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Contribution to the knowledge of Hymenoptera from the Aeolian Archipelago (Sicily), emphasizing Aculeata


Abstract and Figures

This study provides the first contribution to the knowledge of the Order Hymenoptera, emphasizing Aculeata, for the Aeolian archipelago, based on recent field investigations and examination of several collections. A total of 169 species belonging to 19 families are recorded: Evaniidae (1 species), Aulacidae (2 species), Gasteruptiidae (3 species), Ichneumonidae (1 species), Leucospidae (1 species), Chrysididae (8 species), Tiphiidae (3 species), Scoliidae (6 species), Mutillidae (13 species), Pompilidae (6 species), Vespidae (14 species), Sphecidae (6 species), Crabronidae (24 species), Formicidae (14 species), Colletidae (4 species), Andrenidae (8 species), Halictidae (29 species), Megachilidae (12 species), Apidae (14 species). Most part of species are newly recorded for the Aeolian Archipelago, the following being new records for Sicily: Dryudella esterinae Pagliano, 2001, Nysson quadriguttatus Spinola, 1808, Miscophus aetoni Saunders, 1903, Miscophus lusitanicus Andrade, 1952, Cerceris circularis dacica Schletterer, 1887 (Crabronidae), and Lasioglossum (Dialictus) semilucens (Alfken, 1914) (Halictidae); Miscophus lusitanicus is also newly recorded for Italy. Combining the available data, a total of 218 species of Hymenoptera are currently known for the Aeolian Archipelago. The Hymenoptera fauna of these islands is dominated by widespread Mediterranean or West Palaearctic species, and most of them are also found in the Western Mediterranean Basin. The study briefly highlights some key points regarding biogeographical and conservation of this group and its significant role in the management of ecosystems in the Aeolian Archipelago.
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Contribution to the knowledge of Hymenoptera from the
Aeolian Archipelago (Sicily), emphasizing Aculeata
1Via Cristoforo Colombo 8, 95030 Pedara, Italy; e-mail:
2Contrada Filangeri s.n.c., Vill. Pistunina, 98125 Messina, Italy; e-mail:
3Nesos, via Vittorio Emanuele 24, 98055 Lipari, Messina, Italy; e-mail:
4Via Psaumida, 17, lotto 25, 97100 Ragusa, Italy; e-mail:
5Via dei Tarquini 22, 01100 Viterbo, Italy; e-mail:
*Corresponding author
ABSTRACT This study provides the first contribution to the knowledge of the Order Hymenoptera, empha-
sizing Aculeata, for the Aeolian archipelago, based on recent field investigations and examination
of several collections. A total of 169 species belonging to 19 families are recorded: Evaniidae (1
species), Aulacidae (2 species), Gasteruptiidae (3 species), Ichneumonidae (1 species), Leucosp-
idae (1 species), Chrysididae (8 species), Tiphiidae (3 species), Scoliidae (6 species), Mutillidae
(13 species), Pompilidae (6 species), Vespidae (14 species), Sphecidae (6 species), Crabronidae
(24 species), Formicidae (14 species), Colletidae (4 species), Andrenidae (8 species), Halictidae
(29 species), Megachilidae (12 species), Apidae (14 species). Most part of species are newly
recorded for the Aeolian Archipelago, the following being new records for Sicily: Dryudella es-
terinae Pagliano, 2001, Nysson quadriguttatus Spinola, 1808, Miscophus aetoni Saunders, 1903,
Miscophus lusitanicus Andrade, 1952, Cerceris circularis dacica Schletterer, 1887 (Crabronidae),
and Lasioglossum (Dialictus) semilucens (Alfken, 1914) (Halictidae); Miscophus lusitanicus is
also newly recorded for Italy. Combining the available data, a total of 218 species of Hymenoptera
are currently known for the Aeolian Archipelago. The Hymenoptera fauna of these islands is
dominated by widespread Mediterranean or West Palaearctic species, and most of them are also
found in the Western Mediterranean Basin. The study briefly highlights some key points regarding
biogeographical and conservation of this group and its significant role in the management of
ecosystems in the Aeolian Archipelago.
The Aeolian Islands have great importance in
terms of environmental and biological heritage, and
have been recognized by UNESCO as World Heri-
tage Site. This archipelago harbors five protected
areas and several sites of the Nature 2000 network,
and has been also proposed as National Park in
2007, although that has not yet been followed by a
real institution. Both fauna and flora of these islands
are characterized by the occurrence of many species
of biogeographical and conservation interest, inclu-
ding some endemics. The faunal knowledge may be
considered exhaustive for vertebrates, while several
Aeolian Archipelago; Sicily; Hymenoptera; faunal list.
Giuseppe Fabrizio Turrisi1*, Giovanni Altadonna2, Pietro Lo Cascio3, Vittorio Nobile4 & Marco Selis5
Biodiversity Journal, 2020,11 (3): 717–750
Received 21.05.2020; accepted 02.07.2020; published online 30.09.2020
38°21’54” and 38°48’40” latitude North and
14°20’35” and 15°14’70” longitude East of Green-
wich, in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea. It includes
seven main islands (Lipari, Salina, Vulcano, Strom-
boli, Filicudi, Alicudi and Panarea) whose surface
ranges from 37.29 to 3.34 km2, and several unin-
habited islets and rocks. The sourthernmost island,
Vulcano, is located 20 km from the Sicily, while the
northernmost, Stromboli, is only 55 far from the
Italian Peninsula (Capo Vaticano). The origin of this
volcanic archipelago is strictly linked to the sub-
duction processes related to the convergence be-
tween African and Euro-Asiatic plates. The islands
are disposed along a semi-arc and represents the top
of a wide volcanic system, that includes also several
sea-mounts. The beginning of the activity in this
area is dated back about 1,000,000 years ago, but
the actual islands emerged during the last 300,000
years and some of them (for instance, Alicudi,
Stromboli and Vulcano) are rather “young”, with an
estimated age of less than 100,000 years. Currently
there are only three active volcanoes, namely
Stromboli, Gran Cratere or La Fossa on Vulcano
and a sub-marine crater off the eastern coast of
Panarea. The first human settlements in the
archipelago are dated to the end of 6th millennium
B.C., hence the islands have undergone to a long-
term anthropization; this trait play a significant role
in their actual landscape, that is widely character-
ized by terraced agricultural lands, mostly aban-
doned since the dramatic economical crisis that
involved the local communities between late 19th
and the first half of the 20th century. Currently these
areas host a complex mosaic of xeric grasslands,
garrigues and maquis, with more mature and struc-
turated spots of the latter occurring on the top and
the inner part of some islands (Salina, Lipari, Fil-
icudi) (Lo Cascio, 2017).
Data provided in the present paper include the
records given in literature and those obtained from
the museum and private collections of the authors
and several colleagues. The most part of the field
surveys was done on the islands of Lipari and Vul-
cano, but some investigations were carried out on
other islands. The specimens were gathered mainly
through traditional collecting-methods (hand net),
but also yellow-pan traps, Moericke traps, wine
groups of invertebrates remain still less investigated
(Lo Cascio, 2017).
Among them, the hymenopterans have been only
poorly studied despite their ecological importance,
e.g., for the pollination of wild plants and crops as
well as for the biological control of many groups of
Arthropods. Data on the Hymenoptera from these
islands are scanty and scattered in a wide literature,
which includes monographs, collection’s and taxo-
nomic reviews (Santschi, 1927, 1934; Baroni Ur-
bani, 1964, 1971; Warncke, 1981; Pagliano, 1987;
Gayubo et al., 1988; Matteini Palmerini, 1992; Pa-
gliano & Nobile, 1993; Ebmer, 1995; Olmi, 1999;
Sanetra et al., 1999; Czösz & Schulz, 2010; Vicido-
mini et al., 2005; Boni Bartalucci, 2012; Pavesi &
Rosa, 2013; Borowiec et al., 2015; Turrisi et al.,
2015; Seifert, 2016; Korenko, 2017; Scupola, 2019),
the “Checklist of Italian fauna” (Comba & Comba,
2005; Generani et al., 2005; Olmi, 2005; Strumia,
2005), papers related to apicolture and/or biological
control (Monastero & Genduso, 1964a, 1964b; Mo-
nastero, 1965; Monastero & Delaonoue, 1965,
1966a, 1966b, Genduso & Mineo, 1974; Dall’Olio
et al., 2008; Daane & Johnson, 2010; Bouga et al.,
2011; Tenore et al., 2012; Muñoz et al., 2014; Utzeri
et al., 2018) and faunal papers concerning Italian pe-
ninsular and insular areas or other islands (Kutter,
1927; Baccetti, 1967; Focarile, 1972; Nobile & Tur-
risi, 1996; Lo Cascio et al., 1998; Mei, 1998, 2008;
Turrisi, 1999; Lo Cascio & Navarra, 2003; Borsato
& Turrisi, 2004; Lo Cascio, 2004, 2015; Lo Cascio
& Romano, 2004; Lo Cascio et al., 2006; Jucker et
al., 2008; Ceccolini & Barbagli, 2014; Queiroz &
Alves, 2016; Turrisi & Altadonna, 2017; Korenko
& Di Giovanni, 2019), while just few papers are spe-
cifically referred to the fauna of the Aeolian Archi-
pelago, although not exclusively dedicated to
Hymenoptera (Costantino, 1937; Lo Cascio, 2004).
The aim of this paper is to update the knowledge
of the Hymenoptera of the Aeolian Archipelago th-
rough the study of the material from several private
and museum collections and that collected during
recent field surveys.
Study area
The Aeolian Archipelago (Fig. 1) lies between
Contribution to the knowledge of Hymenoptera from the Aeolian Archipelago (Sicily), emphasizing Aculeata
traps and light traps have been used. For each
species treated, we provide:
1) list of material examined;
2) distribution;
3) remarks, including eventual previous records.
The list of species is arranged according to the
“Checklist della Fauna d’Italia” (Ruffo & Stock,
ACRONYMS. GAC: Giovanni Altadonna,
Messina, Italy; WBC: Walter Borsato,Verona, Italy;
DSCC: Dipartimento Scienze Biologiche, Geo-
logiche e Ambientali, Università di Catania,
Sezione Biologia Animale, Italy; PLCC: Pietro Lo
Cascio, Lipari, Italy; MMC: Maurizio Mei, Roma,
Italy; RAC: Museo Regionale di Terrasini (Coll. R.
Alliata), Terrasini (Palermo), Italy; PNC: Pietro
Niolu, Sassari, Italy; VNC: Vittorio Nobile, Ragusa,
Italy; MRC: Marcello Romano, Capaci (Palermo),
Italy; MSC: Marco Selis, Viterbo, Italy; GFTC:
Giuseppe FabrizioTurrisi, Pedara (Catania), Italy;
CVC: Carlo Violani, Milan, Italy.
A total of 169 species are herein recorded for the
Aeolian Archipelago, belonging to 19 families:
Evaniidae (1 species), Aulacidae (2 species),
Gasteruptiidae (3 species), Ichneumonidae (1
species), Leucospidae (1 species), Chrysididae (8
species), Tiphiidae (3 species), Scoliidae (6 species),
Mutillidae (13 species), Pompilidae (6 species),
Sphecidae (6 species), Crabronidae (24 species),
Vespidae (14 species), Formicidae (14 species), Col-
letidae (4 species), Andrenidae (8 species), Halictidae
(29 species), Megachilidae (12 species), Apidae (14
species). A summary of the distribution of Hy-
menoptera on the Aeolian Archipelago, including
records from literature, is provided in Table 1.
