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Management of multi-relapsed chronic pancreatitis through Rasaushadhis: A case study

  • VCP Cancer Research Foundation
  • Padaav Speciality Ayurvedic Treatment Center
  • VCP Cancer Research Foundation, Dehradun
  • Vcp cancer research center

Abstract and Figures

Chronic pancreatitis is the long-standing inflammation of the pancreas, leading to irreversible damage of the gland. The disease is characterized by loss of exocrine and endocrine functions of pancreas owing to fibrosis and parenchymal damage. Clinical manifestations of the disease include abdominal pain, episodes of acute pancreatitis, nausea, vomiting, steatorrhea, indigestion, weight loss, and uncontrolled blood sugar. No authentic tools have yet been identified to predict the course of the disease, frequency of acute exacerbations, and rate of disease progression. Pancreatic enzymes, supplements, and a low-fat diet are usually prescribed to patients of pancreatitis. However, patients continue to experience unpredicted flare up of symptoms that are managed by IV fluids, antibiotics, and painkillers in case of acute exacerbations. Surgical intervention and stenting might also be done in some cases to bring relief to patients. However, these have limited effect, and the disease continues to progress and causes pancreatic cancer and casualties as well. Despite advances in medical science, the prognosis of the disease remains variable and unclear. Studies indicate a mortality rate of 17% in 5 years, 30% in 10 years, and 55% in 20 years after the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis. Here, a case of chronic pancreatitis that was treated in lines of Ayurveda is presented. The patient has not suffered any attack after the commencement of Ayurvedic treatment and completes nine years of symptom-free status with no signs of progression in radiological tests.
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Journal of Ayurveda Case Reports • Volume 3 • Issue 2April-June 2020 • Pages 43-***
66 © 2020 Journal of Ayurveda Case Reports | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
Management of multi-relapsed chronic
pancreatitis through Rasaushadhis: A case study
Vaidya Balendu Prakash, Vaidya Shikha Prakash1, Sneha Tiwari, Shakshi Sharma1,
Vaidya Pooja Jaryal1
Chronic pancreatitis is the long‑standing inflammation of the pancreas, leading to irreversible
damage of the gland. The disease is characterized by loss of exocrine and endocrine functions
of pancreas owing to fibrosis and parenchymal damage. Clinical manifestations of the disease
include abdominal pain, episodes of acute pancreatitis, nausea, vomiting, steatorrhea, indigestion,
weight loss, and uncontrolled blood sugar. No authentic tools have yet been identified to predict
the course of the disease, frequency of acute exacerbations, and rate of disease progression.
Pancreatic enzymes, supplements, and a low‑fat diet are usually prescribed to patients of
pancreatitis. However, patients continue to experience unpredicted flare up of symptoms that
are managed by IV fluids, antibiotics, and painkillers in case of acute exacerbations. Surgical
intervention and stenting might also be done in some cases to bring relief to patients. However,
these have limited effect, and the disease continues to progress and causes pancreatic cancer
and casualties as well. Despite advances in medical science, the prognosis of the disease remains
variable and unclear. Studies indicate a mortality rate of 17% in 5years, 30% in 10years, and 55%
in 20years after the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis. Here, a case of chronic pancreatitis that
was treated in lines of Ayurveda is presented. The patient has not suffered any attack after the
commencement of Ayurvedic treatment and completes nine years of symptom‑free status with
no signs of progression in radiological tests.
KEYWORDS: Ayurveda, chronic pancreatitis, Rasa shastra
Chronic pancreatitis is an inammatory
disorder of pancreas that results in
progressive loss of exocrine and endocrine
functions due to atrophy and/or brosis.[1]
The disease is characterized by sudden bouts
of severe abdominal pain, vomiting,
nausea, steatorrhea, and weight loss.[2] In
some patients, the disease may also take a
painless course. The clinical symptoms with
morphological changes in radiological tests
make the conrmation of the diagnosis of
chronic pancreatitis.[3] Chronic pancreatitis is
irreversible and progressive in nature and is
largely attributed to toxins, idiopathic, genetic,
auto-immune, recurrent acute pancreatitis
and obstructive factors.[4] However, the exact
pathogenesis of the disease is not clear.
