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Between Land and Sea: An Airborne LiDAR Field Survey to Detect Ancient Sites in the Chekka Region/Lebanon Using Spatial Analyses


Abstract and Figures

The interdisciplinary project "Between Land and Sea" combines geological, geomorphological and paleo-environmental approaches to identify archaeological remains of the Chekka region (Lebanon). In order to record the topography of this area, the first ever scientific airborne LiDAR data acquisition in Lebanon was conducted in autumn 2018. This work describes not only the acquisition and processing of the LiDAR data, but also the attempt to derive possible archaeological sites from the generated elevation model based on methods for spatial analysis. Using an "inverted mound" (iMound) algorithm, areas of possible settlement structures could be identified, which were classified regarding their probability of a possible ancient site using a deductive predictive model. A preliminary validation of some of the detected favoured areas using high-resolution aerial images has shown that the methods applied can provide hints to previously undiscovered sites. It was possible to identify probable ancient wall remains at several detected locations. In addition, least-cost path analyses were performed to reconstruct possible trade and transport routes from the Lebanon Mountains to the Mediterranean coast. The combination of the results of the iMound detection and classification as well as the calculated path system could point to the strategic location of the modern village of Kfar Hazir as a kind of traffic junction. Moreover, reconstructed main transport routes provide indications of heavily frequented roads and may form the basis for further investigations. To validate the results, upcoming field surveys will be realized on site.
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Open Archaeology 2020; 6: 248268
Research Article
Jakob Rom*, Florian Haas, Manuel Stark, Fabian Dremel, Michael Becht, Karin Kopetzky,
Christoph Schwall, Michael Wimmer, Norbert Pfeifer, Mahmoud Mardini, Hermann Genz
Between Land and Sea: An Airborne LiDAR Field
Survey to Detect Ancient Sites in the Chekka
Region/Lebanon Using Spatial Analyses
Open Access. © 2020 Jakob Rom et al., published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License.
received July 27, 2020; accepted August 18, 2020.
Abstract: The interdisciplinary project “Between Land and Sea” combines geological, geomorphological and paleo-
environmental approaches to identify archaeological remains of the Chekka region (Lebanon). In order to record
the topography of this area, the first ever scientific airborne LiDAR data acquisition in Lebanon was conducted in
autumn 2018. This work describes not only the acquisition and processing of the LiDAR data, but also the attempt
to derive possible archaeological sites from the generated elevation model based on methods for spatial analysis.
Using an “inverted mound” (iMound) algorithm, areas of possible settlement structures could be identified, which
were classified regarding their probability of a possible ancient site using a deductive predictive model. A preliminary
validation of some of the detected favoured areas using high-resolution aerial images has shown that the methods
applied can provide hints to previously undiscovered sites. It was possible to identify probable ancient wall remains
at several detected locations. In addition, least-cost path analyses were performed to reconstruct possible trade and
transport routes from the Lebanon Mountains to the Mediterranean coast. The combination of the results of the iMound
detection and classification as well as the calculated path system could point to the strategic location of the modern
village of Kfar Hazir as a kind of traffic junction. Moreover, reconstructed main transport routes provide indications
of heavily frequented roads and may form the basis for further investigations. To validate the results, upcoming field
surveys will be realized on site.
Keywords: LiDAR, Levante, Spatial Analysis, least-cost path, Chekka
1 Introduction
Due to the civil war in Lebanon (1975–1990) archaeological activities came to a halt and only in the last decade was
intensive scientific research in this country resumed. While some regions are better known, others are still waiting
to be investigated. Belonging to the latter is the region between Ras Chekka and Enfeh and its hinterland up to the
Mount Lebanon massif (ca. 300 km²). Although it is known from ancient texts that people living in this area during the
Bronze and Iron Ages were in contact with the important civilizations of their time (Kopetzky, 2010; Cohen-Weinberger
& Goren, 2004), hardly any physical evidence of these periods was detected in this part of Lebanon. Recent publications
concentrate on the Tells of Fadous-Kfarabida and Batroun south of the study area (Badreshany & Genz, 2009; Genz,
2016; Höflmayer et al., 2014; Genz et al., 2018; Genz, 2010), on Enfeh north of it (Panayot-Haroun, 2015; Semaan &
Salama, 2019) and on Roman temples in the hinterland (Fares, 2010).
*Corresponding author: Jakob Rom, Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, Ostenstrasse 14, Eichstaett, 85072, Germany, E-mail:
Florian Haas, Manuel Stark, Fabian Dremel, Michael Becht, Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, Eichstätt, Germany
Karin Kopetzky, Christoph Schwall, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria
Michael Wimmer, Norbert Pfeifer, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Mahmoud Mardini, The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus
Hermann Genz, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Between Land and Sea: An Airborne LiDAR Field Survey to Detect Ancient Sites in the Chekka Region ... 249
The project “Between Land and Sea: The Chekka region in Lebanon”, funded by the Austrian Science Fund, intends
to investigate the ecological and economical basis of an ancient cultural landscape, which for millennia connected
the timber growing areas in the mountains to the shores of the Mediterranean. The Bay of Chekka is a natural harbor
and thus an ideal mooring place for ships. Here, two ancient settlements, Tell el-Heri and especially Tell Mirhan, are
evidence for this Mediterranean trade (Kopetzky et al., 2019). However, aside from some Roman and medieval remains,
no earlier archaeological features are known so far.
This area is a typical Mediterranean landscape with a complex topography covered with macchia and olive groves,
which makes a traditional survey on foot nearly impossible. In addition to the invisibility of the ground, modern
constructions of buildings and infrastructure have changed this ancient landscape severely at such a rapid speed that
conventional methods cannot keep up with and it is feared that archaeological sites will be lost. Thus, it was decided to
support the regional field survey with LiDAR technology to detect endangered ancient structures more quickly.
The use of airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) in archaeology has become more and more important in
the last few decades. Especially in highly vegetated areas, this method can provide detailed surface information with
an option to see “through” dense vegetation. Consequently, it has been used for archaeological prospection in forested
regions around the world like in Belize (Chase et al., 2011), in Cambodia (Evans et al., 2013), in Slovenia (Štular et al.,
2012), in the United States (Davis et al., 2019) and in the Kingdom of Tonga (Freeland et al., 2016).
Spatial analyses that go beyond a visual inspection and interpretation of a LiDAR derived model are rarely used in
archaeological prospection, some of those focus on (automated) feature detection (e.g. Freeland et al., 2016; Masini et
al., 2018; Davis et al., 2019; Verhagen & Drăguţ, 2012; Cerrillo-Cuenca, 2017). Others concentrate on visibility analyses
and calculation of viewsheds in order to recognize spatial patterns (e.g. Vinci & Bernardini, 2017; Doneus & Kühteiber,
2013). One of the most common spatial analyses of digital elevation models in archaeology is the reconstruction of road
or path networks with least-cost paths (LCP) (e.g. Diwan & Doumit, 2017; Verhagen & Jeneson, 2012; Seifried & Gardner,
2019; Palmisano, 2017; Howey, 2007) in order to reconstruct the network between known settlements and between
settlements and their hinterland. The calculation of LCPs is based on the assumption that people optimize frequently
used paths over a long period of time. Because of the variety of new GIS tools and fast developing computing capacities,
LCP analyses have been frequently used since the beginning of this millennium (Herzog, 2013). A broad overview of this
method including multiple variations and possible problems and errors is described in Herzog (2014).
The presented work deals with the first scientific airborne LiDAR data acquisition in the Lebanon as well as the
processing of the data and their evaluation regarding possible archaeological sites in the Chekka region. The main
objective of this study was the detection of favoured areas for possible ancient settlements using an inverted Mound
(iMound) algorithm and their classification with a deductive predictive model (Verhagen & Whitley, 2012; McCoy &
Ladefoged, 2009; Danese et al., 2014) based on several spatial derivations of the LiDAR model. As a result, locations
with a high probability of archaeologically interesting findings were identified, which can be taken into consideration
in the planning of future regional surveys. As a second objective these very local areas were put in a larger context
performing LCP analyses in order to get an idea of possible trade and transport routes of timber (especially cedar) from
their source areas (mountains) to the coast, as they were the main commodity in ancient times.
2 Study Area
The study area is part of the Lebanese Levantine coast at the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, and is located
within the triangle of Byblos in the south, Tripoli in the north and Baalbek in the east (Fig. 1). It forms the hinterland
of the modern city of Chekka, a predominantly industrial town with a large cement factory and many quarrying areas
close by. The region extends from the coast around Chekka to the highest peaks of the Lebanon Mountains (more than
3000 m) over an altitudinal range of nearly 1800 m, including different landscape units. Beginning from the West, the
narrow coastal plain merges into badlands, which have been deeply incised into a large alluvial plain. This plain was
formed by the directly linked river Abu Ali, which drains the upper part of the catchment. Two other major rivers (Nahr
el Jaouz and Nahr el Ouadi) with their tributaries drain the southern parts of this region and have formed a complex
hilly landscape with steep slopes and deeply incised valleys.
The region around Chekka is dominated by Mesozoic limestone and tertiary sediment deposits. While the
sedimentary deposits with their fine to coarse grain sizes are dominated by fluvial and gravitational (landslides)
250 Jakob Rom et al.
geomorphic processes (badlands), most of the limestone parts show strongly pronounced karst forms. These limestone
layers include embedded phosphate nodules and chert bands, which are known as the Chekka Formation (Walley,
1997). This material is now used on a large scale for cement production (Kopetzky et al., 2019). Beside the quarrying
activity, the whole area has been massively transformed and changed by anthropogenic impacts, as e.g. terracing for
olive groves, road constructions and buildings.
