dimensions by correlation analysis, partia
correlation analysis, and principal componen
analysis. In the partial correlation analysis,
causal relationships between the dimensions
show high correlations. Second, we assign
countries into groups with cluster analysis
and multi-dimensional scaling. The groups
obtained by the two methods are very similar.
Finally, we rank the European Union (EU)
countries using statistical methods and
compare with the results obtained with the
overall DESI index. The correlation between
the two rankings shows a strong linea
relationship. Based on these results we dra
conclusions on how to effectively use the
DESI data for
Introduction to digital transformation and problems of
its measurement
During the past 25 years, with the emergence of e-business and the internet
economy, several industries have been restructured with Information and
Communications Technology (ICT) ‘disruption’, and we can hardly recognize some
of them from their past perspectives. For instance, the internet has reformed media
industries such as music, television and films; retail businesses such as books,
newspapers, apparel and electronics; and services such as travel, banking or
What the overall Digital Economy and Society Index reveals:
A statistical analysis of the DESI EU28 dimensions 43
Regional Statistics, Vol. 10. No. 2. 2020: 42–62; DOI: 10.15196/RS100209
insurance. Initially, the e-business revolution only took place in industries related to
information or digital products, while others that were not influenced by the rapid
disruptions in information technology remained intact. However, ICT is now more
pervasive and affordable pressure on innovation has also become wide spread.
Broadly, in this paper, we define this phenomenon as digital transformation.
Pervasiveness may be characterized by penetration, mobility, and access to
computers, devices, and networks. We are very close to the scenario when this
pervasiveness will increase connectedness of the entire world population. Significant
progress has been made towards bridging the global digital divide, achieving
universal and affordable access to the internet in the least developed countries.
Affordability, on the other hand, implies costs and how the costs of hardware,
software, and connectivity compare to incomes and general economic development
per capita. We can expect to witness tremendous progress in this area, and not only
will devices get cheaper but the rates of telecommunication services will also
decline. However, ICT-based business transformation does not happen because of
the economics of ICT, but it is due to the application of such technologies that
allow us to do things fundamentally differently. In a fascinating monograph, former
Google CEO Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen (2013), a foreign relations and
counterterrorist expert, paint an exciting new world of the future in the digital age –
how ICT reshapes people, businesses, and countries.
In some industries, such as automotive and electronics, competitiveness of
companies is already influenced by the efficient deployment of information and
communication technology, the efficiency of innovation processes, co-operation of
intelligent machines, and of people at all levels (including the shop floor), or by
intertwining artificial intelligence/learning algorithms with everyday processes.
Economic and technological trends, however, indicate that this development will
not only shape the auto and machine industries, but will basically transform all
businesses. A new ecosystem, labelled in several countries as Industry 4.0 or the era
of the industrial internet, is emerging, and it not only encompasses the dilemmas of
how ICT is embedded in blue and white collar processes leading to radical
innovations but also draws attention to future work, new forms of financing, the
changing landscape of international strategic management, organizational culture,
and the need to transform leadership practices.
Notwithstanding the elimination of the classic elements of digital divide, such as
barriers to ICT adoption, use of social media, or the uptake of current e-
government services, new chasms have appeared, e.g. regarding privacy,
cybersecurity, or the major challenge of how to deal with fake news and other forms
of cyber manipulation. The appearance of this new ‘digital divide’ raises the concern
for the need to reconsider the new relationship between governments and
businesses, how public policies and science and technology programs influence
digital transformation and, more importantly, how the new form of leadership must
react to these challenges.
44 Zoltán Bánhidi – Imre Dobos – András Nemeslaki
Regional Statistics, Vol. 10. No. 2. 2020: 42–62; DOI: 10.15196/RS100209
In the context of the European Union (EU), a universal scoring system – the
Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) – has been developed for measuring
preparedness and progress of digital transformation. For capturing the complexity
of the above socio-economic digital transformation, DESI collects and organizes
the statistical data of 28 EU countries into five main dimensions: Connectivity,
Human Capital, Use of Internet, Integration of Digital Technology, and Digital
Public Services. Notwithstanding that DESI has been around since 2014, we intend
in our paper to highlight two main dilemmas using the latest data available from
DESI Report 2018 (European Commission 2018) for the five indicators. Of course,
in addition to DESI, the EU also sets other similar indices and efficiency indicators
in other areas of the economy and society based on EU databases. For example, the
definition of an international reputation index is presented by Fernandez-Crehuet et
al. (2019). Dudek and Sedefoğlu (2019) use material deprivation rates in the
indicators in a European Union context.
Correlation and causality of the five dimensions
The European Commission accepts that the five principle policy areas of DESI are
not isolated from each other and clearly show that digital transformation can only
be achieved by a concerted effort that must be reflected in the DESI dimensions.
This principle, however contradicts the requirement of avoiding redundancy that
has led to both statistical and interpretation problems. Since the five DESI
dimensions comprise several sub-indicators from statistical databases, we argue
about the importance of investigating, in pure statistical terms, how strong this
correlation is, how many different dimensions DESI measures, and how the
dimensions impact each other. Our first set of research questions aim to answer
these problems.
Problem of country clusters and ranking according to DESI
The typical use of the DESI measurement system – what the European
Commission publishes with every new DESI data recording – is the grouping and
ranking of countries, which is considered as comparison or ‘scoring’ of EU
countries related to their digital transformation. It is interesting that while the term
‘cluster’ is used in this context, DESI reports do not apply a statistical form of
cluster analysis or scaling methods; instead they prefer weighting of the five
dimensions and publish country grouping accordingly. For instance, in one of the
latest reports, the European Commission identified three so-called clusters, namely
high, medium, and low performing EU countries with 9, 10 and 9 members
belonging to them. We argue that without exploring how statistical clusters and
scaling separates and ranks countries according to the raw DESI data, an
unnecessary bias may distort member states´ position. In other words, by finding
out how naturally DESI ranks and groups countries by using appropriate
What the overall Digital Economy and Society Index reveals:
A statistical analysis of the DESI EU28 dimensions 45
Regional Statistics, Vol. 10. No. 2. 2020: 42–62; DOI: 10.15196/RS100209
multivariate statistical methods, we can reveal the inherent structure of EU
countries and juxtapose it with existing reports. Our second set of research
questions intend to contribute to this problem by analysing DESI data with cluster
analysis and multidimensional scaling.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents a brief review of the
existing literature on the analysis of DESI data. Section 3 presents the DESI overall
index with the five indicators. Please note that the sub-dimensions and individual
indicators of DESI dimensions are not examined in this paper. Section 4 covers the
statistical analysis. The linear connections of the variables are examined with
classical correlational analysis, partial correlation analysis, and principal component
analysis. The countries are grouped with cluster analysis and multidimensional
scaling. The following section is an application of the multidimensional scaling
model to rank countries. These statistical results are then compared with the scoring
model developed by the European Commission. Section 5 concludes the paper by
presenting the results.
