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On licenses for [Open] Hardware
arius Mont´
on∗† , Xavier Salazar‡
∗Dpt. of Microelectronics and Electronics Systems, Universitat Aut`
onoma de Barcelona, Spain.
Email: marius.monton@uab.cat
†Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya. Barcelona, Spain
‡Barcelona Supercomputing Center. Barcelona, Spain
Abstract—This document explains the basic concepts related
to software and hardware licenses, and it summarizes the most
popular licenses that are currently used for hardware projects.
Two case studies of hardware projects at different levels of
abstraction are also presented, together with a discussion of
license applicability, commercial issues, code protection, and
related concerns.
This paper intends to help the reader understand how to
release open hardware with the most appropriate license, and
to answer questions that are of current interest. We have been
mainly motivated by the growing influence of the open RISC-V
ISA, but trying to address a wider hardware point of view.
Index Terms—Licenses, open-hardware
Thanks to the success and widespread adoption of many
open-source projects (Linux, LibreOffice, etc.), the community
and users typically have a good understanding of software
licenses. Developers in general have a clear picture of the
overall landscape of software licenses, together with the pros
and cons and rights retained and conceded by each type of
software license.
On the other hand, when we switch to hardware projects, the
landscape of licenses while being generally and conceptually
similar they can vary lightly and the knowledge of developers
is scarce [1]–[5]. With the advent with the advent of of open
source Hardware initiatives [6] it is getting more important to
become familiar with those concepts. Hence, this paper tries
to address this challenge by clarifying the basic concepts of
licensing, how they are used for hardware and it applies this
knowledge to two different use cases [7], [8].
The paper is structured as follows: Section II introduces a
number of key basic concepts related to licenses. Section III
is a shortlisting of the most commonly used licenses at the
moment, with their main features. Next, Section IV explores
the two use cases. The article finishes with the conclusions in
Section V.
In order to understand open hardware licensing it is im-
portant to know main basic concepts of open source licensing
that have been traditionally used for software as many of those
concepts can be later on extrapolated for hardware. Licenses
are the legal contract between the Software owner and the
978-1-7281-9132-4/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE
users. It usually specifies the permissions granted to the user
(the licensee) and the rights, obligations and limitations of the
user towards the Software. Typically a software license grants
the licensee to use the software but not to re-distribute or re-
sell the software. The level of rights retained by the owner
of the software classifies what type of license to use. For
instance, Microsoft Windows has a proprietary license that
retains copyright to Microsoft, but gives permission to the
licensee (end-user) to use the software and show the software
to others. But the same license doesn’t allow users to copy the
software (install it on other computers), modify the software
or re-distribute to others. GNU/Linux, has a license (GPL -
General Public License) [9] that allows the end-user to access
the code, copy the software, modify and re-distribute it (with
some restrictions).
First of all, some definitions of common concepts used
in licenses are described below, emphasizing the differences
between terms that are often misused:
A. Free and Open
As mentioned before, there are two concepts that are often
misunderstood: free and open. Free means that the licensee
gets the Software free-of-charge (i.e. ”gratis”), also known as
libre software, and Open means that the user gets access to
the source code of the design. Although these two concepts
are quite different, they are usually seen together.1
B. Proprietary and Open
In contrast to free and open approaches, the code may
be kept proprietary, closed as an industrial or trade secret.
In these cases, only software binaries or encrypted code are
shared. The use of proprietary software is often regulated by
a limited use license that may include non-disclosure clauses,
prevent reverse engineering, or add any further protection
mechanisms such as liability clauses. Alternatively software
or the underlying methodology may also be patent protected,
and therefore disclosed. Both cases can become relevant when
assessing their compatibility with open source components
C. Authorship and Ownership
The terms authorship and ownership are also often mixed
and misunderstood. The authors are the software development
1There are examples of Software that is free but not open (i.e. Winrar) and
software that is open but not free (i.e. µC/OS-III)
arXiv:2010.09039v1 [cs.GL] 18 Oct 2020
team that wrote the code. The owner is typically the institution
that employed the authors.
