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Towards a Unified Approach to Homography Estimation Using Image Features and Pixel Intensities


Abstract and Figures

The homography matrix is a key component in various vision-based robotic tasks. Traditionally, homography estimation algorithms are classified into feature- or intensity-based. The main advantages of the latter are their versatility, accuracy, androbustness to arbitrary illumination changes. On the other hand,they have a smaller domain of convergence than the feature-based solutions. Their combination is hence promising, but existing techniques only apply them sequentially. This paper proposes anew hybrid method that unifies both classes into a single nonlinear optimization procedure, applies the same minimization method,and uses the same homography parametrization and warping function. Experimental validation using a classical testing frame-work shows that the proposed unified approach has improved convergence properties compared to each individual class. These are also demonstrated in a visual tracking application. As a final contribution, our ready-to-use implementation of the algorithm is made publicly available to the research community
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Towards a Unified Approach to Homography Estimation
Using Image Features and Pixel Intensities
Lucas Nogueira, Ely C. de Paiva
School of Mechanical Engineering
University of Campinas
Campinas, SP, Brazil
Geraldo Silveira
Robotics and Computer Vision research group
Center for Information Technology Renato Archer
Campinas, SP, Brazil
Abstract—The homography matrix is a key component in various
vision-based robotic tasks. Traditionally, homography estimation
algorithms are classified into feature- or intensity-based. The
main advantages of the latter are their versatility, accuracy, and
robustness to arbitrary illumination changes. On the other hand,
they have a smaller domain of convergence than the feature-based
solutions. Their combination is hence promising, but existing
techniques only apply them sequentially. This paper proposes a
new hybrid method that unifies both classes into a single nonlinear
optimization procedure, applies the same minimization method,
and uses the same homography parametrization and warping
function. Experimental validation using a classical testing frame-
work shows that the proposed unified approach has improved
convergence properties compared to each individual class. These
are also demonstrated in a visual tracking application. As a final
contribution, our ready-to-use implementation of the algorithm
is made publicly available to the research community.
KeywordsRobot vision; Homography optimization; Hybrid ap-
proaches; Vision-based applications.
I. Introduction
The homography matrix is a key component in computer
vision. It relates corresponding pixel coordinates of a planar
object in different images, and has been used in a variety
of vision-based applications such as image mosaicing [1],
visual servoing [2] and object grasping [3]. The homography
estimation task can be formulated as an Image Registration (IR)
problem. IR can be defined as a search for the parameters that
best define the transformation between corresponding pixels
in a pair of images. Solutions to this problem involve the
definition of at least four important characteristics [4]: the
information space, the transformations models, the similarity
measures, and the search strategy.
With respect to the information space, the vast majority of
vision-based algorithms use a Feature-Based (FB) approach. In
this class, firstly an extraction algorithm searches each image
for geometric primitives and selects the best candidates. Then,
a matching algorithm establishes correspondences between
features in different images. Afterwards, the actual estimation
takes place. However, both the extraction and matching steps
are error-prone and can produce outliers that affect the quality
of the estimation. Additionally, by using only a sparse set of
features, these algorithms may discard useful information.
In contrast, Intensity-Based (IB) methods have no extrac-
tion and matching steps. These methods are also referred to
as direct methods since they exploit the pixel intensity values
directly. This allows the estimation algorithm to work with
more information than FB methods and does not depend on
particular primitives. Thus, it leads to more accurate estimates
and is highly versatile. However, an important drawback is that
they require a small interframe displacement, i.e., a sufficient
overlapping between consecutive images.
The algorithms presented in this work use multidimen-
sional optimization methods as the main search strategy for the
image registration problem. When formulated as such, an ini-
tial solution is iteratively refined using a nonlinear optimization
method. Specifically, the algorithms presented here are derived
from the Efficient Second-order Minimization method (ESM)
[5]. Its advantages include both a higher convergence rate and
a larger convergence domain than standard iterative methods.
It allows for a second-order approximation of the Taylor series
without computationally expensive Hessian calculations.
