
Development of method of testing a set of screen-exhaust devices in the helicopter Mi-8MSB-B

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... For conducting experimental studies, the SED set was installed on the Mi-8MSB-B helicopter, Fig. 2. At the stage of flight tests, we experimentally determined the characteristics of IR radiation of the helicopter with a SED kit to assess the degree of reduction in the strength of IR radiation of the engine output devices. The methodology for conducting these studies is given in [16]. ...
... The ranges of input data within which the results are obtained are adequate and can be reproduced, leading to the claimed effects and characteristics of SED. Experimental studies were carried out according to the methodology given in [16]. The tests were carried out in accordance with the tactical and technical characteristics of the SED set under the given conditions of influence of external factors of a natural nature, as well as under the given modes of operation of the test object. ...
... The tests were carried out in accordance with the tactical and technical characteristics of the SED set under the given conditions of influence of external factors of a natural nature, as well as under the given modes of operation of the test object. Work [16] reports available and standard means of on-board measurement of information and their characteristics used in research. ...
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The object of this study is the screen-exhaust device in the TV3-117 engine of the Mi-8MSB-B helicopter. To reduce visibility in the thermal range, a system of mixing hot engine exhaust gases with ambient air is used; this technique makes it possible to reduce the infrared radiation of engines. For this purpose, a new sample of screen-exhaust device was designed for testing. A thermal imaging survey of the helicopter was conducted. Three variants of thermal images were acquired: a helicopter without installation of a thermal visibility reduction system, a helicopter with standard exhaust shields installed, and a helicopter with newly developed shield exhaust devices installed. Based on the obtained experimental results, the characteristics of the intensity of infrared radiation were determined for three variants of research in the range of thermal waves of 3–5 μm. The study uses a comprehensive approach to solving the tasks, which includes a statistical analysis of known and promising ways to protect a helicopter from guided missiles with infrared homing heads based on reduced radiation forces and a theoretical method for calculating flow and temperature fields. The advantages of placing the section of the exhaust channel of the designed screen-exhaust device in the horizontal plane for complete shielding of infrared radiation in the lower hemisphere have been experimentally proven. The benefits of directing the flow of exhaust gases from the screen-exhaust device into the space above the helicopter propeller and dividing this flow into four separate flows were shown. The results of experimental research could be used to design new or improve existing screen-exhaust devices by the developers of military aviation
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The large, EU Supported ESPOSA (Efficient Systems and propulsion for Small Aircraft) project has developed new small gas turbines for small aircraft. One of the important tasks was the engine - airframe aero-thermal radiation integration that included task of minimizing the infrared radiation of the small aircraft, too. This paper discusses the factors influencing on the aircraft infrared radiation, its possible simulation and measurements and introduces the results of small aircraft infrared radiation measurements. The temperature of aircraft hot parts heated by engines were determined for validation of methodology developed and applied to engine - aircraft thermal integration.
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Due to their low-attitude and relatively low-speed fight profiles, helicopters are subjected to serious threats from radio, infrared, visual, and aural detection and tracking. Among these threats, infrared detection and tracking are regarded as more crucial for the survivability of helicopters. In order to meet the requirements of infrared stealth, several different types of infrared suppressor (IRS) for helicopters have been developed. This paper reviews contemporary developments in this discipline, with particular emphasis on infrared signature suppression, advances in mixer-ejectors and prediction for helicopters. In addition, several remaining challenges, such as advanced infrared suppressor, emissivity optimization technique, helicopter infrared characterization, etc., are proposed, as an initial guide and stimulation for future research. In the future, the comprehensive infrared suppression in the 3-5μm and 8-14μm bands will doubtfully become the emphasis of helicopter stealth. Multidisciplinary optimization of a complete infrared suppression system deserves further investigation.
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A methodology to evaluate IR radiation emitted by aircraft plume and received by ground-based IR detectors is discussed. The plume IR signatures were compared with other sources such as rear fuselage and tail pipe role of the atmosphere in dictating plume IR signature levels produced by the rear fuselage and engine tailpipe. It was found that plume IR signature modeling are useful for assessing susceptibility to IR guided missiles. The results show that the spectral density if aircraft plume as received by an IR-guided SAM in nonafterburning mode is prominent only in the 4.15-4.20 μm band.
