
Encyclopedia of archival writers 1515-2015: writing history through biography

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How important to the archivist is an increased understanding of communications technology and its impact on society as it applies to the media of record? There is a growing awareness of the need to "read" the often obscure meanings in nontextual media. In addition, there is a need to understand how various technologies impinge on communication in such a way as to change bureaucratic process and the meaning of the act or decision entered in the record, which may look the same but ceases to have the same authority, especially as the age of the computer is already evincing certain characteristics analogous to preliterate society. The relationship of physical or oral acts to their record is discussed and, thereafter, the impact of writing and print on bureaucratic and administrative textual material. There is good evidence that not only is a knowledge of form and phraseology important in the study of modern diplomatics, but also the technology which has its own cultural impact on the user, including the archivist. The archivist has to assess this as part of the appraisal process and in order to assist the user in the interpretation of meaning over and above that of content and context. The article's approach is discursive in an attempt to put a general light on the subject and is not intended to be a piece of original research.
This paper was originally published in Archivaria, the journal of the Association of Canadian Archivists, 43 (Spring 97), and is published here with the kind permission of the author, who is the sole copyright holder. Résumé Cet essaie analyse l'histoire de la pensée archivistique depuis la publication du Manuel hollandais il y a un siècle. Il suggère qu'un nouveau paradigme émerge au sein de la profession sur la base de ce passé inspirant. Les idées des principaux penseurs des traditions archivistiques d'Europe, d'Amérique du Nord ou d'Australie sont considérées dans le contexte de leur époque respective que leurs contributions aient été de premier plan ou symboliques. L'accent est mis sur ces théoriciens qui ont su reconnaître et articuler les changements radicaux affectant la nature des archives, les créateurs d'archives, les systèmes de gestion des documents, l'utilisation des archives, ainsi que les mutations de société à survenir dans les domaines culturel, juridique, technologique, social et philosophique qui ont eu une influence sur la théorie et la pratique archivistiques. Tout cela s'imbrique aujourd'hui dans les différents types de discours qui sous-tendent la pratique professionnelle. Des lors, on voit cinq thèmes émerger de l'évolution de l'archivistique au cours des cent dernières années. Les tendances actuelles suggèrent qu'il faut revoir les bases conceptuelles des principes archivistiques traditionnels pour mettre davantage l'accent sur le processus plutôt que sur le produit en vue de mieux protéger la mémoire des nations et des personnes.
The collaboratively edited online encyclopedia Wikipedia is among the most popular websites in the world. Subsequently, it poses a great challenge to traditional encyclopedias, which for centuries have set the standards of society's knowledge with their printed editions. It is, therefore, important to study the impact of social media on the standards of our knowledge. This longitudinal panel study analyzed the framing of content in encyclopedia entries of top Fortune companies in Wikipedia and the online version of Encyclopedia Britannica in 2006, 2008, and 2010. Content analyses of the length, tonality, and topics of 3,985 sentences showed that Wikipedia entries were significantly longer, were more positively and negatively framed, and focused more on corporate social responsibilities and legal and ethical issues than the online entries of the traditional encyclopedia, which were predominantly neutral. The findings stress that the knowledge-generation processes in society appear to be fundamentally shifting because of the use of social media collaboration. These changes significantly impact which information becomes available to society and how it is framed.
This essay argues that archival paradigms over the past 150 years have gone through four phases: from juridical legacy to cultural memory to societal engagement to community archiving. The archivist has been transformed, accordingly, from passive curator to active appraiser to societal mediator to community facilitator. The focus of archival thinking has moved from evidence to memory to identity and community, as the broader intellectual currents have changed from pre-modern to modern to postmodern to contemporary. Community archiving and digital realities offer possibilities for healing these disruptive and sometimes conflicting discourses within our profession.
Knowledge of diplomatic and the application of its techniques continue to underpin the analysis of current records and record-keeping systems. This article explores the development of approaches to diplomatic from before the publication of Mabillon's De re diplomatica in 1681 to its resurrection as an analytical tool at the end of the twentieth century, and considers its relevance for an electronic record-keeping environment.
The Undoing of an Encyclopedia: Knowledge Practices within German Folklore Studies after World War II”
  • Michaela Fenske
Fenske, Michaela. "The Undoing of an Encyclopedia: Knowledge Practices within German Folklore Studies after World War II". Journal of Folklore Research 47, no. 1-2 (January/August 2010): 51-78.
Undoing of an Encyclopedia
  • Fenske
Fenske, "Undoing of an Encyclopedia," 51.
Diplomatic Attitudes' provides a good overview
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Williams, "'Diplomatic Attitudes' provides a good overview."
What's Past is Prologue' and Cook 'Evidence, Memory, Identity, and Community'
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Cook, "'What's Past is Prologue' and Cook 'Evidence, Memory, Identity, and Community'."
My Very Act and Deed
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Taylor, "My Very Act and Deed." Notes on contributor
Elizabeth Mullins is a lecturer in archives and records management in the School of History, University College Dublin Bibliography Cook, Terry
Elizabeth Mullins is a lecturer in archives and records management in the School of History, University College Dublin Bibliography Cook, Terry. "What Is past Is Prologue: A History of Archival Ideas since 1898, and the Future Paradigm Shift." Archivaria 43 (1997): 17-63. view/12175.