The use of the ESM framework has shown remarkable
results for IB methods. However, its application within FB
methods has been limited so far. As discussed, the two classes
of estimation methods have complementary strengths. This
work aims to develop a hybrid method that exploits their advan-
tages and reduces their shortcomings. The proposed algorithm
is made available as ready-to-use ROS [6] packages and as a
C++ library. In particular, a homography-based visual tracking
application is also developed. In summary, our contribution is
the development of a vision-based algorithm that:
unifies the intensity- and feature-based approaches to
homography estimation into a single nonlinear opti-
mization problem;
solves that problem using the same efficient mini-
mization method, homography parametrization, and
warping function;
can be applied in real-time settings, such as for
homography-based visual tracking as experimentally
demonstrated in this paper; and
its ready-to-use implementation is made publicly avail-
able for research purposes as a C++ library and as a
ROS package.
The remainder of this article is organized as follows. Sec-
tion II presents the related works, whereas Section III describes
the proposed unified approach. Section IV then reports the
benchmarking experiments and the application of the proposed
algorithm to visual tracking. Finally, the conclusions are drawn
in Section V, and some references are given for further details.
110Copyright (c) IARIA, 2020. ISBN: 978-1-61208-787-0
ICAS 2020 : The Sixteenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems
II. Related Works
The main distinction between IB and FB methods regards
their information space. Indeed, on one hand FB requires the
extraction and association of geometric primitives in different
images before the actual estimation can occur. These primitives
can be, e.g., points and lines [1][7]. IB methods simultaneously
solves for the estimation problem and pixel correspondences
with no intermediate steps [8][9].
The transformation model dictates which parameters are
estimated. For example, the original Lucas-Kanade [10] al-
gorithm only estimated translations in the image space. This
was later extended to more sophiscated warp functions [11].
Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) algorithms
commonly use IR to perform the pose and structure estimation
[12]. The homography matrix is often used as a transformation
model when dealing with predominantly planar regions of
interest [13][14][15]. Illumination parameters may also be
considered as a component of the transformation model, e.g.,
in [16].
The quality of the IR is defined by a similarity measure.
When an optimization method is applied, this measure is often
used as a cost function, such as the Sum of Squared Differences
(SSD) [10][17]. Other possibilities include correlation-based
metrics [18][19] and mutual information [20].
The last component of IR algorithms is the search strategy.
Most real-time applications use a multidimensional optimiza-
tion approach based on gradient descent. They use the first
and second derivatives of the similarity measures with respect
to the transformation parameters. The ESM algorithm is such
an example, and is applied in the proposed method. Al-
ternative optimization approaches include Gauss-Newton and
Levenberg-Marquardt [21]. All of these techniques are most
suited to applications with small interframe displacements.
Indeed, global techniques are too computationally expensive
to be applied in real-time settings. A more thorough review
and comparison of image registration algorithms can be found
in [22][23].
As for the existing techniques that combine IB and FB
methods, their overwhelming majority only applies them se-
quentially, e.g., [24][25]. In sequential strategies, a FB tech-
nique is firstly considered and then its estimated parameters
are fed as the initial guess to some IB optimization. This
standard combination scheme is thus not optimal and is more
time consuming. An exception to that sequential procedure is
reported in [26]. However, it aims to estimate the pose param-
eters, which requires a calibrated camera. The objective of this
paper is to estimate the projective homography, i.e., there is no
calibrated camera. Furthermore, that existing technique applies
a first-order minimization method, and the considered scaling
factors do not take into account the convergence properties of
the individual approaches, as will be proposed in the sequel.
III. Proposed Unified Approach
Consider that a reference template has been specified to an
estimation algorithm. This is typically a region of interest with
predefined resolution inside a larger reference image. Then, a
second image, referred to as the current image, is given to that
algorithm. The goal is to find the transformation parameters
that, when applied to the current image, results in a current
template identical to the reference template.