A conceptual review of the Digital Economy and Society Index
Measurement of digital transformation: introduction to DESI and other
There are several indices, scores, indicators, and measurement units that describe
the status of the digital economy, society, public administration, and they are used as
descriptors of digital transformation.
First, some of these scoring systems describe and compare the impact of global
digitization. For instance, reports from the United Nations (UN), Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), World Bank, or the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) serve similar objectives as the
regular research projects of major consulting firms such as Forrester, International
Data Corporation (IDC), Gartner or McKinsey.
The second category of these measures focus on regional or well-defined
country clusters belonging to a geopolitical area. Typical surveys of this type are the
EU scoring boards: Digital Skills Indicator (DSI), Consumer Conditions Scoreboard
(CCS) indices, or the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI).
Finally, the third set of data collected for describing the impact of ICT are
country-specific compilations conducted by the respective National Statistical
Offices or domestic research firms.
The DESI report tracks the progress made by EU member countries with
respect to their digitization. It is structured around five chapters (Table 1):
46 Zoltán Bánhidi – Imre Dobos – András Nemeslaki
Regional Statistics, Vol. 10. No. 2. 2020: 42–62; DOI: 10.15196/RS100209
Table 1
Dimensions of DESI
Connectivity Fixed broadband, mobile broadband, and prices
Human Capital Internet use, basic and advanced digital skills
Use of Internet Services Citizens' use of content, communication, and online transactions
Integration of Digital Technology Business digitization and e-commerce
Digital Public Services eGovernment and eHealth
It is a widely used and quoted measurement system by experts and policy
makers, however it has certain advantages and serious limitations. The main
advantage is that it is measured in 28 countries, enables comparison, it is accepted
by the European Union, allows compliance and provides the big picture of the
digital ecosystem in the EU and its member countries.
Disadvantages are rooted in the same sources as the advantages. The fact that
measurements are collected in 28 different countries entails that the methodology is
determined to be general and applicable to all. Therefore the results are also general
and not suitable for deep analysis and to explain certain phenomena. Specifically,
the major drawbacks are that the measurement factors often have the impression of
improvised choice in a given year and they change frequently. It often seems biased
by industry lobbies, the period between data collection and publication is very long,
thereby frequently resulting in outdated assessments. The composition of
dimensions changes year-by-year, and this makes it difficult to compare time series
performances because these corrections are often not emphasized. There are also
significant differences between the statistical offices and data collection methods
among countries.
Regardless of the problems, DESI´s method and collection system is still a
robust approach, unavoidable in many instances, and it is considered as the best
choice for mapping Europe’s progress on digitalisation.
Literature review on conceptual questions of DESI
Stoica and Bogoslov (2017) compared the five indicators of DESI with the available
data for Romania and the EU and analysed them over time. They concluded that
Romania had undergone significant development during the period under review
(2014–2017). However, they did not analyse what type of statistical correlations
exist between the available data. Using data from Greece, Kontolaimou and Skintzi
(2018) published a similar study. Their research was methodologically deeper,
extended to human capital, including gender. Dynamic effects are presented in this
analysis; in this case however it is difficult to test dynamic datasets due to limited data
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Regional Statistics, Vol. 10. No. 2. 2020: 42–62; DOI: 10.15196/RS100209
availability. Mirke et al. (2019) analysed human capital elements of the Czech Republic
and Latvia, and assessed the adult population’s digital competence through learning.
Nikolov and Krumova (2019) considered the fifth element of DESI in their
study, that is e-Government, and examined the countries of the European Union
(EU) in their model. Scupola (2018) provided an overview of the state of digital
transformation in Denmark. The study also reported experiences in e-Government.
This paper appears to be very insightful as Denmark has been one of the best-
performing countries in DESI rankings for several years. Urs (2017) also
investigated the development of e-Government, focusing on local municipalities in
Romania and highlighted that improving their service quality can be a daunting task
for their understaffed and underfinanced IT departments, hampered by the lack of
central coordination and deficient national infrastructure.
Russo (2020), following the European guidelines on the DESI index, applied
them on the Italian region of Abruzzo to provide a local framework of
technological development. Alonso–García (2018) analysed the digital economy in
the context of entrepreneurship using DESI. Their research focused on how
digitalization affects the entrepreneurial ecosystem and had found that digitalization
changes not only the size of the entrepreneurial market but also its profitability.
Curko et al. (2017) considered DESI from the perspective of smart business and
examined the impact of Industry 4.0 on the digital economy. Similarly, Götz (2017)
analysed the impact of Industry 4.0 on the economic relations between Germany
and Poland, concluding that the digital economy can have a positive effect on
German-Polish relationships.
These illustrative overviews indicate that the DESI has been used in academic
research in order to understand how digital transformation works across different
European countries, sectors, and social and economic dimensions. Thus, we argue
that it is important to understand the statistical robustness of the DESI
methodology, specifically the conclusions we can draw using the five dimensions in
such contexts.
Research questions and methodology – statistical analysis of
DESI 2018 indicators
To analyse the two problem areas, we propose five research questions (RQ): three
related to the problem of correlation (RQ1-RQ3), and two assigned to the problem
of country clustering and ranking (RQ4-RQ5).
RQ1: What are the linear relationships between the DESI dimensions?
RQ2: Based on their relationships can the dimensions be reduced? That is, do
the dimensions measure different latent variables?
RQ3: Can we reveal any information on the causal relationship between the
DESI dimensions?
48 Zoltán Bánhidi – Imre Dobos – András Nemeslaki
Regional Statistics, Vol. 10. No. 2. 2020: 42–62; DOI: 10.15196/RS100209
RQ4: How can we cluster the European Union countries – as data points
using the DESI dimensions?
RQ5: By using the DESI dimensions how can we arrange the country data
points – by creating a natural ranking – and compare this with the published DESI
overall index?
