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Information Security Policy in the Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission to Establish Indonesia Free of Corruption


Abstract and Figures

In era of globalizing information, the existence of the internet has accompanied the life pattern of the sectoral people to the global community. The positive side makes it easy for the public, but there is a negative side that needs serious attention, namely information tapping. The Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission as an institution to eradicate corruption must synergize its performance with all components of the nation, executive, legislative and judiciary including the private elements. The synergy of the Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission with all components will facilitate Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission in creating Indonesia free of corruption. However, there are several cases of information leakage owned by the Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission in doing so the Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission needs to build a reliable and unbreakable information security system. Information security systems must be reliable both from hardware aspects that are resistant to all terrain and weather, as well as software aspects that are unbreakable so that it is not easily hacked and infiltrated and that is not less important is the manware aspect where the Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission must have human resources who have high integrity and sense of information security towards commitment to eradicate corruption in the effort to make Indonesia clean of corruption.
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March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 12006 - 12016
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
Information Security Policy in the Indonesia
Corruption Eradication Commission to Establish
Indonesia Free of Corruption
1Ridwan, 2Safril Hidayat, 3Samsul Rizal, 4Haposan Simatupang
1Subang University, Indonesia
2,4Indonesia Defence University
3Doctoral Student of Public Administration, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
Article Info
Volume 83
Page Number: 12006 - 12016
Publication Issue:
March - April 2020
Article History
Article Received: 24 July 2019
Revised: 12 September 2019
Accepted: 15 February 2020
Publication: 17 April 2020
In era of globalizing information, the existence of the internet has
accompanied the life pattern of the sectoral people to the global
community. The positive side makes it easy for the public, but there is a
negative side that needs serious attention, namely information tapping. The
Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission as an institution to
eradicate corruption must synergize its performance with all components
of the nation, executive, legislative and judiciary including the private
elements. The synergy of the Indonesia Corruption Eradication
Commission with all components will facilitate Indonesia Corruption
Eradication Commission in creating Indonesia free of corruption.
However, there are several cases of information leakage owned by the
Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission in doing so the Indonesia
Corruption Eradication Commission needs to build a reliable and
unbreakable information security system. Information security systems
must be reliable both from hardware aspects that are resistant to all terrain
and weather, as well as software aspects that are unbreakable so that it is
not easily hacked and infiltrated and that is not less important is the
manware aspect where the Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission
must have human resources who have high integrity and sense of
information security towards commitment to eradicate corruption in the
effort to make Indonesia clean of corruption.
Keywords: Information Security, Synergy, Tapping.
In the current era of globalizing information, the
existence of the internet has accompanied the life
pattern from sectoral to a global community that is
connected in a global network of "e-world",
especially e-Government and e-Commerce.
Information and communication technology is the
fastest growing technology in line with the
development of science. Human activity in general
is almost inseparable from information and
communication technology. Even everything that
touches the lives of many people continues to be
arranged by using information technology for
efficiency and effectiveness. In line with the
development of communication technology,
March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 12006 - 12016
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
information becomes a very important commodity.
The race to obtain and provide information quickly,
precisely, and accurately becomes very important
for every organization.[1]
The high needs of the community for the
informations availability, requires information
transparency, in other words freedom and ease in
obtaining information. Transparency is an
important agenda in the implementation of good
governance. Transparency forces openness in the
administration of government to open up access as
much information as possible for the public, so that
there is no opacity and secrecy in the
implementation of government policy. [2] However,
not all informations can be opened to the public,
according to Law number 14 of 2008 concerning
Openness of Public Information, there are excluded
informations or confidential informations, that
cannot be accessed by the public. Such
informations, if opened, can result in obstruction of
the law enforcement process; interfere with the
interests of protecting intellectual property rights
and protection from unfair business competition;
failure of capturing criminal actors (OTT/Operasi
Tangkap Tangan), endangering national defense
and security such as information on strategy,
intelligence, operations, tactical and technical
matters relating to the implementation of defense
and security systems; an investigation warrant; state
coding system; intelligence system, and so on. Due
to the importance of the existence of information,
especially excluded information, it is necessary to
secure it, so that the validity and values contained
therein are not utilized by unauthorized parties.