Faunal list
Zeuxevania splendidula (Costa, 1884) (Fig. 2)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Pianoconte, 7.VI.
1997, 3 females, G.F. Turrisi leg. and det. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. South European.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Figure 1. Localization of the study area.
Pristaulacus galitae (Gribodo, 1879)
2008, 2 males, 2 females, M. Mei leg., G.F. Turrisi
det. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. West Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago,
known from many other Mediterranean islands,
e.g., Maltese Islands (Turrisi, 2007; Turrisi & Rattu,
Pristaulacus lindae Turrisi, 2000 (Fig. 3)
2008, 1 female, M. Mei leg., G.F. Turrisi det.
DISTRIBUTION. South West European.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Described from Sicily (Turrisi, 2000), subsequently
recorded from other localities from Eastern Sicily
(Turrisi, 2007), it has recently been recorded from
Iberian Peninsula (Carbonell-Font & Turrisi, 2017).
Gasteruption assectator (Linnaeus, 1758)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Castellaro, 23. VI.
1998, 1 female, B. Carletti, B. Cecchi, L. Dapporto,
P. Lo Cascio, C. Moreno leg., G.F. Turrisi det.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Gasteruption erythrostomum (Dahlbom, 1831)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Urnazzo, 2. VI.
1997, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., G.F. Turrisi det.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Gasteruption jaculator (Linnaeus, 1758)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Pianoconte, 7.
VII. 1999, 1 female, G.F. Turrisi leg. and det.
DISTRIBUTION. West Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Eutanyacra picta (Schrank, 1776) (Fig. 4)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Piano, 4. VI. 1997,
1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., G.F. Turrisi det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. Palaearctic and Oriental.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Leucospis gigas Fabricius, 1793 (Fig. 5)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Pianoconte, 7. VI.
1997, G.F. Turrisi leg. and det. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. European Asian (southern part).
The record from Nearctic requires confirmation.
REMARKS. New for Lipari, previously observed
and photographed in Stromboli on 12.06.2011
asp?TOPIC_ID=146201). It is primarily associated
with Megachilidae (Noyes, 2019), and among the
known hosts there are two large Megachile (Chali-
codoma): M. (C.) parietina (Geoffroy, 1785) and
M. (C.) sicula Rossi, 1792, both collected in Lipari,
the former one in the same place and in the same
time along a dry-stone wall.
Hedychridium cf. mediocrum Linsenmaier, 1987
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Salina: Monte Fossa delle
Felci, VII.2017, P. Lo Cascio leg., P. Rosa det.
DISTRIBUTION. South European.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago and
Felci, VII.2017, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., P. Rosa
det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. South European.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Chrysis scutellaris Fabricius, 1794
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Filicudi: Capo Graziano,
26.VI.2016, 1 male, P. Lo Cascio leg., P. Rosa det.
DISTRIBUTION. West European.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Pseudochrysis neglecta (Shuckard, 1837)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Piano, 20. IV.
2009, 1 spec., P. Lo Cascio & F. Grita leg., P. Rosa
det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. European Asian
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Tiphia lepeletieri Berland, 1925
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Monte Chirica, 26.
IX.1996, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., G.F. Turrisi
det. (PLCC); Vallone Muria, VII.1999, 1 male, Mo-
ericke trap, P. Lo Cascio leg., G.F. Turrisi det.
(PLCC); Castellaro, IX.1998, 1 male, P. Lo Cascio
leg., G.F. Turrisi det. (PLCC).
REMARKS. Known from Sicily (Boni Bartalucci,
2012, 2013), new for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Meria dorsalis (Fabricius, 1804) (Fig. 8)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Urnazzo, 30. VII.
1996, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., G.F. Turrisi det.
(PLCC); Chiesa Vecchia, 7.VII.1999, 2 females, on
flowers of cultivated Petroselinum, G.F. Turrisi leg.
and det. (GFTC). Vulcano: Piano, 330 m a.s.l.,
18.VIII.2015, 1 female, G. Altadonna leg., G.F. Tur-
risi det. (GAC); 9-22.VIII.2015, 2 females, G. Alta-
donna leg., yellow-pan trap, G.F. Turrisi det. (GAC).
Hedychrum cf. micans ssp. europaeum Lin-
senmaier, 1959
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Salina: Monte Fossa delle
Felci, 22.V.2009, P. Lo Cascio & F. Grita leg., P.
Rosa det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. West European.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Holopyga fervida (Fabricius, 1781) (Fig. 6)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Alicudi: VII.2013, 2 fe-
males, P. Lo Cascio & F. Grita leg., P. Rosa det.
(PLCC). Vulcano, crater, VII.2016, 1female, P. Lo
Cascio leg., P. Rosa det. (PLCC); Lipari, Palmeto,
V.2016, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., P. Rosa det.
(PLCC). Panarea, Soldata, 20.V.2009, 1 female, P.
Lo Cascio & F. Grita leg., P. Rosa det. (PLCC).
Stromboli, Nel Cannestra, V.2016, 1 female, P. Lo
Cascio leg., P. Rosa det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. West Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Pseudomalus auratus (Linnaeus, 1758)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Castello environs,
8.VI.1997, 1 male, G.F. Turrisi leg. and det. (GFTC).
Lipari: Palmeto, 20.VI.1998, 1 female, B. Carletti et
al. leg., G.F. Turrisi det. (PLCC). Lipari: Monte
Guardia, IV.2009, 3 females, P. Lo Cascio & F. Grita
leg., reared from wood, G.F. Turrisi det. (PLCC).
REMARKS. Recently recorded from Lipari by
Pavesi & Rosa (2013).
Chrysis cf. auriceps Mader, 1936
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Panarea: Soldata, 230 m
a.s.l., 21.VIII.2015, 2 specs., G. Altadonna leg., yel-
low-pan trap, P. Rosa det. (GAC).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Chrysis cerastes Abeille De Perrin, 1877 (Fig. 7)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Salina: Monte Fossa delle
Contribution to the knowledge of Hymenoptera from the Aeolian Archipelago (Sicily), emphasizing Aculeata 721
DISTRIBUTION. European Asian.
REMARKS. Recorded from Lipari by Boni Bar-
talucci (2012), is newly recorded for Vulcano.
Meria tripunctata (Rossi, 1790)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Vallone Muria,
VII.1999, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., Moericke
trap, G.F. Turrisi det. (PLCC). Vulcano: Piano, 330
m a.s.l., 13.VIII.2015, 1 female, G. Altadonna leg.,
G.F. Turrisi det. (GAC); 9-22.VIII.2015, 3 females,
G. Altadonna leg., yellow-pan trap, M. Selis det.
DISTRIBUTION. West Mediterranean.
REMARKS. Recorded from Lipari by Boni Bar-
talucci (2012), is newly recorded for Vulcano.
Megascolia (Regiscolia) maculata ssp. flavifrons
(Fabricius, 1775)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Pianoconte, 7. VI.
1997, 1 male, G.F. Turrisi leg. and det. (GFTC);
Vulcano: Piani di Luccia, 2.VI.2012, 1 male, G. Al-
tadonna leg. and det. (GAC).
DISTRIBUTION. South European.
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari and Salina by
Generani et al., (2005) and for Vulcano, as Megas-
colia maculata (Drury, 1773), by Ceccolini &
Barbagli (2014).
Megascolia bidens (Fabricius, 1775)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Piano, 2. VI.
2011, 2 males, G. Altadonna leg. and det. (GAC)
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean.
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari and Vulcano by
Generani et al. (2005).
Scolia hirta (Schrank, 1781)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Castello environs,
8.VI.1997, 1 male, G.F. Turrisi leg. and det.
DISTRIBUTION. South West Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Scolia carbonaria (Linnaeus, 1767) (Fig. 9)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Pianoconte, 7.
VI.1997, 1 male, G.F. Turrisi leg. and det. (GFTC).
Lipari: Castello environs, 8.VI.1997, 1 male, G.F.
Turrisi leg. and det. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. South Italian Maghrebian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Colpa (Colpa) sexmaculata (Fabricius, 1781)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Monte Aria, 405
m a.s.l., 16.VIII.2014, 2 males, G. Altadonna leg.,
G.F. Turrisi det. (GAC, MSC).
DISTRIBUTION. Southern Europe.
REMARKS. Previously recorded for “Stromboli,
loc. Malpasseddu (Lipari, ME) 13.VII.2000, F.
Barbagli & S. Lotti [leg.]” and “Lipari, Monte
Guardia (ME) 25.VIII.1996, P. Lo Cascio [leg.]” by
Ceccolini & Barbagli (2014), is newly recorded for
Dasyscolia ciliata (Fabricius, 1787)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Piano, 330 m
a.s.l., 10.VIII.2013, 1 male, G. Altadonna leg., G.F.
Turrisi det. (GAC).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Bidecoloratilla leopoldina (Invrea, 1955)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Quattropani, 7.
VI.1997, 1 male, 1 female, G.F. Turrisi leg. and det.
(GFTC) (quoted in Turrisi, 1999, and Turrisi et al.,
2015); Vallone Muria, IX.1995, VII-VIII.1996,
3.VI.1997, 3.VIII.1997, 9 males, 12 females, P. Lo
Cascio leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Romano det.
(PLCC); Madoro, 21.VIII.1996, 25.II.1996, 8
males, 5 females, P. Lo Cascio & S. Pasta leg., P.
Lo Cascio & M. Romano det. (PLCC); Falcone,
6.V.2002, P. Lo Cascio leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Ro-
mano det. (PLCC) (this material is quoted in Lo
Cascio & Romano, 2004).
DISTRIBUTION. South European.
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari by Matteini
Palmerini (1992) and Turrisi (1999), Lipari and Fil-
icudi by Lo Cascio & Romano (2004), Lipari, Vul-
cano, Salina, Filicudi and Panarea by Lo Cascio
Ronisia ghilianii (Spinola, 1843)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: 3.X.1976, 1 fe-
male, B. Massa leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Romano
det. (MRC); Cappero, VII.1995, 1 female, P. Lo
Cascio leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Romano det.
(PLCC); Vallone Muria, VII.1995, 13.VIII.1996,
3.VI.1997, 4 females, P. Lo Cascio leg., P. Lo Cas-
cio & M. Romano det. (PLCC); Timpone Ricotta,
3.VI.1997, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., P. Lo Cas-
cio & M. Romano det. (PLCC); Palmeto,
VIII.1998, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., P. Lo Cas-
cio & M. Romano det. (PLCC). Panarea: Punta del
Corvo, 26.V.2000, 1female, P. Lo Cascio & C.
Moreno Camacho leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Romano
det. (PLCC) (quoted in Lo Cascio & Romano,
DISTRIBUTION. West Mediterranean.
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari and Panarea by
Lo Cascio & Romano (2004), quoted in Lo Cascio
Tropidotilla litoralis (Petagna, 1787)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: 1 female, M.G. Di
Palma leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Romano det. (MRC)
(this material is quoted in Lo Cascio & Romano,
DISTRIBUTION. European Mediterranean.
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari by Lo Cascio et
al., (1998), Lo Cascio & Romano (2004) and for Li-
pari and Vulcano by Lo Cascio (2015).
Nemka viduata ssp. viduata (Pallas, 1773)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Quattropani, 7. VI.