For data analysis, our DESI dataset of 2018 was compiled from the EU
Commission’s website (Table 2). This raw dataset for
the five dimensions – synonymously referred to as variables in this context – is
presented in Table 2 and used for the multivariate statistical analysis (Tabachnick et
al. 2007):
Table 2
Raw DESI 2018 data for analysis
Country Connectivity Human
Use of
of Digital
Denmark DK 78.482 70.413 75.085 61.283 73.219
Sweden SE 75.985 74.227 73.370 56.367 70.765
Finland FI 66.053 79.240 65.406 60.879 78.642
Netherlands NL 81.132 74.254 66.458 52.338 70.550
Luxembourg LU 80.053 71.311 65.864 33.175 56.208
Ireland IE 65.118 61.706 52.316 60.017 64.719
United Kingdom UK 68.848 71.631 62.395 39.962 58.244
Belgium BE 75.128 57.452 53.310 54.560 57.872
Estonia EE 64.112 61.375 61.607 37.065 78.103
Spain ES 64.708 54.578 49.431 49.791 72.362
Austria AT 63.725 64.365 47.568 44.145 66.468
Malta MT 73.140 51.633 63.281 38.904 61.262
Lithuania LT 64.895 48.526 56.845 47.455 68.217
Germany DE 64.745 62.855 52.743 41.326 50.233
Slovenia SI 60.337 52.009 44.938 47.866 57.350
Portugal PT 67.383 45.824 46.344 41.928 59.643
Czech Republic CZ 63.861 55.100 46.460 40.444 50.165
France FR 56.404 59.069 42.247 37.828 58.371
Latvia LV 65.932 43.840 54.777 27.027 65.185
Slovakia SK 55.071 51.882 51.285 37.430 50.401
Cyprus CY 60.632 43.027 51.136 37.674 54.815
Croatia HR 49.436 49.807 54.075 35.439 44.351
Hungary HU 61.728 47.978 53.638 25.082 40.390
Poland PL 58.810 48.283 42.080 23.532 48.208
Italy IT 52.826 40.810 37.364 36.821 52.503
Bulgaria BG 54.906 34.832 41.684 24.424 49.717
Greece EL 43.104 38.185 45.218 26.940 39.239
Romania RO 58.119 32.065 34.964 17.756 41.362
What the overall Digital Economy and Society Index reveals:
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Regional Statistics, Vol. 10. No. 2. 2020: 42–62; DOI: 10.15196/RS100209
We used the IBM SPSS 20 Statistical Program Package to perform the following
methodological calculations. For analysing the linear and causal relationships (RQ1
and RQ3), simple Pearson and partial correlation measures were used. Pearson
correlation shows the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two
variables, while the partial correlation provides information on the causal
relationship between the two variables, but without the ability to deduce its
direction. For RQ2, that is, basically for compressing information, we performed
principal component analysis on the datasets, based on which we examined the
latent variables describing the best returned variance. Basically, this calculation
shows how many new variables characterize the existing five dimensions. In order
to cluster the EU countries (RQ4) we used hierarchical cluster analysis. This method
shows which countries are positioned relatively close to each other in the five-
dimensional space determined by the original DESI variables. Multidimensional
scaling was used to assess the stability of the cluster analysis; a method in which the
elements of the five-dimensional space are represented in lower dimensions. We
preferred the two-dimensional space for visualization, in accordance with the results
of the principal component analysis. Finally, for answering our last research
question (RQ5), we applied an extreme case of multidimensional scaling by mapping
our country data points from the five-dimensional space to a one-dimensional
space, which may be called a straight numerical order. This order can be turned into
ranking, when and if this mapping shows a good fit.
Results and discussion
RQ1: Correlation analysis
Table 3 shows that there is a moderate to strong correlation between the variables.
Each of these correlation coefficients has a positive sign, suggesting that the
movement of variables is in a single direction; importantly, all the correlation ratios
are significant at 99% confidence level. We consider this as an important
consequence to any further use of the DESI dimensions, in which case the dilemma
is about how orthogonal these dimensions are in terms of our understanding the
digital economy and society. In other words, how will each of these dimensions add
value to our assessment of the status of digital transition in the EU? In any case, a
high correlation could be alarming in this respect, pointing towards little additional
value for some variables in the DESI model.
50 Zoltán Bánhidi – Imre Dobos – András Nemeslaki
Regional Statistics, Vol. 10. No. 2. 2020: 42–62; DOI: 10.15196/RS100209
Table 3
Correlation matrix between DESI variables
Use of
Integration of
Digital Public
Correlation 0.683** 0.736** 0.547** 0.605**
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.001
Human Capital
Correlation 0.765** 0.709** 0.647**
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000
Use of Internet
Correlation 0.568** 0.616**
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.002 0.000
Integration of
Digital Technology
Correlation 0.726**
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000
**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
RQ2: Application of principal component analysis
Principal component analysis reveals how the five – strongly correlated – DESI
variables may be reduced. We used the principal component analysis method,
without rotation, with VARIMAX rotation to answer the dilemmas raised as a result
of RQ1, that is, to identify the group of variables that describe different aspects of
the digital economy.
The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy shows that our model is
meritorious with 0.834 value, confirming its fitness. At the same time, Bartlett's test
of sphericity is proven significant, further underscoring the goodness of our model.
These tests support the acceptance of our model’s results.
First, we report communalities values that are between 0.8 and 0.9, suggesting
that the calculated components explain a large proportion of the variance. In our
analysis, two components are sufficient for this purpose and they returned 84.280
percent of variance. Specifically, in the principal component model without rotation,
the first component yielded 72.859 percent of variance, and the value of component
weights was above 0.830, indicating that each variable strongly correlated with this
component. In the case of our second component, each variable showed weak
correlation, except Integration of Digital Technology, which showed weak-medium
correlation of 0.451. The second component displayed 11.422 percent of variance.
We obtained a rather insightful result, concluding that the second part of the
principal component analysis, which was computed with the VARIMAX rotation of
What the overall Digital Economy and Society Index reveals:
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Regional Statistics, Vol. 10. No. 2. 2020: 42–62; DOI: 10.15196/RS100209
the above results, yielded 84.280 percent of the variance on the two components.
Table 4 summarizes the two components and their corresponding variables with the
respective component weights.
The first component is strongly determined by Connectivity and Use of Internet
variables, while the second with strong component weights such as Integration of
Digital Technology and Digital Public services. We can observe that Human Capital
shows moderate weights with both components, slightly higher with the first one.
This suggests that both components have a medium linear relationship with the
variable Human Capital. We will clarify this in more detail by calculating the partial
correlation values between our dimensions. Table 4 is an important and somewhat
intuitive outcome of our quantitative analysis, namely the five DESI dimensions can
be reduced to two different variables describing the status of digitalization: one
component provides the measure of ‘preparedness’ by integrating infrastructure and
its use; while the other, more obvious component, measures what is actually
happening with digital technologies, namely how it is integrated into businesses,
social institutions, and public administration. However, the special status of Human
Capital is somewhat counter intuitive, which one may have predicted as a
‘preparedness’ variable, but principal component analysis results do not provide
strong proof on this issue. Table 4
Rotated Component Matrix
1 2
Connectivity 0.862 0.300
Use of Internet 0.867 0.339
Human Capital 0.699 0.562
Integration of Digital Technology 0.302 0.895
Digital Public Services 0.387 0.818
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
These conclusions lead us to the third part of the correlation problem, that is,
whether the data show any further relationship between the DESI dimensions in
order to disclose the causality underlying our components.