Excluded information must be secured from
unauthorized parties. So that the excluded
information is protected and safe from parties who
are not authorized to know it by making
information security policy. With this policy,
various methods can be used by the government to
secure the excluded information such as using
steganography or cryptology methods.[3] The
steganography method is hiding a message or
information in a way so that besides the sender and
the recipient no one can know it. The cryptological
method is to change the message to be meaningless
and only the sender and the recipient can process it
back into meaningful messages. Cryptology as a
science is not only a theoretical concept, but can be
applied in various applications of information and
communication security technology.
Furthermore, the development of information
systems is so rapid but also turned out and causing
various problems of leakage, theft, and destruction
of information, so that information to the
destination is not timely, and not even received at
all to the destination address. According to Stallings
there are several possible types of attacks on
information such as interception (unauthorized
parties succeeded in accessing assets or
information, an example of this attack is
wiretapping); Modification (unauthorized parties
not only succeed in accessing information but can
change information), an example is changing the
content of the website with messages and
information that harm the owner); interruptions
(system devices become damaged or not available;
attacks are directed at the availability of the
system); and fabrication (unauthorized parties insert
fake objects or fake messages/news into the system
such as entering fake messages/e-mails/videos on a
network computers and various other types of
attacks on excluded information security.[4] Thus,
the government’s information security policy for
excluded information is very urgent to be applied at
all levels of government. Excluded information
security threats can be explained in Figure 1 below:
March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 12006 - 12016
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
Figure 1 Information Vulnerability of Excluded Informations
From Figure 1 can be seen that the development of
communication and information technology is
vulnerable to raise threats (modification,
interception, interruption, and fabrication). The
information received probably is not complete, has
undergone changes, and is not in accordance with
the initial information sent. To overcome
information vulnerability, information security
technology is needed. It would be dangerous if an
information technology infrastructure that is in
contact with the lives of many people is not
protected by an appropriate information security
policy, such as population data networks and
banking networks. If the data is damaged by
irresponsible or unauthorized parties, the
information contained in it becomes chaotic and
damaged. It will harm the public who come in
contact with the validation of the data.
Numbers in regular manner are just a series of
writings, but the numbers as data or information is
very sensitive, for example banking data. Disorder
or damage to these figures can be detrimental to
society, can damage economic and financial traffic,
and can have an impact on the political life and
security of a nation, as well as disorder in society.
Information technology infrastructure is also
vulnerable such as aviation, defense, oil and gas,
electricity, etc., because those facilities can be used
as a means of terror by terrorist groups. It is
possible that terrorists will make information
technology networks as a means to create chaos and
terror in the community.
Nowadays. information security policy is a must to
establish, because information technology networks
that are public and global are inherently insecure.
When data is sent from a public network, it will
provide an opportunity for other parties to tap or
change the data. In the traffic of the data, it allows
others to participate in "listening". Terrorist attacks
on information security policies can be carried out
using one or more information technology networks
as a means of terror. Broad invasion of an attack
that is set automatically can also threaten the
information network infrastructure. This attack can
cause a large part of the information network not to
be functioned properly. In the early 1990s the
infiltration was still carried out openly. Most
intrusions often exploit security weaknesses of the
system that are quite simple, for example passwords
with a combination of characters that are less
secure. Once an intruder can exploit a weakness to
get access that is already known but not fixed, then
he will be able to use the system as he/she wishes.
Some examples of leakage, wiretapping, theft and
tampering government informations sites such as
Election Commission's website, Ministry of
Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cases of
March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 12006 - 12016
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
wiretapping of the Indonesian President's
conversation by Australia, intercepting talks
between President BJ Habibie and the Attorney
General (Andy Ghalib) in 1998. Oenetration by the
KGB (Russian intelligence) into the USA
representative office through electronic emissions
to the United States Communication Program Unit.