Acute exacerbations of the disease are
managed by emergency hospitalization and
strict diet control with pancreatic enzymes,
vitamin supplements, or steroid therapy
thereafter.[5] Endoscopic and surgical measures
are also considered in some cases.[5] In spite of
the technological growth of medical science,
no specic therapy is available to cure the
disease and curb its progression. The disease
is known to cause pancreatic cancer in up
to 40% of cases and uncontrolled diabetes
Address for correspondence:
Dr. Vaidya Balendu Prakash,
VCPC Research Foundaon,
Lane C‑15, Turner
Road, Clement Town,
Dehradun ‑ 248 002,
Uarakhand, India.
E‑mail: balenduprakash@
Submied: 30‑Nov‑2019
Revised: 04‑Jul‑2020
Accepted: 15‑Jul‑2020
Published: 16‑Oct‑2020
VCPC Research
Foundaon, Lane C‑15,
Turner Road, Clement
Town, Dehradun,
Ayurvedic Treatment
Centre, Rudrapur,
Uarakhand, India
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How to cite this article: Prakash VB, Prakash VS, Tiwari S,
Sharma S, Jaryal VP. Management of multi-relapsed chronic
pancreatitis through Rasaushadhis: A case study. J Ayurveda
Case Rep 2020;3:66-9.
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Case Report
Prakash, et al.: Management of multi‑relapsed chronic pancreatitis
Journal of Ayurveda Case Reports - Volume 3, Issue 2, April-June 2020 67
in about 70%-90% of cases.[6,7] Mortality is reported in
about 17% cases in ve years, 30% in 10 years, and 55%
in 20 years.[8] Chronic pancreatitis is reported to have
an annual incidence rate of 5-12/100,000 people with
a prevalence of 50/100,000 people.[9] It majorly occurs
in the male population of the productive age group and
hampers the psychological state and quality of life of the
patients. It is mainly because recurring attacks, emergency
hospitalizations, follow-up visits, investigations, and
debility, which badly affect the nancial and social condition
of the patients and their families.[10,11]
Here, the report of a Delhi‑based young man who was rst
diagnosed and treated for chronic pancreatitis at a leading
hospital of India, under a reputed gastroenterologist and
later opted for Metal-Based Ayurvedic Treatment (MBAT)
in 2010 at a clinic in North India, is being presented.
A 24-year-old boy, a strict vegetarian, non-alcoholic,
and non-smoker with no family history of pancreatitis,
presented with acute symptoms of severe continuous
epigastric pain with nausea and vomiting on January 14,
2005. He was admitted in the emergency department
at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS),
New Delhi, and underwent a series of laboratory
investigations including imaging under the consultancy
of a gastroenterologist. His serum amylase level was
elevated (860 U/L), and ultrasound and computed
tomography scan of the abdomen revealed mildly
bulky pancreas with fuzzy outline. After which, he
was diagnosed with mild acute pancreatitis following
Cambridge classication. He was treated with intravenous
uids, painkillers, and antacids. After four days of the
treatment, he became asymptomatic and was discharged.
In October 2006, the patient had suffered with a similar
episode. He consulted a renowned gastroenterologist at
Pushpawati Singhania Research Institute, New Delhi, and
was managed symptomatically on an outpatient department
basis. He presented with similar symptoms to the same
hospital in June 2008, was admitted for four days, and was
given symptomatic treatment.
Between November 2009 and August 2010, he suffered
with similar attacks of pancreatitis almost every month
and had to be admitted four times [Table 1]. Endoscopic
ultrasound done in April 2010 was suggestive of chronic
calcic pancreatitis. The patient lost 26 kg of body weight
during this period. He was referred for the condition by
one of his relatives for Ayurvedic treatment.
