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Strategy implementation: the Critical Link between Strategic planning process and Performance of accredited Universities in Kenya


Abstract and Figures

Strategy implementation: The critical link between strategic planning and performance of Kenyan Accredited Universities Dr. Anne Christine Wanjiru Kabui1 1Lecturer, School of Business and Economics, South Eastern Kenya University, Kenya Abstract Is the concept of strategic planning falling out of fashion in the 21st century business model or has the how and when of planning become increasingly complex? Strategic planning as a management tool though adopted by many organizations, has not yielded similar outcome. This necessitates further enquiry on causes of discrepancies. The operationalization and institutionalization of strategy during the implementation stage has been conceptualized as a possible mediator in this study. The constant increase in demand for and access to higher education has led to a need for sustainable competitive advantage addressing all university stakeholder. Results indicate that implementation is a significant intervener between planning and performance of universities as partial mediator. The study recommends that all personnel be involved in strategy from formulation to enhance their understanding and participation in implementation. Study suggests a longitudinal study to establish patterns at transition from formulation to implementation Key words; Implementation, Institutionalization, Operationalization, Accredited universities, Planning process Correspondence: Dr. Anne Christine Wanjiru Kabui; South Eastern Kenya University, Kenya E-mail: P.O BOX 170 -90200 Kitui Kenya Physical addresses; Kitui town, Kitui County, Kenya Phone + 254 727 081 322
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International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 11 • No. 7 July 2020 doi:10.30845/ijbss.v11n7p11
Strategy implementation: the Critical Link between Strategic planning process and
Performance of accredited Universities in Kenya
Dr. Anne Christine Wanjiru Kabui
Lecturer, School of Business and Economics
South Eastern Kenya University, Kitui Kenya
Is the concept of strategic planning falling out of fashion in the 21st century business model or has the how and when of
planning become increasingly complex? Strategic planning as a management tool though adopted by many
organizations, has not yielded similar outcome. This necessitates further enquiry on causes of discrepancies. The
operationalization and institutionalization of strategy during the implementation stage has been conceptualized as a
possible mediator in this study. The constant increase in demand for and access to higher education has led to a need
for sustainable competitive advantage addressing all university stakeholder. Results indicate that implementation is a
significant intervener between planning and performance of universities as partial mediator. The study recommends
that all personnel be involved in strategy from formulation to enhance their understanding and participation in
implementation. It suggests a longitudinal study to establish patterns at transition from formulation to implementation
for further research.
Key words; Implementation, Institutionalization, Operationalization, Accredited universities, Planning process
1. Introduction
Strategic planning process is commonly used by organizations to respond to and manage change (David & Kurt, 2019).
The process is evolving in its nature of response (Bryson, 2004) depending on the specific organization that applies it.
Though strategic planning has been adopted by many organizations over the years, it has not yielded similar outcomes
in terms of positively impacting the performance of organizations. Raising the concerns, Could how the strategic plan
is implemented through the institutionalization and operationalization of strategy be so unique across organizations that
it yields such difference?
Strategy implementation consists of all decisions and activities required to turn strategic plan into reality and refers to
the sum total of activities and choices required for the execution of a strategic plan (Wheelen & Hunger, 2006). It is a
systematic process composed of a logical set of inters connected activities (Cater & Pucko, 2010) through
operationalization and institutionalization of the formulated strategy to enable it work. Strategy implementation address
the question of who, where, when and how to reach the desired goals and objectives by translating chosen strategy into
organizational actions (Brenes et al., 2008). It envisions how organizations are able to develop and consolidate
structures, daily operations, systems of control and an organization culture that moves towards set strategy, yielding a
competitive advantage and improved performance.