1997, 1 female, G.F. Turrisi leg. and det. (GFTC)
30.III.1997, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., P. Lo Cas-
cio & M. Romano det. (PLCC); Timpone Ricotta,
3.VI.1997, 1 male, 6 females, P. Lo Cascio leg., P.
Lo Cascio & M. Romano det. (PLCC) (quoted in
Lo Cascio & Romano, 2004).
DISTRIBUTION. West Mediterranean.
REMARKS. Recorded as Blakeius leopoldinus
(Invrea, 1955) for Lipari by Turrisi (1999) and Lo
Cascio & Romano (2004); for Salina and Vulcano
by Lo Cascio (2015).
Myrmilla (Myrmilla) calva (Villers, 1789)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Cappero, 19.VII.1995,
2 females, P. Lo Cascio & S. Pasta leg., P. Lo Cas-
cio & M. Romano det. (PLCC); Timpone Ospedale,
18.IV.1996, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., P. Lo Cas-
cio & M. Romano det. (PLCC); Vallone Muria,
VII.-VIII.1996, 3.VI.1997, 8 females, P. Lo Cascio
leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Romano det. (PLCC);
Madoro, 21.VIII.1996, 3 females, P. Lo Cascio &
S. Pasta leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Romano det.
(PLCC); Timpone Ricotta, VIII.1996, 3.VI.1997,
4.X.1997, 27.V.1998, 20.VI.1998, 1 male, 13 fe-
males, P. Lo Cascio leg. et al., P. Lo Cascio & M.
Romano det. (PLCC). Vulcano: Capo Grillo,
27.V.1983, 1 female, M. Romano leg., P. Lo Cascio
& M. Romano det. (MRC); Gran Cratere, 4.VI.
1997, 2 females, P. Lo Cascio leg., P. Lo Cascio &
M. Romano det. (PLCC) (this material is quoted in
Lo Cascio & Romano, 2004).
DISTRIBUTION. European Mediterranean.
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari and Vulcano by
Lo Cascio & Romano (2004), quoted in Lo Cascio
Ronisia brutia ssp. brutia (Petagna, 1787)
(Fig. 10)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Monte Sant’An-
gelo, 28.VI.1966, 1 female, V. Nobile leg., G.F.
Turrisi det. (quoted in Turrisi, 1999); Cappero,
25.V.1996, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., P. Lo Cascio
& M. Romano det. (PLCC); Palmeto, 10.VII.1996,
1 female, A. Nistri & S. Vanni leg., P. Lo Cascio &
M. Romano det. (CVC); Quattropani, 3.V.2001, 1
female, P. Lo Cascio leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Ro-
mano det. (PLCC). Filicudi, Zucco Grande,
Contribution to the knowledge of Hymenoptera from the Aeolian Archipelago (Sicily), emphasizing Aculeata 723
(quoted in Turrisi, 1999); Cappero, VII.1995, 1 fe-
male, P. Lo Cascio leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Romano
det. (PLCC); Palmeto, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio & V.
Pancioli leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Romano det.
(PLCC); Vallone dei Lacci, VIII.1995, 1 female, P.
Lo Cascio & V. Pancioli leg., P. Lo Cascio & M.
Romano det. (PLCC); Timpone Ricotta, 8.X.1996,
3.VI.1997, 3 females, P. Lo Cascio leg., P. Lo Cas-
cio & M. Romano det. (PLCC). Vulcano:
1.VI.1956, 1 female, E. Di Napoli leg., P. Lo Cascio
& M. Romano det. (RAC); 3-17.VII.1993, 1 fe-
male, M. Mei leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Romano det.
(MMC); Gran Cratere, 4.VI.1997, 4 females, P. Lo
Cascio leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Romano det.
(PLCC, MRC) (this material is quoted in Lo Cascio
& Romano, 2004).
DISTRIBUTION. South European.
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari by Turrisi
(1999), for Lipari and Vulcano by Lo Cascio & Ro-
mano (2004) and for Stromboli and the above men-
tioned islands by Lo Cascio (2015).
Physetopoda pusilla (Klug, 1835)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Vallone Muria,
18.VII.1996, 13.VIII.1996, 3 females, P. Lo Cascio
leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Romano det. (PLCC);
Fontanelle, 19.VIII.1996, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio &
S. Pasta leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Romano det.
(PLCC) (this material is quoted in Lo Cascio & Ro-
mano, 2004).
DISTRIBUTION. South European.
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari by Lo Cascio &
Romano (2004), quoted in Lo Cascio (2015).
Smicromyrme ausonia Invrea, 1950
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Vallone Muria,
13.VIII.1996, 1 male, P. Lo Cascio leg., P. Lo Cas-
cio & M. Romano det. (PLCC); Castellaro,
21.VIII.1999, 1 male, P. Lo Cascio & C. Moreno
Camacho leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Romano det.
(PLCC) (this material is quoted in Lo Cascio & Ro-
mano, 2004).
DISTRIBUTION. South European.
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari by Lo Cascio &
Romano (2004), quoted in Lo Cascio (2015).
Smicromyrme ruficollis (Fabricius, 1794)
1996, 1 male (light trap), P. Lo Cascio leg., P. Lo
Cascio & M. Romano det. (PLCC); Fontanelle,
19.VIII.1996, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio & S. Pasta
leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Romano det. (PLCC); Val-
lone Muria, VIII-IX.1998, 7 males, P. Lo Cascio
leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Romano det. (PLCC).
Vulcano: 3-17.VII.1993, 1 female, M. Mei leg., P.
Lo Cascio & M. Romano det. (MMC); Monte
Lentia, 4.VI.1997, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., P.
Lo Cascio & M. Romano det. (PLCC). Stromboli:
Scari, 24.VI.1998, 1 male (light trap), B. Carletti
et al., leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Romano det.
(PLCC) (this material is quoted in Lo Cascio &
Romano, 2004).
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari, Vulcano and
Stromboli by Lo Cascio & Romano (2004), quoted
in Lo Cascio (2015).
Smicromyrme sulcisia Invrea, 1955
1995, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., P. Lo Cascio &
M. Romano det. (PLC); Vallone Muria, VII-
VIII.1996, 3.VI.1997, 1 male, 7 females, P. Lo Cas-
cio leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Romano det. (PLC).
Vulcano: Monte Lentia, 4.VI.1997, 1 male, 4 fe-
males, P. Lo Cascio leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Ro-
mano det. (PLC); Gran Cratere, 4.VI.1997,
22.VI.1998, 3 females, P. Lo Cascio et al. leg., P.
Lo Cascio & M. Romano det. (PLC); Piano,
23.V.2000, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio and C. Moreno
Camacho leg., P. Lo Cascio & M. Romano det.
(PLC) (quoted in Lo Cascio & Romano, 2004).
DISTRIBUTION. South European.
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari and Vulcano by
Lo Cascio & Romano (2004) as S. ingauna Invrea,
1958 (see also Lo Cascio, 2015).
Smicromyrme trinotata (A. Costa, 1858)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Vallone Muria,
VII. 1995, 1 male, P. Lo Cascio leg. and det. (PLC)
(quoted in Lo Cascio & Romano, 2004).
DISTRIBUTION. Sicilian Sardinian Corsican.
Anoplius viaticus (Linnaeus, 1758)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Quattropani, 6.
VI.1997, 4 males, G.F. Turrisi leg. and det. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. West Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Aporus bicolor Spinola, 1808 (Fig. 12)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Urnazzo, 30. VII.
1996, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., G.F. Turrisi det.
(PLCC). Lipari: Quattropani, 6.VI.1997, 1 female,
G.F. Turrisi leg. and det. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. European Maghrebian Anatolian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Auplopus carbonarius (Scopoli, 1763)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Pianoconte, 7.
VI.1997, 1 male, G.F. Turrisi leg. and det. (GFTC).
Lipari: Castello environs, 8.VI.1997, 1f emale, G.F.
Turrisi leg. and det. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. Palaearctic (introduced in North
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Priocnemis (Priocnemis) propinqua (Lepel-
letier, 1845)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Pianoconte, 7.
VI.1997, 1 female, G.F. Turrisi leg.-det. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Leptochilus (Neoleptochilus) regulus (Saus-
sure, 1855)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: 3-17.VII.1993,
1 male, M. Mei leg., W. Borsato det. (WBC).
DISTRIBUTION. West Palaearctic.
REMARKS. The material examined is quoted in
Borsato & Turrisi (2004).
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari by Lo Cascio &
Romano (2004) as S. prope melanolepis (Costa,
1884) (see also Lo Cascio 2015).
Smicromyrme partita (Klug, 1835)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Vallone Muria,
VII.1995, VII-VIII.1996, 14.X.1996, 3.VI.1997,
9female, P. Lo Cascio leg. and det. (PLC) (quoted
in Lo Cascio & Romano, 2004).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean.
REMARKS. The species is recorded for Lipari as
Smicromyrme partita sensu lato by Lo Cascio &
Romano (2004) due to the lack of males, hence the
identification needs further study for confirmation.
Dasylabris maura ssp. maura (Linnaeus, 1758)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Timpone Ricotta,
4.X.1997, 27.V.1998, 20.IV.1998, 1 male, 3 fe-
males, P. Lo Cascio leg. and det. (PLC) (quoted in
Lo Cascio & Romano, 2004).
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari by Lo Cascio &
Romano (2004), quoted in Lo Cascio (2015).
Pompilus cinereus Fabricius, 1798 (Fig. 11)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Monte Lentia,
4.VI.1997, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., on sand,
G.F. Turrisi det. (PLCC). Vulcano: Piano, 330 m
a.s.l., 9-22.VIII.2015, 2 males, G. Altadonna leg.,
yellow-pan trap, G.F. Turrisi det. (GAC).
DISTRIBUTION. European Maghrebian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Agenioideus ciliatus (Lepelletier, 1845)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Timpone Ricotta,
27.V.1998, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., G.F. Turrisi
det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. European Anatolian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Contribution to the knowledge of Hymenoptera from the Aeolian Archipelago (Sicily), emphasizing Aculeata 725
Stenodynerus fastidiosissimus ssp. fastidio-
sissimus (Saussure, 1855)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: 3-17.VII.1993,
1 male, M. Mei leg., W. Borsato det. (WBC).
DISTRIBUTION. West Palaearctic.
REMARKS. The material examined is quoted in
Borsato & Turrisi (2004).
Ancistrocerus auctus ssp. auctus (Fabricius, 1793)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari, 8.VI.1997, 1 male,
G.F. Turrisi leg. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. European Asian.
REMARKS. The material examined is quoted in
Borsato & Turrisi (2004).
Ancistrocerus gazella (Panzer, 1798)
male, M. Mei leg., W. Borsato det. (WBC).
DISTRIBUTION. Palaearctic (introduced in North
America and New Zealand).
REMARKS. The material examined is quoted in
Borsato & Turrisi (2004).
Ancistrocerus longispinosus ssp. longispinosus
(Saussure, 1855)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: main town, 8.
VI.1997, 1 female, G.F. Turrisi leg., W. Borsato
det. (GFTC) (quoted in Borsato & Turrisi, 2004).
Salina, 7.IV.1990, 1 female, M. Mei leg., W. Bor-
sato det. (WBC) (quoted in Borsato & Turrisi,
2004). Vulcano: VII.1993, 1 female, M. Mei leg.,
W. Borsato det. (WBC) (quoted in Borsato & Tur-
risi, 2004); Piano, 330 m a.s.l., 2.VI.2012, 1 spec-
imen, G. Altadonna leg., M. Selis det. (MSC);
ibidem, 9.VIII.2013, 1 specimen, G. Altadonna
leg., M. Selis det. (GAC); ibidem, 16.VIII.2014,
1 specimen, G. Altadonna leg., M. Selis det.