D. Software disclosure
Each organization has its own procedure for software disclo-
sure. The authors are not necessarily responsible for choosing
the license of the codes, but they must follow the rules of their
organizations depending on the business/academic strategy.
Specific terms are usually regulated in the employees’ working
or service contracts.
E. Derivative work
A derivative work is any work that expands or uses previous
work from another author. In the case of software, it is
commonly accepted that any code that uses a library by
statically linking it is a derivative work of that library. An
exception to this definition is if a Software component used is
designed to be a library and it is licensed ”as is”. In the case
of hardware, a design that uses a module or parts of a module
can be considered as derivative work of this module.
F. Copyright, Creative Commons and Public Domain
All software is automatically protected by copyright to its
author, giving exclusive rights to determine under what terms
the original work may be copied and used by others.
An author can give away (”waive”) its copyright rights by
offering these rights to the public domain, giving freedom
to people to distribute copies, modify it, or sell it without
Creative Commons is a set of licenses intended for the
distribution of documents or content of any type in a copyleft
philosophy [10]. There are variations of the rights left to the
licensee, but basically are all combinations of the following:
•CCO means ”no right reserved” enabling waiving the
•Attribution: Licensee can distribute, modify, remix, sell,
etc. but they must always give credit to the original
•ShareAlike: Same as above, but the license of the deriva-
tive work must use the same license.
•NoDerivs: Limit the licensee to distributing derivative
•NonCommercial: The licensee cannot use the work com-
G. Copyleft/Reciprocal and Permissive
Copyleft is the practice of offering the rights to freely
distribute copies or modified versions of a work with the
condition that the same rights must be preserved in the
derivative works. These are often called viral licenses.
In contrast, permissive licenses allow the licensees to
redistribute derivative works with greater freedom, without
demanding that the licensee publish derivative works with the
same license.
In the case of hardware, as it is not covered by copyright,
it is preferable to use the word reciprocal to express the same
Copyleft concept.
Fig. 1. Degrees of freedom and rights in SW licenses. [11]
H. License compatibility
License compatibility is the capacity of pieces of software
or hardware (IP blocks) with different licenses to be distributed
Two incompatible licences can contain contradictory state-
ments and it can be impossible to legally combine source code
from different software to create or publish a new software.
I. Patents and open-source
Integrating patent-protected software with free and open-
source software is a special case of compatibility. Free soft-
ware or open source projects cannot fulfill patent licences that
include any kind of per-copy fee. A patent that is royalty-free
is acceptable.
In this section license needs and types are introduced.
A. Philosophy
Proprietary licenses try to protect a business and a value
created by the company or companies and their developers. For
this reason, this type of licenses maintains the copyright and
controls in some way the ability of the user to get additional
copies or re-distribute the Software. Basically, the Software
sold has a value, and the user must pay for each piece or
installation. The commercial licenses try to protect this selling
strategy. The majority of code of this type is sold as ”closed-
source”, that is, the customer doesn’t receive a copy of the
source code of the Software bought, but only the binary
files that are necessary to run the software. In this way, the
selling company has double protection, because the license
doesn’t allow the customer to modify or copy the software
and technically the customer without the source code has a
limited capacity to do so.2
The free and open-source software philosophy (also named
FOSS) tends to grant the user the ability to inspect, modify and
distribute the Software. Different degrees of freedom are given
to the end-user by different FOSS licenses, as described in
Section III-B. A depiction of this concept is shown in Figure 1.
Although free and open licenses give the end-users more
freedom than commercial licenses, some of them restrict in
some way the options of the end-users to do whatever they
want to the code. For instance, GPL restricts the licensee to
use the same type of license in any derived works.
2There are companies that sell Software in source code form using
proprietary licenses.
