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Abstract and Figures

The Red River is a typical example of the Southeast Asian rivers, which has been strongly affected by human activities. This paper analyses the change of total suspended sediment (TSS) load of the Red River from 1960 to 2015 in which numerous new dams in both China and Vietnam have been constructed. A strong decrease of TSS load of the whole Red River (from 79±26×106 t yr−1 in 1960s to 6±1×106 t yr−1 in 2010s) allocated to the dam impoundments in spite of population and deforestation increase. Base on the experimental equation describing the relationship between TSS and total organic nitrogen (TON) concentrations, and on the available data of TSS concentration and river discharge, the longterm TON concentrations and fluxes were calculated for the three tributaries and the whole Red River. The annual average of TON concentrations spatially varied from 0.41 to 3.19 mg L−1, averaging 0.98 mg L−1 for the whole period; the lowest was found for the Da River where the new dams have been impounded. The highest TON concentrations and fluxes occurred in the wet season in relationship with the highest sediment loads and river discharges. The riverine TON fluxes transferred to estuary significantly decreased from 141×103±38×103 t yr−1 (equivalent to 902±247 kg km−2 yr−1) in 1960s to 32×103±5×103 t yr−1 (equivalent to 207±35 kg km−2 yr−1) in 2010s. The TSS flux decrease has driven a clear reduction of associated elements like nitrogen, which let to hypothesis a change in biogeochemical processes in the coastal zone.
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Proc. IAHS, 383, 367–374, 2020
© Author(s) 2020. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Open Access
Hydrological processes and water security in a changing world
Impact of hydropower dam on total suspended
sediment and total organic nitrogen fluxes of
the Red River (Vietnam)
Nhu Da Le1,2, Thi Phuong Quynh Le1,2 , Thi Xuan Binh Phung3, Thi Thuy Duong4, and Orange Didier5
1Graduate University of Science and Technology, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet road,
Cau Giay district, Hanoi city, Vietnam
2Institute of Natural Product Chemistry, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology,
18 Hoang Quoc Viet road, Cau Giay district, Hanoi city, Vietnam
3Electric Power University, 235 Hoang Quoc Viet, Bac Tu Liem, Hanoi, Vietnam
4Institute of Environmental Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet
road, Cau Giay district, Hanoi city, Vietnam
5IRD, ECO&SOLS, University of Montpellier, CIRAD, INRA, Supagro Montpellier, Place Viala, 34060
Montpellier CEDEX 2, France
Correspondence: Le Thi Phuong Quynh (,
and Le Nhu Da (
Published: 16 September 2020
Abstract. The Red River is a typical example of the Southeast Asian rivers, which has been strongly affected by
human activities. This paper analyses the change of total suspended sediment (TSS) load of the Red River from
1960 to 2015 in which numerous new dams in both China and Vietnam have been constructed. A strong decrease
of TSS load of the whole Red River (from 79±26 ×106t yr1in 1960s to 6 ±1×106t yr1in 2010s) allocated
to the dam impoundments in spite of population and deforestation increase. Base on the experimental equation
describing the relationship between TSS and total organic nitrogen (TON) concentrations, and on the available
data of TSS concentration and river discharge, the longterm TON concentrations and fluxes were calculated
for the three tributaries and the whole Red River. The annual average of TON concentrations spatially varied
from 0.41 to 3.19 mg L1, averaging 0.98 mg L1for the whole period; the lowest was found for the Da River
where the new dams have been impounded. The highest TON concentrations and fluxes occurred in the wet
season in relationship with the highest sediment loads and river discharges. The riverine TON fluxes transferred
to estuary significantly decreased from 141 ×103±38 ×103t yr1(equivalent to 902 ±247 kg km2yr1) in
1960s to 32 ×103±5×103t yr1(equivalent to 207 ±35 kg km2yr1) in 2010s. The TSS flux decrease has
driven a clear reduction of associated elements like nitrogen, which let to hypothesis a change in biogeochemical
processes in the coastal zone.
1 Introduction
Total suspended solids (TSS) transported by the Asian rivers
to the coastal ocean play an important role in the global de-
livery of TSS and associated elements (C, N, P) due to the
significant quantities of suspended solids. However, in re-
cent decades, TSS and material fluxes of these rivers have
been altered drastically as a result of reservoir impound-
ment, land use, population, and climate change (Walling and
Fang, 2003). Within the factors affected to the riverine TSS
load, dams and reservoirs are known to be the most im-
portant. The impact of dam impoundment was clearly ob-
served for numerous Asian Rivers such as the Yangtze River
(Changjiang) (Wu et al., 2007), the Yellow River (Huanghe)
(in China) (Wang et al., 2007; Hu et al., 2015), the Mekong
River (Kummu and Varis, 2007)... Dam impoundment has
Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences.
368 N. D. Le et al.: Impact of hydropower dam on total suspended sediment and total organic nitrogen fluxes
reduced TSS fluxes of these rivers by more than half. The
loss of sediment and associated nutrient fluxes from the con-
tinent has dramatically affected deltas (Syvitski and Saito,
2007). The habitats of many aquatic species in coastal zone
have significantly impacted the recovery of the mangroves
and coastal aquaculture area. Thus, Beusen et al. (2005) em-
phasized that it is important to understand the response of
riverine TSS and associated nutrient fluxes to regional and
global changes, and the main factors that control the fluvial
sediment transport to the oceans.
The Red River (Vietnam and China) is a typical Asian river
which is strongly impacted by both climate and human ac-
tivities. Indeed, human activities have altered the hydrology,
suspended sediment and associated element (C, N, P) loads
of the Red River though dam impoundment, land use change
and population increased (Le et al., 2015). Two large dams
(Hoa Binh, Thac Ba) have been impounded in the Red River
systems, in the Vietnamese territory since 1970s. And re-
cently, since the year 2010, new series of dams have been set
up in the Red River upstream in period 2000–2015 in both
China and Vietnam sectors. This study firstly aims to esti-
mate the recent change of TSS flux due to new series of dams
constructed in both China and Vietnam in the period 1960–
2015 basing a data set of daily TSS concentrations and daily
river discharge. And then, basing on the experimental equa-
tion describing the relationship between the TSS and total
organic nitrogen (TON) concentrations, and on the available
data of TSS concentrations and river discharges, the longterm
TON concentrations and fluxes were calculated for the three
tributaries and the whole Red River.
2 Site description and methodology
2.1 Site description
2.1.1 The Red River basin
The Red River situates in South-East Asia, drains a water-
shed area of 156 451 km2, 50.3 % of which is situated in Viet-
nam, 48.8 % in China and 0.9 % in Laos. The Red River in-
cludes three tributaries Thao, Da, Lo Rivers which join at
Viet Tri city, and then forms a large delta before flowing into
the South-East Asian Sea through four distributaries called,
Ba Lat, Lach Gia, Tra Ly and Day (Dang, 2000) (Fig. 1).