Today’s climate is characterized by cool, wet winters and hot, dry summers. Mean annual rainfall usually ranges
between 700 and 1000 mm with a high variance in time and space and with the highest values in the mountain region.
Since the beginning of the Holocene, drier and cooler as well as wetter and warmer phases have alternated in the
eastern Mediterranean (Psomiadis et al., 2018). These changing conditions have had a strong impact on the vegetation
(e.g. the tree line) as well as on the geomorphic dynamics and thus on human activity (Broodbank, 2013) within the
Without anthropogenic disturbances, the natural vegetation would be composed of macchia with deciduous
species (e.g. oaks) at lower altitudes evergreen species with increasing altitudes. The Lebanon cedar (cedrus libani)
would occur under the current climatic conditions from elevations between 800 and 2100 m (Messinger et al., 2015).
Due to overexploitation in the past, it can only be found in twelve reserves in Lebanon today (Hajar et al., 2010). It can
be assumed, however, that the lower “cedar line” was subject to fluctuations due to the changing climatic conditions
during the Holocene.
3 Materials and Methods
3.1 Data Acquisition
The ALS data acquisition was extremely challenging, as there was no previous experience in this region for such a kind
of investigation. The main problem were the restrictions that apply to the Lebanese airspace. Thus, airborne data could
only be collected by the Lebanese military using UH-1D helicopters (Fig. 2).
A Riegl VP-1 Helicopter Pod system was used, consisting of a VUXSYS LR laser scanner, including an inertial
mounting unit (IMU), a global navigation satellite system antenna (GNSS; the system used is able to acquire GPS and
Figure 1: Study area in northern Lebanon. Three geomorphological landscape units are marked in the Chekka region (coastal plain, badland
area, alluvial plain of the Abu Ali River). The locations of the dGNSS reference stations are marked as well. The elevation model is based on
ALOS Global Digital Surface Model ©JAXA.
Between Land and Sea: An Airborne LiDAR Field Survey to Detect Ancient Sites in the Chekka Region ... 251
GLONAS satellite information) and two Sony Alpha 6000 cameras (, see Tab. 1). The system was connected via
cable to a toughbook inside the helicopter, so that the scanner could be powered (by on-board electronics), operated
and the data could be streamed to the PC, where they were stored in real time. Since there was no applicable mount
for the VP-1 POD available for this type of helicopter, a prototype for such a mount had to be developed in Eichstätt,
which could then be adapted to an exhibition helicopter of the German Museum Munich. After transporting the mount
to Lebanon, it had to be approved by a security commission of the Lebanese Air Force in Beirut. After successful
approval, a flight plan was drawn up in cooperation with the military leadership, which divided the area into single
flight sections. In the end, the area could be surveyed in a total of 14 flying hours on three consecutive days (divided
into 7 flights of 2 hours each) along parallel flight strips (strip orientation north-south, 400 m distance between strips)
and along profile flights through the main valleys. An eighth flight was scheduled but could not be carried out due to
a defect of the helicopter.
Besides the airborne part of the data acquisition, the processing of the trajectory (see 3.2.1) also required the recording
of differential GNSS raw data (dGNSS) with a temporal resolution of 1 Hz by a ground team within the study area. These
data were used in a postprocessing procedure to correct the raw information of the GNSS antenna on the helicopter in
order to eliminate errors, which are caused by e.g. tropospheric/ionospheric refraction. Due to the large differences in
elevation within the study area and as specified by the flight plan, a total of 3 locations (see Fig. 1) were chosen as dGNSS
reference stations. Two systems were deployed redundantly on each location (Stonex S9III and Stonex S9i).
The large helicopter used turned out to be very suitable for data acquisition and the pilots benefited from a radar
system able to determine the flight altitude above ground, unlike commercial helicopters. This enabled the constant
checking of the pre-calculated ideal flight parameters. Nevertheless, due to the extreme differences in altitude (valleys
and hills) in certain areas, it was not always possible to adjust the flight height quickly to the topography, which resulted
in varying point resolutions of the point cloud. An attempt to compensate for this was made by sufficient overlaps
between the flight strips and by additional flight routes through the valleys. Despite the overall successful flight mission,
problems with the GPS satellite availability occurred during single flights. Dips in the GPS signal occurred and were
Figure 2: Self-made construction to mount the Riegl VP-1 POD on a Bell UH-1D helicopter of the Lebanese Army.
Table 1: Scan parameters and their settings used during the ALS data acquisition.
Scan parameter Settings
Platform Bell UH-D
Sensor Riegl VUX LR
Flight height - m above ground
Flight speed  kn ( km/h)
Pulse repetition rate  kHz
Swath width  m
Points per m² 
252 Jakob Rom et al.
concentrated in a relatively limited area, probably the result of the deliberate manipulation of the GPS signal on the
ground by military units. This problem ultimately affected individual narrow sections of three flight strips. In certain
cases, the resulting errors could be eliminated by the postprocessing of the trajectory and a final strip adjustment, but
one flight strip had to be partly removed from the data set.
3.2 Data Processing
3.2.1 Raw Data Processing
The processing of the raw data followed a three-step workflow, including the calculation of a precise trajectory (flight
line), the combination of the trajectory with the raw scan data and a final strip adjustment.
The trajectory was derived by the software package PosPac MMS (Applanix), using the information acquired during
the flight by the GNSS antenna and the IMU, both mounted on the VP-1. This unprocessed trajectory information
from the scanner system was combined afterwards with the data of the dGNSS ground stations, which were operated
during the flights within the single flight areas (see Fig. 1), resulting in a processed trajectory. Then this highly accurate
reconstruction of the flight path was transferred to the software package Riegl Riprocess.
Within Riprocess, the raw scan data were linked to the processed trajectory and point clouds were derived for every
single flight strip of the mission. These strips as well as the processed trajectory information were then exported and
a final strip adjustment was performed by using the approach of Glira et al. (2015) as implemented in the point cloud
processing software OPALS (Pfeifer et al., 2014). In order to serve as reference data for the adjustment, the most reliable
strips were selected based on quality criteria and adjusted in advance. Consequently, the rest of the strips could be
adjusted using more flexible spline trajectory correlation models (Glira et al., 2016). These were necessary due to the
significantly varying trajectory quality also within single strips. As a final result about 2.7x109 points within 180 flight
strips were exported as pointclouds (LAS files) and served as data base for all following processing steps.
3.2.2 Filtering and Classification
After the postprocessing of the raw data, the resulting pointclouds had to be filtered regarding positive and negative
outliers and classified, especially concerning ground points. For the following steps the GIS-software SAGA (System for
Automated Geoscientific Analyses) (Conrad et al., 2015) with the extension LIS Pro 3D of Laserdata (www.laserdata.
at) was used (Petrini-Monteferri et al., 2009) in combination with the programming language Python and the statistics
software R.
The workflow for the processing of the ALS data in order to generate a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) was created
based on the morphological classification in Hilger (2017) and is shown in Figure 3. At first, the raw pointcloud was
divided into 50 x 50 m tiles. This small size of 2500 m² per part was chosen in order to reduce the computation time
for the following steps. The tiling of the pointcloud was followed by a removal of the outliers. All points with errors
in z-direction (low and air points) were filtered using the SAGA LIS tool “Remove Isolated Points (PC)”. The next and
most important step was the ground classification itself, which is based on the work of Hilger (2017). Within each cell
of the tiled pointcloud (50 x 50 m), the lowest point was declared as a ground point (seed point). These seed points
were meshed in a triangulated irregular network (TIN), which worked as a preliminary ground surface. Next, the cell
size of the tiles was reduced step by step until it reached a size of 10 x 10 m. With every step, new lowest points were
detected and integrated into the TIN. After that procedure, a previously unclassified point was only declared as ground,
if the angle between the TIN plane and the line connecting the point and the closest valid ground point is less than
40° and the point is located within a distance of 1.5 m towards the TIN mesh. After new points were verified as ground,
the TIN mesh was updated and the threshold parameters were checked again for all unclassified points until finally no
further points could be assigned to the class “ground” (Ma et al., 2018). After the ground classification, the classified
pointcloud was carefully checked and corrected manually. The last step included the creation of a DTM using only
ground points. To exclude even low vegetation from the model, the z-value of only the lowest point per cell was used to
determine the cell value. The created DTM with a cell size of 1 m² is the base for all following evaluation steps.
Between Land and Sea: An Airborne LiDAR Field Survey to Detect Ancient Sites in the Chekka Region ... 253
3.3 Data Evaluation by Spatial Analysis
The derived DTM was analysed using spatial calculations in order to detect possible ancient settlements and other traces
of anthropogenic structures. These analyses were used in a final step to detect favoured areas for possible archaeological
sites. The basic workflow of the spatial analyses is shown in figure 4. First of all, areas had to be extracted from the input
DTM that could be considered as potential sites for settlement structures (as described below, the term iMound is used
for these areas). Then those areas were classified regarding their potential as a possible archaeological site. In the end
LCP analyses intend to reconstruct possible trade and transport routes from the Lebanese Mountains towards the coast
in order to link the coastal sites with their hinterland.
3.3.1 iMound Detection
Regarding the settlements, the main focus of the presented study was on tells and settlements on hills, as a pre-
selection had to be made due to the size of the study area. Many of the known inland sites in the region are either
situated at elevated locations (temples of Hardine and Ain Akrine) or on partly artificial tells (Tell el-Heri and Tell
Arqa). Consequently, the first task was to extract hill-shaped landforms from the DTM, which were analysed afterwards
whether they would have been a suitable place to settle for ancient people or not.