A. Transformation Models
The considered transformation models consist of a geo-
metric and a photometric one. The geometric transformation
model explains image changes due to variations in the scene
structure and/or the camera motion. For a given pixel pin the
reference template that corresponds to pixel pin the current
image, we model the geometric motion using a homography:
=h11u+h12 v+h13
h31u+h32 v+h33
,h21u+h22 v+h23
h31u+h32 v+h33
where p=[u,v,1]>P2is the homogeneous pixel coordi-
nates in the reference template, wis the warping operator,
and HSL(3)is the projective homography matrix with
its elements {hi j }. Such matrix has only eight degrees-of-
freedom. In general, this situation leads to a reprojection step
after each iteration of the minimization algorithm that takes
the estimated homography into the Special Linear Group. To
avoid this problem, the proposed algorithm parameterizes the
homography using its corresponding Lie Algebra [2]. This
is accomplished via the matrix exponential function, which
maps a region around the identity matrix ISL(3)to a region
around the origin 0sl (3). A matrix A(v) sl (3)is the linear
combination of eight matrices that form a base of the Lie
Algebra. Therefore vhas eight components. A homography
is thus parameterized as
The homography matrix may be used to extract relative motion
and scene structure information [27]. However, this decompo-
sition is out of the scope of this work and is unnecessary for
many robotic applications.
The photometric transformation model explains the changes
in the image due to variations in the lighting conditions of
the scene. Let us model in this work only global illumination
variations, i.e., changes that apply equally to all pixels in the
images. This model is defined as
I0(p)=αI(p)+β, (5)
where I(p) ≥ 0is the intensity value of the pixel p,I0(p) ≥ 0
denotes its transformed intensity, and the gain αRand the
bias βRare the parameters that fully define the transforma-
tion. These parameters can be viewed as the adjustments in
the image constrast and brightness, respectively.
B. Nonlinear Least Squares Formulation
Consider that the reference template is composed of m
pixels. Also, consider that a feature detection and matching
algorithm provides nfeature correspondences between the
reference template and the current image. Ideally, it would be
possible to find a vector x={H, α, β}such that:
i)) +β=I(p
i),i=1,2,. . . , m,(6)
j)=qj,j=1,2, . . ., n,(7)
by substituting (3) in (5), where Iand Iare the current and
reference images, respectively, p
iP2contains the coordinates
of the i-th pixel of the reference template, and qj,q
the representations of the j-th feature correspondence set in the
111Copyright (c) IARIA, 2020. ISBN: 978-1-61208-787-0
ICAS 2020 : The Sixteenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems
current image and reference template, respectively. The perfect
calculation of xis impossible due to a variety of reasons,
including noise in the camera sensor and outliers in the feature
matching. This leads to the reformulation of this task as a
nonlinear least-squares problem.
Two separate cost-functions are defined: One for the IB part
and another for the FB one. The i-th pixel of the reference
template contributes to the following row to the IB cost
function via the distance
i)) +β− I(p
and an output vector yIB can be constructed as:
yI B =a1a2··· am>.(9)
The FB cost function is defined using the distance between the
features coordinates in each image:
j) − qj=bu
where bu
jare distances between the features in the uand v
directions, respectively. The third element is disregarded since
it is always zero. Thus, a vector yF B can be constructed as:
yF B =bu
2··· bu
Using (9) and (11), a unified nonlinear least squares prob-
lem can be defined as
x={H,α,β }
2wI B kyIB (x)k2
2+wF B kyFB (x)k2
where wI B,wF B are carefully chosen weights given to the
intensity- and feature-based components of the cost function,
respectively, as will be proposed later on. For real-time sys-
tems, only local optimization methods can be applied since
global ones are too costly. In this case, an initial approximation
H,bα, b
β}of the true solution is required. This estimate can
be integrated into the least-squares formulation as:
z={v,α,β }
2wI B yI B(x(z) ◦ b
x)2+wF B yF B(x(z) ◦ b
where the symbol ‘’ denotes the composition operation. For
the scalars αand β, it corresponds to the addition, whereas
for the homography that operation is the matrix multiplication.