There are two distinct seasons in the Red River basin:
rainy season (May–October) and dry season (November–
April). The annual rainfall strongly varies from 700 to
4800 mm yr1across the basin with about 80 % of rainfall
occurring during the rainy season. Noted that highest inci-
dence of typhoons occur in July and August in the basin area.
The three upstream sub-basins of Thao, Da and Lo rivers
have differences in their lithology. The Red main channel
basin is dominated by metamorphic rocks, except in the up-
per reaches where the Mesozoic sedimentary deposits are
found. The Da drainage basin is composed of sedimentary
rocks from the Mesozoic and Paleozoic period with minor
felsic intrusions. The Lo drainage has low-grade metamor-
phic rocks and Proterozoic to Paleozoic sedimentary rocks
with some granitic intrusions. In the central Red River Delta,
silt and clay are the most abundant sediments while fine
sand presents in small amounts from the Holocene succes-
sion (Moon et al., 2007).
Land use and population density are different for
the four sub-basins of the Red River. Low population
(<100 inhabitant km2) and high proportion of forestland
are found for the Da river basin. The moderate popula-
tion and industrial-agricultural and forest land is observed
in the Lo and Thao river basins. Very high population
(>1000 inhabitant km2) and high proportion of agricultural
land are characterized for the Delta area. Change in landuse
(deforestation and intensive agricultural land) and population
increased for longterm period from 1960s–2010s have been
revealed in a recent study (Le et al., 2015, 2018).
2.1.2 Hydrology and Reservoir impoundment
Daily river discharges at the outlets of the three tributaries
Thao (at Yen Bai station), Da (at Hoa Binh station) and Lo
(at Vu Quang station) and of the downstream main axe of
the Red River (at Hanoi station) were available for the pe-
riod 1960–2015 (MONRE, 1960–2015) (Fig. 1). The river
discharge follows the variation of rainfall during the year
with clear higher river discharges observed in the rainy sea-
son than in the dry one. The average river discharge of the
Thao (at Yen Bai), Da (at Hoa Binh), Lo (at Vu Quang)
and in the main axe at Hanoi stations were 720; 1670;
1020 and 2500 m3s1respectively for the period 1960–2015
(MONRE, 1960–2015). Of the three upstream tributaries, the
Da River accounts for a half of the total Red River discharge.
Long-term data on the decade average of water discharge
showed a clear decrease for the Thao, Da tributaries and for
the main downstream Red River in the 1960–2015 period
(Table 1). During the whole study period, extreme low river
discharges of the main axe Red River at Son Tay (368 m3s1
in May 1960 or 380 m3s1in March 2002) hydrological sta-
tions were observed (Quach, 2011; Pham et al., 2015) and
extreme high river discharge (37800 m3s1) at Son Tay sta-
tion was observed in August 1971.
Dam impoundment
In the Red River basin in both China and Vietnam territory,
a series of reservoirs and dams have been constructed and
operated (Ha and Vu, 2012; Le et al., 2018) for multipur-
pose including generating hydropower, controlling floods,
providing water for the agricultural land, regulating water
resource during dry season for downstream. In the upstream
Thao River, two main intercepting dams (namely Namsha
and Madushan, 140 km from the Vietnamese border to
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Figure 1. The Red River and its tributaries: location of the large reservoirs and hydrological stations.
Table 1. Decade average and standard deviation (SD) of river discharge, TSS and TON concentrations (mg L1) of the Thao, Da and Lo
tributaries and of the main axis of the Red River at Hanoi station in different periods from 1960 to 2015.
station River Variables 1960–1969 1970–1979 1980–1989 1990–1999 2000–2009 2010–2015
Yen Bai Thao River discharge, m3s1774 ±126 818 ±208 674 ±103 752 ±137 708 ±140 517 ±34
TSS concentration, mg L1883±274 965 ±79 1054 ±454 1479 ±344 928 ±297 278 ±62
TON concentration, mg L11.5 ±0.4 1.7 ±0.1 1.8±0.6 2.3 ±0.4 1.6 ±0.4 0.7 ±0.1
Hoa Binh Da River discharge, m3s11720 ±219 1706±213 1544 ±236 1840 ±301 1798 ±230 1276 ±216
TSS concentration, mg L1475±144 477 ±75 354 ±169 74 ±15 56 ±26 15 ±6
TON concentration, mg L11.0 ±0.2 1.0 ±0.1 0.9 ±0.2 0.5 ±0.0 0.5 ±0.0 0.4 ±0.0
Vu Quang Lo River discharge, m3s1955 ±144 1077±227 1085 ±165 1098 ±158 897 ±213 990 ±439
TSS concentration, mg L1158±28 167 ±54 163 ±56 207 ±51 140 ±53 56 ±22
TON concentration, mg L10.6 ±0.0 0.6 ±0.1 0.6 ±0.1 0.7 ±0.1 0.6 ±0.1 0.5 ±0.0
Hanoi Main down- River discharge, m3s12610 ±317 2821±380 2607 ±439 2660 ±390 2310 ±310 1673 ±262
stream Red TSS concentration, mg L1505 ±112 554 ±105 434 ±116 389 ±74 343 ±172 77 ±8
River branch TON concentration, mgL11.1 ±0.1 1.1 ±0.1 1.0 ±0.2 0.9 ±0.1 0.8 ±0.2 0.5 ±0.0
China) have been constructed in the period 2010s (IMRR,
2010). In the Lo River, the Thac Ba was constructed the
earliest, in 1972 originally designed to supply water and
generate hydropower (440 MW) but did not control floods.
Recently, the Tuyen Quang is impounded in the Vietnamese
part and at least 8 hydropower reservoirs have been built
on the upstream Lo River in the Chinese part (Ha and
Vu, 2012). In the Da River, a series of dams/reservoirs
have been constructed since 1989. Besides the 3 large
reservoirs (Hoa Binh, Son La and Lai Chau), small hydro-
electric power stations have been set up (Ban Chat, Huoi
Quang) on the Nam Mu river, a branch of the Da River
in Vietnam and about 11 small hydrological dams con-
structed in the Chinese part since 2007 (Ha and Vu, 2012).
2.2 Methodology
2.2.1 Data collection
Daily TSS concentrations and the daily river discharge data
of the 3 main tributaries: Yen Bai station (outlet of the Thao
river), Hoa Binh station (outlet of the Da river), Vu Quang
station (outlet of the Lo river), and in the main axe (at Hanoi
station) of the Red River (Fig. 1, Table 1) from 1960 to
2015 were obtained from the MONRE (1960–2015). Daily
TSS concentrations were determined at each gauging sta- Proc. IAHS, 383, 367–374, 2020
370 N. D. Le et al.: Impact of hydropower dam on total suspended sediment and total organic nitrogen fluxes
tion by the Vietnamese standard TCVN 6625:2000 method
(MOSTE, 2000).
2.2.2 Calculation of TSS fluxes
Daily TSS flux at the outlet of each tributary (Thao, Da
and Lo) and at Hanoi station (main downstream axe of the
Red River) was calculated based on the daily TSS concentra-
tions with the daily river discharge. Annual TSS flux export
(106t yr1) at the outlet of the Thao, Da and Lo and at Hanoi
was calculated as the sum of daily export at each tributary
and at Hanoi over the course of a year. The total TSS fluxes
of the whole Red River were calculated by extrapolating the
flux measured at the Hanoi station taking into account the
respective Delta area in the watershed.