52 Zoltán Bánhidi – Imre Dobos – András Nemeslaki
Regional Statistics, Vol. 10. No. 2. 2020: 42–62; DOI: 10.15196/RS100209
RQ3: Partial correlational analysis
We report the results of partial correlation analysis in Table 5 by italicizing values
that are significant at 5% level. Table 5 shows that six relationships do not affect
each other by eliminating the impact of the other variables, and the values of the
four significant polar correlations are between 0.4 and 0.5, which is considered a
weak-medium linear relationship between these variables after filtering out the
effects of the other three variables. Table 5
Partial correlation matrix between variables after filtering
Use of
Integration of
Digital Public
Correlation 0.177 0.411 0.005 0.181
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.397 0.041 0.983 0.387
Human Capital
Correlation 0.454 0.407 0.032
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.023 0.044 0.880
Use of Internet
Correlation –0.073 0.151
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.727 0.470
Integration of
Digital Technology
Correlation 0.490
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.013
Numerical data from Table 5 can be translated into a graphical visualization shown
in Figure 1. By acknowledging that partial correlation analysis only reveals causal
relationships but does not provide information on its direction, we carefully avoided
drawing arrows on the connecting lines. The answer to this research question
suggests that DESI has two ‘independent variables’ (Connectivity and Human
Capital), and three ‘dependent variables’, which are Use of Internet, Integration of
Digital Technology, and Digital Public Services.
What the overall Digital Economy and Society Index reveals:
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Regional Statistics, Vol. 10. No. 2. 2020: 42–62; DOI: 10.15196/RS100209
Figure 1
Causal relationships between variables
Figure 1 shows a somewhat unexpected result that needs further investigation
and has ample consequences on the use of DESI for policy making. The data
suggests that penetration and level of digital public services are only dependent on
how digital technology is integrated into other business processes and it is not
directly connected with internet use. Similarly, the integration of digital technology
into business processes is in causality with human capital not significantly with
connectivity, which we may consider as the basis for digital transformation.
Elaborating on the consequences of these results – RQ1, RQ2, and RQ3 – is
beyond the scope of this paper but causality mapping may be explored for more
elaborate policy design in digital transformation.
RQ4: Grouping countries with hierarchical cluster analysis
Cluster analysis is a statistical method for classifying observations, in this case
regarding the EU 28 countries, in the space of the variables, that is, the five DESI
dimensions. We argue that it is an important incumbent grouping of data points
instead of choosing artificially defined ‘leaders and laggards’ categories according to
predetermined DESI composite values. We must assign a group centre to determine
the distance between countries in cluster analysis based on data metrics, which is the
squared Euclidean distance in this paper, and our scale of measurement is an
interval scale. We selected the hierarchical cluster methodology because it can be
supported with the dendrogram visualization, and is an expressive demonstration of
how distinctly different groups emerge as a result of creating clusters. Dendrograms
enable the monitoring of cluster attachment and cluster spreading. The first result
describes how closely data points belong to a given group, and the second shows
how many different groups the data points may be divided into. The components of
our dendrogram are shown in Figure 2, and its interpretation is presented with the
Human Capital
Use of Internet
Integration of
Digital Technology
Digital Public
54 Zoltán Bánhidi – Imre Dobos – András Nemeslaki
Regional Statistics, Vol. 10. No. 2. 2020: 42–62; DOI: 10.15196/RS100209
help of Table 6, which summarizes cluster membership and the sequence how
clusters are formed. Figure 2
Dendrogram of cluster analysis
First, the algorithm has separated the two clusters, basically the top performing
countries in the digital economy from the remaining ones. These countries are
Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, and the United Kingdom.
Second, a more refined picture is seen when the rest of the population falls into two
distinct groups, separating the low performers, namely Bulgaria, Romania, and
Greece. Finally, in steps three and four a wider cluster spread can be defined by
lowering the distance between the group centres. As a result, we can observe that
What the overall Digital Economy and Society Index reveals:
A statistical analysis of the DESI EU28 dimensions 55
Regional Statistics, Vol. 10. No. 2. 2020: 42–62; DOI: 10.15196/RS100209
two countries are separated from the leading group, that is, Luxemburg and the UK,
and the populated middle group falls into two subgroups comprising a somewhat
more and a rather less developed one. In the former cluster, we have Ireland,
Belgium, Estonia, Spain, Austria, Malta, Lithuania, Germany, Slovenia, Portugal,
Czech Republic, and France, while Latvia, Slovakia, Cyprus, Croatia, Hungary,
Poland, and Italy are grouped in the latter. Table 6
Changes in cluster membership
Country 2 Clusters 3 Clusters 4 Clusters 5 Clusters
Denmark DK 2 3 3 4
Finland FI 2 3 3 4
Netherlands NL 2 3 3 4
Sweden SE 2 3 3 4
Luxembourg LU 2 3 4 5
United Kingdom UK 2 3 4 5
Austria AT 1 1 1 1
Belgium BE 1 1 1 1
Czech Republic CZ 1 1 1 1
Estonia EE 1 1 1 1
France FR 1 1 1 1
Germany DE 1 1 1 1
Ireland IE 1 1 1 1
Lithuania LT 1 1 1 1
Slovenia SI 1 1 1 1
Spain ES 1 1 1 1
Croatia HR 1 1 1 3
Cyprus CY 1 1 1 3
Hungary HU 1 1 1 3
Italy IT 1 1 1 3
Latvia LV 1 1 1 3
Malta MT 1 1 1 3
Poland PL 1 1 1 3
Portugal PT 1 1 1 3
Slovakia SK 1 1 1 3
Bulgaria BG 1 2 2 2
Greece EL 1 2 2 2
Romania RO 1 2 2 2
It may be observed that hierarchical cluster analysis provides a deeper insight
into understanding country performance based on the Euclidean distance in the
five-dimensional DESI space without setting artificial thresholds or group numbers.