Furthermore, to take into account the different number of
observations for IB and FB methods, we include normalization
factors and define the unified output vector as
yUN =hqwI B
myI B qwF B
2nyF B i.(14)
Hence, a more concise unified formulation is achieved:
z={v,α,β }
2yUN (x(z) ◦b
which can be efficiently solved using [17].
C. Weight Choices
The weights wI B and wF B should be carefully selected to
ensure the best convergence properties for the algorithm. The
following constraints apply to the weights:
wI B +wF B =1,(16)
wF B,wI B >0.(17)
The idea behind the proposed method for determining the
weights is to let the feature-based error be more influential
to the optimization when the current solution is far from
the true one. As the FB error decreases, then the intensity-
based component becomes increasingly more important. This
is consistent with the idea that the FB method is better suited to
handle large displacements, whereas IB methods have higher
accuracy, but only work when the initial guess is sufficiently
close to the true solution.
The main measurement used for calculating the weights is
the feature-based error associated with the current estimated
homography b
H. It is calculated using the following root mean
squared error (RMSD):
RM SD(yF B )=v
j) − qj
=dF B .(18)
The proposed weights are then defined from
wF B =1exp(−dF B )(19)
and (16). This function allows for a continuous transition where
the feature-based weight decreases as its error gets lower,
and the intensity-based component becomes increasingly more
important in the optimization.
D. Local versus Global Search
The processing times may be drastically increased if the
feature detection and matching algorithms are allowed to pro-
cess the entire current image. The proposed method processes
only a small region in the current image to obtain good matches
whenever possible.
Firstly, a current template is generated by warping the
current image with the initial approximation b
H. Then, this
current template is assigned a score by comparing it with
the reference template using the Zero-mean Normalized Cross-
Correlated. If this score is higher than a predefined threshold,
then the feature detection algorithm searches only within this
current template. Otherwise, the current template and b
both discarded. In this case, the detection algorithm searches
the entire current image for features. The first scenario is
referred to as a “local” search, whereas the second one as a
“global” search. When the global search is used, it is necessary
to recalculate an initial approximation b
H. This is done by
calculating the homography solely from the features matches
between the current image and the reference template.
IV. Experimental Results
A. Validation Setup
The same testing procedure used in [28] is implemented
to validate the algorithm. Firstly, a reference image of size
800 ×533 pixels is chosen, and a region of size 100 ×100
pixels is selected as the reference template. The coordinates
112Copyright (c) IARIA, 2020. ISBN: 978-1-61208-787-0
ICAS 2020 : The Sixteenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems
of each corner are independently perturbed in the
vdirections with a zero mean Gaussian noise and standard
deviation of σpixels (see Figure 1). The relation between the
original corner points and the perturbed ones defines a test
homography. The reference image is then transformed by this
test homography. The algorithm receives the reference template
and the transformed image with the identity element as the
initial guess for the photogeometric transformation. From this
input, the algorithm produces an estimated homography. In
turn, this homography is used to transform each reference
corner point. If the average residual error between the actual
perturbed corner points and the estimated perturbed ones is
less than 1 pixel, the result is declared to have converged.
1,000 test cases are randomly generated for each value of the
perturbation σ∈ [0,20]and used as input for each evaluated
algorithm. In all tests, 3 levels of a multiresolution pyramid are
used. In each level, a maximum of 3 iterations of the algorithm
are allowed to execute.
“Teatro Amazonas Atualmente 01” by Karine Hermes | Modified
Figure 1. Validation setup. (Top) Reference image and
selected reference template, resp. (Bottom) Examples of
transformation with perturbations σ=5and σ=10, resp.
This setup is used to compare different algorithms. Three
criteria are analyzed: Convergence domain, convergence rate
and timing analysis. The methods differ on whether they use
only the IB or the FB component (SURF is here applied
for feature detection and description) in the cost function, or
both for the Unified case. Another difference is the use of a
ZNCC predictor to improve the initialization in some methods.