(GAC); ibidem, 19.VIII.2014, 1 specimen, G. Al-
tadonna leg., yellow-pan trap, M. Selis det.
(MSC); ibidem, 22.VIII.2014, 1 specimen, G. Al-
tadonna leg., yellow-pan trap, M. Selis det.
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean.
REMARKS. Previously recorded for Vulcano, LI-
pari and Salina by Borsato & Turrisi (2004).
Eumenes coarctatus ssp. maroccanus Gusen-
leitner, 1972
male, M. Mei leg., W. Borsato det. (WBC).
DISTRIBUTION. South European Maghrebian.
REMARKS. The material examined is quoted in
Borsato & Turrisi (2004).
Eumenes mediterraneus ssp. mediterraneus
Kriechbaumer, 1879
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Pianoconte, 7.
VI.1997, 1 male, 3 females, G.F. Turrisi leg., W.
Borsato det. (GFTC) (quoted in Borsato & Turrisi,
2004). Vulcano: Piano, 330 m a.s.l., 9-22.VIII.2015,
2 females, G. Altadonna leg., yellow-pan trap, M.
Selis det. (MSC).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean.
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari by Borsato &
Turrisi (2004), newly recorded for Vulcano.
Delta unguiculatum (Villers, 1789) (Fig. 13)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Monte Guardia,
2.VI.1997, 1 male, P. Lo Cascio leg., G.F. Turrisi
det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. South European West Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Rynchium oculatum (Fabricius, 1781)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: crater,
VII.2017, 1 male, P. Lo Cascio leg., G.F. Turrisi
det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean South West Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Vespa crabro ssp. crabro Linnaeus, 1758
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Piano, 330 m
a.s.l., 9.VIII.2015, 1 male, G. Altadonna leg., wine
trap, M. Selis det. (GAC).
DISTRIBUTION. European Asian. This species is
widely introduced in the Nearctic and Southern
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Polistes (Polistes) dominula (Christ, 1791)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Piano, 330 m
a.s.l., 21.VIII.2014, 1 male, G. Altadonna leg., M.
Selis det. (GAC); ibidem, 9-22.VIII.2015, 1male,
G. Altadonna leg., yellow-pan trap, M. Selis det.
DISTRIBUTION. European Maghrebian (intro-
duced to South Africa, Australia and America).
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
The taxonomic concept and distribution of the
species belonging to the genus Polistes Latreille
herein identified follow the recent review of
Schmid-Egger et al., (2017).
Polistes (Polistes) gallicus (Linnaeus, 1767)
(Fig. 14)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Panarea, 23.VI.1967, 2 fe-
males, Sulfaro leg., M. Selis det. (GFTC). Vulcano,
12.IV.1968, 1 female, G. Marcuzzi leg., M. Selis
det. (GFTC); Vulcano: Capo Secco, 16.VIII.2015,
2 females, G. Altadonna leg., M. Selis det. (GAC);
Vulcano: Piano, 330 m a.s.l., 19.VIII.2014, 1 spec-
imen, G. Altadonna leg., yellow-pan trap, M. Selis
det. (MSC); Piano, 9-22.VIII.2015, 9 females, 2
males, G. Altadonna leg., yellow-pan trap, M. Selis
det. (MSC); ibidem, 12-18.VIII.2016, 5 specimens,
G. Altadonna leg., yellow-pan trap, M. Selis det.
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Polistes (Polistes) nimpha (Christ, 1791)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Piano, 330 m
a.s.l., 9-22.VIII.2015, 1 female, G. Altadonna leg.,
yellow pan trap, M. Selis det. (MSC); ibidem, 12-
18.VIII.2016, yellow pan trap, 2 specimens, G. Al-
tadonna leg., M. Selis det. (MSC).
DISTRIBUTION. European Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Vespula (Paravespula) germanica (Fabricius,
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Gelso, 30.
VIII.2014, 1 specimen, G. Altadonna leg., M. Selis
det. (MSC); Vulcano: Piano, 3.III.2019, 1 speci-
men, G. Altadonna leg., G.F. Turrisi det. (GAC). Li-
pari: Canneto, 21.II.1966, 1 female, M. La Greca
leg., G.F. Turrisi det. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. Palaearctic (largely introduced
and widespread in the Nearctic).
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Sceliphron destillatorium (Illiger, 1807)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Panarea, 18.VI.1967, 1 fe-
male, Sulfaro leg., G.F. Turrisi det. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. South Palaearctic.
REMARKS. Recorded for Panarea by Turrisi &
Altadonna (2017).
Sceliphron spirifex (Linnaeus, 1758)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Piano, 330 m
a.s.l., 6.VII.2012, 1 female, G. Altadonna leg., G.F.
Turrisi det. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. West Palaearctic.
REMARKS. Recorded for Vulcano by Turrisi &
Altadonna (2017), already known for other circum-
sicilian islands (Ustica and Lampedusa) (Riggio &
De Stefani Perez, 1888; Pagliano & Scaramozzino,
Ammophila heydeni Dahlbom, 1845
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Vallone Muria, 14.
VII.1995, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., G.F. Turrisi
det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Prionyx subfuscatus (Dahlbom, 1845) (Fig. 15)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Timpone Ricotta,
Contribution to the knowledge of Hymenoptera from the Aeolian Archipelago (Sicily), emphasizing Aculeata 727
8.X.1996, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., G.F. Turrisi
det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Prionyx lividocinctus (A. Costa, 1858)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Contrada San
Giorgio, 15.X.1967, 1 male, Cirotti leg., G.F. Tur-
risi det. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Sphex funerarius Gussakovskij, 1934
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Monte Chirica,
26.IX.1996, 1 male, P. Lo Cascio leg., G.F. Turrisi
det. (PLCC); Lipari: Madoro, 21.VIII.1996, 1 male,
P. Lo Cascio & S. Pasta leg., G.F. Turrisi det.
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Dryudella esterinae Pagliano, 2001 (Fig. 16)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Vallone Muria, 3.
VI.1997, 1 male, P. Lo Cascio leg., G.F. Turrisi det.
DISTRIBUTION. South West European.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago and
Dryudella tricolor (Van der Linden, 1829)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Pianoconte, 7. VI.
1997, 1 female, G.F. Turrisi leg. and det. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. European Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Harpactus laevis (Latreille, 1792)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Vallone Muria,
VII.1999, 1 male, P. Lo Cascio leg., Moericke trap,
G.F. Turrisi det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. European Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Nysson quadriguttatus Spinola, 1808
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Piano, 9.VI. 20
13, 1 female, G. Altadonna leg., yellow pan trap,
G.F. Turrisi det. (GAC).
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago and
Crossocerus distinguendus (Morawitz, 1866)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Castello environs,
8.VI.1997, 1 male, G.F. Turrisi leg. et det. (GFTC).
Lipari: Pianoconte, 7.VI.1997, 1 male, G.F. Turrisi
leg. et det. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. European Maghrebian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Crossocerus quadrimaculatus (Fabricius, 1793)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Pianoconte, 7.VI.
1997, 1 male, G.F. Turrisi leg. et det. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Lestica clypeata (Schreber, 1759) (Fig. 17)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Urnazzo, 2.VI.
1997, 1 male, P. Lo Cascio leg., on Daucus sp., G.F.
Turrisi det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Tracheliodes quinquenotatus (Jurine,1807)
(Fig. 18)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Pianoconte, 7.VI.
1997, 1 male, G.F. Turrisi leg. et det. (GFTC). Vul-
cano: Piano, 330 m a.s.l., 9-22.VIII.2015, 2 males,
G. Altadonna leg., yellow pan trap, G.F. Turrisi det.
Contribution to the knowledge of Hymenoptera from the Aeolian Archipelago (Sicily), emphasizing Aculeata 729
Figures 2–14. Hymenoptera of Aeolian Archipelago (not in scale). Fig. 2: Zeuxevania splendidula female (Lipari). Fig. 3:
Pristaulacus lindae female (Vulcano). Fig. 4: Eutanyacra picta female (Vulcano). Fig. 5: Leucospis gigas female (Lipari).
Fig. 6: Holopyga fervida female (Lipari). Fig. 7: Chrysis cerastes female (Salina). Fig. 8: Meria dorsalis female (Lipari).
Fig. 9: Scolia carbonaria male (Lipari). Fig. 10: Ronisia brutia female (Lipari). Fig. 11: Pompilus cinereus female (Vulcano).
Fig. 12: Aporus bicolor female (Lipari). Fig. 13: Delta unguiculatum male (Lipari). Fig. 14: Polistes gallicus worker
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Tachysphex costae (De Stefani-Perez, 1882)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Piano, 9.VI.
2013, 1 female, G. Altadonna leg., yellow pan trap,
G.F. Turrisi det. (GAC).
DISTRIBUTION. Southern West Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Tachysphex nitidior Beaumont, 1940
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Piano, 9.VI.
2013, 1 male, G. Altadonna leg., yellow pan trap,
G.F. Turrisi det. (GAC).
DISTRIBUTION. Southern West Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Miscophus eatoni Saunders, 1903
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Piano, 330 m
a.s.l., 9-22.VIII.2015, 1 female, G. Altadonna leg.,
yellow pan trap, M. Selis det. (MSC).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago and
Miscophus lusitanicus Andrade, 1952
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Panarea: Soldata, 230 m
a.s.l., 21.VIII.2015, 1 male, G. Altadonna leg., yel-
low pan trap, G.F. Turrisi det. (GAC).
DISTRIBUTION. South European Anatolian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago;
first record for Italy.
Miscophus pretiosus Kohl, 1884
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Piano, 330 m
a.s.l., 9-22.VIII.2015, 1 female, G. Altadonna leg.,
yellow-pan trap, G.F. Turrisi det. (GAC).
DISTRIBUTION. South European Anatolian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Solierella compedita (Piccioli, 1869)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Vallone Muria,
VII.1999, 1 male, P. Lo Cascio leg., Moericke trap,
G.F. Turrisi det. (PLCC). Panarea: Soldata, 230 m
a.s.l., 21.VIII.2015, 2 males, G. Altadonna leg., yel-
low-pan trap, M. Selis det. (MSC); ibidem,
21.VIII.2015, 2 males, G. Altadonna leg., yellow-
pan trap, G.F. Turrisi det. (GAC).
DISTRIBUTION. West Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Pison atrum (Spinola, 1808)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Castello environs,
8.VI.1997, 1 female, G.F. Turrisi leg. and det.
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Trypoxylon kolazyi Kohl, 1893
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Castello environs,
8.VI.1997, 2 males, G.F. Turrisi leg. and det.
(GFTC). Vulcano: Piano, 330 m a.s.l., 9-
22.VIII.2015, 1 female, G. Altadonna leg., yellow
pan trap, G.F. Turrisi det. (GAC).
DISTRIBUTION. South European Anatolian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Recently recorded for Sicily (Schmid-Egger, 2003;
Tomarchio & Turrisi, 2006) and Lampedusa
(Pagliano, 2003).
Trypoxylon deceptorium Antropov, 1991
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Piano, 330 m
a.s.l., 9-22.VIII.2015, 1 female, G. Altadonna leg.,
yellow pan trap, M. Selis det. (MSC).