2.2.3 Calculation of TON concentrations and fluxes
Previous studies revealed that riverine particulate nitrogen
loads are strongly correlated with TSS loads (Ittekkot and
Zhang, 1989; Ludwig and Probst, 1996). Our previous study
(Le et al., 2005) demonstrated a relationship between TSS
concentrations and Total organic nitrogen (TON) concentra-
tions for the Red River water, basing on field measurements,
as shown in Eq. (1):
TON (mg L1)=0.4+0.0013TSS (mg L1)
(r2=0.91) (1)
Recently, we have analysed about 20 Red River samples
taken in Hanoi hydrological station for testing this equation
and found the possibility for application of this equation.
Thus, we use this equation for calculating daily TON con-
centrations at different stations Yen Bai (Thao River), Hoa
Binh (Da River), Vu Quang (Lo River) and Hanoi in the
main branch Red River for the period 1960–2015 basing on
the available daily TSS concentrations at the respective sta-
tions in this period. After obtaining daily TON concentra-
tions, daily and annual TON fluxes were calculated by the
same method for TSS flux calculation.
3 Results and discussion
3.1 Total suspended solids (TSS) and total organic
nitrogen (TON) concentrations
3.1.1 Spatial and temporal variation
TSS concentrations which varied 8 to 2144 mg L1showed
spatially different variation for the three tributaries and of
the main branch of the Red River (at Hanoi stations). The
highest TSS was observed at Yen Bai station (Thao River)
in 1986 when the big flood occurred in this river whereas
the lowest value was found at Hoa Binh station (Da River)
in 2015 after the Son La dam has been in operation. For the
whole period 1960–2015, within the three upstream tribu-
taries, the mean TSS concentrations were the highest at the
Thao station (966 ±432 mg L1) where less dams were im-
pounded in its main course. The TSS concentrations in the
Lo and Da Rivers were much lower and averaged 157 ±59
and 297 ±554 mg L1, respectively. The TSS concentration
of main axe Red River at Hanoi station, averaging 411 ±
170 mg L1over the period 1960–2015 was lower than the
one of the Thao River due to the dilution process because of
higher discharges and lower TSS concentrations of the Da
and Lo Rivers than those of the Thao River (Table 1).
Regarding temporal variation, the TSS concentrations at
all sites observed showed a clear decrease over the 1960–
2015 period. Within the three tributaries, a significant de-
crease of TSS concentration was found for the Da River
(from 475±144 mg L1in 1960s to 15±6 mg L1in 2010s)
where a series of dams were operated in its main course
(Table 1). Presently (2010–2015 period), within three main
tributaries, the TSS concentration of the Da river is lowest
(Table 1). The Thao and the Lo showed a clear reduction
of TSS concentrations (from 883 ±274 mg L1in 1960s to
278 ±62 mg L1in 2010s) and (from 158 ±28 mg L1in
1960s to 56 ±22 mg L1in 2010s, respectively) (Table 1,
Fig. 2), especially in the last decade where dams have been
impounded in the Thao and Lo rivers.
TON concentration followed the same spatial variation of
the TSS, being highest for the Thao River (1.7±0.6 mg L1)
and lowest for the Lo River (0.6±0.1 mg L1) over the 1960–
2015 period. A reduction of TON concentrations was also
observed at different stations, however, much lower in com-
paring with TSS concentration decrease. Indeed, TON con-
centrations were reduced by a haft at all sites observed (Ta-
ble 1). For the whole period, the annual average of TON con-
centrations spatially fluctuated from 0.41 to 3.19 mg L1, av-
eraging 0.98 mg L1. Presently (2010–2015 period), within
three main tributaries, the TON concentration of the Da river
was lowest (Table 1).
3.1.2 Seasonal variation
The TSS concentrations were higher in the rainy season than
in dry season at all four stations during all periods observed.
Indeed, over the whole period, the average TSS concentra-
tions in the Thao, Lo and Da Rivers during the rainy season
averaging 1495 ±744, 271 ±112 and 83 ±262 mg L1re-
spectively were 5 times higher than the ones in dry season
averaging 301 ±159, 35 ±18 and 24 ±48 mg L1respec-
tively. In the main branch of the Red River, at Hanoi station,
TSS concentrations were 3 times higher in the rainy season
(655±276 mg L1) than in the dry season (171±90 mg L1).
As known, most of riverine TSS fluxes of the tropical river
systems have transported during the rainy season, mainly at
high river discharge (Van Maren and Hoekstra, 2004). Higher
rainfall in rainy season accelerates soil erosion and leaching,
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Figure 2. Annual average of TSS, TON concentrations of the Thao, Da and Lo Rivers and of the main axe at Hanoi station during different
periods from 1960 to 2015.
Table 2. Annual average and standard deviation of TSS fluxes (106t yr1) and TON flux (103t yr1) of the Thao, Da and Lo tributaries and
of the whole Red River system during different periods from 1960 to 2015.
Period 1960–1969 1970–1979 1980–1989 1990–1999 2000–2009 2010–2015
Thao (YB) TSS 34 ±18 38 ±12 36 ±25 59 ±23 41 ±21 7 ±1
TON 58 ±25 59 ±17 55 ±33 86 ±30 62 ±28 16 ±2
Da (HB) TSS 57 ±24 53 ±16 32 ±19 7 ±2 5 ±3 1 ±0
TON 95 ±33 90 ±23 61 ±27 32 ±6 29 ±6 17 ±3
Lo (VQ) TSS 8 ±3 10 ±4 9 ±4 12 ±3 8 ±5 2 ±1
TON 23 ±5 27 ±8 25 ±6 30 ±5 22 ±9 15 ±7
Whole RR TSS 79 ±26 86 ±22 63 ±24 58 ±17 44 ±25 6 ±1
TON 141 ±38 154 ±33 121 ±36 114 ±26 92 ±36 32 ±5
leading to higher riverine TSS concentrations in tropical re-
Associated with TSS, TON concentrations at all sites were
higher in the rainy season than in the dry season. Indeed, over
the whole period, the average TSS concentrations during the
rainy season in the three tributaries Thao (2.5±1.0 mg L1) ,
Lo (0.7±0.1 mg L1) and Da (0.6±0.3 mg L1) Rivers and
the main axe at Hanoi station (1.2±0.4 mg L1) were about
1.5–3.0 times higher than the ones in dry season (0.8±0.2,
0.5±0.1; 0.5±0.1 and 0.6±0.1 mg L1respectively.
3.1.3 Total suspended solids (TSS) and total organic
nitrogen (TON) fluxes
Our calculations showed that the TSS fluxes of the Da River
at the Hoa Binh hydrological station decreased significantly
from 57 ×106±22 ×106t yr1for the period 1960–1969 to
1.0×106±0×106t yr1for the period 2000–2015 (Table 2).