Kenya Vision 2030 places education at the center of its human and economic development strategies with higher
education enlisting Kenya as an internationally competitive nation (Ministry of Education, 2012). The constant increase
in demand for and access to higher education for training professionals to facilitate this economic growth, in an
increasingly competitive global environment, has led to a need for sustainable competitive advantage that addresses all
stakeholder needs at the universities. These institutions of higher learning are under the same governing body
Commission for University Education (CUE, 2015) and in the same industry which by statutory law are expected to
have a strategic plan to guide their operations. This withstanding, their performance in the growth of the enrollment
levels, programs on offer and the transition rate continues to differ with the global performance ranking seemingly not
following any pattern in line with size, age, financing or ownership (MoEST, 2016). Could the operationalization and
institutionalization of their respective strategic plans have a bearing on the effect of these plans on their performance?
2. Literature review and Hypothesis
ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) ©Center for Promoting Ideas, USA
According to Barry (1997) strategic planning process involves methods through which company leadership develops a
vision to guide the future of an organization and determine priorities, procedure and operations that are necessary to
enable the organization achieve set vision.
Documenting the strategic planning process and availing the document to all stakeholders is a critical component of the
planning process (David, 2015). Upon the recasting of strategy during the period of retrenchment, organizations were
encouraged to have right planning process, that is flexible; realizing strategic plan is an organic living document, which
needs to be flexible to accommodate change (Boyne & William, 2003) hence it is not just having a strategic plan but
going through the strategic planning process that counts.
Strategy implementation is the operationalization and institutionalization of a clearly articulated plan to facilitate for
change, (Nobble, 1999; Ouakouak, 2013) which may have a possible effect on the strategic planning process and
organizational performance relationship. Most managers have been trained on strategy formulation, know how to
develop strategy and spend plenty of resources (both time and money) at the formulation stage but lack knowledge and
get fatigue at the implementation stage leading to no change in performance even after resources are spent in
formulation (Alexander, 1985; Gluck et al., 1980; Waweru, 2011).
Reviewed literature indicates that the ability of organization to translate documented strategy into action and results is
still a challenge for many organizations. David (2013) says that implementation involves managing forces during action
stage, requires special motivation and skills while coordinating many individuals. A study by Allio (2005) revealed that
without consistent and aligned implementation across functional disciplines; even the best planned strategy becomes
ineffective since the planning phase receives significant attention and resources (Noble, 1999) while implementation is
neglected. Research indicates that 90% of well formulated strategies are not implementable due to lack of SMART
(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound) approach at formulation. Cater and Pucko (2013)
observe that recasting of strategy has called for paying of proper attention to implementation of chosen strategy which
has been a major challenge over the years.
Organizational performance is a multidimensional construct and a function of diverse array of factors (Venkatraman &
Ramanujam, 1996; Machuki, 2011) which is a concern for both practioners and researchers. Bryson (2011) says
organizational performance is a key concern and central focus of every organization regardless of its industry, whether
for profit or not, public or private, large or small. For O’Regan et al (2008) performance measures must be related to
activities originating from organization strategic planning efforts that set strategic direction, compare expected and
actual outcomes and take necessary corrective actions necessary. The measurement of performance at universities in
Kenya is based on growth in programs, student enrollment and graduation rate at the levels of undergraduate, master
and doctoral. Another critical measure of university performance is web metric ranking which ranks universities locally
and internationally (CUE, 2016). For this study, weighted percentage increase (decrease) in growth variables and the
ranking position were used as the operationalization of performance of accredited universities in Kenya.
Institutional theory (Dumaine, 1989; North, 1990) which postulates that the institutional environment can strongly form
a basis upon which structures or organization level characteristics are created within the organization informs this
study. Institutionalization is both a process and a property variable (Freeman, 1994). It is a process since it is
continuous and not a one off activity and property because it is based on what the organization already possess.