DISTRIBUTION. European South West Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Recently recorded for Sicily by Tomarchio & Tur-
risi (2006).
Trypoxylon scutatum Chevrier, 1867
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Castello environs,
Contribution to the knowledge of Hymenoptera from the Aeolian Archipelago (Sicily), emphasizing Aculeata 731
8.VI.1997, 1 male, G.F. Turrisi leg. and det.
(GFTC). Vulcano: Piano, 330 m a.s.l., 9-
22.VIII.2015, 3 females, G. Altadonna leg., yellow
pan trap, M. Selis det. (GAC); ibidem, 12-
18.VIII.2016, 2 specimens, G. Altadonna leg., yel-
low pan trap, M. Selis det. (MSC).
DISTRIBUTION. European Anatolian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Ammoplanus perrisi Giraud, 1869
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Castello environs,
8.VI.1997, 1 male, G.F. Turrisi leg. and det. (GFTC).
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Passaloecus pictus Ribaut, 1952
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Pianoconte, 7.VI.
1997, 2 females, G.F. Turrisi leg. and det. (GFTC).
Lipari: Castello environs, 8.VI.1997, 7 females,
G.F. Turrisi leg. and det. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. South European Anatolian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Recorded for Sicily by Schmid-Egger (2003) and
Tomarchio & Turrisi (2006).
Pemphredon austriaca (Kohl, 1888)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Pianoconte, 7.VI.
1997, 1 male, G.F. Turrisi leg. and det. (GFTC).
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Mimesa grandii Maidl, 1933 (Fig. 19)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Castello environs,
8.VI.1997, 1 female, G.F. Turrisi leg. et det.
DISTRIBUTION. West Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Cerceris circularis ssp. dacica Schletterer, 1887
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Castello environs,
8.VI.1997, 1 male, G.F. Turrisi leg. et det., on Dau-
cus sp. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. South European.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago and
Philanthus coarctatus ssp. siculus Giordani
Soika, 1944 (Fig. 20)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Castello environs,
8.VI.1997, 4 males, G.F. Turrisi leg. et det., on Dau-
cus sp. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. South Italian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Aphaenogaster pallida (Nylander, 1848)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Filicudi: Fossa delle Felci,
1.I.1997, P. Lo Cascio leg., F. Rigato det. (PLCC).
Lisca Bianca: 7.IV.1996, P. Lo Cascio & V. Pancioli
leg., F. Rigato det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. South East European.
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari (Kutter, 1927)
and Salina (Schär et al., 2020), is newly recorded
for Filicudi and the islet Lisca Bianca.
Aphaenogaster subterranea (Latreille, 1798)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Strombolicchio: 29.
VI.1998, P. Lo Cascio leg., F. Rigato det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean European.
REMARKS. Recorded for all the main islands ex-
cept Vulcano (Schär et al., 2020), is newly recorded
for the islet Strombolicchio.
Camponotus lateralis (Olivier, 1791)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Monte Lentia,
4.VI.1997, P. Lo Cascio leg., F. Rigato det.
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean Turanian.
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari (Kutter, 1927),
Vulcano (Baroni Urbani, 1964), Salina, Stromboli,
Filicudi and Panarea (Schär et al., 2020).
Camponotus micans (Nylander, 1856)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Timpone Ricotta,
8.X.1996, P. Lo Cascio leg., F. Rigato det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. West Mediterranean.
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari (Kutter, 1927),
Salina, Vulcano and Filicudi (Schär et al., 2020).
Camponotus nylanderi Emery, 1921
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Timpone Ricotta,
8.X.1996, P. Lo Cascio leg., F. Rigato det. (PLCC).
Filicudi: Fossa delle Felci, 1.I.1997, P. Lo Cascio
leg., F. Rigato det. (PLCC). Alicudi: Pianicello,
2.IV.1997, P. Lo Cascio & G. Serra leg., F. Rigato
det. (PLCC). Strombolicchio: 6.VIII.1994, P. Lo
Cascio & V. Pancioli leg., F. Rigato det. (PLCC);
29.VI.1998, P. Lo Cascio leg., F. Rigato det.
(PLCC). Scoglio Faraglione: 5.VIII.1994, P. Lo
Cascio & V. Pancioli leg., F. Rigato det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. South Italian.
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari (Kutter, 1927),
the islet Strombolicchio (Lo Cascio, 2004), Salina,
Vulcano, Stromboli, Filicudi and Panarea (Schär et
al., 2020), is newly recorded for Alicudi and the
islet Scoglio Faraglione.
Crematogaster scutellaris (Olivier, 1791)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Vallone Muria, 14.
X.1998, P. Lo Cascio leg., F. Rigato det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean.
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari (Kutter, 1927),
Salina (Monastero & Genduso, 1964b), Vulcano,
Stromboli, Filicudi and Panarea (Schär et al.,
Lepisiota nigra (Dalla Torre, 1893)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Strombolicchio: 25.VI.
1998, P. Lo Cascio leg., F. Rigato det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean Turanian.
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari, Salina, Vulcano
and Panarea (Schär et al., 2020), is newly recorded
for the islet Strombolicchio.
Messor capitatus (Latreille, 1798)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Timpone Ricotta,
8.X.1996, P. Lo Cascio leg., F. Rigato det. (PLCC);
Fuardo, 9.X.1996, P. Lo Cascio leg., F. Rigato det.
DISTRIBUTION. West Mediterranean.
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari (Kutter, 1927;
Baccetti, 1967; Schär et al., 2020).
Messor minor ssp. calabricus Santschi, 1927
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lisca Bianca: 7.IV.1996,
P. Lo Cascio & V. Pancioli leg., F. Rigato det.
DISTRIBUTION. Southern Italian.
REMARKS. Recorded for Lisca Bianca (Lo Cas-
cio & Navarra, 2003).
Messor structor (Latreille, 1798)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Fuardo, 9.X.1996,
P. Lo Cascio leg., F. Rigato det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. South East European.
REMARKS. Already recorded for Lipari (Kutter,
Pheidole pallidula (Nylander, 1848)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Stromboli: path to the
crater, 400 m a.s.l., 24.X.1996, P. Lo Cascio leg., F.
Rigato det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. West Mediterranean.
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari (Kutter, 1927),
Filicudi (Seifert, 2016), Salina, Vulcano, Stromboli
and Panarea (Schär et al., 2020).
Plagiolepis pallescens Lomnicki, 1925
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Strombolicchio: 6.IV.1996,
P. Lo Cascio & V. Pancioli leg., F. Rigato det.
DISTRIBUTION. West Palaearctic.
REMARKS. Recorded for all the main islands ex-
cept Filicudi (Schär et al., 2020), is newly recorded
for the islet Strombolicchio.
Ponera coarctata (Latreille, 1802)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Alicudi: Pianicello,
2.IV.1997, P. Lo Cascio & G. Serra leg., F. Rigato
det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. South European.
REMARKS. Recorded for Alicudi (Lo Cascio et
al., 2006), Lipari and Salina (Schär et al., 2020).
Tetramorium punctatum Santschi, 1927
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Scoglio Faraglione: 6.
VIII.1994, P. Lo Cascio & V. Pancioli leg., F.
Rigato det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. East Mediterranean.
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari (Kutter, 1927 as
T. semilaeve; Santschi, 1927 as T. semilaeve var. li-
pareum nov.; Sanetra et al. 1999), Salina, Vulcano,
Stromboli, Filicudi and Panarea (Schär et al.,
2020), is newly recorded for the islet Scoglio
Colletes nigricans Gistel, 1857
MATERIAL EXAMINED. Salina, Monte dei Porri,
20.IX.1966, 2 females, Arcidiacono leg., V. Nobile
det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. West Mediterranean.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Hylaeus (Paraprosopis) clypearis (Schenck,
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Panarea: 23.VI.1967, 1
female, Sulfaro leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. South West Palaearctic (intro-
duced in Chile).
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Hylaeus (Dentigera) imparilis Förster, 1871
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Chiesa Vecchia,
7.VII.1999, 1 female, G.F. Turrisi leg., V. Nobile
det., on cultivated Petroselimum sp. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. South West Palaearctic (intro-
duced in Chile).
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Hylaeus (Spatulariella) punctatus (Brullé, 1832)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Salina: Monte dei Porri,
20.IX.1966, 1 female, Arcidiacono leg., V. Nobile
det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. South West Palaearctic (intro-
duced in Chile).
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Andrena (Charitandrena) hattorfiana ssp.
dimidiata Brullé, 1832
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: 29.V-4.VI.2010,
1 male, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. Central South Anatolian Euro-
pean. The nominate subspecies has a West Euro-
pean Asian distribution.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Andrena (Euandrena) ruficrus Nylander, 1848
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Acquacalda, 29.
IV.1966, 1 female, I. Marcellino leg., V. Nobile det.
DISTRIBUTION. European West Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Andrena (Melandrena) morio ssp. morio
Brullé, 1832
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: 26.IV-4.V.2009,
2 females, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC);
Panarea: Drauto, 20 m a.s.l., 21.VIII.2015, G. Al-
tadonna leg., 1 female, G.F. Turrisi det. (GAC).
Contribution to the knowledge of Hymenoptera from the Aeolian Archipelago (Sicily), emphasizing Aculeata 733
DISTRIBUTION. South East European West Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Andrena (Melandrena) nigroaenea ssp. ni-
groaenea (Kirby, 1802)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Filicudi, 1 male, M. Mei
leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. European Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Andrena (Melandrena) nitida ssp. nitida
(Müller, 1776)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Piano, 14. III.2000,
1 female, P. Lo Cascio & S. Pasta leg., on flowers of
Cytisus aeolicus (PLCC).
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Andrena (Plastandrena) pilipes Fabricius, 1781
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano, 29.V.4.VI.2010,
2 females, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Andrena (Scitandrena) scita Eversmann, 1852
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano, 29.V-4.VI.2010,
1 male, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. South East European South West
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Andrena (Taeniandrena) wilkella (Kirby,
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano, 25.IV-4.V.2009,
1 female, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. European Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Pseudapis bispinosa (Brullé, 1832)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: 3-17.VII.1993,
6 males, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Ceylalictus variegatus (Olivier, 1789)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: 24.VII.1963, 2
males, 1 female, V. Nobile leg. et det. (VNC).
Vulcano: 3-17.VII.1993, 1 male, 1 female, M. Mei
leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Nomioides facilis (Smith, 1853)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Urnazzo, 2.VI.
1997, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., on Asteraceae, V.
Nobile det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Nomioides minutissimus (Rossi, 1790)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Piano, 9-22.
VIII.2015, 1 female, G. Altadonna leg., V. Nobile
det. (yellow pan-trap) (GAC).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean South West Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Halictus (Halictus) quadricinctus (Fabricius,
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Panarea: 12.VI.1967, 1 fe-
male, V. Nobile leg. et det. (VNC). Vulcano: 28.VI-
18.VI.2008, 2 males, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det.
(VNC); 29.V-4.VI.2010, 1 female, M. Mei leg., V.
Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. South Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Halictus (Hexataenites) fulvipes (Klug, 1817)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Monte Chirica,
male, Sulfaro leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC). Vulcano,
15.VII.1993, 1 male, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det.
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean South West Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Halictus (Tytthalictus) maculatus Smith, 1848
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Panarea: 23.VI.1967,
1male, Sulfaro leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. South European Turanian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Lasioglossum (Dialictus) nitidulum (Fabri-
cius, 1804)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Monte Sant’An-
gelo, 500 m a.s.l., 21.II.1966, 2 females, M. La
Greca leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. South European Central Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Lasioglossum (Dialictus) planulum (Perez, 1903)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Pianoconte, 7.
