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ISSN: 1989-6581
Grosso-Silva et al. (2020)
Stephanitis takeyai Drake & Maa, 1955 (Hemiptera: Tingidae),
new species for Portugal.
José Manuel Grosso-Silva 1, Iúri Frias 1 & Torsten van der Heyden 2
1 Museu de História Natural e da Ciência da Universidade do Porto (MHNC-UP) / PRISC, Praça Gomes Teixeira.
4099-002 Porto, Portugal. e-mails:;
2 Immenweide 83. D-22523 Hamburg, Germany. e-mail:
Abstract: The first records of Stephanitis takeyai Drake & Maa, 1955 (Hemiptera: Tingidae) from Portugal are
reported. The European distribution of the species is summarized.
Key words: Hemiptera, Tingidae, Stephanitis takeyai, Portugal, Europe, distribution, first records.
Resumen: Stephanitis takeyai Drake & Maa, 1955 (Hemiptera: Tingidae), nueva especie para Portugal. Se
presentan las primeras citas de Stephanitis takeyai Drake & Maa, 1955 (Hemiptera: Tingidae) de Portugal. Se resume la
distribución europea de la especie.
Palabras clave: Hemiptera, Tingidae, Stephanitis takeyai, Portugal, Europa, distribución, primeras citas.
Recibido: 13 de octubre de 2020 Publicado on-line: 20 de octubre de 2020
Aceptado: 18 de octubre de 2020
The andromeda lacebug, Stephanitis takeyai Drake & Maa, 1955 (Hemiptera: Tingidae), is an
Asian species described from Japan that has been introduced into several areas around the globe,
namely Europe, India, and the United States of America (DRAKE & RUHOFF, 1965; PÉRICART &
GOLUB, 1996; RABITSCH, 2008, 2010). The species lives on ornamental plants of the family Ericaceae
(Pieris, Rhododendron, Lyonia), showing a preference for Pieris japonica (Thunb.) D. Don ex G. Don
(RABITSCH, 2008).
In Europe, S. takeyai was first recorded in the Netherlands in 1994 (AUKEMA, 1996), and
subsequently from England (MALUMPHY et al., 1998), Poland (SOIKA & LABANOWSKI, 1999), Italy
(COLOMBO & LIMONTA, 2001), Germany (HOFFMANN, 2003; HOMMES et al., 2003), Belgium
(AUKEMA et al., 2005), France (STREITO & MARTINEZ, 2005; STREITO, 2006), Switzerland
(MEGRÓZ, 2008), the Czech Republic (HRADIL et al., 2008), Austria (RABITSCH & FRIEß, 2011),
Hungary (VÉTEK et al., 2012), Spain (PÉREZ-OTERO & MANSILLA, 2012), and Slovakia (BARTA &
BIBEŇ, 2016). In the Iberian Peninsula, its presence is only recorded from the north-western province
of Pontevedra (PÉREZ-OTERO & MANSILLA, 2012).
In the present contribution we record S. takeyai from mainland Portugal for the first time,
representing a southwards extension of its known Iberian distribution, which remains limited to the
north-western part of Iberia. The specimens studied were identified with the key provided by
STREITO (2006).
Material examined: PORTUGAL: Porto district: Porto municipality: Porto Botanical Garden
(29TNF3056), 20/09/2019, 8 specimens, Iúri Frias leg. (MHNC-UP collection: MHNCUP/ART/37662
to MHNCUP/ART/37669). The specimens were collected on P. japonica and the species has
subsequently been observed multiple times on the same spot, the most recent observation on
Grosso-Silva et al. (2020): Stephanitis takeyai Drake & Maa, 1955 (Hemiptera: Tingidae), new species for Portugal.
AUKEMA, B. 1996. Stephanitis takeyai on Pieris japonica. Mededelingen van de Plantenziektenkundige Dienst, 179: 46-47.
AUKEMA, B., BRUERS, J. & VISKENS, G. 2005. Nieuwe en zeldzame Belgische wantsen (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Bulletin
de la Société royale belge d’Entomologie / Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie, 141: 33-37.
BARTA, M. & BIBEŇ, T. 2016. Stephanitis takeyai and S. rhododendri (Heteroptera: Tingidae) in Slovakia: first record and
economic importance. Journal of Plant Protection Research, 56(2): 193-198.