Between April 1990 to May 1991, five Dutch
hackers were able to penetrate the American
communication system on 34 military sites. The
hackers managed to obtain information about the
location of American troops, weapons, missile
capabilities and movement of American warships in
the Arabian Gulf, and other cases of wiretapping
(Stalling, 2007:19). [5]
No matter how perfect the information security
policy is made to design a strong security system, it
can be understood that no information and
communication system can be secure totally. What
can be done is to make it difficult for others to
disrupt the existing system. For example, avoiding
the risk of intrusion, reducing the risk of threats,
protecting the system from vulnerabilities, and so
on. That, the safer the system is built, the more
uncomfortable it is, and conversely, the more
comfortable the system is built, the more insecure it
The Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission
was formed based on Law Number 30 in 2002
concerning the Corruption Eradication Commission
that was given the mandate to eradicate corruption
in a professional, intensive, and sustainable manner.
According to Law Number 19/2019 which is the
second amendment to Law Number 30/2002
concerning the Corruption Eradication Commission
explains that the Indonesia Corruption Eradication
Commission is an independent governmental
institution, which in carrying out its duties and
authorities is free from any authority. In carrying
out its duties and functions in eradicating
corruption, the Indonesia Corruption Eradication
Commission has also experienced in reducing
leakage and fabrication of information. The Chief
Secretary of the Indonesia Corruption Eradication
Commission in the era of Abraham Samad was
declared by the Indonesia Corruption Eradication
Commission Ethics Committee as the person who
leaked documents (warrants of investigation) that
were supposed to be secret for public consumption.
The leak of classified information eventually led to
speculations on the reputation of the Indonesia
Corruption Eradication Commission as an
organization accused of acting under the pressure of
power to launch political agendas for the
authorities. Another case is the former Mayor of
Bandung, Dada Rosada, who came to the Indonesia
Corruption Eradication Commission office to fulfill
the Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission
summons based on an official letter received.
However, the Indonesia Corruption Eradication
Commission has never made a letter as
demonstrated by Dada Rosada [6].
This information security issue is interesting to
discuss because it is the main key in supporting the
successful implementation of corruption
eradication. Information leaks that occur have the
potential to interfere with the eradication of
corruption process in Indonesia. It needs specific
solutions in overcoming the problems mentioned
above. But of course, it is understood that solving
the problem is not as easy. Major and fundamental
changes must be made, along with the government's
commitment to make Indonesia clean of corruption.
So how far is the KPK's effort to strengthen
information security policy to support efforts to
eradicate corruption in Indonesia?
A large number and more and more studies in
comparative, public policy politics and international
relations have paid attention to how the policy
spread between states, states or federal cities, that
is, how policies are one unit is affected by other
unit policies [7]. Policy implementation is a
dynamics activity which are political decisions, in
the form of regulations and programs involving not
only “street level bureaucracy” to the top leadership
March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 12006 - 12016
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
apparatus, but also community. Activities create
opportunities for the community to involve
themselves in accessing and achieving the interests
of policy makers. The implementation of the policy
according to Grindle (1980) is not merely related to
the mechanism of translating political decisions into
routine procedures through the bureaucracy, more
than that it involves the problem of conflict,
decisions and who gets what from a policy.[8] But
consistency in a policy must be clear and
measurable from planning to the policy being
implemented, as stated by Presmann and Wildavsky
(1979:21), that policy implementation is a process
of interaction between established goals and actions
taken to realize the goals referred to. [9]
Presmann and Wildavsky (1979) see policy
implementation as a link connected starting point
"setting of goals" to end point "achievement them".
On the other hand, humans as individuals or groups
determines of the success of a policy must have
strong ethics and commitment in implementing
policies as expressed by Winarno (2012:102), the
implementation of policies as actions carried out by
individuals or groups in government and the private
sector that is directed to achieve the goals set in
decisions. [10] The complexity in the
implementation of public policy is because it
involves various forms of activities, various actors
or parties, related to the environment, and context
in which the policy will be applied to achieve the
objectives.[11] Thus, the success of public policy is
not only based on economic, efficiency and
administrative principles, but ethical and moral
consequences are at stake in reflecting apparatus
behavior in relation to the interests of the people,
mainly information security.