To accomplish this an inverted Mound (iMound) algorithm was used, which was originally developed by Freeland
et al. (2016) in order to detect burial mounds in the Kingdom of Tonga. Figure 5 illustrates the detection algorithm of the
Figure 3: Workflow of the filtering and classification of the raw pointcloud data.
Figure 4: Workflow of the data evaluation by spatial analysis.
254 Jakob Rom et al.
mounds step by step. After a low-pass filter was applied to the DTM in order to remove noise from the model, the DTM
was flipped: Hills became pits and vice versa. Now the sinks were filled using the algorithm of Wang and Liu (2006),
known from hydrologic modelling toolboxes. The next step was to subtract this filled model from the original one so
that only the filled sinks (which are in fact inverted mounds) remain. By using thresholds for minimum mound height
(1 m) and maximum plain area (8 ha) the valid iMounds were extracted (Fig. 5) and the DTM was flipped back. All the
following investigations were then conducted on these hill-shaped landforms.
3.3.2 iMound Classification
The detected iMounds are primarily landforms and not archaeological features. In order to establish whether those areas
may have been suitable locations for ancient settlers or not, they were subjected to a classification with a deductive
predictive model. Several parameters will be introduced in the following paragraphs based on which a score value was
calculated (see section estimating the probability of an ancient settlement at this location. Visual Inspection
The beginning of the analyses was a visual examination that resulted in the designation of a first visual parameter (a)
and a second parameter (r). The iMounds were manually checked in a multi-stage procedure and evaluated with respect
to their location and possible recognizable structures. The first inspection included a visual check of all iMounds using
satellite images. For incorrect or completely unsuitable hills, both visual parameters for score calculation (a and r) were
set to 0. These include, for example, modern anthropogenic hills in quarrying areas or areas on the narrow ridges of
Figure 5: Step by step calculation of the iMounds on an example near Enfeh. A) Input DTM. B) Application of a low-pass filter. C) Inverting the
model. D) Filling sinks after Wang and Liu (2006). E) Subtraction of the filled model from the input model and application of a 1 m threshold
for minimum mound height (encircled in black). F) Digitized iMounds mapped on the input DTM visualized by hillshading.
Between Land and Sea: An Airborne LiDAR Field Survey to Detect Ancient Sites in the Chekka Region ... 255
geological structures. For all remaining iMounds the parameter a was set to 1. The second check was carried out only
for these valid areas (a = 1).
Each iMound was scanned for possible ancient (wall) structures based on different visualization methods of
the DTM. These included Analytical Hillshades (simple relief shading) by one light source (cf. Kokalj et al., 2013),
primarily using the SAGA tool “Combined Shading”, which creates the impression of diffuse light scattering in
combination with the slope. The height of the light source above the horizon was set between 15° and 35° and the
result was displayed in a grey scale with a linear histogram stretch (Fig. 6A). The slope gradient in degree was also
displayed using a linear color scheme (yellow to red). Due to the very high values, both anthropogenic walls (including
agricultural terraces, building remains) as well as natural steep structures could be identified (Fig. 6B). In addition,
Local Relief Models (Fig. 6E) were calculated using the improved methodology from Hesse (2010) and by varying the
used filter radii between 6 and 15 m to be able to detect small-scale features on the flat to medium relief iMound areas.
The Sky View Factor (cf. Kokalj et al., 2011; Zakšek et al., 2011) was also applied and was mostly calculated using 16
sectors and radii between 6 and 20 m (Fig. 6F). Finally, positive and negative openness (cf. Doneus, 2013) were also
derived in order to visualize the individual iMounds (Fig. 6C and 6D). Both the number of sectors and the used radii
were in accordance with the Sky View Factor.
Only in the case of recognizable structures using the described visualization methods or a particularly suitable
location of the iMound, the parameter r was set to 1; in the case of no recognizable structures, the corresponding
iMound remains at r = 0. In the end, three types of iMounds can be distinguished based on the visual inspection:
Incorrect or unsuitable iMounds (a = 0, r = 0), suitable areas without any indications of archaeological structures (a =
1, r = 0) and suitable areas with features indicating past settlements or a very favourable spatial location (a = 1, r = 1).
Figure 6: Applied visualization methods on the example of Tell el-Heri. A) Hillshade (Combined Shading). B) Slope map. C) Positive
Openness. D) Negative Openness. E) Local Relief Model. F) Sky View Factor.
256 Jakob Rom et al. Availability of Fresh Water
The availability of fresh water was crucial for ancient settlements, which is why this factor was probably one of the
most important in the choice of a settlement location. This assumption was included in the calculation of the score, as
it is a vital component in other predictive models as well (cf. Brandt et al. 1992). The current river system was derived
indirectly from the DTM using a flow accumulation approach based on the relief parameters, whereby a grid cell must
have a potential hydrological catchment area of at least 10,000 m² in order to be classified as a river of sufficient size
(cf. Wilson & Gallant, 2000; Quinn et al., 1991). The derived river network served as a basis for further calculations.
Two restrictions must be taken into account: (i) the river network has changed more or less strongly since ancient
times, although at least in the deeply incised valleys of the larger rivers, especially at higher altitudes in the study
area, no drastic changes in flow path are expected. And (ii) surely not all derived flow paths indicate perennial rivers.
Hydrological data from the American University of Beirut show that there are only three perennial river sections (Abu
Ali, Nahr el Ouadi and Nahr el Jaouz) throughout the year under the present day climatic and hydrological conditions,
which surely have changed during the Holocene. However, the basis and accuracy of this dataset remains unclear and
it was decided to use the before mentioned minimum hydrological catchment size (10,000 m²) for a probable perennial
To get an idea of which iMounds are in a good position regarding the availability of fresh water, LCPs of each
iMound (starting from the centre of the polygon) to the nearest calculated river or known spring were computed. A
map of presently active springs was provided by Professor Joanna Doummar from the Department of Geology at the
American University of Beirut. If the LCPs are calculated based on the DTM with a cell size of 1 m², the computational
steps will require a high computing power with long processing times. Another problem with small cell sizes is that the
LiDAR data set includes modern roads, which can be easily recognized with a 1 m grid. Since the modern roads usually
have more favourable inclination angles than their immediate surroundings, the LCP algorithms prefer to follow the
modern roads automatically. As a consequence, the DTM was converted to a cell size of 10 x 10 m in order to prevent
this bias, by using a mean value upscaling method. This 10 m grid does no longer contain any relicts of modern roads
or other small-scale features and the LCPs could be calculated purely based on the relief parameters.
The parameter D describes the accumulated costs of each iMound to reach the next river or spring using the 6th
degree polynomial function by Herzog (2010) (see chapter for calculating the cost grid. Olaya (2004) proposed to
exclude high slope values from the computation of LCPs because very steep slopes can be dangerous for hikers. As the
presented calculations offer the possibility to cross hillsides, this threshold was set to a high value (45°). Area and Circularity
Unrealistic large iMounds probably covering more than one hilltop were avoided by setting the maximum iMound size
to 8 ha, the size of the largest Bronze and Iron Age sites known in this region. Nevertheless, the detection of a mound
with a large area is a better indication for a valid ancient settlement than a small area, because settlements had to find
enough space on the hilltops. However, the shape of an iMound does not necessarily represent the extent of a possible
tell. The latter may well extend beyond the boundaries of the digitized mound. In addition, contrary to the previous
parameter, no ranking order can be established. This means for example that an 8 ha iMound is not necessarily more
suitable than a 5 ha one. Only the fact that too small areas are more likely to indicate natural structures than tells can
be considered in the score calculation. To achieve this, the area parameter (A) for iMounds larger than 0.3 ha was set to
1. For smaller iMounds, the value 0.5 was assumed for this parameter.
Tells are often nearly circular, in particular manmade tells (cf. Menze et al., 2006). This applies also to the outlines
of several known tells close to the study area, for example Tell el-Heri, Tell Arqa and Tell Ardeh. For these reasons, high
circularity of an iMound is considered a significant indicator of a likely settlement location. The circularity (parameter
C) was calculated after Skau (1951):
where A is the area and p the perimeter of the iMound polyg
Parameter s represents the slope of a grid cell in percent. A similar calculation of the cost grid was
suggested for example by Bell and Lock (2000).
1) LCP based on Tobler (1993)
The Tobler hiking f unction is the most common method for calculating LCPs in archaeology (Herzog,
2010). The formula was developed on an empirical basis and was e.g. published in Tobler (1993). The
formula of the speed of a walker as a function of the slope (V(s)) is:
where s represents the mathematical slope. To calculate a cost grid for LCP applications, the reciprocal
of this formula must be used. It describes how long a hiker needs for a certain distance depending on
the slope and is expressed in time per distance (e.g. seconds per meter).
2) LCP based on Llobera and Sluckin (2007)
The third method of constructing the cost grid is based on the considerations of Llobera and Sluckin
(2007), specified by Herzog (2013):
og (2010):
()=1337.8+278.19517.3978.199+93.419+19.825+ 1.64
Again, s represents the mathematical slope. The formula is a mathematical adaptat
where A is the area and p the perimeter of the iMound polygon. This formula calculates values close to 1 for more or less
round features whereas irregularly shaped areas receive values close to 0.
Between Land and Sea: An Airborne LiDAR Field Survey to Detect Ancient Sites in the Chekka Region ... 257 Visibility
Visibility probably played a major role in the choice of a location for ancient settlements. Therefore, viewshed analyses
are part of many predictive models (cf. Danese et al., 2014). If one could overlook large parts of the surrounding
landscape when standing on the hill, it was possible to recognize approaching threats at an early stage. It was also
possible to control and monitor trade routes when visibility was wide. The radius of the viewsheds computed for the
iMounds was set to 2100 m because the field experiments of Fábrega-Álvarez and Parcero-Oubiña (2019) indicate that it
is not possible to detect motion of a man-sized object in a vegetated environment at a larger distance.