In terms of commercialization, Open Source codes are in
most cases given “as is”, without warranties, support or main-
tenance and they are not business friendly. All responsibility of
the correct use of the Software relies solely on the user of the
licence. It is therefore possible to retain business value from
open source technologies by offering services around them
instead of simply selling the resulting software product. Hybrid
approaches are also possible, with the choice of dual licences
that include open source sharing for limited (non-commercial)
purposes, but with a proprietary approach for commercial uses.
B. Software licenses
As said, there are several different licenses designed for the
distribution of software. Below the most common ones are
1) GPL: General Public License (GPL) refers to the li-
censes designed and used by the GNU project [9]. It is a free
license that gives the end-user the freedom to run, study, share
and modify the software.
This license is copyleft, meaning that the derivative work
can be only licensed with the same GPL license.
It is the license used by Linux Kernel and the GCC compiler
and it is one the most popular software license in FOSS
There exists a variant of the GPL license intended for
libraries, which is called LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public
License). This license allows non-GPL code to be linked with
libraries licensed by LGPL.
2) BSD licenses: BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
licenses are a set of FOSS licenses less restrictive than GPL
[12]. There are multiple forms of this license, but the most
common in use is the license known as “3-clause version”.
These licenses allow the licensee to use, run, study, share and
modify the software.
What this license doesn’t do is to force the publication of
derivative work as FOSS, but it requires that credit is given
to the original authors. It means that derivative works can be
closed and commercialized in a “standard way”.
3) MIT: The MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
license is very similar to BSD license with the same level of
permission granted to the licensee [13].
It is compatible with other free or copyleft licenses and
allows to reuse within proprietary software.
4) EUPL: European Union Public Licence (EUPL) is a new
license created by the European Commission for FOSS [14].
This license is a copyleft type, allowing licensee to modify,
redistribute, do derivative work, etc.
It is compatible with GPL.
5) Apache License: The Apache License by the Apache
Software Foundation (AFL) is a permissive free open-source
license [15].
C. Summary table
Table I In all of them regulation of rights to copy, distribute,
modify, distribute a derivative and protection against patent
claims summarizes what a user can do and don’t for each
license introduced in this document.
License GPL BSD MIT EUPL Apache
Copyright Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Distribute Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Modify Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Derivative Yes No No No No
Derivative license GPL Any Any Copyleft Any
Patent grant Yes No No Yes Yes
•Copyright: Copyright is retained by original authors
•Distribute: Licensee can distribute the source code among others.
•Modify: Licensee can modify the source code
•Derivative: Derivative work must be shared in source code
•Derivative license: Derivative work license type
•Patent grant: protect both sides from patent claims
Fig. 2. License compatibility diagram. (David A. Wheeler [16] )
D. Compatible licenses with other licenses
Figure 2 shows a diagram with compatibility relations
between licenses. An arrow from A to B means that modules
using licences A and B can be combined and the result has to
use the license B.
This diagram is useful when using 3rd party modules or
sub-projects with a different licenses than that chosen by the
overall project. Hence, if we are licensing our code with a
BSD-like license and we are using a module or library that
is licensed with an LGPL license, any resulting project that
integrates both parts must be licensed with LGPL (there is an
arrow from BSD-new to LGPL in Figure 2).
E. Software associations
1) Free Software Foundation: The Free Software Founda-
tion (FSF) is a nonprofit with a worldwide mission to promote
computer user freedom [17].
2) The Open Source Initiative: The open source initiative
(OSI) aims to raise awareness and adoption of open source
software, and build bridges between open source communities
of practice [18].
F. Hardware licenses
Hardware can be open-sourced in a similar way to soft-
ware.In the case of hardware, the term “open-source” refers
to the availability of all files and components necessaries to
replicate the device.
The basic hardware unit subject to be licensed is called an IP
block (Intellectual Property block) or IP core. It is the reusable
unit of logic, cell, netlist or integrated circuit layout design.