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1) An infrared signature suppression system is conceptualized for a helicopter engine exhaust duct, based on low observables principles of conceal and camouflage. 2) The exposed surfaces of the IRSS system are camouflaged with the background by thermal design, which considers multimode heat transfer, including surface radiation interchange. 3) The IRSS system completely blocks the visibility of the exhaust-duct outer surface and the inner surface of its module 1. It reduces the solid angle subtended by the inlet disk surface and the inner surface of the hot exhaust duct, and also the range of the viewing aspect angle (ø) over which they are visible. 4) The penalties associated with the installation of the IRSS system are restricted to a minimum in the conceptual design. The weight penalty is reduced by using lightweight composite and glass wool; both have low thermal conductivity, which reduces their thicknesses. The engine backpressure penalty is reduced by minimizing the disturbance to the exhaust flow and by avoiding excessive cooling of the exhaust gases within the flow path. 5) Because the engine exhaust flow is not disturbed, surfaces that are wetted by the flow are not completely blocked, but their visibility is restricted to a narrow range of φ.
Along with the diversification and sophisticated development of detection methods in modern warfare, helicopters are increasingly subject to unilateral or simultaneous threats from radar and infrared detectors. In order to improve the survivability and operational effectiveness of the helicopter, a comprehensive stealth approach based on Pareto solution is presented. Considering the geometric constraints and aerodynamic characteristics of the engine intake and exhaust system, the model of the system is established by the full factorial design, the internal, central and external flow fields are constructed, then the high-precision computational fluid dynamics method is used to simulate the total flow field under the rotor downwash airflow in hovering state. The radar cross section of the system is evaluated by the physical optics and physical theory of diffraction. Based on the Monte Carlo and ray tracking method, the infrared signature of the system is calculated and analyzed in detail. Under the comprehensive evaluation and selection of comprehensive stealth approach, the optimization model of the system is continuously established and updated. The ultimate design has achieved good results in both radar cross section reduction and infrared radiation suppression and the proposed method is effective and efficient for radar/infrared integrated stealth of helicopter engine intake and exhaust systems.
This paper documents progress in rotorcraft crashworthiness research and development that has been realized during the past 40 years. Trends are presented in several categories including facilities and equipment for conducting crash testing, updated crash certification requirements, the application of crash modeling and simulation techniques, and rotorcraft structural design for improved crash performance focusing on the application of advanced composite materials. Likely one of the most important advances is the ability to rapidly simulate crash impacts and to see the effects of design changes on the impact response. Enhanced dynamic computer simulations have greatly improved automotive safety today and are making inroads in the aerospace community. Consequently, a detailed discussion of advances in crash modeling and simulation is presented. The paper concludes with a list of suggested recommendations, such that the progress made to date can be continued into the future.
The aim of the present work is to propose a parametric study to examine the impact of several geometric parameters on ejector performance. Calculations are performed using a 2D axisymmetric CFD model. The performance criteria retained for this study are the ejector capacities to create vacuum (vacuum performance) and entrain an induced flow (entrainment performance). Validation is performed for specific cases by comparing computational results and experimental measurements. Tested parameters are secondary nozzle to primary nozzle throat-area, cylindrical mixing tube length and primary nozzle penetration length. Numerical simulations are performed for various ejector operating conditions (primary stagnation pressure, operation with and without induced flow). Results obtained confirm the existence of optimum performance of ejectors related to the nature of the flow regime and give insights on the optimal design of supersonic ejectors.
Dozvukovi hazovi ezhektory ekranno-vykhlopnykh prystroiv HTD. Kyiv: Nats
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Obgruntuvannia alhorytmychnykh zavdan suchasnykh analitychnykh zasobiv bortovoho kompleksu oborony litalnykh aparativ
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Kharakterystyky hazovoho ezhektora yak elementa vykhidnoho prystroiu. Promyslova hidravlika i pnevmatyka
  • K I Kapitanchuk
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  • M P Andriishyn
  • N M Andriishyn
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Sertyfikatsiini nazemni vyprobuvannia ekranno-vykhlopnoho prystroiu vertolotu
  • K I Kapitanchuk
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