To be able to perform visibility calculations in an acceptable computing time, the DTM with a cell size of 10 x 10 m
was used and the viewshed for each iMound was calculated only from the highest topographic point plus an estimated
eye height of 1.60 m. The resulting binary grid was buffered using the established radius of 2100 m detection range (Fig.
7) and the visible area within this buffer radius was summed up for each iMound, resulting in parameter V. Score Calculation
All parameters of the spatial analysis were combined in a predictive model to calculate a score for each iMound. This
score indicates the probability of archaeological features to be expected in the areas according to the variables computed
here. The value of the score (S) can range from 1 (very likely) to 0 (very unlikely) and is composed of the parameters
described above, whose values can also vary from 1 to 0. The parameters D and V were normalized and adjusted so
that the value 1 was assigned to the best and the value 0 to the worst fitting iMound. The normalized parameters are
indicated by the subscript “no” in the formula (Dno, Vno). Exceptions are, as described above, the area (A) and also the
circularity (C), the latter directly resulting from the formula in chapter
Figure 7: Calculation of the visibility (V) using the example of iMound ID 66. Visible areas are marked in white, invisible areas in black.
258 Jakob Rom et al.
If indications of structures were registered during the visual inspection (r = 1), this can indicate possible archaeological
sites. The parameter a in this formula ensures that a score value was only assigned to valid iMounds.
3.3.3 LCP Analysis
The iMound classification in order to detect potential settlement areas on hills was followed by simple LCP analyses
to reconstruct former trade routes and paths from mountainous regions to the coast. Three main destinations on the
Mediterranean coast were selected. These include the well-known tells of Mirhan and el-Heri as well as a spot further
south representing the ancient sites of modern Batroun (cf. Markoe, 2000). Batroun itself is located outside the area,
which was surveyed by LiDAR and is therefore not included in the DTM, but the distance from the selected destination
to the modern city center is only 4 km and the path is quite flat as it follows the plain of Nahr el Jaouz. As starting points
for the LCP calculations, the midpoints of only those iMounds were used, whose score value exceeds 0.5. This ensures
that only areas with a high probability for ancient settlements were included in this calculation. The computation of the
LCPs was again based on an upscaled DTM with a cell size of 10 x 10 m (c.f.
Four different slope-dependent cost functions were applied for calculating the LCPs, these cost functions are
described within the next chapter. As all of these depend on the slope of the DTM only, the resulting path networks
likely concentrate on the incised and low-slope flood plains of the main river sections. Even though these plain areas
seem well suited for paths, narrow passages and river meander prevent easy progress and require frequent crossing
of the rivers. As this leads to considerable problems, especially in the case of large rivers, it was decided to adjust the
calculation of LCPs there. For this purpose, the main river sections, according to the data of the American University of
Beirut (Abu Ali, Nahr el Ouadi, Nahr el Jaouz), were buffered (Buffer radius: 25 m) and provided with very high costs, so
that crossing the river was made considerably more difficult, but not impossible. LCP Methods
Four different methods were used to calculate the main cost grids. In order to get near to an anisotropic (direction
dependent) calculation of the cost surface, the aspect grid was used to set the direction of maximum cost in the SAGA
tool “Accumulated Cost” (Olaya, 2004). Once the costs for each of the destinations were accumulated, the final LCPs
could be created.
1. LCP based only on the slope
The first method is the simplest. The slope gradient is directly included in the calculation of the cost grid. In
principle, flat routes are preferred to steeper ones:
Parameter s represents the slope of a grid cell in percent. A similar calculation of the cost grid was suggested for
example by Bell and Lock (2000).
2. LCP based on Tobler (1993)
The Tobler hiking function is the most common method for calculating LCPs in archaeology (Herzog, 2010). The
formula was developed on an empirical basis and was e.g. published in Tobler (1993). The formula of the speed of
a walker as a function of the slope (V(s)) is:
where s represents the mathematical slope. To calculate a cost grid for LCP applications, the reciprocal of this
formula must be used. It describes how long a hiker needs for a certain distance depending on the slope and is
expressed in time per distance (e.g. seconds per meter).
Between Land and Sea: An Airborne LiDAR Field Survey to Detect Ancient Sites in the Chekka Region ... 259
3. LCP based on Llobera and Sluckin (2007)
The third method of constructing the cost grid is based on the considerations of Llobera and Sluckin (2007),
specified by Herzog (2013):
where A is the area and p the perimeter of the iMound polyg
Parameter s represents the slope of a grid cell in percent. A similar calculation of the cost grid was
suggested for example by Bell and Lock (2000).
1) LCP based on Tobler (1993)
The Tobler hiking f unction is the most common method for calculating LCPs in archaeology (Herzog,
2010). The formula was developed on an empirical basis and was e.g. published in Tobler (1993). The
formula of the speed of a walker as a function of the slope (V(s)) is:
where s represents the mathematical slope. To calculate a cost grid for LCP applications, the reciprocal
of this formula must be used. It describes how long a hiker needs for a certain distance depending on
the slope and is expressed in time per distance (e.g. seconds per meter).
2) LCP based on Llobera and Sluckin (2007)
The third method of constructing the cost grid is based on the considerations of Llobera and Sluckin
(2007), specified by Herzog (2013):
og (2010):
()=1337.8+278.19517.3978.199+93.419+19.825+ 1.64
Again, s represents the mathematical slope. The formula is a mathematical adaptat
where s represents the slope gradient and š a critical inclination value. This formula was developed primarily with
regard to wheeled vehicles, which were most likely used in ancient times in the region around Chekka. For the use
of carts š must not be set too high. Herzog (2013) recommends values between 8 and 16%, in this work a threshold
value of 10% was used.
4. LCP based on Herzog (2010)
The last method is a 6th degree polynomial function developed by Herzog (2010):
where A is the area and p the perimeter of the iMound polyg
Parameter s represents the slope of a grid cell in percent. A similar calculation of the cost grid was
suggested for example by Bell and Lock (2000).
1) LCP based on Tobler (1993)
The Tobler hiking f unction is the most common method for calculating LCPs in archaeology (Herzog,
2010). The formula was developed on an empirical basis and was e.g. published in Tobler (1993). The
formula of the speed of a walker as a function of the slope (V(s)) is:
where s represents the mathematical slope. To calculate a cost grid for LCP applications, the reciprocal
of this formula must be used. It describes how long a hiker needs for a certain distance depending on
the slope and is expressed in time per distance (e.g. seconds per meter).
2) LCP based on Llobera and Sluckin (2007)
The third method of constructing the cost grid is based on the considerations of Llobera and Sluckin
(2007), specified by Herzog (2013):
og (2010):
()=1337.8+278.19517.3978.199+93.419+19.825+ 1.64
Again, s represents the mathematical slope. The formula is a mathematical adaptat
Again, s represents the mathematical slope. The formula is a mathematical adaptation to physiological data from
Minetti et al. (2002), which were obtained at slope gradient values between -0.45 and +0.45, and is thus based on
the energy that a pedestrian must expend. Validation of the LCPs
The best LCP method was selected by comparing the LCPs with the recent main traffic routes derived from OpenStreetMap
(OSM) data ( Trails, residential roads, and similar pathways were removed from the data set.
It is quite likely that the locations of the main traffic roads today are more or less comparable to the main routes in
ancient times. To be able to make a statement about the quality of the LCP methods, a buffer of radius 50 m was created
around the LCPs. If OSM roads were detected within these buffer zones, the corresponding path sections of the LCPs
were marked. The ratio of total length and corresponding path sections can provide information about the quality of the
different LCP methods (Tab. 2). A hit rate of 45% for the Llobera and Sluckin method means that almost half of the road
sections within a radius of 50 m actually contain modern main roads as recorded in the OSM data set.
Based on this validation, the best fitting method to calculate LCPs in the considered area around Chekka turned
out to be the method after Llobera and Sluckin (2007). Thus, it was used for the reconstruction of the ancient paths. In
order to provide a comparable alternative to the Llobera and Sluckin paths, the method based on Herzog (2010) was
additionally used for the reconstruction.
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 DTM
The calculated DTM with a cell size of 1 m² effectively covers an area of about 290 km² and extends from the
Mediterranean coast to altitudes of 1780 m in the southeast of the study area (Fig. 8). The arithmetic mean of the density
of all recorded points is 9.977 pts/m², but in central areas and regions well covered by the flight strips, significantly
higher density values were achieved. Due to the GPS problems during the recording of the data (see chapter 3.1), only
minor inaccuracies in the strip adjustment of the affected flight strip occurred.
The classification of the pointclouds led to a reliable detection of the ground points in large parts of the investigation
area. For an automated approach of filtering and classification, the overall result is satisfying. Even in densely forested
areas, it was possible to detect the ground beneath the leaf canopy using the LiDAR method. Only a few of the 1 m²
cells did not contain any ground points resulting in small gaps in the DTM. These originate from buildings or appear
260 Jakob Rom et al.
Figure 8: LiDAR generated DTM of the overflown area in a 1 m raster with the calculated river network. Rivers with year-round discharge
(according to the data provided by the American University of Beirut) are marked in bold. In areas not covered by the LiDAR DTM, a hillshade
of the ALOS Global Digital Surface Model ©JAXA is shown in grayscale.
Table 2: Validation of the LCP methods using OSM reference data. The total length of all reconstructed routes is shown in the second
column. The third column shows the sum of the reconstructed routes that are comparable to OSM data. The ratio of both is shown in the last
Method Total Length [m] Valid Length [m] Valid [%]
Slope ,, , .