He visited the center and commenced Ayurvedic
treatment in November 2010. His treatment continued
for 18 months, of which, initial two week indoor
treatment was given at the center. At admission, a
detailed history of the patient was recorded with proofs
of diagnosis and previous admissions. His vitals and
symptoms were noted.
MBAT is a combination of Ayurvedic medicines and a
regulated diet and lifestyle. Medicines prescribed include
a metal‑based Ayurvedic complex, Amar,[12] at a dose of
125 mg three times a day, and few supportive medicines
as per the patient’s symptoms, including Hingwashtak
churna[13] and Kamdudha rasa[14] [Table 2 and Figure 1]. An
1800–2400 calorie daily diet, rich in protein and dairy
products, was prescribed to him [Table 3]. He was asked
to abstain from the consumption of tea, coffee, aerated
drinks, alcohol, rened our, onion, garlic, tomato, and
packaged or reheated food items. He was also advised
complete mental and physical rest for the initial 4 months
of the treatment with 8 h of sleep at night and avoiding
physical and mental exertion. MBAT was continued for 18
months with regulated diet and lifestyle.
The patient became asymptomatic during the initial indoor
treatment and gradually his general health also improved.
After completion of the treatment, all his blood reports
were in normal range. Follow-up scans showed stability of
the disease with no signs of progression. He also gained
6 kg weight. A follow-up MRCP was conducted in March
2018 (six years after treatment completion), which showed
no signicant interval change as compared to the previous
positron emission tomography-computed tomography and
Figure 1: Composition of Amar; Source: Department of Inorganic and
Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. Analysis
done using XRD (X‑ray powder diffraction), EDAX (Energy Dispersive
Spectroscopy) and SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy)
Prakash, et al.: Management of multi‑relapsed chronic pancreatitis
68 Journal of Ayurveda Case Reports - Volume 3, Issue 2, April-June 2020
ultrasound reports done in September 2012 and January
2014, respectively. MBAT could bring signicant and
sustainable relief to the patient. He became asymptomatic
and continues to lead a normal life since then.
Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by structured changes
in the pancreas. The disease has invariable characteristics
and is progressive in nature. The symptoms and
complications related to the disease increase with time and
take a fatal course. Up to 40% cases of chronic pancreatitis
develop pancreatic cancer in their lifetime.[6]
Available treatment options include management of
symptoms and aiding digestion with the help of articial
pancreatic enzymes. However, none of the contemporary
treatments have been found to completely eliminate the
symptoms or curb future attacks and progression. With
limited options, patients turn to alternative treatment in
desperate conditions. It is a more common practice in
India where alternative medical systems such as Ayurveda,
Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy are recognized as
independent systems of medicine along with conventional
medicine. There are a few studies that report about the
efcacy of traditional medicines in treating patients with
pancreatitis. Some studies also report about the therapeutics
of phytochemicals and plant extracts such as curcumin,
caffeine, berberine and sesamol.[15] However, none of these
have been widely accepted as a treatment and need to be
further validated and explored.
In this scenario, a North India-based Ayurvedic clinic has
reported the signicant and sustainable effect of MBAT
in reducing the intensity and frequency of attacks and
improvement in the overall well-being of patients with
recurring acute and chronic pancreatitis.[12,16] The discussed
case is one of the cases treated at the clinic. The 24-year-old
boy with ve year history of chronic pancreatitis was put
on Ayurvedic treatment. Pancreatic enzyme supplements
were stopped.
Rasaushadhis are well absorbed with a diet rich in protein
and fat. Ayurveda treatment is aimed to gradually restore
metabolism by harmonizing the state of Jatharagni. The
patient was given a diet plan, comprising three meals and
three snacks (1800–2400 calorie). The patient responded
very well to the treatment with overall improvement in
digestion and general condition.
Ayurvedic formulation used in the treatment is derived
from Rasa shastra which deals with the therapeutics of
processed metals which are termed as Dhatu in Sanskrit.[17]
The masters of Rasa shastra have linked body Dhatu with
metal Dhatu. According to the available literature, imbalance
of metal Dhatu in body Dhatu leads to disturbed body
metabolism due to discrepancies in diet, lifestyle, and other
factors. Rebalancing these metals in body tissues could
bring back the equilibrium state.