Comparing with the period 1960–1969 (before the Hoa
Binh reservoir presence), the TSS fluxes of the Da River
in the period 1990s decreased about 87.8 %. Since the addi-
tional presence of the Son La, Lai Chau, Huoi Quang reser-
voirs in Vietnam and 11 small hydroelectric powers in China,
the TSS fluxes at the outlet of the Da River further decreased
at the total rate of 98.6 %. It clearly shows the important role
of the reservoirs in TSS storage, leading to a clearly decrease
of TSS fluxes at the outlet of the Da River (Table 2). For the
Lo and the Thao Rivers, similarly, in the period 2000–2015,
the TSS fluxes at the outlets of these rivers decreased by 72%
and 80 % respectively, comparing to the pre-construction the
hydropower plants in both Vietnam and China (Table 2).
Previous study found that about 70 % reduction of sedi-
ment flux was observed for the Red River after the impound-
ment of the Hoa Binh and Thac Ba reservoirs on the Da and
Lo rivers (Le et al., 2007; Dang et al., 2010). Our study re-
vealed that actually, at Hanoi site, the TSS fluxes in the pe-
riod 2010–2015 decreased by 92 % in comparing with the pe-
riod without reservoir impoundment in the whole Red River
system (1960s) (Table 2). In addition, at Hanoi station (dow-
stream of the Red River), we observed that the sum of the
annual TSS fluxes of the three tributaries Thao, Da and Lo
(input to the Delta area) was higher than the mean annual
fluxes of the Hanoi site (output). This is due to the complex-
ity of the hydrological network in the Delta area where some
distributaries flow out from the main branch of the Red River
(Duong, Day and Nhue Rivers) (Luu et al., 2010) and the im-
portant deposition process in the section from the Viet Tri –
Son Tay – Hanoi, the floodplains (Lu et al., 2015).
Overall, the TSS fluxes of the whole Red River trans-
ferred to the estuary significantly decreased from 79 ×106±
26 ×106t yr1(equivalent to a specific sediment yield of
505 ±166 t km2yr1) in the period 1960s to 6 ×106±1× Proc. IAHS, 383, 367–374, 2020
372 N. D. Le et al.: Impact of hydropower dam on total suspended sediment and total organic nitrogen fluxes
106t yr1(corresponding to a specific sediment yield of
38 ±6 t km2yr1) in 2010–2015 period.
The TSS fluxes of the Red River at present situation
(2010s) were much lower than that of the large Asian Rivers
such as the Ayeyarwady (1966 to 1996): 325×106t yr1(Fu-
ruichi et al., 2009).
In Asia, reservoirs have been constructed on large rivers
for multi-purposes, including hydropower, flood control/flow
management, irrigation/water supply. . . The dam/reservoir
impoundment resulted in dramatically reducing of sediment
flux discharged to the sea which was observed for numer-
ous Asian rivers. For example, the sediment discharge of the
Yangtze River (Changjiang) decreased from 480 ×106t yr1
to approximately 150 ×106t yr1over a 20-year period
(Wang et al., 2008) whereas the Yellow River (Huanghe) (in
China) reduced from 1080 ×106to 150 ×106t yr1over a
40-year period (Wang et al., 2007). For some cases of Asian
river, e.g the Minjiang River (Xu and Yan, 2010) and the Up-
per Mekong River (Kummu and Varis, 2007), different reser-
voirs were built in different times, and thus, the sediment
trapping induced by different reservoirs has various phases,
driven to the complicated effects caused by a single reservoir.
In addition, associated with riverine TSS, the reduction of
TSS flux could decrease a large particulate nutrients (N, P)
and carbon load to the estuary. In this study, TON load of the
whole Red River reduced from 141 ×103±38 ×103t yr1
(equivalent to a specific yield of 902±247 kg km2yr1) in
the period 1960s to 32×103±5×103t yr1(corresponding to
a specific sediment yield of 207±35 kg km2yr1) in 2010–
2015 period.
The construction of reservoirs has caused sudden loss of
huge amounts of fresh water, sediment and nutrients from the
rivers into the estuaries and coastal areas. Some major river
systems in Asia, such as the Yellow River, the Changjiang
River, the Mekong River, . . . have significant decreases in
water flow and suspended solid load due to environmental
changes, especially the human impacts in recent decades (Lu
and Siew, 2006; Kummu and Varis, 2007; Wang et al., 2012;
Lu et al., 2015). The decreases of suspended solids and as-
sociated substances (C, N, P and Si) loads can have serious
consequences, such as increasing coastal erosion, reducing
nutrient elements which provide foods for phytoplankton and
aquaculture, decreasing aquaculture production, loss of shel-
ter and breeding grounds. . . in coastal zone, as observed for
numerous Asian rivers (Chen, 2000).
The same is likely to be true for the Red River where the
impoundment of the large dams resulted in a clear decrease
of both TSS concentration and fluxes in this study. Noted that
a clear population and deforestation increases were observed
for the Red River basin in the period 1960s–2010s (Le et al.,
2015). This may approve the important role of dam impound-
ment in reducing suspended solids and associated nutrients
transfer of the in the Red River to the coastal zone. The de-
crease of TSS and TON fluxes of the Red River may give
different sequences (increased erosion, salinization of culti-
vated land or damaged ecosystems) in the coastal zone.
3.2 Bias in our calculation
Our calculations of TON concentration and flux of the Red
River are subject to a number of possible biases when the
TON concentrations were extrapolated from the relationship
between TON and TSS concentrations given in (Le et al.,
2005) with daily TSS concentrations obtained over the period
1960–2015. The use of this equation may not be suitable for
the entire longterm period (about 55 years for the Red River),
however, this bias is difficult for evaluating when no contem-
poraneous observation data exist. In addition, nitrogen trans-
formation and lost towards the atmosphere as N2was not
considered in our calculation of the Red River TON fluxes
transported to the coastal zone. However, despite these po-
tential errors, the results presented here show the importance
of the change in the Red River TON flux over the longterm
period 1960–2015.
4 Conclusion
Longterm variation of TSS and TON concentrations and
fluxes of the Red River were calculated for the period 1960–
2015. The results showed that a clear decrease of both TSS
and TON concentrations and fluxes of the three main tribu-
taries and the whole Red River in this period due to a series
of dams constructed in both China and Vietnam, especially
for a recent period 2010–2015, in spite of population and de-
forestation increase in the whole basin.
For detail, spatial and seasonal variations of TSS and TON
concentrations and fluxes of the Red River were clearly ob-
served. The annual average of TSS concentrations spatially
varied from 15 ±5 to 1479 ±326 whereas the annual aver-
age of TON concentrations spatially fluctuated from 0.41 to
3.19 mg L1, averaging 0.98 mg L1for the whole period.
Presently, the lowest values of both TON and TSS were de-
tected for the Da River where several new dams (including
the Son La and Lai Chau) appeared in the last decade 2010s.
The higher TSS and TON concentrations were found in wet
than in dry season for all sites during different periods.