Finally, some algorithms do not consider the photometric part
of the transformation space. These algorithms along with their
characteristics are summarized in Table I.
TABLE I. Homography estimation algorithms used for comparisons.
Method IB FB Predictor Photometric
ESM 3 7 7 7
IBG 3 7 7 3
IBG_P 3 7 3 3
FB_ESM 7 3 7 7
UNIF 3 3 7 3
UNIF_P 3 3 3 3
B. Convergence Domain
Figure 2 shows that the proposed Unified algorithms have
a larger convergence domain than all pure FB or IB versions.
It also shows that the use of the ZNCC predictor in the unified
version does not affect its frequence of convergence, as well
as that the IBG (i.e., IB with robustness to Global illumination
changes) and ESM algorithms have a very similar performance.
The latter is expected because there are no lighting changes in
this validation setup.
510 15 20
Magnitude of perturbation
Percentage of convergence
Figure 2. Percentage of convergence versus magnitude of
perturbation for different homography estimation algorithms.
Another interesting observation is that the results of the al-
gorithms in the FB class (FB_ESM and the algorithm available
in OpenCV) were significantly worse than the ones in the IB
class, although it was expected that they would have a higher
convergence domain. This suggests that there is still room for
improving the FB components of the estimation, which would
in turn lead to a further improvement in the unified method as
C. Convergence Rate
Figure 3 compares the convergence rate of the homogra-
phy estimation algorithms under a perturbation of magnitude
σ=10. This rate is displayed as the progression of the root
mean squared (RMS) error between the coordinates of the 4
corners of the reference template and the estimated transfor-
mation of the current template. Out of the 1,000 test cases,
only those where the estimation converged are considered
here. Note that the results from the OpenCV algorithm is
omitted because it was used as a black-box, and therefore the
sequence of homographies at each iteration cannot be accessed.
The x-axis of Figure 3 contains each important step in the
optimization. The first step, which is labeled “predictor”, is
the result of the ZNCC prediction step. The second step,
which is labeled “global”, is the step where the algorithm
decides to search for features in the entire current image, as
described in Section III-D. Of course, these two steps are
not performed by every algorithm. Afterwards, steps from
the iterative optimization method follow. They are separated
by pyramids level, such that the notation “X-Y” represents
pyramid level X at iteration Y.
113Copyright (c) IARIA, 2020. ISBN: 978-1-61208-787-0
ICAS 2020 : The Sixteenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems
Corner RMS error (pixels)
Figure 3. Pixel RMS error after each optimization iteration
for different homography estimation algorithms under
perturbation σ=10.
Figure 3 allows for several observations. Firstly, the
FB_ESM performance is very dependent on the “global” step.
After this step, it is the algorithm with the best RMS value.
However, it is not capable to improve this value too much in
the subsequent optimization steps. When the other algorithms
reach the third level of the pyramid, they all outperform its
RMS. The behaviour of ESM, IBG and IBG_P is very similar
as they share the same framework. A small difference between
them is that IBG_P is able to converge even for cases with a
slightly higher initial RMS error, due to the prediction step.
After that step, however, all these three algorithms perform
quite similarly.
Finally, let us note that the Unified algorithms have a
behaviour that combines the FB and IB methods, as desired.
The UNIF_P uses both the “predictor” and “global” steps.
Interestingly, the global search is less applied in that version
than the UNIF one because of the prediction step. This explains
its smaller initial reduction in RMS value. On the other hand,
less usage of the global step leads to a improvement in the
processing times, as shown in the next section. After these
steps, both the Unified algorithms behave similarly to IB ones,
with the advantage of having a better initialization procedure.