Table 1: Details of hospitalizations due to pancreatitis
Number Date Symptoms Hospital Investigations on admission* Treatment
1st January
Severe abdominal pain, nausea,
vomiting, constipation
AIIMS, Delhi Serum amylase ‑ 860; CECT ‑ mildly bulky
pancreas with fuzzy outline
IV fluids and
2nd June 2008 PSRI, Delhi Serum lipase ‑ 261; Serum amylase ‑ 433
3rd April 2010 Severe abdominal pain radiating
to back, nausea, and vomiting
EUS ‑ Chronic calcific pancreatitis
4th June 2010 Severe abdominal pain radiating
to back
TLC ‑ 12,990/µL; serum amylase ‑ 426
5th July 2010 Serum amylase ‑ 279; Serum lipase ‑ 1957
6th August
Serum amylase ‑ 395; Ultrasound ‑
heterogenous pancreatic echotexture
*Serum amylase and lipase values are in U/L. CECT: Contrast‑enhanced computed tomography, EUS: Endoscopic ultrasound, IV: Intravenous
Table 2: Details of medicines given
Medicines Duration
Hingwashtak churna (1 g thrice a day before meals),
Amar capsule (125 mg thrice a day during meals)
Initial 3
Kamdudha rasa powder (125 mg thrice a day before
meals), Amar capsule (125 mg thrice a day during meals)
4th to 18th
Table 3: Diet prescribed
Meal Items
Breakfast (08:00
250 ml milk + one serving of any cereal (Daliya/
Amaranthus seeds/oats) + 100 g fresh cottage
cheese (Paneer) + one small bowl of fresh
seasonal fruits
snack (11:00
Buttermilk/a slice of multigrain bread, Paneer
Lunch (01:00
Rice + pulses (Daal: Arhar/Moong/Masur) +
salad + vegetable + curd
Evening snack
(05:00 p.m.)
Roasted puffed rice and black grams/potato
and Paneer cutlet
Dinner (07:30
Multigrain freshly cooked chapatti (70 g flour) +
seasonal vegetable + dal/Paneer + curd + salad
Post dinner snack
(09:45 p.m.)
A glass of milk/custard/any Bengali sweet
Prakash, et al.: Management of multi‑relapsed chronic pancreatitis
Journal of Ayurveda Case Reports - Volume 3, Issue 2, April-June 2020 69
Copper stands third among these metals and is toxic in large
amounts. However, its presence has been shown in human
tissues, including brain, liver, and muscles.[18] It has been
described to possess strong anti‑inammatory properties.
The complex used in this treatment has been prepared
using processed copper as the main ingredient which is
further processed with mercury and sulfur following the
concepts of Gandhaka jarana. Repeated Gandhaka jarana
leads to Gandhaka jeerna state of Parada. In this complex,
there is a two fold increase in the quantity of Gandhaka
in Parada (Dvigune gandhaka jeerna parada).[19] The chemical
analysis of the nished compound does not show any
trace of free metals [Figure 1].[12] The nal compound is a
mineral complex with unexplained phenomenal structure.
It could be understood in Ayurvedic terms as “Parada
gandhaka marita tamra bhasma.
Chronic pancreatitis is an inammatory disorder which
does not respond to the available steroidal and nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory agents. Animal studies have also
conrmed the pancreatitis protective properties of the
In view of the observed clinical effect of the compound,
Amar emerges as a potent pancreatitis protective therapeutic
agent and merits further development.
This case is a benchmark for the efcacy of MBAT in
bringing complete resolution of symptoms and impeding
the progression of the disease.
Declaration of patient consent
Authors certify that they have obtained patient consent
form, where the patient/caregiver has given his/her
consent for reporting the case along with the images and
other clinical information in the journal. The patient/
caregiver understands that his/her name and initials will
not be published and due efforts will be made to conceal
his/her identity, but anonymity cannot be guaranteed.