VI.1997, 1 male, G.F. Turrisi leg., V. Nobile det.
DISTRIBUTION. North Mediterranean.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Lasioglossum (Dialictus) semilucens (Alfken,
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Castello environs,
8.VI.1997, G.F. Turrisi leg., V. Nobile det. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. Central South European Central
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago and
Lasioglossum (Sphecodogastra) immunitum
ssp. sillatum (Warncke, 1981)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: 3-17.VII.1993,
1 male, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
26.IX.1996, 1 male, P. Lo Cascio leg., V. Nobile
det. (PLCC). Panarea: 18.VI.1967, 1female, Sulfaro
leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC). Vulcano: 24.VII.1963,
1 female, V. Nobile leg. et det. (VNC); 10.VII.1993,
2 males, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean Asian (introduced
in Mexico).
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Halictus (Hexataenites) scabiosae (Rossi, 1790)
(Fig. 21)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Vallone Muria,
VII.1999, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., V. Nobile det.
(Moericke trap) (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. South West Palaearctic (extended
to South Africa).
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Halictus (Monilapis) compressus Walckenaer,
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Quattropani, 6.
VI.1997, 1 male, 2 females, on flowers of Rubus
sp., G.F. Turrisi leg., V. Nobile det. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. South European Central Asian
(excluding Iberian Peninsula).
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Halictus (Seladonia) gemmeus Dours, 1872
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: 3-17.VII.1993,
1 male, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. South Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Halictus (Seladonia) smaragdulus Vachal, 1895
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: 24.VII.1963, 2
females, V. Nobile leg. and det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. South West Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Halictus (Tytthalictus) asperulus Perez, 1895
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Panarea: 23.VI.1967, 1
Contribution to the knowledge of Hymenoptera from the Aeolian Archipelago (Sicily), emphasizing Aculeata 735
DISTRIBUTION. Sicilian Sardinian South Italian.
The nominate subspecies has a Mediterranean Ira-
nian distribution (discontinuous in the South East
REMARKS. Described from Catania (holotype)
and Lipari: Mount Guardia (paratypes) (Warncke,
1981). The holotype was collected on flowers of
Centaurea (Asteraceae).
Lasioglossum (Sphecodogastra) malachurum
(Kirby, 1802)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Mount Sant’An-
gelo, m 500, 21.II.1966, 1 female, M. La Greca leg.
(DSCC); Pianoconte, 7.VI.1997, 1 male, G.F. Tur-
risi leg., V. Nobile det. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. Central South West Palaearctic
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Lasioglossum (Sphecodogastra) opacum Perez,
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Quattropani-Ac-
quacalda, 22.II.1966, 1 female, M. La Greca leg.,
V. Nobile det. (DSCC); Acquacalda, 29.VI.1966, 1
female, I. Marcellino leg., V. Nobile det. (DSCC);
Urnazzo, 2.VI.1997, 1 male, P. Lo Cascio leg., on
Asteraceae, V. Nobile det. (PLCC); Quattropani,
6.VI.1997, 1 male, G.F. Turrisi leg., V. Nobile det.
(GFTC); Pianoconte, 7.VI.1997, 1 female, G.F.
Turrisi leg., V. Nobile det. (GFTC). Vulcano:
10.VII.1993, 3 males, 2 females, M. Mei leg., V.
Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean Iranian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Lasioglossum (Sphecodogastra) nigripes (Le-
pelletier, 1841)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Mendolita, 30.
VI.1967, 1 female, Cirotti leg., V. Nobile det.
DISTRIBUTION. Central South West Mediter-
ranean Macaronesian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Lasioglossum (Sphecodogastra) pauxillum
(Schenck, 1853)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Panarea: 12.VI.1967, 2
males, V. Nobile leg. (VNC); 23.VI.1967, 1 males,
Sulfaro leg., V. Nobile det. (DSCC).
DISTRIBUTION. Central South West Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Lasioglossum (Sphecodogastra) subhirtum
(Lepelletier, 1841)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Urnazzo, 2. VI.
1997, 1 male, on flowers of Daucus sp. (Apiaceae),
P. Lo Cascio leg., V. Nobile det. (LPC).
DISTRIBUTION. Central South West Mediter-
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) albocinctum
(Lucas, 1849)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: 10.VII.1993, 3
males, 1 female, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det.
DISTRIBUTION. European Mediterranean (discon-
tinuous in North East Africa).
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) bimaculatum
(Dours, 1872)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Pianoconte, 24.
V.1967, 1 female, V. Nobile leg. and det. (VNC).
Vulcano: 3-17.VII.1993, 1 female, M. Mei leg., V.
Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. West Mediterranean.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) costulatum
(Kriechbaumer, 1873)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Pianoconte, 24.
V.1967, 1 female, V. Nobile leg. and det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) leucozonium
ssp. cedri Ebmer, 1976
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Acquacalda, 29.
IV.1966, 1 female, I. Marcellino leg., V. Nobile det.
DISTRIBUTION. South West Mediterranean. The
species is European Central Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Sphecodes albilabris (Fabricius, 1793) (Fig. 22)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Vallone Muria, 3.
VI.1997, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., V. Nobile det.
DISTRIBUTION. European Central Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Sphecodes gibbus (Linnaeus, 1758)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: 25.IV-4.V.2009,
1 female, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. European Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Sphecodes monilicornis ssp. quadratus Meyer,
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: 1male, M. Mei
leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. South European. The species is
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Sphecodes spinulosus Hagens, 1875
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: 25.IV-4.V.2009,
1 female, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. European West Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Heriades (Heriades) truncorum (Linnaeus, 1758)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: 25.IV-4.V.2009,
1 male, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. West Central Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Hoplitis (Hoplitis) adunca ssp. adunca
(Panzer, 1798)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: 25.IV-4.V.2009,
1 female, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. Central South European Central
Asian. The other subspecies, Hoplitis (Hoplitis)
adunca ssp. contraria Tkalcu, 1974 has an Iberian
Maghrebian distribution.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Hoplitis (Hoplitis) lepeletieri (Panzer, 1798)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano, 25.IV-4.V.2009,
1 male, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. Central South West European.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Osmia (Helicosmia) latreillei ssp. iberoafricana
Peters, 1975
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Filicudi, 14.VII.1993, 1
female, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC); Vul-
cano, 29.V-4.VI.2010, 1 male, M. Mei leg., V. No-
bile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. South Mediterranean Macarone-
sian. The nominate subspecies is South European,
excluding Iberian Peninsula.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Osmia (Pyrosmia) submicans ssp. hebraea
Benoist, 1934
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano, 29.V-4.VI.2010,
1 female, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. South Mediterranean. The nomi-
nate subspecies is Central South European.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Rhodanthidium septemdentatum (Latreille,
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Quattropani, 6.
Contribution to the knowledge of Hymenoptera from the Aeolian Archipelago (Sicily), emphasizing Aculeata 737
VI.1997, 1 male, G.F. Turrisi leg., V. Nobile det.
(GFTC); Pianoconte, 7.VI.1997, 1 female, G.F. Tur-
risi leg., V. Nobile det. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. North Mediterranean.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Stelis phaeoptera ssp. murina Perez, 1884
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: VI.2000, 1 male, 5
females, Sinacori leg., reared from Arundo stems
together with the host Osmia (Chalcosmia) sp., V.
Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. South Mediterranean Iranian
Macaronesian. The nominate subspecies is Central
North European Central Asian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Dioxys cincta (Jurine, 1807)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: 14.IV.1968, 1 fe-
male, G. Marcuzzi leg., V. Nobile det. (DSCC).
DISTRIBUTION. Central European Mediterranean
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari by Nobile & Tur-
risi (1996).
Megachile (Chalicodoma) parietina (Geof-
froy, 1785)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Pianoconte, 7. VI.
1997, 1 female, G.F. Turrisi leg., V. Nobile det.
(GFTC). Panarea: 23.VI.1967, 1 female, Sulfaro
leg., V. Nobile det. (DSCC).
DISTRIBUTION. Central South Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Megachile (Chalicodoma) sicula Rossi, 1792
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Vallone Ponte, 22.
II.1967, 1 male, S. Bruno leg., V. Nobile det.
DISTRIBUTION. South Palaearctic Macaronesian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Megachile (Eutricharaea) apicalis Spinola, 1808
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Pianoconte, 7.
VI.1997, 1 female, G.F. Turrisi leg., V. Nobile det.
DISTRIBUTION. Central South European Maghre-
bian Central Asian (extended to North America).
REMARKS. Recorded for Vulcano by Comba &
Comba (2005).
Megachile (Eutricharaea) pilidens Alfken,
2008, 1 male, 1 female, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det.
(VNC). Vulcano: Piano, 330 m, 21.VIII.2014, 1
specimen, G. Altadonna leg., V. Nobile det. (PNC).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean Central European
REMARKS. Recorded for Vulcano by Comba &
Comba (2005).
Xylocopa violacea (Linnaeus, 1758)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Pianoconte, 7.
VI.1997, 1female, G.F. Turrisi leg. and det.
(GFTC). Vulcano: Piano, 21.VIII.2014, 1female, G.
Altadonna leg., G.F. Turrisi det. (GAC). Vulcano:
Gelso, 12.VIII.2016, 1female, G. Altadonna leg.,
G.F. Turrisi det. (GAC).
DISTRIBUTION. Palaearctic (recorded also for
REMARKS. Recorded for Lipari, Filicudi,
Panarea, and Vulcano by Pagliano & Nobile (1993),
Vicidomini (2003), and Vicidomini et al., (2005);
for Stromboli by Comba & Comba (2005). The
similar X. valga Gerstaecker, 1872 is recorded for
Stromboli by Pagliano & Nobile (1993), Vicido-
mini (2003), and Vicidomini et al., (2005).
Ceratina cucurbitina (Rossi, 1792)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Urnazzo, 2.VI.
1997, 1 female, P. Lo Cascio leg., on Daucus sp.,
Contribution to the knowledge of Hymenoptera from the Aeolian Archipelago (Sicily), emphasizing Aculeata 739
V. Nobile det. (PLCC); Chiesa Vecchia, 7.VI.1999,
on cultivated Petroselinum sp. (Apiaceae), G.F.
Turrisi leg., V. Nobile det. (GFTC). Vulcano: Piano,
9-22.VIII.2015, 1 male (yellow-pan trap), G. Alta-
donna leg., V. Nobile det. (GAC). Alicudi: Piani-
cello, 2.IV.1997, 1 female, Lo Cascio & Serra leg.,
V. Nobile det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. Central South West Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Nomada fulvicornis Fabricius, 1793
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: 25.IV-4.V.2009,
2female, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC). Vul-
cano, 29.V-4.VI.2010, 1 male, 1 female, M. Mei
leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. Central South Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New to Aeolian archipelago.
Epeolus julliani Perez, 1884
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: 3-17.VII.1993,
1 female, M. Mei leg. and det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. South European Anatolian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Pasites maculatus Jurine, 1807
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: 3-17.VII.1993, 1
male, 2 females, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. Central West Palaearctic.