Overall, the TSS fluxes of the Red River transferred
to the estuary significantly decreased from 79 ×106±
26 ×106t yr1(equivalent to a specific sediment yield of
505 ±166 t km2yr1) in the period 1960s to 6 ×106±1×
106t yr1(corresponding to a specific sediment yield of 38±
6 t km2yr1) in 2010s. Similarly, the riverine TON fluxes
transferred to estuary significantly decreased from 141 ×
103±38×103t yr1(equivalent to 902±247 kg km2yr1)
in 1960s to 32 ×103±5×103t yr1(equivalent to 207 ±
35 kg km2yr1) in 2010s. A strong decrease of TSS and
TON fluxes of the whole Red River may give different se-
quences (increased erosion, salinization of cultivated land or
Proc. IAHS, 383, 367–374, 2020
N. D. Le et al.: Impact of hydropower dam on total suspended sediment and total organic nitrogen fluxes 373
damaged ecosystems) in the coastal zone of the Red River,
as observed for numerous Asian rivers.
Data availability. Data is not publicly accessible.
Author contributions. LND and PTXB calculated TON fluxes.
LND and LTPQ prepared the manuscript with contributions from
all co-authors.
Competing interests. The authors declare that they have no con-
flict of interest.
Special issue statement. This article is part of the special issue
“Hydrological processes and water security in a changing world”.
It is a result of the 8th Global FRIEND–Water Conference: Hydro-
logical Processes and Water Security in a Changing World, Beijing,
China, 6–9 November 2018.
Financial support. This research has been supported by the
Graduate University of Science and Technology /Ministry of Indus-
try and Trade of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (GUST.STS.ÐT
2020-MT01 /DTKHCN.008/19 project).
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... Reservoirs created by the construction of dams can interrupt the sediment flux in rivers, resulting in sediment retention in the reservoir and, consequently, reducing its storage capacity (Lee et al. 2022). Furthermore, the implementation of reservoirs can cause changes in the sediment flux and sediment concentration, as reported in several studies (Dai et al. 2008;Le et al. 2020;Snoussi et al. 2002;Yang et al. 2018). ...
... According to Le et al. (2020), the construction of reservoirs on watercourses is one of the main factors responsible for changes in sediment transport dynamics. In a study carried out on the Red River basin in China, the authors found a 72-98% reduction in sediment flux after the construction of reservoirs for power generation. ...
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Dams and artificial reservoirs can significantly alter the dynamics of sediment transport in a watercourse. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to assess the influence of the Pandeiros Small Hydroelectric Plant reservoir on sediment transport in the Pandeiros River. The study also aims to characterize the sediment composition and assess the correlation between total and suspended solids with turbidity, flow, and precipitation variables. The study was carried out in the Pandeiros River basin, Brazil, between May 2019 and January 2023. The following variables were analyzed: flow, turbidity, precipitation, total solids (fixed and volatile), and suspended solids (fixed and volatile). The results showed that, under the conditions observed during the study, the reservoir did not affect the concentration and composition of the sediments. It was found that the solids transported by the Pandeiros River are mostly composed of inorganic material. A positive correlation was observed between the variables, which was stronger when correlated with suspended solids. The correlation analysis indicated that precipitation is one of the main factors related to sediment transport in the Pandeiros River. In conclusion, the reservoir did not significantly affect the sediment concentration in the Pandeiros River.
... The extensive mangroves in the Red River Delta of northern Viet Nam have been degraded by intense human activity, including wood harvesting, aquatic harvesting (gleaning), fishing and, as in China, by sea dyke construction. There has also been large-scale mangrove conversion for agricultural and aquacultural use and, more recently, for coastal urban or industrial development (Le et al., 2020). ...
... Large scale conversion of mangroves to agriculture and aquaculture in northern Viet Nam has been offset to some extent by mangrove afforestation activities made possible by the rapid rate of nutrient-rich sediment deposition and shoreline accretion in the Red River Delta. However, there is also pressure to convert planted mangroves into aquaculture ponds, while hydropower dams on this river system are reducing the delivery of sediments and nutrients to the coast (Le et al., 2020). Loss of mangrove cover and reduced sediment deposition in northern Viet Nam could lead to ecosystem collapse caused by typhoons and wave surges, while sea-level rise represents a further threat caused by climate change. ...
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The 'Mangroves of South China Sea' is a regional ecosystem subgroup (level 4 unit of the IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology in the South China Sea province. It includes intertidal forests and shrublands of the marine ecoregions of the Gulf of Tonkin, South China Sea Oceanic Islands and Southern China.The diverse biota of this ecoregion is characterised by 42 species of true mangroves, plus many associated taxa. There is a significant decline in species diversity with increasing latitude towards the northern limit of mangroves in Fujian Province. Two species: Avicennia rumphiana and Camptostemon philippinensis are in the IUCN Red List of threatened species.The South China Sea ecoregion mangroves are mainly scattered open coast and estuarine formations, except in the Red River Delta. Their mapped extent in 2020 was 543 km2 representing only 0.4% of the global mangrove resource. The current threats to mangroves are mainly from coastal urbanisation and industrialisation, sea dyke construction, pollution, and climate-related impacts, especially from typhoons, which occur frequently in this province.Today, the South China Sea mangroves cover ≈36% less than in 1970 based on national studies. If the current trend continues, the mangrove area will decrease by a further 15% by 2070. The South China Sea mangroves are also threatened by sea-level rise (SLR). Under a mid-high SLR scenario, and considering the limited coastal sediment supply, 50% of the mangrove area will be submerged by 2070. Moreover, we estimate that ≈5% of the mangroves are undergoing degradation. Based on analysis of the decay of vegetation indexes, this could rise to 16% over a 50-year period. These estimates are very conservative; however, no other data sources were available to measure environmental degradation at the ecoregion level.Considering the significant effect of future SLR, the South China Sea mangroves are assessed as Endangered (EN).
... Among them, the Da River contributes 42%, while the Red River (main channel) contributes 19% of total flow to the river system. The contribution of the Lo River, the smallest one, is 25.4% (Casali, 2014;Le et al., 2020). 50.3% of the Red River system is situated in Vietnam, 48.8% is situated in China and 0.9% is situated in Laos and includes a fertile and densely populated delta plain (Dang et al., 2010). ...
... However, sediment trapping in the reservoirs was not considered during the first few decades (Vinh et al., 2014). During the recent decades, a series of dam-reservoirs have been constructed in the Red River basin in both China and Vietnam, for a multitude of purposes including generating hydropower, controlling floods, providing water for the agricultural land, and regulating water resources during dry season for downstream (Le et al., 2020). Particularly, since 2007, dozens of hydrological dams have been constructed in both the Chinese (greater than11) and Vietnamese parts (greater than15) (Ranzi et al., 2012;Ha and Vu, 2012;Ve et al., 2021). ...