Financial support and sponsorship
Conflicts of interest
There are no conicts of interest.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Background: Recurrent Acute/Chronic Pancreatitis (RA/CP) is an inflammatory disorder of the pancreas. The disease is progressive in nature and may turn fatal in due course. The aetiology of this inflammatory condition majorly remains mysterious, especially in Indian context, where majority of the patients of RA/CP are non-alcoholics and non-tobacco users with no family history of the disease. An Ayurvedic Mineral Complex (AMC) has shown significant improvement in the clinical conditions of pancreatitis patients and significantly reduced acute exacerbations and emergency hospitalizations in a number of cases. The present set of studies was carried to understand the mechanism of AMC. Methodology: AMC was evaluated for its pancreatitis protective properties at different doses in an existing model of L-Arginine induced pancreatitis in albino male wistar rats and compared to Methylprednisolone, a known anti-inflammatory agent. The study was carried in two phases, with three different doses of AMC used in each phase. Results: The studies indicate that AMC was well tolerated. It did not cause mortality or any clinical signs of toxicity in male wistar rats, who were given a daily dose of AMC for twenty-one days. There was no change in body weight and food consumption pattern. It also decreased the oxidative stress, inflammatory cytokines and severity of inflammatory condition in pancreas by reducing structural changes. The best pancreatitis protective effect of AMC was observed at doses of 25 mg/kg and 19 mg/kg body weight. Conclusion: The results of the aforesaid studies validate the stated clinical efficacy of AMC by showing its strong pancreatitis protective properties. AMC might be developed as a potential anti-inflammatory agent.
Full-text available
Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disorder of the pancreas, affecting its endocrine and exocrine function. It is mainly associated with abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, indigestion, steatorrhea, weight loss and diabetes. There are many variants of pancreatitis that have been broadly divided into acute and chronic pancreatitis. In both the conditions, patients may suffer with recurring episodes of the aforesaid symptoms with progression of the disease. Pancreatitis is conservatively managed by emergency hospitalizations, lifelong pancreatic enzymes and supplements with modifications in diet and lifestyle. Advance surgical intervention is also being used in some cases to provide long term solution. However, the benefits of such procedures are limited to certain pockets of the world. Owing to unpredictable nature of the disease and limitations of treatment possibilities, pancreatitis adversely affects psychological, physical and financial status of the patients. In this scenario, many patients opt for alternate medicines. A North India based Ayurvedic clinic has earned reputation in bringing complete and sustainable relief in significant number of cases of Recurrent Acute/ Chronic Pancreatitis (RA/CP). A data on 319 well diagnosed cases demonstrates that Ayurvedic Treatment Protocol (ATP) has been able to bring complete relief in significant number of patients, without causing any side effect. Statistical analysis of the data shows that the treatment brought significant improvement in weight and reduction in frequency of attacks. ATP comprises of a few Ayurvedic formulations that are prescribed for a period of one year, along with regulated diet and lifestyle as well as complete physical and mental rest. The main Ayurvedic formulation used in the treatment is Amar. Experimental studies conducted using Amar have demonstrated its protective properties against pancreatitis. Further research is being conducted for the systematic and scientific development of this specialized ATP.