Tobler () ,, , .
Llobera and Sluckin () ,, , .
Herzog () ,, , .
Between Land and Sea: An Airborne LiDAR Field Survey to Detect Ancient Sites in the Chekka Region ... 261
within very dense vegetation. The resulting gaps were thus filled by using a spline-interpolation. Figure 9 shows the
differences between the unfiltered Digital Surface Model, the DTM (only ground points), and the final gap-filled DTM.
In many publications concerning archaeological prospection LiDAR derived DTMs are used because of the numerous
advantages of this method. Archaeological features are often made visible quickly and easily by a simple hillshading.
Examples can be found in Chase et al. (2011) for Central America, where the DTM clearly identifies Mayan structures,
as well as in Evans et al. (2013) for the Khmer temples of Angkor in Cambodia. In the work presented here, however, no
archaeologically relevant features can be made visible without great effort or just using simple visualization methods.
One reason is that the region in the hinterland of Chekka has been strongly and almost completely reworked in modern
times, whereas, for example, Chase et al. (2011) found almost unchanged landscapes in the rainforest of Belize since
Mayan times. The second reason is that a very long time has passed since the Bronze Age, when settlements can be
assumed to have been established due to the intensive cedar wood trade in this area. The remains of settlements have
either been destroyed by modern construction, or have decayed to a point where they only have a minimal influence
on the topography. Because of the elapsed time, the strong modern overprinting and the partly strong relief, a direct
detection of settlement remains from ancient times was not feasible.
4.2 iMound Detection and Classification
590 areas in the study area were classified as iMounds. Each iMound is clearly identified by an individual identification
number (ID). By visual inspection of the respective areas 314 mounds could be assigned to level 1 (a = 0, r = 0), 157 to
level 2 (a = 1, r = 0) and 119 to level 3 (a = 1, r = 1). Many of the mounds are concentrated in the areas east of the coastal
plain. This strongly fragmented landscape shows a diversified geomorphological setting including many natural hill
structures, which were identified by the iMound algorithm.
For iMounds classified to levels 2 and 3, the probability of an ancient settlement at this location was estimated
by a score (see A high score reflects suitable parameter values for an ancient settlement. The locations of
the iMounds as well as their individual score values are presented in figure 10. The calculated score is theoretically
distributed between 0 and 1, the achieved values vary between 0.258 (iMound ID 89) and 0.869 (iMound ID 243). In
addition, known and presently active springs are mapped in figure 10 as well. Table 3 shows the iMounds with the 10
highest scores and their parameters for calculating the score value. It is remarkable that seven of the ten highest scores
are located in the alluvial plain of the Abu Ali River, mainly near the modern towns of Kfar Hazir and Amioun. The
reasons for these high scores in this region are, on the one hand, low slope values and, on the other hand, short and
relatively direct paths to rivers. In addition, the visibility in plains shows high values, because on hills - in an otherwise
flat area - it is possible to overlook large parts of the surroundings. Due to the large number of iMounds with a high
score, probably only a part of them indicate tell locations in this landscape.
As it is very difficult to detect archaeologically interesting structures only by visualizing the DTM, the iMound
detection and classification was supposed to point to areas of possible ancient settlements. However, the calculated
Figure 9: Effects of the ground classification and the interpolation using the example of a small section. A: Digital Surface Model, which
includes buildings and vegetation. B: DTM, only ground points are included. The artificial terraces become clearly visible. C: DTM after gaps
were filled by spline-interpolation.
262 Jakob Rom et al.
areas must not be considered as complete. It is very likely that villages were also formed between the detected hilltops,
which are not covered by this methodology. However, the iMounds as an automated calculation result provide large-
area indications of favourable settlement locations, especially tells or settlements on hilltop structures, without the
need to search the DTM manually with great time expenditure.
4.3 LCP Analysis
For all iMounds with a score > 0.5 (n = 164) LCPs were calculated to one of the three destinations Tell Mirhan, Tell el-Heri
or Batroun. The algorithm automatically selects the best destination for each path. Figure 10 shows the results of these
analyses. Based on the validation (see, the paths were calculated using the method according to Llobera &
Sluckin (blue) and Herzog (red). The intensity of the color indicates how many paths overlap at this point. In this way,
possible main routes can be determined. Numerous coinciding LCPs, computed by using both methods, indicate that
these apparently very suitable paths were also heavily used in past times. When looking at the reconstructed paths in
figure 10, two routes are particularly noticeable:
First, the southern route from the high mountains in the southeast to the destination at Batroun near the coast.
Especially in the last third, many paths of both methods merge beside the valley of Nahr el Jaouz, and even cross the
river at the same location. Shortly before arriving at the destination, 32 Llobera & Sluckin paths and 38 Herzog paths
follow the same trail. It should be stated again that high costs were attributed to traverse the river Nahr el Jaouz due to
the river morphology. Nevertheless, the possibility of ancient routes along sections of the floodplain remains.
The second remarkable route with large overlaps of both methods leads from the alluvial plain of the Abu Ali River
through the badlands towards Tell Mirhan. The reason for this large number of overlaps of the LCPs is that many paths
starting in the eastern study area join at Kfar Hazir in order to cross the terrain step from the alluvial plain through the
badland area towards the coastal plain. As a result, 67 Herzog paths and 79 Llobera & Sluckin paths follow a similar
route towards Tell Mirhan. The fact that nearly all LCPs of those iMounds located east of the plain meet at Kfar Hazir
is very remarkable. It implies that today the easiest way from the plain towards the coast without any real alternative
is through Kfar Hazir. In fact, the modern main road is located exactly at this point. It has to be considered that the
landscape, especially the geomorphic very active badlands, has changed a lot during the last millennia, but that even
in ancient times the best way out of the mountains towards Tell Mirhan was probably through this narrow passage. The
village of Kfar Hazir is therefore of great importance when considering the LCP results.
Table 3: The ten iMounds with the highest score including all parameters used for the calculation. A: Area, C: Circularity, D: Availability of
fresh water (accumulated costs), V: Visibility, r=1 if manmade structures are visible in the LiDAR data.
ID A [m²] C D V [m²] r Score
 , . . ,, .
 , . . ,, .
 , . . ,, .
 , . . ,, .
 , . . ,, .
 , . . ,, .
 , . . ,, .
 , . . ,, .
 , . . ,, .
 , . . ,, .
Between Land and Sea: An Airborne LiDAR Field Survey to Detect Ancient Sites in the Chekka Region ... 263
With the help of the calculation of digital relief parameters from the DTM, it was also possible to derive least-cost
Voronoi polygons for the three destinations. This means that for each pixel of the elevation model, the destination that
can be reached most easily on the basis of the underlying LCP formula (in this case the formula according to Llobera
and Sluckin, see was calculated. The calculation itself is similar to the derivation of hydrological catchment
areas from a DTM. However, it is not based on the elevation model itself, but on the cost grid from the LCP calculation.
Figure 10 clearly shows that especially the least-cost Voronoi polygon for Tell Mirhan covers large parts of the study
area, though the size of the least-cost Voronoi polygons of Tell Mirhan and Batroun can only be determined when
considering additional destinations and extending the study area. This observation supports the thesis that Tell Mirhan
was of great importance as a harbor town in ancient periods (Kopetzky et al., 2019). In contrast, the Voronoi polygon for
Tell el-Heri is relatively small and only covers areas up to a maximum of 9 km inland. For all areas further east, it seems
to be easier to move to the coast towards Tell Mirhan or Batroun. This could be an indication that el-Heri was not a large
port city but served other purposes.
The LCP methods used are based on the slope-dependent cost functions combined with high costs in the buffers
around the main rivers. A more detailed analysis including other topographic components (vegetation cover, soil
properties, smaller river systems) or even social and cultural components (visibility) could provide further information
for the accurate reconstruction of ancient road systems (Herzog, 2013).
4.4 Examples of Favoured Areas
The iMound classification has led to the identification of many potentially archaeologically interesting areas. Using high-
resolution RGB aerial images (ground resolution ca. 0.05 m), which were taken by the two Sony Alpha 6000 cameras
during the LiDAR flight, these sites have been examined visually. However, due to the intensive modern construction
Figure 10: Results of the iMound detection and classification as well as the LCP analysis. Known springs are mapped as well. Further
explanations in the text.
264 Jakob Rom et al.
(buildings, infrastructure, terracing) of some areas, it must be assumed that some sites are not shown in the aerial
images. Therefore, on-site visits to verify the results are crucial and will be conducted in the course of the project.
Nevertheless, in some places the aerial images complement the results of the methods presented. An example is the
iMound ID 508 about 2 km northwest of the city of Douma. With a score of 0.645, it achieves an above-average value and
is moreover not situated in any plain but in complex topographical relief, which further strengthens the score. Already
during the visual inspection of the DTM at this location, linear structures were detected and a spring has been mapped
in the immediate vicinity (Fig. 10). The visual observation of aerial images of iMound 508 confirms the evidence. In the
elevation model as well as in the aerial image the linear structures of ancient wall remains are clearly visible (Fig. 11).
The obvious building foundations indicate a probable ancient settlement on this site, which had been unknown to the
authors until this point. A survey on site is necessary for further information on this settlement as well as on the nearby
iMound at Douma (ID 500), which reaches a top-ten score. Unfortunately, this area is completely covered with modern
constructions, thus aerial images cannot provide additional information.
Figure 11: Aerial images showing four iMounds with high scores. Top left: Clear settlement structures of iMound 508. Top right: Round wall
structures of iMound 344. Bottom left: Vegetated structures of iMound 365, encircled in red. Bottom right: Wall structures and old terraces
of iMound 256.