Figures 15–23. Hymenoptera of Aeolian Archipelago (not in scale). Fig. 15: Prionyx subfuscatus female (Lipari). Fig. 16:
Dryudella esterinae male (Lipari). Fig. 17: Lestica clypeata male (Lipari). Fig. 18: Tracheliodes quinquenotatus female
(Lipari). Fig. 19: Mimesa grandii female (Lipari). Fig. 20: Philanthus coarctatus siculus male (Lipari). Fig. 21: Halictus
scabiosae female (Lipari). Fig. 22: Sphecodes albilabris female (Lipari). Fig. 23: Thyreus ramosus male (Basiluzzo).
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Eucera (Eucera) nigrescens Perez, 1879
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Alicudi: 5.VII.1993, 1
male, 1 female, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
Vulcano, 15.VII.1993, 1 female, M. Mei leg., V.
Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. Central South European Iranian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Tetraloniella dentata (Germar, 1839)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: 29.V-4.VI.2010,
1 male, M. Mei leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. Central Southern Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Amegilla albigena (Lepelletier, 1841)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: 24.VII.1963, 1
female, V. Nobile leg. and det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean Central North
East African.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Amegilla garrula (Rossi, 1790)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Castello environs,
8.VI.1997, 1 male, G.F. Turrisi leg., V. Nobile det.
(GFTC). Salina: Monte Dei Porri, 20.IX.1966, 1 fe-
male, S. Arcidiacono leg., V. Nobile det. (VNC).
DISTRIBUTION. South European Iranian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Thyreus ramosus (Lepelletier, 1841) (Fig. 23)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Basiluzzo: 20.VIII.1996,
1male, P. Lo Cascio leg., V. Nobile det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. South Palaearctic Macaronesian.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Anthophora (Lophanthophora) dispar Lepel-
letier, 1841
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Piano, 14.
III.2000, 2 females, 1 male, P. Lo Cascio & S. Pasta
leg., on Cytisus aeolicus Guss. ex Lindl., V. Nobile
det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. Mediterranean.
REMARKS. Recorded for Vulcano by Lo Cascio
(2004) (sub Lophanthophora dispar) and for Alicudi
by Comba & Comba (2005).
Anthophora (Anthophora) plumipes ssp.
niger (Friese, 1896)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Piano, 330 m
a.s.l., 2.VI.2012, 1 specimen, G. Altadonna leg., V.
Nobile det. (PNC).
DISTRIBUTION. Palaearctic.
REMARKS. New for the Aeolian Archipelago.
Bombus (Bombus) terrestris (Linnaeus, 1758)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Vulcano: Piano, 14.III.2000,
1 worker, P. Lo Cascio & S. Pasta leg., on Cytisus
aeolicus Guss. ex Lindl., V. Nobile det. (PLCC).
DISTRIBUTION. Palaearctic.
REMARKS. Recorded for Vulcano by Lo Cascio
Apis mellifera (Linnaeus, 1758)
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Lipari: Canale, 30.VI.
1967, 1 worker, Allegrina leg., V. Nobile det.
(VNC). Lipari: Pianoconte, 7.VI.1997, 1 worker,
G.F. Turrisi leg. and det. (GFTC).
DISTRIBUTION. Cosmopolitan.
REMARKS. Recorded for the Aeolian
Archipelago by Bouga et al. (2011), Tenore et al.
(2012), Muñoz et al. (2014).
Data from literature (see Introduction) recorded
98 species (including one doubtful record among
Formicidae) for the archipelago; 20 of them are con-
firmed by the present research, and 120 are added as
new records. As the whole, 218 species of Hy-
menoptera belonging to 24 families are currently
known for the Aeolian Islands (Table 1). Among
them, Dryudella esterinae, Nysson quadriguttatus,
Miscophus aetoni, Miscophus lusitanicus, Cerceris
circularis ssp. dacica and Lasioglossum (Dialictus)
semilucens are recorded for the first time for Sicily,
and Miscophus lusitanicus resulted also new for Italy.
Despite this remarkable increase, the hy-
menopteran fauna of these islands should be con-
sidered largely underestimated, especially for many
groups of Terebrantia, also including those so
called “micro Hymenoptera”. No sawflies (“Sym-
phyta”) have yet been recorded for the Aeolian
Archipelago, but it could be due to the lack of col-
lecting efforts, as suggested by the relatively high
diversity and endemism richness that characterizes
this group in Sicily, where 139 species were so far
recorded (Pesarini & Turrisi, 2001; Turrisi, 2011;
Liston et al., 2013); for instance, it is likely that at
least some representatives of the most speciose
family Tenthredinidae should be occurring also in
the Aeolian Archipelago.
On the contrary, these islands harbour a relatively
high diversity of Formicidae, with 49 species, and
Apoidea, with 68 species belonging to 5 families, and
especially Halictidae that include 29 species.
Although the available data are not sufficient to
perform an exhaustive biogeographical analysis, tak-
ing into account the distributional patterns only, most
of the recorded species have a wide European-
Mediterranean distribution, and even in the Palaearc-
tic region; moreover, the Mediterranean chorotypes
seem to be well represented within the Aeolian fauna.
The Hymenoptera represent one of the four
mega-diverse insect orders, and they play a funda-
mental role in virtually all terrestrial ecosystems as
parasitoids, predators, and pollinators, being of sub-
stantial economic importance. As the faunal knowl-
edge is likely far to be complete, data concerning
population sizes and trends, distribution and conser-
vation of Hymenoptera in the study islands are very
limited and essentially based on personal observa-
tions carried out by the authors during the field-work.
Anthropogenic disturbance is not strong, but it
increases during summer due to the massive occur-
rence of tourism. This factor, together with urban
sprawl and infrastructural developments, may affect
structure and dynamics of local ecosystems, as well
as the fire, that recently involved large areas of the
main islands (f.i., Lipari and Vulcano). The islands
have also a long-term history of agricultural ex-
ploitation, that was characterized by a phase of re-
cession and general abandonment between the late
19th and the second half of 20th century. Currently
agriculture, and especially viticulture, are gradually
spreading again in some islands (Lipari, Salina,
Vulcano), but generally moving toward organic
practices and avoiding the use of pesticides. On the
other hand, the small surface and the rough mor-
phology of the islands hinder strong agricultural
changes such as mechanization.
Especially bee populations and species are sensi-
tive to environmental changes, as observed for conti-
nental Europe where this problem, together with
stress from parasites, pesticides and flower pauper-
ization, has caused honey bee colony losses and de-
clines of wild pollinators (Goulson et al., 2015).
However, some of the study islands (Lipari, Vulcano,
Filicudi and Alicudi) are now exclusively inhabited
by the Sicilian subspecies of honey bee (Apis mellif-
era ssp. siciliana Dalla Torre, 1896), that is bred in
traditional manner and not exposed to the risk of ge-
netic pollution, as since 1990s the Municipality of Li-
pari has promulged an ordinance prohibiting the
introduction of other bee races. In this perspective,
the islands may be considered as “refuges” for threat-
ened hymenopteran that in other areas (such as Sicily)
suffer all the adverse factors above-mentioned, in-
cluding the modernization of agricultural practices.
More detailed faunal knowledge, together with
the extension of the researches to the local popula-
tion trends and a monitoring programme, are how-
ever needed in order to recognize and prevent any
negative change that could affect the Aeolian hy-
menopteran fauna, and consequently its role in agri-
culture and maintenance of plant diversity. In fact,
trends in the decline of Hymenoptera, as with other
invertebrates, could be underestimated because of
insufficient data both on the number of species, and
on the size of local populations. It is not excluded
that even among invertebrates, usually considered
more “resistant” to the so-called sixth mass extinc-
tion (see Leakey & Lewin, 2015 and Kolbert, 2016),
some species may disappear even before to be dis-
covered. The development of investigations for a
better understanding of the population trends, as
well as improvements to the taxonomy and the ecol-
ogy of the Hymenoptera, are critical for an effective
conservation and management of this important fau-
nal component, also for wider benefits associated
with pollination network of the ecosystem.
Contribution to the knowledge of Hymenoptera from the Aeolian Archipelago (Sicily), emphasizing Aculeata 741
Contribution to the knowledge of Hymenoptera from the Aeolian Archipelago (Sicily), emphasizing Aculeata 743
Contribution to the knowledge of Hymenoptera from the Aeolian Archipelago (Sicily), emphasizing Aculeata 745
Table 1. Summary of Hymenoptera from Aeolian archipelago. Legend: ○ = bibliographic record only; ● = record confirmed
by the present study; + = new record; ? = doubtful record. Islets: 1 = Strombolicchio; 2 = Lisca Bianca; 3 = Basiluzzo; 4 =
Scoglio Faraglione. 1 observed and photographed in Stromboli as reported on 06.07.2011, https://www.naturamediterraneo.
We are grateful to Maurizio Mei (Rome, Italy),
Pietro Niolu (Sassari, Italy), Marcello Romano (Ca-
paci, Palermo, Italy), and Carlo Violani (Milan,
Italy) for allowing us the study of their material;
Paolo Rosa (Milan, Italy) for checking and identi-
fying Chrysididae, Fabrizio Rigato (Milan, Italy)
for identifying Formicidae.
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... In the last decade, numerous studies on bees have been conducted in different islands of the Mediterranean Basin, such as Sicily [23][24][25][26][27][28], Malta [29,30], Cyprus [31], and the Balearic Islands [32]. However, the bee fauna of Sardinia still remains incomplete. ...
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In Sardinia, the second largest Mediterranean island, 316 species of bees are known. Here, for the first time, the following 20 taxa are reported: Colletes cunicularius (Linnaeus, 1761), and C. eous Morice, 1904 (Colletidae); Andrena humilis Imhoff, 1832, A. granulosa Pérez, 1902, A. cineraria (Linnaeus, 1758), A. pallitarsis Pérez, 1903, A. rugulosa Stöckhert, 1935, A. savignyi Spinola, 1838, and A. tenuistriata Pérez, 1895 (Andrenidae); Sphecodes reticulatus Thomson, 1870 (Halictidae); Lithurgus tibialis Morawitz, 1875, Chelostoma emarginatum (Nylander, 1856), Dioxys cinctus (Jurine, 1807), Coelioxys caudatus Spinola, 1838, C. obtusus Pérez, 1884, and Megachile ericetorum (Lepeletier, 1841) (Megachilidae); and Nomada melathoracica Imhoff, 1834, N. pulchra Arnold, 1888, Eucera proxima Morawitz, 1875 and Tetralonia malvae (Rossi, 1790) (Apidae). N. pulchra is reported for the first time in Italy.
The life and career of the Sicilian entomologist Dr. Vittorio Nobile (1940-2023), a specialist of Apoidea Anthophila and active at the University of Catania for more than forty years, are outlined. Brief biographic data and photographic references, along with essential information on his scientific contribution to the taxonomy and faunistics of Apoidea and other insects, are provided. Information on the type material of the 21 taxa described by Nobile (18 Apoidea, of which 15 species and 3 subspecies, plus 3 species of Aulacidae), a list of his forty-two publications, and a reference to the two patronymic taxa are also provided. The reference Italian bee collection realized by Vittorio Nobile includes more than 12.000 specimens in 126 entomological boxes, 124 medium-sized and 2 small-sized, representing more than 700 species (about 70% of the Italian bee fauna) and it has been donated to the University of Florence, Museum of Natural History “La Specola”, Section Entomology.