Every policy carries a risk of failure. There are two
categories of policy failure, namely non-
implementation or program failures and
unsuccessful implementation because they do not
produce the desired benefits. Non-implementation
policy occurs the parties involved in the
implementation do not want to cooperate or have
worked together inefficiently, work half-heartedly,
or they do not fully understanding the problem, or
the problem is solved beyond the scope of their
power.[12] Unsuccessful implementations usually
occur when a policy has been implemented in
accordance with the plan but given the external
conditions turned out to be unprofitable, the policy
was not successful in realizing the desired impact or
Edward III (1980) asked 2 main questions, what are
the prerequisites for a successful implementation?
What are the main obstacles to the successful
implementation of the program? Based on these
two questions, four factors or variables are
formulated as the most important conditions for the
successful implementation, which are
communication, resources, disposition or tendency
of the executor and organizational structure, and the
work flow of the implementing bureaucracy.[13] Of
the four factors, communication is placed at the top
position for implementing policy effectively.
Communication relates to the interrelation and
interaction between policy makers (decision
makers) with implementors, as well as
communication among policy implementors and
target group.
Resources are authority. Authority is the power to
make decisions in guiding other individuals. Thus,
authority is intended to produce compliance for
both the actors implementing the policy, as well as
the people or organizations as the object of policy.
Edwards III said that the disposition / attitude of
executors provides guidings among implementors,
if the implementation is carried out effectively.
Implementors must not only know what they should
do, but they must have the ability to implement
policies. Implementor has a large role and
determines the success of a policy in its
implementation. Regarding this Edward III stated,
"If implementators are well disposed to the
administration of particular policy policies, they are
more likely to carry out as the original decision
makers intended. But when implementators'
attitudes or perspectives differ from the decision
March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 12006 - 12016
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
makers, the process of implementing a policy
becomes infinitely more complicated.
The description shows the need for a common
perception or attitude between decision makers
orchestrated with implementors. Implementors in
general have the possibility of deviating attitudes
and perspectives on policy, and this can be a major
obstacle to the policy implementation effectiveness.
The information itself is data that has been
processed so that it has a meaningful and beneficial
form for the recipient so that it can be used in
decision making. [14] It means, information is data
that has been processed. Data processing is done in
such a way that the data that has been processed can
increase the knowledge of people who receive and
use it. Before reform we rarely heard the term
public information. Society is difficult to know the
performance of the government, participate in
government systems and make public information
expensive items as if not allowed to know.
Information is controlled by the authorities,
especially information relating to public policy and
the state budget. This causes the role of the
community in development to be very weak due to
limited information. After the reform, freedom in
expressing aspirations and knowing information
seems to be something that must be known by the
public. The guarantee of the right to information
brings a fresh breath of new life for democracy in
Indonesia, where the second amendment to the
second const itution of 2000 added a guarantee of
the right for every citizen to obtain information.[15]
Public information is information generated, stored,
managed, sent and / or received by a public body
that relating to the organizer and state
administration and / or organizer and organization
other appropriate public bodies with the
Commission Law Public Information and other
information related to interests public [16].
The communication that is built must follow the
information exchange process. According
Soemarkidjo (2006) that the process of exchanging
information as complex as any has the following
context: Information - sender - communication
media - recipient. Schematically the information
exchange process is described as follows:
Figure 2. Information Exchange Process
Sources: Soemarkidjo (2006:319)
Figure 2 above explains that the information
created and processed by the sender then stores and
sends it through the communication media.
Recipients get information to process and store it
then read to get data from the information obtained.
