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Decentralized Chain of Transactions

  • ARllecta Pte.Ltd.


In a system where there are tons of information of different types, it is always hard and frequently impossible to tie the effect to the cause. There is also a challenge to find relevant data quickly, especially in the case of the absence of a classification algorithm that is capable of working with different fields of business and science in parallel. We propose a mechanism for building a network of associative chains that are decentralized to each other. The network allows its participants to build quickly an associative chain from "effect-to-cause". This feature of the network is extremely useful for the identification of scam activity. The mechanism is based on two technologies, "Smart Transactions" [1] and "Proof of Participation Protocol" [2].
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... This step is crucial for reaching a high level of security and privacy in a process of messaging between participants of Neurochain Network [2]. ...
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As a symmetric as an asymmetric scheme requires a key (session or private) to be hidden. In this case, an attacker gets a chance and time for finding and decrypting it. As long as a secret has static attributes (length, type of characters, etc.) it will always be vulnerable to an attack. We propose a new concept of keyless encryption, "Amorphic scheme", which is semantically secured and has "Perfect Secrecy" level. It allows a secret to be transmitted over any public channel with no public or a private key to be generated and stored.
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A decentralization of electronic currency would allow business activity and development of a single network to be independent of other different business networks. The cost of a decentralized currency of the network can become stable as long as participants of that network are still active. We propose a solution for such a big problem of the traditional economy as a "direct dependency of local prices on global ones". We also propose an innovative mechanism that allows participants of NCN to get any service of one business network for money (hours) earned in other network ('s). The currency is implemented by the usage of two innovative technologies, "Proof of Participation protocol" (PoP) [3] and "Smart Transactions" [2].
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Information of any kind can take two forms, at least. The first one is interpreted as a solution to a problem. The second one is interpreted as plain text. For the last several centuries mankind generated tons of different information relating to a number of different fields. A number of standards were created for the purpose of ruling its applications. But what percent of the generated information is a real solution for a real problem? 10% or less? We propose a simple solution for such an important problem as a "converting text to solution", IPSC standard. It is an abbreviation for "Introduction-Problem-Solution-Conclusion".
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In an attempt to create a theory for describing such a human phenomenon as a possibility to self-learning, we need to create an instrument for dynamic modeling of sense-to-sense (S2S) [3] associations between heterogeneous objects. This instrument would help understand the nature of the cause-to-effect relationship [4] and the creation of new knowledge. In this article, we describe one of the instruments, sense derivative, that sheds light on the nature of forming new knowledge in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
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A decentralization of electronic currency would allow business activity and development of a single network to be independent of other different business networks. Cost of a decentralized currency of the network can become stable as long as participants of that network are still active.We propose a solution for such a big problem of traditional economy as a “direct dependency of local prices on global ones”.We also propose an innovative mechanism that allows participants of NCN to get any service of one business network for money (hours) earned in other network (‘s).The currency is implemented by usage of two innovative technologies, “Proof of Participation protocol” (PoP) [3] and “Smart Transactions” [2].
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A decentralization of electronic currency would allow business activity and development of a single network to be independent of other different business networks. The cost of a decentralized currency of the network can become stable as long as participants of that network are still active. We propose a solution for such a big problem of the traditional economy as a "direct dependency of local prices on global ones". We also propose an innovative mechanism that allows participants of NCN to get any service of one business network for money (hours) earned in other network ('s). The currency is implemented by the usage of two innovative technologies, "Proof of Participation protocol" (PoP) [3] and "Smart Transactions" [2].
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Fully realized ACCP-based (Atomicity, Consistency, Concurrency, Permanency) online transactions would allow, first, to connect and manage all associative input transactions to a single output transaction, second, to eliminate any third party that is not a participant of transaction contract, third, to fully automate the execution of multi-steps contracts with a possibility to track them on every step, fourth, to promptly identify and extract any transaction data, and fifth, to dynamically scale a transaction network proportionally to the number of its active participants. We propose a mechanism that allows every single participant of the transaction network to dynamically manage any transaction in his or her own economic way.
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The decentralized nature of Sphere electronic currency introduces several new properties that the traditional one does not have. Here, we shortly review all functions and properties of real (fiat) money and propose new features that belong to Sphere.
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Under certain circumstances, the determinism of a block cipher can lead to a disclosure of sensitive information about the working mechanism of the underlying machine. Unveiled restrictions of the mechanism can also give a possibility for an adversary to brute-force the cipher at a reasonable period of time. We propose a nondeterministic algorithm operating on variable-length groups of bits with dynamically varying parts of round ciphertext. We named it "Neuron Cipher". It does not use as public as a private key. In comparison with symmetric or asymmetric encryption, it has obvious practical advantages. Among them is a "Perfect Secrecy" [4].
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Memory plays a major role in Artificial Neural Networks. Without memory, Neural Network can not be learned itself. One of the primary concepts of memory in neural networks is Associative neural memories. A survey has been made on associative neural memories such as Simple associative memories (SAM), Dynamic associative memories (DAM), Bidirectional Associative memories (BAM), Hopfield memories, Context Sensitive Auto-associative memories (CSAM) and so on. These memories can be applied in various fields to get the effective outcomes. We present a study on these associative memories in artificial neural networks
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An associative neural network (ASNN) is an ensemble-based method inspired by the function and structure of neural network correlations in brain. The method operates by simulating the short- and long-term memory of neural networks. The long-term memory is represented by ensemble of neural network weights, while the short-term memory is stored as a pool of internal neural network representations of the input pattern. The organization allows the ASNN to incorporate new data cases in short-term memory and provides high generalization ability without the need to retrain the neural network weights. The method can be used to estimate a bias and the applicability domain of models. The applications of the ASNN in QSAR and drug design are exemplified.
Neural networks have been of interest to the Mathematics and Information Science Group of the Milton S. Eisenhower Research Center for a number of years. Early efforts, which concentrated on associative memories and feedforward networks, are summarized as well as current and future work.
  • E Mielberg
E. Mielberg, "PoP Protocol. Specification", 2018,
Method of One Sypanse
  • E Mielberg
E. Mielberg, "Method of One Sypanse", to be published, 2018