The IP block also includes all the documentation necessary to
understand its design or to use the block.
In the case of a PCB board, an open-source hardware release
will contain the schematic and the layout in a free or standard
format. Hardware files are usually also released in some
format readable to all as PDF. For this different nature of the
devices, there exists a set of licenses designed for hardware.
Some projects and associations recommend general open-
source licenses that were originally conceived for distribution
of software, such as GPL, BSD or MIT.3Usually these licenses
only protect the hardware part (named the Documentation),
and allow the author to chose what license to use for the
software parts (Firmware, other software, etc.).
In the case of FPGA-based design, the release would include
all HDL files (Verilog, VHDL, SystemC, etc.) in text format,
etc. Although these kind of files can be licensed using software
licenses, the use of hardware licenses is recommended as the
terminology in hardware licenses fits better for this purpose.
For a low-level design (Hard-IP, ASIC designs, FPGA bit-
streams, etc.), software licenses are not enough and hardware
licenses ought be used because of the nature of the files and
the design process itself.
The Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA) has
a definition of Open Hardware in its webpage.4See also
Section III-G1.
Below is a short listing of the commonly used open source
hardware licenses:
1) CERN Open Hardware License: The CERN Open Hard-
ware License (OHL or CERN OHL) was originally written by
CERN to publish some of their designs [19]. There are three
regimes for this license:
•CERN-OHL-S: strongly reciprocal license. It means that
a licensee can use the original code, and any releases
of binary files (e.g. FPGA bitstreams incorporating the
original Verilog code) must also provide all the HDL code
and necessary components as well with the same license.
•CERN-OHL-W: weakly reciprocal license. Similar to
CERN-OHL-S, except that the original project can be
published without including third-party components (but
these components must be available to anybody, maybe
by purchasing them).
•CERN-OHL-P: permissive license. This licence gives
total freedom to the licensee, it can be re-licensed without
redistributing the original code.
2) Solderpad: The Solderpad Hardware Licence is based
on the Apache 2.0 software license, adjusted to the hardware
context. It is a permissive free open-source license [20].
G. Hardware associations
1) Open Source Hardware Association: The Open Source
Hardware Association (OSHA) promotes access to all kinds of
hardware and projects to users. It has a certificate program and
3“electrons are cheap, but atoms are expensive”
Fig. 3. Open Source HW Association Certification logo
License CC0 OHL-S OHL-W OHL-P Solderpad
Copyright No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Distribute Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Modify Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Derivative No Yes Yes No No
Deriv. license Any OHL-S OHL-W Any Any
Patent grant No Yes Yes Yes Yes
•Copyright: Copyright is retained by original authors
•Distribute: Licensee can distribute the source code among others.
•Modify: Licensee can modify the source code
•Derivative: Derivative work must be shared in source code
•Derivative license: Derivative work license type
•Patent grant: protect both sides from patent claims
maintains a database of open source hardware projects [21],
[22]. Each certificated project has a unique identifier and the
project components (hardware PCBs, manuals, etc.) can show
the OSHW logo (Figure 3).
2) FOSSi foundation: The Free and Open Source Silicon
Foundation (FOSSi) is a organization built to promote and
assist free and open digital hardware designs [23]. It maintains
a repository of free hardware IP cores and promotes some
Table II summarizes in the same way as previous table the
hardware licenses.
H. Licensing the documentation
Documentation, as a literature work, is different in nature to
software or hardware, so a different type of license is required.
Here are presented the most used licenses for documentation.
1) GFDL: GNU Free Documentation License is a copyleft
license for documentation [24]. Its terms are similar to GPL,
because it gives similar rights to the readers to copy, redis-
tribute and modify a work, and the derivative work must have
the same license. The original author can mark some parts of
the text as invariants and the license forbids the licensees to
modify theses parts.
Wikipedia uses this license for its articles.
