
Global solution to a one-dimensional model of viscous and heat-conducting micropolar real gas flow

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We study the global solvability of the initial-boundary value problem which describes a one-dimensional flow of viscous, heat-conducting, and thermodynamically polytropic micropolar real gas through the channel with solid and thermally insulated walls. We first obtain a series of time-independent a priori estimates for the generalized solution of the described problem. Using the extension principle and already obtained local existence theorem, we show that this problem has a solution globally in time, i.e., that for every , there exists a solution to the problem in the time domain .

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... Only recently has the micropolarity been introduced into a classical reactive model in Bašić-Šiško and Dražić [11,12] where the governing system is derived, analyzed experimentally using a numerical scheme, and the existence of the solution is proved locally in time. Research in the field of compressible micropolar fluid models has flourished since the end of the last millennium and is to the credit of Nermina Mujaković and her collaborators [13][14][15][16][17][18] and continues to yield important results [19][20][21][22]. ...
... In our proofs in this section, we use some ideas from earlier studies [10,22,33]. We denote by C, C 1 , C 2 , … constants dependent only on initial data and problem parameters but independent of t, which can in different places assume different values. ...
... The proof of the following two fundamental lemmas can be found in previous research [22,34,35] so we omit the proofs for brevity. ...
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We study the long time behavior of the generalized solution of the flow and thermal explosion model of the reactive real micropolar gas. The dynamics of the chemical reaction involved and the usual laws of conservation of mass, momentum, angular momentum, and energy generate a complex governing system of partial differential equations. The fluid is nonideal and non‐Newtonian. In this work, we prove that the problem can be solved in an infinite time domain and establish the asymptotic properties of the solution. Namely, we conclude that for certain parameter values, the solution stabilizes exponentially to a steady‐state solution, while for others the stabilization occurs but at power decay rate. At the end, we conducted a few numerical tests whereby we experimentally confirmed theoretical findings about long‐term behavior of the solution.
... In this paper, we move away from the ideal fluid model and study a real gas in one dimension. For the micropolar case of a real fluid in one dimension, the local and global existence and the uniqueness of the generalized solution have been carried out so far [6][7][8]. ...
... Using the Faedo-Galerkin method in [14,15], it is proved that the corresponding problem with homogeneous boundary conditions has a unique generalized solution locally in time, that is, on the domain ]0, L[×]0, T 0 [, where T 0 > 0 is sufficiently small. Here, we prove that the problem has a generalized solution globally in time, that is, on the domain ]0, 1[×]0, T[, for any finite T > 0. The proof is based on the local existence theorem, on the series of a priori estimates and the extension principle, using the approach applied in [8]. ...
... For more details on the derivation and physical interpretation of the model, see [17], but for readers' convenience, we will briefly discuss (8), as this equation has the greatest influence on the adjustments in the proof of the main theorem. As mentioned in [11], Equation (8) resulted from the interpolation of the equations of state for ideal and barotropic fluids, taking into account the generalization of the equation of state for gases introduced in [16]. ...
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We consider 1‐D thermal explosion of a compressible micropolar real gas, assuming that the initial density and temperature are bounded from below with a positive constant and that the initial data are sufficiently smooth. The starting problem is transformed into the Lagrangian description on the spatial domain ]0,1[]0,1[ \left]0,1\right[ and contains homogeneous boundary conditions. In this work, we prove that our problem has a generalized solution for any time interval [0,T],T∈R+[0,T],TR+ \left[0,T\right],T\in {\mathbf{R}}^{+} . The proof is based on the local existence theorem and the extension principle.
... The proof is divided into a sequence of lemmas and is based on the a priori estimates of the approximate solutions. The authors of this paper have already published some important results on this model (see Bašić-Šiško and Dražić 22,23 ). ...
... We would like to point out that in Bašić-Šiško and Dražić, 23 it was proved that, assuming that Theorem 1 holds, the generalized solution exists globally in time, that is, in any time interval of finite length. Therefore, the proof of this theorem is essential for the formal completion of a global existence theorem. ...
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We consider the model for one‐dimensional micropolar, viscous, polytropic, and thermally conductive real gas flow with homogeneous boundary conditions, using the generalized equation of state for pressure. The generalization is shown by the fact that the pressure depends on the mass density as a power function. The governing system of partial differential equations is given in the Lagrangian description. Using the Faedo–Galerkin method and a priori estimates, we prove that the generalized solution exists locally in time.