In general, the purpose of information security is to
March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 12006 - 12016
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
guarantee availability, that is, information is always
available when needed and is easy to obtain,
integrity means ensuring that data is not altered by
unauthorized parties or by other things unknown
instances of poor transmission data, confidentiality,
maintaining the confidentiality of information from
all parties, except those with authority. Information
security is of great importance and interest to
everybody in the world of technology today,
whether you are a mobile phone or a personal
computer user, this is why information security is
of the most importance in our everyday life, and in
the IT fields [17]
Based on the description above, the threat of
information leakage caused by individual
negligence or wiretapping can occur to Indonesia
Corruption Eradication Commission and causing
public antipathy to the performance of the
Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission to
eradicate corruption. Policies on information
security can be established by synergizing policy
makers and implementors. Referring to the simple
model in the policy implementation by Van Meter
and Van Horn (1975), implementation process is an
abstraction or performance of a policy
manifestation which is intentionally carried out to
achieve high performance policy implementation
with various variables.[18] This model presupposes
that policy implementation runs linearly from
policy that can influence political decisions,
implementor, and performance. One variable is
communication, therefor goals should be
understood by each implementor. Communication
means delivering information to policy
implementors that standards and objectives
consistency and uniformity from various sources of
information. Communication requires the ability of
human resources to interact properly, there is no
deviation between policy maker and implementor in
executing the policy to achieve the expected
performance to secure Indonesia Corruption
Eradication Commission information system. Thus,
quality of Human Resources becomes the main
factor to maintain the Indonesia Corruption
Eradication Commission in combating corruption
by maintaining confidential information. The
conceptual framework is as follows:
Figure 3 Conceptual Framework
III. METHOD The research was conducted by a qualitative
research design using literature review. This paper
March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 12006 - 12016
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
basically wants to provide an overview of the
ability to secure and manage information coupled
with the ability to build human resources with
integrity in supporting the realization of
information security policy. To obtain data and
information related to this paper, data collection is
done through literature and document studies.
Validity and reliability of the data was executed by
using triangulation technique.
4.1 Communication synergy between Policy
Makers and Implementor
Information security is related to three
requirements: confidentiality, integrity, and
availability. The policy compiled by Indonesia
Corruption Eradication Commission in ensuring the
confidentiality, integrity and availability are often
tarnished by individuals who publish information
unilaterally on behalf of the Indonesia Corruption
Eradication Commission. As the consequences,
Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission poor
performance is breaking by certain individual
without legal authority to disseminate classified
information. It means that there is a communication
gap between policy makers in formulating
information security policy and implementors.
However, The Indonesia Corruption Eradication
Commission has modern and sophisticated
hardware and software to be able to hack people
suspected of committing corruption. However, the
actions of a handful of people who lack integrity
often tarnish the achievements that have been
inscribed by the Indonesia Corruption Eradication
Commission in combating corruption in Indonesia.
In order to synergize communication between
policy makers and relevant stakeholders, optimizing
performance of human resources or man ware is a
must. Synergy is a process in which the interaction
of two or more agents or forces will produce a
combined effect that is greater than single
organization.[19] Considering that communication
becomes very important in policy implementation,
because although the policies produced are of good
quality and aim to fulfill the interests of the
community, if the implementors do not have a
clear, complete, and broad understanding of the
meaning and purpose of the policy, then
implementors will convey it vaguely, narrowly and
in a limited way. As a result, it is possible that a
priori attitudes occur, and even there is a refusal of
policies from the target group. In other words, a
desire arises to leak, distort, or change the
information provided to the public, and causing
Efforts to implement the eradication process of anti
corruption starts from prevention to enforcement
requires synergy of cross-sectoral communication
within all components of the nation, both
executives in central government to regional or
local governments, legislatures, judiciary, and
private sector. According to Corning (1995)
synergy is part of self-awareness to be able to work
together with others.[20] In essence, existing
organization contains humans as social creatures
who cannot live alone (zoon politicon). To be able
to survive, humans must interact and relate to other
people in different organizations or places.
Likewise, in the context to make Indonesia that is
free from corruption, the synergy of all state
stakeholders is an absolute requirement to develop
communication synergy so that the policy in line
with leadership to secure information in the
Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission.
Synergy relationship by Indonesia Corruption
Eradication Commission with external stakeholders
are very important in order to prevent corruption.
While the internal synergy of the Indonesia
Corruption Eradication Commission harmonizes
policy makers and implementors so as to minimize
the occurrence of irregularities on the grass root. As
an institution, that is expected by the community
for Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission
independence and integrity to eradicate corruption.
Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission
needs synergy with all components of the nation so
March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 12006 - 12016
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
that the implementation, function and tasks can run
optimally in order to create an Indonesia that is free
of corruption.
The Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission
synergy is able to double eradicating corruption,
this is in line with Deardorff and Williams that
synergy is a multiplier effect that allows
exponential multiplication through joint efforts
(Deardorff and Williams, 2006). Synergy between
components of the nation requires the participation
of relevant stakeholders so that goodwill and
political will are needed synchronously between the
Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission, the
Ministry of Communication and Information, and
the National Police so that unauthorized cannot
disseminate classified informations to public. This
synergy is carried out with positive instincts,
empowering, and using by Indonesia Corruption
Eradication Commission members as unified state
organization. Synergy of all stakeholders can
achieve: Firstly, Socialization of anti-corruption as
well as information security can be well
maintained; Secondly, facilitate the prevention of
corruption by Indonesia Corruption Eradication
Commission with the accuracy of the news and
accuracy arrested of suspects who is alleged
committing corruption; Thirdly, the realization of
synergy in information security can be established;
and Fourth, execution of anti corruption eradication
will raise significant result in combating corruption.
Developing information security through synergic
communication can reduce failures or non-
implementation policy and unsuccessful
implementation in the Indonesia Corruption
Eradication Commission. All implementors work
together efficiently and master problems according
to their respective tasks and functions. Even
unsuccessful implementation can be avoided
because of the solidity of internal communication
with an information security system, that is
guaranteed with legal aspects and independent
4.2 Developing Information Security System of
the Indonesia Corruption Eradication
In general, the purpose of information security is to
guarantee availability, that is, information is always
available when needed and is easy to obtain.
Integrity ensures that data is not altered by the
unauthorized apparatus. Disruption to integrity
causes the information received by the recipient to
be incompatible with the information that should
be. The warrant letter leak case and the fake
invitation letter of Indonesia Corruption Eradication
Commission in the past, are a form of attack on the
integrity of information. Although the Indonesia
Corruption Eradication Commission has clarified
that it did not send any information, but the
information was created by an irresponsible party
on behalf of the Indonesia Corruption Eradication
Commission. Thus, confidentiality is only to those
who have the authority.
Developing information security system is not an
instant process but it is a process that is carried out
continuously. To protect the exempt information
belonging to the Indonesia Corruption Eradication
Commission of wiretapping, theft, fabrication need
reliable information security system in terms of
hardware, software and manware. Equipment
(hardware) that is reliable, strong in various fields
and weather already owned by the Indonesia
Corruption Eradication Commission. Secure
software is protected with unbreakable encryption,
not easily hacked. Thus the logical consequence is
updating by sophisticated and layered information
security system. Last but not least, human resources
with a high integrity and capacity is always needed
to prevent corruption.
The Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission
needs to adjust with global information security
standards and enforce consistently with high
political will of the ISO 27001 [21], through a Plan-
Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, accordingly
improvements are made continuously. The internal
information security policy makers require good
March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 12006 - 12016
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
communication in developing security policies;
organization for information security functions;
asset management; security of human resources;
physical and environmental safety; communication
and operational management; access control;
information system acquisition, development and
maintenance; information security incident
management; business process management; and
compliance. At least the political will and goodwill
by policy makers towards implementor must be
strong on four aspects: human resources, access
control, management of information security
incidents, and integrity of human resources to avoid
information leakage.
Indeed, the development and implementation of
information security system can be done gradually,
but the determination of the scope and phasing must
be determined based on a clear risk analysis. Risk
analysis is preceded by an inventory of assets
related to information managed by the organization
so that it can be known which parts are vulnerable
to information leakage. The Indonesia Corruption
Eradication Commission information security
policy formulation needs to measure the level of
risk exposure for the possibility of information
leakage based on previous experience. Policy
makers in information security can then give
authority to the implementor to just accept the
situation, control the situation (mitigate), reject, or
transfer to other parties or stakeholders while
maintaining authority of each institution. It must be
clear which part has the authority so it does not
become an “overlapping territory".
The last and very decisive point is humans as
executors should have high integrity. As strong and
sophisticated hardware and software but if manned
by people who do not have integrity, the
information will be leaked by humans, vice versa.
The Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission
is the foundation of citizen in combatting
corruption. The Indonesia Corruption Eradication
Commission ensures information security in its
organization. Comprehensive and holistic
improvements must be made by policy makers who
are "guaranteed" by the information security policy
implementor in all parts of the organization within
individual entities and sub-organizations of the
Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commission.
Policy implementation is a dynamic activities
which are the implementation of political decisions,
in the form of law, programs, and activities
involving not only the implementor up to the level
of street level bureaucracy, but also involving the
community. Community involve themselves in
accessing their interests and achieving the interests
of policy makers. Indonesia will be free from
corruption if the synergy of all components of the
state stakeholders by building synergistic
communication. Relationships in the form of
external synergies by the Indonesia Corruption
Eradication Commission are very important in
order not to prevent corruption. Meanwhile, the
internal synergy of the Indonesia Corruption
Eradication Commission harmonizes policy makers
with implementors so as to minimize the
occurrence of irregularities and leakage
The purpose of information security is to guarantee
availability, information is always available when it
is needed and easy to obtain it. Integrity ensures
data does not change by unauthorized person or
poor data transmission. Confidentiality means
maintaining the confidentiality of information from
all parties, except those who have the authority. To
build a reliable and unbreakable information
security system, the Indonesia Corruption
Eradication Commission must have hardware,
software, and manware that are reliable.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
The public information disclosure policy has entered its 7th year of implementation since it was enacted in 2008 and began to be implemented in 2010. As with other procedures, monitoring and evaluation are required in the application so that the policy implementation does not deviate from the expected. In this Jokowi administration era, the ideas to realise open government are getting closer to the support of the development of information technology. But how is it implemented in the area? This research wants to photograph the implementation of public information disclosure policy in East Java, consisting of 38 districts/municipalities and 56 units of regional apparatus. The results of this study indicate that for the district or city government, the implementation of this information disclosure policy has been an encouraging development, but not so with the Regional Device Work Unit. Likewise, the Information Management and Documentation Officer also experienced progress although there are still shortcomings in the implementation of its duties.
A growing literature in public policy, comparative politics and international relations has studied how the policies of one unit (e.g. country, federal state or city) are influenced by the policies of other units - that is, how policies diffuse. This article provides a meta-analysis of 114 studies, demonstrating persisting inconsistencies in the measurement of the mechanisms driving policy diffusion processes. Different indicators are used to measure the same mechanism, and the same indicators are used to measure different mechanisms. To improve this state of affairs, this article puts forward a conceptual structure that serves as a guide for the application of diffusion arguments, a starting point for theoretical refinement and a benchmark to assess measurement validity. In addition to paying more attention to the conceptual consistency of indicators, overcoming the problems currently found in the literature requires the construction of original, innovative research designs instead of the replication of widely used templates.
Information Security Policy Implementation in Central Sulawesi Provincial Government¸ Bandung
  • Ridwan
Ridwan. (2016). Information Security Policy Implementation in Central Sulawesi Provincial Government¸ Bandung: Padjadjaran University.
Jelajah Kriptologi. Jakarta: Lembaga Sandi Negara
  • Soemarkidjo
Soemarkidjo. (2006). Jelajah Kriptologi. Jakarta: Lembaga Sandi Negara.
Kebijakan Publik: Membangun Kebijakan Publik yang Responsif
  • Budiman Rusli
Rusli, Budiman. (2013). Kebijakan Publik: Membangun Kebijakan Publik yang Responsif. Bandung: Publishing
Policy Analysis for The Real Word
  • W Brian
  • Lewis A Hogwood
  • Gun
Brian W, Hogwood, and Lewis A. Gun. (1984). Policy Analysis for The Real Word. London: Oxford University Press.
Implementing Public Policy
  • Iii Edward
Edward III, G.C. 1980. Implementing Public Policy. Washington D.C: Congressional Quarterly Press.
Sistem Pengolahan Informasi
  • William Davis
Davis, William, S. (1981). Sistem Pengolahan Informasi. New York: Wesley Publishing.