COLOMBO, M. & LIMONTA, L. 2001. Presenza di Stephanitis takeyai Drake & Maa (Heteroptera, Tingidae) su Pieris
japonica (Thumb.) D. Don introdotta in Italia. Bollettino di Zoologia agraria e di Bachicoltura, Serie II, 33(2): 139-142.
DRAKE, C.J. & RUHOFF, F.A. 1965. Lacebugs of the World. A Catalog (Hemiptera: Tingidae). Bulletin of the United States
National Museum, 243: 1-634.
HOFFMANN, H.-J. 2003. Die Gitterwanze Stephanitis takeyai Drake & Maa, 1955 neu für Deutschland (Hemiptera-
Heteroptera, Tingidae). Heteropteron, 16: 21-23.
HOMMES, M., WESTHOFF, J. & MELBER, A. 2003. Andromeda-Netzwanze, Stephanitis takeyai Drake et Maa
(Heteroptera: Tingidae) erstmals für Deutschland nachgewiesen. Nachrichtenblatt des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes,
55(8): 174-177.
HRADIL, K., KMENT, P., BRYJA, J., ROHÁČOVÁ, M., BAŇAŘ, P. & ĎURČOVÁ, K. 2008. New and interesting records of
true bugs (Heteroptera) from the Czech Republic and Slovakia IV (in Czech). Klapalekiana, 44(3-4): 165-206.
MALUMPHY, C., MACLEOD, A., BARTLETT, P. & HEAD, J. 1998. Andromeda lacebug (Stephanitis takeyai Drake & Maa).
Plant Pest Notice, 24: 1-4.
MEGRÓZ, A. 2008. Ein weiterer neuer Schädling. Die Andromeda-Netzwanze neu auch in der Schweiz. Der Gartenbau,
42(8): 2-3.
PÉREZ-OTERO, R. & MANSILLA, J.P. 2012. Primera cita de Stephanitis takeyai Drake & Maa, 1955 (Hemiptera, Tingidae)
en la Península Ibérica. Arquivos Entomolóxicos, 7: 201-204.
PÉRICART, J. & GOLUB, V.B. 1996. Superfamily TINGOIDEA Laporte, 1832. Family TINGIDAE Laporte, 1832 – lacebugs,
pp. 3-78. In: AUKEMA, B. & RIEGER, C. (eds.). Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Volume 2.
Cimicomorpha I. The Netherlands Entomological Society, Amsterdam. 361 pp.
RABITSCH, W. 2008. Alien True Bugs of Europe (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Zootaxa, 1827: 1-44.
RABITSCH, W. 2010. True Bugs (Hemiptera, Heteroptera). Chapter 9.1. In: ROQUES, A., KENIS, M., LEES, D., LOPEZ-
VAAMONDE, C., RABITSCH, W., RASPLUS, J.-Y. & ROY, D.B. (eds.). Alien terrestrial arthropods of Europe. BioRisk, 4(1):
RABITSCH, W. & FRIEß, T. 2011. Stephanitis takeyai Drake & Maa, 1955 (Heteroptera: Tingidae) in Österreich
festgestellt. Beiträge zur Entomofaunistik, 12: 150-152.
SOIKA, G. & LABANOWSKI, G. 1999. The andromeda lace bug – a new pest in Poland (in Polish). Onchrony Roslin, 43(3):
STREITO, J.-C. 2006. Note sur quelques espèces envahissantes de Tingidae: Corythucha ciliata (Say, 1932), Stephanitis
pyrioides (Scott, 1874) et Stephanitis takeyai Drake & Maa, 1955 (Hemiptera Tingidae). L’Entomologiste, 62(1-2): 31-36.
STREITO, J.C. & MARTINEZ, M. 2005. Actualités entomologiques: nouveaux ravageurs introduits (période janvier 2000 à
juin 2005). Annales de la 7ème Conférence Internationale sur les Ravageurs en Agriculture, Montpellier, 2005-10-26/27. 7
VÉTEK, G., KONDOROSY, E. & MARÁCZI, L. 2012. First record of the andromeda lace bug (Stephanitis takeyai Drake et
Maa) (Heteroptera: Tingidae) in Hungary (in Hungarian). Növényvédelem, 48(1): 21-26.