... For the one-dimensional case, the compressible micropolar ideal gas model was first described by Mujaković (see [31]), and then the local existence, global existence, regularity, large time behavior, stity of the solution, and the existence of global attractors for the nonisentropic compressible micropolar ideal gas model were established in [6,13,25,28,32,33,34,35,36,37,42]. Recently, there have been several investigations on the global existence, uniqueness, regularity, and large time behavior of solutions to problems associated with the compressible micropolar real gas model in [8,2,3,4,23]. In addition, for the isentropic micropolar fluid model, we would like to refer to the studies in [5]. ...
... This type of fluid has been considered in the classical case in the context of several mathematical problems, considering in particular the problem of the existence of a solution, the problem of regularity, and the problem of stabilization of the solution [29][30][31][32][33][34]. For the micropolar case of a real fluid in one dimension, the local and global existence and the uniqueness of the generalized solution have been proved so far [35][36][37]. ...
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In this paper, we analyze a quasi-linear parabolic initial-boundary problem describing the thermal explosion of a compressible micropolar real gas in one spatial dimension. The model contains five variables, mass density, velocity, microrotation, temperature, and the mass fraction of unburned fuel, while the associated problem contains homogeneous boundary conditions. The aim of this work is to prove the uniqueness theorem of the generalized solution for the mentioned initial-boundary problem. The uniqueness of the solution, together with the proven existence of the solution, makes the described initial-boundary problem theoretically consistent, which provides a basis for the development of numerical methods and the engineering application of the model.
Micropolar fluids represent a fluid model that, unlike the classic model, does not only describe behavior at the macro level but also deals with fluid behavior at the microlevel. Describing microphenomena in this case was achieved through the introduction of a new hydrodynamic variable called microrotation. This work describes the micropolar gas model with special emphasis on the reactive micropolar gas, focusing on the initial boundary value problem describing the behavior of the micropolar reactive real gas in tubes with solid and thermally insulated walls. In other words, homogeneous boundary conditions for velocity, microrotation, and heat flux are studied. For the mentioned initial boundary value problem, the construction of the Faedo-Galerkin approximations and the corresponding numerical method for obtaining a numerical solution are described. The given numerical method was additionally analyzed with respect to the complexity of the initial conditions in terms of the number of terms in their Fourier expansions.
In this paper, we derive an initial-boundary value problem for a model describing the behavior of a micropolar reactive real gas in a tube with fixed and thermally insulated walls. In addition to the usual variables of the micropolar fluid model, a new variable describing the amount of unburned fuel and an equation describing the chemical reaction have been added in this model. A series of Faedo–Galerkin approximations for the solution of the governing system is constructed and used to solve the problem numerically. We describe the results of numerical tests on a couple of examples whereby we display the calculated solutions and test the convergence and stabilization. In order to investigate the influence of micropolarity and the generalized equation of state on the model, we compared the solutions of the reactive classical and micropolar real gas model, as well as the reactive micropolar ideal and real gas model.
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The tradition of the Czechoslovak Equadiff dates back to 1962 when Equadiff 1 took place in Prague. Subsequent Czechoslovak Equadiff conferences were held in Prague (1977, 1989, 2001, 2013), Bratislava (1966, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017), and Brno (1972, 1985, 1997, 2009). All proceedings from these conferences are available via Czech Digital Mathematics Library. The Western Equadiff conferences were held in Marseille (1970), Brussels/Louvain-la-Neuve (1973), Firenze (1978), Wurzburg (1982), Xanthi (1987), Barcelona (1991), Lisboa (1995), Berlin (1999), Hasselt (2003), Vienna (2007), Loughborough (2011), Lyon (2015), and Leiden (2019). Equadiff is therefore one of the oldest active series of mathematical conferences in the world. The coming Equadiff in Brno in summer 2022 will be the 15th conference within the Czechoslovak Equadiff series. The conference was rescheduled to the year 2022 from the original date in July 2021 due to an unstable pandemic situation in the world.
This paper is concerned with the global solutions of the 3D compressible micropolar fluid model in the domain to a subset of R3 bounded with two coaxial cylinders that present the solid thermo-insulated walls, which is in a thermodynamical sense perfect and polytropic. Compared with the classical Navier-Stokes equations, the angular velocity w in this model brings benefit that is the damping term -uw can provide extra regularity of w. At the same time, the term uw2 is bad, it increases the nonlinearity of our system. Moreover, the regularity and exponential stability in H4 also are proved.