This paper introduces a novel data-based modelling approach, Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF), to characterize the sediment load variability at the downstream section of the Red River system in Vietnam. We modified the original EOF and performed it on the demeaned datasets of monthly total sediment load. Rating curves between the discharge and sediment load were used to validate the performance of EOF analysis. The results showed significant similarity between simulated and observed patterns. A dramatic decrease in sediment load has been observed via both the EOF and rating curve methods across the observation period (∼1958-2021), with two dramatic decreasing phases identified (1988-2008 and 2009-present). The variation in the sediment load was mainly related to the seasonal and inter-annual hydrological conditions in the basin, as well as the dam-reservoir impact. Before 1988, river discharge and rainfall were well correlated to the first EOF mode, indicating that the natural forces were the main driving factor for the sediment load. However, anthropogenic pressure (dam-reservoir impact) emerged as an important driver to the declining of sediment load since the end of 1988 and became more severe towards the end of 2008. We conclude that the modified EOF method developed in this study successfully demonstrates a simple and efficient means of reconstructing and evaluating the sediment load variability over time in data-poor regions, influenced by complex natural and anthropogenic – drivers. It can, thus, be useful for water resources management in ungauged basins in the region.
... The suspended solid levels in the water systems may be drastically altered by various causes, including erosion due to land use change (Knott et al., 2019;Kemp et al., 2011), aquaculture activities (Bao et al., 2019;Hoess and Geist, 2021;Hoess and Geist, 2022), flow regime alteration (Le et al., 2007;Auerswald and Geist, 2018), and dam removal (Le et al., 2020;Orr et al., 2008;Riggsbee et al., 2007). Particularly, transportation system construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, and pipeline crossings can significantly alter the local and regional hydrology and water quality (Courtice and Naser, 2020;Gomi et al., 2005;Vercruysse et al., 2017;Cocchiglia et al., 2012). ...
... The Red River basin is a tropical basin shared among China, Laos and Vietnam, affected by human activities such as intensive agriculture and damming. Previous studies, based on both in-situ sampling data and modelling, have investigated the impacts of human activities on hydrology and SS (Dang et al., 2010;Le et al., 2007;Le et al., 2020;Lu et al., 2015;Vinh et al., 2014;Wang et al., 2011;Wei et al., 2019Wei et al., , 2021. These studies especially found strong retention of SS caused by dams. ...
Fluvial organic carbon (OC) transfer is an essential resource for downstream ecosystems. Multiple factors affect its transfer process, e.g., climate or anthropogenic activities. Quantifying OC fluxes with fine spatiotemporal resolution is challenging in anthropised catchments. This study aims to quantify daily OC dynamics and to assess the impacts of short climate variability and damming on OC spatiotemporal transfer processes in a large tropical Asian river basin (the Red River) for an extended period (2003-2013) by combining empirical equations with modelling outputs. Firstly, empirical equations for calculating dissolved (DOC) and particulate OC (POC) concentrations were calibrated based on in-situ sampling data. Then, simulated daily discharge (Q) and suspended sediment concentrations were used to quantify daily OC fluxes. Results show that the parameters of the DOC and POC equations well represent the subbasins characteristics, underlining the effects of soil OC content, mean annual Q and Chlorophyll a. DOC and POC exports reached 222 and 406 kt yr-1 at the basin outlet, accounting for 0.38 % of the total OC (TOC) exported by Asian rivers to the ocean. However, the specific yields of DOC (1.62 t km-2 yr-1) and POC (2.96 t km-2 yr-1) of the Red River basin were ~ 1.5 times those of other Asian basins. By comparing a reference scenario (without dams) to current conditions, we estimated 12 % and 88 % decreases in DOC and POC fluxes between 2008-2013 and 2003-2007, mainly due to damming. This study shows that climate variability may not impact OC dynamics in rivers as it explained <2 % of the variations. However, dam management, especially recent ones operating since 2008, deeply influences OC variations as the POC/TOC ratio decreased from 86 % to 47 %. Damming significantly decreased POC exports due to sediment retention, altering the equilibrium of OC cycling downstream, which may impact the food chain.
... The suspended solid levels in the water systems may be drastically altered by various causes, including erosion due to land use change (Knott et al., 2019;Kemp et al., 2011), aquaculture activities (Bao et al., 2019;Hoess and Geist, 2021;Hoess and Geist, 2022), flow regime alteration (Le et al., 2007;Auerswald and Geist, 2018), and dam removal (Le et al., 2020;Orr et al., 2008;Riggsbee et al., 2007). Particularly, transportation system construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, and pipeline crossings can significantly alter the local and regional hydrology and water quality (Courtice and Naser, 2020;Gomi et al., 2005;Vercruysse et al., 2017;Cocchiglia et al., 2012). ...
... The total catchment area is 169,000 km 2 , of which about a half lies within Vietnam. Among the three main tributaries, the Da River (the left one in Fig. 1a) is the most significant water source, accounting for 50 % of the total discharge at Son Tay (Le et al., 2020). The system includes a densely populated delta plain, which is fertile (Dang et al., 2010;Luu et al., 2010). ...
While the importance of sediment supply to river delta evolution is well recognized, the extent to which sediment from upstream sources contributes to the subaerial and subaqueous components of its delta is not yet fully comprehended. To investigate this issue, the present study analyzed satellite images (Landsat) spanning from 1975 to present and nautical charts in different periods to examine the morphological evolution and its relationship with changes in river sediment loads of the Ba Lat delta lobe, located on the central coast of the second largest river system (Red) in Vietnam. We proposed a hybrid approach to estimate suspended sediment entering the sea via the Ba Lat mouth, based on a combination of one-line theory and long-term observation from a gauging station. The results show a significant reduction (~91.5 %) in annual sediment load over the entire 64-year estimation period (1958–2021), which is associated with the operation of large dam-reservoirs upstream. The evolution of the Ba Lat delta lobe was found to be highly correlated with sediment load, with a huge sediment supply from the Red River causing the delta lobe to move seaward at a rate of more than 100 m/yr and the deltaic land area to accrete at a rate of 117 ha/yr between 1975 and 1990. However, since the early 1990s, the annual sediment flux has reduced of 57 %, resulting in more than 50 % of the delta lobe’s shoreline experiencing severe erosion. The current amount of sediment load delivered to the sea (1.4 × 106 m3/yr) is insufficient to prograde the delta lobe, which could lead to continued land loss in the future. We attribute these erosions mainly to the reduced river sediment supply, generated by the large dam-reservoirs located upstream of the delta. The study suggests that these results and methods can inform coastal management and enhance understanding of delta lobe evolution by providing insights into changes in shoreline position, land area, and subaqueous component.
... The Red River basin is a tropical basin shared among China, Laos and Vietnam, affected by human activities such as intensive agriculture and damming. Previous studies, based on both in-situ sampling data and modelling, have investigated the impacts of human activities on hydrology and SS (Dang et al., 2010;Le et al., 2007;Le et al., 2020;Lu et al., 2015;Vinh et al., 2014;Wang et al., 2011;Wei et al., 2019Wei et al., , 2021. These studies especially found strong retention of SS caused by dams. ...