Depending on the scale of difference, we can identify country groups that are really
and consistently similar – these are the results of the first two steps of the algorithm
56 Zoltán Bánhidi – Imre Dobos – András Nemeslaki
Regional Statistics, Vol. 10. No. 2. 2020: 42–62; DOI: 10.15196/RS100209
– and we refine grouping also, by choosing lower Euclidean distance values as in the
third and fourth step, resulting in more clusters but with less distinct difference
between the middle group. Based on the structure of DESI data, we conclude that
the EU 28 countries fall into five separate and relevant clusters as presented in
Table 6:
1. Cluster (#4): Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, and Sweden,
2. Cluster (#5): Luxembourg and United Kingdom,
3. Cluster (#1): Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany,
Ireland, Lithuania, Slovenia, and Spain,
4. Cluster (#3): Croatia, Cyprus, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Portugal,
and Slovakia, and
5. Cluster (#2): Bulgaria, Greece, and Romania.
In the next section, clustering is performed using another method, the
multidimensional scaling.
RQ5: Grouping countries by multidimensional scaling
When applying multidimensional scaling (MDS), we consider the smallest
dimensional space in which the distances between observations can be best
returned. Thus, our data are derived from the five-dimensional space into a smaller
dimensional one, but preferably to the size that we can visualize. In our case, we
transform our data into the plane, a two-dimensional space. This corresponds with
the results of the principal component analysis that yielded two components
condensing the five DESI dimensions. One of these components is ‘digital
application’ and we may summarize the other as ‘readiness’ or ‘digital competence’,
as indicated in Figure 3. The adequacy of dimension reduction is robust, since the
stress value is very low at 0.103, which is the sum of the squares of the difference
between the five-dimensional and two-dimensional distances.
What the overall Digital Economy and Society Index reveals:
A statistical analysis of the DESI EU28 dimensions 57
Regional Statistics, Vol. 10. No. 2. 2020: 42–62; DOI: 10.15196/RS100209
Figure 3
Location of countries on the plane of principal components
Digital applications
0–3 –2 –1 1 2
Digital competences
The adequacy of the model is further confirmed by the R-squared value
(R2=0.958), which shows a strong linear relationship between the points in the two
dimensional space, as R-squared over 0.900 linearity is considered to be very good.
For a very simple interpretation of Figure 3, we may conclude that the DESI
measurement distributes the EU 28 countries into four quadrants based on their
level of competency and application of digital technologies. The first quadrant in the
upper right corner contains countries where both components are higher than
average, that is, they perform well in both competencies (connectivity, use) and
application (integration and public services). Moving clockwise, the lower right
corner collects countries where applications lag the opportunities of competencies –
the value of this latter component is negative. Countries which are lower than
average in both components can be found in the lower left corner, which
corresponds to the fifth and fourth clusters of the hierarchical cluster analysis
showing the refined situation, as in Romania and Bulgaria; although lagging in terms
of the competency component, they perform better in terms of the application
dimension. Finally, the last quadrant is the upper left segment with countries that
exploit applications of technology to a certain extent, that is, beyond the level of
competency or their actual readiness.
58 Zoltán Bánhidi – Imre Dobos – András Nemeslaki
Regional Statistics, Vol. 10. No. 2. 2020: 42–62; DOI: 10.15196/RS100209
In the second part of this research topic we apply MDS to generate ranking of
data points measured by the DESI variables. Basically, this is an extreme case when
the original data are projected into a one-dimensional space using MDS, that is, we
assign values for each country lying on a numerical line.
It is important to note that this method is fundamentally different from the
present logic of DESI ranking (or overall DESI), since applying a multidimensional
scoring method involves weighing of the five dimensions and aggregating them
accordingly. Hence DESI overall is a scalar multiplication of the DESI variables
presented in Table 2, and a predetermined weight vector defined by the EU
Commission is shown in Table 7. Table 7
Weights of the variables for DESI overall index
Connectivity Human Capital Use of
Integration of
Digital Public
0.25 0.25 0.15 0.2 0.15
The EU Commission´s website ( provides a
simulation tool where weight values may be changed and DESI ranking can be
calculated by altering the weight of Connectivity for the benefit of Integration or
Digital Public Services. No matter which values are set, however, the logic of
multidimensional scoring always reflects the competence of the decision maker or
the requestor for the ranking. On the other hand, MDS provides incumbent ranking
based on the structure of data that are independent of any external utility
assessment of the DESI dimensions. The results of MDS and its comparison with
the existing scoring is presented in Table 8. The stress value in this case is 0.187,
which is worse than that of the plane model in Figure 8, although still acceptable.
Furthermore, the value of R-squared is still very high at 0.908, as in our two-
dimensional model.
Table 8 shows that the result of the scoring model does not differ significantly
from MDS. The correlation between the two rankings is 0.991, indicating a strong
linear relationship between them. On the other hand, consistent with our previous
cluster analysis results, we identify some important findings regarding the
assessment of a few countries. Among the high performers, Finland´s position is
different according to the two methods, which may indicate some interesting best
practice observations and transfer. Also, there are slight positional differences
between countries in the middle and lower groups.
What the overall Digital Economy and Society Index reveals:
A statistical analysis of the DESI EU28 dimensions 59
Regional Statistics, Vol. 10. No. 2. 2020: 42–62; DOI: 10.15196/RS100209
Table 8
DESI overall indicators with ranking
Country DESI overall
Ranking with
DESI MDS values Ranking with
Denmark 71.726 1 1.801 1
Sweden 70.447 2 1.638 3
Finland 70.106 3 1.780 2
Netherlands 69.865 4 1.493 4
Luxembourg 62.787 5 0.905 5
Ireland 61.264 6 0.760 6
United Kingdom 61.208 7 0.659 8
Belgium 60.735 8 0.544 9
Estonia 59.741 9 0.728 7
Spain 58.048 10 0.427 10
Austria 57.957 11 0.343 11
Malta 57.655 12 0.255 12
Lithuania 56.606 13 0.254 13
Germany 55.612 14 0.021 14
Slovenia 53.003 15 –0.186 15
Portugal 52.585 16 –0.283 16
Czech Republic 52.323 17 –0.312 17
France 51.527 18 –0.331 18
Latvia 50.843 19 –0.485 19
Slovakia 49.477 20 –0.487 20
Cyprus 49.342 21 –0.528 21
Croatia 46.663 22 –0.823 22
Hungary 46.547 23 –1.010 23
Poland 45.023 24 –1.062 24
Italy 44.253 25 –1.084 25
Bulgaria 41.029 26 –1.416 26
Greece 38.379 27 –1.675 27
Romania 37.546 28 –1.926 28
60 Zoltán Bánhidi – Imre Dobos – András Nemeslaki
Regional Statistics, Vol. 10. No. 2. 2020: 42–62; DOI: 10.15196/RS100209
Figure 4
DESI overall indicators
Measuring the processes and results of digital transformation is important for policy
making and for improving local, regional, and European level competitiveness.