In this paper, we prove that the one-dimensional model of reactive micropolar real gas flow and thermal explosion has a solution locally in time. We first define the notion of a generalized solution for the governing initial-boundary value problem. We prove the claim of local existence by deriving a sequence of approximate problems obtained by Faedo-Galerkin projections. A priori estimates allow us to choose small enough time interval of existence, and show that the sequence of approximations is bounded in certain functional spaces, and therefore has a convergent subsequence. In the end, we show that it is precisely this limit that is the solution to the observed problem.
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We study a one‐dimensional model of viscous and heat‐conducting micropolar real gas flow through the channel with solid and thermally insulated walls, whereby the generalized equation of state for the pressure is considered. The governing system of partial differential equations for mass density, velocity, microrotational velocity, and absolute temperature is set up in Lagrangian coordinates. In this paper, we show that if there exists a generalized solution to our problem, then it is unique.
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A conservative finite-volume framework, based on a collocated variable arrangement, for the simulation of flows at all speeds, applicable to incompressible, ideal-gas and real-gas fluids is proposed in conjunction with a fully-coupled pressure-based algorithm. The applied conservative discretisation and implementation of the governing conservation laws as well as the definition of the fluxes using a momentum-weighted interpolation are identical for incompressible and compressible fluids, and are suitable for complex geometries represented by unstructured meshes. Incompressible fluids are described by predefined constant fluid properties, while the properties of compressible fluids are described by the Noble-Abel-stiffened-gas model, with the definitions of density and specific static enthalpy of both incompressible and compressible fluids combined in a unified thermodynamic closure model. The discretised governing conservation laws are solved in a single linear system of equations for pressure, velocity and temperature. Together, the conservative finite-volume discretisation, the unified thermodynamic closure model and the pressure-based algorithm yield a conceptually simple, but versatile, numerical framework. The proposed numerical framework is validated thoroughly using a broad variety of test-cases, with Mach numbers ranging from 0 to 239, including viscous flows of incompressible fluids as well as the propagation of acoustic waves and transiently evolving supersonic flows with shock waves in ideal-gas and real-gas fluids. These results demonstrate the accuracy, robustness and the convergence, as well as the conservation of mass and energy, of the numerical framework for flows of incompressible and compressible fluids at all speeds, on structured and unstructured meshes. In particular, the precise recovery of a divergence-free velocity field in the incompressible limit, the accurate prediction of acoustic waves, and the convergence to the correct weak solution for strong shock waves with the same finite-volume discretisation and pressure-based algorithm are important features of the proposed numerical framework.
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Motivated by the pipe network problems, in this paper, we consider the Leray’s problem for the nonstationary flow of a micropolar fluid. We prove that in an unbounded domain with cylindrical outlets to infinity, there exists a unique solution to the nonlinear micropolar equations which exponentially tends to the generalized nonstationary micropolar Poiseuille solution in each cylindrical outlet.
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Stationary adiabatic flows of real gases issued from a source of given intensity are studied. Thermodynamic states of gases are described by Legendrian or Lagrangian manifolds. Solutions of Euler equations are given implicitly for any equation of state and the behavior of solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations with the viscosity considered as a small parameter is discussed. For different intensities of the source we introduce a small parameter into the Navier–Stokes equation and construct corresponding asymptotic expansions. We consider the most popular model of real gases—the van der Waals model, and ideal gases as well.
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The flow of micropolar fluid through a membrane modeled as a swarm of solid cylindrical particles with porous layer using the cell model technique is considered. The flow is directed perpendicular to the axis of the cylinders. Boundary value problem involves traditional conditions of velocities and stresses continuity, no-stress and no-couple stress/no-spin condition on hypothetical cell surface. The problem is solved analytically and the influence of micropolar and porous medium parameters on hydrodynamic permeability of a membrane is investigated.
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We study the initial and initial-boundary value problems for the p-th power Newtonian fluid in one space dimension with general large initial data. The existence and uniqueness of globally smooth non-vacuum solutions are established when the thermal conductivity is some non-negative power of the temperature. Our analysis is based on some detailed estimates on the bounds of both density and temperature.