Full-text available
Chronic pancreatitis is defined as a pathological fibro-inflammatory syndrome of the pancreas in individuals with genetic, environmental and/or other risk factors who develop persistent pathological responses to parenchymal injury or stress. Potential causes can include toxic factors (such as alcohol or smoking), metabolic abnormalities, idiopathic mechanisms, genetics, autoimmune responses and obstructive mechanisms. The pathophysiology of chronic pancreatitis is fairly complex and includes acinar cell injury, acinar stress responses, duct dysfunction, persistent or altered inflammation, and/or neuro-immune crosstalk, but these mechanisms are not completely understood. Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by ongoing inflammation of the pancreas that results in progressive loss of the endocrine and exocrine compartment owing to atrophy and/or replacement with fibrotic tissue. Functional consequences include recurrent or constant abdominal pain, diabetes mellitus (endocrine insufficiency) and maldigestion (exocrine insufficiency). Diagnosing early-stage chronic pancreatitis is challenging as changes are subtle, ill-defined and overlap those of other disorders. Later stages are characterized by variable fibrosis and calcification of the pancreatic parenchyma; dilatation, distortion and stricturing of the pancreatic ducts; pseudocysts; intrapancreatic bile duct stricturing; narrowing of the duodenum; and superior mesenteric, portal and/or splenic vein thrombosis. Treatment options comprise medical, radiological, endoscopic and surgical interventions, but evidence-based approaches are limited. This Primer highlights the major progress that has been made in understanding the pathophysiology, presentation, prevalence and management of chronic pancreatitis and its complications.
Full-text available
Recurrent Acute Pancreatitis/ Chronic Pancreatitis (RAP/ CP) is generally marked by sudden onset of symptoms like severe abdominal pain, vomiting and weight loss that needs emergency hospitalization. Owing to irreversible and progressive nature of the disease and limitations of conventional treatment, many patients look for an alternative solution. Here, we report data of 250 well diagnosed cases of acute recurring/ chronic pancreatitis, enrolled in between January 1997 to August 2016, in our Ayurvedic clinical practice in Northern part of India. Ayurveda is well recognized as an independent medical system parallel to conventional medicines in India and a subject is free to opt for any system of medicine for the prevention and treatment of any ailment. The subjects were treated with a complex herbo-mineral formulation based on the principles of Rasa Shastra in Ayurveda that deals with the therapeutics of processed metals in the prevention and treatment of diseases. They were also prescribed a regulated balanced diet and lifestyle. Significant improvement has been noted in subjects who have completed the treatment.
Full-text available
Typical clinical symptoms of chronic pancreatitis are vague and non-specific and therefore diagnostic tests are required, none of which provide absolute diagnostic certainly, especially in the early stages of disease. Recently-published guidelines bring much needed structure to the diagnostic work-up of patients with suspected chronic pancreatitis. In addition, novel diagnostic modalities bring promise for the future. The assessment and diagnosis of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency remains challenging and this review contests the accepted perspective that steatorrhea only occurs with > 90% destruction of the gland.
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The word Rasashaastra literally means the "Science of Mercury". It is a specialized branch of Ayurveda dealing mainly with materials which are known as 'Rasa dravyaas'. The products dealt under this discipline are an important component of Ayurvedic therapeutics. Considering the importance of this discipline in Ayurvedic therapeutics and the fact that there is dearth of comprehensive review on the subject an attempt has been made in this review to provide a brief but all encompassing coverage of different aspects related to it. The subjects covered in the review are: historical background of the evolvement of Rasashaastra as a specialized branch during different time periods; different aspects of classification 'Rasa dravyaas'; processing of metal and mineral products with a note on the methods used during different time periods; information about methods of pre and post preparation procedures for different kinds of 'Rasa dravyaas'; importance of mercury in Ayurveda, its processing methods and different preparations along with therapeutic indications. In addition attempt has been made to provide basic information on the metal and mineral based preparations mentioned in Ayurvedic Formulary of India; recent development in the field of Rasashaastra and future requirements for the proper development of the discipline. The main focus is to familiarize the readers, from non-ayurvedic background, on different aspects of this specialized discipline.
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Pancreatitis, which is most generally described as any inflammation of the pancreas, is a serious condition that manifests in either acute or chronic forms. Chronic pancreatitis results from irreversible scarring of the pancreas, resulting from prolonged inflammation. Six major etiologies for chronic pancreatitis have been identified: toxic/ metabolic, idiopathic, genetic, autoimmune, recurrent and severe acute pancreatitis, and obstruction. The most common symptom associated with chronic pancreatitis is pain localized to the upper-to-middle abdomen, along with food malabsorption, and eventual development of diabetes. Treatment strategies for acute pancreatitis include fasting and short-term intravenous feeding, fluid therapy, and pain management with narcotics for severe pain or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories for milder cases. Patients with chronic disease and symptoms require further care to address digestive issues and the possible development of diabetes. Dietary restrictions are recommended, along with enzyme replacement and vitamin supplementation. More definitive outcomes may be achieved with surgical or endoscopic methods, depending on the role of the pancreatic ducts in the manifestation of disease.