Between Land and Sea: An Airborne LiDAR Field Survey to Detect Ancient Sites in the Chekka Region ... 265
Analogous to this procedure, other structures could be identified on aerial images. Among others, wall remains are
clearly visible in iMounds 256, 344 and 554. All of these iMounds achieve very high score values. With iMound ID 365
near the villages of Bahbouch and Bziza, structures can be identified on aerial images (Fig. 11). Whether the traces of an
ancient settlement still slightly influence the terrain surface or whether these formations are of different origin cannot
be determined by remote sensing methods.
Due to the reasons mentioned above not all iMounds could be verified by aerial images. Among these numerous
unconfirmed sites, the area around the town of Kfar Hazir will be discussed in more detail. Here, at the transition from
the Abu Ali flood plain to the heavily fragmented areas of the badlands, the iMounds with the highest score values can
be found. In addition, all LCPs running in this direction roughly coincide in this area. Based on today’s relief, Kfar Hazir
seems to be the optimal place to overcome the terrain step from the high-altitude flood plain towards the coastal plain.
A settlement at this point would have had an outstanding strategic importance in ancient times, as the roads could
be monitored and large parts of the alluvial plain could be overseen. As a consequence, there is much to suggest that
modern Kfar Hazir can look back on a long settlement history. However, the strong modern imprinting of the landscape
has the consequence that hardly any old structures can be seen in aerial images. More reliable information about Kfar
Hazir as a potential archaeological site can only be obtained by validation on site.
5 Conclusion
The DTM created from the acquired LiDAR data of the Chekka region provides a good database for archaeological
investigations. The spatial resolution as well as the solid filtering and classification of the pointcloud allow further
evaluations. In addition to the spatial analyses presented here, areas of potential archaeological sites could be delimited
without time-consuming examination of all the DTM visualizations.
By identifying iMounds and estimating the probability of an ancient settlement at this location, new possible
site locations have been detected automatically. As the examples of iMounds 256, 344, 365 and 508 show, some of
the detected areas can be verified as archaeologically interesting spots by aerial images. For other calculated areas a
verification on site is necessary.
In order to put the locally restricted iMounds into a larger context, connections between numerous favoured areas
and destinations on the Mediterranean coast were established by calculating LCPs. Thus, possible main trade and
transport routes from the Lebanon Mountains to the coast could be reconstructed. It is noticeable that many of these
routes roughly coincide in some places due to the topography. This is most obvious in the village of Kfar Hazir close to
a terrain step. Such probable past traffic junctions are of archaeological importance because strategic settlements were
often located nearby.
The reconstructed paths, as well as the derived river systems lead to the question of the transport of timber as an
important commodity from the higher altitudes to the coast. The calculated DTM shows parts of the large river courses
of the Abu Ali, Nahr el Ouadi and Nahr el Jaouz. All three river channels are characterized by narrow river valleys
with hardly any straight sections. The problem of log jams is very serious in large parts of the river sections, which
would have made transport via the river systems very labour-intensive. The reconstructed route system could have
been used for the timber transport. A presumed main road from Kfar Hazir to the coast leads directly to Tell Mirhan.
These reasons speak for a preferred transport of timber via a land route, which is also in line with the results of Semaan
(2015). However, a combination of fluvial and terrestrial transport is also conceivable, with a higher probability of water
transport in the upper mountain regions where the Lebanese cedar grows.
It has been shown that LiDAR data acquisition and subsequent spatial analysis can help to answer archaeological
questions. In politically unstable countries like Lebanon, however, such surveys are difficult to conduct. A long and
intensive preparation period and negotiations with political, military and scientific authorities must be expected. Short-
term changes in the data collection process and other unexpected problems may occur. Nevertheless, the recording
and evaluation of a high-resolution DTM leads to valuable results and makes a first evaluation of relatively large areas
possible, which could be shown within this study.
266 Jakob Rom et al.
Acknowledgements: We would like to thank Director General Sarkis el-Khoury, Samar Karam and Rita Lichaa from
the Directorate General of Antiquities, whose support made our research possible. We are indebted to the Lebanese
Army and its LAF commander-in-chief General Joseph Aoun and LAF Brigadier-General Ziad Haikal and to Brigadier
General Abi Rashid from the CIMIC. Grateful thanks go to Major Abdul, Major Al-Arab and Captain Hamd. Our sincere
gratitude goes to the technicians at the Beirut and Hamad air bases and to the excellent pilots of the 12th Squadron of
the Lebanese Air Force for the support and execution of the helicopter flights: Captain Hamd, Captain Alam, Captain
Zayd, Captain Hajj, Lieutenant Khalil, Lieutenant Bou Chayya, Lieutenant Hanna, Lieutenant Ghaya, Lieutenant
Hachem and Lieutenant Haykal. It was a pleasure to fly with you! Additionally, we want to thank Volker Wichmann from
Laserdata for the technical support of the SAGA-LIS software and the automation tools. We also would like to thank the
Flugwerft Oberschleißheim/German Museum Munich for the possibility to test the self-constructed helicopter mount
on the UH-1D in their exhibition. We also want to thank the two reviewers for their critical reviews and comments, which
helped a lot to improve the manuscript.
This research is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (project no. P30581-G25) and by University Research Board
grants from the American University of Beirut (Award Number: 103367, Project Number: 23935).
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... Archaeologists working in terrestrial environments have addressed this challenge by utilizing computer learning and pattern recognition in order to create semi-and fully automated image analysis methods (e.g. Cerrillo-Cuenca and Bueno-Ramírez 2019; Freeland et al. 2016;Quintus et al. 2023;Rom et al. 2020;Trier, Reksten, and Løseth 2021;Verschoofvan der Vaart and Lambers 2019). Underwater archaeologists are only now beginning to develop similar tools, which have, again, largely been used to detect shipwrecks (e.g. ...
... Although OBIA methods vary widely, one particular form of object-based detection that relies on changes in elevation has shown to be particularly useful for archaeological purposes (e.g. Cody and Anderson 2021;Davis and Lundin 2021;Freeland et al. 2016;Rom et al. 2020). Hydrological algorithms are used in this process to identify changes in topographic concavity or convexity (i.e. ...
... In the Pacific, Freeland et al. (2016) developed the imound algorithm, which co-opted pre-existing hydrological algorithms to identify mound architecture throughout the island of Tonga. In more recent follow-up research, Rom et al. (2020) use the imound method to develop a robust record of archaeological settlements in Lebanon. In North America, Davis (2019) developed a similar procedure using extant hydrological sinkhole algorithms to identify mound architecture and shell rings along coastal South Carolina. ...
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Critical data concerning key developments in global human history now lie submerged on continental shelves where investigations confront significant challenges. Whereas underwater excavations and surveys are expensive and weather dependent and require specialized training and equipment, remote sensing methods can improve chances for success offshore. A refinement in one method, a semi-automated analysis protocol that can help to identify Pleistocene and Holocene era archaeological deposits in bathymetric LiDAR datasets, is presented here. This method employs contour mapping to identify potential archaeological features in shallow water environments in Apalachee Bay, Florida. This method successfully re-identified multiple previously recorded archaeological sites in the study region and detected at least four previously undocumented archaeological sites. These results suggest that this procedure can expand on methods to identify and record submerged archaeological deposits in sediment-starved, shallow-water environments.
... More recently, survey has also begun in the southern coastal zone near Sidon as part of the Zahrani Regional Survey Project (Schmitt et al. 2019), which similarly revealed dense Roman and Mamluk/Ottoman period occupation. In the northern Chekka region, a large-scale lidar-led survey identified 590 mound sites of potential archaeological interest across an area of 290 km 2 (Rom et al. 2020). While ground truthing remains an essential component of any remote sensing study, the potential for mapping and initial discovery is clear, especially in areas that are difficult to access. ...
... Examples of site-level lidar mapping using both planes and drones have been illuminating, but a regional scope has much greater potential. While whole previously unknown cities are unlikely to be revealed, as in the jungle environments of the Maya Lowlands (Canuto et al. 2018), systems of settlement and agriculture that are obscured by vegetation and other landcover are still quite likely to be apparent, as seen in recent work on feature detection in maquis or otherwise thickly vegetated landscapes in Lebanon (Rom et al. 2020), at Kolophon in Turkey (Grammer et al. 2017), in Spain (Belarte et al. 2019), and in southern Italy (Masini et al. 2018). Mediterranean applications, thus far, have shown, at a minimum, significant "added value" in detecting microrelief signatures of paleofeatures, even in currently active field systems (Grau Mira 2017; Poirier et al. 2013). ...
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In this paper, we describe the development and state of archaeological surface survey in the Mediterranean. We focus especially on surface survey as a means of documenting long-term settlement patterns at various scales, as an approach to the archaeology of regions, and as a pathway to the interpretation of past landscapes. Over the last decades, the literature on Mediterranean survey has increasingly emphasized a distinct set of practices, viewed both favorably and critically by regional archaeologists in the Mediterranean and elsewhere. We show that Mediterranean survey in fact comprises several discrete regional traditions. In general, these traditions have much to offer to wider dialogs in world archaeology, particularly concerning sampling and research design, the interpretation of surface assemblages, and the integration of complex, multidisciplinary datasets. More specifically, survey investigations of Mediterranean landscapes provide comparative data and potential research strategies of relevance to many issues of global significance, including human ecology, demography, urban–rural dynamics, and various types of polity formation, colonialism, and imperialism.