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We consider the initial and initial-boundary value problems for a one-dimensional pth power Newtonian fluid in unbounded domains with general large initial data. We show that the specific volume and the temperature are bounded from below and above uniformly in time and space and that the global solution is asymptotically stable as the time tends to infinity. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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We consider the nonstationary 3-D flow of a compressible viscous heat-conducting micropolar fluid in the domain to be the subset of R-3 bounded with two concentric spheres that present the solid thermo-insulated walls. In the thermodynamical sense the fluid is perfect and polytropic. We assume that the initial density and temperature are bounded from below with a positive constant and that the initial data are sufficiently smooth spherically symmetric functions. The starting problem is transformed into the Lagrangian description on the spatial domain] 0, 1[. In this work we prove that our problem has a generalized solution for any time interval [0, T], T epsilon R+. The proof is based on the local existence theorem and the extension principle.
The existence of weak solutions to the Navier–Stokes–Fourier system describing the stationary states of a compressible, viscous, and heat conducting fluid in bounded 2D-domains is shown under fairly general and physically relevant constitutive relations. The equation of state of a real fluid is considered, where the admissible range of density is confined to a bounded interval (hard sphere model). The transport coefficients depend on the temperature in a general way including both gases and liquids behavior. The heart of the paper are new a priori bounds resulting from Trudinger–Moser inequality.
We prove the global existence and uniqueness of strong solutions for an initial boundary value problem modeling the motion of the compressible micropolar fluids in one dimensional space. Compared with former studies, we are concerned with the nonisentropic case with constant transport coefficients and the initial density is allowed to have vacuum. Our analysis is based on the nonlinear energy method and the crucial step is to derive the uniform upper and lower bounds on the ratio of the density to its initial value.
Background and objective: In this work, the effect of the micropolar fluid parameters on the hydraulic permeability of fibrous biomaterials comprised of square arrays of undirectional fibrils is investigated. Methods: Simulations are carried out in three dimensional geometries consisting of 9 unidirectional fibers regularly placed in a square lattice within a unit cell. Fiber arrays with volume fraction from 0.1 to 0.6 are considered. The effect of each of the micropolar parameters, namely the vortex viscosity (m), spin gradient viscosity (N) and microinertia constant (J) on the hydraulic permeability is analysed and the differences from Newtonian fluid flow are presented. Results: Among the micropolar parameters, the vortex viscosity and the spin gradient viscosity affect the hydraulic permeability, while the effect of the micro inertia constant seems to be insignificant. A relationship that connects the difference in the hydraulic permeability between the micropolar and the Newtonian case (ΔK) and the vortex and spin gradient viscosity is presented, the main finding being that ΔK is proportional to the product m · N. Conclusions: The effects of the micropolar parameters are found to decrease as the volume fraction of the fiber arrays increases; this is due to the reduction in available flow area and the corresponding decrease in microrotation.
The double-layered porous journal bearings hold proactive application on the field that demanded comparatively high stability and stiffness. The performance characteristics of micropolar fluid lubricated double porous layered journal bearing is investigated theoretically by using Darcy's law of fluid flow through a porous medium. The dynamic and static performances of the said bearing are obtained numerically and presented with different design parameters. Due to the presence of very few published work related to micropolar fluid lubricated porous journal bearing, the results of the present analysis compared with those of traditional lubricants and found to be in perfect covenant. The results established that the micropolar fluid significantly improves the quality of lubrication and bearing performances as compared to the corresponding Newtonian lubricants.
Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) induced flow and its flow regime modeling has been always questionable in hydraulically laminar regime ranges. The main purpose of this study is evaluating and using an alternative approach then the turbulent assumption based on a micropolar model through the study of multiple electrode arrangements EHD cases in a rectangular channel. Estimation of the adequate material parameter, that represents the ratio of micro rotational viscosity to the dynamic viscosity of the fluid (κω/μ), is the main challenge of using micropolar model. The governing equations are discretized and solved by using a finite volume approach for two-dimensional cases, and these cases are converged to find proper material parameter which is the main challenge of micropolar approach. Comparing results of the micropolar model with the k-ε turbulent model, shows that not only finding an adequate material parameter is not out of access assumption, but also the micropolar model can be an adequate candidate for simulation of EHD induced flows in hydraulically laminar regime. The results show that the adequate material parameter (κω/μ) is only sensitive to the strength of EHD (NEHD) even in single or multiple electrode cases.