From 2014 onwards, the EU Commission has been using the Digital Economy and
Society Index (DESI) as a complex measurement scheme for collecting data from
member states in order to assess the business and social implications of
digitalization status in the EU. Over the years, DESI has emerged as a reference
point and a major source for policy making and comparing the performance of
different countries. In our paper we analysed two major problems by defining five
research questions of DESI that need more attention regarding its use.
Three research questions are used to analyse the first problem area covering the
issues of correlation and causality of the five DESI dimensions. After running
correlation tests, principal component analysis, and partial correlation computations,
we concluded that the five DESI dimensions are strongly correlated, they can be
reduced to two principal components covering the same scope of measurement, and
there is a causality mapping the variables´ relationship. According to these findings
there are two independent dimensions (Connectivity and Human Capital) and three
DESI overall index
What the overall Digital Economy and Society Index reveals:
A statistical analysis of the DESI EU28 dimensions 61
Regional Statistics, Vol. 10. No. 2. 2020: 42–62; DOI: 10.15196/RS100209
dependent ones, of which Use of Internet shows causality with both independent
dimensions, and Integration of Digital Technology shows causality only with
Human Capital. Furthermore, Digital Public Services clearly show a relationship
with the Integration dimension, underlying the intuitive experience that applications,
both in business and public services are creating a strong principal component while
capabilities such as connectivity and human readiness create another.
In the second problem area two research questions examined the clustering and
ranking of EU28 countries and juxtaposed the results of hierarchical cluster analysis
and multidimensional scaling with the DESI overall indices. With the introduction
of these two multivariate statistical methods we created an incumbent grouping of
EU28 countries and mapped the groups on a two dimensional and one-dimensional
(ranking) space. Our results confirm the usability and effectiveness of the DESI
overall index – or weighted aggregate score – and also present a more subtle
mapping and ranking of EU countries in the DESI dimensions.
Our paper has its limitations that require future research. A key limitation is that
we ran the analyses based only on 2018 data. Therefore, in order to generalize our
conclusions analysis should be extended to previous datasets as well. Furthermore,
we focused on the five highest level dimensions, a more detailed picture can be
gained using second-level data before aggregating them into the five top variables.
Regardless we believe our contribution is relevant from at least two points. First, by
extending the multivariate statistical analysis of DESI, the entire measurement
system can be amended and improved – especially the correlation dilemma can be
resolved. Second, based on our findings, a more refined public policy analysis,
design and execution may be projected, as adequate knowledge of causality between
variables helps decision makers to identify the root causes and actions for
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... Based on the above-mentioned studies, we can state that most studies have focused on the use of the DESI and the analysis of the development of digitalization from the point of view of the number of introduced digitalization elements. Other studies (Bánhidi et al. 2020;Borowiecki et al. 2021) have evaluated the static position of countries and their ranking in the field of digital transformation over one year. There are only a few articles published in the given area that have applied the DEA methodology. ...
... Based on a review of the literature, it can be concluded that there are several approaches dedicated to the assessment of the digital transformation of EU countries. The analyzed studies use different methods and different indicators to assess this process, including methods such as TOPSIS (Balcerzak and Pietrzak 2017;Bánhidi et al. 2021), cluster analysis (Zaharia and Bălăcescu 2020;Małkowska et al. 2021;Bánhidi et al. 2020) and the fixed-effects methodology (Parra et al. 2020). The DEA method was applied to determine the efficiency of digital transformation by Inel (2019), Bánhidi et al. (2021) and Georgescu et al. (2022). ...
... The DEA method was applied to determine the efficiency of digital transformation by Inel (2019), Bánhidi et al. (2021) and Georgescu et al. (2022). Indicators based on the DESI (Zaharia and Bălăcescu 2020;Parra et al. 2020;Bánhidi et al. 2020;Georgescu et al. 2022), but also others that are not based on DESI (Balcerzak and Pietrzak 2017;Zaharia and Bălăcescu 2020;Małkowska et al. 2021) were used as input parameters. In most studies, it was mainly the annual development of digitalization indicators that was measured (Bánhidi et al. 2020;Borowiecki et al. 2021). ...
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Currently, the process of the digital transformation of EU countries is very important and often discussed. It will not only bring new opportunities for companies and the broader population but will also enable the transition to a more ecological economy. An important goal is to speed up the digitalization processes taking place in companies. It is very important to use already established digitalization elements more efficiently. This also resulted in the motivation for the given research. The aim of this paper is to quantify the change in the efficiency of the digital transformation of EU countries. As part of this research, the Variable Returns to Scale Data Envelopment Analysis (VRS DEA) model and the Malmquist index (MI) based on the DEA approach were applied. The results of the model made it possible to assess how the changes in technical efficiency and technological changes contributed to the changes in efficiency. The long-term theoretical added value of this paper lies in its proposal for countries and their governments to monitor not only the number of introduced digital elements, but also the efficiency of their use relative to some aggregate output; for example, GDP (Gross Domestic Product) or unemployment rate. The added value of this research is that less developed countries use digitalization elements more effectively than developed countries.
... To illustrate emerging digital technologies, we chose the DESI to measure the digital competitiveness of EU member states [65]. The DESI comprises the following four dimensions: connectivity; human capital; digital technology integration; and digital public services [66]. Connectivity refers to the infrastructure necessary for fast and reliable Internet access, an essential aspect of integrating and using digital technologies across all sectors of the economy. ...
... Previous studies, such as those conducted by Banhidi et al. [66] and Imran et al. [67], emphasize that digitalization's economic component indirectly influences sustainable development through economic performance. According to this research, digitalization promotes sustainable economic growth, reduces social inequalities, and protects the environment. ...
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The digital revolution, characterized by rapid technological advancements, presents a unique opportunity to accelerate progress towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This research explores the transformative potential of cutting-edge digital technologies—including artificial intelligence, big data analytics, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things—in fostering sustainable development across economic, social, and environmental dimensions. Our study employs a rigorous empirical approach to quantify the impact of digital innovation on SDG achievement within the European Union. Utilizing the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) as a comprehensive measure of technological progress, we apply structural equation modeling to emphasize the complex interplay between digital advancement and sustainable development indicators. A key focus of our analysis is the mediating role of economic performance, measured by GDP per capita, in the relationship between digital technology adoption and SDG progress. This nuanced examination provides insights into how economic factors influence the effectiveness of digital solutions in addressing global challenges. Our findings underscore the need for adaptive policies that harness the power of digital technologies while addressing potential challenges and ensuring inclusive growth.
... Ezekről a dimenziókról ugyanakkor elmondható, hogy 2021-ben mért (számított) alapindikátorok aggregálásával állították elő őket. A jelentéssel, az alapindikátorok és a dimenziók, kompozit index mérésével, számításával kapcsolatos kritikákat egy korábbi cikkünkben mutattuk be (Bánhidi et al., 2020). ...