D. Timing analysis
Figure 4 shows how the average time needed to run the
estimation algorithms varies depending on the magnitude of
perturbation. This time is measured in a Intel i7-6700HQ
processor, and is averaged over the subset of the 1,000 cases
only when the estimation has converged. The most noticeable
aspect of this graph is that pure IB algorithms have nearly
constant time, regardless of the perturbation level. In constrast,
the algorithms that have a feature-based component need more
time to process images with higher perturbation levels. This
phenomenon can be explained by considering the effect of the
global versus local feature search. As the perturbation level
increases, the number of occasions where the algorithm applies
the global search also increases. This step, however, is very
computationally expensive. The UNIF_P manages to have a
lower processing time because the prediction step increases the
probability that the local search is used. Therefore, the UNIF_P
can be seen as a compromise between having the advantage
of being capable of performing global search, without taking
a big penalty in the processing times.
510 15 20
Magnitude of Perturbation
Processing Time (s)
Figure 4. Processing times for different perturbation levels.
However, these results also show that more research is
needed to develop a method that is able to reliably perform
in real-time settings for large perturbations. The IB methods
are already capable of that when they converge, requiring less
than 0.02s/image. The FB and Unified methods may need up
to 0.12s, which may be unacceptable for some applications.
E. Use Case: Visual Tracking
The proposed algorithm is publicly available for research
purposes as a C++ library and as a ROS package [29], along
with its technical report [30]. This section shows its application
to homography-based visual tracking. Results are available at
[31]. The prediction step is applied, as recommended for real-
time tracking applications. Figure 5 shows some excerpts of
this tracking experiment. An interesting result is that the pro-
posed unified visual tracker can recover from full occlusions.
Even after completely removing the tracked region from the
current image, the tracker can recover given its feature-based
ability to perform the “global” search. Additionally, it can be
seen that the algorithm is robust to large global illumination
changes, and that in some cases it can recover from complete
failure even under severe lighting variations.
V. Conclusions
This paper proposes a first step towards a truly unified opti-
mal approach to homography estimation. The results show that
improved convergence properties are indeed obtained when
combining both classes of feature- and intensity-based methods
into a single optimization procedure. This can help vision-
based applications to handle faster robot motions. Future work
will focus on reducing the processing time of the unified
algorithm, specially when very large interframe displacements
lead to a global search for features.
114Copyright (c) IARIA, 2020. ISBN: 978-1-61208-787-0
ICAS 2020 : The Sixteenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems
Figure 5. Excerpts of homography-based visual tracking (left-to-right then top-to-bottom) using the proposed unified approach.
This work was supported in part by the CAPES under Grant
88887.136349/2017-00, in part by the FAPESP under Grant
2017/22603-0, and in part by the InSAC project (CNPq under
Grant 465755/2014-3, FAPESP under Grant 2014/50851-0).
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ROS packages from the VisioTec group,” 2020, URL: [Accessed 22 August 2020].
[30] L. Nogueira, E. de Paiva, and G. Silveira, “VTEC robust intensity-based
homography optimization software,” no. CTI-VTEC-TR-01-19, Brazil,
[31] L. Nogueira, “Unified Intensity- And Feature-Based Homography
Estimation Applied To Visual Tracking,” 2020, URL: [Accessed 22
August 2020].
115Copyright (c) IARIA, 2020. ISBN: 978-1-61208-787-0
ICAS 2020 : The Sixteenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems
... The homography model is mainly used to realize the geometric transformation between two images, including 8 degrees of freedom for scaling, translation, rotation, and perspective, which can be expressed as an image registration problem [20][21][22][23][24]. Traditional feature-based homography estimation methods usually need to detect the features of image pairs [25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35], then establish image correspondences by matching common features, and use robust estimation algorithms such as RANSAC [36] and MAGSAC [37] to eliminate feature correspond to outliers in points. ...
