
UGE I: Mind&Cognitive branch-sciences, independent root-compilation of 'DynEq' Lexicon empirical statements, working-hypotheses, phenomenological ciphers, and protocols

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UG Extended working hypotheses UGE I Synopsis UGE I: Mind&Cognitive branch-sciences, independent Journal root-compilation of 'DynEq' Lexicon empirical statements, working-hypotheses, phenomenological ciphers, and protocols The article outlines interchangeable titles and definitions (concluding principia (i)) for an independent Journal collection, and provides exemplars of generative empirical-statements for mainstay broad-bandwidths of corroborative experimentation, topically defining {foundational praxis and empirical tracts in consciousness studies as phenomenological-ciphers and working- hypotheses}. Integrated protocols also cite Special and General Theories of Ontological Relativity and relational-worldview. The journal's definitions and principle charter are supported by rejoinders to Harald Atmanspacher on transdisciplinary and emergent organisational principles of consciousness studies. These have basis in mind and cognitive sciences, and an experimentalist tradition of a longitudinal emergent-renaissance: as crucial supports for psychophysical, mental, cultural, secular, and spiritual flourishing. Text is secondarily-modelled as Natural Language extensions to Universal Grammar and innateness theory, as interwoven curricula calls of Chomsky 2018. Mapped foundational disciplines of the Prana and Qi Systems interface and related others, comprise a primary experimental-interface with an emergent synthesis of diagnostics for backgrounds and foregrounds of inner&outer peacekeeping & peace-building. Protocols in 'DynamEq Lexicon Templates from text: "Dialogs: DynamEq [& EQnimity], of Inner&Outer [BranchScience] Peace-building".

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