... Depression algorithms have been utilized by archaeologists for a range of purposes from crater detection to mound and shipwreck identification [27,[40][41][42][43]. In the past several years, researchers developed a depression algorithm designed for sinkhole detection that works using a contour-tree procedure [44] wherein a computer looks for changes in elevation contours to locate high and low points in a region. ...
... This means that there is likely to be a plethora of historical records that can be processed in order to reach conclusions on organization, as well as economic and social aspects of charcoal production. Moreover, spatial analyses of the locations of these charcoal piles remain an unexplored research topic, and having a more comprehensive record of the geographic distribution of charcoal piles could be achieved using the data generated from automated LiDAR analyses (e.g., [42,43,49,50]). Where clusters of charcoal pits remain, future work can also investigate if other constructions related to charcoal production, such as huts and storage piles, are located nearby, and attempts to automate the detection of these features can form future research objectives. ...
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Over the past several centuries, the iron industry played a central role in the economy of Sweden and much of northern Europe. A crucial component of iron manufacturing was the production of charcoal, which was often created in charcoal piles. These features are visible in LiDAR (light detection and ranging) datasets. These charcoal piles vary in their morphology by region, and training data for some feature types are severely lacking. Here, we investigate the potential for machine automation to aid archaeologists in recording charcoal piles with limited training data availability in a forested region of Jönköping County, Sweden. We first use hydrological depression algorithms to conduct a preliminary assessment of the study region and compile suitable training data for charcoal production sites. Then, we use these datasets to train a series of RetinaNet deep learning models, which are less computationally expensive than many popular deep learning architectures (e.g., R-CNNs), allowing for greater usability. Together, our results demonstrate how charcoal piles can be automatically extracted from LiDAR datasets, which has great implications for improving our understanding of the long-term environmental impact of the iron industry across Northern Europe. Furthermore, our workflow for developing and implementing deep learning models for archaeological research can expand the use of such methods to regions that lack suitable training data.
... The application of LiDAR in other regions has so far been very limited, and a few case studies from the Middle East, Africa and Oceania came out rather recently. Among these, it is worth mentioning four case studies located in Turkey, Israel, Lebanon and Jordan (Grammer et al. 2017;Price, Adams, and Tepper 2023;Rom et al. 2020;Stott, Kristiansen, and Sindbaek 2019), two recent projects from South Africa (Lombard et al. 2021;Sadr 2016) and three from Tonga and American Samoan islands (Freeland et al. 2016;Quintus et al. 2015;Quintus, Day, and Smith 2017). ...
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In the last two decades, the analysis of data derived from LiDAR (light detection and ranging) technology has dramatically changed the investigation and documentation of past cultural landscapes, sometimes revealing monumental architectures and settlement systems totally unknown before. Despite the exponential uptick of case studies, an extensive review of LiDAR applications in archaeology is so far missing. Here, we present a systematic survey of works published in international journals in 2001-2022, with the aim of providing an annotated bibliography on the theme and collect quantitative information about each case study. Data collected allowed to analyse the geographic distribution of LiDAR-based studies, the specifics of acquisitions, the topography and vegetation cover of each study area, the characteristics of the material culture detected, major goals and integrated techniques. The survey considers 291 studies, of which 167 located in Europe, 104 in the Americas and only 20 between Asia, Middle East, Oceania and Africa. Our analysis shows that the impact of LiDAR in archaeological studies was greater in some areas of Europe and North America, where scholars could rely on the availability of open data provided by the institutions. This is testified by the higher number of both case studies and large-scale projects investigating these regions. It also emerges that LiDAR potential largely depends on the characteristics of the material culture, the vegetation cover and data resolution. These factors underlie the outstanding results achieved through LiDAR in tropical rainforests compared to those obtained in temperate areas, such as the Mediterranean, where the outcropping archaeological evidence, albeit vast and widespread, is generally less preserved and obscured by the dense vegetation of the Mediterranean maquis. We conclude that the increasing availability of LiDAR data over vast areas could lead to enormous advances in the investigation, monitoring and protection of the cultural heritage.
... The adjustment of the individual flight strips was done following Glira et al. [43] and Glira et al. [44] using the pointcloud processing software OPALS [45]. Subsequently, the GIS-software SAGA [46] with its extension LIS Pro 3D (Laserdata; [47]) was used to remove individual erroneous points and to classify the ground points, as described in Rom et al. [48]. The last step allowed us to generate a pre-event Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of the study area with a spatial resolution of 1 × 1 m. ...
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High-quality in situ measurements are essential for hazard assessment of debris flow events. However, precise data on debris flow triggering thresholds, accumulation volumes and spatial characteristics of large-scale events on catchment scale are scarce due to the rare occurrence of debris flows and the challenges of acquiring accurate data for a larger area. In this study, we present quantitative analyses of a single extreme debris flow event in the Horlachtal, Austria, triggered by local high-intensity short-duration precipitation events on 20 and 23 July 2022. Pre- and post-event airborne LiDAR (light detection and ranging) data with a high spatial resolution reveal that 156 different debris flow processes were initiated during these events, with accumulation volumes of up to approximately 40,000 m³. The calculated debris flow deposition volumes also show a power-law relationship with the total amount of rainfall in the respective debris flow catchments. The spatial appearance of the debris flows shows a concentration of processes in a particular area rather than a uniform distribution, suggesting a local nature of the triggering event. This is further supported by the measurements from three meteorological stations and four discharge gauges within the study area. The gridded area-wide INCA (Integrated Nowcasting through Comprehensive Analysis) rainfall data further point to a local convective event on 20 July 2022, with a maximum rainfall intensity of 44 mm/h.
... As a result, a final DTM (resolution: 1 × 1 m) could be generated. For more details about the processing of the raw point cloud, refer to Rom et al. (2020). ...
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In order to get a better understanding of the future development of alpine slope-type debris flows in the frame of climate change, complete and gapless records of the last century for this type of geomorphologic process are necessary. However, up to now such records have been scarce. Here, the slope-type debris flow activity in Horlachtal, Austria, has been investigated since 1947 with the help of historic and recent area-wide remote sensing data. Using geomorphological mapping, both spatial and temporal variabilities in debris flow dynamics can be shown. The results indicate short-term variations rather than consistent increasing or decreasing trends of slope-type debris flow activity in Horlachtal. Specifically, three active periods between 1954 and 1973, 1990 and 2009, as well as 2015 and 2018, can be registered. Analyses of the deposited debris flow volumes show that for parts of the study area the largest volumes appeared in the early 1990s, which might have even influenced the dynamics in the following years. Studies on the spatial variabilities revealed differences of slope-type debris flow activity within the study area and point to local rainfall events as triggers. However, long-term precipitation data of high temporal resolution of two alpine meteorological stations do not reveal increasing or decreasing trends in the occurrence of such events.
... In contrast, deductive approaches can derive predictor variables from theoretical considerations (Wheatley and Gillings, 2002, p. 169). An example for such a deductive approach was presented in the best student paper at CHNT24 (Rom et al., 2020). The authors of this paper assume that the sites in their study area in Lebanon can be found on hilltops with a certain size and circularity. ...
Conference Paper
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Since the first years, elevation data has played an important role in many contributions presented at the conferences in Vienna. The 25th conference which formerly had the German title "Archäologie und Computer" and now is known as "Cultural Heritage and New Technologies" is the occasion for looking back on early archaeological applications of digital elevation models (DEMs), advances in the course of time, the state of the art and future developments. Many of the approaches presented rely on elevation data grids that are generated from irregularly distributed altitude points. Before the first conference in Vienna, several high-impact papers dealing with elevation data were published. In most cases, their goal was to create predictive models, i.e., to delimit areas of high probability for detecting an archaeological site. Attributes derived from elevation data such as slope, aspect, view quality and shelter were often used as predictor variables. The papers presented at the Vienna conferences are evidence of the fact that archaeological predictive modelling is a highly controversial topic. Additional contributions at the conference in Vienna are revisited that deal with retrodictive modelling, i.e., explaining the distribution of known sites based on landscape properties, with predicting (or retrodicting) the location of linear features such as roads or boundaries, and with issues of low-resolution digital elevation models. Moreover, contributions at the Vienna conference are highlighted that reflect the development of applying high resolution elevation data for detecting archaeological sites. The examples presented are supplemented by some illustrations from the author's and her colleague's work in the Rhineland.
... In this context it is important that LCP computation times and storage requirements increase quadratically with resolution. Therefore, some studies use lower resolution data upscaled from a high resolution DEM for LCP computations [e.g., Rom et al. 2020]. Verhagen and Jeneson [2012] found that the LCP based on a DEM derived from ALS data (resolution: 5 m) ran on a highway. ...
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An important and frequently used tool in archaeological spatial analysis is least-cost path (LCP) analysis to compute routes connecting a set of targets. The outcome depends on the cost model chosen and the topographic data used. A slope-dependent cost model requires a digital elevation model (DEM) that should reflect the landscape in the past. It is often impossible to reconstruct the past terrain, and modern high-resolution elevation data results in problematic storage requirements and computation times. This article presents a case study that explores issues in replication and stability of LCP calculations for pairs of targets that are close to known old trade routes. A large number of cost models is tested based on two topographic data sets, including DEMs of two different resolutions (25 m and 50 m). The cost models use six different slope-dependent cost functions suggested by various authors for pedestrian movement. Moreover, a slope-dependent cost function is applied that results in LCPs including hairpin curves if the slope exceeds a predefined critical value. It is shown that the best-performing LCP sets for the two topographic data sets are closely related but not identical. Moreover, reasons for the failure of LCP reconstructions for some old route sections are discussed.