Institutional theory (North, 1990) at its core is explaining aspects of social structures, how they are formed, shared,
adapted and adopted over a period of time and by people operating in the same institution (Amenta, 2005). These
structures then become the way that guides formal and informal rules governing social behavior (Johnson, 2002). The
environment in which a firm operates will highly influence formation of these structures hence they need to be flexible,
allowing change, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness as they are institutionalized. Accordingly when there is a high
level of consensus and cooperation within the institutional environment, diffusion of innovation structures is steady and
2.1 Statement of the problem
As part of Kenya government directive, all public universities have a strategic plan while the private universities have
strategic plan as a means of enhancing efficiency and effectiveness. However even with this, the performance of
universities both locally and internationally continues to vary greatly necessitating an empirical study on the execution
of these plans. Kaplan and Norton (2005) and Pucko (2008) argue that 95% of employees in organization are unaware
or do not understand the organization strategy hence cannot be very instrumental in implementation. While it is true
that poorly formulated strategy may not be implementable, it is important to note that properly formulated strategy may
fail if it is not accurately implemented. Accurate implementation is dependent on the ability of an organization to
International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 11 • No. 7 July 2020 doi:10.30845/ijbss.v11n7p11
operationalize and institutionalize its strategy into actionable activities. Waterman et al., (1988) in their survey explain
that 90% of strategies do not work because implementation failed and this has been researched in regard to the fit
between strategy and structure (Hebriniak, 1984 building on the work of Chandler, 1962).
Others study implementation as a variant of leadership processes on a conceptual level (Bourgeois & Brodwin, 1984)
while Chakravarty and Doz (1992); and Floyd (2000) criticize the traditional distinction between formulation and
implementation and view them as rather interwoven aspects of strategy process with formulation seamlessly flowing
into implementation of the plan.
This study conceptualizes strategy implementation as an intervening variable that has possible mediating effect on the
strategic planning on performance of accredited universities in Kenya relationship. The effect of the independent
variable on the dependent variable must be through the intervening variable that acts as a mediator between them.
According to Chenhall (2017) a strategic plan is expected to be the blueprint for future growth and success of an
organization however visioning the future and setting goals will not guarantee results with empirical studies showing
that only 9% of organizations feel that they have the capacity to fully execute their strategy. The study objective is: To
establish the influence of strategy implementation on the relationship between strategic planning process and
performance and the study hypothesis is;
Strategy Implementation has a significant mediating/intervening effect on the relationship between Strategic planning
process and Performance of Accredited Universities in Kenya
3. Methods
The study is grounded on positivistic philosophy where theory is tested to establish possible relationship between study
variables (Cooper & Schindler, 2006) with the idea that social world exists externally and can be studied objectively. It
uses a cross sectional design where data was collected across universities at one point in time, analyzed, leading to
conclusions and recommendations. The population of interest are 70 accredited universities in Kenya as at November,
2016 (CUE, 2016). Primary data was collected on strategic planning process, institutionalization and operationalization
of strategy with a semi-structured questionnaire while secondary data was collected on university performance from
MoET reports, CUE reports and international web ranking reports. The questionnaire was reliable with values between
0.64 and 0.91 on Cronbach alpha. A response rate of 61.5% was realized. Normality, multicolinearity, linearity and
homoscedasticity as diagnostic tests were done and they confirmed suitability of data for further empirical analysis. A
stepwise multiple regression analysis was done to establish the possible mediating effect of strategy implementation on
the relationship between strategic planning process and performance of accredited universities in Kenya. Composite
values for strategic planning process, strategy implementation and performance were used for the regression analysis.
The regression model is stated as; P=f (Strategic planning process and Strategy implementation)
P= β0 + β1X1+ β2 X2
Where; P= Performance; X1= Strategic planning process; X2= Strategy Implementation; ε= Error term and β0, β1, β2=
4. Results and findings
This study conceptualizes that the relationship between strategic planning process and performance of accredited
universities may be mediated by strategy implementation. The effect of strategic planning process leads to a change in
strategy implementation which in turn leads to a change in performance through partial or full mediation. Strategy
implementation is said to fully mediate this relationship if the effect of strategic planning process on performance fully
disappears when controlling for implementation and partial mediation occurs when effect of planning process on
performance significantly reduces when controlling for strategy implementation. To test for mediation four critical
steps are followed. First test for relationship between independent and dependent variable, second test for relationship
between independent and intervening variable; Third test for relationship between intervener and dependent variable
and Finally test the combined effect of both independent and intervener on dependent variable.
ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) ©Center for Promoting Ideas, USA
Figure 1: Mediation effect adopted from Baron and Kenny (1986)
The first step tests prediction of the dependent variable from the independent variable which must be significant for
there to be a relationship to be mediated. Effect of strategic planning process on performance was tested and results are;
Table 1: Strategic planning process and University Performance
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), SPP Composite
b. Dependent Variable: Performance Composite
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Performance Composite
b. Predictors: (Constant), SPP Composite
Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error
SPP Composite
a. Dependent Variable: Performance Composite
Source: Research Data
The study results for strategic planning process as a predictor for universities performance is statistically significant as
indicated by significant F-value and R-value of 0.356. The relationship between strategic planning process and
university performance is however weak since strategic planning process only predicts 29% of variation in the
university performance as indicated by the value of R2. The first condition for the test for mediation has been met.
Second step is predicting the mediating variable from the independent variable which must be significant because if
independent variable does not reliably affect the mediator, then the mediator cannot be responsible for the relationship
observed between independent variable and dependent variable.
International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 11 • No. 7 July 2020 doi:10.30845/ijbss.v11n7p11
Table 2: Strategic planning process and Strategy Implementation
Model Summaryb
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), SI Composite
b. Dependent Variable: SPP Composite
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: SPP Composite
b. Predictors: (Constant), SI Composite
Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error
SI Composite
a. Dependent Variable: SPP Composite
Source: Research Data
The study established that 74.6% of variation in strategy implementation is predicted by strategy planning process as
indicated by value of R2 and this is a very strong relationship. The regression model of strategic planning process
predicting strategy implementation is statistically significant as indicated by the significant F- value and R value of
0.864. The second condition for the mediation test has been met.
The third step is to predicting the dependent variable from the mediating variable. The coefficient of this effect will
assist in calculating the indirect effect of the intervening variable. The predicting effect of implementation on
performance results are; Table 3: Strategy Implementation and University Performance
Model Summaryb
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), SI Composite
b. Dependent Variable: Performance Composite
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Performance Composite
b. Predictors: (Constant), SI Composite
Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Std. Error
SI Composite
a. Dependent Variable: Performance Composite
Results on table 3 indicate that strategy implementation predicting university performance is statistically significant at
95% confidence level as indicated by significant F-value and R of 0.379. The direct effect of the possible mediator
strategy implementation on performance is positive and statistically significant with 34% of variation in performance
explained by implementation hence the third condition for mediation is satisfied.
The final step is to simultaneously predict value of performance from both independent variable strategic planning
process and intervening variable strategy implementation using stepwise multiple regression analysis and observe
change in the predictive power of the regression models
ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) ©Center for Promoting Ideas, USA
Table 4: Strategic planning process, Strategy Implementation and University Performance
Model Summaryc
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), SPP Composite
b. Predictors: (Constant), SPP Composite, SI Composite
c. Dependent Variable: Performance Composite
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Performance Composite
b. Predictors: (Constant), SPP Composite
c. Predictors: (Constant), SPP Composite, SI Composite
Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Std. Error
SPP Composite
SPP Composite
SI Composite
a. Dependent Variable: Performance Composite
Source: Research Data (2017)
Both regression model one and model two are significant as indicated by statistically significant F-values at 95%
confidence level. Model 1 that test for the direct prediction indicates that 29.7% of variation in university performance
is explained by strategic planning process while model 2 indicates that introducing strategy implementation into the
model raises the explained variation to 44.7%. The regression coefficient from model 1 to model 2 is substantially
reduced at this final stage but it remains significant indicating partial mediation where part of the effect of strategic
planning process on performance is partially mediated by strategy implementation and remaining part are either a direct
effect or it is mediated by other variables that are not included in this model.
The size of the indirect effect of the mediator is calculated as the product of the direct effect of the independent variable
on mediating variable and the direct effect of the mediator on the dependent variable (deLuque et al., 2008; Desai,
2010). In this study, direct effect of strategic planning process on strategy implementation multiplied by direct effect of
strategy implementation on performance of universities gives the size of indirect mediation effect;
SPP/SI=R2 of.746; SI/P=R2 of .344R2 hence (.746*.344=.256624*100).