In this paper we consider the non-stationary 1-D ow of a compressible viscous and heat-conducting micropolar uid, assuming that it is in the thermodynamically sense perfect and polytropic. Since the strong nonlinearity and degeneracies of the equations due to the temperature equation and vanishing of density, there are a few results about global existence of classical solution to this model. In the paper, we obtain a global classical solution to the equations with large initial data and vacuum. Moreover, we get the uniqueness of the solution to this system without vacuum. The analysis is based on the assumption κ(θ) = O(1 + θ q ) where q ≥ 0 and delicate energy estimates. © 2019 American Institute of Mathematical Sciences. All Rights Reserved.
The 3D magneto-micropolar equations with damping are considered in this paper. We prove the existence and uniqueness of strong solution for 3D magneto-micropolar equations with damping for β≥4 with any α>0.
In this paper, we are concerned with optimal temporal decay rates of solutions for the initial value problem of three-dimensional incompressible micropolar fluid system. By carefully examine the algebraic structure of micropolar fluid system, we show that some weighted negative Fourier–Besov norms of solutions are preserved along time evolution, which yields the optimal temporal decay rates of solutions in the framework of homogeneous Fourier–Besov spaces by solving an ordinary differential inequality through the interpolation techniques.
This paper is concerned with the 3D nonhomogeneous incompressible magneto-micropolar equations with density-dependent viscosity and vacuum in smooth bounded domains. We prove that the system has a unique global smooth solution under the assumption that the initial energy is suitably small.
The magneto-micropolar fluid flows describe the motion of electrically conducting micropolar fluids in the presence of a magnetic field. The issue of whether the two-dimensional magneto-micropolar equations always possess a global (in time) classical solution can be difficult when there is only partial dissipation or no dissipation at all. In this paper, we deal with the Cauchy problem of the two-dimensional magneto-micropolar problem with mixed partial viscosity. More precisely, the global existence and regularity of classical solutions to the two-dimensional incompressible magneto-micropolar equations with mixed partial dissipation, magnetic diffusion and angular viscosity are obtained. Moreover, some conditional regularity of strong solutions is obtained for two-dimensional magneto-micropolar problem with mixed partial viscosity. This work is inspired by the recent work (Regmi and Wu, 2016) by Regmi and Wu, and our results extend their results to other mixed partial viscosities cases and global existence and regularity are established.
We consider the nonstationary 3-D flow of a compressible viscous heat-conducting micropolar fluid in the domain to be the subset of R3 bounded with two coaxial cylinders that present the solid thermoinsulated walls. In the thermodynamical sense, the fluid is perfect and polytropic. We assume that the initial density and temperature are bounded from below with a positive constant, and that the initial data are sufficiently smooth cylindrically symmetric functions. The starting problem is transformed into the Lagrangian description on the spatial domain ]0,L[. In this work, we prove that our problem has a generalized solution for any time interval [0,T], T∈R+. The proof is based on the local existence theorem and the extension principle. Copyright
Preface. Organization of the Book. Notations. I. Convex Functions and Jensen's Inequality. II. Some Recent Results Involving Means. III. Bernoulli's Inequality. IV. Cauchy's and Related Inequalities. V. Holder and Minkowski Inequalities. VI. Generalized Holder and Minkowski Inequalities. VII. Connections Between General Inequalities. VIII. Some Determinantal and Matrix Inequalities. IX. Cebysev's Inequality. X. Gruss' Inequality. XI. Steffensen's Inequality. XII. Abel's and Related Inequalities. XIII. Some Inequalities for Monotone Functions. XIV. Young's Inequality. XV. Bessel's Inequality. XVI. Cyclic Inequations. XVII. The Centroid Method in Inequalities. XVII. Triangle Inequalities. XVIII. Norm Inequalities. XIX. More on Norm Inequalities. XX. Gram's Inequality. XXI. Frejer-Jackson's Inequalities and Related Results. XXII. Mathieu's Inequality. XXIII. Shannon's Inequality. XXIV. Turan's Inequality from the Power Sum Theory. XXV. Continued Fractions and Pade Approximation Method. XXVI. Quasilinearization Methods for Proving Inequalities. XXVIII. Dynamic Programming and Functional Equation Approaches to Inequalities. XXIX. Interpolation Inequalities. XXX. Minimax Inequalities. Name Index.