... It was estimated that 44%, 60%, and 84% of total P were trapped by Three Gorges Dam of the Yangtze River in China, Kafue Gorge Dam of the Kafue River in Zambia, and cascade dams of Yellow River in China, respectively [30][31][32]. Total organic N load to estuary significantly decreased from 141 × 10 3 ton year −1 in 1960s to 32 × 10 3 ton year −1 in 2010s due to hydropower dams of the Red River in Vietnam [33]. Because of Three Gorges Dam, total Si retention in the Yangtze River basin increased from 38% in 1999-2002 to 46% in 2007-2010 [34]. ...
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Purpose of Review Free-flowing rivers act as conduits for sediment and nutrient transport from the land to coastal oceans. In the past decades, many of global rivers have been dammed for water resource management. The associated ecological impacts have become a wide concern, and have been intensively studied. In this work, we aim to review the research progress of the topic on sediment and nutrient trapping by river dams using CiteSpace, summarize the findings of previous literatures, and propose perspectives for future studies. Recent Findings We found that (i) this topic has been continuously concerned and the publication number has been increasing annually. In 2006–2021, there are 1385 publications in total, including 1318 articles and 23 reviews; (ii) dams can interrupt river connectivity and trap sediment and nutrients in reservoirs, greatly deceasing sediment and nutrient loads to coastal oceans; (iii) sediment and nutrient trapping by dams has caused a series of ecological impacts, including reservoir capacity loss, river channel erosion, river delta land loss, reservoir eutrophication, and massive greenhouse gas emissions. Summary This review summarized the changes of riverine sediment and nutrient loads caused by dams, and their impacts on river ecosystems. The following aspects should be concerned in future studies: the impacts of biogeochemical cycling within reservoirs on the stoichiometry and bioavailability of nutrients in dam discharge, the net greenhouse gas emissions caused by dams, and the cumulative impacts of cascade dams. It adds our comprehensive understanding of sediment and nutrient trapping by river dams and will be beneficial to future studies in this field.
... Upstream impoundments in both Vietnam ( Figure 1B) and China have led to a decline in suspended sediments in the Red River from around 79 million tonnes per year in the 1960s to about 6 million tonnes per year in the 2010s. 4 The supply problem trig-gers downstream issues because sediment-hungry rivers will cut into their banks, eroding riparian areas and stagnating the growth of coastal landscapes. Concurrently, sediment loss through sand mining to support the overseas construction industry is removing around 50 Mt of sand from the Mekong Delta each year, which is almost 10 times more than is presently supplied from upstream. ...
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Global riverine carbon concentrations and fluxes have been impacted by climate and human-induced changes for many decades. This paper aims to reconstruct the longterm carbon concentrations and carbon fluxes of the Red River, a system under the coupled pressures of environmental change and human activity. Based on (1) the relationships between particulate and dissolved organic carbon (POC, DOC) or dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and suspended sediments (TSS) or river water discharge and on (2) the available detailed historical records of river discharge and TSS concentration, the variations of the Red River carbon concentration and flux were estimated for the period 1960–2015. The results show that total carbon flux of the Red River averaged 2555 ± 639 kton C year−1. DIC fluxes dominated total carbon fluxes, representing 64% of total, reflecting a strong weathering process from carbonate rocks in the upstream basin. Total carbon fluxes significantly decreased from 2816 kton C year−1 during the 1960s to 1372 kton C year−1 during the 2010s and showed clear seasonal and spatial variations. Organic carbon flux decreased in both quantity and proportion of the total carbon flux from 40.9% in 1960s to 14.9% in 2010s, reflecting the important impact of dam impoundment. DIC flux was also reduced over this period potentially as a consequence of carbonate precipitation in the irrigated, agricultural land and the reduction of the Red River water discharge toward the sea. These decreases in TSS and carbon fluxes are probably partially responsible for different negatives impacts observed in the coastal zone.
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Evaluating the role of fluvial transfer of terrestrial organic carbon (OC) and subsequent burial in the global carbon cycle requires the sources and fluxes of fluvial OC to be assessed, which remains poorly constrained in the Huanghe (Yellow River). Here, we report the elemental, stable isotopic, and radiocarbon activity of particulate organic carbon (POC) sampled at the outlet of Huanghe in 2012–2013. We show that the Huanghe riverine POC can be explained by binary mixing of fossil (POCfossil) and non-fossil (POCnon-fossil) components, the former may reach ~40% of the total POC. The Huanghe POCnon-fossil is mostly sourced from C3 plants, with a mean residence time of ca. 2200 years. The current human-controlled hydrological regime strongly influenced the POC sources, transport modes, and fluxes. In 2012–2013, the Huanghe delivered 0.73 Tg (1 Tg=1012 g) of POC to the sea, and about 28% of the annual POC flux occurred within a short human induced flood event. Globally, the Huanghe should be one of the largest rivers in the transfer and re-burial of fossil OC. However, the fate of Huanghe fossil OC is still unconstrained and needs to be further investigated. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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The Red River (North Vietnam) is a typical example of a subtropical Asian river system undergoing high human pressure. During the last 50 years, major changes have occurred in its watershed, extending over an area of 156,450 km2 in Vietnam and China. We provide a detailed account of these changes, related to intensification of agriculture, deforestation, increase in population and urbanization, impoundment of reservoirs, etc. This information is used in a modeling approach of the nutrient transfers and transformations along the river system, in order to evaluate the changes in water quality of the Red River and its potential for coastal eutrophication. We conclude that the combination of increased nitrogen release from agriculture and retention of phosphorus in the reservoirs has considerably changed the balance of nutrients delivered at the outlet of the river, bringing the system close to a turning point in its nutrient biogeochemistry and its potential for coastal eutrophication. The upcoming impoundment of four new major dams in the watershed makes this conclusion particularly relevant.
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It has been well documented that since 1850 the amount of phosphorus as well as nitrogen input to coastal seas around the world has increased by a factor of ten, thus raising concern over eutrophication. Here, evidence is provided to show that despite a large riverine input of nutrients to the East China Sea (ECS), only a small fraction (7% for P and 33% for N) of the external nutrient supply supporting new production is provided by the total riverine input. The major nutrient supply in fact originates from the on-shore advection of the subsurface Kuroshio waters. Whether the ECS will become eutrophicated, therefore, actually depends on the amount of phosphorus supply supported by on-shore advection. This supply, though, will very likely be reduced after the completion of the Three Gorges Dam, and this will lead to a diminished productivity in the ECS.
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This paper presents a multiple linear regression model developed for describing global river export of sediments (suspended solids, TSS) to coastal seas, and approaches for estimating organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous transported as particulate matter (POC, PN, and PP) associated with sediments. The model, with river-basin spatial scale and a 1-year temporal scale, is based on five factors with a significant influence on TSS yields (the extent of marginal grassland and wetland rice, Fournier precipitation, Fournier slope, and lithology), and accounts for sediment trapping in reservoirs. The model generates predictions within a factor of 4 for 80% of the 124 rivers in the data set. It is a robust model which was cross-validated by using training and validation sets of data, and validated against independent data. In addition, Monte Carlo simulations were used to deal with uncertainties in the model coefficients for the five model factors. The global river export of TSS calculated thus is 19 Pg yr−1 with a 95% confidence interval of 11–27 Pg yr−1 when accounting for sediment trapping in regulated rivers. Associated POC, PN, and PP export is 197 Tg yr−1 (as C), 30 Tg yr−1 (N), and 9 Tg yr−1 (P), respectively. The global sediment trapping included in these estimates is 13%. Most particulate nutrients are transported by rivers to the Pacific (∼37% of global particulate nutrient export), Atlantic (28–29%), and Indian (∼20%) oceans, and the major source regions are Asia (∼50% of global particulate nutrient export), South America (∼20%), and Africa (12%).