The study results indicate that 25.66% variation in university performance is predicted by strategic planning process
through strategy implementation as a partial mediator
5. Discussion
Strategy implementation has a statistically significant mediating effect on the relationship between strategic planning
process and performance of accredited universities. As the stipulations of the strategic plan are put into actionable
tasks, given timelines, assigned to specific individuals and clear performance indicators attributed, then the impact of
the strategic planning process on performance is enhanced. Using the path analysis by Baron and Kenny (1986),
strategy implementation is a significant mediator between strategic planning process and performance of universities
where strategic planning process affects performance through strategy implementation and the effect is doubled when
the mediator is introduced. The intervener effect is significant at 95% confidence level. The mediation effect is partial
(Baron & Kenny, 1986) since the predictive power of strategic planning process on performance substantially rises but
does not completely disappear with the introduction of strategy implementation as a mediator.
According to Daft (2000), organization performance is the ability of an organization to attain its goals using human
resource and financial resources, in the most efficient and effective manner. The strategic planning process yields a
documented outline of what the organization envisions to achieve.
International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 11 • No. 7 July 2020 doi:10.30845/ijbss.v11n7p11
The strategy implementation translates this into actionable activities with time lines, individuals responsible and
resources required. Waweru (2011) state that implementation is the procedures of turning strategic plans into realistic
action to achieve specific objectives and goals.
6. Conclusion
According to Wheelmen and Hunger (2007), strategy implementation stage provides answers to the three critical
questions of who are the people to carry out the strategic plans, what must be done and how are they going to do it.
This in essence determines who at the university will be charged with the responsibility of a particular task, what
timelines are allocated to them and what outcome it should yield, further it indicates how plan become part of structure,
systems and shared values at the university. Noble (1999, 2008) defines implementation as the communication,
interpretation, adoption and enactment of strategic plans. Strategic plans are put into action through the development of
programs, budgets and procedures hence planning and implementation are inseparable.
At a point when university members feel that their input counts as a result of inclusiveness in the planning process,
their efforts in implementation for success will be felt. According to David (2013), strategy implementation involves
managing forces during action which requires special motivation skills and coordination of many individuals. Muturi
and Maroa (2015) state that the implementation stage seeks to create a fit between organization formulated goals and its
ongoing activities and this fit is important in enhancing that an organization is able to achieve its set goals within the
stipulated time. Lehner (2004) argue that strategy implementation and strategic planning are inseparable since one leads
to the other seamlessly.
This study finding affirms the postulations of the institutional theory as an anchoring theory that modern organization
depends on their environment which can strongly influence the development of formal organization structures.
Galbraith (2002) and Kim (2010) concurs that factors such as structure, strategy, culture, policies, practices and
technology are important contributors to organizational performance. These structures and the culture form the basis
upon which strategy implementation lies as it operationalizes and institutionalizes strategy.
7. Implication and suggestion for further research
It is important that the MoEST and the CUE in their policy formulation efforts continually encourage universities to
have strategic planning process that is inclusive of most if not all stakeholders.
This should especially include the teaching and non-teaching members of staff for when they are involved in the
planning process, they easily join in and own the implementation gearing the achievement through institutionalization
and operationalization. There is need to support universities especially in terms of policy on completion or graduation
rate since as evidenced from the findings, there is a large discrepancy between the enrollment level and the completion
rate. The ranking of Kenya universities at a global level is mainly average tending toward below average; this calls for
policy on how to improve the quality of research and the dissemination of findings with an aim of improving the web
ranking performance. To be globally competitive and address the challenges of the 21st century, universities need to
align their programs to the market dictates, enhance quality and relevance and aim at facilitating realization of the
social pillar of the Kenya vision 2030 (Kenya Vision 2030).