We consider non-stationary 1-D flow of a compressible viscous and heat-conducting micropolar fluid, assuming that it is in thermodynamical sense perfect and polytropic. The homogeneous boundary conditions for velocity and microrotation, as well as non-homogeneous boundary conditions for temperature are assumed. Using the Faedo–Galerkin method we prove a local-in-time existence of a generalized solution.
We give a complete description of large time behaviour of admissible variational solutions to the Navier–Stokes–Fourier system describing flows of viscous compressible fluids under action of arbitrarily large potential and non-potential stationary forces. The pressure is supposed to be an affine function of temperature with coefficients depending on density and the system is thermally and mechanically isolated. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The basic field equations, jump conditions and constitutive equations of, what we call, ‘simple microfluent’ media are derived and discussed. These fluids are shown to be a generalization of the Stokesian fluids in which local micro-motions are taken into account. Special cases in which gyrations are small and micro-deformation rates are linear are discussed. The partial differential equations of the constitutively linear theory are obtained.RésuméDans cette étude on détermine et on discute les équations fondamentales de champ, les conditions de passage et les équations d'état de ce qu'on peut appeler les milieux à ‘micro-écoulements” simples. On montre que ces milieux correspondent à une généralisation des fluides de Stokes dans lesquels on fait intervenir des ‘micro-déplacements’ localisés. On présente la discussion de certains cas particuliers dans lesquels la gyrations est faible et où les taux de micro-déformation sont linéaires. On obtient ainsi les équations différentielles aux dérivées partielles de la théorie linéaire de constitution.ZusammenfassungDie grundlegenden Feldgleichungen, Sprungverhältnisse und Aufbaugleichungen von was wir “einfach e mikro-flüssige” Mittel nennen, werden abgeleitet und besprochen. Diese Flüssigkeiten werden als eine Verallgemeinerung der Stokes-Flüssigkeiten gezeigt, bei denen örtliche Mikro-Bewegungen in die Berechnung einbezogen werden. Sonderfälle bei denen es kleine Wirbel und lineare Mikro-Verformungssätze gibt, werden besprochen. Die teilweise abgeleiteten Gleichungen der aufbauenden linearen Theorie werden erzielt.SumàrioSi derivano e si esaminano le equazioni fondamentali di campo, cause di errore ed equazioni essenziali relative a quelle che vengono dette sostanze ‘semplici micro-fluenti’. Si evidenzia essere questi fluidi una generalizzazione dei fluidi di Stokes tenendo conto di micro-movimenti locali. Si esaminano casi particolari di limitata rotazione e di valori lineari delle microzdeformazioni. Si ottengono le equazioni differenziali abbreviate della teoria lineare fondamentale.РефератBыboдятcя и диcкyccиpyютcя ypabнeния пoля, cкaчкobыe ycлobия и кoнcтитyтиbныe ypabнeния для тaк нaзыbaeмoй. ⪡микpoтeкyчeй⪢ cpeды.Пoкaзaнo, чтo тaкиe жидкocти яbляютcя oбoбщeниeм Cтoкeзиebыч жидкocтeй, b кoтopыч oбpaщeнo ocoбoe bнимaниe нa микpoдbижeниe. Диcкyccиpyютcя ocoбыe cпyчaи, b кoтopыч bpaщeниeниe мaлo и cкopocти микpoдeфopмaций яbляютcя линeйными. Пoлyчeны диффepeнциaльныe ypabнeния b чacтныч пpoизboдныч к кoнcтитyтиbнoй тeopии.
We consider the equations of a viscous polytropic ideal gas in the domain exterior to a ball in ℝn (n=2 or 3) and prove the global existence of spherically symmetric smooth solutions for (large) initial data with spherical symmetry. The large-time behavior of the solutions is also discussed. To prove the existence we first study an approximate problem in a bounded annular domain and then obtain a priori estimates independent of the boundedness of the annular domain. Letting the diameter of the annular domain tend to infinity, we get a global spherically symmetric solution as the limit.
An initial-boundary value problem for one-dimensional flow of a compressible viscous heat-conducting micropolar fluid is considered. It is assumed that the fluid is thermodinamically perfect and politropic. A global-in-time existence theorem is proved. The proof is based on a local existence theorem, obtained in the previous paper.