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Homography estimation of infrared and visible images is a highly challenging task in computer vision. Recently, the deep learning homography estimation methods have focused on the plane, while ignoring the details in the image, resulting in the degradation of the homography estimation performance in infrared and visible image scenes. In this work, we propose a detail-aware deep homography estimation network to preserve more detailed information in images. First, we design a shallow feature extraction network to obtain meaningful features for homography estimation from multi-level multi-dimensional features. Second, we propose a Detail Feature Loss (DFL), which utilizes refined features for computation and retains more detailed information while reducing the influence of unimportant features, enabling effective unsupervised learning. Finally, considering that the evaluation indicators of the previous homography estimation tasks are difficult to reflect severe distortion or the workload of manually labelling feature points is too large, we propose an Adaptive Feature Registration Rate (AFRR) to adaptive extraction of image pair feature points to calculate the registration rate. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods on synthetic benchmark dataset and real dataset.
Technical Report
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This document presents a ready-to-use C++ implementation of a vision-based estimation algorithm. It optimally and robustly estimates a projective geometric transformation and global illumination changes between two images. The geometric part is encoded in a homography matrix, which is key to several applications in computer vision and robotics, such as visual tracking and robot control. Whereas that estimation problem has been traditionally solved using a feature-based scheme, this software solves it using an intensity-based approach. In this case, all possible image information can be exploited, leading to high accuracy levels. At the same time, we are able to achieve a level of computational efficiency that is required by those application domains, as well as of robustness to global lighting variations and to unknown occlusions. For improved versatility, the software provides three different homography classes to choose from. This document describes the theory necessary to understand our solution and its limitations, as well as the installation and usage instructions to deploy our software. Furthermore, two of its applications are described: Image registration and visual tracking, where the latter is also available as a ROS package. This software has been developed at the VisioTec (Vision-based Estimation and Control) group, CTI Renato Archer, for research purposes only. This software is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties.
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We present a deep convolutional neural network for estimating the relative homography between a pair of images. Our feed-forward network has 10 layers, takes two stacked grayscale images as input, and produces an 8 degree of freedom homography which can be used to map the pixels from the first image to the second. We present two convolutional neural network architectures for HomographyNet: a regression network which directly estimates the real-valued homography parameters, and a classification network which produces a distribution over quantized homographies. We use a 4-point homography parameterization which maps the four corners from one image into the second image. Our networks are trained in an end-to-end fashion using warped MS-COCO images. Our approach works without the need for separate local feature detection and transformation estimation stages. Our deep models are compared to a traditional homography estimator based on ORB features and we highlight the scenarios where HomographyNet outperforms the traditional technique. We also describe a variety of applications powered by deep homography estimation, thus showcasing the flexibility of a deep learning approach.
Conference Paper
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Here, we present a general framework for combining visual odometry and lidar odometry in a fundamental and first principle method. The method shows improvements in performance over the state of the art, particularly in robustness to aggressive motion and temporary lack of visual features. The proposed on-line method starts with visual odometry to estimate the ego-motion and to register point clouds from a scanning lidar at a high frequency but low fidelity. Then, scan matching based lidar odometry refines the motion estimation and point cloud registration simultaneously. We show results with datasets collected in our own experiments as well as using the KITTI odometry benchmark. Our proposed method is ranked #1 on the benchmark in terms of average translation and rotation errors, with a 0.75% of relative position drift. In addition to comparison of the motion estimation accuracy, we evaluate robustness of the method when the sensor suite moves at a high speed and is subject to significant ambient lighting changes.
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This paper presents ORB-SLAM, a feature-based monocular SLAM system that operates in real time, in small and large, indoor and outdoor environments. The system is robust to severe motion clutter, allows wide baseline loop closing and relocalization, and includes full automatic initialization. Building on excellent algorithms of recent years, we designed from scratch a novel system that uses the same features for all SLAM tasks: tracking, mapping, relocalization, and loop closing. A survival of the fittest strategy that selects the points and keyframes of the reconstruction leads to excellent robustness and generates a compact and trackable map that only grows if the scene content changes, allowing lifelong operation. We present an exhaustive evaluation in 27 sequences from the most popular datasets. ORB-SLAM achieves unprecedented performance with respect to other state-of-the-art monocular SLAM approaches. For the benefit of the community, we make the source code public.