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islands). Field and bibliographical research carried out have allowed us to identify 40 taxa, between species and subspecies, belonging to five families: Colletidae (3 species), Andrenidae (9 spp.), Halictidae (4 spp.), Megachilidae (15 spp.), and Apidae (9 spp.). Twenty-seven species are reported here for the first time for the Egadi Archipelago, together with 13 species previously known from this archipelago, of which five are confirmed. For each species, details on collection data, distribution, and plants visited are given. Amongst the species recorded, Hylaeus duckei (Alfken, 1904) (Colletidae) and Osmia alfkenii Ducke, 1899 (Megachilidae) are new for Sicily. We include the first ‘Checklist of bees of Egadi’s Archipelago’ (40 species reported). Furthermore, the Apidae Nomada sicula Schwarz, 1974 is reported for the first time as a parasite of Panurgus siculus Morawitz, 1871 (Andrenidae) and Lasioglossum parvulum (Schenck, 1853) (Halictidae) species.
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New chorological data for some species of Hymenopterans including in Scoliidae, Sphecidae and Apidae of Maddalena (Sardinia), Phlegraean (Latium), Aeolian and Stagnone (Sicily) Islands are given.
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The occurrence of the parasitoid wasp Pristaulacus galitae (Gribodo, 1879) in Malta is reported for the first time based on a female from Buskett Garden reared from wood of Pistacia lentiscus L. together with five potential hosts: the xylophagous beetles Trichoferus fasciculatus fasciculatus (Faldermann, 1837), Niphona picticornis Mulsant, 1839, Penichroa fasciata (Stephens, 1831) (Cerambycidae), Anthaxia (Haplanthaxia) scylla Levey, 1985 (Buprestidae), and Opilo domesticus (Sturm, 1837) (Cleridae). This is the first species of the evaniomorphan family Aulacidae recorded in the Maltese Islands.
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The genus Xylocopa Latreille (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in Italy. Keys for the identification to genera Xylocopinae and species of Xylocopa known for italy are given. Short morphological and biological notes to explain the characters of the genus Xylocopa are given too.
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Checklist e distribuzione della fauna italiana. 10.000 specie terrestri e delle acque interne | Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona Gli Scolioidei sono una superfamiglia degli Imenotteri Aculeati ampiamente diffusa nelle aree calde del globo. Sono insetti poco conosciuti dal punto di vista tassono-mico e corologico. In Italia sono presenti 6 famiglie: Bradinobenidi, Sapigidi, Ti idi, Metochidi, Scoliidi e Mutillidi (inclusi i Mirmosidi). I Ti idi non sono qui con-siderati. Metodo di lavoro e materiale esaminato Per la preparazione della parte relativa alla distribuzione delle specie ci si avvalsi, oltre che della collezione de-gli Autori, anche di numerose collezioni pubbliche. I dati sono stati integrati con quelli desunti dalla biblio-gra a. Per la sistematica dei Mutillidi si seguito Lele (2002), che declassa i Mirmosidi a livello di sottofami-glia dei Mutillidi. Per quanto riguarda gli Scoliidi si seguito Osten (2000), mentre per i Sapigidi si seguito Gusenleitner e Gusenleitner (1994). Biodiversit La fauna italiana degli Scolioidei comprende comples-sivamente 116 taxa speci ci e sottospeci ci raggruppa-ti in 6 famiglie: Sapigidi con 5 specie raggruppate in 4 generi, Metochidi con 2 specie, Scoliidi 13 specie e 3 sottospecie raggruppate in 5 generi, Ti idi con 15 specie e 1 sottospecie in 4 generi, Bradinobenidi con ununica specie e Mutillidi (inclusi i Mirmosidi) con 66 specie e10 sottospecie raggruppate in 19 generi. Ecologia Gli Scolioidei sono insetti entomoparassitoidi ectofagi; la loro biologia ed ecologia mal conosciuta. I Sapigidi sono cleptoparassiti che vivono a spese daltri Imenotteri (Apoidei), che nidi cano per lo pi allinterno del legno secco di rami e tronchi dalberi, anche messo in opera. Gli Scoliidi sono insetti robusti che parassitizzano le lar-ve di Coleotteri Scarabeoidei Cetoniidi e Dinastidi, che vivono nel suolo o nel legno marcio. Anche i pi graci-li Ti idi hanno un comportamento simile ma vivono a spese delle larve degli Scarabeideoidei Melolontidi. Gli adulti di queste due famiglie sono degli ottimi volatori e frequentano i ori di varie ombrellifere (carota selvatica, eringio, nocchio, ecc.) e daltre piante su cui si alimen-tano. Sono animali termo li particolarmente abbondanti lungo la coste del Mediterraneo, negli ambienti retrodu-nali, nella macchia mediterranea, negli incolti lungo le strade o le rive e i greti dei corsi dacqua dove crescano le piante che frequentano. Le femmine attere dei Metochidi, da alcuni considerati dei Ti idi specializzati, attaccano le larve delle cicindele allinterno dei loro pozzetti scavati nel suolo compatto. Le rare femmine si trovano sul terreno nudo dove ci sia anche presenza degli ospiti, i maschi alati talvolta si rac-colgono con le trappole Malaise. I Mutillidi presentano un accentuato dimor smo ses-suale: le femmine sono invariabilmente attere, i maschi sono invece alati e buoni volatori, raramente microtte-ri o atteri. Le mutille perseguitano un gran numero di Apoidei, di cui infestano i nidi parassitizzandone le lar-ve. Le femmine si trovano sul terreno presso le colonie degli Imenotteri ospiti. I Mutillidi frequentano i siti di nidi cazione degli ospiti. Li si trova in zone aperte, in terreni sciolti e privi di vegetazione (scarpate ai bordi delle strade, sponde di corsi dacqua, arenili, banchi di terreno nudo esposto a seguito di smottamenti o di atti-vit umane, ecc.). I maschi volano rasente il suolo alla ricerca delle femmine e sono catturati in gran numero dalle trappole Malaise. Zoogeogra a I dati sulla distribuzione di questi insetti sono incompleti 273
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Hymenopterological researches on Lampedusa and Pantelleria Islands (Sicilian Channel). The author lists the Hymenoptera Apocrita collected on Lampedusa Is., on June 2001 and on Pantelleria Is. on June 2002; they belong to 110 taxa, of which 87 are newly recorded for both or only one of the islands. In particular, 27 species are recorded for the first time at Lampedusa and 60 at Pantelleria. Lasioglossum pseudoplanulum is reported for the first time in Italy. Hylaeus taeniolatus described for Sicily, has been collected on both islands. Biological and systematic notes and the updated distribution are also reported for many species. The paper is concuded with an updated table listing the Hymenoptera Apocrita known for Lampedusa and Pantelleria and recording their presence in Sicily and North Africa.
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The genus Polistes is revised for the West Palaearctic region based on morphology and DNA barcodes. The revision includes all known West Palaearctic species, raising the number of species in Europe to 14 and to 17 for the West Palaearctic realm. DNA barcodes were recovered from 15 species, 14 of which belong to the subgenusPolistes, and one, P.wattii, to the subgenus Gyrostoma. An integrative taxonomic approach combining morphology and molecular data (DNA barcoding) was employed to resolve longstanding taxonomic problems in this group. Two species, P.austroccidentalis van Achterberg & Neumeyer, sp. n. (= P.semenowi auctt.) from W and SW Europe and P.maroccanus Schmid-Egger, sp. n. from Morocco are described as new. Polistesbucharensis Erichson, 1849, and P.foederatus Kohl, 1898, were restored from synonymy. The following new synonyms are proposed: P.sulcifer Zimmermann, 1930, and Pseudopolistessulcifervar.similator Zirngiebl, 1955, under P.semenowi Morawitz, 1889, syn. n.; Polistesiranus Guiglia, 1976, Polistesgallicavar.ornata Weyrauch, 1938 and Polistesgallicusmuchei Gusenleitner, 1976, under P.bucharensis Erichson, 1849, syn. n.; Polistesomissusvar.ordubadensis Zirngiebl, 1955, and P.hellenicus Arens, 2011, under Polistesmongolicus du Buysson, 1911, syn. n. An illustrated key includes all species and additionally three species from the subgenera Aphanilopterus Meunier, 1888 and Gyrostoma Kirby, 1828 (including a Nearctic species recently introduced to Spain and two species occurring in Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula, and SW Asia). A phylogenetic analysis using Bayesian inference provides insights into phylogenetic relationships within the genus Polistes.
Islands are fascinating study systems for biogeography, allowing researchers to investigate patterns across organisms on a comparable geographical scale. They are also often important for conservation. Here, we present the first bio-inventory of the ant fauna of the Aeolian Islands, a Sicilian volcanic archipelago formed within the last million years. We documented a total of 40 species, including one first record for Italy (Lasius casevitzi). Mitochondrial DNA barcodes were obtained for all 40 taxa sampled on the islands, 13 of which were studied genetically for the first time. Mitochondrial DNA sequences of island specimens were compared with those of conspecific samples from other Aeolian Islands, Sicily and mainland Italy. Standardized photographical documentation of all sequenced specimens is provided. All but one currently recognized species (97.5%) were recovered as monophyletic. Genetic divergence within species ranged up to 12.4% in Pheidole pallidula, although most species had much lower levels of intraspecific divergence. At the scale of the Aeolian Islands, intraspecific genetic divergence varied significantly between subfamilies, with species of the subfamily Myrmicinae showing higher intraspecific divergences than the Formicinae. Comparison of specimens from the Aeolian Islands with conspecific ones from the putative source populations (Sicily and mainland Italy) suggested that the island of Panarea has the genetically most derived myrmeco-fauna among the seven focal Islands. Overall, DNA barcoding is a useful-albeit not perfect-method for classifying poorly studied groups of organisms and ants in particular.
The list of ephialtine wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae) of Italy associated with spider hosts is presented here. Our comprehensive list includes twenty-seven species belonging to eleven genera compared to seventeen species and nine genera included in the previous checklist of the Italian fauna. Species can be separated into two ecological groups in accordance with the host type the first group includes pseudo-parasitoids attacking spider egg sacs; the second one includes koinobiont ectoparasitoids attacking adult spiders. The host association of wasps occurring in Italy was summarised from published and unpublished data. Zatypota discolor (Holmgren,1860) is new for Italy. Zaglyptus varipes (Gravenhorst, 1829) and Schizopya podagrica Gravenhorst, 1829 are recorded for the first time in South Italy and in Sardinia, respectively.
Honey contains intrinsic markers that can be used to identify its origin. In this study, we used the honey as source of honey bee DNA and developed a test to detect the entomological origin of the honey by identifying the Apis mellifera subspecies using an informative mitochondrial DNA region. We then applied this method for the authentication of A. m. siciliana and A. m. iberiensis honeys. DNA was extracted from 60 honey samples produced in several Italian regions (including Sicily and close minor islands), Portugal, Spain and other countries. PCR primers were designed to amplify a fragment of 85 bp (A. mellifera C lineage; highly frequent in A. m. ligustica, the Italian honey bee that is frequently implicated in human introductions worldwide), or 138 bp (M lineage; characteristic of A. m. mellifera) or 152 bp (A lineage; of the honey bee subspecies of African origin). All sampled Sicilian honeys (that were from A. m. siciliana) showed only the fragment of 152 bp, confirming its expected origin. All honeys from A. m. iberiensis showed only the fragment of 152 bp or only the fragment of 138 bp or both, in agreement with the hybrid origin of Iberian honey bee populations. All other analyzed honeys showed the fragments of 85 bp or 85 + 138 bp, suggesting that they were produced from other subspecies. This authentication system could be a useful tool to support conservation genetic programs that rely on marketing links between honey bee genetic resources and the honey they produce.