... However, as Doneus et al. (2020) pointed out, ground point filtering within commercial software is a black-box, and the risk of removing archaeological information is significant. Different researchers have already focused on archaeological evidence detection at a raster/2D level (Figure 1), adopting machine learning (Freeland et al., 2016;Guyot et al., 2018;Niculiță, 2020;Rom et al., 2020) and deep learning (Albrecht et al., 2019;Trier et al., 2021) strategies, whereas only a few studies aimed at automatic filtering/segmenting point clouds (Hu and Yuan, 2016;Geveart et al., 2018;Bulatov et al., 2021). Figure 1. ...
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Airborne LiDAR technology has become an essential tool in archaeology during the last two decades since it allows archaeologists to measure and map items or structures that would otherwise be hidden under vegetation. In order to detect and characterise the archaeological evidence, it is a common practice to extract accurate digital terrain models (DTM) by filtering out the vegetation from Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) datasets. Although previous approaches have performed well in ALS filtration, they are still subject to several variables (flight height, forest cover, type of sensors utilised, etc.) and are frequently integrated into expensive commercial software or customised for specific locations. This study presents a workflow for treating ALS archaeological datasets using machine learning algorithms for both filtering the vegetation and detecting hidden structures. The workflow is applied to two different archaeological environments (in terms of structures, vegetation, landscape, point density), and results demonstrate that the pipeline is rapid and accurate, and the prediction model is transferable.
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This handbook is currently in development, with individual articles publishing online in advance of print publication. At this time, we cannot add information about unpublished articles in this handbook, however the table of contents will continue to grow as additional articles pass through the review process and are added to the site. Please note that the online publication date for this handbook is the date that the first article in the title was published online. For more information, please read the site FAQs.
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Visibility analysis has become extremely popular in landscape-oriented archaeology in recent decades and has become even more widespread with the popularization of GIS tools, which have multiplied the ways in which visual perception can be analysed and digitally modelled. Visibility has been used as a proxy for different archaeological approaches, from the analysis of subjective perception to the assessment of strategic control. While interest has most often been focused on how objects, features and sites are perceived, there has also been an interest in how visual control is exerted from archaeological sites or other places in the landscape. Within the latter approaches, the distances at which visual control can be exercised have usually been determined in a more or less arbitrary manner, without a clear and empirically informed reference on how things and, especially, people can be observed and recognized differently at a distance. In this paper, we present the results of a field experiment carried out to measure the distances at which individuals can be spotted, recognized and identified with the naked eye in favourable conditions. Based on these results, we introduce the concept of Individual Distance Viewshed (IDV) as a GIS-based representation of visual control. This will serve as a reference to better qualify potential visibility in landscape analysis. Finally, we illustrate the applicability of this approach with a case study which explores the relationship between visual control and mobility during the Iron Age in the NW of the Iberian Peninsula.
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Despite the recognized effectiveness of LiDAR in penetrating forest canopies, its capability for archaeological prospection can be strongly limited in areas covered by dense vegetation for the detection of subtle remains scattered over morphologically complex areas. In these cases, an important contribution to improve the identification of topographic variations of archaeological interest is provided by LiDAR-derived models (LDMs) based on relief visualization techniques. In this paper, diverse LDMs were applied to the medieval site of Torre Cisterna to the north of Melfi (Southern Italy), selected for this study because it is located on a hilly area with complex topography and thick vegetation cover. These conditions are common in several places of the Apennines in Southern Italy and prevented investigations during the 20th century. Diverse LDMs were used to obtain maximum information and to compare the performance of both subjective (through visual inspections) and objective (through their automatic classification) methods. To improve the discrimination/extraction capability of archaeological micro-relief, noise filtering was applied to Digital Terrain Model (DTM) before obtaining the LDMs. The automatic procedure allowed us to extract the most significant and typical features of a fortified settlement, such as the city walls and a tower castle. Other small, subtle features attributable to possible buried buildings of a habitation area have been identified by visual inspection of LDMs. Field surveys and in-situ inspections were carried out to verify the archaeological points of interest, microtopographical features, and landforms observed from the DTM-derived models, most of them automatically extracted. As a whole, the investigations allowed (i) the rediscovery of a fortified settlement from the 11th century and (ii) the detection of an unknown urban area abandoned in the Middle Ages.
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The study of pre-contact anthropogenic mounded features- earthen mounds, shell heaps, and shell rings - in the American Southeast is stymied by the spotty distribution of systematic surveys across the region. Many extant, yet unidentified, archaeological mound features continue to evade detection due to the heavily forested canopies that occupy large areas of the region, making pedestrian surveys difficult and preventing aerial observation. Object-based image analysis (OBIA) is a tool for analyzing light and radar (LiDAR) data and offers an inexpensive opportunity to address this challenge. Using publicly available LiDAR data from Beaufort County, South Carolina and an OBIA approach that incorporates morphometric classification and statistical template matching, we systematically identify over 160 previously undetected mound features. This result improves our overall knowledge of settlement patterns by providing systematic knowledge about past landscapes.
The site of Qasr Naous is located in North Lebanon, at an altitude of ca. 670 ASL and comprises two distinctively separated antique sanctuaries, lying on a hill overlooking the Al-Koura Valley in the Lebanon mountain range. Archaeological research on site has been confined to an architectural description by a German Expedition beginning of the 20 th c. following a visit by Emperor William the 2nd. Excavations and a simple restoration were then attempted by the department of Antiquities during the 1950Õ s and 1960Õ s. Due to the minimal documentation at the time, no pottery was collected. This article aims at introducing part of the roman and byzantine pottery recovered during the ground survey (Kasr Naous 2006).
Filtering of low vegetation with height less than approximately 1.5 m is a challenging problem, especially in mountainous areas covered by heavy low foliage, bushes and sub-shrubberies, etc. The paper proposes an approach for obtaining a more accurate Digital Elevation Model (DEM) by removing low vegetation from point cloud. The approach combines point cloud with full waveform data, and begins by filtering point cloud by way of progressive TIN densification (PTD) method. Ground points are thus extracted, but mixed with false ground points, which are mainly from low vegetation and other manmade low objects. Gaussian decomposition by grouping Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) algorithm with F test is performed for the full waveforms corresponding to the extracted ground points. Echo widths and backscattering coefficients are calculated based on the parameters extracted from the decomposition, and used to discriminate points of low vegetation from points of other low objects, allowing the false ground points reflected from low vegetation to be labeled. New elevation values are calculated from the last echoes of the waveforms from low vegetation, and the DEM is updated by replacing the original elevations with the calculated ones. The resultants are assessed both quantitatively by check points and qualitatively by rendered DEM and contour lines generated from it. The accuracy of the refined DEM with low vegetation removal increases by 31% compared with the original DEM in the experiment, showing the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
In 2016 the Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology (OREA) and the Depart-ment for History and Archaeology at the American University of Beirut (AUB) launched a new archaeological project in the Chekka region in Lebanon. The Chekka region borders the shore of the Mediterranean and is situated between Batroun in the south and Tripoli in the north. At the northern end of the modern town of Chekka directly at the seashore one finds the remains of Tell Mirhan on the premises of a modern cement factory (Fig. 1). This tell and its hinterland have never been the subject of a thorough and systematic archaeologi-cal investigation. A survey conducted at Tell Mirhan in 2016 and an excavation in 2018 revealed an early Iron Age occupation (1200–700BC) superimposing a massive rampart fortifi-cation of the Middle Bronze Age. Egyptian pottery from the Middle and New Kingdom as well as imports from Cyprus and Greece testify to the importance of this site as a harbour town during these periods. In order to investigate the site’s relation with its hinterland, a survey of the region from the coast into the foothills of Mount Lebanon was launched. To cope with a rather difficult terrain and intensive modern construction activities and changes of the ancient landscape, we conducted a LiDAR scan of the survey area in November of 2018.
Due to the proliferation of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software and the improvement of graphic user interfaces, least-cost analysis has become one of the most common tools in archaeological research for modelling movement across past landscapes. While more complex techniques and algorithms have been developed to address the theoretical limitations of least-cost analysis, many of these are not readily accessible to typical GIS users, due to either hardware limitations or a lack of in-depth training in the theory and methods of spatial analysis. Seeking a middle ground, we test a number of simple modifications to basic least-cost analysis using the Mani peninsula in southern Greece as a case study. We assess eight procedures for calculating least-cost paths (LCPs), defining cost based on a combination of slope and the location of pre-modern pathways. These procedures are used to generate LCPs for a well-documented journey made by Colonel William Martin Leake in the year 1805. Comparing the LCPs against Leake's detailed notes and “low-cost corridors,” we visually assess the reliability of each model and identify likely alternative routes. We conclude that a simple modification to basic least-cost analysis – incorporating a time-based algorithm along with traces of pre-modern footpaths and roads – can produce robust, reliable least-cost models in other archaeological contexts where traces of pre-modern pathways can still be detected.
The climatic transitional zone of the northern Aegean Sea, potentially affected by different weather systems in the past, was the center of developed human societies that experienced rise and fall in the context of a few centuries. Interconnections of human occupation and climate shifts from the Bronze Age until the demise of the Roman Empire are investigated, based on the first high resolution isotope record of a stalagmite from northern Aegean region (Skala Marion Cave, Thassos Island, Greece). Fourteen U/Th dated layers tune precisely the isotope signal and provide distinct information of climate deterioration to drier conditions at 3900–3700, 3600–3400, 2600–2000 and after 1500 yr BP. The intensity of the impact of these deteriorations on human societies is evaluated against archaeological data and in respect to the tolerance of the societies in the Bronze Age versus the Iron Age. Finally, it is evident that downscaling to local environments result in time discrepancies between the records which could only be addressed when the most robust and large amplitude oscillations have been identified.