A one-year study was carried out to investigate the seasonal fluxes and source variation of organic carbon transported by two major Chinese rivers, the Yellow River and Changjiang. In 2009, the Yellow River and Changjiang transported 3.20 × 1010g and 1.58 × 1012 g DOC and 3.89 × 1011g and 1.52 × 1012 g POC, respectively. The dominant input of the terrestrial organic matter occurred during the high discharge period from June to July for the Yellow River and from June to August for Changjiang, accounting for 36-44% of the DOC and 72-86% of the POC transported by the two rivers in 2009. The Yellow River transported much higher concentrations of inorganic carbon than organic carbon, while a reverse trend was found in the Changjiang, indicating the different sources of carbon discharged by the two rivers. Using radiocarbon and stable carbon isotope measurements, we identified the different sources and seasonal variations of organic carbon transported by the Yellow River and Changjiang. The Yellow River carried old POC with radiocarbon ages ranging from 4000 to 8000 years, while POC transported by Changjiang had a relatively younger 14C age ranging from 800 to 1060 years. The 14C ages of DOC were relatively younger (305-1570 years) and showed less variation between the two rivers. The seasonal variations found in 14C ages of DOC and POC indicate that a large fraction of recent-fixed labile organic carbon was transported by the two rivers in the spring and summer months. The different sources and seasonal variations in both fluxes and sources of organic carbon transported by the Yellow River and Changjiang could have an important influence on the biogeochemical cycle and ecosystems in the estuaries and adjacent coastal waters of the East China Sea.
Samples from several major world rivers were analyzed for their particulate nitrogen (PN) contents, C/N ratios, and total particulate amino acid (TPAA) contents. The results show a global PN transport of 33 × 1012 g N yr-1, more than 80% of which occurs in rivers carrying high suspended matter concentrations such as the Ganges, Brahmaputra, Mekong, and Huanghe. Quantitatively, nitrogen transported in the particulate fraction exceeds that reported for dissolved inorganic nitrogen. The bulk of the PN transport is associated with material having relatively low C/N ratios and low TPAA contents. TPAA accounted for about 20% of the total PN transport. Although natural processes leading to high rates of erosion in Asian rivers might have partly contributed to the observed PN transport pattern, our results suggest that human activities such as deforestation and increased use of nitrogen fertilizer in their drainage basins are also an important factor. The biogeochemical nature of the remaining 80% is only poorly known, but should be of relevance in studying the response of estuaries and coastal seas to human activities in the terrestrial environment.
Dam construction greatly alters the channel boundary of rivers, making the dammed river system a human-controlled system. Based on hydrometric data in the upper Changjiang River basin, the change in behaviour of sediment transport of some dammed rivers was studied. As a result, some phenomena of threshold and complex response were found. When the coefficient (Cr,a) of actual runoff regulation by reservoirs, defined as the ratio of total capacity of reservoirs to annual runoff input, is smaller than 10%, suspended sediment load at Yichang station, the control station of the Changjiang River, shows a mild decreasing trend. When this coefficient becomes larger than 10%, suspended sediment load decreases sharply. The coefficient of 10% can be regarded as a threshold. The Cr,a of 10% is also a threshold, when the variation of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) with Cr,a at Yichang station is considered. The impacts of reservoir construction can be divided into several stages, including road construction, dam building and closure, water storage and sediment trapping. During these stages, some complex response was identified. At the station below the dam, SSC increases and reaches a maximum, and then declines sharply. This phenomenon was found on the main-stem and several major tributaries of the upper Changjiang River. In the Minjiang River, where a series of dams were built successively, the response of SSC is more complicated. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Among the large rivers rising on the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent high mountains, the discharge and suspended sediment load of the Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy) River are the least well known. Data collected between 1969 and 1996 at Pyay (Prome) are analysed to provide the best available modern estimate of discharge (379 ± 47 × 109 m3/year) and suspended sediment load (325 ± 57 × 106 t/year) for the river upstream of the delta head. A statistical comparison with data collected in the nineteenth century (1871 to 1879) shows discharge has significantly decreased in the last ∼100 years. Regression and correlation analyses between discharge in the modern period and indices of El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) show a relationship. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The Changjiang (Yangtze River) has been effectively gauged since the 1950s and demonstrates the transformation of a river system due to intensified human activities in its drainage basin over the past 50 yr. However, the 50-yr measurements of water and sediment are inadequate to show the long-term trend of sediment flux from the river to the sea or to capture the transition from natural to human dominance over the sediment flux. In this study we used the existing water discharge and sediment load records (1950s–2005) at the Hankou gauging station, together with water discharge recorded since 1865 at the same station, to reconstruct the changes of sediment flux to the sea since the 1860s. We established rating curves between stream discharge and suspended sediment concentration from the recent 50-yr data sets, which show that human disturbances have had a substantial impact on rating parameters. The commissioning of dams and undertaking of soil-conservation works have decreased sediment supply, leading to a decrease in the rating coefficient a of the rating curve equation Cs = aQb. The decreases in suspended sediment concentration have increased the erosive power of the river, and hence increased the rating exponent b. In particular, the commissioning of the Three Gorges Reservoir in 2003 resulted in a further increase of b, and channel scour in the middle and lower reaches has increased sediment flux to the sea to a level higher than sediment supply from the upper reaches. Our results suggest that the rating curves derived from 1954 to 1968 data are appropriate for estimating sediment loads for the period from 1865 to 1953, since both were periods of minimal human disturbance. This approach provides a time series of sediment loads from 1865 to 2005 at Hankou gauging station, which yields a time series of sediment flux from the Changjiang to the sea over the past 140 yr. The estimated mean annual sediment flux to the sea between 1865 and 1968 was ∼488 Mt/yr, a comparable result to the previously published estimate from Milliman and Syvitski [Milliman, J.D., Syvitski, J.P.M., 1992. Geomorphic/tectonic control of sediment discharge to the ocean: the importance of small mountainous rivers. Journal of Geology 100, 525–544] and to that from an equation proposed by Syvitski and Morehead [Syvitski, J.P.M, Morehead, M.D., 1999. Estimating river-sediment discharge to the ocean: application to the Eel margin, northern California. Marine Geology 154, 13–28]. The long-term variation of annual sediment flux from the Changjiang to the sea shows a transition from a river system mostly dominated by nature (the monsoon-dominated period, 1865–1950s) to one strongly affected by human activities (the human-impacted period, 1950s–present).