This paper presents a modular, extensible and highly efficient open source framework for registration based tracking. It is implemented entirely in C++ and is designed from the ground up to easily integrate with systems that support any of several major vision and robotics libraries including OpenCV, ROS and Eigen. To establish the theoretical basis for the design of this system, we introduce a new way to study registration based trackers by decomposing them into three constituent sub modules while also extending the unifying formulation described in \cite{Baker04lucasKanade_paper} to account for several important advances in the field since its publication. In addition to being a practical solution for fast and high precision tracking, this system can also serve as a useful research tool by allowing existing and new methods for any of the aforementioned sub modules to be studied better. When a new method for one of these sub modules is introduced in literature, this breakdown can help to experimentally find the combination of methods for the other sub modules that is optimum for it while also allowing more comprehensive comparisons with existing methods to understand its contributions better. By extensive use of generic programming, the system makes it easy to plug in a new method for any of the sub modules so that it can not only be tested with existing methods for other sub modules but also become immediately available for deployment in any system that uses the framework.
The overwhelming majority of vision-based techniques for both estimation and control consider a feature-based scheme. This thesis investigates how to appropriately exploit pixel intensities directly, i.e. without having to resort to image features. The fact of using all image information, even where no features exist, can considerably increase their accuracy and flexibility. To this end, we propose generic photo-geometric transformation models and optimization methods for directly and efficiently registering images (including color ones) of rigid and deformable objects, all in a unified manner. In particular, the new photometric model ensures robustness to arbitrary illumination changes, are independent of the object's attributes and of the camera's characteristics, and naturally encompasses gray-level images. We then show that the framework can effectively be formulated using uncalibrated or calibrated pinhole cameras. The differences mainly regard to the needed parametrization. A robust visual tracking technique is constructed by directly registering a reference image with successive frames. Then, using the optimal parameters that relate the two images, a vision-based control strategy is proposed to drive all six degrees-of-freedom of a robot to the (desired) pose where the reference image was taken. This new technique does not require either precise parameters of the vision system or any metric structure of the observed rigid scene, leading to a flexible and reliable system. If a calibrated camera is used, then the proposed robust visual tracking technique directly provides the optimal camera pose and scene structure. Since they are simultaneously and causally recovered, the technique represents a new solution to the visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem. Finally, we propose a new visual servoing method that uses the estimates from this visual SLAM approach. Hence, this controlled visual SLAM scheme allows for autonomous navigation of mobile robots over previously unexplored scenes. Comparisons results with existing techniques demonstrate significant improvements in the system performance. Various real-world experiments and simulations are reported to show that the proposed methods can indeed be highly accurate and robust despite unknown objects and unknown imaging conditions. The trade-offs to attain real-time efficiency are discussed in the text.
The fundamental task of visual tracking is considered in this work as a direct image registration problem. Direct methods refer to those that exploit the pixel intensities without intermediate steps, e.g., no extraction of image features. This article proposes new photogeometric transformation models and nonlinear optimization methods for directly registering central omnidirectional images. The proposed models ensure robustness to arbitrary illumination changes, as well as encompass all classes of projective deformations of planar objects within those images. Experimental results show that visual tracking can indeed be highly robust and accurate even for this type of vision systems.
Image registration is one of the basic image processing operations in remote sensing. With the increase in the number of in, ages collected every day from different sensors, automated registration of multisensor/multispectral images has become a very important issue. A wide range of registration techniques has been developed for many different types of applications and data. Given the diversity of the data, it is unlikely that a single registration scheme will work satisfactorily for all different applications. A possible solution is to integrate multiple registration algorithms into a rule-based artificial intelligence system so that appropriate methods for any given set of multisensor data can be automatically selected. The first step in the development of such an expert system for remote sensing application would be to obtain a better understanding and characterization of the various existing techniques for image registration. This is the main objective of this paper as we present a comparative study of some recent image registration methods. We emphasize in particular techniques for multisensor image data, and a brief discussion of each of the techniques is given. This comprehensive study will enable the user to select algorithms that work best for his/her particular application domain.