... E fejezetben egy rövid áttekintésben elsősorban azokra a 2020 után megjelent munkákra fókuszáltunk, amelyek a DESI statisztikai vizsgálatára irányulnak, vagy amelyek a digitális és gazdasági fejlettség összefüggését veszik górcső alá. Bánhidi et al. (2020) a DESI fő dimenzióit elemzik többváltozós statisztikai módszerekkel. Először az öt alapdimenzió lineáris kapcsolatát vizsgálják egyszerű Pearson-és parciális korrelációelemzéssel, illetve faktoranalízissel, elsősorban a lehetséges oksági összefüggésekre összpontosítva. ...
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A tanulmány a humán tőkére alapozott nyugdíjrendszer kialakításával kapcsolatos elméleti és gyakorlati megfontolásokat tárgyalja, különös figyelmet fordítva a gyermeknevelési költségek és a nyugdíjrendszer közötti kapcsolatra. Az eddigi kutatásaimat (Banyár, 2023, Banyár, 2024) követve részletesen elemzem, hogy a jelenlegi folyó finanszírozású nyugdíjrendszert hogyan lehetne átalakítani egy ideális pontrendszerré, amely elősegítené az áttérést a humán tőkére alapozott modellre. A tanulmányban kitérek a gyermeknevelés társadalmi és gazdasági aspektusaira, és bemutatom, hogy a szülők, a társadalom és az adófizetők közreműködése hogyan formálhatja a nyugdíjpontok kiosztását. Részletezem a gyermeknevelési költségek kiszámításának elveit, és azt, hogyan lehet ezen elvek alapján korrekciókat alkalmazni a nyugdíjrendszerben a különböző családi helyzetek, például válások és családi transzferek figyelembevételével. Az elemzés rávilágít arra, hogy a jövőben a humán tőke alapú nyugdíjrendszerek lehetőséget adhatnak a társadalmi igazságosság növelésére, ugyanakkor számos technikai és jogi kihívást is magukban hordoznak.
... It thoroughly represents a nation's socioeconomic digital evolution, focusing on both preparedness and progress. Moreover, its comprehensive approach and systematic data gathering framework render it an optimal tool for monitoring the digitalization advancements of nations (Bánhidi et al., 2020). ...
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In the face of global environmental and economic challenges, the role of digitalization and eco-innovation in driving sustainable competitiveness remains underexplored, particularly in the context of EU countries. This study aims to examine how digitalization and eco-innovation contributed to enhancing sustainable competitiveness among 27 EU countries from 2017 to 2022. Using an unbalanced panel data analysis, we employed the Prais‒Winsten regression model with panel-corrected standard error (PCSE) to assess the effects of eco-innovation, digital integration, human capital, economic freedom, and internet usage on sustainable competitiveness. The results indicate that eco-innovation and economic freedom significantly enhance sustainable competitiveness, whereas population growth negatively impacts it. Human capital in the digital sector also plays a critical role, emphasizing the importance of developing digital skills to support sustainable competitiveness. The findings suggest that policies promoting eco-innovation and digital skill development are crucial for improving sustainable competitiveness. Future research should explore these dynamics longitudinally and across diverse economies to deepen the understanding of digital and environmental transformations.
... A jelentéssel, az alapindikátorok és a dimenziók, kompozit index mérésével, számításával kapcsolatos kritikákat egy korábbi cikkünkben mutattuk be (Bánhidi et al., 2020 ...
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Absztrakt. Tanulmányunk célja az Európai Unió (EU) tagállamainak olyan objektív súlyozáson alapuló rangsorolása, amely országsorrend átfogó és reális képet ad a tagállamok relatív digitális és gazdasági fejlettségéről. Célunk továbbá az is, hogy megvizsgáljuk egy kiugró (outlier) értékek kezelésére szolgáló módszer, nevezetesen a winsorizálás hatását erre a rangsorra. Ehhez egy olyan makroszintű keresztmetszeti adatállományt használtunk, amely az Európai Bizottság által közzétett DESI digitális fejlettségi mérőszám fő dimenzióit, valamint az egy főre jutó GDP és AIC gazdaságstatisztikai mutatókat tartalmazza. Az adatkészlet két változatában a makrogazdasági adatok kiugró értékeit a winsorizálás változataival kezeltük, míg egy harmadik (alap) változatban nem kezeltük őket. A hatékonysági mutatókat a digitális és a gazdasági dimenziók szintézise alapján az EU-tagállamok rangsorolására használtuk a DEA/MaxMin modell segítségével. Ezt követően pedig a háromféle rangsort a Kendall-féle tau-b korrelációs mérőszám alapján hasonlítottuk össze. Eredményeink arra utalnak, hogy a képzett rangsorok nagy mértékben hasonlítanak egymásra, a winsorizáció hatása az országsorrend alakulására viszonylag csekély. Kulcsszavak: DESI, DEA, winsorizáció, rangsorolás
... They also criticised the calculation methodology of the DESI and claimed that current trends could not be calculated from historical data. Bánhidi et al. (2020) multi-dimensionally examined the usability of the DESI and evaluated its results in comparison with cluster analysis. Thus, they compared the cluster analysis and DESI results. ...
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This study examines the digitalisation levels of European countries between 2017 and 2022 using the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI). In this study, four main dimensions of the DESI were considered. Initially, hierarchical and non-hierarchical clustering analysis methods were used to group countries according to similar digitalisation levels. Then, the stability of clusters and transitions between clusters were determined by applying association rule analysis. Findings show that European countries are clustered at five levels of digitalisation. Most countries have remained in the same cluster over the years, while some countries have moved to neighbouring clusters. Moreover, common digitalisation characteristics of the countries in each cluster are revealed. The results of this study will guide countries in evaluating their digitalisation levels and devising strategies. This study is expected to contribute to policymakers' decision-making processes in the field of digital transformation.
... This structured approach allows for an in-depth analysis of various dimensions of the digital economy. DESI category connectivity considers the evolution of ICT technology by including indicators related to mobile and fixed broadband coverage, take-up, and price indexes [77,78]. ...