Chronic pancreatitis is an irreversible and progressive disorder of the pancreas characterized by inflammation, fibrosis, and scarring. Exocrine and endocrine functions are lost, often leading to chronic pain. The etiology is multifactorial, although alcoholism is the most significant risk factor in adults. The average age at diagnosis is 35 to 55 years. If chronic pancreatitis is suspected, contrast-enhanced computed tomography is the best imaging modality for diagnosis. Computed tomography may be inconclusive in early stages of the disease, so other modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography, or endoscopic ultrasonography with or without biopsy may be used. Recommended lifestyle modifications include cessation of alcohol and tobacco use and eating small, frequent, low-fat meals. Although narcotics and antidepressants provide the most pain relief, one-half of patients eventually require surgery. Therapeutic endoscopy is indicated to treat symptomatic strictures, stones, and pseudocysts. Decompressive surgical procedures, such as lateral pancreaticojejunostomy, are indicated for large duct disease (pancreatic ductal dilation of 7 mm or more). Resection procedures, such as the Whipple procedure, are indicated for small duct disease or pancreatic head enlargement. The risk of pancreatic cancer is increased in patients with chronic pancreatitis, especially hereditary pancreatitis. Although it is not known if screening improves outcomes, clinicians should counsel patients on this increased risk and evaluate patients with weight loss or jaundice for neoplasm.
Pancreatitis is a gastrointestinal disease with a worldwide sharp surge during the past decade. Pancreatitis includes acute and chronic subtypes, which are graded based on the amount of pancreatic inflammation. Phytoconstituents represent a promising class of therapeutic agents with wide acceptability not only based on folk practices but sound presence of pharmacological and molecular evidences. Growing research evidence indicates that different molecular mechanisms are involved in their protective effect. Many phytoremedies have been tried for the treatment of pancreatic injuries and have shown success in preclinical animal models of pancreatitis. The literature was largely collected through PubMed and Google scholar database. A large proportion of phytochemicals targets the inflammatory cascade and modulates the overtly acting redox balance among which nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells is the key molecule. Inhibition of apoptosis (artemisinin, embelin), inflammasome (withaferin A), neutrophil rolling (fucoidan), Ca(+2) release (caffeine), mitogen activated protein kinase (guggulsterone) and many other novel mechanisms apart from antioxidant effect have been postulated behind the protective effect of phytoconstituents. The present review deals to fill the gap of hitherto unavailable comprehensive review on various plant products screened for the treatment of pancreatitis. The possible mechanistic profile of these phytochemicals is summarized. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Symptoms of chronic pancreatitis (CP) frequently hinder patients' ability to work. The aim of our study was to evaluate the impact of CP on employment patterns and health care experience. Patients with CP at 4 US pancreas centers were evaluated. A survey was given to each patient during an office visit between July 1, 2006 and October 31, 2007. One hundred eleven patient surveys were returned. The median age was 52 years; the median duration of CP symptoms was 8.2 years. Seventy-four percent had their work lives altered by CP, 60% reported an effect on their social lives, and 46% reported an effect on their spouse/significant other relationship (P < 0.03). Only 37% were currently employed. During the week before completing the survey, the patients who were employed reported absences from their job due to CP symptoms, a median of 14 hours. On at least 1 visit to the ED, 80% of respondents reported that they had not been treated with respect and dignity, 45% had been labeled an alcoholic, and 29% had been labeled a drug seeker. Chronic pancreatitis had a profound impact on employment patterns. Comprehensive efforts are needed to improve the health care experience of patients with this disease.