2) Creative Commons: Anther option is to use a Cre-
ative Commons license. Some Open Hardware projects use
“Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike” to license their
design files (schematics and layout files) (see Section III-H2).
It allows the licensee to sell derivative works.5
I. Hardware deliverables of IP protectable assets
The deliverables of a typical hardware project can be: the
layout ready to tape-out to a ASIC vendor (e.g. TSMC, XFAB,
5Arduino and other companion business use this license for hardware files
Copyleft GPL alike CERN-OHL-H
Lesser copyleft: LGPL CERN-OHL-W
Permisive: MIT / APACHE / BSC CERN-OHL-P / Solderpad
Library / code IP block
Compile Synthesis
Binary bitstream
or GF); the P &R (place and route) project ready to be
imported into a ASIC vendor tool (e.g. the GDSII file); the
schematic or netlist in some vendor tool format (i.e. Cadence,
Mentor). The outcome of a hardware project can also be a set
of Gerber files for a PCB layout. For an RTL project, Verilog
or VHDL files are the foundation of the project (although
higher level languages as SystemVerilog, SystemC or Chisel
are getting more importance), but intermediate files as netlist
(EDIF format) or final files as bitstreams can also be the
outcomes of the project.
J. Analogy from software to hardware licenses
Regarding compatibility, the chart for open source Software
can be extrapolated to the Hardware ones as summarized in
Table III.
In this section we propose two different hardware project
approaches and study some of the implications related to the
choice of license. The two projects are at different abstraction
levels (the first is RTL only, and the second mixes RTL with
gates and ASIC tools). Both projects are speculative and with
the purpose of discussing hypotheses around the different
licensing choices and their consequences
A. Microprocessor at RTL level
This case study is for a RISC-V microprocessor in Verilog
language at RTL (Register-Transfer Level) [6]. The code is
intended to be synthesized to FPGA and it uses some vendor-
library or primitives, such as embedded memories, and DSP
blocks in FPGA. Also, the code has been synthesized to an
ASIC to test correctness and suitability of the written code
to the technology. The development team as authors hold the
copyright of the entire code, but the ownership is with their
institution, and therefore any decision on IP disclosure has to
be consented by institution’s decision makers. There are many
commercialization and licensing options, which we enumerate,
from those allowing more freedom to those that are more
1) Public domain: It can be considered to publish all
Verilog files and auxiliary files (simulation scripts, FPGA
synthesis scripts for one specific vendor, etc.) as copyleft with
a Creative Commons CC0 license.
Once published with this kind of license, the code is no
longer their property, and it is now public. This means that
any other team or developer can get the code or parts of it
and use it without restrictions: sell it, use it in a product, etc.
A company could get the code, do some changes to prepare
an ASIC and sell it with any mention to the original authors.
2) Reciprocal: The code can also be released into a public
repository using the CERN-OHL-W license. In this case, any
development team will be able to obtain the code, synthesize
it and obtain the same processor as the original, assuming
that they have acquired the same vendor tools, primitives
and libraries. The original team may not be able to use
CERN-OHL-S if they use third-party libraries, if they cannot
distributed with their project. If the entire project was designed
using open-source with a license compatible with CERN-
OHL-S, the entire project could be licensed with this license.
This licensee team can modify the original code and publish
it again, but it will be mandatory to use the same license in
the changes and/or new files as a derivatives. This team or
organization can also release and sell the bitstream or a PCB
board with the bitstream programmed in the FPGA and also
has to provide the original code and his changes. If only parts
of the design are taken and used in a design by another team,
at least the copyleft parts must keep the same license.
3) Permissive license: A permissive license, such as the
SolderPad license, can also be chosen. Using this license, the
licensee team must publish the original code, but the licensee
can choose not to publish its changes. While is it more difficult
to get commercial value using this type of license, it is the
most business friendly solution since the licensee has a higher
level of freedom to use, modify and integrate in their systems
without compromising the rights of the rest of the components.