An extension of research into other industries with different performance measures to enhance comparison of findings
will facilitate the possibility of generalizing the findings across industry. Current study focused on the education sector
which has unique and non-financial performance measures. This would extend knowledge frontiers and enable
comparison of results and finding of critical variation. Further research can be a longitudinal study to establish patterns
at transition from formulation to implementation in the universities over a duration of time to observe possible effects
when universities have gone through several cycles of strategic plans.
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The paper’s purpose is to systematically examine the determinants of effective strategy implementation in Slovenian companies. The results support the thesis that practically all groups of activities for strategy implementation identified in the literature are also considered to be important in Slovenian business practice. Nevertheless, we can see that managers on average favour planning and organising activities more than leadership and controlling activities when implementing their company’s strategies. On the other hand, the analysis of the obstacles to strategy implementation reveals that managers on average assess an unstimulative reward system as the most relevant obstacle while, for example, the organisational culture is not seen as a big problem when it comes to executing the strategy. Based on a synthesis of the research findings we propose a holistic strategy implementation model that could serve as a guideline for strategy executors in Slovenian business practice.
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Stakeholder theory begins with the assumption that values are necessarily and explicitly a part of doing business. It asks managers to articulate the shared sense of the value they create, and what brings its core stakeholders together. It also pushes managers to be clear about how they want to do business, specifically what kinds of relationships they want and need to create with their stakeholders to deliver on their purpose. This paper offers a response to Sundaram and Inkpen's article "The Corporate Objective Revisited" by clarifying misconceptions about stakeholder theory and concluding that truth and freedom are best served by seeing business and ethics as connected.
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The paper's purpose is to add to the body of knowledge on strategy implementation by systematically studying the activities for and obstacles to strategy execution on a sample of 172 Slovenian companies. The results show that managers mostly rely on planning and organising activities when implementing strategies, while the biggest obstacle to strategy execution is poor leadership. Moreover, the results of multiple regression analysis reveal that greater obstacles to strategy execution in the forms of inadequate leadership skills and employees' reluctance to share their knowledge have a negative influence on performance, while adapting the organisational structure to the selected strategy as an activity for strategy implementation has a positive influence on performance. Der Zweck dieses Artikels ist, einen Beitrag zur Erweiterung des Wissens über Aktivitäten und die Hindernisse der Strategiedurchführung beizutragen anhand eines Samples von 172 Slowenischen Unternehmen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Betriebsleiter bei der Implementation von Strategien größtenteils auf Planung und Organisaiton konzentrieren, während das größten Hindernis zur Durchführung der Strategie schlechte Führung ist. Weiter zeigen die Ergebisse der Multiplen Regression auf, dass Hindernisse zur Strategiedurchführung in Form von mangelhafter Fürung und der Zurückhaltung der Mitarbeitern, ihre Kenntnisse mitzuteilen, einen negativen Einfluss auf den Erfolg haben, während die Anpassung der Organisationsstruktur an die ausgewählte Strategie einen positiven Einfluss auf den Erfolg hat.
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Purpose The purpose of this article is to elucidate the limitations of contemporary approaches to developing leaders and to present alternative approaches. Design/methodology/approach This paper offers a review and critique of the assumptions on which current leadership programs are based. Findings Most leadership training initiatives fail to produce leaders. Typical programs teach leadership theory, concepts, and principles; they promote leadership literacy but not leadership competence. Paradoxically, however, while leadership cannot be taught, leadership can be learned. Men and women become leaders by practice, by performing deliberate acts of leadership. The primary role of a good leader (one who is competent and ethical) is to establish and reinforce values and purpose, develop vision and strategy, build community, and initiate appropriate organizational change. This behavior requires character, creativity, and compassion, core traits that cannot be acquired cognitively. Practical implications For those charged with the responsibility of developing leaders, the three necessary steps are to select the right candidates, create learning challenges, and provide mentoring. Those who seek to develop effective leadership training programs must first establish a metric for assessing leadership effectiveness. They must then design experiments that can establish a causal or statistically significant relationship between training initiatives and leadership competency. Evidence suggests that the most effective leadership programs will focus on building self‐knowledge and skills in rhetoric and critical thinking. Originality/value This paper challenges the utility of most leadership training. Leadership cannot be taught, although potential leaders can be educated.