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Globally, rural tourism development faces challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, insufficient marketing resources, and unreliable service quality, all of which limit its potential. However, digital technology offers unprecedented opportunities to address these barriers. China’s experience in integrating digital technology into rural tourism provides a valuable case study for understanding the digitalization of rural tourism. This study constructs an index system to assess the coupling coordination relationship between the digital economy and the high-quality development of rural tourism (HQDRT). By employing methods such as the entropy method, coupling coordination degree model, obstacle factor model, and geographic detector, the study examines the evolution of this coupling coordination relationship and its driving mechanisms across 31 provinces (including regions and municipalities) in China from 2012 to 2021. The findings reveal that (1) The development of the digital economy generally lags behind that of the rural tourism, but the coupling coordination relationship between the two is steadily improving. (2) The level of coupling coordination increases from west to east, with spatial distribution patterns evolving from ‘antagonism’ to ‘adaptation’ and then to ‘coordination’ as they move eastward. Most provinces belong to the ‘adaptation’ type. (3) From a nationwide perspective, the primary obstacles impeding the development of the digital economy include an insufficient internet penetration rate, which consequently leads to underdeveloped internet finance development and telecommunications industry development. The major barriers to the HQDRT stem from an inadequate number of tourists and a lack of physical infrastructure. (4) Population density, consumer spending, and R&D are significant drivers of the coupling coordination relationship, with the interaction between urbanization rates and other factors generally weakening the degree of coupling.
The subject of digitization, both in the public and private sectors, seems to have attracted the interest of many researchers in recent years. The increase in the number of investigations related to this specific issue has become more intense since the emergence of the covid-19 pandemic, which brought about significant changes in the way of working, in the operation of the public administration, but also in the everyday life of citizens both in Europe and in Greece. In this research, a systematic literature review is carried out in the field of digitization in countries of the European Union (EU 27) as well as the United Kingdom. The purpose of the research is to make a categorization of the researches, to study the evolution of the number of studies in recent years, to highlight the countries that were most involved as well as the collaborations between the countries in the specific researches.
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Using Eurostat data for 2016, this study assesses the impact of various economic factors on severe material deprivation rates (SMDR) in European Union (EU) regions. As values of the analysed response variable range between 0 and 1, the study applies fractional regression as well as commonly used linear regression. Results of the extended RESET test indicate that the linear model suffers from misspecification, while there is no reason to reject the hypothesis regarding the adequacy of fractional response models (FRM). Therefore, to assess the unitary impact of explanatory variables on expected values of SMDR, a fractional response regression model with logit link function is used, which enables interpretations of odds ratios. It was found that SMDR is affected by regional-level factors such as median equivalised disposable household income, at-risk-of-poverty rate (ARPR), gross domestics product (GDP) per capita, long-term unemployment rate, and country-level drivers such as relative median at-risk-of-poverty gap, income quintile share ratio, and share of social protection expenditure in GDP.
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The purpose of this paper is to create an index to measure the reputation of countries that belong to the European Union. Data for 28 countries has been taken from the Eurostat database and the method used is principal component analysis. The index is a combination of five different dimensions: (1) Economy, (2) Social Welfare, (3) Environment, (4) Digitalization and (5) Sports and Health, along with thirty-two distinct factors. The top scores in this index are Germany, United Kingdom or Sweden with high values in Economy or Environment. On the other side, we find Greece, Croatia or Cyprus, with a low process of digitalization. The International Reputation Index could be used to assist public policies designed to improve reputation in countries where it is needed.
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The present article analyses the digital performance of Greece in comparison with other European countries, putting particular emphasis on human capital and women’s participation in the digital transformation of the country. The next section examines the performance of Greece in key digitisation indices undertaking cross-country comparisons, as well as analyses over time. Section 4.2.3 focuses on human capital and presents some dimensions of the digital divide between the two sexes. The last section summarizes the main conclusions of the article.
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Most public services in Romania are provided by local public institutions, especially town halls and city halls. Although Romania has produced a number of national e-government development strategies, in the end, their implementation will mainly be in the hands of local municipalities. This study aims to find out the challenges that IT professionals in local administrations face in digitalizing their institutions, their success stories and their opinions about online service delivery in the face of continuous technological change. The general sentiment is that e-government development is never a priority, especially at central level, and that essential national technological infrastructure is underdeveloped or non-existent. Because of these shortcomings, even online services that work well in a local context will be hard to replicate or integrate at a country level.
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In the absence of globally coherent specifications and standards, digitalization would never have spread across the world in such a huge extent as it did. The availability of digital technologies has significantly increased in the last decade, shifting the focus of policy-makers from on the diffusion of these technologies to their usage by governments, companies and also individuals. Actually, digital technologies and internet became the main forces for transforming the modern world and its economy. Activating within a turbulent environment, Romania faced many challenges in the last three years, but it managed to perform better from period to period. Relative to the past performance, Romania registers a higher rate of digitalization, benefiting from coverage of rapid broadband connections, mostly in urban areas. This made Romania having the second highest share of subscriptions within the EU in 2016. Romania has developed increasingly fast over the last years and reached a position closer to the EU average, which translates into a positive evolution. While positive, the obtained results are not enough to compensate the country’s digital skills deficit.
This research tries to answer the question “How does the Hofstede`s Model of societal cultural differences relate to the development of EU countries e-government and open government?”. This question of interest in the research comes from the growing number of discussions about how the culture impacts the economic growth, but much more because of the literature GAP about the factors of relations among the Hofstede`s Model dimensions and the new governance models in the EU countries. Based on a literature overview and analyze we propose a thesis is that the analyzed EU countries can be clustered into three. The countries, which fall into the same cluster entitled Cluster of Changers, possess cultural similarities and this relates to the progressive development of the open and e-government. This is such because these countries possess the same characteristics defined by the Hofstede`s model. The second cluster of countries, we entitled them Cluster of Observers, are characterized by similar characteristics according to Hofstede`s model, they have slow development in the open and e-government. And the third one, the cluster Cluster of Moderators falls neither into the cluster of Changers or Observers. We propose a matrix model, which explains the Hofstede`s model of cultural dimensions in regards to the e-government development and open government of the EU countries.
The monitoring of technological development for the improvement of the national performance of EU Member States has become one of the main points of discussion of the European Commission for to keep abreast of countries like the USA, Japan and South Korea. This system results in the development index of Digital Economy and Society (DESI), an instrument that can detect a data system in order to quantify the level of technological development at the macro level and the micro level. The topic of this paper, in a first part, is to understand the development and applications of DESI index. Finally, following the European guidelines on index DESI, will be made an application on Abruzzo’s territory for rebuild a framework of technological development of the region.
Perspective of smart business development
  • K.-Curic Curko
  • T Vukšic
CURKO, K.-CURIC, T.-VUKŠIC, V. B. (2017): Perspective of smart business development International Journal of Renewable Energy Sources 2 (2): 40-47.
Industry 4.0-the perspective of international economics. The case of Polish-German relationships
  • M Götz
GÖTZ, M. (2017): Industry 4.0-the perspective of international economics. The case of Polish-German relationships Przegląd Zachodni 365 (4): 169-185.