4) Non-commercial license: It is also possible to publish
the project with a license that forbids commercial use, but
allows licensee to use, modify, etc. the original project for
other purposes (mainly academia). This kind of license is very
restrictive, because can be seen as “nobody in a company can
open the code” and limits the scope of the project to just
5) Proprietary license: It can also be decided to publish
only the bitstream and release some documentation and pub-
licity of its design, while keeping the source code unreleased.
This would be a classical product with any public release of
the code.
B. Growing complexity of microprocessors
Microprocessors are becoming more complex systems-on-
chip, including heterogeneous architectures with general pur-
pose processing units, specialized types of accelerators, mem-
ory systems, etc. In such cases, as many different IP blocks
can be identified as part of a microprocessor, a more careful
look at the compatibility of licenses is needed and therefore a
more similar approach as the one explained in next section.
C. IP Block for ASIC
This case study is for an analog–digital mixed design ASIC.
There is a analog part that is designed with classical tools
(schematic capture, full-custom layout and P&R, etc.) but
some of parts of the design are designed and parametrized
using iterative processes using a high-level language as python.
The IP has a add-on that is a digital interface to a processor
bus (AXI4) written in VHDL without any third party libraries.
In this case the development team (original team) that holds
the copyright of the entire code as authors, are also the owners
of it. Again, there are a number of licensing and publishing
options, and we briefly discuss each.
1) Public domain: The original team can publish all files
and license them with a Creative Commons CC0 license.
2) Reciprocal: In case the original authors want to publish
their work, it seems reasonable that they publish all design
files, including schematics, P&R results and other files in-
volved in the ASIC synthesis. In this case, since ASIC libraries
and toolkits are restricted to many people, the type of license
is similar that the other study case. In this particular case, if
using CERN-OHL, the license variant should be CERN-OHL-
W, because the ASIC vendor toolkit and standard cell libraries
are closed components.
For the VHDL code of the bus controller, it can be released
with CERN-OHL-S because the original project is not using
any third-party library, hence all code is available for licensees.
3) Permissive license: If the developers want to allow more
flexible licensing for derivative works, they can choose a
permissive license.
In this case, all ASIC-related files can be published using
CERN-OHL-W (for the same reason as the HDL case and the
use of proprietary libraries or components) or using SolderPad
For the digital RTL–VHDL part, a SolderPad license is the
most suitable.
This is usually a good choice for handling complex schemes
as it doesn’t compromise compatibility between components.
On the other hand, it is possible that the original team easily
loses control of their original development.
4) Non-commercial license: Again, it is possible to publish
the project with a non-commercial license, although is not
recommended for the reasons exposed in the prior case.
5) Proprietary license: The original team can chose to sell
the IP has a hard-IP and the post-P&R files as deliverables.
In this case, probably the deliverable to protect will be the
last steps of the ASIC design specific to a vendor-tool and a
fabric technology because the tools and design-kits are under
restrictive NDAs for its exclusive use for academic purposes.
In this paper we presented the different license types for
software and hardware. A introduction to each of the licenses
and a brief explanation and comparison for all of them has
been exposed. Also, two case studies are explained. These
two use cases work at different levels of abstraction and with
different development tools. For each case different license
options are depicted to show the landscape of possibilities and
to help engineers to chose the proper license for their projects.
When deciding to publish a design following an open-
source philosophy, it is important to realize that the main point
should be to give others the ability to study, re-use or modify
(and even sell) the project outcomes. For that reason, it is
important to publish not only the intermediate or final results
(as bitstreams, post-P&R layout or mask layout files), but also,
as much as possible, release the higher level source code.
The DRAC project is co-financed by the European Union
Regional Development Fund within the framework of the
ERDF Operational Program of Catalonia 2014-2020 with a
grant of 50% of total cost eligible. We also thank Red-RISCV
for the efforts to promote activities around open hardware.
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