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Purpose Most strategies stumble in the implementation phase. This article outlines a market‐validated process, and practical guidelines, for optimizing implementation. The primary audience is mid‐level and senior executives charged with the responsibility for implementing strategy. Design/methodology/approach This implementation process focuses on the critical timeframe immediately following formal strategy selection, when broad objectives need to be translated into specific actions, schedules, budgets, and metrics. The approach is to capture the key decisions in an accessible, common format, and to deploy this tool consistently throughout the organization to monitor and guide implementation. Dozens of firms across a wide array of industries have used the methodology, which derives from two decades of senior operating and strategy consulting experience. Findings Strategy development receives significant attention and resources, but implementation is often neglected, with disastrous consequences. Using a straightforward approach, format, and process, managers can bridge the gap between rhetoric and reality; they can succeed in accomplishing what they set out to do, and think and act strategically. Research limitations/implications The approach and logic described are universal, but the actual format may need to be adapted to fit the planning cycle and technology of each firm, and refined over time to dovetail with the firm's budgetary process. Practical implications Strategy programs need to be expanded to focus on the implementation process. More attention should be given to breaking down lofty statements into practical, actionable, measurable activities. The language and methods used to implement need to be simplified, and consistently deployed. Success in implementation is critical to validating the investment in strategy in the first place. Originality/value The rational, practical approach described offers middle and senior managers a toolkit for bringing strategies to life – for bridging the gap between aspirations and real performance. It outlines a practical process, providing hands‐on guidelines for optimizing performance, and galvanizing the management team.
This study investigated the influence of intelligence, metacognitive attributions, and knowledge base on strategy regulation during a sort-recall task in 1st- and 2nd-grade children. Children were classified into 4 types of metacognitive attributions (W. V. Fabricius and J. W. Hagen; see record 1985-00906-001). Use of the category-sorting strategy with high and low knowledge base stimuli was then examined, and intelligence measures were collected. Results suggested that knowledge base was a powerful predictor of strategic-looking behavior whereas metacognitive attributions' influence was most evident in the low knowledge base condition. Intelligence played little role in predicting strategy use when other factors were taken into account. Evidence indicated that 1st graders were utilization deficient as they could use the strategy but were unable to gain maximum benefit from it (D. DeMarie-Dreblow and P. H. Miller; see record 1992-00962-001).
This paper presents research findings on Competitive Strategy Implementation which compared the levels of strategy implementation achieved by different generic strategy groups, comprising firms inclined towards low cost leadership, differentiation or dual strategic advantage. The study sought to determine the preferences for use of implementation armaments and compared how such armaments related to the level of implementation achieved. Respondents comprised 71 top executives from 59 companies among the top 300 private sector firms in Kenya. SPSS software was used to conduct t-test, ANOVA, and multiple linear regression analysis, to within 95% confidence interval or 5% statistical significance. The results indicated that there was no significant difference between the levels of strategy implementation achieved by any pair set of the three strategic groups. The study revealed that the predictors of strategy implementation include the firm's capacity to overcome resistance to change, having incentives based on meeting strictly quantitative targets, adopting a win-lose competitive posture, its effectiveness in strategy implementation, and the environmental rate of change. The results also indicated that there was no significant difference between the preferences for use of either win-lose or win-win competition by any pair set of the strategic groups.
The impact of planning on organizational performance in the public sector has been widely debated but has never previously been tested empirically. We develop a statistical model of planning effects that contains five explanatory variables: the extent of organizational analysis, the extent of environmental scanning, the number of precise performance targets, the existence of formal action plans for service improvement and the attitudes of staff involved in the planning process. This model is applied to data obtained from seventy services in Welsh local government. The statistical evidence shows that organizational performance is positively related to favourable attitudes towards planning processes, but negatively related to the number of targets that are set. On balance, the results are consistent with a small positive effect of planning on the performance of public organizations.